5 Things We'd Change about the US!!

  • Опубликовано: 1 июн 2024
  • After living in Denmark for 6 years, these are 5 things we would change about the US if we had the magical powers to do so!

Комментарии • 122

  • @akyhne
    @akyhne 3 месяца назад +70

    As a Dane, I would change these in the US in no particular order:
    1) No gerrymandering
    2) Politicians shouldn't elect head of FBI, CIA, NASA, judges etc. It's absolutely insane, that these are elected by politicians, especially judges.
    3) The American prison system.
    4) Cops don't benefit from the money they get from speeding tickets, confiscated money etc. It can only lead to corruption, and police forces wanting to fill out their personal quotas, at the end of the month.
    5) A proper education for police and prison guards.
    6) Mandatory sidewalks within city limits, and encouraging bicycle paths.
    7) Properly change to the metric system. The US is already metric, it's just not enforced.
    8) A sane gun control, like in Denmark.
    And of course all of your points. I'd say the most important is the separation between church and state being enforced.

    • @henrickhollesen7308
      @henrickhollesen7308 3 месяца назад

      EEEHHH Danish Cops not being corrupt. I think you better watch "Forfulgt". They are worse than anyone and American Police Officers are definitely way more polite and approachable than the Danish. Look at Vejle and CPH Police Officers how corrupt they are and they get away with it too.

    • @PSimonsen
      @PSimonsen 3 месяца назад

      Bicycle paths ? You Murica is a little bigger in size than Denmark.

    • @financialconnectioninc
      @financialconnectioninc 3 месяца назад +3

      As an American who studied in Denmark, some selected replies:
      1. You live in a mostly homogeneous society with a single culture. We are polarized and need to fight.
      3. Most of us believe in putting dangerous violent criminals in prison. We live with some bad cultures.
      5. Stop worrying about criminals and prisoners.
      8. The 2nd Amendment is one of our greatest freedoms. It makes sure we can fight government tyranny, and protect ourselves from the members of inferior cultures. The first thing the Nazis and Bolsheviks did was take away everyone's guns.

    • @akyhne
      @akyhne 3 месяца назад +4

      ​@@financialconnectioninc Denmark is not that much more homogenous, than the US. It's a myth.
      The US has one of the worst recidivism rates of any developed country. That's because your system punishes, where we also put a lot in rehabilitation. And not all criminals are per se bad guys. You could end up in jail, by bad luck.
      And yet, in many states, your rights to vote are stripped from you for lifetime, once you've been jailed.
      Healthy society?!
      You even go against your own amendment, by doing this, but I guess amendments are only good, if they benefit you.
      Police and prison guards here have a proper education. In many states, you can become either, with just weeks of training.
      Our prison guards and police are as much educated to be social workers, in a sense. Police don't just deal with bad people, but the general public.
      We recently had a lack of police officers, mainly because the whole force was about to be expanded. As a quick fix, they created an education, called police cadets. It "only" takes 6 months, and these cadets can only do basic tasks, like border control, protection of government buildings etc. The "real" police education takes 2½ years.
      Danes have more freedom, than Americans and we are not alone. But we don't have the freedom to kill other people. I can live with that.

    • @mortenovergaard7397
      @mortenovergaard7397 3 месяца назад

      ​@@financialconnectioninc unfortunately most people in denmark are brainwashed by the media who will only report one side of the issues in the US. So something like 95% of the population - who are zombies when it comes to understanding America - will basically believe in the media's left-wing representation of that country. Something like 95% of all Danes have a negative view of Trump, even though 50% of the population have at times voted for parties in our own country that represented much the same politics (new stance on immigration and crime, etc.).. Just ridiculous.

  • @_-martin-_
    @_-martin-_ 3 месяца назад +35

    The very first thing I would change about the US is to change the failed US constitution to not allow money in politics. Money in politics destroyed the US.

    • @j.d.445
      @j.d.445 3 месяца назад +3

      Let's not forget the separation of Church and State. The current situation is toxic.

  • @DaneInTheUS
    @DaneInTheUS 3 месяца назад +6

    As a Dane in the US, I agree with all of these. I can assure you that the pharmacies are still just as old fashioned as you described.

  • @3goldfinger
    @3goldfinger 3 месяца назад +29

    Looks like you will be in Denmark for a very very long time.🍻

  • @uffeseerup329
    @uffeseerup329 3 месяца назад +38

    Parliamentary system. US political system has become dysfunctional. The founders envisioned a political system should work like a court system where an adversarial process forces two opposing views to battle it out on merits, reasoning and public debate and where the voters act as judges. The US political system today has become so polarized that this system does not work. By elevating everything to an us-versus-them there is little room for compromise. Change the system to a parliamentary system where there is proportional representation in a multi-party parliament. Remove the us-versus-them and emphasize the need for coalitions and compromises.

    • @joncelso2369
      @joncelso2369 3 месяца назад +4

      Would that be more of a 2-party issue than parliamentary? Asking because I look across the sea to the UK, and they too have quite a few dysfunctions. And part of that I'm sure is the public feeling like they have to choose one of 2 parties to feel heard.
      Not much better over here in terms of multiple parties having substantial say, but there's still a need to create coalitions to form a government. That aspect I do like here in Ireland over the US.

    • @uffeseerup329
      @uffeseerup329 3 месяца назад +6

      @@joncelso2369 The UK also has a "winner takes it all" by district system. This is what tends to create a system of choices between two alternatives.

    • @BenjaminVestergaard
      @BenjaminVestergaard 3 месяца назад +3

      ​@@joncelso2369 problem is that with the democratic structure of the US, especially the electoral, it favours 2 party system... if you can obtain a majority in one area or state... you get a bunch of votes "for free"...
      But I do know why it was designed like that... and it has to do with the size of the country and the fact that communication back then was carried on horseback.

    • @Uriel-Septim.
      @Uriel-Septim. 3 месяца назад

      1.) Minimized corruption to the degree it is possible.
      Thats is about it, it is the number one reason for human suffering and why society and democracy don`t work to a large degree.
      Reintroduce the gold standard, if you can`t overspend it is harder to buy of politicians and rage unconstitution wars, same with income tax, it will minimize the power of the government, if corrupt people can`t cheat on a large scale you will solve a lot of problems, and lets face it, people do have a corrupt nature and specially those of us who are the most corrupt will seek out those possiosins of power or the power will in many cases corrupt us.
      Also, please remember, most of the moral laws western society is built upon, do come from a Christian bedorock and the Torah and the cultur that is build upon that, it did`t fall out of the sky, so to speak, nothing worng in keeping the basic, you do need some philosophy in order to come up with morals, science can`t teach us what is right or wrong, only what things are made of etc. like you should´t steal, neither life property or the truth, how can you argue with that, same with the golden rule (not exclusive to Christianity)
      The maxim may appear as a positive or negative injunction governing conduct:
      Treat others as you would like others to treat you (positive or directive form)
      Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated (negative or prohibitive form)
      What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself (empathetic or responsive form)
      Lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
      "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
      --Benjamin Franklin.

  • @finncarlbomholtsrensen1188
    @finncarlbomholtsrensen1188 3 месяца назад +6

    Several years ago an American Scientist spent a year in Denmark and Sweden and then wrote a book: "Countries without a God"! Because from an American point of view it seemed unlikely that a society could function without Religion being involved!! He found out it was because we trusted each other and if you loose a job, even being able to obtain a decent benefit from that, you will and is expected to naturally try to get a new job fast! After all most earn more than the level of support.

  • @akyhne
    @akyhne 3 месяца назад +30

    I recently had several heated discussions with Americans, about why it'd so much easier for a small country, to implement something like NemID, compared to the US.
    It was in a video about an American couple living in Germany, pointing out how cumbersome it is to do things in Germany, like any kind of paperwork down there still requires you personally meet up at the kommune.
    The comment section quickly filled up with Americans, saying "America" was better and more advanced. They didn't like hearing another country was even more advanced.
    It's always the same. First, they are in denial, that another country can be more advanced, then comes the "small country" argument.

    • @johnclements6614
      @johnclements6614 3 месяца назад +6

      No country is the best at everything.
      If you do not look at other countries and see and take there actions to be your own then you will be left behind.
      As someone from the UK the US seems to be in a similar position to the UK's a 100 to 120 years ago.

    • @_-martin-_
      @_-martin-_ 3 месяца назад +1

      That is your typical American response. You have to understand that Americans are indoctrinated to believe they are number one. They live in the bubble that is planet USA and they know little of the world. Only Americans who travel abroad like the family Young gets to open their eyes to the reality of this world. Also, the whole stick that a big country like the USA is not able to do the same as small countries is pure BS. It is not about the size of a country, it is about implementing good ideas! The US could easily go the path of MitID, especially since it is an easily scalable IT technology!

    • @teebodk3917
      @teebodk3917 3 месяца назад +2

      @@johnclements6614 Yeah, that's quite an unfortunate way to deal with things - denying that others do it better than you(r country), instead of using it as inspiration. We do not all invent the wheel at the same time... or other stuff, and ideally we should share and inspire others to continually improve.

    • @master8laster49
      @master8laster49 3 месяца назад

      @akyhne Well they're right, it is easier for one tiny insignificant country to implement things, or else wouldn't EU be the best thing in the world? Go ask people in Hungary, Bulgaria or Greece if they agree with you!

    • @_-martin-_
      @_-martin-_ 3 месяца назад

      It it not about the size of a country, it is about accepting good ideas! Americans simply refuse to acknowledge that other countries are doing things much better and intelligently. Indoctrination is a dangerous thing.

  • @stigchristensen2597
    @stigchristensen2597 3 месяца назад +20

    it will never happen but here are 5 things i would change in the US if i had a magic wand
    5: ad a federal but state-level run universial health-care system, no more private insurrance where you are skinned alive if you get sick
    4: rewright the US tax system, no more coporate tax reductions, no more tax reductions for the rich
    3: make a federal equal acces school system with a set curiculum from kindergarden to university/college, giving higer education to the general US public
    2: ad a term limit to the US supreme court and a constitutional level code of conduct for its members
    1: no more acces to assault rifles like the m16/ar-15 AK or any other military grade small arms.
    bonus : reeducate the US police to live up to the motto " to serve and protect"

  • @kimrnhof107
    @kimrnhof107 3 месяца назад +9

    No Doctors do not have access to all of your heath records in Denmark I wish they did - as I am a danish doctor. Within the regions the different wards/departments can access your files, but not from another region ! - .There are systems to forward information to specialist and to hospitals and the familie doctor can read the hospital files (to some degree, but it's not practical) the hospital will sende an outpatient note to the family doctor. But doctors do have access to all medication you get and most laboratory data.
    But it could be much better !!

  • @BrazenNL
    @BrazenNL 3 месяца назад +12

    It's not that I can't afford a car, I don't want to add to pollution. I don't want to search for parking space. I want to be dropped off where I'm going. I want to walk around without being surrounded by cars.

  • @ejlufpedersen742
    @ejlufpedersen742 3 месяца назад +4

    It always makes me happy when foreigners who have settled here are thriving. You seem bright, easygoing, positively curious, and open-minded. Which definitely makes the whole thing much easier. One of my friends is an American x- pat. She says exactly the same as you do. Btw though, she fears the next election in the US. ( It's something about an orange haired man) 😮 I know you speak Danish, but this comment is in English, in case some English speaking guys out there should be interested. We Danes understand it anyway

  • @ane-louisestampe7939
    @ane-louisestampe7939 3 месяца назад +9

    Next: 5 things would you like to change about Denmark?

    • @TravelinYoung
      @TravelinYoung  3 месяца назад +9

      That’s the plan in a few weeks.

    • @maybrittpedersen1076
      @maybrittpedersen1076 3 месяца назад +2

      Why change something that's perfect 😉😉😂😂.

    • @Uriel-Septim.
      @Uriel-Septim. 3 месяца назад +1

      @@maybrittpedersen1076 Nothing is perfect, except for me of course.

  • @Alhem11
    @Alhem11 3 месяца назад +4

    As Denis Diderot said 300 years ago 'Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.' 😏

  • @davidlarsen7049
    @davidlarsen7049 3 месяца назад +12

    The absolutely most important one is getting money out of politics, so billionaires cant fund politicians campaign and cant send an army of lobbyist... then the rest should slowly fix it self

    • @teebodk3917
      @teebodk3917 3 месяца назад

      Absolutely agree. It's so painful to always watch the best political candidates drop out, due to running out of funds, until only the billionaires are left, which often means they're either extremely old and/or have built up their fortunes by being extremely ruthless, greedy and selfish - really not the best personal traits for a political leader.

    • @Uriel-Septim.
      @Uriel-Septim. 3 месяца назад

      Agree 100%
      1.) Minimized corruption to the degree it is possible.
      Thats is about it, it is the number one reason for human suffering and why society and democracy don`t work to a large degree.
      Reintroduce the gold standard, if you can`t overspend it is harder to buy of politicians and rage unconstitution wars, same with income tax, it will minimize the power of the government, if corrupt people can`t cheat on a large scale you will solve a lot of problems, and lets face it, people do have a corrupt nature and specially those of us who are the most corrupt will seek out those possiosins of power or the power will in many cases corrupt us.
      Also, please remember, most of the moral laws western society is built upon, do come from a Christian bedorock and the Torah and the cultur that is build upon that, it did`t fall out of the sky, so to speak, nothing worng in keeping the basic, you do need some philosophy in order to come up with morals, science can`t teach us what is right or wrong, only what things are made of etc. like you should´t steal, neither life property or the truth, how can you argue with that, same with the golden rule (not exclusive to Christianity)
      The maxim may appear as a positive or negative injunction governing conduct:
      Treat others as you would like others to treat you (positive or directive form)
      Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated (negative or prohibitive form)
      What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself (empathetic or responsive form)
      Lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
      "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
      --Benjamin Franklin.

  • @Novacification
    @Novacification 3 месяца назад +7

    A new video to listen to just as I'm leaving for the office. Perfect! :)

  • @uffeseerup329
    @uffeseerup329 3 месяца назад +11

    You go Miranda!😁

  • @stravan894
    @stravan894 3 месяца назад +7

    For me the lack of mass transit and the car dependency is the primary reason I wouldn't want to move to the US. I absolutely love the biking- infrastructure and culture of Copenhagen. The channel "Not Just Bikes" elegantly touches upon this topic. The creator is Canadian guy that moved to Amsterdam so he probably has a somewhat similar perspective to you.

  • @viggozing598
    @viggozing598 Месяц назад

    Your point #1 made me think of the movie "W" where George Bush after losing a state election uttered: "Nobody shall ever again out-Texan or out-Christian me!!" 🤣😅

  • @avejst
    @avejst 3 месяца назад +7

    Good points
    Interesting to hear the influence of religion in the law making process.
    Thanks for sharing your view with All of us 👍😀

    • @Uriel-Septim.
      @Uriel-Septim. 3 месяца назад

      if politicians have a believe, religious or not, they will have a natural bias, same with people in the media, no one is 100% objective or unbiased, if you have corrupt evil people in government you will have a broken evil system.
      "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
      --Benjamin Franklin.

  • @straagaard23
    @straagaard23 Месяц назад

    Unfortunately all doctors do not have access to your health records. Denmark is small, but all regions are not using the same systems, and which means, regions needs to send send records to each other. Also if you are habing a new doctor in the same town, they have to ask for the records and have them send. I've tried that moving from Esbjerg to Herning, and back again. And to copenhagen and back again. The records are not accessible for all who should be able to open it if necessary.
    Might not be everywhere, such as it is not everywhere everyone can see the health records.

  • @frodobaggins4540
    @frodobaggins4540 3 месяца назад +1

    As an American expat of fifty years, I enjoy your observations and generally agree with them. However, the different regions do have different health it-sytems, despite the small size of the country. When I moved from southern Jutland to Zealand some four years ago, my hospital records could not be transferred digitally from one system to the other, but had to be printed out and sent, and then read into the new system. Of course, this was done automatically by the regions, and at no charge to the patient, but shows we still have some irritating hickups in little Denmark

  • @casbjoern
    @casbjoern 3 месяца назад +1

    My priority would be to change the election system into something thad would provide representation equal to the vote share for each party, thereby providing the possibility of more than two parties and making every vote count equally

  • @benttranberg2690
    @benttranberg2690 21 день назад

    Mass transit? I thought you were about to invent the "beam me up" from Star Trek. Too long since last time I heard that term. Universal Health Records - I recently had an operation for cataracts, and with new lenses I also need new glasses. I didn't want bifocal or trifocal lenses, so I still need glasses for perfect sharpness at certain distances. My local optometrist, in the shop where I buy glasses, can exchange information with my private eye surgeon through the online public health system. Yes, everything is digital now. It's so nice.

  • @skinke280
    @skinke280 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for sharing your perspectives on American matters. I hope things turn around for the better. This video shows why it is important to look outside the country for solutions for internal problems. It really is beneficial to get a broader perspective.

  • @Joemamma664
    @Joemamma664 3 месяца назад +1

    Very good video ❤

  • @kimfabricius4463
    @kimfabricius4463 3 месяца назад +1

    Good topics ! Thank you for a very good vidieo !! Keep up the good work ! 🙂

  • @johnclements6614
    @johnclements6614 3 месяца назад +3

    The "pilgrims" who settled New England were more religious than most in England, as far as I am aware. There were religious wars that many wanted to stop but ultra protestants were not helpful in this. So they were not so much fleeing religious persecution as going somewhere they could restrict others by being in the middle of nowhere.
    When I lived in London you would get people complaining that there had not been a bus for five minutes during the day. People will always complain.

    • @Uriel-Septim.
      @Uriel-Septim. 3 месяца назад +1

      Nahh I can remember one time years ago where I did`t have anything to complain about, it was awful, I really hate it, not to have anything to complain about is`t fun, I can`t take it.

  • @joncelso2369
    @joncelso2369 3 месяца назад

    This could be a monthly vid and still have topics that aren't covered by the end of the year. 🤣
    Great stuff. I'm curious to know what the wand has in store for DK as well. Bippity boop!

  • @mogensjepsen2
    @mogensjepsen2 3 месяца назад +2

    some 5 very well put changes. totally makes sense. number 6: the electional system and the principle of the winner takes it all.

    • @lisegerdpedersen6461
      @lisegerdpedersen6461 3 месяца назад

      Agree. In Denmark we have a system called "tillægsmandater". It ensures a more fair representation.

    • @viggoholmsen7203
      @viggoholmsen7203 20 дней назад


  • @MartinKramer-ff5mt
    @MartinKramer-ff5mt 2 месяца назад

    Big applause

  • @mugin11223344
    @mugin11223344 3 месяца назад +3

    I would also say the whole "tough on crime" concept from the 80s.
    It has led to so many bad things. It has become normalized in some population groups to go to prison, so that there is no longer a stigma attached to prison.

  • @hmbp100
    @hmbp100 3 месяца назад +1

    love you.

  • @-cj-3729
    @-cj-3729 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for another great video.
    The first thing I would chance is gun legislation, if I had a magic wand

  • @MartinKramer-ff5mt
    @MartinKramer-ff5mt 2 месяца назад

    I believe in good people, like you

  • @metteandersen3564
    @metteandersen3564 3 месяца назад

  • @TheSkjold86
    @TheSkjold86 3 месяца назад

    As a fan but dont now if i skipped a video about work hours plus abort you can or have to work more hours, then the payment vs bills??

  • @holdermeddk
    @holdermeddk 3 месяца назад +5

    Fax? Fax? In 2024?!

    • @DaneInTheUS
      @DaneInTheUS 3 месяца назад +1

      Oh yes. Very much so. MUCH more than you'd think. It's absolutely insane.

  • @steenagers7270
    @steenagers7270 3 месяца назад

    I agree with your view on religion and politics.
    I am surprised that you don't mention politically elected / appointed judges.

    • @TravelinYoung
      @TravelinYoung  3 месяца назад +1

      Mentally I lumped those in with my comment about how it's in our local, state and federal courts. It's been a concerning trend to watch the entire court system get stacked the way it has. - M

  • @290766rene
    @290766rene 3 месяца назад

    Fem gode eksempler vi hurtigt kan blive enige om er svære at undvære i dag. 🙂👍

  • @drzeenet
    @drzeenet 3 месяца назад

    Start at making the US political system true multi party .... Currently there are only two real choices. Assign seat in senetate, house and all the state governments by share of vote in percent. Allow a minimum percent you need to get a seat (5% of the total votes as example). This would allow the extreme wings to form their own party instead of "one party" trying to cover all bases and it would require the politicians to learn to compromise!

  • @Futurekalk
    @Futurekalk 3 месяца назад +3

    Just one thing... Elect Bernie Sanders...

  • @viggoholmsen7203
    @viggoholmsen7203 20 дней назад

    IMO all the topics mentioned in the video and in the comments, are generally concerned with attitudes in regards to dichotomies such as private/public, individual/collective, etc.
    In addition, as freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution, specific religious beliefs should not be allowed to influence or control legislation.

  • @lkjh861
    @lkjh861 3 месяца назад

    The US has always been a curious mix of Puritans and Scoundrels... churches and saloons, if you like... since you prefer religion out of politics, you're clearly of the Scoundrel tradition ~ that's why you fit in so well here in Vikingland, cuz we're scoundrels too 🏴‍☠️ 🤘😙

  • @BenjaminVestergaard
    @BenjaminVestergaard 2 месяца назад

    I think this is a really good top 5.
    My own single addition would be gun laws... I am aware that it's a constitutional right in the US, and that's fair enough. But it worries me that people are free to basically build their private arsenal without much supervision...
    I mean, if someone is collecting an amout of weapons big enough for a small army, wouldn't it make sense to check if the person is getting paranoid or is developing schizophrenia?
    The easy access to weapons gets dangerous if someone suddenly snaps, doesn't take much planning to hurt a lot of people if you already have 10 different kinds of weapons at home.
    I'm not afraid of people having hunting or competition shotguns or rifles at home, perhaps a side arm for each grown person in the household. Permission to carry in public, with no other reason than self defense, kinda makes me uneasy... sure if you're hiking in an area where it's not unlikely to meet a bear... that's a fair reason to carry a weapon.
    But as far as I've understood the US 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms was intended to ensure that the people had the right to be able to defend their home or community against crooks and government invasion.
    Sure weapons can be a lot of fun, but if using them for fun at the shooting range is the purpose, people shouldn't be against registering them to their name right? And be subject to a random inspection that they're storing the weaponry in a responsible manner.
    Never mind, I'm not entitled to challenge US legislation, but as a former elite rifle shooter, I do worry a bit.

  • @wegder
    @wegder 3 месяца назад +1

    At least you got out before the USA is history

  • @torbenjohansen6955
    @torbenjohansen6955 3 месяца назад +2

    about public transport (Trains) ! Heard that the USA is big on cargo trains. So big that with transporting cargo on trains its the other way around.
    ( Europe has almost no cargo trains anymore )
    Not up to me as a Dane to comment on what i would change. But i think the changes both of you suggested rely would improve the lives of the people.
    im not disappointed. BUT i had expected a honorable mentioning, of public drinking. ( Beer )

    • @akyhne
      @akyhne 3 месяца назад

      Almost all train lines are owned and run privately. The maintenance is very poor, and the huge trains only have 1-2 persons to run them. That's why you see so many insane derailments, in the US.
      There are 4 derailments per day.

    • @johnclements6614
      @johnclements6614 3 месяца назад +1

      The EU is not dissimilar to the the US on freight by train.

  • @petercsontos5236
    @petercsontos5236 3 месяца назад

    You've right, sate and religion has to be work apart in a modern society.

  • @hannekristensen6506
    @hannekristensen6506 3 месяца назад +1

    It is essential to change the legislation for gun ownership. As a Dane, it is difficult to understand the rationale for children growing up in homes with access to weapons. Obviously, it also goes wrong far too often in homes where there is easy access to guns in the US

  • @christianvelasquez12
    @christianvelasquez12 12 дней назад

    "...call one doctors office and get them to FAX over records..." Stop it right there - FAX!?!? Really?

  • @MartinKramer-ff5mt
    @MartinKramer-ff5mt 3 месяца назад

    Imperial system????

  • @Joliie
    @Joliie 3 месяца назад

    A 2-factor authentication is not the whole solutions, but it's a step to protect your data.

  • @Gert-DK
    @Gert-DK 3 месяца назад

    Here in DK religion is just very private. I am 63 years young, I don't know any Jews, I must certainly have Jews in my network, but I don't know who. I know ONE Catholic. Only because she asked where she could find a Catholic Church.
    We have many registered religions here, such as ASA Tor, vikings goods and we have Witches. We have several other registered religions.

  • @MrFtoudalk
    @MrFtoudalk 3 месяца назад

    I tend to agree with your points here, although I would like to substitute common sense gun laws for the digital issue. I think the digital development will happen over time. The 'gun laws' is more of a hot potato, since it's founded in the 2nd amendment.
    Last year there were more mass shootings than days, and yes, I realize that the country has 330 million people, but man!
    On a positive note: Every Tuesday Morning I turn on my computer and look at RUclips to watch your videos and I crack a smile when I see that there's a new one! Thank you.

    • @Uriel-Septim.
      @Uriel-Septim. 3 месяца назад

      More mass shootings then days, that is sad, how many asults and rapez do guns prevent every year though ?

  • @MartinKramer-ff5mt
    @MartinKramer-ff5mt 3 месяца назад

    Big smile from here, religion is a private thing

  • @jrgenkuhlmann8630
    @jrgenkuhlmann8630 3 месяца назад +1

    Vote blue!

  • @hejmuesli
    @hejmuesli 3 месяца назад

    I was surprised to see you not mentioning tax funded universal health care :)

  • @jenserikbech
    @jenserikbech 3 месяца назад

    We can vote on politics, you can't. You can only vote on persons. In this way a dane have more influence on what is decided.

  • @casperchristensen1592
    @casperchristensen1592 3 месяца назад

    The USA should have a health system like in Denmark. public transport as in the Netherlands judge in the Supreme Court who is independent of politics. no death penalty. get to mars and make a little community there.

    • @Uriel-Septim.
      @Uriel-Septim. 3 месяца назад

      I am sure it could work, they just have to get the population down to 5-10 million and shrink the land to 1/100

  • @johannagstrup996
    @johannagstrup996 3 месяца назад

    Maybe have a law that doesnt allow old people to take the lead in the worlds most powerfull country :S Goes for both parties.

  • @Cirkelo
    @Cirkelo 3 месяца назад

    1 thing I hope the US and muricans will change for themselves is the over-politizing of everything. Which is why the US citizens sees so little progression in the overall security, welfare and health. Even a simple thing like a mitid is impossible in a culture where everything can, must and will become a political issue - and not just a security, a welfare or a health issue.
    That is what I hope the US would change - then maybe its people can find something worth uniting over.
    And there is nothing moral about chistianity - there are how ever many deeply moral humans, who are also christians

  • @shishly
    @shishly 3 месяца назад

    I am in Oslo and do not have a drivers license do not want one, could not live in the states. Biggest thing I do not understand about the US is the 2! party system, little choice for 342 million people.

  • @hguldmann
    @hguldmann 3 месяца назад

    education of the population.
    right to see a doctor or go to hospital.
    people's right to decide over their own bodies.
    separation of state and church.
    And punishment for conspiracy theorists and silver foil hats.
    but The polarization of American society is far too far to be able to change it but with a great effort The deep division that threatens to tear America into a red and a blue nation must be faced in order to find effective solutions to other major political problems.

  • @wollaminfaetter
    @wollaminfaetter 3 месяца назад

    Have you ever been asked this? Why do Americans pronounce (and spell) Danmark as "Denmark"? I mean... it's an A, not an E... how hard can it be? It's not because it's difficult to pronounce the word in English... danmark/denmark... potato/potato? Even Google Translate does it 😁

    • @TravelinYoung
      @TravelinYoung  3 месяца назад +1

      It has nothing to do with being American, that is how Denmark is spelled and pronounced in the English language. Same is true in the UK, Australia, etc. Perhaps ask the new queen :).

    • @wollaminfaetter
      @wollaminfaetter 3 месяца назад

      @@TravelinYoung Haha true. Thank you. I'll ask King Mary 👍

  • @steenbrlling1079
    @steenbrlling1079 3 месяца назад

    Just in my eyes - Nr. 5: Is not applicable in Denmark, as public transportation has just gone down, down and down since my childhood in the 60/70's.. And you should not make that a GREAT, just because it's even worse in America. Nr. 4: Check!! Nr. 3: Check!! (and then again that it's more or less free in Denmark). Nr. 2: Definitely check!! Nr.1.: I think - in this regard America is probably the most screwed western world country. They almost defend every politic statement to a believe in god, where us scandinavians has a more grounded feet-to-the-earth believe. But I guess that has to do with the age of our countries.
    By the way. As I wrote you many years ago (when you moved in), the offer still stands to come and visit us/me here in Thy, where the nature just is something else...

    • @steenbrlling1079
      @steenbrlling1079 3 месяца назад

      And as I told you (when you first moved in), you are more than welcome to visit me in Thy, where nature is just on a different level...

  • @c3dk
    @c3dk 3 месяца назад +3

    6. They have to learn to speak Danish :- )

    • @Bjowolf2
      @Bjowolf2 3 месяца назад +1

      English is already in many ways just an advanced form of Pseudo Danish 😂 - unlike Old English / Anglo-Saxon - they just don't know it 😉
      Basically we "unselfishly" saved people in the Danelaw region of England and later further on from speaking like semi-Germans in a highly inflected and complex West Germanic language with 4 - 5 grammatical cases for nouns, articles and associated adjectives, three grammatical genders, different conjugations of verbs for all (!) grammatical persons and even German style backwards sentences occasionally (🙄) with the verb or verb compound at the end of a sentence, as the closely related North Germanic Old Norse of the Danish & Norwegian Viking settlers there over time merged with Old English into a completely restructured and now greatly simplified and analytical Germanic creole language that would eventually become Middle English - of course with a lot of borrowed Normanic / French & Latin words on top of this new Germanic language - a language that is even now often surprisingly more similar to its three very similar Scandinavian cousin languages with respect to its basic vocabulary and grammar than to its original West Germanic sibling languages Frisian, Dutch & Low German (from Saxon) - and with High German as a more remote half sibling.
      Do check out the brilliant video from Langfocus called "Viking Influence on the English Language", if you want to know about these deep astonishing linguistic links across the North Sea.

  • @erkaha55
    @erkaha55 3 месяца назад

    I would like to ask you: Do you as americans feel unsafe / unsecure living here in Denmark where you are not allowed to carry arms?
    US gun legislation would defintely be my no.1 thing to change…😢

    • @TravelinYoung
      @TravelinYoung  3 месяца назад

      It is a ridiculous stereotype to assume all Americans carry arms. I’ve never owned a gun nor was I around them for the 40+ years I lived in the US prior to moving to DK.

    • @erkaha55
      @erkaha55 3 месяца назад

      @@TravelinYoung My question was not a personal one - and in no way meant as to insult you. I'm sorry, if it did. I'm sure, that a lot of americans live without owning guns. But at the same time - isn't it true, that there are more guns i USA than there are people? And isn't it true, that guns causes more childdeaths than anything else - cancer, traffic etc.?
      I'm more interested in your everyday thoughts about living in a country, where guns are not legit amongst "ordinary" people. Almost every day we read about shootings somewhere in the US, and to me that seems scary - and something, I would think of if I lived over there..?

  • @NeutralPlacebo
    @NeutralPlacebo 17 дней назад

    accept that USA is not one country. it is no longer viable to run it as a country. divide it up.
    the original settlers came from england to usa, to be able to prosecute according to the people in a much harsher way than they could in england. that has been pervasive all through the development of usa. especially since most people do not realise or know that the constitution was written to keep power and wealth in the hands of the few. religion is the easiest way to channel this.