I like both in general, what's there not to like in both interpretations? However the effortless and warm rendition of Di Stefano makes it feel like anyone could sing this aria. Natural, fluid, so close to anyone ( who wishes to sing this piece) that almost feels imperfect, but that's why it's not: just beautiful as true art is and should be. Thank you Di Stefano ❤
It is impossible not to stand in awe of Pavarotti's mastery of his powerful instrument and his breathtaking display of technique. And yet I'd rather listen to DiStefano. When I hear Pavarotti I hear a magnificent opera singer displaying his superb talent. When I hear DiStefano I hear Nemorino deluding himself that Adina loves him.
Both are the greatest tenors in all history. And so simpaticos. Both are thrilling in different ways. Wonderful, wonderful. Having said that, it just feels so good to hear Pippo.
Que linda interpretación de esta aria del Elixir de Amor. La fuerza dramática en la interpretación de Distefano es sorprendente. Me gustó mucho. Y la voz melódica de Pavarotti un deleite
Fantastic...pure music that brings you to heaven....there is nothing to choose from, just to listen, to feel and to lose yourself in the embrace of music
Voglio molto bene a Pavarotti, ed è un grandissimo tenore,ma PIPPO è PIPPO,grazia dizione fraseggio timbro e colore vocale e, non ultimo interpretazione, in poche parole UNICO GRANDISSIMO!!!!!!!
I gusti sono gusti e non si discutono. Ma l oggettività non può sparire e mancare del tutto. Di Stefano canta con il cuore accompagnato da una voce meravigliosa ( nei primi 10 anni di carriera) ma con una mancanza di tecnica totale. Pavarotti canta con il cuore accompagnato dalla sua voce meravigliosa ( in tutta la sua carriera) e sopratutto tutto condito da una tecnica unica che lo ha reso celebre in tutto il mondo. Saluti
senza nulla togliere a Di Stefano, un po' sdolcinato. o a Del Monano, senza dolcezza. Corelli canta col cuore. la sua voce e' vera passione. nulla di teatrale come i colleghi. Corelli ti prende l'anima, ti innamora.......
No doubt they both belong to The Cohort of Great Singers and are very different in their colors of voices. But since Di Stefano has always been among my best favorites, I prefer him - his voice thrills me much more!
I always like how Pavarotti described Di Stefano as having a "solar voice." You can really hear that quality. But how can anyone not love Luciano. I choose both. Thanks for the video.
Pavarotti. Ele resolveu ser melhor de todos os outros e foi. Mesmo os outros tenores sendo também maravilhosos. Brilhantes. Pavarotti transmite não só uma grande voz, tecnicamente treinada, com muito estudo e prática que o levou além de seu próprio talento. Seu timbre é único. Seu sorriso de felicidade por entregar ao público o melhor de sua interpretação também é único. É como se ele brincasse de cantar, ou seja, ele ama cantar e sem isso, creio que ele não poderia viver. No teatro, nos palcos, nos recitais, mesmo sem maestro e sem orquestra ou coral ele era, e é genial. Ainda bem que a tecnologia atual (isso tem de bom), nos permite continuar a vê-lo e escutá-lo para sempre. Ouvi-lo me alegra. Põe vida e força no meu dia. Muita gente acha triste ouvi- lo. Nada é mais vibrante que seu canto, portanto a vida nos deu grandes gênios da música da pintura da literatura, entre outras artes. E nos deu Pavarotti. Ele cantar com outros cantores, também maravilhoss, acolhê-los como artistas foi dar o seu melhor para a humanidade. Foi único da parte de um tenor tão brilhante. Já li que ele era sedutor e até, talvez, na falta de outra palavra exibido. Bueno, eu acho que ser sedutor faz parte do humano, da natureza. E ele, Pavarotti, podia. Tinha bala na agulha. Enquanto alguns cuidam só do corpo ele cuidou da voz e da alma. Uma coisa não elimina a outra. Mas mesmo gordo ele era lindo demais. Que energia. Que homem encantador. As mulheres só podiam se apaixonar mesmo. Eu o admiro e o escutarei sempre.
Your comment says what I was thinking. That tug is stronger for my heart with Pavarotti. Never heard DiStefani live but heard Pav., so his sound touches me more definitively. Both spectacular..
LOs dos son magistrales, sin embargo Pavarotti le imprime una fuerza y potencia a su voz de pecho que es impresionante. Por eso es el Rey del Do de pecho. No necesita los resonadores de la cabeza. Con su Pecho hacia todo el trabajo.
Both have beautiful voices but have a different personality and it shows. I love them both, but prefer Di Stefano's personality, that is more fine and delicate.
Due voci straordinarie, limpide e cristalline. Quella di Di Stefano più matura e controllata. Quella di Pavarotti più giovanile e squillante.. Naturalmente non tutte le esecuzioni riescono alla stessa maniera e vale per entrambi. In questo confronto, secondo me, Di Stefano riesce di poco vincitore perché mostra un mestiere più collaudato. COMUNQUE DUE GRANDI!!!!!!
Pavarotti was a treasured singer, and I think this represents some of his best aspects. Di Stefano, however, was a god, the likes of which we've not seen since in bel canto singing.
Stupefacente quanto sia assolutamente sorprendente la voce di Pavarotti anche in confronto al grande Di Stefano. Pavarotti è di gran lunga il più grande tenore che sia mai esistito. La bellezza, la perfezione e l'onestà della voce non sono superate da nessuno.
They both had sensational voices so who cares? Pavarotti thought the world of Di Stefano but they they both have wonderful voices. So enjoy! Just revel in the wonder of the sound they both produce! Better two rather than one, I think. So there!
for those who highlight Pavarotti's technique ask yourselves this: In an art form where expressing emotion through music is the whole point, would you rather have someone who sings the aria with perfect technique, or someone whose emotion supersedes those conventions to deliver to the audience the true emotion behind the aria and what the character in the opera would have felt had he been in that situation.
The trouble is people try to disentangle one from the other. I am not interested in emotional effluvia supplying for lack of talent and mastery of the art form. This is a violation of the musical paradigm set by the composer. A good singer combines both seamlessly. Otherwise, he is a hack and imposter. We have many imposters on the operatic stage today.
Some opinions are more valid than others. Especially those based on an adequate knowledge of the art form. There are objective values applicable to judgements made about operatic performances. Genetics(vocal endowment) come first; technique second; interpretation third. Otherwise Edith Piaf would have made a great Isolde.
Pavarotti's strength has always been his technique. Even in his later years, doing "Che Gelida Manina" a half step down, he could do so exceptionally well. Watching him sing this, he seems to fall back exactly on what his strength is,his unflappable technique. Indeed, I wouldn't know if it was 1960 or 1990, and neither would he, because he's in that "zone." The weakness of this is that sometimes he sounds like he is bull-dozing through songs, or making a cameo appearance, especially from the 80's on. He has a voice, and training, and lifelong reliance on that training, that served him well in his marathon run. But there is no doubt, Pippo's voice in its prime was awe-inspiring, a voice that reaches deep into your heart. Luciano, you are an incredible talent, and you trained hard and well, and had an amazing career. But we both know this race goes to Pippo. Any rational tenor would choose to be born with Pippo's voice.
@@mickey1849 I love Pavarotti, I love Di Stefano. Both are wonderful singers. But at his best Pippo is more subtle, more in control. Caruso beats them both hands down because he has the greatest technique and the greatest voice, AND the biggest heart
Tra tutti i talenti che hanno stupito ed entusiasmato, quello di Giuseppe Di Stefano rimane forse la più rappresentativa incarnazione di un perfetto spirito teatrale. Seppe infiammare gli animi con una voce tanto bella quanto capace di numeri funambolici, ma soprattutto , egli volle e potè ammaliarli con la poesia del suo canto tutto giocato sulla parola, in cui un istinto musicale del tutto fuori dell'ordinario gli permise di fondere accenti lirici e drammatici in una commistione esplosiva ..Pavarotti lo elevò a suo IDOLO ....D'altro canto spesso affermava che se Di Stefano era in forma non c'era nessuno che poteva contrastarlo.....era UNICO!
Se mi permette ho un' obiezione da fare. Entrambi erano tenori lirici, grandissimo Di Stefano, buono Pavarotti. Se non avessero cantato il repertorio tipico dei tenori drammatici le loro voci sarebbero durate più a lungo
Le rispondo con le parole di Di Stefano :"Adesso fanno tutto con la voce impostata e, in questo modo, sono monocolori dalla prima all'ultima nota. Anche se sviluppassero un tipo di canto molto potente ( e questo non è possibile se si trascura l'articolazione delle parole), resterebbero sempre monocolori, proprio per il tipo di scuola oggi più diffusa. La tecnica di oggi è monocolore. Invece, la voce è come un viso, ma i cantanti di oggi sono spesso monocolori. Non hanno viso. E quando esci dall'aver visto e ascoltato un'opera, ti chiedi che opera era."
Non so chi intendesse per " giovani d' oggi ". Io sono un estimatore di Di Stefano, ma è innegabile che ha dato il meglio di sè nella prima parte della sua carriera
I heard L'Elisir at San Francisco Opera four times. The first time was with Alfredo Kraus as Nemorino in 1965. This cast also had Wixell making his debut as Belcore and Bruscantini as Dulcamara. The Adina was Reri Grist. It was a big success so it was brought back with the same cast and production except Pavarotti was in the tenor part. That was 1967. In 1969 it was revived again with Carreras but the others were mostly the same. The last time I heard it is San Francisco (I had heard other L'Elisir productions elsewhere too) Jerry Hadley and Ruth Ann Swenson in 1992 were in the romantic leads. Carreras, I only heard on the car radio while driving around the city during the broadcast on the car radio but I heard the other three tenors sing this aria live in the theater. Who was best? Kraus was very well schooled on the part. He acted it to perfection and sang all the ensembles as well as you could possibly imagine. But Pavarotti sang the aria better. How could it be otherwise? Pavarotti had a much better voice than Kraus. Hell he had a better voice than just about everyone. But Kraus and Carreras and others were better singers overall. Pavarotti in 1967 didn't really know the score very well. All his life, he had trouble learning new music. I caught him a little too early in this role. He did it many times again over the years and got quite expert at it - but not in 1967. I should have sung Dulcamara myself. I did several basso buffo roles in those days. In the smaller regional opera companies where I sang everyone was always doing their parts for the first time. You got used to opening nights being full of simple musical mistakes or just 'stiff' singing. Usually almost everyone was better on subsequent performances. For small opera companies I always advised people to go to the last show not the first. So I recognized what was happening with Pavarotti - he had memorized the music but he wasn't really proficient yet. That changed when he got to 'Una Furtiva'. He had probably sung that song since he was a child. The voice bloomed and I got a taste of what Pavarotti would later become (when he really knew the whole score). Carreras was probably the one with the best voice, appearance, stage presence for Nemorino. Hadley was also very good but this was pretty rich company to be competing in. They were some of the best singers of that or any other century. I never heard Di Stefano live. When I was in Washington DC he and Maria Callas came through on their farewell tour. I wanted to hear both of them (of course) but both only had threads of voice left. I decided to just listen to their records. Pat
Some years ago, PBS ran a program on the Italian tenor. It concluded the Pavarotti and Gigli were more tecchnically correct. There were numerous comparisons of Pavarotti to others, including DiSteffano and Corelli. Perhaps the best way to solve this, is that Pavarotti's Father, an exceptional tenor in his own right, posed the question to him: Who is better? Gigli or DiStafano? Luciano answered DiSteffano, and his Father slapped him across the face.
Es una voz más dulce pero a mi personalmente me empacha en una ópera larga. Además esconde mucho las palabras, me gusta que el artista tenga dicción clara.
Y bueno Pavarotti es mi preferido por encima de muchos, sobre todo los de su era y todos los que le han seguido no tienen con qué enfrentar al Gran Pavarotti, pero esta área en específica se la lleva y por mucho el gran stefano. la verdad honor a quien honor merese
Pavarotti's strength has always been his technique. Even in his later years, doing "Che Gelida Manina" a half step down, he could do so exceptionally well. Watching him sing this, he seems to fall back exactly on what his strength is,his unflappable technique. Indeed, I wouldn't know if it was 1960 or 1990, and neither would he, because he's in that "zone." The weakness of this is that sometimes he sounds like he is bull-dozing through songs, or making a cameo appearance, especially from the 80's on. He has a voice, and training, and lifelong reliance on that training, that served him well in his marathon run. But there is no doubt, Pippo's voice in its prime was awe-inspiring, a voice that reaches deep into your heart. Luciano, you are an incredible talent, and you trained hard and well, and had an amazing career. But we both know this race goes to Pippo. Any rational tenor would choose to be born with Pippo's voice.
Pippo tenia una voz pura, increíble y que en esta comparativa se puede apreciar, Pavarotti, buenísima voz mas timbrada, hay para los dos gustos, ambos cantan fantásticamente, últimamente se ha oído mas a Pavarotti pero recomiendo a los mas jóvenes revisar a Di Stefano. Si tuviese que elegir, votaría por Pippo en esta ocasión.
Maestro Pavarotti would be happy to be compared to Maestro di Stefano. He had no ego where comparisons to the greats were concerned. Both these men had their strengths and weaknesses. Listen to their tone, resonance and tessitura. Exquisite! Why is a judgment necessary? In the grand tenor choir, both are singing together in harmony. Let us do so also. Thank God I was able to hear them both!
Yes, music is not a corrida. Di Stefano has a freshness here that later disappeared from his voice. Pavarotti has sweetness and does so much shading. One of his best recordings. As for those who prefer others, that is a matter of taste. Still, those of you who exaggerate "by far", "not even near" etc. do a poor service for music.
Di stefano prime was 1943-1953 Pavarotti 1964-1979 This two collosal tebor are not from same period. Di stefano have more talent and he was chosen one. Beautifull and special voices. Giant of opera. In their prime two of them were Gods amound us. ❤️❤️
Di Stefano had a beautiful voice with a glorious open sound - too open for technical purists - he doesn't make any modification when he sings the passaggio notes. Pavarotti also had a distinctive and beautiful voice and is universally recognized as having exceptional vocal technique - he was religious in 'covering' those passaggio notes. You can best see and hear the difference by having the vocal score in front of you while listening to both versions.
covering is mechanism that allows singer to sing above passagio not in falsetto only but some mixture of chest and head registers of larynx. so we have to variants: 1. Pippo sings in falsetto 2. you use "covering" in wrong way. :)
Queste classificazioni non andrebbero fatte ma qui, per me è meglio Di Stefano. Di Pavarotti ricordo una magnifica interpretazione nel Guglielmo Tell diretto da Chailly, li era veramente perfetto.
I like both in general, what's there not to like in both interpretations? However the effortless and warm rendition of Di Stefano makes it feel like anyone could sing this aria. Natural, fluid, so close to anyone ( who wishes to sing this piece) that almost feels imperfect, but that's why it's not: just beautiful as true art is and should be. Thank you Di Stefano ❤
It is impossible not to stand in awe of Pavarotti's mastery of his powerful instrument and his breathtaking display of technique. And yet I'd rather listen to DiStefano. When I hear Pavarotti I hear a magnificent opera singer displaying his superb talent. When I hear DiStefano I hear Nemorino deluding himself that Adina loves him.
Both are the greatest tenors in all history. And so simpaticos. Both are thrilling in different ways. Wonderful, wonderful. Having said that, it just feels so good to hear Pippo.
Immenso Pippo Di Stefano, una voce limpida e trasparente. Imbattibile
Que linda interpretación de esta aria del Elixir de Amor. La fuerza dramática en la interpretación de Distefano es sorprendente. Me gustó mucho. Y la voz melódica de Pavarotti un deleite
Pippo is absolutely great! When young-fantastic, then he sang too much drammatic roles
Por fraseo Si Stefano
Por sentimiento Di Stefano
Por belleza de Voz Di Stefano
Di stefano classificou Pavarotti como um fenómeno !
I find di Stefano's voice quite beautiful
Maravilloso Di Stefano pero el timbre de Pavarotti es ÚNICO con una dulzura inigualable.¿Por qué uno o el otro? Me quedo con los dos.
Fantastic...pure music that brings you to heaven....there is nothing to choose from, just to listen, to feel and to lose yourself in the embrace of music
Di Stefano sin dudas
Jussi Björling?
Voglio molto bene a Pavarotti, ed è un grandissimo tenore,ma PIPPO è PIPPO,grazia dizione fraseggio timbro e colore vocale e, non ultimo interpretazione, in poche parole UNICO GRANDISSIMO!!!!!!!
I gusti sono gusti e non si discutono.
Ma l oggettività non può sparire e mancare del tutto.
Di Stefano canta con il cuore accompagnato da una voce meravigliosa ( nei primi 10 anni di carriera) ma con una mancanza di tecnica totale.
Pavarotti canta con il cuore accompagnato dalla sua voce meravigliosa ( in tutta la sua carriera) e sopratutto tutto condito da una tecnica unica che lo ha reso celebre in tutto il mondo.
@@alessandroscano8 ¿Mancanza di tecnica?. Era il tenore preferito de Arturo Toscanini y de Herbert Von Karajan.
@@alessandroscano8 se Pavarotti aveva una tecnica eccellente, Corelli, Schipa, pertile cosa avevano?
@@albertospadaro4743 una tecnica eccellente
@@albertospadaro4743 ne avresti potuto citare qualcuno in più Tipo Gigli, Fleta, Cortis, Caruso, Kraus, Barioni... Se parliamo di tencica
The first aria that started my love of opera! I love them both.
Niente confronti... solo il piacere di ascoltare la stessa romanza interpretata in modo superbo da due voci bellissime,inconfondibili e uniche!
Di Stefano Gigli Bjorling di ben altro livello rispetto a Pavarotti
@@eugeniogentili1048Quel niveau ? Bjorling une arnaque
senza nulla togliere a Di Stefano, un po' sdolcinato. o a Del Monano, senza dolcezza. Corelli canta col cuore. la sua voce e' vera passione. nulla di teatrale come i colleghi. Corelli ti prende l'anima, ti innamora.......
Pavarotti loves this role the best.
But the timbre of Pippo is just so handsome, pure gift from Above!
No doubt, Di Stefano is the voice of oxygen!
Pavarotti fu un grande cantante, Di Stefano un grande artista
I would say Pavarotti loved to sing and hear his voice. Di Stefano was a poet who knew WHY he was singing
Di Stefano forever
Ambos personajes, excelentes tenores. Particularmente está pieza, me agrada con Di Stefano.
No doubt they both belong to The Cohort of Great Singers and are very different in their colors of voices. But since Di Stefano has always been among my best favorites, I prefer him - his voice thrills me much more!
I always like how Pavarotti described Di Stefano as having a "solar voice." You can really hear that quality. But how can anyone not love Luciano. I choose both. Thanks for the video.
They are both absolutely the best 👍
Di Stefano owns this aria. Nobody after him ever came close to interpret this like him. NOBODY!
De certeza ?
DI STEFANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prefiero Di Stefano.
Senz'altro...tuttavia Pavarotti non è tra i peggio,sicuramente meglio di Florez e company ...Pippo è di altra categoria
I migliori in questa aria Di Stefano Bjorling Tagliavini Kraus Schipa Prandelli Valletti Gigli Alva Gedda.My opinion
Ele resolveu ser melhor de todos os outros e foi.
Mesmo os outros tenores sendo também maravilhosos. Brilhantes.
Pavarotti transmite não só uma grande voz, tecnicamente treinada, com muito estudo e prática que o levou além de seu próprio talento. Seu timbre é único. Seu sorriso de felicidade por entregar ao público o melhor de sua interpretação também é único. É como se ele brincasse de cantar, ou seja, ele ama cantar e sem isso, creio que ele não poderia viver.
No teatro, nos palcos, nos recitais, mesmo sem maestro e sem orquestra ou coral ele era, e é genial. Ainda bem que a tecnologia atual (isso tem de bom), nos permite continuar a vê-lo e escutá-lo para sempre. Ouvi-lo me alegra. Põe vida e força no meu dia. Muita gente acha triste ouvi- lo. Nada é mais vibrante que seu canto, portanto a vida nos deu grandes gênios da música da pintura da literatura, entre outras artes. E nos deu Pavarotti.
Ele cantar com outros cantores, também maravilhoss, acolhê-los como artistas foi dar o seu melhor para a humanidade. Foi único da parte de um tenor tão brilhante. Já li que ele era sedutor e até, talvez, na falta de outra palavra exibido. Bueno, eu acho que ser sedutor faz parte do humano, da natureza. E ele, Pavarotti, podia. Tinha bala na agulha. Enquanto alguns cuidam só do corpo ele cuidou da voz e da alma. Uma coisa não elimina a outra. Mas mesmo gordo ele era lindo demais. Que energia. Que homem encantador. As mulheres só podiam se apaixonar mesmo. Eu o admiro e o escutarei sempre.
They are both perfect but Pavarotti's version tugged at my heart string,!!s
Your comment says what I was thinking. That tug is stronger for my heart with Pavarotti. Never heard DiStefani live but heard Pav., so his sound touches me more definitively. Both spectacular..
LOs dos son magistrales, sin embargo Pavarotti le imprime una fuerza y potencia a su voz de pecho que es impresionante. Por eso es el Rey del Do de pecho. No necesita los resonadores de la cabeza. Con su Pecho hacia todo el trabajo.
You're funny if you think mosquito Pavarotti has stronger chest voice. They're both have lyric voices, but Di Stefano has larger voice!
Guissepe of course!!
Both have beautiful voices but have a different personality and it shows. I love them both, but prefer Di Stefano's personality, that is more fine and delicate.
Con ambidue si può morire d'amore !!!! Bellissimo !
Due voci straordinarie, limpide e cristalline. Quella di Di Stefano più matura e controllata. Quella di Pavarotti più giovanile e squillante.. Naturalmente
non tutte le esecuzioni riescono alla stessa maniera e vale per entrambi. In questo confronto, secondo me, Di Stefano riesce di poco vincitore perché mostra un mestiere più collaudato. COMUNQUE DUE GRANDI!!!!!!
I'm sorry, I not going to say who's the better voice. To me they are two different men with the beautiful voice.
but we can talk about techniques maybe
I agree. Two different beautiful voices. Perhaps Di Stefano is more clear like J. Björling, but Pavarotti’s voice is warm.
Alejandro chavez murga yes and pavarotti has a better technique
Di Stefano, una voce molto caldo,una voce sublima .❤️
,Pavarotti,una voce forte e aspra.😍
Never in a million years there will be another voice like Pippo !
Pavarotti eu prefiro. E imortal. Maravilhoso. Bravo. ..bravo...e o melhor o maior de todos os tenores . Ouço todos os dias.
You have absolutely raison !
God, how can I ever disagree on that!!! Gift from Above!
100 %
Se respeta el gusto de cada quien, pero si hablamos de voz, La Voz es Pavarotti. Reitero con todo respeto.
Pavarotti es unico. Inconmensurable
Giuseppe di Stefano:uno dei più grandi tenori di tutti i tempi- Luciano Pavarotti: un tenore come tanti altri!!.
Pavarotti was a treasured singer, and I think this represents some of his best aspects. Di Stefano, however, was a god, the likes of which we've not seen since in bel canto singing.
Stupefacente quanto sia assolutamente sorprendente la voce di Pavarotti anche in confronto al grande Di Stefano. Pavarotti è di gran lunga il più grande tenore che sia mai esistito. La bellezza, la perfezione e l'onestà della voce non sono superate da nessuno.
They both had sensational voices so who cares? Pavarotti thought the world of Di Stefano but they they both have wonderful voices. So enjoy! Just revel in the wonder of the sound they both produce! Better two rather than one, I think. So there!
Dos monstruos inconmensurables... Para qué elegir si podemos escucharlos a los dos??
Ambos son extraordinarios, los amó!!
pour moi entre 1944 et 1954 la voix du Maestro Pippo est la plu belle voix de ténor de tous les temps
Ningún tenor se compara con el gran Di Stefano! El mejor!!
for those who highlight Pavarotti's technique ask yourselves this: In an art form where expressing emotion through music is the whole point, would you rather have someone who sings the aria with perfect technique, or someone whose emotion supersedes those conventions to deliver to the audience the true emotion behind the aria and what the character in the opera would have felt had he been in that situation.
The trouble is people try to disentangle one from the other. I am not interested in emotional effluvia supplying for lack of talent and mastery of the art form. This is a violation of the musical paradigm set by the composer. A good singer combines both seamlessly. Otherwise, he is a hack and imposter. We have many imposters on the operatic stage today.
Some opinions are more valid than others. Especially those based on an adequate knowledge of the art form. There are objective values applicable to judgements made about operatic performances. Genetics(vocal endowment) come first; technique second; interpretation third. Otherwise Edith Piaf would have made a great Isolde.
Pavarotti's strength has always been his technique. Even in his later years, doing "Che Gelida Manina" a half step down, he could do so exceptionally well. Watching him sing this, he seems to fall back exactly on what his strength is,his unflappable technique. Indeed, I wouldn't know if it was 1960 or 1990, and neither would he, because he's in that "zone." The weakness of this is that sometimes he sounds like he is bull-dozing through songs, or making a cameo appearance, especially from the 80's on. He has a voice, and training, and lifelong reliance on that training, that served him well in his marathon run. But there is no doubt, Pippo's voice in its prime was awe-inspiring, a voice that reaches deep into your heart. Luciano, you are an incredible talent, and you trained hard and well, and had an amazing career. But we both know this race goes to Pippo. Any rational tenor would choose to be born with Pippo's voice.
@@mickey1849 I love Pavarotti, I love Di Stefano. Both are wonderful singers. But at his best Pippo is more subtle, more in control. Caruso beats them both hands down because he has the greatest technique and the greatest voice, AND the biggest heart
@@chastenor Well, you'll get no argument from me!
Di Stefano. El mejor tenor de a historia! No solo si maravilloso timbre. Sus interpretaciones!! Es el número UNO!!!
Tra tutti i talenti che hanno stupito ed entusiasmato, quello di Giuseppe Di Stefano rimane forse la più rappresentativa incarnazione di un perfetto spirito teatrale. Seppe infiammare gli animi con una voce tanto bella quanto capace di numeri funambolici, ma soprattutto , egli volle e potè ammaliarli con la poesia del suo canto tutto giocato sulla parola, in cui un istinto musicale del tutto fuori dell'ordinario gli permise di fondere accenti lirici e drammatici in una commistione esplosiva ..Pavarotti lo elevò a suo IDOLO ....D'altro canto spesso affermava che se Di Stefano era in forma non c'era nessuno che poteva contrastarlo.....era UNICO!
Se mi permette ho un' obiezione da fare. Entrambi erano tenori lirici, grandissimo Di Stefano, buono Pavarotti. Se non avessero cantato il repertorio tipico dei tenori drammatici le loro voci sarebbero durate più a lungo
Le rispondo con le parole di Di Stefano :"Adesso fanno tutto con la voce impostata e, in questo modo, sono monocolori dalla prima all'ultima nota. Anche se sviluppassero un tipo di canto molto potente ( e questo non è possibile se si trascura l'articolazione delle parole), resterebbero sempre monocolori, proprio per il tipo di scuola oggi più diffusa. La tecnica di oggi è monocolore. Invece, la voce è come un viso, ma i cantanti di oggi sono spesso monocolori. Non hanno viso. E quando esci dall'aver visto e ascoltato un'opera, ti chiedi che opera era."
Non so chi intendesse per " giovani d' oggi ". Io sono un estimatore di Di Stefano, ma è innegabile che ha dato il meglio di sè nella prima parte della sua carriera
E non ha ascoltato Kaufmann, altrimenti chissà cosa avrebbe detto ahahahahahahahah
Per fortuna che non lo ha ascoltato!!!!!!!!!
Di Stefano el nùmero 1 !!! Nimguno como !
I heard L'Elisir at San Francisco Opera four times. The first time was with Alfredo Kraus as Nemorino in 1965. This cast also had Wixell making his debut as Belcore and Bruscantini as Dulcamara. The Adina was Reri Grist. It was a big success so it was brought back with the same cast and production except Pavarotti was in the tenor part. That was 1967. In 1969 it was revived again with Carreras but the others were mostly the same. The last time I heard it is San Francisco (I had heard other L'Elisir productions elsewhere too) Jerry Hadley and Ruth Ann Swenson in 1992 were in the romantic leads.
Carreras, I only heard on the car radio while driving around the city during the broadcast on the car radio but I heard the other three tenors sing this aria live in the theater. Who was best?
Kraus was very well schooled on the part. He acted it to perfection and sang all the ensembles as well as you could possibly imagine. But Pavarotti sang the aria better. How could it be otherwise? Pavarotti had a much better voice than Kraus. Hell he had a better voice than just about everyone. But Kraus and Carreras and others were better singers overall. Pavarotti in 1967 didn't really know the score very well. All his life, he had trouble learning new music. I caught him a little too early in this role. He did it many times again over the years and got quite expert at it - but not in 1967.
I should have sung Dulcamara myself. I did several basso buffo roles in those days. In the smaller regional opera companies where I sang everyone was always doing their parts for the first time. You got used to opening nights being full of simple musical mistakes or just 'stiff' singing. Usually almost everyone was better on subsequent performances. For small opera companies I always advised people to go to the last show not the first.
So I recognized what was happening with Pavarotti - he had memorized the music but he wasn't really proficient yet. That changed when he got to 'Una Furtiva'. He had probably sung that song since he was a child. The voice bloomed and I got a taste of what Pavarotti would later become (when he really knew the whole score).
Carreras was probably the one with the best voice, appearance, stage presence for Nemorino. Hadley was also very good but this was pretty rich company to be competing in. They were some of the best singers of that or any other century.
I never heard Di Stefano live. When I was in Washington DC he and Maria Callas came through on their farewell tour. I wanted to hear both of them (of course) but both only had threads of voice left. I decided to just listen to their records.
Come si fa a dire chi è più bravo? È solo questione di gusti! Per conto mio la voce di Di Stefano è semplicemente affascinante.
Di Stefano e Pavarotti.Due giganti.
Какие разные, но в тоже время завораживающе красивые голоса.
Some years ago, PBS ran a program on the Italian tenor. It concluded the Pavarotti and Gigli were more tecchnically correct. There were numerous comparisons of Pavarotti to others, including DiSteffano and Corelli. Perhaps the best way to solve this, is that Pavarotti's Father, an exceptional tenor in his own right, posed the question to him: Who is better? Gigli or DiStafano? Luciano answered DiSteffano, and his Father slapped him across the face.
I think Pavarotti said (in a video) that he preferred Di Stefano because his voice was more sexual (I think he probably meant sensual, more accurate).
They are both GREAT! Just enjoy!
Pavarotti me agrada más porque acelera el ritmo, de ahí que gusta más al público nuevo.
Hay que reconocer que su timbre de voz es inconfundible.
Es una voz más dulce pero a mi personalmente me empacha en una ópera larga. Además esconde mucho las palabras, me gusta que el artista tenga dicción clara.
Di Stefano narurally
Both wonderful Tenors.My preference by a small margin is Giuseppe.♫•*♫♪ ¨*•♫♪
Due di incomparabile bravura e bellezza vocale
Wow, I discover him just now and I am shocked how GDS blows even Mario Lanza from my list of most beautiful voices. His voice is so complete.
Di Stefano em minha preferência
There is no question for me who is better, of cause Di Stefano.
Y bueno Pavarotti es mi preferido por encima de muchos, sobre todo los de su era y todos los que le han seguido no tienen con qué enfrentar al Gran Pavarotti, pero esta área en específica se la lleva y por mucho el gran stefano. la verdad honor a quien honor merese
They are two great voices. One shouldn’t compare. Just listen and enjoy.
Di Stefano. My tenor in history.
Pavarotti's strength has always been his technique. Even in his later years, doing "Che Gelida Manina" a half step down, he could do so exceptionally well. Watching him sing this, he seems to fall back exactly on what his strength is,his unflappable technique. Indeed, I wouldn't know if it was 1960 or 1990, and neither would he, because he's in that "zone." The weakness of this is that sometimes he sounds like he is bull-dozing through songs, or making a cameo appearance, especially from the 80's on. He has a voice, and training, and lifelong reliance on that training, that served him well in his marathon run. But there is no doubt, Pippo's voice in its prime was awe-inspiring, a voice that reaches deep into your heart. Luciano, you are an incredible talent, and you trained hard and well, and had an amazing career. But we both know this race goes to Pippo. Any rational tenor would choose to be born with Pippo's voice.
DiStefano best ever.
Pavarotti is the more enjoyable for me, for the timbre, the more nuance, the more emotion.
io preferisco Di Stefano
Di Stefano era di un altro livello rispetto a Pavarotti. Nell'Elisir d'amore, poi, era immenso
E io prefero Di Stefano .
Ritengo la performance di Di Stefano allo stesso livello di Jussi Bjorling.
Pavarotti tutta la vita ed oltre
Two Fantastic Tenors! Enjoy !!!!
Di Stefano.
I prefer Di Stefano, if I have to choose only one of them...
pavarotti by far
Pavarotti obviously
Excelente pero con pavarotti es perfecto divino, pavarotti es de otro planeta
With a voice like that and glorious music like this/ you leave this world and hover in the stars!!
Pippo tenia una voz pura, increíble y que en esta comparativa se puede apreciar, Pavarotti, buenísima voz mas timbrada, hay para los dos gustos, ambos cantan fantásticamente, últimamente se ha oído mas a Pavarotti pero recomiendo a los mas jóvenes revisar a Di Stefano. Si tuviese que elegir, votaría por Pippo en esta ocasión.
Non c’è proprio storia Di Stefano inequalibile
Maestro Pavarotti would be happy to be compared to Maestro di Stefano. He had no ego where comparisons to the greats were concerned. Both these men had their strengths and weaknesses. Listen to their tone, resonance and tessitura. Exquisite! Why is a judgment necessary? In the grand tenor choir, both are singing together in harmony. Let us do so also. Thank God I was able to hear them both!
Di Stefano 🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭😭.
Pavarotti vs. su ídolo
di stefano!!!!
Yes, music is not a corrida. Di Stefano has a freshness here that later disappeared from his voice. Pavarotti has sweetness and does so much shading. One of his best recordings. As for those who prefer others, that is a matter of taste. Still, those of you who exaggerate "by far", "not even near" etc. do a poor service for music.
Di Stefano by smile
Di stefano prime was 1943-1953
Pavarotti 1964-1979
This two collosal tebor are not from same period.
Di stefano have more talent and he was chosen one.
Beautifull and special voices.
Giant of opera.
In their prime two of them were Gods amound us.
Di Stefano - absolutely !!!
Pavarotti mil veces Pavarotti 😊
Рavarotti bravissimo! Ingegnoso!!!!!!
Los dos hermosísima. Me quedo con luciano
Aparte de su voz majestuosa, Lucíano le agrega alma y corazón a su interpretación, cosa que ninguno ha hecho hasta ahora, ni hará. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💞💕
Due giganti, non si può stabilire chi è più bravo rispetto all'altro
Luciano es incomparable...
Simplemente, Pippo me conmueve más. Es mi favorito. Con todo el respeto al resto de cantantes de ópera.
Cuestión de gustos, sobre lo que no hay leyes.
Di Stefano had a beautiful voice with a glorious open sound - too open for technical purists - he doesn't make any modification when he sings the passaggio notes. Pavarotti also had a distinctive and beautiful voice and is universally recognized as having exceptional vocal technique - he was religious in 'covering' those passaggio notes. You can best see and hear the difference by having the vocal score in front of you while listening to both versions.
covering is mechanism that allows singer to sing above passagio not in falsetto only but some mixture of chest and head registers of larynx.
so we have to variants:
1. Pippo sings in falsetto
2. you use "covering" in wrong way.
Queste classificazioni non andrebbero fatte ma qui, per me è meglio Di Stefano. Di Pavarotti ricordo una magnifica interpretazione nel Guglielmo Tell diretto da Chailly, li era veramente perfetto.
Ofc Pavarotti💥. Di Stefano (studio tenor) like baritone.
Sin lugar a dudas, Pavarotti es el mas grande de todos los tiempos
al two are great tenors. I choose for both.
Di Stefano ha una marcia in più....
Bisogna capire se si tratta della retromarcia però
Como poder decir quien es el mejor? Ambos son excepcionales.
Pavarotti for me. The best tenor ever
Irraggiungibile PIPPO!!! GRAZIE❤