The original Kamen Rider show had two main evil organizations, both commanded by the mysterious Shocker Leader. The first group was the original Shocker, who kidnapped Takeshi & Hayato and turned them into cyborgs, among others. The main leaders of this group were Colonel Zol, Dr. Shinigami & Jigoku Taishi. This group lasted over 79 episodes, and ended after all those leaders were destroyed. The second group was Gel Shocker, a combination of the remnants of Shocker with the organization Geldam. Some of their most notable members were General Black and the six Shocker Riders that fought against the Double Riders. They last thought the remaining 19 episodes of the series, and were defeated for good after Shocker Leader himself was taken down.
The original Kamen Rider show had two main evil organizations, both commanded by the mysterious Shocker Leader.
The first group was the original Shocker, who kidnapped Takeshi & Hayato and turned them into cyborgs, among others. The main leaders of this group were Colonel Zol, Dr. Shinigami & Jigoku Taishi. This group lasted over 79 episodes, and ended after all those leaders were destroyed.
The second group was Gel Shocker, a combination of the remnants of Shocker with the organization Geldam. Some of their most notable members were General Black and the six Shocker Riders that fought against the Double Riders. They last thought the remaining 19 episodes of the series, and were defeated for good after Shocker Leader himself was taken down.
espera porque no hubo una organización parecida a shield en kamen rider que combatiría a shocker
el dr shinigami tenía que haber sido derrotado por hayato no por hongo
before spiderman and batman become heroes in DC and marvel spiderman and batman were villains in Kamen rider
Maybe cause Spider-Man and Batman in Kamen Rider are monsters in Japanese the Spider-Man and Batman in DC and Marvel are humans in U.S.A.
correct boi!
when does blud think batman and spiderman were created?
1. Spider-Man
2. Bat-Man
3. Scorpion-Man
4. Mantis-Man
5. Bee-Woman
6. Cobra-Man
In the eps you but wrong exemple: Man Spider is 1, 11, 13 not 14
I know I'm spell the title so wrong cuz when I watch it so I'm know that
porque no pusieron un actor de remplazo para fujioka en los capítulos 11 12 y 13 solo lo dejaron con imágenes y un actor de traje que mierda
@@Azzam-SuperRider yo creí que hongo y hayato iban hacer hermanos porque tienen similitud de ser hermanos no entiendo porque no hicieron eso
@@Azzam-SuperRider me hubiera gustado una historia diferente en la primera serie de kamen rider
@@MarcelaVeron-hb4qr verdadeiro!
Wrong episode is 69 no 39