Valkyrie Elysium- Is It Really THAT Bad?

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024

Комментарии • 471

  • @ryananderson1096
    @ryananderson1096 Год назад +67

    Fan of the first games here. This sounds like a re-tooled, and frankly dumbed down version of the story of the first VP. That is a bummer, but it does give me cause to use the contrast to think about why I still like the first game so much.
    The goal was not "Stop Ragnarok by purifying Midgard." It was "Prepare for Ragnarok by selecting and training Einherjar." This change has huge consequences for the way the game unfolds. I'll always remember that this game had you affect characters' stats by enhancing their traits. A virtue like bravery would give you plus some stats, or a vice like cowardly would minus stats. You would spend your exp to change those, enhancing the virtue or reducing the vice, to make them better in battle but also more suited to be sent off to Asgard. The world building is kept kind of vague and mysterious because it's at arm's length. We're not seeing the machinations of great nations at war, we're seeing the struggles of people on the front lines or in the shadows of these societies. This can be self serious or melodramatic, but I think it earns it by virtue of variety and is a greater justification for a similar sort of turn for the Valkyrie. Our main character is less soulless robot and more dour big sister who has to go to work and doesn't have time for your nonsense. She cares, but if you're not going to pull yourself together in the next five minutes, then she will leave you behind.
    Even Hrist, the black Valkyrie in that game, is less an antagonist and more someone who is doing the same job you are, just with a different attitude. She does not get much screen time, but it uses those subtle clues to paint a better picture of how the whole system operates with the relation of the gods, the valkyries, and humans.
    The point is, the first VP had a whole bunch of subtlety throughout, and some very interesting ideas. Maybe not all of them wound up great, but I don't know that I've seen anything else like it ever.

    • @moisescarvalho3863
      @moisescarvalho3863 Год назад +9

      Man, it's so nice when I find someone who is capable to see all the depht Valkyrie Profile had. I am curious to know your opinion on VP2 and Covenant of the Plume If you ever played them. Thanks for taking time for sharing your interesting thougs.

    • @BingBangPoe
      @BingBangPoe Год назад +7

      I still don't know why the fuck they rebooted the franchise instead of making a sequel (or even another sequel). It was the perfect opportunity to make a game centered around Hrist, since we had games with her younger sisters. Ultimately the original Valkyrie Profile was a game about human struggle, because the recruitments of Einherjars is a very personal experience of people suffering, be because of war, famine, disease, betrayal, love; Lenneth's own life as Platina was a huge part of the plot should you work to break her seal. That's something that really stuck with me, and this new game lacks that. It has no soul.

    • @blumiu2426
      @blumiu2426 Год назад +4

      Making her like a robot was trying to imitate Neir Automata. A very bad version of it.

    • @BingBangPoe
      @BingBangPoe Год назад +1

      @@blumiu2426 exactly. I couldn't agree more. in the original game Lenneth's voice is more or less robotic too (even in the japanese version, since people tend to say the english dub is bad - which it is not), but she still has a small glint of humanity that slowly shows up through the game.

    • @matthewbullion7935
      @matthewbullion7935 Год назад +4

      @@moisescarvalho3863 I thought Covenant of the Plume was FANTASTIC. At the VERY least story wise. The gameplay could be kind of frustratingly difficult at times in some routes. But the pay off of doing the No Sacrifice route after doing the other 2 was so well worth it. Valkyrie Profile 2 had some good ideas but it was kind of awkward at times and I admit I wasn't very good at it. I BARELY got through the post game dungeon but sort of just flailing my way through and using some broken equipment setups. Also the ending was very wtf for me. GORGEOUS game in terms of visuals and audio the year it was released though. But overall I'd be least inclined to replay that one over the other two. Especially since my first attempt to 100% the game was SO exhausting. Star Ocean 3 was the same way for me. I never did a second playthrough back in the day because one was SO long and exhausting even though I didn't even get all the trophies. If they remade SA Till the End of Time with a graphical overhaul I'd probably play it again though. Valkyrie Profile 2? Once was enough for me.
      Also Valkyrie Profile 2 seriously suffers from EVERY major plot character being statistically better than the Einherjar. Whereas in VP 1 plenty of Einherjar were super strong.

  • @teeheeminx
    @teeheeminx Год назад +43

    what i liked most about the first two Valkyrie games is being able to recruit a number of einherjar and being able to pick which to use. this only has 4. looks cool though

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +4

      I’ll have to get around to playing the old ones. I missed out back in the day. I liked this game well enough, but I’m not sure how it compares.

    • @TheMan21892
      @TheMan21892 Год назад

      Yeah I wish we could have had a larger roster of Einherjar, too. It would have made for more interesting combat gameplay but it is what it is 🤷‍♂️

    • @rendelldraw
      @rendelldraw Год назад +7

      And the Einherjars aren't just temporary summons. They pretty much feel like actual party members. This game's combat seems a lot like a downgrade of Tales of Arise's, party-wise.

    • @FlorisDVijfde
      @FlorisDVijfde Год назад +5

      @@digitalhauntology Valkyrie Profile 2 is a shining gem that is my favorite game of all time. Unique and fun 3d combat system that never bores, interesting skill learning system that is related to rune combinations that you activate for your gear. Valkyrie Profile 1 is an older but popular classic now available for PS4/5.
      What the games have in common with this entry is the beautiful music from Motoi Sakuraba. But they are hardcore RPG's. Particularly VP2 is a very lush looking game for PS2, anything but bland. A shame they never remastered it. It's really PS3 worthy. VP2 also has photon (teleportation) puzzles in it's 2d exploration parts. The story is more prone to outrageous sillyness than blandness, despite having a very serious tone and not it's strongest asset. But VP2 was Tri Ace at it's finest. They were very creative with unique combat systems. Resonance of Fate has one too. Looks bland but is actually tons of fun.

    • @questioningespecialy9107
      @questioningespecialy9107 Год назад

      @@digitalhauntology All four have vastly different combat, and the first has a more emotionally impactful story (let's leave it a that). I've thoroughly played the first third-ish of the first and watched Kbash's videos on all 4. But don't take my word for it.

  • @henrybarney3202
    @henrybarney3202 Год назад +28

    I had a love/hate with Valkyrie Elysium. I loved the combat. It was mostly mindless once you got the hang of a weapon. But still awesome. I had to replay the same levels several times because I missed a flower and for NO REASON AT ALL, she won’t go back at certain points. She just says “no, I must go this way.” This was so frustrating. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was just straight combat, but you’d had to “release the souls” from the trees and stuff which was so slow and pointless. I got every trophy except the Proficiency of weapons and I honestly don’t think I can stomach it. Why does it take so much longer to level them up than it does to complete the entire campaign multiple times? Who wants to just grind the same boss fight hundreds of times for a trophy? Combat was great. Story wasn’t THAT bad. I’m currently playing God Of War 18 for the first time and I’ve realized that games with sooooo much story and talking every two seconds aren’t really my style anymore. So I appreciate the “simplicity” of VE. But the stupid level blocks, forced replays, and idiotic proficiency thing just left a bad taste. I spent about 45 hours and enjoyed 20 of it. The rest, in the words of Fenrir….. HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE!

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +3

      I hear you, the invisible gates were the worst.
      I leveled up my proficiency, but it was a long process that I used podcasts to get through. There is a way of speeding it up, which is only using weapons (no abilities, no summoning) but it is a gross grind either way.
      I love simple games like this, but there were things that I would really like to see fixed.

  • @bjf9304
    @bjf9304 5 месяцев назад +3

    I like the game. I like the look and the water paint art style.
    I put a dozen hours into it and put it aside, because I have such a huge backlog I get ADD with games these days. I'm going to get back to it after Code Vein.
    It's a pretty straightforward hack-and-slash with some cool combat. I can see how some might find it bland, but I've run into a couple of intense difficulty spikes fighting bosses and it was pretty fun.
    My ADD is kicking in and I might set Code Vein aside and go back to Valkyrie.
    I have understand the fans of the original being upset, but I ended up picking up one of the originals on DS. It's in my backlog.

  • @RageJ
    @RageJ 10 месяцев назад +2

    Valkyrie Elysium isn't perfect and I wish it had more Valkyrie Profile in its DNA but honestly I'm just glad it exists. I am glad that squeenix is looking at using their old IPs again but not necessarily going all out and doing big budget mass market rereleases. But just a budget release to try something different out. It's not something you see anymore. Everything is either an indie release or a 500 million dollar release that needs to sell 10 million copies at 70 dollars or the IP crumbles. The only thing I had genuine frustration with is that Elysium doesn't let you interrupt your recovery frames with a guard or dodge. Would have been cool if you had an ability in each skill line that let you choose whether your guard OR your dodge could cancel out of animations, sort of forcing players to choose between parrying or dodging as their main defensive option.

  • @uncleclaps44
    @uncleclaps44 Год назад +13

    First one i played was valkyrie profile silmeria and still my best choice to play in the series as the game has that side scrolling castlevania vibe to it but the story was well paced knowing what you were getting yourself into.

    • @Hydra360ci
      @Hydra360ci Год назад

      Tell u one thing I still don't understand in VP2... what was with the female Elf... Was she Rufus' mom? Or just some random Elf who had a crush on him? (Always figured she was his mom... though the game never explained anything about her. Probably a canceled, storyline.)

    • @yammoto148
      @yammoto148 Год назад

      @@Hydra360ci She was basically a random elf but who knew Rufus was Odin's vessel. The idea behind her and the elves is that they don't like the gods and with Heimdall and the Aeisir pursuing Alica and Rufus there, its likely the forest of spirits is occupied by the gods which probably makes the elves mad or hate them. Hence why she helped them.

  • @mitrikgaduk347
    @mitrikgaduk347 Год назад +10

    Honestly, it still looks far more unique than some of the cookie-cutter titles we constantly get. I do feel like a lot of people are sick of the whole Norse mythology theming, but as someone who hasn't played the latest God of War or Ubishit's Ass-ass Creed Mirror Clone #876, I don't feel the way others do about it. Norse mythology has had a sweet spot for me, so it isn't something that feels over-saturated when I didn't really care for most of the major titles with theming overused but barely doing much with it.
    I definitely think this should've been a $40-$50 title though and I don't think that would've been a problem for most people. If anything, I hope SE doesn't get the wrong message from the reception, this game might be the reason why we don't get a Drakengard 3 Remake/Remaster, but given what they did to FF7R, I don't think that's something I want unless Yoko Taro looms in the background like an overlord. It's not exactly easy getting a PS3 these days and I only recently acquired a PC powerful enough to emulate (that isn't my work PC), so I guess that's still my only option (I've watched D3 here on YT, but it's always been a game I've been wanting to play for myself).

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      This game definitely isn’t without its charms. I always feel kind of compelled to support SE when they are putting out games like this, in hopes that it will show the publisher that this is the direction I want things to move in… just a little better next time, please.
      And I hope SE figures out a way to bring Drakengard 3 back, so more people can play it. It’s a hell of a game, and it doesn’t get the respect it deserves. I hope you get to play it soon

  • @Dream_scape47
    @Dream_scape47 7 месяцев назад +2

    After playing Granblue fantasy relink I think this game is so underrated

  • @CynicalGamingBlogTerry309
    @CynicalGamingBlogTerry309 Год назад +10

    I highly recommend giving the Valkyrie Profile games a chance, particularly the second game.
    I really hope Valkyrie Elysium didn't give the series negative vibes for you because the actual Valkyrie Profile games are made by a different developer (tri-Ace) and are a completely different experience from Valkyrie Elysium.
    As a Valkyrie Profile fan, Valkyrie Elysium was painful to play, it's a downright betrayal of the fanbase.
    While the gameplay of Valkyrie Profile is drastically different from Drakengard, in terms of its tone it is very similar, albeit different. Valkyrie Elysium on the other hand, yeah it sorta plays similarly to Drakengard 3.
    If you like darker narratives, you'll love the Valkyrie Profile series, save for Elysium, that game doesn't do the series justice and quite frankly, doesn't count.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I fully plan on picking up the first one this month! I’m excited to see where the series started, and so many people have had great things to say.
      I’ll probably cover it if I have anything interesting to say about it.
      Thank you for watching! And stay tuned.

    • @CynicalGamingBlogTerry309
      @CynicalGamingBlogTerry309 Год назад +2

      @@digitalhauntology Make sure you use a guide, because it's impossible to beat it without one. Valkyrie Profile 1 is an odd one, Valkyrie Profile 2 is a more traditional RPG but with some unique aspects of its own in terms of gameplay, Valkyrie Profile Covenant Of The Plume is a straight up tactical RPG.
      I consider Valkyrie Profile 2 to be the best myself because it's the most approachable and has a lot of qualities that make it shine the brightest, if you don't enjoy Valkyrie Profile then you'll probably like Valkyrie Profile 2 more but if you do like Valkyrie Profile, Valkyrie Profile 2 may disappoint you in some ways. Nevertheless they are both solid games in their own right, though the first game is a lot harder to get into because of its complicated formula, it's not like most JRPG's it's sorta like a puzzle you have to unwravel, a puzzle so vague, a guide is mandatory to solve it.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I’ll definitely start with the first one since the PSN version is coming out in a few days. The second I’ll have to figure out the best way of capturing it. But I’m definitely interested in seeing how both of those games go. I’m not sure how interested I am in Plume- but one step at a time!

    • @gemsplus7583
      @gemsplus7583 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology get vp lenneth and vp silmeria. You will love it.
      You will probably need to follow a guide to get vp lenneth's good ending. Good luck

    • @CynicalGamingBlogTerry309
      @CynicalGamingBlogTerry309 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology You can play Silmeria on PCSX2

  • @hkoizumi3134
    @hkoizumi3134 Год назад +31

    For those that never played the previous entry may be confused about the stale characters. The story is more of a fish out of water story. In the original, Valkrie was also one dimensional. It was thru her Einherjar extreme trauma that she learned to be more compassionate. In the second game on PS2, spirit of Valkrie possessed a young girl. Her and the Valkrie change places thru the game learning from each other.

    • @Animekirk
      @Animekirk Год назад +6

      VP1 and 2 valkyrie was not devoid of dimension. The story in both game was able to explore the depth of these characters in a way elysium doesnt even try. So I disagree that it's even comparable to either of the previous entries. Gameplay, characters, story, even music are all inferior to either of its predecessors.

    • @AzureRoxe
      @AzureRoxe Год назад +4

      You barely played either game if THAT is how you consider Lenneth and Silmeria's personalities.

    • @SeventhheavenDK
      @SeventhheavenDK Год назад +4

      Lenneth one dimensional in the first Valkyrie? Don't make me laugh, a lot of times she showed her compassion, bravery and even anger during the stories of her warriors.

  • @wingsofhermes98
    @wingsofhermes98 Год назад +8

    The best way to fix the weird voice acting is by playing it in japanese and for the combat i like to mix magic and summons with my combos to make everything more fun

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I liked the combat quite a bit, especially some of the abilities.
      The English voice acting is rough, but I played with it for this video, that way most viewers wouldn’t have to read the subs while I was discussing it.
      Thank you for watching.

    • @statesminds
      @statesminds Год назад +2

      I think the English voice acting is fine but the facial expressions and lip sync not most of the time

  • @lionheart4424
    @lionheart4424 Год назад +5

    VP2: Silmeria has one of the very best "normal" battle songs from the PS2 era, composed by Motoi Sakuraba.
    I was thinking of getting this game, the gameplay looks fun enough.

  • @eded9157
    @eded9157 Год назад +17

    I didn't even know it suppose to be bad... I played the demo and i like it. Not a AAA experience but it actually manage to interest me a lot.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +4

      I wouldn’t call the game bad at all. A lot of the reviews have been middling at best though. The game is solid at times and shallow at others, but I like you found a lot about it to dig. I recommend it if you’re interested- and even more so if you can get a deal!

    • @brotbrotsen1100
      @brotbrotsen1100 Год назад +6

      That's the problem today for me. People only want these super high budget AAA games,back in the ps2 days we had far more experimental and unique stuff and games like Valkyrie elysium and stranger of paradise capture that AA felling well and are honestly just fun games. If anything I'd say we need more stuff like that.

    • @jinflash7441
      @jinflash7441 Год назад +1

      @@brotbrotsen1100 strangers of paradise is amazing at least for me. I played a ton of nioh since it’s release so it was kind of basically nioh 3 with a final fantasy twist for me.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +3

      I miss the PS2 era so much.
      And I feel like this current wave reminded me of it just enough. SOP was dope. A little goofy, but awesome.

    • @brotbrotsen1100
      @brotbrotsen1100 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology Absolutely my favorite era, not as unrefined as the ps1 and other early 3d games but still experimental enough. Developers just released whatever they wanted and you can find really bizarre and unique games. Now everything is pretty much uniform.

  • @sabertram8290
    @sabertram8290 Год назад +8

    Thanks for making this video. Having read most of the comments including your responses to the comments, I’ll give you some spoiler-free insight on VP and (likely) what fans are looking for.
    The original set the stage of being attached to the the Valkyrie your controlling (hence the name “Profile”) and the stories of the Einherjar. While the game was not perfect the score and the emotional impact was great…for its time…but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was dampened for you since you’re an adult playing vs a young teenager as most of us were. Anyway, the attachment with Lenneth was there even before you knew what was really going on because you likely respected her dedication to her role. But once you play through towards the real ending you’re pretty invested…I’ll leave it at that.
    Then the 2nd game comes along and builds overall nicely on the first, especially since we get to see the profile of the Valkyrie we knew least about…which the first game briefly, but potently shows why. The main plot was amazing and it ties into the first VP in beautiful ways. My only two gripes, which are somewhat significant is that the Einherjar took too much a back seat despite ironically having great content (if you play it you’ll know) and personally I question the VP2’s direction of “Who’s Profile is this really of?” (I can go on with this question alone)
    Either way what fans are looking for is a STORY-driven game surrounding Hrist. The thing is, I think fans of the franchise would agree that despite having fun with the combat, the real lure of the VP franchise were the characters. So the lack of budget isn’t a problem nor the change of combat style. The problem is that we don’t have a new profile that builds creatively off of VP 2 like the latter did with 1. Whatever homage this game has to the prior is just a smokescreen to convince the player that it is a VP game without actually progressing the franchise. The very fact this clones off of VP 1 with next to no ties of past characters shows that these guys have absolutely no idea what fans of the series want.
    Nonetheless I am glad you and others found the experience passable, but this confirms that I have ZERO interest in playing this game because what y’all like about it has NOTHING to do with what made VP a great franchise - it’s characters and the overarching plot(s) that tied them all together.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Thank you for watching!
      And yeah I agree, I definitely don’t have the context to really understand how this game stacks up, but I found it to a fun little diversion. That said, I will definitely be playing the first VP very soon, and with what everyone is saying I’m really looking forward to it!
      Stay tuned for more videos.

    • @bronkastgaming7301
      @bronkastgaming7301 Год назад +2

      @@digitalhauntology Thanks for taking the time to respond and hope you enjoy the first games, despite their age. Couple of non spoiler-free things to enhance your experience: For VP: Lenneth, 2 playthroughs is ideal for multiple reasons. The first natural playthrough you'll get the B ending and get familiar with the game mechanics and characters (play it on normal). The C ending (which I think is the one where you do poorly, which has to be done deliberately) you can probably find a vid on as it is short and is more worth a view than the time it takes to play it. The all-important A-Ending, (the real ending) that everyone talks about will be your 2nd real playthrough. You will need a guide/FAQ, as you can't figure it out by yourself. Also, play the game on this 2nd playthrough on the higher difficulty. The beginning WILL be rough as you will get smoked, but once you grudge through that it will usually be okay, but every now and again you will get smoked. The main benefit are the unique dungeons on that difficulty which are actually the best in the game and makes the game less repetitive (there may be unique einherjar too...could be wrong). Also, at the end of each dungeon, when asked to give up something, it's fine to keep it in the grand scheme of isn't as consequential as the game leads you to believe.
      VP: Silmeria doesn't require multiple playthroughs which is fine as it is a longer game (or at least felt longer). I highly recommend playing these either back to back or within a couple months of each other because the ties between both games are not just the characters that would be lost on you as you'd forget with too much time passed...I'll leave it that. For this game I recommend finding a Einherjar FAQ, only to know how Einjerjar work in this game and nothing more than that. This will mitigate some of the likely disappointment you will have on how they are used here and could potentially aide you in how you want to approach this aspect in the game (once you play it will be made clear).
      Final advice as you play, is that as you take in the stories of both, take into account on why they used the word "Profile". This may be how you want to review the game, especially when contrasting both of them. I look forward to your take on these games.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Thank you for the advice, and I'll definitely take it into consideration while playing.
      Thank you for watching!
      Its really appreciated.

  • @syamsyulhafifi4677
    @syamsyulhafifi4677 Год назад +3

    What I like Valkyrie profile (lenith) the most is (1) Not a generic Final fantasy gameplay, either the old style nor the new ones. Each button control a specific character you assign and their action according to your set up. (2) Leveling your skill, Its not just a simple and mindless thing you can do but require crucial planning because in each chapter you need to send at least 1 or 2 Einherjar that fulfill a certain skill requirement to avoid getting a bad ending and keeping your value point at optimal rating to get an A ending. (3) Lots of rooster Einherjar you could get in game but randomize through which route you get. (4) The Lore and storyline, there are beautifully crafted to each character, some link to several einherjar and some you have to look up to a certain hidden message in game. (5) Magic and Big magic, I love VP 1(Lenith - Free to choose Big Magic) more than VP2 (Silmeria - Big Magic Lock) because of this. Each Einherjar you get have a certain magic they can use but you can teach them by using magic book you find (hidden or drop from monster like the extra skill book) so its not restricted. With a "high level wand" you can use Big Magic as their Limit Break according to which kind of spell you use and Its awesome. (6) Limit Break, in VP1 each character have different Limit Break animation, not like VP2 where 2 to 3 einherjar have the same limit break. (7) Graphic, artstyle and the atmosphere it created, I know Its not ps 5 gen but at that time Its a master piece to the overall playing experience. (8) Soundtrack for this type of game is fantastic. (9) Misc, Its currency system "Materialize Points" in VP1 is by far the best from all the other valkyrie game full stop. And many more to it... So you need to play it from start to end to appreciate the core of what made a Valkyrie Profile game so good and not just a carbon copy of a Final Fantasy game...

  • @jessefiordimondo154
    @jessefiordimondo154 Год назад +2

    Stealing the Valkyrie name from triace, tri ace wouldn't have put out this garbage, not that it's bad but it's far from great

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      It’s pretty basic, even if I did have some fun with it.
      But i guess with SE owning the IP things like this can happen
      Thank you for watching

  • @MrZer013
    @MrZer013 7 месяцев назад +2

    The game is great never that first one but I enjoy it.

  • @felipe5512
    @felipe5512 Год назад +34

    valkyrie profile was created with a unique turn based style gameplay that gave it a distinctive identity among every other big rpg out there at the time. Changing that iconic gamplay is to wipeout what made Valkyrie profile a great game to play performing combos with party members

    • @philwhatever3903
      @philwhatever3903 Год назад +8

      Well really you just chose which character struck at which time. And in the menus you could change which strike each character used.
      It was a button smash game really, but it felt good to button bash! For me it was the puzzles and collecting the items that made the originals.
      However this game never claimed to be a Valkyrie Profile game, it’s not even called that, it’s just set in the same universe. I think a lot of people have missed out on a really good game who refused to buy this based on it not being a turn based game. Also because so little people bought it, it’s unlikely they will make another and listen to fan issues
      Stubbornness has most likely killed this franchise!

    • @jonathansoko1085
      @jonathansoko1085 Год назад

      What? You sound so bittr, its hillarious and sad to see you lose your mind over a game style change. It aint that serious kiddo, relax. This being ac tion based does NOT wipeout what made profile a good game. Grow up abit and stop stomping your feet over nothing.

    • @SeventhheavenDK
      @SeventhheavenDK Год назад +3

      ​​​@@philwhatever3903 Blaming the fanbase on not buying THIS game and killing the franchise is just so wrong, and a tantrum from your part.
      People must buy what they feel is worthy of their wallet and that's all, no more no less.
      Also, according to your logic, the turn based fans would have been screwed anyway:
      Don't buy this game and, according your flawed logic, you kill the franchise.
      Buy it, and the developers will believe that what you want is a game with the mechanics of Valkyrie Elysium.
      That's not how it works. In any case you must vote with your wallet. Stop trying to manipulate people's guilt only because you liked the bland game and others not.
      Yes, Elysium is overall bland and less than mediocre, Valkyrie PROFILE game or not.

    • @UpTooHighAtSilentHill
      @UpTooHighAtSilentHill 6 месяцев назад

      I like the old games too but I just bought it and I'm going to play and there's nothing you can do about it

  • @cookicooker
    @cookicooker Год назад +3

    "Valkyrie Elysium- Is It Really THAT Bad?" - Answer: YES

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Hahah, fair enough!
      I didn’t hate it, but it has some problems for sure. Thank you for watching!

    • @cookicooker
      @cookicooker Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology ;)

  • @secretbunnyninja
    @secretbunnyninja Год назад +5

    I honestly was very glad about the revival / release-a-palooza of B titles. I think they were all good, I played them all, I also did speedruns of all of them. Also excited about FF16, FFR-2, and Forspoken, which lets be real, were likely funded by the aforementioned. But definitely, it was so bizarre that they didn't do incremental development for the Einherjar, and locked their stories in the menus. Could have had NPCs in Midgar deliver this backstory about the Einherjar, and if there were a few more of them this game could have been 8/9 out of 10 in stead of a 6/7. Also I HIGHLY recommend you replay Drakengard 3 on RPCS3 on a PC with 120 frames per second.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I love "B" titles as a rule. I also love the big games, but there is something about rough experiences that speaks to me specifically, so I've been into this "release-a-palooza" as well.
      And yeah, if they had figured out a way to integrate the backstories into the plot, or had more time to flesh them out just a little more- this game would have been greatly improved.
      I'm planning on building a PC in the near future (right now, I just have a MacBook I used for editing) and I will definitely go about emulating some older games including Drakengard 3. It would be nice to play the game with better performance- although, I might be crazy for this, I think the jank in the original game added to its charm... at least for me. I dunno, keep it punk haha.
      Thank you for watching, it's greatly appreciated!

  • @Pharmboy6
    @Pharmboy6 4 месяца назад +1

    People like to pick on this game. Ur really bashing a fallen angel whose wings turned black? I personally think that's pretty cool. I really liked this game. Wish story was a bit better but it's easily a 8/10. I beat it. Which says a lot

  • @sno4538
    @sno4538 Год назад +30

    I believe SE should just stop and focus on one game at a time. They stretch themselves thin. If they put more work and resources into this game then it wouldn't of been as bad. The VA has always been trash in SE games that's not a problem, it's the unnecessary audio scripts and the choice to make whatever excuse to make charactesr have no personality and real depth so they don't have to do much, that makes it bad. Yoko Taro is God in the industry there is no one who can do what he does.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +4

      You’re probably right.
      Taro is the best to ever do it.
      But his games have always been subbed out to third parties. Maybe SE needs to hire good people and get out of the way.

    • @vollkerball1
      @vollkerball1 Год назад +7

      Square is huge. is not feasible such a big company to focus on a small number of titles.

    • @1stvinyl
      @1stvinyl Год назад +3

      @@digitalhauntology English voices is terrible

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I just used them for the video so people didn’t have to read subs when I was discussing the game

    • @tyhjyys
      @tyhjyys Год назад +8

      those are all generalizations. i wouldn't really say that yoko taro is the only person doing the industry justice. naoki yoshida has ff14 and 16 under his belt now with 14 being one of the most popular games ever and 16 showing insane potential. both have great voice acting aswell.

  • @TakiGamesOfficial
    @TakiGamesOfficial 7 месяцев назад +1

    I just bought a PS5 for Stellar Blade and wanted a non-gacha/f2p game hack and slash placeholder game with an attractive female protagonist to hold me down while I wait. I got this game for 30 bucks and so far it’s fairly enjoyable for me. Gameplay over story for me. I don't mind the chapter locked progression as it gives me a reason to keep going; so I can see what other skills I can unlock. The combat feels good, no issues with camera but i tend not to use lockon. If they added animation canceling and a hotkey based extended skill slot swapping it would have been amazing. Really looking forward to unlocking Hilde especially that you said its a more quick and streamlined experience.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  7 месяцев назад

      It's definitely a solid little game. Nothing incredible, but a competent action title with some cool hooks at times. Glad you are enjoying it, I think 30 bucks is definitely a good price for the game.
      Thank you for watching!

  • @statesminds
    @statesminds Год назад +10

    I really love the game’s combat. It’s super fun. And while the story isn’t much i feel that it’s not the worst thing ever with the true ending. The combat is what makes it though. I’d say if you’re a fan of Ys you’d like this. I’d like prefer this combat in a more open action jrpg vs. the stage design though. Played for about 26 hours and doing Hilde’s Vengeance now

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +2

      Right on!
      There is certainly something there. I enjoyed the game enough to platinum it, and yeah, the story… I’ve seen better 🤣
      Thank you for watching!

  • @jersiyah22
    @jersiyah22 Год назад +2

    I played VP 1 and 2 even the lenneth version in PSP, but this valkyrie elysium was a dissapointment for me. this is not the same VP series that i've played, this is a new version of VP
    I bought it and stop playing after 1hr then refund my money coz its not worth playing. this is my opinion and i hate this new series

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I've been hearing a lot of this, and a lot of people share your opinion.
      Without playing the other games, I thought this was okay, even if a little.. generic.
      But I'm looking forward to playing the classics!
      Thank you for watching!

    • @jersiyah22
      @jersiyah22 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology the classic is way more better than this, I'm telling you once you played it you will know what we were talking about

    • @kyionagiiii
      @kyionagiiii Год назад +1

      totally agree. thank you for voicing ur opinion!

  • @diegosolis9681
    @diegosolis9681 Год назад +3

    Fun thing is, I see these new SE releases be called mid and be given bad reviews and end up as "mixed" on Steam, but I think the problem is that they are being reviewed as if they were AAA's which they are not. They are small, limited and low-budget projects that take 1 or 2 mechanics and that's it for the game. Like in the case of DioField Chronicle, a game I loved, but I recognize it's many flaws and constraints that made it not be worth it the price I payed for them.
    I think in around a year these games will be around 50% off and they will resurge

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I think i approach these games very much the same way you do.

    • @blumiu2426
      @blumiu2426 Год назад +1

      It's more the fact that they have always put little effort in games that are not Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. Even Dragon Quest I don't think gets the same treatment. All the way back to Squaresoft, they never gave IP equal treatment because everything was dictated by seniority and senior teams go the attention. This is standard fair putting out mid games.

    • @diegosolis9681
      @diegosolis9681 Год назад +1

      @@blumiu2426 You are half-right. All big companies do that, but Square Enix has always had the custom of putting small "experiment" games out that are constrained and low-budget, but they always have some quality to them, they are not afterthoughts. When these games stick they start pouring more money into them. Also, DQ has always tried to remain classic which is why I love it, and the last one had a huge budget and was superb.

  • @SaintValtiel
    @SaintValtiel Год назад +1

    I think something like Tales of Arise would have played better as an action-RPG Valkyrie game, being able to control Einherjar and creating great combos and all. This game is downright BAD, didn´t like it. I love the first two (Covenant not that much), and I really tried to like this, but it feels so flat, repetitive and uninspired... What makes me feel worst is that this means Valkyrie series is officially dead now, I don´t think they´ll make a new game after this one, not even a Silmeria remaster

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      A lot of people feel the same way you do.
      I also wish the Einherjar had more strategic nuance, just using them as an AOE is cool, but it always seemed like wasted potential.
      Hopefully this game and the recent re-release of Lenneth do well enough to make the Silmeria remaster a possibility!

  • @FrogofWarRS
    @FrogofWarRS Год назад +1

    so as someone who played and really enjoyed the first VP game (not so much 2), imma just leave my thoughts i shared with a friend when i got the uh...normal ending i guess because i couldn't be assed to get the best ending for a multitude of reasons:
    "Easily one of the worst games I've played in the past 5 or so years. You'd be fine to think the game at face value is okay, but as something representing such a unique IP as Valkyrie Profile, this game proves to be an utterly vile, poorly written, and poorly designed mess that captures the bare minimum of what the IP stands for, and that's at its absolute best."

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I’ve been hearing a lot of thoughts similar to this. This was my first experience with the series, and I thought the game was… okay. But that said, I plan on playing VP1 real soon. Looking forward to it!

  • @warrengreen46
    @warrengreen46 Год назад +1

    I was bored beyond belief, same with stranger of paradise, no interesting hooks, just seem to think you have some previous setup that doesn't exist. Valerie is literally run attack, do what your told , run again.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      It is definitely that kind of game.
      I had more fun with SOP, because of how cheesy the cutscenes were.
      These are just middling action games, but that’s okay sometimes… just never for $60.
      Thank you for watching!

  • @JobeStroud
    @JobeStroud Год назад +1

    That setup is that you need to purify the realm? I get WHY it failed. That isn't what a Valkyrie does. They aren't Dustbusters.

  • @lakrakthewhitegoblin3881
    @lakrakthewhitegoblin3881 Год назад +1

    Most people complaining about combat.. Elysium not main series and the dev not tri ace.. I think is okay to change the combat

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I really like the combat in this game.
      It’s definitely a lot different than the older games, but I still had fun with this one.

  • @Keln02
    @Keln02 Год назад +5

    Valkyrie profile was such an amazing game...

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      That’s what I keep hearing! I’ll have to get around to it soon.

    • @gemsplus7583
      @gemsplus7583 Год назад +1

      This game is cold stab in the heart of valkyrie profile fans like us😢

  • @cheetaegandalalaki3691
    @cheetaegandalalaki3691 Год назад +1

    I should have spent my money on another game rather than this. I was a fan of VP and VP2, this game is so boring and the storyline sucks!

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      It was certainly nothing special. I liked the combat enough to keep going, but everyone in the comments is telling me that it just does not compare to the originals. Excited to try them out!

  • @JC-cb8oi
    @JC-cb8oi Год назад +2

    This is my first time in this channel. “My favorite game of all time, Drakengard 3.” I feel so seen. *subbed.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Welcome to the club!
      There aren’t many of us haha.
      Thank you for subbing. More videos on the way! I’ll get around to covering D3 when I think I can do the game justice.

  • @MimebladeGMail
    @MimebladeGMail Год назад +10

    Couple things I wanna say to people who have never played a Valkyrie game before:
    ---The Catchphrases after every battle are a nod to previous games. Even the special Divine skill quotes have a few references.
    ---They tried really hard to capture the essential FEEL of previous games IF they were action games. So even if it doesn't seem like much, this is pretty much how an Action-oriented Valkyrie Profile game could and SHOULD be played (maybe a few more things could be added, like Item Crafting or more dungeon puzzles/gimmicks).
    ---The Japanese voicework actually holds an easter egg in that the backstory narrator is the voice of Lenneth from the first VP game.
    ---Even though they separated trophies, they really made an effort to make certain parts of this game challenging, particularly Valkyrie Difficulty, which I found to be a fun twist.
    I'd say this game suffers from creative over-control....: they wanted to do a lot of things with this game, but a lot of aspects of the Valkyrie games kinda forced it to underperform because they had to fit a certain mold within Valkyrie Series tropes and that's part of the awkwardness... but again, they TRIED, so it's not bad to experiment.
    Other technical stuff:
    ---Camera can be adjusted and PC version can adjust graphical output, which is nice (though I still found it laggy with my current graphics card, which I hope I can upgrade later).
    ---The game DOES have a few stylish moments, especially if you can use moves like Nibelung Valesti in conjunction with Soul Burst.
    ---Eygon's whole backstory is a nod to Aruze (Arngrim)/Jelanda (Angela) from the first VP game... that's also part of the reason the writing is rather cardboard in some places... because they didn't try to improve what was there.
    I think the main reason this game didn't do as well as previous VP games is because the original creators wouldn't let it be more than what previous games were...

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Cool to hear that they added those little details. I haven’t played any of the other games yet, so I didn’t notice them. But cool all the same. I’ll try to get around to the other games in the future.

    • @MimebladeGMail
      @MimebladeGMail Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology Before I forget... please check out all the Soundtracks... Sakuraba is amazing.видео.html

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      @@MimebladeGMail Will do!

  • @JM-ph7vg
    @JM-ph7vg Год назад +3

    ngl, I am more excited to play Valkyrie profile Lenneth again on 23rd.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Me too! I’ll definitely be picking it up.
      Thanks for watching!

    • @kyionagiiii
      @kyionagiiii Год назад +1

      played lenneth for the 2nd time and missed silmeria so much that i bought ps2 again.. 🫡

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Dang, picking up a PS2 again, thats awesome. I still have mine lying around.

  • @ChrisLT
    @ChrisLT Год назад +6

    I liked this game a whole lot. It wasn't like the VP games but whatever, I had a great time. I wound up doing just about everything available.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I enjoyed the game too. Played the whole thing… even went back for the normal play through after this video to clean up the platinum. I just wish there was a little more to do.

    • @ChrisLT
      @ChrisLT Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology Yeah, I wound up maxing what I needed for resources, then just did side quests for the heck of it. The Hilde DLC was a good time, very basic but a condensed way to play the game. You can certainly feel the budget, though. Luckily the music was excellent the whole way through.

  • @darchangeldavid
    @darchangeldavid Год назад +1

    Honestly you should just play the first game. It’s so much better than this even though it’s very old.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I just started playing the original!
      I'm very early into it so I can't really speak to my opinions yet, but I will say that the music, the sprite work, and the environmental art work are definitely keeping me interested!
      I'll make a video on the game when I finish it!
      Thank you for watching!

  • @Tochinden
    @Tochinden Год назад +7

    I have to say that I didnt believe what everyone said about this game, sounded like they only cried about it was not as they remembered. But unfortunately this game is not that good :/ voice acting, odd and grey dungeons, small places and very little to do in every area. All you get from chests are crystals. No outfit change. Very very basic. Can be fun of course but not that kind of fun for 60€ also camera and likes to do pranks on yah! 😂

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Yeah, it’s definitely rough around the edges for sure, and the camera is borderline stupid at times. I still had a decent time with the game, but I can’t help but feel a little burned for dropping $60 on it haha.

  • @AnalyticalReckoner
    @AnalyticalReckoner Год назад +1

    Haven't liked any of them past the first.

  • @TheEffectOfMass
    @TheEffectOfMass Год назад +4

    I went in having never played a Valkyrie game before, or Drakengard for that matter. I got the sense right away that it was a lower budget game, and I can appreciate that about it. It's common industry practice to sell some "filler" titles throughout the year so you can keep the bills paid while you develop the big AAA stuff. It's funny you mention DMC4, because that's the exact vibe I got. I knew hardcore fans would be upset, but I beat it around 35 hours and felt good overall. Not great, but good. I'm glad you pointed out the slow build, because I think that was definitely a glaring issue that turns people away.
    I also appreciated the stylistic art direction, but it has flaws. Look at it too long and you see the cracks (except for the tutorial, that felt unfinished to me). But I think that art choice sums up the game. A brief trip through a fantasy world, nothing too long lasting but look or think about it too much and cracks form.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I feel like you wrote in 2 paragraphs what it took me 20 minutes to say 😅
      I agree with you completely. It was a nice little diversion, but it does not stand up when analyzed closely. But I felt the same, I didn’t love it by any means, but I also spent dozens of hours with the game anyways. Good game, just not great haha.

    • @TheEffectOfMass
      @TheEffectOfMass Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology Haha, well i'm glad. I think you put together a good video though!
      I think hopefully Square will see that there is interest in the Valkyrie franchise, and will put a little more effort into the next title. If that comes to pass.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1


  • @lablunt6190
    @lablunt6190 Год назад +1

    The game reminds me of a worse version of Tales of Arise. They should have kept it closer to Valkyrie Profile Silmeria at least but with really good PS5 optimized graphics. I played about 10 hrs of it and I found it lack luster sadly.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      It’s certainly lack luster in a lot of ways.
      I enjoyed the combat a fair bit, but even that took a little too long to get going.
      I don’t regret the purchase, but kinda regret paying full price haha.

    • @lablunt6190
      @lablunt6190 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology Yea I am right with you. It isn't a game that I am happy I paid full price for, but it is all good.

  • @bunnipop1867
    @bunnipop1867 Год назад +2

    I think more people would have liked the game if it didn't come out as a full price game. I love that SquareEnix is experimenting with mechanics by way of reviving classics through remakes. But full price so that they can test drive a theory isn't right, especially when it's clear a lot more time when to the mechanics of the game vs creating an immersive experience through the games storyline.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I couldn't agree with you more.
      I love seeing the publisher experimenting with mechanics and bringing back some older franchises from their back catalogue, but yes, full price for something like this is a bit too steep.
      Thank you for watching!

  • @jamesvarneyjr3290
    @jamesvarneyjr3290 Год назад +1

    The was good not great
    Was worth the 30 bucks on ps5 i couldnt put it down now onto diofield

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      $30 is perfect for it.
      I hope you enjoy Diofield. I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

  • @noelienoelie8425
    @noelienoelie8425 Год назад +2

    Silmeria is one of my favourites game. Its definitely the most beautiful game I've ever played.

  • @ShadowBasch
    @ShadowBasch Год назад +11

    I didn't have high hopes for it, but playing the demo I was very positively surprised about the combat. IT WAS SO FUN! Atm scouting for a small price drop for it to grab it. I just wish it got more budget because what they got here is so good. Kinda sad it also got kinda drowned among tons of other square releases.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I’m already seeing it at GameStop for $49.99 so price drops are definitely happening! Pick it up when it’s cheap enough for you!

    • @rendelldraw
      @rendelldraw Год назад

      After having played up to halfway through Tales of Arise, would you say this game's combat is a dumbed-down version of Arise's with the way party members are reduced to temporary summons?

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I couldn’t say, I haven’t played Arise. The summons in this game are more like spells, buffs that operate on a cooldown. They run around and stuff, but they aren’t extremely active. I’d say this game is more in line with a character action game than anything that requires deep strategy.

    • @rickyv9985
      @rickyv9985 Год назад +2

      It’s $29.99 on the PlayStation store. Think I’m gonna get it.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +2

      That is a solid price for it.
      I hope you enjoy it!

  • @yuriperez1221
    @yuriperez1221 Год назад +3

    I was not expecting so much. I just wanted to see the ending of the narrative which started with Lenneth, than Silmeria and finally Hrist. It is not much, really.

    • @mocharoll3486
      @mocharoll3486 Год назад

      I was so disappointed when I saw the news for VE and (1) it’s a reboot instead of Hrist’s chapter, probably taking place after VP2, and then (2) I saw Odin and was like... yea... that ain’t *****, which confirmed that this is a reboot. Censored bcs of VP2 ending spoiler, not due to profanity lmao.

  • @jonathansoko1085
    @jonathansoko1085 Год назад +1

    Val was one dimensional in the original, lets stop re writing actual history here.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I agree to a certain extent.
      The characters around her did the heavy lifting.

  • @Jeaniewtlbh
    @Jeaniewtlbh Год назад +1

    no level up, no accessories, no towns to visit, no npcs, no character development, no love interest. they should just remake Silmeria

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      It’s a huge departure for sure.
      I think of it as more of a spin off like Persona 5: Strikers or Dragon Quest Heroes.
      I’d love a remake of Silmeria though.
      I really want to get around to playing that one in the near future.
      Thank you for watching!

  • @lufasumafalu5069
    @lufasumafalu5069 Год назад +2

    fair and very honest review.. thanks .. subbed and liked

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much 🙏🏼
      Another video is in the works, but life has been a little hectic lately.
      Thank you for watching!

  • @Hydra360ci
    @Hydra360ci Год назад +1

    yeah...if you played the previous 2... You'd see thru this game even more. The game is missing the 'Tri-Ace' touch, though. (that is more in Lightning's Return, than anything else...)
    I bought it on sale.. and Pretty sure it's still on sale. Still a bit pricy. The newish, Way of the Samuri (don't remember the title) is a bit more affordable. It's a bit Diablo I, like....than classic way of the samuri.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I actually did a review on this channel of Lenneth shortly after this one was released. Check that one out if you’re curious as to what my opinion on Elysium was after playing the original.
      Thank you for watching!

    • @Hydra360ci
      @Hydra360ci Год назад +1

      I was going by the intro commentary, guess the Sarcasum blew completely over my head, then.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Oh no, there was no sarcasm.
      I made this video on Elysium, and then after- I made a video on Lenneth.
      I was just letting you know, because yes, at the time of this video I hadn’t played any of the other games.
      I’ve done that since.
      Sorry for any confusion.

  • @TheSpicyLeg
    @TheSpicyLeg Год назад +2

    I enjoyed Valkyrie’s combat a lot. I got a solid 25 hours of fun out of it.
    The story, though? Well, not so much. The kingdoms that your Einherjar care about don’t really matter. At all. They’re all in complete collapse in the game, and the Einherjar are dead/dead for a long time. I mean, Kristoffer had an excellent setup for her arc. She was a princess but had no interest in a princess’s duty. She didn’t care to get married or make herself an attractive marriage partner. She wanted to be a warrior hero. Because of her refusal, the kingdom passed to her uncle instead of her husband, and her uncle was a shitbag. He terrorized the people and Kristoffer launched a rebellion to right the kingdom, leading to misery and war.
    Now she sees that she had a hand in her home’s downfall. That could be a cool story arc. It gets dropped immediately and nothing ever is said about it again.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      That was my problem too.
      There were some pretty cool set ups for all the characters, but it was hidden away- and you had to do side missions to see more.
      If they had figured out a way to integrate them into the main game, I think I would have been far more into the story.

  • @vagabundorkchaosmagick-use2898
    @vagabundorkchaosmagick-use2898 Год назад +1

    I liked the demo and am waiting for a considerable drop in the price.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Definitely the way to, but I hope that you like the game when you get around to it.
      Thank you for watching!

  • @IMRavnos
    @IMRavnos Год назад +3

    I have noticed something when it comes to Square Enix reviews. It seems most people have zero clue how video games are made. Square Enix did not make this game, an internal 1st party dev or external 3rd party contracted dev did. Saying things like Square Enix hasn’t made a game like this etc… is like saying Japan has not made a game like this because Square Enix is in Japan and thus this is a Japanese game etc…
    Square Enix has PUBLISHED a whole hell of a lot of games that play like this. How about Every single Tri Ace Game? Every Cavia Game?
    Not trying to lambast you, just trying to show that with a little bit of research your content could be far more accurate and informative. No clue why I chose this video to comment on as nearly ALL reviewers seem to think Square Enix is ONE team of developers and all games published by them were developed by them and the truth is nowhere near any of that.
    Sauare Enix does develop games in many ways, and some of which are with 1st party internal dev teams, not owned by Squeenix, but actual employees of Saueenix.
    If you read this far, Thanks, this wasn’t meant as an attack, just constructive criticism. Here is some info :
    This is who developed the game. Yes Squeenix had a large hand in development and provided lots of assistance and assets, however, knowing more is good. Seeing their past games… it becomes clear why VE ended up being somewhat of a missed opportunity to be great. Squeenix entrusted the game to a less than stellar dev studio. They are not terrible, just nowhere near capable of making a truly AAA level game the likes of which Valkyrie Profile deserves. Sadly Tri Ace were off making Star Ocean : Hopefully this one doesn’t suck and from what I have seen and heard ( have not opened my copy yet ) it is kinda meh, nit much netter than the last game(s)

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I was aware of this. I just didn’t mention it as Soleil has really only worked on a few anime tie-ins and what have you. It could have been stated, I just simply didn’t think it added to the video. But you are the second person to bring it up, and I certainly brought it up with the first voice of cards review. This is something I’ll probably make a better point of going forward.
      That said, square-enix does own the IP, and so that corporate entity is responsible for the success of the project if they want the IP to grow.
      And while yes, SE has made many action RPGs of the years, I was specifically mentioning that this game, (mission structure/ corridor hack and slash/ almost psp design) is something that is underrepresented in today’s markets and definitely as a full priced console release.
      Thanks for the criticism.
      And thank you for watching.

    • @IMRavnos
      @IMRavnos Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology kewl beans. Glad you didn't take it the wrong way I was just watching some vids today and yours was around the 5th or 6th that worded it in a way that makes it seem like Square Enix is making all these games and such and I know that a whole lot of RUclips viewers don't understand how the sauce is made so to speak =) Also, my Meds had not kicked in thus the WALL OF TEXT hahaha.
      Aside from that, good video. I held off on this game after playing the PS4 and PS5 demo on my PS5. didn't feel great, looked kinda meh and did not evoke any sense of it actually being a Valkyrie Profile game. Aside from the window dressings.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I still haven’t gotten around to the old games. I plan on doing it soon! This game is a whole lot different from what I’ve seen.
      And no offense taken, still learning how to make videos. And don’t worry about the wall of text. I wrote a twenty minute video 😅 A few paragraphs is normal haha.

  • @jatats7743
    @jatats7743 Год назад +5

    I enjoyed the demo more than I thought I would- it is not perfect but I liked the fighting mechanics quite a bit. It definitely felt like an older experience.

  • @ronzkythecasualgamer532
    @ronzkythecasualgamer532 Год назад +1

    Instead of just summoning the Einjhar(?) They should have been playable characters. Being able to switch on the fly.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      That sounds like it would be sick.
      Wish they did that.

    • @ronzkythecasualgamer532
      @ronzkythecasualgamer532 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology it was still a good game though. Feels like there wasn't enough budget for it. Hopefully the next one they go back to turn base.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Fingers crossed

  • @Mikhailnoise
    @Mikhailnoise Год назад +3

    Gotta say, I find it weird to hear that people think Square is taking risks with games like this and Diofield cause I don't see either of them presenting us with anything new. Just feels like they're bloating the market with labels rather than content.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I can definitely see where you are coming from. I guess I’m just optimistic that this wave will lead to a more experimental wave. These are fun diversions at best, but I doubt any of the current releases will matter in the long run.

  • @Gamerextra1029
    @Gamerextra1029 Год назад +3

    This game doesn't seem to have any of what made the original so charming. I sort of miss the late 90s/early 2000s era where ambitious experimental games could be made on a relatively small budget.

  • @ElZamo92
    @ElZamo92 Год назад +1

    I mean just ignore all of Squenix excluding CBU3 and you’ll be fine.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      SE definitely seems to be hedging a lot of their bets on CBU3, and given their success, who can blame them.
      I've always been someone that gets a lot of enjoyment out of more rough "B" style games though.
      Can't wait for FFXVI though!

    • @ElZamo92
      @ElZamo92 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology SAME….. I am so hooked on FFXIV RN. Hope XVI turns out as good as it looks.

  • @Devilmaycry-Joker
    @Devilmaycry-Joker Год назад +1

    Unfortunately yes, and I don’t hear good things about The divine force. So I guess my final hope in JRPGs is One Piece, hope Odyssey doesn’t disappoint.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      It's a weird time for this tier of games for sure.
      I hope you enjoy the One Piece game as well!
      Thank you for watching!

    • @Cetra29
      @Cetra29 Год назад

      Tbf Star Ocean got a lot of flak the last 15 years. I played the much hated SO4 about 600 hours and I loved it.

    • @Devilmaycry-Joker
      @Devilmaycry-Joker Год назад

      @@Cetra29 And that’s the biggest problem, I don’t know who to trust; the people who are making reviews. Or the individuals who had a different experience with these games.
      Anyways I’ve tried the demo, and I don’t mind the combat. My biggest fear is the story not delivering, and me wasting my time on a bad story/unsatisfying conclusion.
      I might buy it later even though it’s on discount right now on the PlayStation store.
      Just bought Ai somnium files part 1 and 2, and about to buy the deluxe edition of One Piece Odyssey. So I probably won’t be buying The Divine force any time soon. If you played it and don’t mind, I would love to hear your honest opinion about the story without spoiling it if possible.

    • @Cetra29
      @Cetra29 Год назад

      @@Devilmaycry-Joker Still have it sealed so I cannot say right now. I was just commenting because SO in many people's eyes had no decent game in a long time and having played SO4 I just cannot agree. Although I indeex had to stop 5 since it was a less good SO4 clone for me. I will pick it up one day again, however.

  • @NarffetWerlz
    @NarffetWerlz 9 месяцев назад +1

    I'm still patiently awaiting VP3: Hrist. Some day. Some day...

  • @timmytimmymit5607
    @timmytimmymit5607 Год назад +2

    I supported it because I want to see more of the Valkyrie series. This is my first Valkyrie game. Let’s hope the series returns back to its root maybe they’ll listen to what you all want!

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      This was my first entry for the series as well.
      I often buy games to support directions I want the market to move in 😅

  • @asneakylawngnome5792
    @asneakylawngnome5792 Год назад +1

    Square Enix just doesn’t put any passion or love into there games anymore. None. I think after FFXV bombed they lost all inspiration and passion. Which is sad because they’d put out great stuff, and always experimented. Now? Well..just look at Stranger of Paradise. It’s literally just the Nioh engine but retooled for a Final Fantasy them and other than the meme’s that game was TERRIBLE.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I liked that game a little bit haha.
      I loved how stupid it was, and I liked how it re-contextualized the first Final Fantasy. I get what you mean though, compared to what SE used to make. It’s a lot more simple.

    • @asneakylawngnome5792
      @asneakylawngnome5792 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology I get where you’re coming from, and I did at first too, but half way I felt brain dead. And the characters other than Jack bland. Idk, didn’t feel like 60 bucks.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      It did overstay it’s welcome a bit, I gave up after I saw credits. I had no interest in the Chaos difficulty. I hear you!
      Thanks for watching 🙏🏼

    • @asneakylawngnome5792
      @asneakylawngnome5792 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology no problem!

    • @angellara7040
      @angellara7040 Год назад

      What are you talking about? SoP isn't a square Enix game and it was f'ing awesome

  • @joshkeisling
    @joshkeisling 10 месяцев назад +1

    Who said it was that bad? I saw some "it's ok" reviews . I like this game.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  10 месяцев назад

      I like the game too.
      People were pretty harsh on it when it dropped, but it was mostly die-hard Valkyrie Profile fans.
      Thanks for watching!

    • @joshkeisling
      @joshkeisling 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology I check out reviews just to see if there is maybe some hidden mechanics that I wouldn't like before buying a game but as far as someones opinion of a game making my decision to buy it or not , nah.

  • @NeutralGloomBot
    @NeutralGloomBot Год назад +4

    Its not a bad game, its just a basic by the numbers jrpg in a time where we have a million of those and its not crazy to expect more from a company that is known for JRPGs to deliver something better.

    • @frequencyoftruth2303
      @frequencyoftruth2303 Год назад +1

      It reminds me of star ocean from the trailers and that game was ahead of it's time maybe this was meant for non jrpg fans to what's wrong with that? I'm tired of all the anime RPGs having everything but a western story. We don't get good arpgs for the west really there are a few I suppose but always to dark or bland. We don't get high fantasy really.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I was happy enough with this game. I just wish it was little more fleshed out and a little more polished.

    • @NeutralGloomBot
      @NeutralGloomBot Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology That's kind of how I feel. It was fun enough to play but it wasn't ever going to blow me away.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      @@NeutralGloomBot Definitely.
      I don't think thats a problem sometimes though. As much as I love finding a new game that just amazes me, sometimes relaxing and grinding with something far more basic is almost- therapeutic haha.
      Just not for full price hahah.

  • @werdna2590
    @werdna2590 Год назад +1

    I wouldn't be surprised if this recent deluge of Double-A games is simply housekeeping Games like Strangers in Paradise, Triangle Strategy and Valkyrie Elysium are probably side projects worked in the background between other projects these games were simply pushed out so the staffers could move on to larger projects

  • @me-A2B
    @me-A2B Год назад +2

    LMAO the voice acting, I can't

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      It’s a little rough for sure 😝
      Thank you for watching.

  • @Minkinator
    @Minkinator Год назад +2

    I must be the only one that absolutely loved this game

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      That’s so rad, I haven’t spoken to anyone who was super positive on it.
      I enjoyed the game, but I had some issues with it.
      What drew you to it?
      What made you love the game?

  • @scroom1202
    @scroom1202 Год назад +1

    Everyone, anyone, who has played past Valkyrie games knew from the first trailer that we were playing as the brainwashed soul of a human girl. Just saying.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      This game does not have the most subtle writing… at all

  • @unskillfullymasterful
    @unskillfullymasterful Год назад +1

    i dont think its bad, but it certainly does play and look a bit under budget compared to even something like trials of mana

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I agree. I think the game was "good" even if it wasn't really anything special.
      Hopefully this paves the way for something more interesting.

  • @masterchiefy830
    @masterchiefy830 Год назад +2

    Yes.... sad to say it was a total let down.............

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      It had the potential to be better, something just didn’t come together. Bummer

  • @dingo535
    @dingo535 23 дня назад

    If you were playing in Japanese you would find much more personality.

  • @dannyd4339
    @dannyd4339 Год назад +1

    When was the Valkyrie series ever good except for dark plume?

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Hahah, I’m in the process of playing through Lenneth right now and I’m finding it to be pretty chill.

    • @dannyd4339
      @dannyd4339 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology play dark plume. It's the best the series has to offer. Acted you do everything else will seem like trash in comparison.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Right on, it’s definitely on my radar.
      I’m still really new to this series. I liked Elysium’s combat just fine, but the other stuff was just… kinda there. Lenneth is interesting so far, but I’m still developing my opinion on it. Plume definitely looks cool.
      Thank you for watching 🙏🏼

  • @astreakaito5625
    @astreakaito5625 Год назад +5

    I hate that they took the amazing Valkyrie IP just to make this mediocre effort. The most insulting part is that Tri Ace isn't involved at all and they released Star Ocean 6 instead (yet another SO game nobody asked for) in the same month as this!
    People have been asking for VP3 for nearly 2 decades now and this is what Square do instead. Geez, but great video!

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I’ve never played the originals, so I don’t know the frustration you are feeling, but I can only imagine. This game is just barely serviceable in a lot of ways.
      Thank you for the kind words.

  • @alwaysdrunk5461
    @alwaysdrunk5461 Год назад +1

    I was happily looking forward to this game when it got announced, but saw the first big red flag with that action rpg style of gameplay and yeah here we are now

  • @lenneth1188
    @lenneth1188 Год назад +1

    so there's no Lenneth, no Hrist... nothing

  • @Chelaxim
    @Chelaxim Год назад +1

    Here's a theory many people who hate action RPGs hate them because the only only experience bad ones. Think about it they only bought it because brand recognition and the devs aren't used to making action RPGs. If your only experience with action RPGs was Valkyrie elysium, Final Fantasy 15, Arc the Lad End of Darkness, cyberdimension Neptunia 4 goddesses online,Shining Wisdom,Shining Soul,Shining Force Neo,Shining Force EXA and Lufia 2 Curse of the Sinistrals...from a purely gameplay perspective would you think highly of action RPGs if they were your only ones you ever played?

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I actually love Action RPGs, I think when done right they can be amazing. This game was more on the “just good” side for me. But I think you’re right, I think it’s all about exposure, but I’m sure some people get one bad one and that’s enough for them, I’m afraid.

    • @lapsedilationdrive3943
      @lapsedilationdrive3943 Год назад +1

      Could not agree more. This also applies the same to people who are first exposed to several bad turn based rpgs. I still don't understand the genuine hate towards action rpgs when terrible turn based rpgs can also exist. For instance, unless if you are a pokemon fan then those games don't really set a good example for the genre. Anothet title in recent memory would be soul hackers 2 I mean pretty much even the hardcore turn based enthusiasts are disappointed with the outcome of the game. They also act that turn based mechanics are pure perfection, polished to the fullest extent while in reality, no game genre is superior than the other and would downplay other genres as well.
      Its irritating and annoying to see them constantly flood almost every video trailers and reviews shitting on action rpgs.

  • @RC-nv4bh
    @RC-nv4bh Год назад +2

    As a huge fan of the series, I was initially disappointed like a lot of the others. But I gave it a chance and 13 hours in and I’m liking it a lot! You are totally right about the combat, it’s the best thing about the game. It did take awhile to let go of Tri-Ace’s masterpieces. I mean Odin’s design is laughable compared to the original and both Lenneth and Silmeria have way more personality than this Valkyrie. The list can go on and on.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I keep hearing how great the originals were. I’m going to have to go back and play them for sure.
      I’m glad you’re digging this one, I certainly had fun with it too.
      Thanks for watching 🙏🏼

    • @statesminds
      @statesminds Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology Lenneth is now on PlayStation and Steam

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Already bought and downloaded it! Good looking out.
      My next video is on a series that I played recently, so check that out if you’re interested. But the video after that one- Lenneth!

  • @TP015657
    @TP015657 Год назад +9

    A huge let down, this coming from a person who grew up playing the series, hence why it flopped. Many waited for a sequel for years only to be disappointed.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I don’t know if I’m lucky or not having this be my intro to the franchise.
      But I’ll definitely be picking up the remake of the first game, very curious.
      Thank you for watching.

    • @gemsplus7583
      @gemsplus7583 Год назад +3

      I'm so disappointed too. No more lenneth, silmeria and hrist. The story was good. Still many things to tackle, one was Hell who didn't made appearance yet but was mentioned in vp lenneth, no title yet focusing on hrist and so on...😭😭😭

    • @infamousincubus2888
      @infamousincubus2888 Год назад +5

      This is exactly how I feel about Final Fantasy, but unlike Valkyrie the voice of ppl who like the new FF entries seems to be too loud

    • @lucasbobo22
      @lucasbobo22 Год назад

      @@infamousincubus2888 because the new games are good (i played every ff game, even the now dead ff11 online), only crybaby fanboys of ff7 don't like the new games

    • @infamousincubus2888
      @infamousincubus2888 Год назад +1

      @@lucasbobo22 Your response is exactly what I'm talking about lol. Couldn't have said it any better to prove my point. 👏

  • @heartless3369
    @heartless3369 Год назад +1

    If you haven't played Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth before I can see why you have those closing statements.
    As someone who did play Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth before I can wholeheartedly disagree [from my perspective]. Even the big plot point of the love story with the Valkyrie already happened in VP:L, even to the same reuniting scene in the same field of flowers.
    The einheryar's backstory here is barely touched upon and requires you to even go listen to audio logs hidden in the menus while in VP:L their stories where touched upon a whole lot more to the point that you actually could feel a bit of an emotional attachment to their stories.
    They also completely ditched their unique 4 unit party combat style they had going on in VP:L and VP:S, so it's not square taking any sort of risk at all, they switched a unique concept to a way more basic hack and slash to reduce risk. They also made the story awfully linear, compared to VP:L where you could switch the story line focus halfway the game.
    In my personal opinion even the bad guys in the plot were mediocre compared to Lezard Valeth's motives in VP:L
    So, for me, completing this game was an absolute slog to get through and, seeing some of the endings are almost a perfect 1 to 1 copy paste of VP:L completing it just felt unrewarding, uncreative and an overall slap in the face.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I’m wrapping up my time with Lenneth pretty soon, and I can definitely see where people’s complaints are coming from.
      There is definitely more of an emphasis on story telling especially when it comes to recruiting. And the gameplay is way different.
      But now that I’m this far into it, I don’t think it makes me hate Elysium or anything. It’s just way different. It reminds me of something like a Musou game in the franchise (something like Dragon Quest Heroes or some shit)
      I’m sure it’s annoying for a long time fan to see this instead of a new RPG. But I guess it just doesn’t bother me as someone who is just coming to the franchise.
      Hopefully Tri-Ace will be able to make another game that is more inline with the older games.

  • @tipperfell9160
    @tipperfell9160 Год назад +2

    I finally played Drakengard 3 in September. I love it so much and regret not playing it sooner. I think about it on a daily basis.
    I'm a fan of the first two Valkyrie games, more so the first game. I recommend it. The first actually gets right what you criticized about Elysium's story. Kind of still on the predictable side. They should have just made a remake. The original game's format is pretty unique.
    Not sure if the following counts as spoilers. I'll be describing how the original handles Lenneth's character development below without describing what happens in her story.
    Valkyrie Profile's protagonist Lenneth is initially cold and domineering gradually showing a more human side the more she sees the final moments of Einherjars' lives before recruiting them. You get to witness their stories and see Lenneth's confusion becoming curiosity which puts her on the path to discovery. This is done well when going for the true ending where the game truly becomes her story and the final hours of the game change completely into a crazy epic that her story arc has been building up to. Her voice actress did an amazing job. The original nurse Joy from Pokemon btw haha.
    Make sure to checkout a guide on getting the best ending. It's simple and easy getting it, it just involves things that you wouldn't think to do when playing the game normally. Meeting the requirements will give you the option in the last chapter to pursue the original branch or an entirely different branch.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +4

      Plan on playing it as soon as the ps5 remake drops! Everybody says I’ve been missing out.
      Drakengard 3 is so rough around the edges. But it was something special.

    • @tipperfell9160
      @tipperfell9160 Год назад +1

      Drakengard 3 really is special. I have gone on some *very* long ramblings about it and Nier Automata to people. Non-gamers included. No one is safe from hearing about all the layers of meaning and the patterns I'm seeing. I still need to play the other games.
      Surprisingly, it ran pretty well for me 95% of the time. I hope I didn't jinx my next playthrough.
      A lot Square-Enix's non-mainstream games have really charmed me. I was happy to see the little shout out to Radiata Stories.

    • @Aquilenne
      @Aquilenne Год назад

      If you haven't tried it, the third Valkyrie Profile game is really good too. The Valkyrie Profile story is at its best when it comes to the darker mortal side of things, and the third game leaned into that really heavily, and the gameplay feels like a decently challenging but fair TRPG when on a no sacrifices NG playthrough.

  • @chadmaxilla4064
    @chadmaxilla4064 Год назад +1

    What the fuck does Drakengard 3 have to do with anything?

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      The trailer, the color pallet, environments, mission structure and the other things I outlined in the video, reminded me on at least a surface level of that game. A lot of other people in the comments also felt like there were some similarities.
      You can disagree, and I ultimately stated that outside of some basic similarities, these games couldn’t be more different in tone.
      Thanks for watching!

    • @angellara7040
      @angellara7040 Год назад +1

      He likes poorly made depression fodder?

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Exactly 🥹

  • @chriscangelosi9438
    @chriscangelosi9438 Год назад +1

    Great video, Subscribed !! Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Oh wow! Thank you so much 🙏🏼
      Merry Christmas to you too.

  • @morriganrenfield8240
    @morriganrenfield8240 Год назад +1

    I think square is holding back the studios they are having make these titles…cuz this was made by soleil, stranger of paradise was team ninja, diofield chronicles (idr the studio but they made monark which was a shit game), Star ocean, harvestella, and Babylons fall i believe were ALL outsourced last year and some seemed to have more of a unique identity than others…If they don’t want to make all of their games themselves they really need to work with studios they clearly trust more! Stranger of paradise was really good but obviously still needs improvement and Star ocean needs a goddamn budget and character modeling artists who know wtf they are doing.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Yeah it’s clear that they need these smaller titles to help fund and cut loses for their larger internal projects. But they usually underfund a lot of these titles along the way.
      I liked this game, really liked SOP, and loved a lot of what the Voice of Cards games were doing.
      I think the most successful title they’ve outsourced in recent years was Nier Automata. I wish they use that as blueprint in how to handle their outsourced IP.

  • @kermitwithamustache3885
    @kermitwithamustache3885 Год назад +1

    Love all the nods to old hack n slash games, you have good taste
    Valkyrie Elysium is a darn good action rpg, especially the combat. People are trashing on this game , i mean i get it, the story and characters are a bit barebones, and its as far from the original Valkyrie Profile experience as it gets, but it's not that bad of a game. Sometimes you just want to play a simple old school hack and slash game, and that's exactly the vibes the team tried to go for And it's not a bad thing, it's never been a bad thing, Way too many people call these type of games outdated. Hack and slash games is a niche that desperately needs as much support and attention as possible, seeing how saturated the action scene is in gaming nowadays.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I appreciate it.
      The game definitely is worth checking out. It’s nothing groundbreaking but it’s solid and I had a good time with it.
      Thank you for watching!

  • @loneronin6813
    @loneronin6813 Год назад +1

    Since Drakengard 3 is your favorite game, I recommend a RUclipsr that goes into great and thought provoking detail on the entire Drakengard series as well as the Nier games. His RUclips content creator name is Clemps.
    I don't mean to draw any attention away from your work that you did to bring us your perspective, but if you haven't already seen said videos from said RUclipsr then you can give them a watch if you so choose.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Clemps is one of my favorites!
      I think him and ThorHighHeels are two of my current go-tos.

  • @legaia1979
    @legaia1979 Год назад +2

    They are destroying their old games .

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      It was pretty rough.
      Excited about the remake of the first VP though haha.

    • @legaia1979
      @legaia1979 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology i don't think it's happning😅

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      It’s still on the PSN, 12/21/22 release date.
      Did something happen?

    • @legaia1979
      @legaia1979 Год назад +1

      @@digitalhauntology it's the same old game not remake

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      Ah fair enough.

  • @vollkerball1
    @vollkerball1 Год назад +2

    This will be a good game for 20 bucks

  • @KadeofCavarsh
    @KadeofCavarsh 8 месяцев назад +1

    I played and beat Elysium for the first 3 endings. Will get the true ending soon but i found myself yearning to beat the original because i watched my dad play it back in 2000 on ps1 and not even he beat it. I gave up my original psp playthrough 7 years ago. So i downloaded VP: Lenneth on my ps5 and im loving every second of it. Elysium is ok but VP1 and VP2 are phenomenal. I beat VP2 almost 2 years ago for the first time and its my favorite PS2 JRPG.
    Has anyone played VP: Covenant of the Plume on DS? I own it but havent gotten around to playing it yet

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  8 месяцев назад +1

      Congrats on making it that far.
      It’s not the greatest game for sure, but there is still some fun to be had for sure.

  • @KindredEmotions
    @KindredEmotions Год назад +1

    I feel like the Enix specific franchises have declined since they merged with Square. It makes me sad knowing SE already neglects their own good franchises in favor of FF titles.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I think the problem started when FFVII became the main focus. Hopefully these games will sell enough to convince the publisher that we want some weirder stuff.

  • @VSprites_
    @VSprites_ Год назад +1

    This was a pretty good review. I'm about to watch your Stranger of Paradise one. It had better not be bad.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Thank you for watching!
      Glad you liked it.
      You’ll have to let me know if you liked the other one.

  • @emiliocerchiaro4386
    @emiliocerchiaro4386 Год назад +1

    I haven't seen almost anyone talking about this game, so I'm surprised people are calling it terrible. Seemed like super mid at worst for me.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      It is not terrible at all.
      I think the people who are really angry about it wanted more from a series that they love. But this is my first time with the series, so I just thought it was middling at worst. I did enjoy the combat though!

  • @matthewbullion7935
    @matthewbullion7935 Год назад +1

    Oh Valkyrie Profile what has happened to you? Give this series back to Tri-Ace for the love of god.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      Yeah, I don’t know why they handed it off. I know they were working on Star Ocean, but I guess they just wanted an action title 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @MrStimpson38
    @MrStimpson38 9 месяцев назад +1

    Found your channel because if this video. Great content. Definitely liked and subbed.
    Excited to see if you disliked FF16 as much as I did. Off to watch that one.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  9 месяцев назад +1

      I’m glad you enjoyed it! And thank you for the kind words.
      Yeah, FF16 was a bit of a disappointment, hopefully you enjoy that one too.

  • @YhelloWish
    @YhelloWish Год назад +2

    IMO This game would be 10x times better if they change game name Valkyrie Elysium into something else.
    I think it's a good game but not good enough for Valkyrie Profile Standard.

  • @omidiartgaming4102
    @omidiartgaming4102 Год назад +1

    Thank you! I was personally really disappointed in this game. They had a pretty good formula for combat, but this was just not it for me!

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I feel the same.
      The combat was good enough, but everything else was… just passable.

  • @leetwheat
    @leetwheat Год назад +1

    im having a lot of fun with the game. but i didnt play the original games. perhaps if u play it in the lense of not thinking of the old games, maybe it will be fun for you.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I think you’re right.
      I liked it well enough, and people are saying similar things. It’s a fun action game, but I could imagine that it would be hard to compare to a full blown RPG.
      Thank you for watching 🙏🏼

  • @joshuariddensdale2126
    @joshuariddensdale2126 Год назад +2

    It gets so much unnecessary hate. I played this game for hours upon hours at launch. Yes, the story shares some similarities with Lightning Returns (purify souls for God, only to turn against God in the end as the souls are sent to be reborn in the new world), but still a very fun game.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I definitely enjoyed my time with it!
      I think it’s just people were looking for something more in line with the old games.

  • @kyionagiiii
    @kyionagiiii Год назад +3

    i looooooove vp lenneth and silmeria, and was soooooooo excited for elysium. but damn, after that demo, theres no way im gonna pay for that trash.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I think a lot of people felt that way.
      I thought the game was… okay, but I’ve never played the original games, so I don’t feel the same disappointment.
      Thank you for watching!

    • @kyionagiiii
      @kyionagiiii Год назад +1

      you really should try the first two titles! in fact, i just finished vp lenneth for the second time on ps4 and missed silmeria so much that i bought ps2 (its arriving tomorrow!!).
      highly recommeded!
      thanks for the video.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад +1

      I’m going to start Lenneth very soon.
      Finishing my next video right now… and then VP.
      Looking forward to it.

  • @JetBlack2024
    @JetBlack2024 Год назад

    Yes it’s a terrible game. Repetitive enemies, pointless collectibles, very little variation in combat, lazy and barebone story, ugly world, dull and uninspiring skill trees, overall design of characters generic. The game is just terrible. I played the whole thing. Trust people… there’s nothing there.

    • @digitalhauntology
      @digitalhauntology  Год назад

      I think I had a slightly better time with it than you, but none of your complaints are wrong haha 😆
      Thanks for watching!