Opera sublime. Il Sanctus è, secondo me, musica di Paradiso. Lo riascolto scoprendo sempre nuove emozioni. Grande Rossini, ma anche il Maestro Zedda. Grazie ad entrambi. Che possano godere in eterno delle divine armonie nel cielo!
This is the first time I am hearing Rossini and boy oh boy what a magnificent piece of music! It was indeed mind blowing! Such was the glory of it all! What a orchestra and choir! Alberto Zedda is definitely a brilliant Conductor who brought out the best from the orchestra and choir! And what a fantastic Mezzo Soprano. I was moved by her tremendous solo towards the end! What an evening it was for me!
Thanks for your comment. After I've seen this piece of music for the first time (one year ago), my impressions were very similar. I fell in love with Rossini's compostions and this affection is still growing.
@@MatteoBiagiotti Honestly I did not yet. Rather than the smaller forms I focus on the opera works now. But "Péchés de vieillesse" are one of my future goals.
@@steveegallo3384 Philip Gossett wrote a very interesting article about Verdi's debt to Rossini through most of his works - in this case about the gestation of AIDA. It was published in 1974, in Critical Inquiry, vol. 1.
@@steffeng40 -- Thanks for the Gossett reference; I'll check it out! Ingratitude among composers is my ongoing gripe: Only yesterday I heard a Richter epic of Händel piano suites and after a short while I clearly heard the genesis for Beethoven's Sonata No. 1 (the colossal 3rd movement). And always fret that Rakhmaninov and others never acknowledged their debt to the great Gliére (2nd symphony)! Greetings from México!
I have listened to this Masterpiece by Rossini so many times by the same orchestra and conductor. Alberto Zedda is an amazing conductor and it saddens me that he is not with us anymore. Veronica Simeoni is definitely one of the best Mezzo soprano I have listened to!
This is the 4th time I am watching Rossini's "Petite Messe Solonnelle"! What an awesome concert by an awesome Composer! The orchestra and choir were immaculate and so also the solists. Not to be unfair to other solists I must confess that Veronica Simeoni was simply magnificent. I will save the best for the last. Alberto Zedda does justice to Rossini by his calm and collective conducting. He was brilliant! It's a pity he is not with us any longer.
I sang the tenor solo with a full chorus and one piano...the work survived that personnel and was a huge success. hearing these amazing performers, full orchestra, brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
How sad to hear of the passing of this wonderful man. I am conducting the Petite Messe tonight (perhaps the first performance of it since his death..), and will be sure to think of him throughout. An inspiration.
I am just amazed at how beautiful this is and just brings me to tears --- but favorite was the contralto soloist -- such expression and feeling in her singing -- Thanks for this beautiful piece !!
La Petite messe solennelle1 est une œuvre de musique sacrée (messe), à l'origine écrite pour quatre solistes, chœur mixte, deux pianos et un harmonium de Gioachino Rossini. Elle fut créée le 14 mars 1864 à Paris.
Oggi.....pensando a G. Rossini .......... magnifici tutti gli artisti che hanno collaborato affinchè fosse possibile realizzare questa stupenda Piccola Messa solenne di Rossini.
I'm so thankful I found this incredible masterpiece before my own passing! The purveyors of Big Music never mention sacred music, even by the giants of great music. Shame.
@@walt9001 Performed it about 5 yesrs ago, it reallyis wonderful. I think the Self-isolation choir is performing it in March '21 if you're looking to sing it :)
Mélodie et théatre restaurent beaucoup son époque italienne à la Nôtre .L'Ensemble des voix humaines est pur A 19:14 les harpes sont parfaites.et en harmonie.
Muchas gracias a la Gran Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia. He pasado momentos sublimes con sus soberbias interpretaciones. Ésta es de inspiración Divina con música religiosa bellísima ideal para tiempo cuaresmal. Muchos saludos desde Santiago de Chile.
Wonderful to hear on a dreary morning. I found my way to it because of a tweet from Antonino Fogliani: "Alberto Zedda (1928-2017) - In memoria di un grande Maestro"
Tant de beauté pourrait nous faire croire à l'existence de Dieu. Heureusement il y a les incessantes interruptions de la publicité qui nous ramènent sur terre! Comment peut-on supporter de voir ce chef d'oeuvre et le travail de ces artistes et de leur chef, massacrés par ces mercantiles et ineptes coups de hachoirs. Une véritable indignité! Honte à RUclips, imperméable à tout respect du sublime. Pour en revenir à l'œuvre , Rossini avait écrit à l'origine cette "petite" messe solennelle pour deux pianos et un harmonium et 4 solistes. Il avait alors 71 ans et vivait à Paris où il mourut en 1868. Il la sous-titra "dernier péché de vieillesse" Puis, l'année de sa mort, il l'étoffa sérieusement en ajoutant les instruments à vent et à cordes, plus les deux harpes, tels que nous la voyons exécuter ici magistralement. Au passage la prestation inoubliable des solistes et notamment de la Mezzo-Soprano d'une puissance remarquable. Merci à SinfonicadeGalicia de nous avoir proposé cette performance du regretté Alberto Zedda.
This is a wonderful work; I'm happy that more people get to know it. The original version is for mixed chorus, two pianos and harmonium, and I'd be even happier if people knew about that one, lol.
R.I.P. Alberto Zedda (1928-2017) Alberto Zedda (born in Milan, 2 January 1928 - 6 March 2017) was an Italian conductor and musicologist, a specialist of the 19th-century Italian repertoire. Zedda studied in his native Milan with Antonino Votto and Carlo Maria Giulini, and made his debut there as conductor in 1956, with Il barbiere di Siviglia. He was quickly invited to conduct at most of the opera houses of Italy and began an international career, appearing in Bordeaux, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, London, New York, etc. He was for a time musical director of the Festival della Valle d'Itria in Martina Franca and currently of the Pesaro Festival. As a musicologist, he is responsible for the revision of numerous works by Vivaldi, Handel, Donizetti, Bellini, Verdi, but most notably Rossini. He is, with Philip Gossett, responsible for the complete critical edition of the operas by Rossini and is a committee member of the Rossini Foundation in Pesaro, Italy. He is also renowned for his research on vocal ornamentation and his aim at authentic performing style.
@@giacomozaccone2284 -- "...Louise's husband was the son of Michel-Frédéric Pillet-Will, cofounder and vice-president of the Caisse d’épargne de Paris in 1858 and regent of the Banque de France (13th siege), knighted by the King of Sardinia in 1833, and Françoise-Élisabeth Will, a daughter of the banker Philippe-Louis Will, [1] Alexis Pillet-Will was appointed administrator then director of the Caisse d'épargne in 1863 and regent of the Banque de France after his father. In 1834 he married Louise Roulin (1802-1878) who held a salon and for whom Gioachino Rossini composed the Petite Messe Solennelle in 1863 at the suggestion of her husband Alexis...."
Great soloists (mainly Alto and Tenor)! But I have some (pontual) considerations about the performance. The dotted quarter notes followed by a sixteenth note weren't played as written. (e.g. in "QUO-NIAM tu solus sanctus" and "... MI-SE-rere nobis") After all, it was a good rendition.
This mass is really neither little nor solemn, is it? It is obviously very large, being a little over 80 minutes in length, and has a rather witty and playful charm in it; it has so much character. Truly a hidden gem.
Rossini dovette pensare che Parigi, come si sul dire, valga bene una messa. Il risultato è meritevole di lode in quanto ritengo abbia trovato un approccio alla musica sacra molto equilibrato tra il suo sentire lirico/operistico... leggero e l'aspetto più severo della musica liturgica. Non ha stravolto il suo stile, è andato incontro accompagnando la buona novella con gentilezza, rendendo, al tempo stesso, un gran favore alla Chiesa, che, grazie a questa messa ha aggiunto una freccia ad una faretra, peraltro, già colma di eccellente musica... ma che rischiava di arenarsi nelle secche della ripetitività di alcuni temi e tecniche compositive troppo sfruttate. Io, personalmente sento qualche influenza Mozartiana e qualche anticipazione di alcune atmosfere care a Giuseppe Verdi. Wagner, a quanto mi risulta, non compose musica liturgica cattolica o di tale ispirazione. A meno di non intendere le sue opere come inneggianti ad aspetti, tutto sommato, simili alla religione quali la mitologia, il paganesimo ed il sentire delle genti. Dalle informazioni che ho potuto reperire Wagner si trovò malissimo a Parigi, esperienza che forse radicalizzò alcuni aspetti antisociali della sua personalità già di per sé piuttosto esplosiva. Io a Parigi mi son trovato bene. Poteva andare un po' meglio, ma comunque piuttosto bene. Tuttavia sarebbe auspicabile che una città devota alle rappresentazioni artistiche quale la Ville Lumière, a distanza di circa 150 anni ricordasse il celebre compositore tedesco rappresentando all'Operà tutto il Ring, avendo la delicatezza di spegnere tutte le luci dell'isolato, lasciando accesa giusto qualche candela, ed installando un jammer in grado di rendere inoperativi i cellulari. In fondo, come Parigi ha compiuto il miracolo di far scrivere una messa ad un Rossini già sulla cresta dell'onda, può senz'altro compiere quello di garantire uno spazio discreto e raccolto a chi, forse, ha un altro Pantheon ma, sicuramente, capisce di musica. Per concludere rivolgo un appello a Netflix affinché i loro sceneggiatori non lascino a marcire in qualche archivio tutto il materiale biografico, musicale, gli epistolari, le leggende, e gli aneddoti relativi alla straordinaria vita che condussero gli straordinari compositori europei nel diciottesimo e diciannovesimo secolo. Questa è l'Europa che io amo, e qualcuno dovrebbe pur celebrarla. La messa è finita.
Magnifique prestation (...) S'il vous plaît, chantez le "Jesu Christus" de mon requiem opus 11, page 54, lettre L, partie B. Et faites le moi écouter au plus vite. Quoi qu'il arrive, belle continuation à vous tous :)
Un Kyrie precioso se siente en la Gloria de Dios...Gracias Rossini por este legado a la humanidad, entregaste con amor todo tu don y gracia .
Meravigliosa, splendida la conduzione del maestro Zedda.Bravissimi tutti.
Opera sublime. Il Sanctus è, secondo me, musica di Paradiso. Lo riascolto scoprendo sempre nuove emozioni. Grande Rossini, ma anche il Maestro Zedda. Grazie ad entrambi. Che possano godere in eterno delle divine armonie nel cielo!
This is the first time I am hearing Rossini and boy oh boy what a magnificent piece of music! It was indeed mind blowing! Such was the glory of it all! What a orchestra and choir! Alberto Zedda is definitely a brilliant Conductor who brought out the best from the orchestra and choir! And what a fantastic Mezzo Soprano. I was moved by her tremendous solo towards the end! What an evening it was for me!
Thanks for your comment. After I've seen this piece of music for the first time (one year ago), my impressions were very similar. I fell in love with Rossini's compostions and this affection is still growing.
@@paweostaszewski6252 Did you listened to "peches de vèilliesse"? It's something like 150 pieces by Rossini and i really enjoy them.
@@MatteoBiagiotti Honestly I did not yet. Rather than the smaller forms I focus on the opera works now. But "Péchés de vieillesse" are one of my future goals.
The mezzo sounds fabulous voice, I agree, but her hammy overacting forced me to shut my eyes and just focus on her magnificent voice.
@@MatteoBiagiotti I have half a dozen of them in my repertoire!
Siento un gran orgullo,como gallego,poder escuchar a esta gran orquesta cerca de mi casa y disfrutar con gran sentimiento y cariño por la OSG.
Incalculable the DEBT owed to Rossini by Verdi and so many others......
@@steveegallo3384 Philip Gossett wrote a very interesting article about Verdi's debt to Rossini through most of his works - in this case about the gestation of AIDA. It was published in 1974, in Critical Inquiry, vol. 1.
@@steffeng40 -- Thanks for the Gossett reference; I'll check it out! Ingratitude among composers is my ongoing gripe: Only yesterday I heard a Richter epic of Händel piano suites and after a short while I clearly heard the genesis for Beethoven's Sonata No. 1 (the colossal 3rd movement). And always fret that Rakhmaninov and others never acknowledged their debt to the great Gliére (2nd symphony)! Greetings from México!
I have listened to this Masterpiece by Rossini so many times by the same orchestra and conductor.
Alberto Zedda is an amazing conductor and it saddens me that he is not with us anymore.
Veronica Simeoni is definitely one of the best Mezzo soprano I have listened to!
Bravo Italia, Bravo solitas, Bravo músicos
Des passages intergalactiques....le prélude religieux en fait partie.Celui qui n'est pas touché par tant de beauté n'est pas humain....:)
Interpretazione coinvolgente, l'accompagnamento con orchestra rende tutto maestoso!
Guardo e ascolto con tant' affetto, mio marito, anche lui sta di sicuro ad ascoltare dal cielo!
Setsuko Nakajima RIP
This is the 4th time I am watching Rossini's "Petite Messe Solonnelle"! What an awesome concert by an awesome Composer! The orchestra and choir were immaculate and so also the solists. Not to be unfair to other solists I must confess that Veronica Simeoni was simply magnificent. I will save the best for the last. Alberto Zedda does justice to Rossini by his calm and collective conducting. He was brilliant! It's a pity he is not with us any longer.
Zedda was lucky to 'check out' before the world went to hell in a hand basket.
Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia hits another one out of the park. I love watching/listening to their videos.
Simplesmente magnânimo o apresentado, assim como penetrante. Rossini merece ser lembrado "sempre" à sua eterna paz.
This is the first time I ever heard this.......thought I was in heaven already.....!
Contemporaries of Rossini described this work as having enough fire to melt the marble in the cathedral.
I sang the tenor solo with a full chorus and one piano...the work survived that personnel and was a huge success. hearing these amazing performers, full orchestra, brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
it was written for one piano and one organ. this orchestration came later.
How sad to hear of the passing of this wonderful man. I am conducting the Petite Messe tonight (perhaps the first performance of it since his death..), and will be sure to think of him throughout. An inspiration.
Joe Davies €5
Joe Davies 🥀
Just magnificent all around! The world needs God's word now more than ever.
Et de la musique de Rossini
I am just amazed at how beautiful this is and just brings me to tears --- but favorite was the contralto soloist -- such expression and feeling in her singing -- Thanks for this beautiful piece !!
Alberto Zedda (Milán, 2 de enero de 1928 - 6 de marzo de 2017)
Gracias Maestro
Felicitaciones a todos, la orquesta, el director, el coro y los solistas. Grande Rossini. Lástima las interrupciones por la publicidad.
La Petite messe solennelle1 est une œuvre de musique sacrée (messe), à l'origine écrite pour quatre solistes, chœur mixte, deux pianos et un harmonium de Gioachino Rossini. Elle fut créée le 14 mars 1864 à Paris.
Très belle œuvre
Bravi tutti! 👏👏👏 This was a sublime performance of Rossini’s parting gift to humanity.
und welch herrliche und dynamische Stimmen nebst ausgezeichnetem Orchester wuerde ich sagen !
Merci pour cette beauté qui nous élève tous. Merci infiniment.
Magnificent! This is a big work, the polar opposite of "petite solonnelle", done justice by Maestro Zedda and his forces. Bravi!
Fantastico il basso
Bello il soprano
Corretto il tenore
.... Dovrebbe esserci anche un mezzo soprano
Just absolutely lovely - goosebumps and spine tingles - and such a fabulous mezzo solo to finish!!
¡ felicidades a todos: director, solistas, coro, alientos, cuerdas: excelente sonido ! AMDG
Oggi.....pensando a G. Rossini .......... magnifici tutti gli artisti che hanno collaborato affinchè fosse possibile realizzare questa stupenda Piccola Messa solenne di Rossini.
Parfait!!!!!!!Waaaaaooooooouuuuuuuuhhhhh!!!!Que c'est émouvant.Graçias Grosso Maestro Alberto Zedda & Rest In Peace
Shi Yijie absolutely nailed Domine Dues. Fantastico! Qui Tollis duet is so beautiful.
wow!!!!!! tenor is really amazing!!!!! He has amazing voice! wonderful! (14:25)
do you know what is a tenor ?
La Petite Messe Solemnelle e' la musica più sublime di Rossini
@@iondragu2631Tenor ist Shi Yijie aus China
I'm so thankful I found this incredible masterpiece before my own passing! The purveyors of Big Music never mention sacred music, even by the giants of great music. Shame.
maestro Zedda, grazie!
What beautiful music from Rossini. Grazie Alberto Zedda wherever you are! Rest in piece1
My choir was to perform this, had it not been for the Covid-19. So now, I'm enjoying it here in stead =)
Haha it was the same for me. We were to perform it in March 😔
@@walt9001 Performed it about 5 yesrs ago, it reallyis wonderful. I think the Self-isolation choir is performing it in March '21 if you're looking to sing it :)
We'll aim for 2022. Take heart.
Mélodie et théatre restaurent beaucoup son époque italienne à la Nôtre .L'Ensemble des voix humaines est pur A 19:14 les harpes sont parfaites.et en harmonie.
Viva la genialità di Rossini, eccezionale!
Muchas gracias a la Gran Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia. He pasado momentos sublimes con sus soberbias interpretaciones. Ésta es de inspiración Divina con música religiosa bellísima ideal para tiempo cuaresmal. Muchos saludos desde Santiago de Chile.
Fernando Rivas -- De acuerdísimo....desde San Agustinillo, Oaxaca!
sempre magnifica Veronica Simeoni.
Merci Zedda!
Descansa en paz Maestro. Fuiste un genio.
Wonderful to hear on a dreary morning. I found my way to it because of a tweet from Antonino Fogliani: "Alberto Zedda (1928-2017) - In memoria di un grande Maestro"
stupenda ed emozionante esecuzione ......maestro Zedda superlativo
Romantisch, dramatisch, trotzdem luzide. Gänsehaut!
Beautiful performance: the tenor is so refreshing! And what gorgeous interpretation from the Conductor... Well done!
The tenor is too loud, especially in the trios and quartets.
Tant de beauté pourrait nous faire croire à l'existence de Dieu. Heureusement il y a les incessantes interruptions de la publicité qui nous ramènent sur terre! Comment peut-on supporter de voir ce chef d'oeuvre et le travail de ces artistes et de leur chef, massacrés par ces mercantiles et ineptes coups de hachoirs. Une véritable indignité! Honte à RUclips, imperméable à tout respect du sublime.
Pour en revenir à l'œuvre , Rossini avait écrit à l'origine cette "petite" messe solennelle pour deux pianos et un harmonium et 4 solistes. Il avait alors 71 ans et vivait à Paris où il mourut en 1868. Il la sous-titra "dernier péché de vieillesse" Puis, l'année de sa mort, il l'étoffa sérieusement en ajoutant les instruments à vent et à cordes, plus les deux harpes, tels que nous la voyons exécuter ici magistralement.
Au passage la prestation inoubliable des solistes et notamment de la Mezzo-Soprano d'une puissance remarquable.
Merci à SinfonicadeGalicia de nous avoir proposé cette performance du regretté Alberto Zedda.
Que maravilla de música y voz, te levanta el animo y la esperanza
listen Agnus dei Doma nobis pacem! how powerful & appealing mezzo soprano soloist voice she has!
Yijie Shi So great!!!
This is a wonderful work; I'm happy that more people get to know it. The original version is for mixed chorus, two pianos and harmonium, and I'd be even happier if people knew about that one, lol.
I'd be one of those people, do you know where I can purchase this score and parts?
Justin Cormier no
Simplesmente linda. Emociona. Sofisticada
Fantastico o Alberto Zedda.
Maravillosos ! Fantastico ! Felicitaciones ! Que tenor !
Simply unbelieveble super wonderfull
First time. Full of pathos ,feelings and expression with a really extraordinary tenor.
The tenor is too loud...I am glad he has a great voice, his overtones line up superbly, vibrato excellent, but, dude, dial down the volume!
R.I.P. Alberto Zedda (1928-2017)
Alberto Zedda (born in Milan, 2 January 1928 - 6 March 2017) was an Italian conductor and musicologist, a specialist of the 19th-century Italian repertoire.
Zedda studied in his native Milan with Antonino Votto and Carlo Maria Giulini, and made his debut there as conductor in 1956, with Il barbiere di Siviglia. He was quickly invited to conduct at most of the opera houses of Italy and began an international career, appearing in Bordeaux, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, London, New York, etc. He was for a time musical director of the Festival della Valle d'Itria in Martina Franca and currently of the Pesaro Festival.
As a musicologist, he is responsible for the revision of numerous works by Vivaldi, Handel, Donizetti, Bellini, Verdi, but most notably Rossini. He is, with Philip Gossett, responsible for the complete critical edition of the operas by Rossini and is a committee member of the Rossini Foundation in Pesaro, Italy. He is also renowned for his research on vocal ornamentation and his aim at authentic performing style.
Thank you for sharing these informations. 😊
Unas voces preciosas
Me ha gustado mucho.
, magnífico tenor
una bella esecuzione e interpretazione del brano. Un complimento particolare al coro.
Gelmino Gruberio
In memoriam Alberto Zedda...
What a dear, dear conductor. I see he has passed on, but what a beautiful song he left for us. Thank you Maestro Zelda!
Yijie Shi👍
Grazie M° Zedda😍 grande uomo e musicista troppo poco apprezzato dall'infame ambiente musicale Italiano
Good performance ,soloists ,chorus and orchestra.
Magnifico ❤
grandissimo mirco palazzi
Eine sehr schöne Interpretation des Meisterwerks ;)
Ähnelt Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz! Herzlich, Mexikaner Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän !
This beautiful composition was dedicated by Rossini to LOUISE PILLET WILL and la premiere was done on March 1864 tenor ITALO GARDONI
@@giacomozaccone2284 -- "...Louise's husband was the son of Michel-Frédéric Pillet-Will, cofounder and vice-president of the Caisse d’épargne de Paris in 1858 and regent of the Banque de France (13th siege), knighted by the King of Sardinia in 1833, and Françoise-Élisabeth Will, a daughter of the banker Philippe-Louis Will, [1] Alexis Pillet-Will was appointed administrator then director of the Caisse d'épargne in 1863 and regent of the Banque de France after his father. In 1834 he married Louise Roulin (1802-1878) who held a salon and for whom Gioachino Rossini composed the Petite Messe Solennelle in 1863 at the suggestion of her husband Alexis...."
Showoff, LOL!@@steveegallo3384
@@deearedub -- You're welcome, Darvin! This is what I do: Deep Research for the Deep State...I can say no more....
That was fantastic.
Dásamlegt verk,þetta flutti ég með Pólýfónkórnum þegar ég var ung og falleg 🙂og ég er enn falleg 🙂🥰😘
rip grande Maestro
Bellissime esecuzione. Peccato per le interruzioni pubblicitarie collocate a casaccio all’ interno dei brani. Ma tant’è. Grazie per la diffusione.
Wat 'n prachtige uitvoering/opname 😘🎶😎
Реклама на ютубе мешает наслаждться этим произведением и это печально!
Une erreur s'est glissée dans le titre. Ce n'est pas une petite mais une GRANDE Messe solennelle. Je découvre un autre Rossini très romantique.
Il a pris, Il prends, Il prendra, quelle misère que la notre. Alors donnons à Ses créatures notre amour et notre réconfort.
The vibrato of soloists made you wonder which note they were aiming for
molto apprezzato per l'equilibrio di tutte le voci
53:48 perfect
Fantastic performance. Bravo!
bravo superbe
Excellent performance ruined by interruptions of adverts!
¿La orquestación del Preludio Religioso es del propio Rossini o es un arreglo posterior incluso a su muerte? Me parece una auténtica delicia.
Great soloists (mainly Alto and Tenor)!
But I have some (pontual) considerations about the performance.
The dotted quarter notes followed by a sixteenth note weren't played as written. (e.g. in "QUO-NIAM tu solus sanctus" and "... MI-SE-rere nobis")
After all, it was a good rendition.
Beautiful :O
This mass is really neither little nor solemn, is it? It is obviously very large, being a little over 80 minutes in length, and has a rather witty and playful charm in it; it has so much character. Truly a hidden gem.
Bravo!!!! Belíssima interpretação!!!
Mi piace molto la messe solennelle di Rossini
Sacrée musique sacrée
The best Qui Tollis
Rossini dovette pensare che Parigi, come si sul dire, valga bene una messa. Il risultato è meritevole di lode in quanto ritengo abbia trovato un approccio alla musica sacra molto equilibrato tra il suo sentire lirico/operistico... leggero e l'aspetto più severo della musica liturgica. Non ha stravolto il suo stile, è andato incontro accompagnando la buona novella con gentilezza, rendendo, al tempo stesso, un gran favore alla Chiesa, che, grazie a questa messa ha aggiunto una freccia ad una faretra, peraltro, già colma di eccellente musica... ma che rischiava di arenarsi nelle secche della ripetitività di alcuni temi e tecniche compositive troppo sfruttate. Io, personalmente sento qualche influenza Mozartiana e qualche anticipazione di alcune atmosfere care a Giuseppe Verdi.
Wagner, a quanto mi risulta, non compose musica liturgica cattolica o di tale ispirazione. A meno di non intendere le sue opere come inneggianti ad aspetti, tutto sommato, simili alla religione quali la mitologia, il paganesimo ed il sentire delle genti. Dalle informazioni che ho potuto reperire Wagner si trovò malissimo a Parigi, esperienza che forse radicalizzò alcuni aspetti antisociali della sua personalità già di per sé piuttosto esplosiva.
Io a Parigi mi son trovato bene. Poteva andare un po' meglio, ma comunque piuttosto bene. Tuttavia sarebbe auspicabile che una città devota alle rappresentazioni artistiche quale la Ville Lumière, a distanza di circa 150 anni ricordasse il celebre compositore tedesco rappresentando all'Operà tutto il Ring, avendo la delicatezza di spegnere tutte le luci dell'isolato, lasciando accesa giusto qualche candela, ed installando un jammer in grado di rendere inoperativi i cellulari.
In fondo, come Parigi ha compiuto il miracolo di far scrivere una messa ad un Rossini già sulla cresta dell'onda, può senz'altro compiere quello di garantire uno spazio discreto e raccolto a chi, forse, ha un altro Pantheon ma, sicuramente, capisce di musica.
Per concludere rivolgo un appello a Netflix affinché i loro sceneggiatori non lascino a marcire in qualche archivio tutto il materiale biografico, musicale, gli epistolari, le leggende, e gli aneddoti relativi alla straordinaria vita che condussero gli straordinari compositori europei nel diciottesimo e diciannovesimo secolo. Questa è l'Europa che io amo, e qualcuno dovrebbe pur celebrarla.
La messa è finita.
Great tempo
Chailly 's version is better. Bass part miss depth. Is it amator or professional?
Magnifique prestation (...) S'il vous plaît, chantez le "Jesu Christus" de mon requiem opus 11, page 54, lettre L, partie B. Et faites le moi écouter au plus vite. Quoi qu'il arrive, belle continuation à vous tous :)
Great conducting, very good tenor but both sopranos are way below their level.
I agree
You know nothing of music!