Not gonna lie for the hand cannon part i expected wardens law just bcs of how it can replace malf for non taken mini bosses and such. Just a mention tho not like being the best
I would say final warning for pistol because it has unraveling rounds off rip it can do as much damage as a Galahorn and has infinite ammo and has aim bot
Note on hammerhead. 4th time's the charm will give you an insane mag size. Also, strand titans can take advantage of their free reload from grapple often enough not to need to reload either. I'm not saying it's better or worse, but I've been running it on strand titan lately and it's put in some serious work in raids, onslaught, as well as PVP. Would recommend.
i would like to see this but keep exotics separate from legendries, or keep it strictly to weapon frame/rpm. also keep the artifact out of it as the artifact will change and people need to understand the weapon and figure out how the artifact will change the weapon themselves. like sunshot vs malfeasance. sunshot is great, but the artifact is making it amazing. also the antibarrier side arm is what makes indebted kindess so good. unlike weapons that apply antibarrier their own way (wish ender and arby)
I still think sunshot would have won even without the seasonal artifact. At least for pve. Just like graviton lance, its explosions chain with each kill, so it’s fantastic for ad clear. Since the explosions from sun shot apply scorch, it has great synergy with any solar subclass too. Ad clear aside, it’s fantastic in terms of damage output too. I don’t have exact numbers, but being able to 3 tap to the head on all resilience tiers in pvp, so long as there are no overhields, has to translate to good damage in pve.
@@jacobbrouse1564 yeah. But I meant that sun shot in particular retained the 150 rpm so it has a distinctively faster ttk than most 3 taps, besides 180s but those typically require a damage buff. I should’ve specified in my original comment.
@@Nwaaah ignoring the exotics judgement is the best for melee damage based builds while Nezarecs Whisper is the best for projectile based glaive builds
Yeah. I don’t get the narrative as to why they’re bad either. I get tilted so easily in PvP when I get killed by them; Bungie keeps buffing them and they don’t need it. 😭😭 (giving them overshield before they even have to engage with someone is literally a free win con in most 1v1s)
@@mini_6-50 the lock on only takes .25 seconds or when the diamond turns red and it can track at 90 degree angles, so if you’re smart and pick fights that aren’t 3v1s or a sniper it’s gonna snag you a kill
You’re not alone. I also don’t like it. Not as in I think it’s bad, just overrated af. Granted I also think arc cowl is overrated af as a Hunter main as well.
If you go on a hunter class, sometimes wardens law is a better option to use with lucky pants. Specially beacause its a Legendary and you can combine with dragon's breath
tusk of the boar can get the same thing as forbearance and also hatchling for when chain reaction gets nerffed. it also gets deconstruct to shoot forever with unlimited ammo as long as you hit 3 ads with every shot
You mentioned the shiny God roll of Edge Transit but don't mention that Hammerhead can do something similar. It's the 2nd MG with Envious assassin and EA is arguably an amazing perk on Circular Logic, so no reason it's not good here. I know "Its an add clear weapon" but in most cases you're not ONLY using your MG. You have plenty of opportunity to swap to your primary or secondary in most encounters where you're using an add clear heavy to begin with. I mean just look at Onslaught. In all my 50 waves of normal and legend I've never had a time where I would stick to just my Commemoration for every single add wave. Tried HammerHead with Envious and it was at 150+ rounds almost all the times I needed it. It doesn't take a lot to get the Hammerhead to have a 200+ mag size on double procs or even just 150 on a single Envious proc. Then swap that to Rampage for 200+ rounds of double damage.
For those who don’t have a good edge transit, the Regnant is a good second choice. You could also use Koraxis Distress with envious + Frenzy as well if you missed out on the Regnant. Also riptide and scatter signal are two weapons of the same archetype but for different purposes. Riptide is the better add clear weapons but scatter is better against single targets such as bosses because it can roll with overflow and Controlled Burst, so really the are both top tier options but for different use cases.
I use Collective Obligation over graviton for my Gyrfalcon build. The utility of basically having infinite supress, weaken, and volatile is great. Simply put on suppressor grenades along with the fragment "echo of undermining" and throw a grenade at enemies and shoot them with collective. If done correctly, you have an infinite amount of suppress, weaken, and volatile. To keep it going, just shoot (you don't even need to kill) enemies with these debuffs applied to them to charge collective back up again. Especially great in onslaught.
For SMG's - generally agree, Calus is a beast, but Osteo Striga - I think it's better overall, especially as it's just a firehose once it starts proccing the reload. The advantage there would just be that Calus is legendary more than anything else and does play very nicely with solar builds. For hand cannons it's situational; for add clear nothing comes close to Sunshot (probably out of any current primary ammo weapon, except maybe Trinity Ghoul w/catalyst). And if you're a hunter, you're not going to beat Malfie for single target DPS with Lucky Pants - not with any weapon (including heavy ammo). It's literally better than rockets while the Party Pants are popping. Warden's Law or Malfeasance all the way there. For machine guns - Thunderlord would like a word :)
@@amethystlegion its useless for ad clear as well cause it gets gapped by like every other ad clear weapon and i never said dps :D. It’s literally a waste of an exotic slot
@@sudsybat2915 Ahh yeah gotcha, so I would actually agree with this - lots of better add clear out there. I'm just saying as far as MG's go, its perk makes it a contender for add clear. So when stacking MG's against each other it's gotta be in the running. But yeah, wastes an exotic slot for sure.
Forbearance is great and all, but don't forget Tusk of the Boar, the new strand wave frame. It comes with Slice, meaning you can sever multiple targets at once. Pair that with chain reaction and you've got a real nasty weapon on your hands. I only got one good roll last Iron Banner, so I'm gonna be grinding for a couple more this week. Also, shame on you for not mentioning Leviathan's Breath.
In my opinion lumina is the best handcannon in the game for pve. A 35% weapon dmg buff (10% more than well of radiance) from just killing a single enemy or from placing a rift (with boots of the assembler), combined with the fact that you can lumina grapple, is too valuable for it not to be the best. I partially understand the malfesance hype when it comes to lowmans, solo content, day ones, and certain gms but if the enemy is not taken and theres no witherhoard sticking wardens law is objectively better. As for sunshot it's solar and has great ad clear for a primary which scales well into higher level content but I still think lumina is more valuable as you can get similar if not better levels of ad clear from trinity ghoul (in 1600 content) or from forbearance or any other decent wave-frame in higher level content. Lumina offers something that almost no other weapon has; wardens law can do primary dps, wave frames and other exotics can do ad clear but no other weapon can apply such a potent buff and healing for such a low cost.
I gotta say that Zaouli's Bane is good because it frees up your exotic slot, and if you're a Stronghold Titan like me then that means you can run Lament and become immortal.
I still think hammerhead is the best machine gun, with envious you just need a couple kills with your other weapons to overload the weapon way faster than reconstruction
My personal choice for sniper rifle would have to be The Supremacy. Craftable with Rewind Rounds and Kinetic Tremors, it melts bosses without having to make all crit shots. Much more forgiving and great for damage to boss and surrounding ads, it has the benefit of not taking an Exotic Weapon slot, too.
On the talk of hand cannons I’ve gotten a pretty good roll on the revamped Lunas howl (IMO) I got subsistence and incandescent. Now obviously it’s not a great roll but in lower power level activity’s it absolutely slaps. Especially with the artifact mods this season it feels really damn good
When the bow category came up I was like why doesn't this guy just do a video on every best weapon for both single damage and add clearing for each category.
Tyranny of Heaven is amazing for add clear if you have dragonfly - incandescent. If you want to use it for taking out yellow bars, I would use explosive head - incandescent.
Oh dude, I was not even paying attention to the origin perks on Calus Mini-tool! I have not been paying attention, thank you so much for listing it out like that. (I'm pretty sure I have ADHD)
Sidearm -> Buried Bloodline with the catalyst is the one of the most broken weapons in D2. Hand Cannon -> Wardens Law(Fourth times the cham + Vorpal) is a must-have if you go on a Hunter with Lucky pants. Bow -> Leviathan's Breath. Try this against Wealing Grief on Warlord Ruin and tell me next.
I lost a bet and had to dismantle my Wardens Law Adept with FTTC / Vorpal.. the amount of of Nightfalls i’ve ran for Cyphers is wild still can’t get a decent one
In final shape the drgons breath is the best rocket launcher becuase all of the ignition perks and song of flame u can melt bosses especally if u have the right framents and aspect its crazy how much ignitions you but apex predator is probably the best legendary rocket laughcher in the game.
I feel like Sunshot was always destined to win that no matter what. If you played during Red Red War-Forsaken it quite literally was more then likely the first exotic you'd get (as up until Shadowkeep changed exotic drop rates, the game was insanely stingy with interesting weapons to the point of being unfun) & it was such a bright spot in such a terrible assortment of weapons (my first exotic was a pulse rifle that fired 5 rounds instead of 3, I almost uninstalled the game from sheer disappointment as it wasn't any better then the whites, greens, & blues I already had) that it easily left an impression that it's better then it probably actually is.
ngl you couldve put mountaintop alongside forebearence. Not only for the 1 target damage, but also for the movement that provider woth the rocket jump. But business that, all great choices
How exactly has Cold Comfort been power-crept? And how in your mind does Cruz NEED slideshow? I agree Apex is the best overall, but you really should explain some of these wild takes.
Bro from when I'm playing Destiny 2,about 2 years my favorite definitely is Wishender. Played a lot with Le Monarque but Wishender is still hard hitting weapon.
I would love to know how cold comfort has been power crept if your referring to the past chill clip metas that was caused by a glitch otherwise cold comfort can actually out perform apex predator even with explosive light instead of bait and switch with also being able to fire 4 rockets without having to reload or swap to other weapons
For legendary bows i would say Pre astynax is the best, 450 draw time precision frame with archers tempo procced with incan is nasty asf, havent had a better feeling bow
I keep randomly getting crux god rolls. I already have multiple hothead, blow out, and apex predators. I can’t get any other gun to drop a god roll but I got a vault full of rocket launchers
With the amount of Champions Bungie has added to every single mode, GMs, Onslaught, Lost Sectors whatever else I’m gonna go with Riptide over Scatter. That’s just me tho
I really like the bow hierarcky of needs once you get the guidance ring going you can do alot of damage early and late game just not for bosses but i guess you could make it work if you wanted to
Souldrinker is good on builds that have limited healing but good ability regen. I have a few builds that benefit more from soul drinker on forbearance. But for most pve builds, yes brave is better.
I agree with everything except machine gun I got the trials machine gun with field prep incandescent and killing tally reload mw best machine gun I've ever used
i think deliverance is better than riptide first of all, it is craftalbe -> guaranteed godroll 2) demolitionist is better than auto-loading holster imo 3) origin trait is actually useful
To be clear, this is solely a content guy. I was not able to find any direct report links but there seems to be only one Marshix on raid report. That shows that he only has one day (and it root of nightmares, the easiest one), a couple trios and a cheesed duo. This isn't a dig, just making people aware not to take any endgame advice too seriously. When it comes to special and primary weapons there isn't really a best in slot imo. The best weapon in each slot is always either what you like the most or what fits your build the best. There are a few catch all weapon that stand out (sunshot for example). Like different weapons in the same category are better in different scenarios. Imo the only time there is a clear best in slot is when you are talking raw dps output, and that not even true one 100% of the time (based on raid encounter or surges). This is the case for the majority of heavy weapons and a couple of of specials. Rockets the only correct answer is apex predator. GL the only correct answer is Edge transit unless you have a stand surge over void in which case it's the trials one. Linears are more encounter dependant, in something like ir yut with a lot of ads during dps the ron linear is better than the vow one because of surrounded, otherwise that's not the case. There are a lot of uber sweat PvE warlords out there with advice for you, this isn't the place for that. Look for someone like Aegis if you want real endgame advice, the dude has a tierlist spreadsheet and he's a world record speedrunner and endgame demon.
I would rather have an izanagi's burden over a whisper of the worm. just find it more useful in most situations while putting up good damage in damage for the trade off of total damage.
@@Goa_ No Survivors. Demo + Incandescent, needs a little bit of luck on the barrel and mag for controller, but in the perks it is unrivalled for solar.
@@Goa_ Its a pretty rough farm sometimes, so if you don't want to do the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon weekly, I'd just siggest what Marsh said and try and craft the minitool. Not as good, but 100% viable.
Which weapons do you think are the best?
Not gonna lie for the hand cannon part i expected wardens law just bcs of how it can replace malf for non taken mini bosses and such. Just a mention tho not like being the best
I would say final warning for pistol because it has unraveling rounds off rip it can do as much damage as a Galahorn and has infinite ammo and has aim bot
Personally, I really like crux termination because it can have envious
Note on hammerhead. 4th time's the charm will give you an insane mag size. Also, strand titans can take advantage of their free reload from grapple often enough not to need to reload either. I'm not saying it's better or worse, but I've been running it on strand titan lately and it's put in some serious work in raids, onslaught, as well as PVP. Would recommend.
Dragons breath should’ve been the best rocket
Ngl a good vid would be one that has the best weapons for each weapon type, then have an alternate choice.
yeah his opnion pretty useless being a youtuber wince launch
got me ptsd savuthuns 2018 gooch
@@ChildsplayOGhad a seizure reading this
@@chaseerickson3088 i obtain parkinsons watching via
@@ChildsplayOG go back to school please
i would like to see this but keep exotics separate from legendries, or keep it strictly to weapon frame/rpm. also keep the artifact out of it as the artifact will change and people need to understand the weapon and figure out how the artifact will change the weapon themselves.
like sunshot vs malfeasance. sunshot is great, but the artifact is making it amazing. also the antibarrier side arm is what makes indebted kindess so good. unlike weapons that apply antibarrier their own way (wish ender and arby)
I still think sunshot would have won even without the seasonal artifact. At least for pve. Just like graviton lance, its explosions chain with each kill, so it’s fantastic for ad clear. Since the explosions from sun shot apply scorch, it has great synergy with any solar subclass too. Ad clear aside, it’s fantastic in terms of damage output too. I don’t have exact numbers, but being able to 3 tap to the head on all resilience tiers in pvp, so long as there are no overhields, has to translate to good damage in pve.
@@surrealmeme8344Every hand cannon 3 taps to the head in PvP besides 180s lol
I second that!
@@jacobbrouse1564 yeah. But I meant that sun shot in particular retained the 150 rpm so it has a distinctively faster ttk than most 3 taps, besides 180s but those typically require a damage buff. I should’ve specified in my original comment.
As a Glaive main I disagree when people say they’re bad
I genuinely want to use glaives more, they look interesting, but I suck with them. Whats the best in your opinion?
@@Nwaaah ignoring the exotics judgement is the best for melee damage based builds while Nezarecs Whisper is the best for projectile based glaive builds
@@kyledea187mdkjr5 Good job I can craft both. Got a few of the trials glaives too, I'll test them all out, see what sticks.
Yeah. I don’t get the narrative as to why they’re bad either. I get tilted so easily in PvP when I get killed by them; Bungie keeps buffing them and they don’t need it. 😭😭 (giving them overshield before they even have to engage with someone is literally a free win con in most 1v1s)
Based! A fellow glaive enjoyer
only thing i disagree with is mentioning succession instead of supremacy and navigator being worse then div
i’m not gonna lie if we only counting primary final warning is the best sidearm and is strong in pvp as well
Idk what lobbies u are using final warning and doing well in, but I want those lobbies
@@mini_6-50 the lock on only takes .25 seconds or when the diamond turns red and it can track at 90 degree angles, so if you’re smart and pick fights that aren’t 3v1s or a sniper it’s gonna snag you a kill
@@mini_6-50 oh also ads charge 3 taps with 81 damage and can kill people in well if they’re too preoccupied to see you
@@lonecalzone6901 or I could use a rose
@@mini_6-50if you wanna keep using same old same old igneous conditional go ahead but final warning is something different and fun and it still works
I feel like I'm the only player on earth who doesn't like wish ender
nah you are not alone. I despise every bow in this game
Not the only one.
And i am the only player that never use sunshot.
You’re not alone. I also don’t like it. Not as in I think it’s bad, just overrated af. Granted I also think arc cowl is overrated af as a Hunter main as well.
@@exxy9931 cowl is one of the best builds lol, overhyped yeah but overrated? Idk I’m a hunter main and it’s my main choice for any legend solo content
12:50 I feel like sunshot and malfeasance are both great hand cannons, but sunshot is great for ad clear and malfeasance is great for dps
If you go on a hunter class, sometimes wardens law is a better option to use with lucky pants. Specially beacause its a Legendary and you can combine with dragon's breath
@@gabrielamorim7287 i'll trust u. i wouldn't know because im a warlock main
@@ITSYEBOISteven if you go on a solar warlock, luna',s howl will drop tomorow on the onslaught. Look for heal clip and incandescent rolls.
Right now as a titan main considering build crafting ( on titan )
1 . In auto rifles exotic monte carlo/ legendary tigersprite
2 . In shotguns exotic conditional finality / legendry until its return
3 . In hand cannons exotic sunshot / legendary midnight coup
4. Sidearms exotic final warning/ legendary buzzard with kinetic tremors
5. Scout rifle exotic polaris / legendary hungjury
6. Bow exotic wishkeeper / legendary preastynax or whatever hell it is
7. Sniper exotic whisper of worm / legendary supermacy
8. Pulse rifle exotic graviton / legendary blast furnace
9. Rocket launcher exotic dreagons breath / legendary apex predator
10. Heavy gl exotic prospector lol / legendary edgetransit
11. Glaive exotic vexcaliber / legendary judgement of kalgorath
12. Special gernade launcher exotic dead massanger / legendary mountain top / emty vessal
13 .swords exotic The Lament / legendary thornecleaver
14. Fusion rifle exotic telesto / legendary riptide
15 .linear fusion never used any one
16. Machine gun exotic Thunderlord / legendary commemoration
17 . submachine gun exotic osteo striga / legendary riskrunner
18 . Trace rifle exotic coldheart / legendary assacias dejection
This was posted 5 months ago. Dragons breath exists brother
tusk of the boar can get the same thing as forbearance and also hatchling for when chain reaction gets nerffed. it also gets deconstruct to shoot forever with unlimited ammo as long as you hit 3 ads with every shot
6:08 hey, 4 inches is pretty big >:(
You mentioned the shiny God roll of Edge Transit but don't mention that Hammerhead can do something similar. It's the 2nd MG with Envious assassin and EA is arguably an amazing perk on Circular Logic, so no reason it's not good here. I know "Its an add clear weapon" but in most cases you're not ONLY using your MG. You have plenty of opportunity to swap to your primary or secondary in most encounters where you're using an add clear heavy to begin with. I mean just look at Onslaught. In all my 50 waves of normal and legend I've never had a time where I would stick to just my Commemoration for every single add wave. Tried HammerHead with Envious and it was at 150+ rounds almost all the times I needed it.
It doesn't take a lot to get the Hammerhead to have a 200+ mag size on double procs or even just 150 on a single Envious proc. Then swap that to Rampage for 200+ rounds of double damage.
For those who don’t have a good edge transit, the Regnant is a good second choice. You could also use Koraxis Distress with envious + Frenzy as well if you missed out on the Regnant.
Also riptide and scatter signal are two weapons of the same archetype but for different purposes.
Riptide is the better add clear weapons but scatter is better against single targets such as bosses because it can roll with overflow and Controlled Burst, so really the are both top tier options but for different use cases.
I use Collective Obligation over graviton for my Gyrfalcon build. The utility of basically having infinite supress, weaken, and volatile is great. Simply put on suppressor grenades along with the fragment "echo of undermining" and throw a grenade at enemies and shoot them with collective. If done correctly, you have an infinite amount of suppress, weaken, and volatile. To keep it going, just shoot (you don't even need to kill) enemies with these debuffs applied to them to charge collective back up again. Especially great in onslaught.
For SMG's - generally agree, Calus is a beast, but Osteo Striga - I think it's better overall, especially as it's just a firehose once it starts proccing the reload. The advantage there would just be that Calus is legendary more than anything else and does play very nicely with solar builds.
For hand cannons it's situational; for add clear nothing comes close to Sunshot (probably out of any current primary ammo weapon, except maybe Trinity Ghoul w/catalyst). And if you're a hunter, you're not going to beat Malfie for single target DPS with Lucky Pants - not with any weapon (including heavy ammo). It's literally better than rockets while the Party Pants are popping. Warden's Law or Malfeasance all the way there.
For machine guns - Thunderlord would like a word :)
Bro really said thunderlord LMAO
@@sudsybat2915 LOL wait - are you actually using machine guns for DPS and not add clear? Now that's funny.
@ amethystlegion your reply makes no sense
@@amethystlegion its useless for ad clear as well cause it gets gapped by like every other ad clear weapon and i never said dps :D. It’s literally a waste of an exotic slot
@@sudsybat2915 Ahh yeah gotcha, so I would actually agree with this - lots of better add clear out there. I'm just saying as far as MG's go, its perk makes it a contender for add clear. So when stacking MG's against each other it's gotta be in the running.
But yeah, wastes an exotic slot for sure.
Forbearance is great and all, but don't forget Tusk of the Boar, the new strand wave frame. It comes with Slice, meaning you can sever multiple targets at once. Pair that with chain reaction and you've got a real nasty weapon on your hands. I only got one good roll last Iron Banner, so I'm gonna be grinding for a couple more this week.
Also, shame on you for not mentioning Leviathan's Breath.
In my opinion lumina is the best handcannon in the game for pve. A 35% weapon dmg buff (10% more than well of radiance) from just killing a single enemy or from placing a rift (with boots of the assembler), combined with the fact that you can lumina grapple, is too valuable for it not to be the best. I partially understand the malfesance hype when it comes to lowmans, solo content, day ones, and certain gms but if the enemy is not taken and theres no witherhoard sticking wardens law is objectively better. As for sunshot it's solar and has great ad clear for a primary which scales well into higher level content but I still think lumina is more valuable as you can get similar if not better levels of ad clear from trinity ghoul (in 1600 content) or from forbearance or any other decent wave-frame in higher level content. Lumina offers something that almost no other weapon has; wardens law can do primary dps, wave frames and other exotics can do ad clear but no other weapon can apply such a potent buff and healing for such a low cost.
Sunshot feels good because of the seasonal artifact but malfeasance is always good!
Sunshot is literally always amazing what are you on about💀💀💀
@@justarandomperson9741 sunshot is literally always overrated. sun simps are on one
yepp Sunshot is too replaceable without the Artifact, they’re going to be so upset
I gotta say that Zaouli's Bane is good because it frees up your exotic slot, and if you're a Stronghold Titan like me then that means you can run Lament and become immortal.
I liked the video immediately after you said “I’m Marshix and these are my opinions, so if you disagree with anything I say…deal with it” 😂
Sunshot was my first exotic, it will always have a place as one of my favorite hand cannons, nerfed or not.
I still think hammerhead is the best machine gun, with envious you just need a couple kills with your other weapons to overload the weapon way faster than reconstruction
Any chance of an update video but limit it to legendary weapons only?
My personal choice for sniper rifle would have to be The Supremacy. Craftable with Rewind Rounds and Kinetic Tremors, it melts bosses without having to make all crit shots. Much more forgiving and great for damage to boss and surrounding ads, it has the benefit of not taking an Exotic Weapon slot, too.
On the talk of hand cannons I’ve gotten a pretty good roll on the revamped Lunas howl (IMO) I got subsistence and incandescent. Now obviously it’s not a great roll but in lower power level activity’s it absolutely slaps. Especially with the artifact mods this season it feels really damn good
When the bow category came up I was like why doesn't this guy just do a video on every best weapon for both single damage and add clearing for each category.
Tyranny of Heaven is amazing for add clear if you have dragonfly - incandescent. If you want to use it for taking out yellow bars, I would use explosive head - incandescent.
I should also mention that with dragonfly, it’s basically a legendary Polaris lance.
Oh dude, I was not even paying attention to the origin perks on Calus Mini-tool! I have not been paying attention, thank you so much for listing it out like that. (I'm pretty sure I have ADHD)
as a relativly recent d2er
i like explosions
so ima remeber these
Tyranny of heaven is pretty good
i love my sun shot the bow.
Sidearm -> Buried Bloodline with the catalyst is the one of the most broken weapons in D2.
Hand Cannon -> Wardens Law(Fourth times the cham + Vorpal) is a must-have if you go on a Hunter with Lucky pants.
Bow -> Leviathan's Breath. Try this against Wealing Grief on Warlord Ruin and tell me next.
I lost a bet and had to dismantle my Wardens Law Adept with FTTC / Vorpal.. the amount of of Nightfalls i’ve ran for Cyphers is wild still can’t get a decent one
Would've been great if you didn't include exotics as the number 1 choice or at least added a number 1 legendary.
10:08 my heart dropped for a second
For LMGs I'd say Pro memoria with enhanced reconstruction and target lock it's just nasty ❤
WishEnder, crafted Ammit with enhanced Incandescent and Ambitious Assassin and crafted Retrofit Escapade with enhanced Target Lock and 4TTC.
i think lunas howl with heal clip and incandescent will take over sunshot as my favorite hand cannon
Polaris will also break barriers this season. It's a cheat code...
Any weapon with radiant that doesn't have a champion mod will break barriers...
@@ShadowOfEntropy^ more people need to know that lol
In final shape the drgons breath is the best rocket launcher becuase all of the ignition perks and song of flame u can melt bosses especally if u have the right framents and aspect its crazy how much ignitions you but apex predator is probably the best legendary rocket laughcher in the game.
The envious+cascade swap has been patched. It was patched like a week before this video was released. Kinda surprised it was even mentioned.
I always just ran funnelweb for my smg but calus mini tool might be worth it
Malfeasence because everything about is is good. 180, bonus damage to taken, gambit invader killer, vorpal, and most importantly - from the Drifter.
This should be called “my favorite weapons in every slot”
best fusion rifle is 1k voices, most damaging one
There’s a gambit machine gun that had to be capped cuz it was too powerful
I feel like Sunshot was always destined to win that no matter what. If you played during Red Red War-Forsaken it quite literally was more then likely the first exotic you'd get (as up until Shadowkeep changed exotic drop rates, the game was insanely stingy with interesting weapons to the point of being unfun) & it was such a bright spot in such a terrible assortment of weapons (my first exotic was a pulse rifle that fired 5 rounds instead of 3, I almost uninstalled the game from sheer disappointment as it wasn't any better then the whites, greens, & blues I already had) that it easily left an impression that it's better then it probably actually is.
i love the way your videos are put together, what editing app do you use?
As a returning player, you gave me PTSD with Edge Transit
What does more dmge:
Envious bait cataphract
Envious bait edge transit
Cataphract cause of adept big ones
? Please explain because adept big one is the same as just boss spec and major
I think adept big ones does like .1% more damage being 7.8 rather than 7.7 but I’m not 100%
I hate to say this, but the only thing that makes whisper exotic, is it being a heavy sniper with rewind rounds, you can craft a better sniper
what is the thing with every new light kit exotic weapon being super ultra op with ad clear
ngl you couldve put mountaintop alongside forebearence. Not only for the 1 target damage, but also for the movement that provider woth the rocket jump. But business that, all great choices
*sorry for bad text🙃
How exactly has Cold Comfort been power-crept? And how in your mind does Cruz NEED slideshow? I agree Apex is the best overall, but you really should explain some of these wild takes.
Bro from when I'm playing Destiny 2,about 2 years my favorite definitely is Wishender. Played a lot with Le Monarque but Wishender is still hard hitting weapon.
To be fair, the exotic hand cannon seems like most of the audience is PvE-only.
I would love to know how cold comfort has been power crept if your referring to the past chill clip metas that was caused by a glitch otherwise cold comfort can actually out perform apex predator even with explosive light instead of bait and switch with also being able to fire 4 rockets without having to reload or swap to other weapons
Can you break this down further? Like lightweight, precision, maybe element too?
If I didn't have No Survivors with Demo Incandescent, I probably would have picked Calus Mini Tool too.
For legendary bows i would say Pre astynax is the best, 450 draw time precision frame with archers tempo procced with incan is nasty asf, havent had a better feeling bow
Tell me you don’t have Conditional without telling me you don’t have Conditional
I keep randomly getting crux god rolls. I already have multiple hothead, blow out, and apex predators. I can’t get any other gun to drop a god roll but I got a vault full of rocket launchers
Now make one for which weapon is most fun for ad clearing
With the amount of Champions Bungie has added to every single mode, GMs, Onslaught, Lost Sectors whatever else I’m gonna go with Riptide over Scatter. That’s just me tho
Ill remember this list when i can equip all exotics 👍
are there 2 GL in shaxx chest ? Mountaintop and Forbearrance ?
Just a FYI, edge can get up to 24 in the mag
Though cascade only works with base mag size
with edge transit with amitous assasin and cascade you can only quickfire the first 6/7 the first mag
what shader/ornament is that on your Forbearance?
wait till this guy finds out about conditional finality
I know it’s your opinion, but every single weapon you decided on was the correct one to be honest for most content and play styles.
For glaive, vexcaliber is like the only choice
Especially with a karnstein build
...ikelos smg with enhanced threat + voltshot is literally an aggressive calus minitool for arc. IDK I think they are functionally similar enough
Supremacy is better than Succession for DPS
I really like the bow hierarcky of needs once you get the guidance ring going you can do alot of damage early and late game just not for bosses but i guess you could make it work if you wanted to
Souldrinker is good on builds that have limited healing but good ability regen. I have a few builds that benefit more from soul drinker on forbearance.
But for most pve builds, yes brave is better.
If I use a Quicksilver with no catalyst, does it still benefit from the exotic kinetic buff?
Look out for a parabellum with heal clip frenzy. Very good, not Calus mini tool, but a sleeper hit for me.
Bows: HoN (Exotic), Tyranny of Heaven (Legendary)
I agree with everything except machine gun I got the trials machine gun with field prep incandescent and killing tally reload mw best machine gun I've ever used
Wardens law vorpal plus lucky pants kinetic surges etc….
Yeah I just made that point too. For Hunters, nothing touches Malfie or Warden's Law for DPS with Lucky Pants.
Zaouli's getting flamed when its legendary sunshot.
2.25 now that forbearance is nerfed witherhoard is the best grenade launcher
Supremacy is definitely the best sniper and it not being mentioned should be considered a crime
Bro he said "in his opinion"
i think deliverance is better than riptide
first of all, it is craftalbe -> guaranteed godroll
2) demolitionist is better than auto-loading holster imo
3) origin trait is actually useful
Revision zero can burst a barrier champ with one of the special rounds
Keep exotics separate plz, of course they will be the best, but you can't use more than one at a time.
Llamad2 did a vid damage testing this roll btw
got dropped a crux termination with slideshot an hour after watching this video
To be clear, this is solely a content guy. I was not able to find any direct report links but there seems to be only one Marshix on raid report. That shows that he only has one day (and it root of nightmares, the easiest one), a couple trios and a cheesed duo. This isn't a dig, just making people aware not to take any endgame advice too seriously.
When it comes to special and primary weapons there isn't really a best in slot imo. The best weapon in each slot is always either what you like the most or what fits your build the best. There are a few catch all weapon that stand out (sunshot for example). Like different weapons in the same category are better in different scenarios.
Imo the only time there is a clear best in slot is when you are talking raw dps output, and that not even true one 100% of the time (based on raid encounter or surges). This is the case for the majority of heavy weapons and a couple of of specials. Rockets the only correct answer is apex predator. GL the only correct answer is Edge transit unless you have a stand surge over void in which case it's the trials one. Linears are more encounter dependant, in something like ir yut with a lot of ads during dps the ron linear is better than the vow one because of surrounded, otherwise that's not the case.
There are a lot of uber sweat PvE warlords out there with advice for you, this isn't the place for that. Look for someone like Aegis if you want real endgame advice, the dude has a tierlist spreadsheet and he's a world record speedrunner and endgame demon.
for me, epochal is my favourite hand canon coz of it's micromissiles
where can i get the outbreak prime cat ? is it still the mission ? came back to the game after a long time
Luckily for you, the mission comes back this Tuesday
Dont let this man cook again....
Conditional Finality is by far the best shotgun.
Supremacy is the best sniper.
Dragons Breath is the best rocket.
I would rather have an izanagi's burden over a whisper of the worm. just find it more useful in most situations while putting up good damage in damage for the trade off of total damage.
I just learn I had the super shiny god roll edge transit you were talking about
Forbearance or tusk of the boar?
Calling Calus minitool the best makes me feel something. I just don't think its all that good anymore.
What’s better?
@@Goa_ No Survivors. Demo + Incandescent, needs a little bit of luck on the barrel and mag for controller, but in the perks it is unrivalled for solar.
@@Nwaaah ok thanks
@@Goa_ Its a pretty rough farm sometimes, so if you don't want to do the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon weekly, I'd just siggest what Marsh said and try and craft the minitool. Not as good, but 100% viable.
@@Nwaaah yeah, what about the one from season of the deep? I’ll assume that one isn’t really good since you didn’t really mention it
Nox perennial V Beats scatter signal in all ways. Env assassin and heavy frame just smacks
Rapid fire frames are currently better overall and scatter csn be enhanced