The wife who drove her son’s friend home and was gone for hours claiming she was tired and pulled over on the way home to sleep.Sounds like she had an affair.
story 1- I also live with chronic pain. its incredibly difficult. OPs wife seems like she has no empathy, and even tho she is an adult she is not acting like it. especially running to mommy to chew out her husband. BTW chronic pain can make you very irritable. why is it okay for OPs wife to mistreat him, but when OP cracks and immediately apologizes its the end of the world? honestly I don't think op is the AH. chronic pain is very difficult to live with and can massively impact mood. he apologized immediately, unlike his wife
Pregnant story: if this was happening four or five months into it, op would be the jerk. But the fact that she was doing this the moment she took the test, she is using her husband and op is not the jerk. You don’t get swollen feet and back problems an hour into being pregnant.
I had a rough pregnancy with my first. It started before I took the test. I thought I had a bad flu and styed in bed for a few days before getting it. For the first 2 months I had no energy and could barley keep anything down. Sometimes I would need to stop and rest half-way down the stairs because I couldn't make it in one go. One time my husband accused me of being dramatic while I was sitting on the stairs so I stood up and don't remember what happened immediately after, but we were on our way to the doctor within the hour. The next few months I had a fanny pack full of saltine crackers, water, prescription grade vitamin supplements, and more ginger than I ever want to see again. I really don't understand how humanity has survived as a species. If wife is really having this bad an experience, op needs to get her to a doctor. If she is milking it, she needs to grow up. Either way, something needs to give.
Story 1: Given that the behavior started the _moment_ she found out, she's using the pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy. I can understand her being tired and having cravings, but refusing to eat anything that's not home-cooked is a stretch, and everyone has their breaking point when you're whittling away at them.
If she's too sick to make a bologna sandwich she needs to be in a hospital or terminate the pregnancy. She obviously either has a serious health or mental health disability.
7:12 it’s always interesting to me that when a kid has avoidant/restrictive food disorder that the *only* foods they will eat are “super processed junk foods”. Doesn’t that imply that these kids were exposed to junk food very early and somehow accepted this as the standard they will accept?
I mean, when your kid refuses to eat most of things and has a super small list of foods they will eat, you try to offer them ANYTHING to make that list bigger. I see that a lot with autistic kids with sensory issues, parents are always trying to offer them anything because maybe this one will not trigger them. Also about processed junk food I think it might be related to it always tasting and feeling the exact same every time?
Story 13- The Brat Nephew and the spray bottle. Keep up the good work. Now- if the Sister tries to give in to her horrible brats tantrums- maybe you could spray her too? She may learn effective Parenting that way. I would refuse to have Nephew or Sister in the House until Sister stops neglecting her Parenting responsibilities by spoiling her child.
41:34 I am a carnivore. And considering the lack of respect that steak house has paid to her supposedly vegan meals in the past...? NTA. When you haven't eaten meat/dairy/eggs for long enough, consuming any can make you ill. I didn't notice how long she's been vegan, but I am sympathetic to having special dietary needs. I think it's ridiculous that they had to "clean the whole kitchen" to make her sad food option. There should be an area that was scrubbed well, the fresh ingredients for her meal assembled there, and well scrubbed cooking tools used to cook it. Still a lot of work, but not nearly as much.
Story 15: With OP paying fifty percent of all household expenses, it's effectively his house too. So the parents forcing him out of his room, and everyone trying to guilt trip him into being a free baby sitter just because he works from home is not okay. OP should move out and get away from all that emotional manipulation. The SIL is lazy and needy, and the brother is pathetic, but the real jerks here are the parents for showing blatant favoritism.
I really hate hearing about rainbow babies being treated like they can do no wrong and not being taught to respect people and their things. I thought the spray bottle was hilarious 🤣
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Must agree! Kids need to be raised not spoiled until they will be useless as adults. I finally got a child in my 40s. I was thrilled to finally have this precious boy! I gave him tons of love but I did not spoil him. He had consequences for being disobedient. I didn’t scream or yell. He simply learned that good behavior gave good consequences (rewards) and bad behavior gave bad consequences. He says as an adult now he is so happy I raised him that way.
It's a harmless method of educating this little brat I hate rainbow babies being treated like gods, I am one myself and nobody gives a shit about, as they should, because it means literally nothing special. I was just born.
Story 2: there is a very fine line between sex positive and public indecency and op's sister Cross the public indecency line that's not ok and op is NTA
That book club story: OP works for 6 days a week, and is kicked out of his home on the only two days he has for himself. They are NTA. Their partner, however, offered up their home without first discussing it with OP (it's OP's home too, they deserve a say in what happens in or to it).
18:49 That is utter bullshit that the ladies cannot host each other in turn. So the other women don't have to host because their husbands don't want to leave the house, So every single time of book club meets one single husband has to leave his house when he's already working 6 days a week. That is way too much to ask and completely unfair. I would absolutely have a spine in that situation and tell my wife absolutely not. He was super polite and helped her brainstorm and figure it out but she refused and that is not his fault. If the tables were turned and he did the same thing to her she would be pretty upset about it. A lady getting kicked out so the boys could meet for hours on end, EVERY WEEK on her only day off
Story 12 the husband is definitely abusive and doesn’t like that he can’t take control of his wife when she’s so close to her brother so he’s trying to gaslight him into believing it’s weird to care about and support her when it’s really not at all
I was thinking the exact same thing, it sounds like he’s super controlling and is only standing off being abusive because he knows he won’t get away with it and he’s trying to put a wedge between them and why couldn’t he do both? Why couldn’t he tell his mother they have an important appointment and he’s going to be a bit late? Also it’s a bit odd if it’s the first time he asked her to reschedule something I bet he’s doing it all the time both to get her in a routine of pandering to everything he says and to cause he stress when it comes to making arrangements as she’ll never know when he’s going to say no I’m not taking you I’m busy, I’m guessing it’s away to distance her from friends and family
I really feel for the ARFID kid. I work in eating disorder treatment and it’s a very complicated illness, and tends to stem from trauma. I hope he can find his way on the road to recovery.
I’d love to hear more about how small children develop this but seem to only accept fast food/processed food. I understand kids on the autism spectrum with sensitivities to textures etc, but it seems so odd that the foods that are acceptable are exclusively junk foods.
If spraying water at a cat and it learns then spraying water at a kid should do the same thing. I love it. If it works then OK by me. Small kids are basically little animals if they aren't trained to behave. Dogs are able to be trained to be civilized, human children should be easily trainable. We (humans) are basically just animals ourselves.
Story 14: NTA NTA. Plus.. If she pulled over on the route she was supposed to be driving, the police should have found her. I'm thinking she may not have been entirely honest about where she had been, and her reaction to her husband worrying about her is odd to me. I'm probably just reading too much into it, but it seems questionable.
Yeah, I think it's fair to be extremely skeptical about that one. Getting bad info on where you're going? Oh yeah, that happens. Grossly underestimating how long the new trip will take? Eh...okay. Brand new phone breaking down after it's been working perfectly all night? That seems fishy. Suddenly finding herself too tired to drive? Yes, that does happen sometimes, and yes, the responsible thing to do is take a nap. ALL of those things happening at the same time? My suspension of disbelief is very badly strained. But assuming all those things were true, she should have understood that her husband was being responsible in calling the cops. Getting ANGRY at him for being afraid when she suddenly vanished for a full night? Having the cops pull up to your job for you might be embarrassing, but explainable given the situation. Personally, the anger makes me think it was a fear reaction - fear of getting caught screwing around.
Re: lying about allergies: FUCK, NO. Consent matters; OP did not consent to receive what those assholes put on a plate for them. If it takes telling them you have allergies to get them to fucking DO THEIR GODDAMN JOBS and not put food in front of you that's NOT what they promised you, then so be it. It shouldn't have to BE a life-threatening allergy to get the chef to NOT USE BUTTER OR CHEESE when asked not to use them. We're not talking about him going, "Can you leave the meat out of a soup that's been cooking all day?" We're talking about "Can you just not sprinkle cheese on top of my meal?" How hard is it to NOT do something? It's literally the easiest thing in the world! OP wasn't expecting incredible meals, just something that was actually EDIBLE for them, and to not be jerked around. And it is fucking OUTRAGEOUS for that restaurant to have CHARGED EXTRA for doing what they are fucking legally required to do. Yes, that's right, they are LEGALLY REQUIRED to do that cleaning if someone says they have an allergy, and it's a basic cost of keeping their goddamn business license. They damn well should eat it, or go out of business, if they can't be bothered to understand basic fucking consent.
Thanks again for the stories. Hanging out with deceased wife's family. This is still child's family and was his family for many years. He is not doing anything wrong. She's just insecure. Book club, if it was an hour I can see him leaving. But 3-5 hours once a week is too much
Not even really an insecure thing necessarily. It's really awkward to go around family that isn't yours for some people. Let alone it being the family of he wife that died when you are the new wife.
In the teacher/bar waitress story whether she was the teacher sister or not isn’t even an issue. I taught public school for a while and trust me when I say that my fellow teachers were far from saints. They were wonderful at teaching! What they did in their private time was their business.
Right? Like what she’s not allowed to make extra money? Especially with the shit pay teachers get. I used to dance so I get annoyed when people judge others for what they do. Most of the women I worked with were either single mothers or students. And every one of them was hard working and responsible. Like sure you had a few bad eggs but not everyone who works in an industry that is vaguely sexual to straight up sex work is a trash person.
I worked & did housework up to time to deliver (both kids). I'm amazed that so many of the pregnant women in these stories can't handle being pregnant & need someone to take care of them.
it's one thing needing extra care when you're preganant (fyi everyone's pregnancies are different and yours may have been easier) but acting like an entitled princess is another thing. Let's not be so black and white about these things. I haven't heard of many women being this unreasonable, but they did require and should be entitled to extra support.
Story 1: NTA The man is in pain, he's the bread winner, he's now being expected to cook and clean and he gets home tired from a job that stressed him And what does the wife do? She complains about everything, she refuses to eat something that isn't home cooked, she asks him to do a shit ton of stuff This man must be miserable, I know I would be if I was him.
If your kid has an eating disorder, that sucks, but let's be clear here, the eating disorder does not give you the right to disrupt another families dinner and "use it as a teaching moment" for other people's kids. Take no for an answer, they have zero obligation or responsibility to alter their family dynamic to accommodate your special kids needs.
Story 14 - Um. Yeah, I can understand getting bad info on which town she was going to and having to quote a much later arrival time; or a new phone breaking down abruptly during a long drive; or grossly underestimating how long a long trip would take; OR suddenly finding oneself too sleepy to keep driving and having to pull over for a nap. All of those things happening at once...? I'm a little skeptical. That said, even assuming she's telling the full truth, she ought to understand that it was 100% the responsible thing for her husband to do when he called the cops on her being THAT late. And the fact that she got angry that her husband was afraid for her safety? That makes this whole thing smell ten times fishier.
Story 20 .... I can relate. I have a little sister who is an insufferable entitled stuck up little BLEEEEEEEEEEEP stay at my place once with her family. Her loser drug addict husband (now Ex) and their newborn. I have one bed in my house. ONE. Guess who slept on the sofa in his own house. Got guilt tripped into it because ma and pa wanted to spend time with the new grand kid. But their house gives my sis "allergy" problems..... SHE GREW UP IN THAT FUCKING HOUSE!!!!! Didn't seem to bother her then. She would spend all day at their place then sleep at mine And I Smoke in mine. You're telling me that a house that reeks of cigarette smoke from a pack a day smoker is better for you and a new born than a house that may have seen the sum total of 2 packs smoked in it in one room over the time span of 70 years? Bull.
Boyfriend time with family: op is a huge jerk. This guy lost his wife of ten years about less than a year ago and she thinks she can dictate how much time he spends with them?! This woman is delusional.
For the story of the spray bottle: NTA i would of done the exact same thing even shouting "NO BAD CHILD *sprays the entitled brat 3 times with the water* AWAY FROM YOUR UNCLES COOKIES >:D" so yeah i found it VERY damn funny that you whipped out the spray bottle so yeah i stand by the NTA judgement
story 14 reminded me of my own similar incident. my father was elderly and on dialisis, my mother was/is a klepto and crazy (dont know her diag.) and she had rules about going places on her own. 1) keep your phone on you and charged (car chargers a pleanty) 2) come back before dark 3) spending limit was 50usd. (she would stuff food and knick knacks into her purse or clothing to steal them, she is a klepto) 4) never, ever ignore our calls. if you let the first go due to driving, pull over to answer the call back. these rules were due to my father having strokes due to the dialisis, and her stealing a store blind. like buying 50 dollars of stuff but walking out with hundreds. (we were poor so we let it slide since most was foid stuffs. but our hallway, and three closets were filled with stolen clothing last i was there.) one night i was home sick as hell. my dad was sick too so i was taking care of him. this is 2013ish, so no rona. she needed to get us some cough medicine and tylenol for us. its about 4pm. she heads to a local chain store and my dad said to call her to get him some ice cream sammiches. i call at about 4:30pm. i fully expect her to be slow, as all of us are/were disabled. no answer. i wait three minutes and call again as we discussed. she picks up. i tell her, she says ok. i then tell her to be back by 5pm. which is easily doable. its 520pm and i call her. nothing. wait, call again. nothing. i wait the agreed 5 minutes, call..... nothing. well crap. i then call the store, no one matching that description, the vehicle isnt there, nothing. oh crap. call non emergency for wrecks along the path, all clear. i call the friend who works at the store, nobody there. well crap. my dad starts showing signs of a stroke (far off looks, demand his name and that he smile.) well f***. call ambulance, got it in time by luck, a free one was nearby. i give them a note to call me asap when he gets to the hospital. i grab his wallet, wait nervously. 8pm rolls around.... i get the keys to my dads old truck, check it can even run, then drive to the hospital. if i get pulled over, im sol. no liscense but i drive the best out of my household (mum would swerve into traffic to avoid manhole covers, dad couldnt drive at all.) make it to the hospital and call again. nothing. finally my mom calls me. im frantic and tell her. she had stopped at a dollar store between the big store and our house.... to steal hundreds of dollars of stuff. i tell her where we are at and say ill go back to put the rust bucket back in its divots. (no driveway, just yard parking.) she agrees, i drive home, we swap to her vehicle. im trying to calm down so i start singing softly. im not tonedeaf at least... but she slams into the breaks in the middle of the road. had it been earlier in the day, we woulda been in a wreck. she yells at me to shut up, i go through the motions to swap drivers as she is obviously a danger now. to finish this story, we had her committed for a month for evaluation, she got better. her meds needed to be adjusted. my father got real lucky. it was a huge stroke we got super early. so he recovered decently... but it wasnt the last stroke. due to stuff out of my control, i wasnt there for them for the three years leading up to my fathers death in 2017. last time i saw him tho (wasnt there for the funeral) he looked so emaciated and sickly. he didnt know my name, how many kids he had, nor what year it was. i blaim mother for it.
Story 1, nope, not a jerk, pregnancy is NOT an illness!!! I've been pregnant a few times, and yeah a couple were hard, 2 made mobility difficult but I still wouldn't expect my husband to do everything. During one of those pregnancies, at 34 weeks, we moved home and I was decorating and building furniture.
Good for you!! That's impressive! My feet were so swollen with my second child, but I still went up work until the day I was induced, and took care of my daughter. It was hard but pregnancy laziness isn't an excuse unless you have serious complications.
Piano Story: I’m assuming since OP didn’t specify that it was a keyboard, we’re talking about a “real” piano? They will be lucky if this instrument is not damaged beyond repair. I would think, even with using professional movers, moving a piano around just for the h*ll of it, could cause a lot of unintentional damage. And storing it in a garage??? I don’t know what their climate is, but I can’t imagine what a non-heated/cooled environment would do to a piano. Ugggh.
To the woman who didn't wanted her husband to walk his sister down the aisle -- it's up to the bride who walks her down the aisle. The bride can do it by herself. Her choice.
The heaviest I've been is 260. I wish I had someone like OP offer to help me when I was growing up. I'm 240 now. Still trying to lose weight but still it's hard but I appreciate what OP was trying to do
Yeah, except for possible morning sickness there's no real reason for wife to be so worn out so early! I had 2 kids and a full time job until I was 8 month's with my third. I did it all , the house, the kids, the cooking, laundry, clean8ng. Etc.
Piano story. This is illegal and police should be involved. I have something of yours and will not give it back until you give me what I want. . Theft is defined by depriving someone their property. Does not matter if you trashed it, sold it or are hiding it. The Piano is now stolen property. Anyone involved should be charged including the friend who has it . Furthermore handling such a fine instrument could cause damage. Hearing this story I will assume they did not pay a professional to move it, therefore there will be damage that will cost between hundreds to thousands of dollars in repairs. At least the cost of a professional tuning to the instrument
I'm sorry, but I did all the cooking and cleaning while pregnant - even with my fourth. My water broke while I was vacuuming. The first guy is by no means a jerk, but could have saved himself some trouble. Be sensitive when necessary, because there are legitimate times for that, but be careful that women (pregnant or otherwise) don't get to blow smoke up your a**.
There is no reason that a real book club can't be rotated if it's that inconvenient to a singular host. There is more to this book club than meets the eye.
Story 1. I am sorry but I am a female and that is bs! She needs to learn that just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you stop doing stuff. Housework can be great gentle exercise for pregnant women, I mean light cleaning and not carrying a hoover btw. My mom didn't have anyone to help her, she should be glad her husband is there for her and respect they have shit to deal with too!
Story 17 - Eh, maybe going a bit far in saying the allergy is life-threatening; but any restaurant that HAS vegan stuff available, like a place with pasta and fruit, REALLY shouldn't have a serious problem making the food vegan in most cases. Things like 'accidentally putting parmesan on top and then mixing it into the sauce to hide it' rather than remake the dish isn't a mistake - that's FLAGRANT disrespect towards the customer, very possibly dipping into the territory of outright hostility. Don't get me wrong, I work at a restaurant that is NOT known for its vegan options, and we snicker a little when vegans choose to eat here, but jokes about the vegetables being cooked in pork broth aside, we do take it seriously when it comes up. Checking the ingredients list for vegan alternatives is as simple as reading from a pre-printed list. We just inform them that there are trace amounts of non-vegan stuff everywhere, and they're fine with it. Just, you know, no cheese or bacon on the salad. It's about 2-3 minutes of extra hassle to find something vegan, and virtually no extra effort on the cooks' parts. Not that hard. And I get that for some places it will be harder, but in the case of those places, they have every right to say, "I'm sorry, we literally do not have ANYTHING readily available that is 100% vegan. But if you'd like to bring your own meal from home or somewhere else, that's totally fine."
Piano story: ABSOLUTELY not the ahole, OP should remind them that pianos are usually EXPENSIVE and that if the piano suffered any damage it will be expensive to repair. OP should also tell their mother that just because they were GUESTS in OP’s house does NOT mean they are allowed to STEAL OP’S PIANO!
Story 1: NTA. Act like a child and get treated like a child. OP has already stated that he has medical issues (that I'm sure the wife is aware of) and was having a flareup. If the wife wants a home cooked mean she can cook it herself today. Pregnancy does not make one invalid. Yes there are some pregnancies that are high risk and can limit what you can do, but making yourself something to eat or basic cleaning up after yourself is not difficult. Story 2: NTA. At the bare minimum…WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IN SOMEONE ELSE’S CAR?! Story 3: Everyone sucks here. You can see both sides of the story, maybe wait until the kids are a little older. Story 4: TA. He married into that family before he met OP and considers them family and Op is trying to separate him from his family. Story 5: I agree with the dad. Op was nice twice and after that, piss off. Story 6: NTA. Yea the boyfriend’s parents sound horrible. You invite someone into your home and house them as a guest. Unless notified upfront, you shouldn’t be asked to pay for food and housing. And the fact that the first thing they ask you if ‘do you have drugs’ like wth? Story 7: The wife is TA. If you are planning to have meeting with people invited into your home that you share with your partner, you need to sit down and discuss that. The fact that the wife didn’t and just basically demanded that Op leave is not cool. He shouldn’t have to leave his home for this. And the fact that he agreed to help them rent a place and was denied just shows how stubborn and selfish the wife is. Story 8: TA. You are being unreasonable. As already stated, the relationship with the dad is just now starting to be repaired, but it hasn’t yet. Obviously the brother was there for her more than the dad, so why would you give that honor to the guy that wasn’t there for you. Story 9: NTA. I agree with you mom. Your money and you can do with it what you want. I would advise going low contact with the step-sister/father once you go to uni. Story 10: TA …playing favourites Story 11: Not necessarily TA. There could have been a better way to say that. Story 12: NTA. You sister is asking for help and as the older sibling you help her. The fact that the husband thought that his mom’s birthday was more important than his wife and kid is telling. And if I’m not mistaken, these appointments are hard to schedule anyway. Like he could have attended the appointment and went to the party later. I’d be concern about his priorities in the future. Story 13: NTA. Op should have responded “act like an animal be treated as one”. Just because you had a rainbow baby, it does not absolve you from teaching and discipling your kids. Op should have sprayed the sister too. Story 14: NTA. More likely she is cheating. I would rethink that relationship. Story 15: NTA. Op needs to move ASAP. The entire situation is messed up. Your parents have already shown that they think less of you. You have had to adjust your live, unwillingly, and be forced to cater to your siblings. You were made to give up your own room, even when you are paying rent and utilities in the house where those siblings do not. Save yourself and let the rest of them sleep in the graves they’ve built.
I didn't hear the part that he had a medical condition I wonder what it was. my boyfriend cooked an cleaned for me when he found out I was pregnant the first meal he made for me was just a bunch of beans and rice with spices. I was high risk from having 2 previous miscarriages an early bleeding.
also before we knew I was high risk from doctor appointments, the smell of chemicals was horrible I could smell everything the day of conception, an I was super tired. but I hate how he blamed my hormones on me mom died that same month before I was pregnant she was my best friend that is a reason to cry hard
It is an honor to walk a bride down the aisle. The bride knows who she wants to honor in that way. It can be anyone, friend, family, or foe. The girlfriend is jealous and wants to be the bride.
#1 NOT the jerk! She’s pregnant not dead! And 🖕🏻 the pregnant one in the last story. FFS I cooked, cleaned, worked etc when I was pregnant …… damn people these days think they are so entitled
Story 4: His wife died, you have no "competition", why are pressed? It's not like he's spending a ton of time with an ex, he's just having a good time with people he considers friends or even family, people he is close too and with whom he shares a past with the woman he had a relationship before, his late wife. Why are you jealous OP? You've even been invited to go with him, he doesn't neglect you, you said it yourself You're butthurt over nothing.
The book club is a bitch session. My cousin, niece, friend and I had ceramics class every Thursday night. My friend's husband stayed upstairs or in the barn, we stayed in the basement. It was our bitch session or if someone had a problem we would discuss it there. It also worked as a stress relief and my niece knew she could discuss anything with us. What was said at ceramics stayed at ceramics.
I've gone to eat with my best friends family every year for twenty years. They have always asked if anyone can donate money to compensate for Thanksgiving but it's not required. No one has ever had a problem giving and its always asked before Thanksgiving.
In the first story. The wife immediately quit her job when she got pregnant. It was her job clean the house and to make a meal.. that guy needs to look at this relationship and think if this is really where he wants to be in 30 years
The first story I feel like op isnt the ah because he says as soon as she found out she was pregnant she quit her job and everything and it seems like she was only a few months along at most. Being a few months pregnant doesnt mean you are disabled and cant do anything at all. I feel like she is using the pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy
Bf with ex's family story OP is in a situation that goes not as natural. When you get a BF/GF your partner usually starts trying to meet and befriend your family. OP is dating a widow and expects him to not have the same attachments as someone single. Her BF has a relationship with his late wife's family that he can't just abandon. Her GF is meant to try and make a good relationship with OP's family but OP kinda expects he instantly treats her family judt like the late wife's
Story 19 (holiday plates): If having paper plates or cheap white plates are not a big deal, OP should have offered to buy the plates and bring them himself. You cannot make everyone bend over backwards for your new girlfriend they do not know, to "make her feel welcome". It goes both ways. And if it's so cheap, that would make the most sense for you to be responsible for that. If you do get a more permanent plastic set or something you could keep it in a tote for ANY gathering where the cutlery is in question.
I am a mom of 3 And lemme tell you Some of these AITA stories about pregnant women, sounds to me like, on the day the woman find out she is pregnant, she reads every post and every book about ''HOW'' she should ''act'', what she should say, complain about, have a ''craving'' for, and sometimes from some of these stories I can actually see these women, rubbing their hands together gleefully thinking, yeah, yeahhh , now it is MY time to shine, I am SOOO going to be the queen, the ruler of all, and milk it for all I can, and even after that, I will milk it a little more I had to be consulted by a SPECIALIST ONLY, for my 3rd pregnancy and never once did I act like most of the stories I read on here Those poor guys The OTHER baby story I had NO problem asking my partner to buy baby things BEFORE I ran out of it days earlier, or taking the baby to the shop with me once they awakened from their naps, ESPECIALLY, because with my first one, I found myself in the same situation as the brother/sil of the OP, whereby, when I announced my pregnancy, the person who was staying home (back then.. our living situation was more or less the same) declared that they would NOT be looking after the baby at all... I was not angry, just knew that, I willingly chose to carry that baby for 9 months, and I cannot force my child on someone who made their intentions clear, I was and still not THAT entitled, because THIS, is entitled behavior, to EXPECT others to coo and fawn over the baby and just take care of him or her, whenever you ask/demand it of them NO, just no A baby is a precious gift to the parents, maybe grandparents, but expectations of everyone wanting to help take care of the baby is entitlement at best.... our baby, your responsibility unless others offers their help, time and cash It is not normal to EXPECT, just because you HAD A BABY... nooo, nope no..stop it!! The babysitter story At 6 and 8 years old, children are at the very least old enough to have been taught, the basic mannerism For example, if something is not yours , you do not touch it, without the explicit permission of the owner, if that rule is broken there would be consequences Y'all think only teenagers likes to test the boundaries of their independence or what they can get away with?? without consequences???
Honestly I'm confused at this youtuber's opinions regarding the pregnant stories... On Story 1, they say that the OP was TA for being tired after their work and yeling once(then apologising a ton) at their SO. On Story 23 however, the OP is apparently NTA for yelling at their sister for eating the dinner. I am female and was never pregnant, but pregnancy doesn't give you the right to be mean and inconsiderate to your family(/partner)... Honestly, I find interesting how the narrative changed nowdays: before, the females had to clean and cook no matter what(mostly even if they had a job as well); now the guys have to clean and cook for the pregnant wife? Tbh, I think a job&housework should be divided between partners(every pair can have it differently of course) and they should communicate about it. Meaning if both partners have a job, they should divide the housework so one of them isn't "doing more". If one of them doesn't have a job, they should communicate about the second partner doing more at home instead etc.
Story 17 not the asshole. The restaurant has fucked up on numerous occasions and yet the family still insist on going there even tho they know this restaurant doesn’t take their customers requests seriously. OP was just looking out for themselves to make sure they weren’t fed something that could make them sick, because not eating any animal products for a long time then eating it again can get you really sick; if anything it’s fucked up that they felt the need to have to lie about an allergy to have them take it seriously even if you have an allergy you shouldn’t have to disclose it for a restaurant to make accommodations. And the fee to clean the whole ass restaurant?? Sounds like they’re just trying to scam them out of $200; it’s not that hard to make something in a clean pot where there won’t be cross contamination, that makes me wonder how clean the kitchen is typically kept
The first OP is not the jerk. Anyone who does not have chronic pain, especially severe chronic pain such as sciatica or other pinched nerves, cannot possibly know the toll it takes on your mental health, knowing that nothing you do is going to stop that pain. I think OP is the saint for being as patient as he was for so long, though he could have tried to talk to his wife sooner. She was being a spoiled, entitled brat, pregnancy or no, not giving any consideration to how bad he must be feeling. And then to go run home to Mommy? Obviously she doesn't know how to be an adult.
story 17: sure going to a steak house and asking for vegan options isnt very smart, but saying something is vegan and then serving something that isnt is illegal and no laughing matter. what if she really was highly allergic? she could have thought, ok its vegan so those things cant be in there, turns out they are and now someones choking on their swollen throat
PDA story: NTA! There's a time and a place. In someone else's car backseat as passengers going home from a wake is neither. I'm also certain a large percentage of their sex talk/actions around Zara is done simply to embarrass her simply because they don't respect any other sort of lifestyle. I'm feel confident they wouldn't behave that way in a public space where they could be arrested for it. ARFID story: YTA! Sorry OP, buy YOU try to tell a bunch of kids THEY can't have McDonald's while a cousin can just because he's a "picky eater". You want to start a riot? What it boils down to is you get if for everyone or you don't go to family meals. The only other real option is to invite them to your place, but everyone gets the same "safe" meal. I do feel sorry for your son, I hope he's able to work thru this eventually. Dead wife's family story: YTA! So you feel your bf should cut his 3 year old son off from his mother's family, and them from him? Think about that for a minute. If/when you have a child and something should happen to you, would you want that child cut off from his grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins on your side of the family because a new gf was uncomfortable about it? Yes, it's EXACTLY the same thing. Don't be surprised when your bf drops you if you can't be more understanding/supportive! Paying for meal at bf's parents home story: WTF??? NTA! OP, at the very least your bf should have warned you about this. In fact, he should have offered to pay for you if his parents were going to insist on being paid! It's one thing to ask others to help pay in advance for a planned event, it's quite another to tell an INVITED GUEST they have to pay for their meal in a private home as a guest at the time of the meal. I wonder if they offer to pay host families when they eat over at someone else's home or if they "take advantage" of the generosity? (Unless their friends all do the same as them.) On a different note, I really don't have a problem with them having you and your (ex?) bf in separate rooms.
Husbands should not have to leave their homes! If the other ladies are not willing to offer up their homes than they can rent a room in the library. Public libraries have rooms that you can rent for meetings.
Story 17: I'm not a fan of OP lying, but they didnt ask for anything special. A salad can be made with oil and vinegar dressing. You can cook vegetables without animal products. If you don't have the products, you have to disclose that. It doesnt matter if OP was allergic or not - secretly being served something that you specifically asked not to be served can be grounds for a lawsuit. Imagine someone ordering a kosher or halal meal to find pig in it. If she were a Jain, she'd have legal protection, but because vegans aren't taken seriously, our ethical concerns aren't protected by law. I dont know what would've been the best course of action here, but it is never acceptable to feed a guest something they dont want. OP was protecting herself ESH/NTA
Also, a wedding dinner is different to a normal customer. The restaurant gets paid out the ass, they could've gotten her a proper meal, it's not that difficult. Spaghetti, tomato sauce with some veg, done. It's disrespectful to guests to serve them something like this if you have the chance to prepare. OP didnt _have_ an allergy, bit the restaurant _believed_ she did and the meal they served her was basically them saying she can get fucked because after all the effort put into the cleaning they still couldn't be arsed to make a proper dish
Story 14: so, without telling you anything, she just pulled over on the side of the road to sleep for hours and her new phone, which worked fine up to now, magically stopped working. All while she was picking up the son of a male friend. Bullshit. You're being played dude. If I were you, I'd have a lot closer look at this "friend" of hers.
Story 2- there is a child involved, if you are insecure of dead women you have your own issues. If you think that relationship has any longevity you would have to get to know and at least be civil with the other side of your potential stepchild family. You can’t come into a family that has suffered a loss and just think you can fill the spot and erase the mother, who had sadly passed. Story 6: the only time I’ve been asked to help pay for a meal outside of a restaurant is at an aunt’s Memorial Day crawfish boil. It’s a weekend get together with extended family. Crawfish and all the fixings. Not to mention an additional eat out meal after church the next day. It makes sense to me as this is an annual thing and crawfish for 30+ people can get expensive for one person to cover. But just a single person coming over for dinner is absurd.
I have really bad food allergies, and can't eat at lot of the places where family want to go. I normally eat before hand, and just have drinks or tea. It's a little awkward. But it's easier than risking health or driving kitchen staff up the wall
Story 2 reminds me of a story where someone found out the choker their mother wore was part of her (very unhealthy, never ending) BDSM role play with her husband. The kid grew up watching their mother be abused by the father in the name of “consensual sex”. Bringing other people but especially kids into your sexcapades is never okay, and getting it on in someone else’s car, especially when you KNOW that person is uncomfortable with PDA, is disgusting. OP and their partner aren’t the AH.
Oh hell No! Everyone is not the jerk. The wife is pregnant with a normal pregnancy and not working or caring for the home. OP is working overtime and living with chronic pain. The wife is beyond the AH!!!
Story 1. Pregnancy isn't a disability, though some act like it is. OP's wife is fortunate to not work during pregnancy. She is taking full advantage of it.
Exactly especially when her husband is cleaning and cooking most days after work, it’s embarrassing she felt the need to tell the females in the family over something so trivial
Story two is not about having a sex positive outlook. Those two have become exhibitionists and that sister is just plain mean and rude. Being more private with one’s sexuality is neither good nor bad. It is, however, nothing to make fun of.
Story 1: I had a rough pregnancy with my first. It started before I took the test. I thought I had a bad flu and styed in bed for a few days before getting it. For the first 2 months I had no energy and could barley keep anything down. Sometimes I would need to stop and rest half-way down the stairs because I couldn't make it in one go. One time my husband accused me of being dramatic while I was sitting on the stairs so I stood up and don't remember what happened immediately after, but we were on our way to the doctor within the hour. The next few months I had a fanny pack full of saltine crackers, water, prescription grade vitamin supplements, and more ginger than I ever want to see again. I really don't understand how humanity has survived as a species. If wife is really having this bad an experience, op needs to get her to a doctor. If she is milking it, she needs to grow up. Either way, something needs to give.
The making out in the car story: OP wasn't the a-hole. How much of a freak is the sister if she's going to have sex in the same car as a sibling? Wouldn't that be a felony in some states? She would have ended up with having to register as a sex offender if the cops had pulled the car over while she and hubby were going at it.
Story 13: you know humans are animals. Sure “animals” aren’t able to communicate/think like us but we are still considered animals. So we can train kids like we train animals.
Story 16: The babysitter should pay. Legally speaking, she took on the responsibility for the kids, so whatever happens, she is responsible. Teenager or not. I mean, if she was watching them, and one got hit by a car after running into traffic, would you still think the mother was responsible? I wouldn't. I would blame the one left in charge. Your job is to watch the kids.
Pregnancy is no excuse to act like that. If she was really far along that would be a little more understandable, but the fact that this started immediately after she peed on the stick. There are women still working at 8months and her husband is in pain and still working so she can stay home. You are not The AH let her go and let her mother take all that unnecessary whining and laziness. She'll be back as soon as her mother gets tired of her 😂. Stop using pregnancy as a excuse to act like a big AH.
Story 1, sorry but NTA. You don't get every crappy pregnancy symptom in the book minutes after a positive test. Wife is being hella dramatic. And if MIL is so uppity about OP hitting his limits, then she can march her butt down and baby her 5 minutes pregnant daughter. Stop it. She's about to be a single mom if she doesn't pull her head out her bum. And if she thinks it's soooooo hard being pregnant ans needs constant catering to, she's gonna have a blast dealing with a newborn. Small aside, I do realize growing an entire human inside your own body is, indeed, a lot of work. But most of that comes after a couple months at least lol. Wife's pee test is still wet practically. She ain't even done anything yet.
“Rainbow babies” grow up to be some of the worst members of society. Parents are so thrilled that they finally had a kid that all common sense, boundaries, rules, and actual parenting goes out the window. Being this way is not beneficial to ANYONE.
Story 1 So OP is an asshole for snapping at his (let's be honest) lazy wife, because she can't cook for herself? OP is in the wrong for being thin-skinned after 10 hours of work while he is in chronic pain? Can we please flip the genders here? If a guy was at home all day because of a health issue and expected his wife to do the cooking and cleaning, after her she worked for 10 hours and her being in chronic pain, people would call him a deadbeat and a manbaby! Also calling someone a "mysoginistic c*nt" is just the peak of irony!
49:20 I feel bad for the girlfriend who has ocd so bad that it impacts so much of her life. The idea of patterns on plates being triggering makes me sad for her. I imagine it make it hard to go through the world like this.
The wife who drove her son’s friend home and was gone for hours claiming she was tired and pulled over on the way home to sleep.Sounds like she had an affair.
story 1- I also live with chronic pain. its incredibly difficult. OPs wife seems like she has no empathy, and even tho she is an adult she is not acting like it. especially running to mommy to chew out her husband. BTW chronic pain can make you very irritable. why is it okay for OPs wife to mistreat him, but when OP cracks and immediately apologizes its the end of the world? honestly I don't think op is the AH. chronic pain is very difficult to live with and can massively impact mood. he apologized immediately, unlike his wife
Simple pregnant women should be treated as if they have the same maturity as the foetus 🤷
Sex positive is one thing. Making out in front of non-consenting people sounds more like some kind of sexual harassment.
On the way to a wake, no less.
And the fact that they were on the way to a funeral is crazy
Pregnant story: if this was happening four or five months into it, op would be the jerk. But the fact that she was doing this the moment she took the test, she is using her husband and op is not the jerk. You don’t get swollen feet and back problems an hour into being pregnant.
I had a rough pregnancy with my first. It started before I took the test. I thought I had a bad flu and styed in bed for a few days before getting it. For the first 2 months I had no energy and could barley keep anything down. Sometimes I would need to stop and rest half-way down the stairs because I couldn't make it in one go. One time my husband accused me of being dramatic while I was sitting on the stairs so I stood up and don't remember what happened immediately after, but we were on our way to the doctor within the hour.
The next few months I had a fanny pack full of saltine crackers, water, prescription grade vitamin supplements, and more ginger than I ever want to see again. I really don't understand how humanity has survived as a species.
If wife is really having this bad an experience, op needs to get her to a doctor. If she is milking it, she needs to grow up. Either way, something needs to give.
Story 1: Given that the behavior started the _moment_ she found out, she's using the pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy. I can understand her being tired and having cravings, but refusing to eat anything that's not home-cooked is a stretch, and everyone has their breaking point when you're whittling away at them.
I wonder who is expected to cook that meal.
If she's too sick to make a bologna sandwich she needs to be in a hospital or terminate the pregnancy. She obviously either has a serious health or mental health disability.
Lol love how this got so many likes
Exactly he was offering an alternative and the fact she felt the need to contact the females in the family is just embarrassing
7:12 it’s always interesting to me that when a kid has avoidant/restrictive food disorder that the *only* foods they will eat are “super processed junk foods”. Doesn’t that imply that these kids were exposed to junk food very early and somehow accepted this as the standard they will accept?
I mean, when your kid refuses to eat most of things and has a super small list of foods they will eat, you try to offer them ANYTHING to make that list bigger. I see that a lot with autistic kids with sensory issues, parents are always trying to offer them anything because maybe this one will not trigger them. Also about processed junk food I think it might be related to it always tasting and feeling the exact same every time?
Story 13- The Brat Nephew and the spray bottle. Keep up the good work. Now- if the Sister tries to give in to her horrible brats tantrums- maybe you could spray her too? She may learn effective Parenting that way. I would refuse to have Nephew or Sister in the House until Sister stops neglecting her Parenting responsibilities by spoiling her child.
I am a carnivore.
And considering the lack of respect that steak house has paid to her supposedly vegan meals in the past...? NTA. When you haven't eaten meat/dairy/eggs for long enough, consuming any can make you ill. I didn't notice how long she's been vegan, but I am sympathetic to having special dietary needs.
I think it's ridiculous that they had to "clean the whole kitchen" to make her sad food option. There should be an area that was scrubbed well, the fresh ingredients for her meal assembled there, and well scrubbed cooking tools used to cook it. Still a lot of work, but not nearly as much.
Story 15: With OP paying fifty percent of all household expenses, it's effectively his house too. So the parents forcing him out of his room, and everyone trying to guilt trip him into being a free baby sitter just because he works from home is not okay. OP should move out and get away from all that emotional manipulation. The SIL is lazy and needy, and the brother is pathetic, but the real jerks here are the parents for showing blatant favoritism.
That one made me so mad to listen to. Even if he didn’t pay bills and rent he shouldn’t have to be responsible for other people’s actions.
Spraying the kid was genius. I love doing stuff like that.
I really hate hearing about rainbow babies being treated like they can do no wrong and not being taught to respect people and their things. I thought the spray bottle was hilarious 🤣
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Must agree! Kids need to be raised not spoiled until they will be useless as adults. I finally got a child in my 40s. I was thrilled to finally have this precious boy! I gave him tons of love but I did not spoil him. He had consequences for being disobedient. I didn’t scream or yell. He simply learned that good behavior gave good consequences (rewards) and bad behavior gave bad consequences. He says as an adult now he is so happy I raised him that way.
It's a harmless method of educating this little brat
I hate rainbow babies being treated like gods, I am one myself and nobody gives a shit about, as they should, because it means literally nothing special. I was just born.
I’ve got a dairy allergy, the amount of times I say “no dairy” and then I get itchy is incredible.
Story 2: there is a very fine line between sex positive and public indecency and op's sister Cross the public indecency line that's not ok and op is NTA
That book club story: OP works for 6 days a week, and is kicked out of his home on the only two days he has for himself. They are NTA. Their partner, however, offered up their home without first discussing it with OP (it's OP's home too, they deserve a say in what happens in or to it).
What are they doing for 3-5 hrs? They are not talking about books and even if they are gossiping that’s way too long.
Story 9 cracked me up. Stepsis has HUGE balls to even ask.
18:49 That is utter bullshit that the ladies cannot host each other in turn. So the other women don't have to host because their husbands don't want to leave the house, So every single time of book club meets one single husband has to leave his house when he's already working 6 days a week. That is way too much to ask and completely unfair. I would absolutely have a spine in that situation and tell my wife absolutely not. He was super polite and helped her brainstorm and figure it out but she refused and that is not his fault. If the tables were turned and he did the same thing to her she would be pretty upset about it. A lady getting kicked out so the boys could meet for hours on end, EVERY WEEK on her only day off
Story 12 the husband is definitely abusive and doesn’t like that he can’t take control of his wife when she’s so close to her brother so he’s trying to gaslight him into believing it’s weird to care about and support her when it’s really not at all
I was thinking the exact same thing, it sounds like he’s super controlling and is only standing off being abusive because he knows he won’t get away with it and he’s trying to put a wedge between them and why couldn’t he do both? Why couldn’t he tell his mother they have an important appointment and he’s going to be a bit late? Also it’s a bit odd if it’s the first time he asked her to reschedule something I bet he’s doing it all the time both to get her in a routine of pandering to everything he says and to cause he stress when it comes to making arrangements as she’ll never know when he’s going to say no I’m not taking you I’m busy, I’m guessing it’s away to distance her from friends and family
Story 14: sounds like she’s cheating or hiding something from you OP. If I was op I be looking into a PI & divorce lawyer
There's a update to that one! She stole his credit card and racked up 1500 bucks. Then gaslighted him and they are breaking up.
@@DXAB91 oh wow
Homegirl cheated...omg she was sleepy or it was rainy ...ahh triggeredd lol
ok, the spray bottle thing is brilliant! if you don't parent your kid, then you can't complain when someone else does it for you.
I really feel for the ARFID kid. I work in eating disorder treatment and it’s a very complicated illness, and tends to stem from trauma. I hope he can find his way on the road to recovery.
I’d love to hear more about how small children develop this but seem to only accept fast food/processed food.
I understand kids on the autism spectrum with sensitivities to textures etc, but it seems so odd that the foods that are acceptable are exclusively junk foods.
If spraying water at a cat and it learns then spraying water at a kid should do the same thing. I love it. If it works then OK by me. Small kids are basically little animals if they aren't trained to behave. Dogs are able to be trained to be civilized, human children should be easily trainable. We (humans) are basically just animals ourselves.
Story 14: NTA NTA. Plus.. If she pulled over on the route she was supposed to be driving, the police should have found her. I'm thinking she may not have been entirely honest about where she had been, and her reaction to her husband worrying about her is odd to me.
I'm probably just reading too much into it, but it seems questionable.
Yeah, I think it's fair to be extremely skeptical about that one. Getting bad info on where you're going? Oh yeah, that happens. Grossly underestimating how long the new trip will take? Eh...okay. Brand new phone breaking down after it's been working perfectly all night? That seems fishy. Suddenly finding herself too tired to drive? Yes, that does happen sometimes, and yes, the responsible thing to do is take a nap.
ALL of those things happening at the same time? My suspension of disbelief is very badly strained. But assuming all those things were true, she should have understood that her husband was being responsible in calling the cops. Getting ANGRY at him for being afraid when she suddenly vanished for a full night? Having the cops pull up to your job for you might be embarrassing, but explainable given the situation. Personally, the anger makes me think it was a fear reaction - fear of getting caught screwing around.
Re: lying about allergies: FUCK, NO. Consent matters; OP did not consent to receive what those assholes put on a plate for them. If it takes telling them you have allergies to get them to fucking DO THEIR GODDAMN JOBS and not put food in front of you that's NOT what they promised you, then so be it. It shouldn't have to BE a life-threatening allergy to get the chef to NOT USE BUTTER OR CHEESE when asked not to use them. We're not talking about him going, "Can you leave the meat out of a soup that's been cooking all day?" We're talking about "Can you just not sprinkle cheese on top of my meal?" How hard is it to NOT do something? It's literally the easiest thing in the world! OP wasn't expecting incredible meals, just something that was actually EDIBLE for them, and to not be jerked around. And it is fucking OUTRAGEOUS for that restaurant to have CHARGED EXTRA for doing what they are fucking legally required to do. Yes, that's right, they are LEGALLY REQUIRED to do that cleaning if someone says they have an allergy, and it's a basic cost of keeping their goddamn business license. They damn well should eat it, or go out of business, if they can't be bothered to understand basic fucking consent.
Thanks again for the stories. Hanging out with deceased wife's family. This is still child's family and was his family for many years. He is not doing anything wrong. She's just insecure. Book club, if it was an hour I can see him leaving. But 3-5 hours once a week is too much
Not even really an insecure thing necessarily. It's really awkward to go around family that isn't yours for some people. Let alone it being the family of he wife that died when you are the new wife.
In the teacher/bar waitress story whether she was the teacher sister or not isn’t even an issue. I taught public school for a while and trust me when I say that my fellow teachers were far from saints. They were wonderful at teaching! What they did in their private time was their business.
Right? Like what she’s not allowed to make extra money? Especially with the shit pay teachers get. I used to dance so I get annoyed when people judge others for what they do. Most of the women I worked with were either single mothers or students. And every one of them was hard working and responsible. Like sure you had a few bad eggs but not everyone who works in an industry that is vaguely sexual to straight up sex work is a trash person.
I worked & did housework up to time to deliver (both kids). I'm amazed that so many of the pregnant women in these stories can't handle being pregnant & need someone to take care of them.
it's one thing needing extra care when you're preganant (fyi everyone's pregnancies are different and yours may have been easier) but acting like an entitled princess is another thing. Let's not be so black and white about these things. I haven't heard of many women being this unreasonable, but they did require and should be entitled to extra support.
Story 1: NTA
The man is in pain, he's the bread winner, he's now being expected to cook and clean and he gets home tired from a job that stressed him
And what does the wife do? She complains about everything, she refuses to eat something that isn't home cooked, she asks him to do a shit ton of stuff
This man must be miserable, I know I would be if I was him.
If your kid has an eating disorder, that sucks, but let's be clear here, the eating disorder does not give you the right to disrupt another families dinner and "use it as a teaching moment" for other people's kids. Take no for an answer, they have zero obligation or responsibility to alter their family dynamic to accommodate your special kids needs.
Last story: NTA, being pregnant is not a free ticket to act out, and do what the heck u want at another person's expense
Story 14 - Um. Yeah, I can understand getting bad info on which town she was going to and having to quote a much later arrival time; or a new phone breaking down abruptly during a long drive; or grossly underestimating how long a long trip would take; OR suddenly finding oneself too sleepy to keep driving and having to pull over for a nap. All of those things happening at once...? I'm a little skeptical. That said, even assuming she's telling the full truth, she ought to understand that it was 100% the responsible thing for her husband to do when he called the cops on her being THAT late. And the fact that she got angry that her husband was afraid for her safety? That makes this whole thing smell ten times fishier.
Story 20 .... I can relate. I have a little sister who is an insufferable entitled stuck up little BLEEEEEEEEEEEP stay at my place once with her family. Her loser drug addict husband (now Ex) and their newborn. I have one bed in my house. ONE. Guess who slept on the sofa in his own house. Got guilt tripped into it because ma and pa wanted to spend time with the new grand kid. But their house gives my sis "allergy" problems..... SHE GREW UP IN THAT FUCKING HOUSE!!!!! Didn't seem to bother her then. She would spend all day at their place then sleep at mine And I Smoke in mine. You're telling me that a house that reeks of cigarette smoke from a pack a day smoker is better for you and a new born than a house that may have seen the sum total of 2 packs smoked in it in one room over the time span of 70 years? Bull.
Boyfriend time with family: op is a huge jerk. This guy lost his wife of ten years about less than a year ago and she thinks she can dictate how much time he spends with them?! This woman is delusional.
For the story of the spray bottle: NTA i would of done the exact same thing even shouting "NO BAD CHILD *sprays the entitled brat 3 times with the water* AWAY FROM YOUR UNCLES COOKIES >:D" so yeah i found it VERY damn funny that you whipped out the spray bottle so yeah i stand by the NTA judgement
story 14 reminded me of my own similar incident.
my father was elderly and on dialisis, my mother was/is a klepto and crazy (dont know her diag.) and she had rules about going places on her own.
1) keep your phone on you and charged (car chargers a pleanty)
2) come back before dark
3) spending limit was 50usd. (she would stuff food and knick knacks into her purse or clothing to steal them, she is a klepto)
4) never, ever ignore our calls. if you let the first go due to driving, pull over to answer the call back.
these rules were due to my father having strokes due to the dialisis, and her stealing a store blind. like buying 50 dollars of stuff but walking out with hundreds. (we were poor so we let it slide since most was foid stuffs. but our hallway, and three closets were filled with stolen clothing last i was there.)
one night i was home sick as hell. my dad was sick too so i was taking care of him. this is 2013ish, so no rona.
she needed to get us some cough medicine and tylenol for us. its about 4pm. she heads to a local chain store and my dad said to call her to get him some ice cream sammiches. i call at about 4:30pm. i fully expect her to be slow, as all of us are/were disabled.
no answer. i wait three minutes and call again as we discussed. she picks up. i tell her, she says ok. i then tell her to be back by 5pm. which is easily doable.
its 520pm and i call her. nothing. wait, call again. nothing. i wait the agreed 5 minutes, call..... nothing. well crap. i then call the store, no one matching that description, the vehicle isnt there, nothing.
oh crap. call non emergency for wrecks along the path, all clear. i call the friend who works at the store, nobody there.
well crap. my dad starts showing signs of a stroke (far off looks, demand his name and that he smile.) well f***. call ambulance, got it in time by luck, a free one was nearby. i give them a note to call me asap when he gets to the hospital. i grab his wallet, wait nervously. 8pm rolls around....
i get the keys to my dads old truck, check it can even run, then drive to the hospital. if i get pulled over, im sol. no liscense but i drive the best out of my household (mum would swerve into traffic to avoid manhole covers, dad couldnt drive at all.) make it to the hospital and call again. nothing.
finally my mom calls me. im frantic and tell her. she had stopped at a dollar store between the big store and our house.... to steal hundreds of dollars of stuff. i tell her where we are at and say ill go back to put the rust bucket back in its divots. (no driveway, just yard parking.)
she agrees, i drive home, we swap to her vehicle. im trying to calm down so i start singing softly. im not tonedeaf at least... but she slams into the breaks in the middle of the road. had it been earlier in the day, we woulda been in a wreck.
she yells at me to shut up, i go through the motions to swap drivers as she is obviously a danger now.
to finish this story, we had her committed for a month for evaluation, she got better. her meds needed to be adjusted. my father got real lucky. it was a huge stroke we got super early. so he recovered decently... but it wasnt the last stroke. due to stuff out of my control, i wasnt there for them for the three years leading up to my fathers death in 2017. last time i saw him tho (wasnt there for the funeral) he looked so emaciated and sickly. he didnt know my name, how many kids he had, nor what year it was. i blaim mother for it.
Story 1, nope, not a jerk, pregnancy is NOT an illness!!! I've been pregnant a few times, and yeah a couple were hard, 2 made mobility difficult but I still wouldn't expect my husband to do everything. During one of those pregnancies, at 34 weeks, we moved home and I was decorating and building furniture.
Good for you!! That's impressive! My feet were so swollen with my second child, but I still went up work until the day I was induced, and took care of my daughter. It was hard but pregnancy laziness isn't an excuse unless you have serious complications.
Fully grown adults giving their opinions on Reddit videos. Embarrassing
@@AryanKumar-wo3ifpeople making fun how other people spend their time how embarrassing
Piano Story: I’m assuming since OP didn’t specify that it was a keyboard, we’re talking about a “real” piano? They will be lucky if this instrument is not damaged beyond repair. I would think, even with using professional movers, moving a piano around just for the h*ll of it, could cause a lot of unintentional damage. And storing it in a garage??? I don’t know what their climate is, but I can’t imagine what a non-heated/cooled environment would do to a piano. Ugggh.
Plus it'll probably need some tuning from being moved if that's something OP is concerned with, so another cost tacked on.
To the woman who didn't wanted her husband to walk his sister down the aisle -- it's up to the bride who walks her down the aisle. The bride can do it by herself. Her choice.
Book club guy , should invite the other husband's over for beer and gaming, that should open up another house for the bookclub&wine girls
The heaviest I've been is 260. I wish I had someone like OP offer to help me when I was growing up. I'm 240 now. Still trying to lose weight but still it's hard but I appreciate what OP was trying to do
Yeah, except for possible morning sickness there's no real reason for wife to be so worn out so early! I had 2 kids and a full time job until I was 8 month's with my third.
I did it all , the house, the kids, the cooking, laundry, clean8ng. Etc.
Piano story. This is illegal and police should be involved. I have something of yours and will not give it back until you give me what I want. . Theft is defined by depriving someone their property. Does not matter if you trashed it, sold it or are hiding it. The Piano is now stolen property. Anyone involved should be charged including the friend who has it . Furthermore handling such a fine instrument could cause damage. Hearing this story I will assume they did not pay a professional to move it, therefore there will be damage that will cost between hundreds to thousands of dollars in repairs. At least the cost of a professional tuning to the instrument
This was horrible... move in and take over then complain? Entitled much?
Story 20: OP is NTA. Her piano, her grief, her home, her generosity being taken advantage of by THIEVES!
I'm sorry, but I did all the cooking and cleaning while pregnant - even with my fourth. My water broke while I was vacuuming. The first guy is by no means a jerk, but could have saved himself some trouble. Be sensitive when necessary, because there are legitimate times for that, but be careful that women (pregnant or otherwise) don't get to blow smoke up your a**.
There is no reason that a real book club can't be rotated if it's that inconvenient to a singular host. There is more to this book club than meets the eye.
My guess is pron books and talking about each others husbands in probably a derogatory manner.
@@josephinenelan4204 Ah yes the "Steamy Romance books" 🤣
Story 1. I am sorry but I am a female and that is bs! She needs to learn that just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you stop doing stuff. Housework can be great gentle exercise for pregnant women, I mean light cleaning and not carrying a hoover btw. My mom didn't have anyone to help her, she should be glad her husband is there for her and respect they have shit to deal with too!
I've LITERALLY sprayed my own child with the "shut up dog!" water bottle. LMFAO NTA.💙💙
(Edited because of autocorrect. Stupid phone.)
Story 17 - Eh, maybe going a bit far in saying the allergy is life-threatening; but any restaurant that HAS vegan stuff available, like a place with pasta and fruit, REALLY shouldn't have a serious problem making the food vegan in most cases. Things like 'accidentally putting parmesan on top and then mixing it into the sauce to hide it' rather than remake the dish isn't a mistake - that's FLAGRANT disrespect towards the customer, very possibly dipping into the territory of outright hostility.
Don't get me wrong, I work at a restaurant that is NOT known for its vegan options, and we snicker a little when vegans choose to eat here, but jokes about the vegetables being cooked in pork broth aside, we do take it seriously when it comes up. Checking the ingredients list for vegan alternatives is as simple as reading from a pre-printed list. We just inform them that there are trace amounts of non-vegan stuff everywhere, and they're fine with it. Just, you know, no cheese or bacon on the salad. It's about 2-3 minutes of extra hassle to find something vegan, and virtually no extra effort on the cooks' parts. Not that hard.
And I get that for some places it will be harder, but in the case of those places, they have every right to say, "I'm sorry, we literally do not have ANYTHING readily available that is 100% vegan. But if you'd like to bring your own meal from home or somewhere else, that's totally fine."
Piano story: ABSOLUTELY not the ahole, OP should remind them that pianos are usually EXPENSIVE and that if the piano suffered any damage it will be expensive to repair. OP should also tell their mother that just because they were GUESTS in OP’s house does NOT mean they are allowed to STEAL OP’S PIANO!
Come into my house and remove anything that you did not eat is theft unless I say otherwise first.
They are unbelievably entitled! The audacity! They can have “peace and quiet” when they get their own house.
I don’t get how it was ok on the brother’s part to steal her piano. Geez toxic family
Story 1: NTA. Act like a child and get treated like a child. OP has already stated that he has medical issues (that I'm sure the wife is aware of) and was having a flareup. If the wife wants a home cooked mean she can cook it herself today. Pregnancy does not make one invalid. Yes there are some pregnancies that are high risk and can limit what you can do, but making yourself something to eat or basic cleaning up after yourself is not difficult.
Story 2: NTA. At the bare minimum…WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IN SOMEONE ELSE’S CAR?!
Story 3: Everyone sucks here. You can see both sides of the story, maybe wait until the kids are a little older.
Story 4: TA. He married into that family before he met OP and considers them family and Op is trying to separate him from his family.
Story 5: I agree with the dad. Op was nice twice and after that, piss off.
Story 6: NTA. Yea the boyfriend’s parents sound horrible. You invite someone into your home and house them as a guest. Unless notified upfront, you shouldn’t be asked to pay for food and housing. And the fact that the first thing they ask you if ‘do you have drugs’ like wth?
Story 7: The wife is TA. If you are planning to have meeting with people invited into your home that you share with your partner, you need to sit down and discuss that. The fact that the wife didn’t and just basically demanded that Op leave is not cool. He shouldn’t have to leave his home for this. And the fact that he agreed to help them rent a place and was denied just shows how stubborn and selfish the wife is.
Story 8: TA. You are being unreasonable. As already stated, the relationship with the dad is just now starting to be repaired, but it hasn’t yet. Obviously the brother was there for her more than the dad, so why would you give that honor to the guy that wasn’t there for you.
Story 9: NTA. I agree with you mom. Your money and you can do with it what you want. I would advise going low contact with the step-sister/father once you go to uni.
Story 10: TA …playing favourites
Story 11: Not necessarily TA. There could have been a better way to say that.
Story 12: NTA. You sister is asking for help and as the older sibling you help her. The fact that the husband thought that his mom’s birthday was more important than his wife and kid is telling. And if I’m not mistaken, these appointments are hard to schedule anyway. Like he could have attended the appointment and went to the party later. I’d be concern about his priorities in the future.
Story 13: NTA. Op should have responded “act like an animal be treated as one”. Just because you had a rainbow baby, it does not absolve you from teaching and discipling your kids. Op should have sprayed the sister too.
Story 14: NTA. More likely she is cheating. I would rethink that relationship.
Story 15: NTA. Op needs to move ASAP. The entire situation is messed up. Your parents have already shown that they think less of you. You have had to adjust your live, unwillingly, and be forced to cater to your siblings. You were made to give up your own room, even when you are paying rent and utilities in the house where those siblings do not. Save yourself and let the rest of them sleep in the graves they’ve built.
I agree
I didn't hear the part that he had a medical condition I wonder what it was. my boyfriend cooked an cleaned for me when he found out I was pregnant the first meal he made for me was just a bunch of beans and rice with spices. I was high risk from having 2 previous miscarriages an early bleeding.
also before we knew I was high risk from doctor appointments, the smell of chemicals was horrible I could smell everything the day of conception, an I was super tired. but I hate how he blamed my hormones on me mom died that same month before I was pregnant she was my best friend that is a reason to cry hard
@@nevermindmyparentsimthepunk yeah he mentioned in the beginning and when he told her to order food he had mentioned he was in a lot of pain.
It is an honor to walk a bride down the aisle. The bride knows who she wants to honor in that way. It can be anyone, friend, family, or foe. The girlfriend is jealous and wants to be the bride.
#1 NOT the jerk! She’s pregnant not dead! And 🖕🏻 the pregnant one in the last story. FFS I cooked, cleaned, worked etc when I was pregnant …… damn people these days think they are so entitled
Story 4: His wife died, you have no "competition", why are pressed?
It's not like he's spending a ton of time with an ex, he's just having a good time with people he considers friends or even family, people he is close too and with whom he shares a past with the woman he had a relationship before, his late wife.
Why are you jealous OP? You've even been invited to go with him, he doesn't neglect you, you said it yourself
You're butthurt over nothing.
The book club is a bitch session. My cousin, niece, friend and I had ceramics class every Thursday night. My friend's husband stayed upstairs or in the barn, we stayed in the basement. It was our bitch session or if someone had a problem we would discuss it there. It also worked as a stress relief and my niece knew she could discuss anything with us. What was said at ceramics stayed at ceramics.
I've gone to eat with my best friends family every year for twenty years. They have always asked if anyone can donate money to compensate for Thanksgiving but it's not required. No one has ever had a problem giving and its always asked before Thanksgiving.
In the first story. The wife immediately quit her job when she got pregnant. It was her job clean the house and to make a meal.. that guy needs to look at this relationship and think if this is really where he wants to be in 30 years
I have no problem with sex but I sure don't want to watch my friends or my family screwing in the back of the car! ew!
The first story I feel like op isnt the ah because he says as soon as she found out she was pregnant she quit her job and everything and it seems like she was only a few months along at most. Being a few months pregnant doesnt mean you are disabled and cant do anything at all. I feel like she is using the pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy
Jack and Jill got hitched on a hill
Bf with ex's family story
OP is in a situation that goes not as natural.
When you get a BF/GF your partner usually starts trying to meet and befriend your family.
OP is dating a widow and expects him to not have the same attachments as someone single. Her BF has a relationship with his late wife's family that he can't just abandon. Her GF is meant to try and make a good relationship with OP's family but OP kinda expects he instantly treats her family judt like the late wife's
Story 19 (holiday plates): If having paper plates or cheap white plates are not a big deal, OP should have offered to buy the plates and bring them himself. You cannot make everyone bend over backwards for your new girlfriend they do not know, to "make her feel welcome". It goes both ways. And if it's so cheap, that would make the most sense for you to be responsible for that.
If you do get a more permanent plastic set or something you could keep it in a tote for ANY gathering where the cutlery is in question.
Pregnancy is not a disability
I am a mom of 3
And lemme tell you
Some of these AITA stories about pregnant women, sounds to me like, on the day the woman find out she is pregnant, she reads every post and every book about ''HOW'' she should ''act'', what she should say, complain about, have a ''craving'' for,
and sometimes from some of these stories I can actually see these women, rubbing their hands together gleefully thinking, yeah, yeahhh , now it is MY time to shine, I am SOOO going to be the queen, the ruler of all, and milk it for all I can, and even after that, I will milk it a little more
I had to be consulted by a SPECIALIST ONLY, for my 3rd pregnancy and never once did I act like most of the stories I read on here
Those poor guys
The OTHER baby story
I had NO problem asking my partner to buy baby things BEFORE I ran out of it days earlier, or taking the baby to the shop with me once they awakened from their naps, ESPECIALLY, because with my first one, I found myself in the same situation as the brother/sil of the OP, whereby, when I announced my pregnancy, the person who was staying home (back then.. our living situation was more or less the same) declared that they would NOT be looking after the baby at all... I was not angry, just knew that, I willingly chose to carry that baby for 9 months, and I cannot force my child on someone who made their intentions clear, I was and still not THAT entitled, because THIS, is entitled behavior, to EXPECT others to coo and fawn over the baby and just take care of him or her, whenever you ask/demand it of them
NO, just no
A baby is a precious gift to the parents, maybe grandparents, but expectations of everyone wanting to help take care of the baby is entitlement at best.... our baby, your responsibility unless others offers their help, time and cash
It is not normal to EXPECT, just because you HAD A BABY... nooo, nope no..stop it!!
The babysitter story
At 6 and 8 years old, children are at the very least old enough to have been taught, the basic mannerism
For example, if something is not yours , you do not touch it, without the explicit permission of the owner, if that rule is broken there would be consequences
Y'all think only teenagers likes to test the boundaries of their independence or what they can get away with?? without consequences???
That one OP seems to just want to fully replace Meg...
Honestly I'm confused at this youtuber's opinions regarding the pregnant stories...
On Story 1, they say that the OP was TA for being tired after their work and yeling once(then apologising a ton) at their SO.
On Story 23 however, the OP is apparently NTA for yelling at their sister for eating the dinner.
I am female and was never pregnant, but pregnancy doesn't give you the right to be mean and inconsiderate to your family(/partner)...
Honestly, I find interesting how the narrative changed nowdays: before, the females had to clean and cook no matter what(mostly even if they had a job as well); now the guys have to clean and cook for the pregnant wife?
Tbh, I think a job&housework should be divided between partners(every pair can have it differently of course) and they should communicate about it. Meaning if both partners have a job, they should divide the housework so one of them isn't "doing more". If one of them doesn't have a job, they should communicate about the second partner doing more at home instead etc.
Story 17 not the asshole. The restaurant has fucked up on numerous occasions and yet the family still insist on going there even tho they know this restaurant doesn’t take their customers requests seriously. OP was just looking out for themselves to make sure they weren’t fed something that could make them sick, because not eating any animal products for a long time then eating it again can get you really sick; if anything it’s fucked up that they felt the need to have to lie about an allergy to have them take it seriously even if you have an allergy you shouldn’t have to disclose it for a restaurant to make accommodations. And the fee to clean the whole ass restaurant?? Sounds like they’re just trying to scam them out of $200; it’s not that hard to make something in a clean pot where there won’t be cross contamination, that makes me wonder how clean the kitchen is typically kept
Story 14, OP'S fiance fell asleep on her side piece side of the bed.
The first OP is not the jerk. Anyone who does not have chronic pain, especially severe chronic pain such as sciatica or other pinched nerves, cannot possibly know the toll it takes on your mental health, knowing that nothing you do is going to stop that pain. I think OP is the saint for being as patient as he was for so long, though he could have tried to talk to his wife sooner. She was being a spoiled, entitled brat, pregnancy or no, not giving any consideration to how bad he must be feeling. And then to go run home to Mommy? Obviously she doesn't know how to be an adult.
Awesome! Spray bottle why did I not think of this genius when my kids were young 🤣
story 17: sure going to a steak house and asking for vegan options isnt very smart, but saying something is vegan and then serving something that isnt is illegal and no laughing matter. what if she really was highly allergic? she could have thought, ok its vegan so those things cant be in there, turns out they are and now someones choking on their swollen throat
PDA story: NTA! There's a time and a place. In someone else's car backseat as passengers going home from a wake is neither. I'm also certain a large percentage of their sex talk/actions around Zara is done simply to embarrass her simply because they don't respect any other sort of lifestyle. I'm feel confident they wouldn't behave that way in a public space where they could be arrested for it.
ARFID story: YTA! Sorry OP, buy YOU try to tell a bunch of kids THEY can't have McDonald's while a cousin can just because he's a "picky eater". You want to start a riot? What it boils down to is you get if for everyone or you don't go to family meals. The only other real option is to invite them to your place, but everyone gets the same "safe" meal. I do feel sorry for your son, I hope he's able to work thru this eventually.
Dead wife's family story: YTA! So you feel your bf should cut his 3 year old son off from his mother's family, and them from him? Think about that for a minute. If/when you have a child and something should happen to you, would you want that child cut off from his grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins on your side of the family because a new gf was uncomfortable about it? Yes, it's EXACTLY the same thing. Don't be surprised when your bf drops you if you can't be more understanding/supportive!
Paying for meal at bf's parents home story: WTF??? NTA! OP, at the very least your bf should have warned you about this. In fact, he should have offered to pay for you if his parents were going to insist on being paid! It's one thing to ask others to help pay in advance for a planned event, it's quite another to tell an INVITED GUEST they have to pay for their meal in a private home as a guest at the time of the meal. I wonder if they offer to pay host families when they eat over at someone else's home or if they "take advantage" of the generosity? (Unless their friends all do the same as them.) On a different note, I really don't have a problem with them having you and your (ex?) bf in separate rooms.
Husbands should not have to leave their homes! If the other ladies are not willing to offer up their homes than they can rent a room in the library. Public libraries have rooms that you can rent for meetings.
A bride can choose anyone or no one to walk her down the aisle. What difference does it make? Tradition? So what?
Story 17: I'm not a fan of OP lying, but they didnt ask for anything special. A salad can be made with oil and vinegar dressing. You can cook vegetables without animal products. If you don't have the products, you have to disclose that. It doesnt matter if OP was allergic or not - secretly being served something that you specifically asked not to be served can be grounds for a lawsuit. Imagine someone ordering a kosher or halal meal to find pig in it. If she were a Jain, she'd have legal protection, but because vegans aren't taken seriously, our ethical concerns aren't protected by law.
I dont know what would've been the best course of action here, but it is never acceptable to feed a guest something they dont want. OP was protecting herself
Also, a wedding dinner is different to a normal customer. The restaurant gets paid out the ass, they could've gotten her a proper meal, it's not that difficult. Spaghetti, tomato sauce with some veg, done. It's disrespectful to guests to serve them something like this if you have the chance to prepare. OP didnt _have_ an allergy, bit the restaurant _believed_ she did and the meal they served her was basically them saying she can get fucked because after all the effort put into the cleaning they still couldn't be arsed to make a proper dish
"Don't touch my stove!"
"Okay" *buys portable stove*
Story 14: so, without telling you anything, she just pulled over on the side of the road to sleep for hours and her new phone, which worked fine up to now, magically stopped working. All while she was picking up the son of a male friend.
Bullshit. You're being played dude. If I were you, I'd have a lot closer look at this "friend" of hers.
Story 2- there is a child involved, if you are insecure of dead women you have your own issues. If you think that relationship has any longevity you would have to get to know and at least be civil with the other side of your potential stepchild family. You can’t come into a family that has suffered a loss and just think you can fill the spot and erase the mother, who had sadly passed.
Story 6: the only time I’ve been asked to help pay for a meal outside of a restaurant is at an aunt’s Memorial Day crawfish boil. It’s a weekend get together with extended family. Crawfish and all the fixings. Not to mention an additional eat out meal after church the next day. It makes sense to me as this is an annual thing and crawfish for 30+ people can get expensive for one person to cover. But just a single person coming over for dinner is absurd.
Who tf starts making out on the way to an open wake?! Sex positive or not, there's a time and place for PDA and *that* car was ***Not. IT.*** Jesus.
I have really bad food allergies, and can't eat at lot of the places where family want to go. I normally eat before hand, and just have drinks or tea. It's a little awkward. But it's easier than risking health or driving kitchen staff up the wall
Story 2 reminds me of a story where someone found out the choker their mother wore was part of her (very unhealthy, never ending) BDSM role play with her husband. The kid grew up watching their mother be abused by the father in the name of “consensual sex”.
Bringing other people but especially kids into your sexcapades is never okay, and getting it on in someone else’s car, especially when you KNOW that person is uncomfortable with PDA, is disgusting. OP and their partner aren’t the AH.
Oh hell No! Everyone is not the jerk. The wife is pregnant with a normal pregnancy and not working or caring for the home. OP is working overtime and living with chronic pain. The wife is beyond the AH!!!
Story 1. Pregnancy isn't a disability, though some act like it is. OP's wife is fortunate to not work during pregnancy. She is taking full advantage of it.
Exactly especially when her husband is cleaning and cooking most days after work, it’s embarrassing she felt the need to tell the females in the family over something so trivial
Story two is not about having a sex positive outlook. Those two have become exhibitionists and that sister is just plain mean and rude. Being more private with one’s sexuality is neither good nor bad. It is, however, nothing to make fun of.
Story 1: I had a rough pregnancy with my first. It started before I took the test. I thought I had a bad flu and styed in bed for a few days before getting it. For the first 2 months I had no energy and could barley keep anything down. Sometimes I would need to stop and rest half-way down the stairs because I couldn't make it in one go. One time my husband accused me of being dramatic while I was sitting on the stairs so I stood up and don't remember what happened immediately after, but we were on our way to the doctor within the hour.
The next few months I had a fanny pack full of saltine crackers, water, prescription grade vitamin supplements, and more ginger than I ever want to see again. I really don't understand how humanity has survived as a species.
If wife is really having this bad an experience, op needs to get her to a doctor. If she is milking it, she needs to grow up. Either way, something needs to give.
The making out in the car story: OP wasn't the a-hole. How much of a freak is the sister if she's going to have sex in the same car as a sibling? Wouldn't that be a felony in some states? She would have ended up with having to register as a sex offender if the cops had pulled the car over while she and hubby were going at it.
On. The. Way. To. A. Wake.
Story 13: you know humans are animals. Sure “animals” aren’t able to communicate/think like us but we are still considered animals. So we can train kids like we train animals.
College or UNI fund. Should you have the blessing to do with as you see fit, please make the best of it because this is your future.
Story 3: Damn that child is entitled. I wouldn't invite that kid to any event where there's gonna be food
OP doesn't like to share but that didn't stop Lily from taking.
Story 20 so they are blackmailing you, call the cops
Story 16: The babysitter should pay. Legally speaking, she took on the responsibility for the kids, so whatever happens, she is responsible. Teenager or not. I mean, if she was watching them, and one got hit by a car after running into traffic, would you still think the mother was responsible? I wouldn't. I would blame the one left in charge. Your job is to watch the kids.
Pregnancy is no excuse to act like that. If she was really far along that would be a little more understandable, but the fact that this started immediately after she peed on the stick. There are women still working at 8months and her husband is in pain and still working so she can stay home. You are not The AH let her go and let her mother take all that unnecessary whining and laziness. She'll be back as soon as her mother gets tired of her 😂. Stop using pregnancy as a excuse to act like a big AH.
Story 1, sorry but NTA. You don't get every crappy pregnancy symptom in the book minutes after a positive test. Wife is being hella dramatic. And if MIL is so uppity about OP hitting his limits, then she can march her butt down and baby her 5 minutes pregnant daughter. Stop it. She's about to be a single mom if she doesn't pull her head out her bum. And if she thinks it's soooooo hard being pregnant ans needs constant catering to, she's gonna have a blast dealing with a newborn.
Small aside, I do realize growing an entire human inside your own body is, indeed, a lot of work. But most of that comes after a couple months at least lol. Wife's pee test is still wet practically. She ain't even done anything yet.
Story 15: if I was op I'd move and take my money with me; Story 17 -- I'd teach the stepbrother Mandarin if he's interested ;)
“Rainbow babies” grow up to be some of the worst members of society. Parents are so thrilled that they finally had a kid that all common sense, boundaries, rules, and actual parenting goes out the window. Being this way is not beneficial to ANYONE.
*STORY 4: YES! 100% YES!*
1- absolutely, i think he is incredibly narcissistic and that is the real problem.
39:19 given this subreddit probably 💀
Story 1
So OP is an asshole for snapping at his (let's be honest) lazy wife, because she can't cook for herself? OP is in the wrong for being thin-skinned after 10 hours of work while he is in chronic pain?
Can we please flip the genders here? If a guy was at home all day because of a health issue and expected his wife to do the cooking and cleaning, after her she worked for 10 hours and her being in chronic pain, people would call him a deadbeat and a manbaby!
Also calling someone a "mysoginistic c*nt" is just the peak of irony!
49:20 I feel bad for the girlfriend who has ocd so bad that it impacts so much of her life. The idea of patterns on plates being triggering makes me sad for her. I imagine it make it hard to go through the world like this.
Story 14: Tell them you will stop treating him like an animal when he stops acting like one!