Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland? das Sonnensystem? die oort-Wolke? Ist es die Milchstraße? Ist es die Andromeda? *O NEIN, NEIN, NEIN! SEIN VATERLAND MUSS GRÖßER SEIN!*
What is the german’s fatherland? Is it the galaxies? ls it the entire space? Where the other species are living in peace? Or just fighting in a war? OH NEIN, NEIN, NEIN! SEIN VATERLAND MUSS GROBER SEIN! SEIN VATERLAND MUSS GROBER SEIN!
This 19th century song about german regions is far from even Weimar Germany. Expulsions and annexations have reduced Germany and Austria extremely. But there are still millions of dreamers who in real life have accepted the results of the Worldwars.
@@nachofish4477 They only think of one thing when talking about german history even though germany has a much richer culture than just one event in history
@wally mason idiot wehraboo beliving in Nazi war propaganda... its like rusky pleb beliving in the Soviet propaganda about 500% potatoe production increase. Poland was semifacist cooperating with NAZIs in many fields. Read that up.
yes but some other nations only think about the expansionism of Hitler not even looking at the date this song has been written..... I personally think that this step our ancestors take should've been just the beginning in uniting the whole world, not under a specific flag unless it is the human flag, maybe when we reach mars we as humans finally can unite and be as strong as we can, but some nations still think they are the best or are worth more than others.... it's just human stupidity and nationalism (e.g. see poland, i met lots of them and many can be called "modern nazis", even if this may be a bit too hyperbolic
They ALSO MISINTERPRET - Deuschland, Deutschland ueber alles, ueber alles in der Welt. They are too stupid to understand or they don't want to understand that this phrase speaks to emotions and feelings of the heart about one's homeland, not about conquest of other countries. It SHOULD ONCE AGAIN be PART OF GERMANY'S NATIONAL ANTHEM.
@Sprache, Kommunikation, Kampfkunst Thanks for the historical lesson about how Hitler came to his idea of genocide and what influenced him, i personally know much about how countries back in the years tried to expand and make the life for their inhabitants better, thus taking wealth from others. But please don't be mad at me because I honestly don't understand what your answer has to do with my comment (you tagged me so I think this should be related to it). The song had been written roughly 100years before the reign of Hitler and, as I explained, the idea behind it was uniting people who had always been in some way related, but shouldn't be stopped by borders because we all, as humans, share the same world and the same wish to make life better (maybe just for themselfes but also for everyone else). Maybe my english is a bit "rusted" as you would say in german so there had been some misunderstandings, but it was in no way related to Hitler, but to the unification of dukedoms which lead to germany itself. It's just the evolution time brings to unify people to bigger and bigger institutions, but it sadly stopped when big states had developed, so it is on us to take it one step forward and unify humankind.
King Rengo II non c'est l'idéologie du pangermanisme qui est condamnable et elle est in fine responsable de deux guerres mondiales mortifères ( 80 millions de morts ) Vive l'amitié franco-allemande et Vive l'Europe une et indivisible ! Nicht mehr krieg !
Glory to Habsburgs! Prussia destroyed the Confederation of the Germans, the German Confederation was going to be an unified Empire under the rule of the Habsburgs. But Otto came and made his own "Germany" without the main german state, AUSTRIA, the one who ruled over all german states for centuries. But for the lucky of everyone, the "German" Empire was too much for von Hohenzollern dynasty. Wilhelm II, go back to the castle of your family in southern Germany and tell your family to stop stealing lands from Holy Orders of the Catholic Church! This is real Germany -> ruclips.net/video/nkDVmXj2j_g/видео.html
Nicks the Habsburgs were never going to rule the German confederation, because of German nationalism they would’ve been forced to give up their massive holdings in Hungary, Bohemia and elsewhere in the balkans. They didn’t want to, that’s why Prussia did that instead.
@@gmgunnhildr2711 Did Prussia give up it's holdings it acquired from Poland in 1700s when they unified the princedoms ? No ? Then why do you assume same would be the case for Austria ?
Germany: *WAS IST DES DEUTSCHEN VATERLAND?!* Europe: oh fuck not again. Please calm down Germany! Germany: *OH NEIN, NEIN, NEIN! SEIN VATERLAND MUSS GRÖSSER SEIN!*
Technically, Dutch is very close to German and is even seen as a German dialect by many people here. And North Belgium speaks Dutch and the eastern part of Belgium speaks German and Belgium is ruled by a German king, and Luxembourg also has many ethnic Germans, so all of the Benelux states except of Wallonia is German. And Northern Switzerland and Austria speak German, also South Tyrol (in Italy) and Triest (part of Slovenia), Denmark (especially North Schleswig) can be seen as German because of a huge number of ethnic Germans and Dansk being pretty similar to a North German dialect. And Königsberg (exclave of Russia) is also still German, because it always was and similarities in culture and national spirit of that city, so it is also German. And in border areas of the Czech Republic, there are MANY bavarian, saxon, Austrian and former East German people, so it can be seen as German territory. And not to mention Alsace Lorraine, which has a majority of ethnic Germans and was the reason of war between France and Germany for centuries. France just wanted more land, Germany wanted it for uniting all European Germans.
@@maxiona714 Wir sind alle Deutsche. Germanische Nationen dürfen nicht Teil Deutschlands sein, weil einige Leute aus Frankreich und Großbritannien der Idee, Deutschland werde eine Supermacht, nicht zustimmen.
@@antifaheitsolidaritatmitis4346 Wenn man sich das Video angeschaut hat, sollte man auch verstanden haben dass Nationalismus auf dem Gebiet Deutschlands auch sehr schwer zu definieren und äußerst negativ belastet ist! Viele vergleichen das mit französischem oder italienischem Nationalismus was mehr als hinkt. Deutschland kann man da schon eher mit Palästina vergleichen was von je her ebenfalls von sehr verschiedenen Völkern besiedelt war. Fragt man da 100 Bewohner zu, hast du 100 verschiedene Meinungen. Also sollte man, so bald von Deutschen aus von "deutschem" Nationalismus die rede ist, sich stets definieren lassen was damit gemeint ist!
@@finnkillen6554 This is definitely not educational content. If this were to be used in school officially Denmark, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Rebublic, Poland and Russia would protest against it, since the map is outdated.
Ich hab dieses Lied das erste Mal im Geschichtsunterricht gehört, und mein Lehrer war doch etwas überrascht, als er es noch Wochen später in den Pausen aus unserer Klasse hören konnte (wir hatten eine elektrische Tafel). Manchmal hat das dann die halbe Klasse mitgesungen 😊
@@Gluon- Also ich aus Schleswig-Holstein, und da eher im Süden. Waren aber auch das WiPo-Profil, also Wirtschaft und Politik, da waren viele einfach etwas anders drauf als in den anderen Klassen :3
Yes, tragically the governments of the German states violently repressed the relatively liberal attempts to form a united Germany. And then the Prussians forced many to join their "German" Empire (which was in reality just a Greater Prussia). Before that I'd rather have had an independent Bavaria.
1813 was the year where the germans started to fight united against napoleon. the war was from 1813-15 and ended in a victory. there was no germany, but many students and workers wished there was a united germany. the austrians and prussians called every free german man to fight for a united and free germany. however, after the war they never got a united german, it was a big step backwards. the lured them in by saying they fight for a united germany and then just restored feudalism.
Russia: *poshel na hui blyat* USA: *I do solemnly swear that I have at no time taken notice of any irregular events happening across the Atlantic Ocean*
Have you ever heard about the "German Confederation" in the 19th century? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Confederation#/media/File%3AMap-GermanConfederation.svg
@@chillaxo9863 Well, maybe. Russia doesn't want a war with the west, and with patrols from russia to kaliningrad, they are always threatened by NATO fighters patroling in the baltics. If the situation escalates, it could mean war. And kaliningrad is full of crimes and bad infrastructure, and the supplying of it costs them a large sum of money.
@@Mizzurani what allies and which country do you have in mind, boy? Slavs had empires when you are still a bunch of tiny-ass duchies in the middle of forrests...
Well its important to remeber that germans are not only "Staatsdeutsche", but is in fact a superordinate term for different subcultures who all share ancestry. Thats why eg austrians saw themselfes as german until 45. After 45 the term german generally only apllies to citizens of germany, although historically speaking that is not correct. but yeah. as a swabian my swiss friends always describe me as their enslaved brother. so, much love to you, brother!
@@keysn9070 Aber natürlich, Herr Sprachwissenschaftler, ich weiss nicht , wie ich zu der Annahme kam, Schweizerdeutsch sei Deutsch. Klingt auch total anders, keine parallelen Wörter. Aber natürlich, Herr Sprachwüsseschaftler, ich weiss nöd, wie ich zur Ahnahm cho bin, Schwiizerdütsch seyg Dütsch. Tönt au total anders, kei paralleli Wörter.
@@keysn9070 Beim Sprechen: Schwitzer Duitsch, beim Schreiben: Hochdeutsch mit Anlehnung an die unsägliche Duden-Reform - außer das Doppel-s! (Lustig: die Busse (ÖVN) und die Busse (gesündigt)
@ GodVanisher, das fällt unter "So weit die deutsche Zunge klingt". Da ja, was ich persönlich gut finde, die 8. Strophe, in der die Franzosen angefeindet werden, wegelassen wurde, wurde wohl schon in den ursprünglichen Text eingegriffen. Aber Franzosen zu hassen ist ja nun wirklich nicht mehr "typisch deutsch". Das ist zwar im historischen Kontext nachvollziehbar, aber dann bräuchte es dazu eine ausschweifendere Erklärung und könnte nicht so für sich stehen, wie es das jetzt tut - und wer würde dann noch darüber schmunzeln können.
Mallorca is pretty much Germany, we've (British) done the same to Ibiza and Benidorm, search up Benidorm and it has become one of our weird poor cities
I love how catchy German patriotic songs are. Can't possibly go through a single day without getting one stuck in my head even though I have nothing to do with Germany
@@dominikgeberl7240 Same here comrade! I might be an American, but my blood is as Deutsche as you can get nowadays. I will forever be proud of both the country I live in and the country I am kin of! 🇩🇪
Die klangvolle und tolle Umsetzung des Gesangs ist atemberaubend. .. der Bass, der toll zu hören ist, mit einsetzen des Chores, der herrlich kraftvoll klingt.. melodisch toll und eine ungemeine Wirkung erzielt. Ganz vom hohen Regal gegriffen! extrem gut! Könnte ich mir in der 5 Stunden Version anhören :)
Heute haben wir das im Geschichte-Leistungskurs gehört (ohne den Text zu sehen). Da konnte ich nicht anders als mitzusingen, schon bei den ersten Noten wusste ich bescheid. Zwar hab ich leise gesungen, aber man konnte es scheinbar hören, da der halbe Kurs mich angesehen hat. Das war Gold wert. Die Jungs haben ein bisschen gelacht, aber die Mädels haben mich angeguckt wie ein Auto. Einfach genial. Übrigens, tolles Video, was die Bildwahl, die Visualisierung der Strophen und natürlich das Klangliche anbelangt. Es ist gut zu sehen, dass so ein wichtiges Lied weiter verbreitet wird und in so kurzer Zeit so viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen hat. Danke für deine Arbeit, Dr. Ludwig! Liebe Grüße an Frau S. und den Geschi-Lk ;)
Ich finde es faszinierend, dass das so oft in Klassen gezeigt wird und ich finde es sollte keine Schande sein, dass man das mitsummen kann, die anderen sollten das auch können ;)
Ja, oft werden weggelassen: 7. Das ist des Deutschen Vaterland, Wo Eide schwört der Druck der Hand, Wo Treu hell vom Auge blitzt Und Liebe warm im Herzen sitzt. |: Das soll es sein! das soll es sein! Das, wackrer Deutscher, nenne dein! :I |: O nein, o nein, o nein, o nein! Sein Vaterland muß größer sein! :I 8. Das ist des Deutschen Vaterland, Wo Zorn vertilgt den welschen Tand, Wo jeder Franzman heißet Feind, Wo jeder Deutsche heißet Freund. |: Das soll es sein! das soll es sein! Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein! :I |: O nein, o nein, o nein, o nein! Sein Vaterland muß größer sein! :I In der Schule hat man natürlich den kompletten Text, was, gerade im Falle der 8. Strophe, dem Lied einen faden Beigeschmack verpasst. Die Franzmänner sind nämlich gar nicht so übel...und erst die Franzfrauen ;-P
Later it resulted in all european empires being bankrupt, the german empire was destroyed, the british and french were broken and austria hungary collapsed. Only the greedy americans prospered from the disgrace of the europeans.
@@theprussian8102 I wouldn't exactly say that the Americans profited from the Great War. It's just that they didn't lose as much as the rest of us. Besides, they did have a crippling stock market crash and unemployment rates as high as 40% a couple of decades later. Also yeah Schmalplatine, I think the SS and the stoßtruppen are fucking awesome... but not because they commited war crimes. That was less awesome.
@Liberty Prime C.F P.N So it's like that both our people (I'm german myself) see ourselves as the same. But since the Anschluss of Austria was forbidden after the second world war (it even was after the first but Hitler didn't care lol), I don't think it will happend. But I would still support it.
It's funny, in the east of the Netherlands people speak the 'Lower Saxon' dialect, yet the Netherlands is not included in this song. The Germans needed a neutral area for the Kaiser to flee to just in case, I suppose.
in 1813 there was no Germany on the map to be found (and no Poland either). the pink map from 2:55 onwards shows German speaking communities and the white parts in the northeast should be Poland. unfortunately, the ruling monarchs back then didn't agree
@@dr.ludwig Eigentlich sind die Benelux Staaten (bis auf Wallonien) Deutsch, und von Dänemark, Königsberg, Österreich, der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, Liechtenstein und den südlichen und westlichen Sudetenlanden brauche ich gar nicht erst anzufangen. Sogar ein beträchtlicher Teil der USA ist eigentlich Deutsch, dann will Tsingtau wieder deutsche Kolonie werden, Namibia hat Deutsch immer noch als Landessprache, Elsaß-Lothringen ist zur Mehrheit Deutsch, und und und...
Fritz Bauer Die Siege Österreichs sind mir durchaus geläufig ja. (Ihr habt uns zwar in den letzten zwei Kriegen ziemlich in die Scheiße geritten ;) aber das verzeih ich euch)
For real even though I have commented a lot and made *probably* offensive jokes, this is a really good song and I genuinely appreciate it. Danke. Someone that posts beautiful German songs even though RUclips marks them as hate speech, I really like you songs. I genuinely thank you. Your songs help me get in touch with a culture I'm proud to be a part of. Thank you I am proud to be German
@@motoko9888 bruh dumbo trump made millions of people homeless and since biden is the president there was no racism anymore and he is pretty smart doing with corona virus
"So weit die deutsche zunge klingt" German minorities stretching as far as the Volga river in Russia: *happiness noises* Seriously tho why are there germans everywhere
The Germans were always very advanced people and the Polish, Hungarian, Bohemian or Russian rulers called Germans into their lands. Also the Hanseatic trading and the founding of cities with German law brought many Germans to the east. When the Turks were defeated, Germans were settled to the border regions to secure them against new invasions (and already in the middle ages too).
In Galicia: even before the Habsburgs, and even before the Poles, Ruthenian kings supported German migration into cities (Germany was overpopulated, and Germans were great craftsmen). In Muscovy: started out as colonies of escapees from religious troubles, later turned into its own power bloc in the realm, which played a great part in the shaping of Peter I and his successors, and even modern Russian language. There is a reason there is a joke about "the Russian Empire of German Nation": many 18th century generals and nobles were either German, or Tatar, but named and re-baptized under Orthodox tradition.
Interessanter wäre die Frage, was der Autor Ernst Moritz Arndt dazu sagen würde. Wenn man ihm erklären würde, dass es heute nicht mehr über 30 absolutistische Klein- und Kleinststaaten und eine napoleonische oder sonstige Vorherrschaft gäbe, fände er das schon mal nicht schlecht. Auch, dass Deutsche sich innerhalb - und in früher kaum vorstellbarer Weise auch außerhalb - Deutschlands frei bewegen können. Allerdings hatte der gute Ernst Moritz auch üble antisemitische Tendenzen, mit denen er heute wohl nicht durch die Tür käme - und das finde ich auch gut so.
2:55 It's a shame every German east of Brandenburg and modern Austria was purged by the Soviets after WWII. The linguistic and cultural map of Germany has been greatly reduced in the last century because of pointless wars.
@@bigdick6225 Well, we, Poles, will make you pay for this... We do not tolerate Germanic invaders on our territory. And we have a long history of guerilla warfare, insurgencies... Have in mind that despite good relationships with German government we did not forget what Prussians and Nazis did to our ancestors.
@@bigdick6225 What? These lands belonged to Poles (and other slavic nations) in X, XI and XII centuries. Then Germans conquered them. Veleti, ever heard of them? Slavs that lived to the west of Oder. They have all been germanised. Soviet Union was brutal in the resettlements, but this doesn't mean you can resettle another nation that Soviets moved more to the west. And mind they weren't that good to us either... Besides, Germans invaded Poland and Soviet Union before... And killed many, *many* Poles and Soviets in purpose built camps.
"Gewiss, es ist das Österreich, an Ehren und an Siegen reich." Ein Deutschland muss es sein! Grüße aus Oberbayern an unsere bairischen Stammesbrüder in Österreich.🤝
@@captainschaschlik9444 That's not just that bro. I wen to a Polish city from Berlin with Flixbus. On the ticket, instead of the Polish name of the city, Bydgoszcz; the German one, Bromberg, was written on it.
Ein nicht rechtextremer Patreotismus ist das was Deutschland am stärksten verloren hat in den letzten 100 Jahren. Egal was mit den Territorien passiert ist das war ja eher das kleinere Übel
Mit 16 in der Schule gelernt und erst wirklich mit 18/19 verstanden. Ich liebe dieses Lied. Nochmal vielen Dank an Frau Haenl aus dem Jahrgang Abschlussjahrgang 2017, Bayern👍
Grüße aus Deutschland und unserem geeinten Deutschland und Österreich...☝️ Österreich bleibt immer Deutschland und ohne Österreich gibt es niemals dieses Deutschland....☝️🇩🇪 Wir Deutschen lieben unsere Brüder und Schwestern aus Österreich für immer....🙌 Wir alle sind Deutschland...🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪☝️
The last segment is very moving and my favourite. They ask God the courage to love Germany faithfully and treat her well. I try to sing it out loud with my broken german because it's that beautiful
We could need such great men! But instead Merkel brings in people who have only interest in our welfare system and not in being Germany. Germany is socially very sick right now.
@@dr.ludwig Thanks to the Kaiserreich for sending the SS Libau “Aud” in 1916, a ship full of guns for the most iconic rebellion in Irish history (Easter Rising 1916). Unfortunately the Brits intercepted it but we learn about this at school. 🇩🇪🇮🇪
@@Robcremvidz78 Thats right, Germany was the only country to recognise Irish independence in 1916. Beyond that, many irishmen fought in the armies of the German Nation eg Austria and Bavaria
On a peaceful day in the 17th century: *Music starts* France: "Do you hear that?" Bohemia: "Yep. But nothing to worry about I'm sure" Austria: "Was ist des Deutchen Vaterland?" On a peaceful day in 1871: *Music starts* France: "I have a faint memory of this tune. What does it mean?" Prussia: "Was ist des Deutchen Vaterland?" France: "Oh shit. You are not getting Alsace Lorraine" Prussia: "ELSASS LOTHRINGEN. Aber nein nein nein, sein Vaterland muss grösser sein" On a peaceful day in 1914: *Music starts* France: "Not again. I need help this time" Russia: "I'm here" Belgium: "I'm neutral though" Germany: "Was ist des Deutchen Vaterland?" England: "Stop it" Germany: "Nein nein nein, sein Vaterland muss grösser sein" On a peaceful day in 1939: *Music starts* France: "Fuck" Belgium: "Damn" England: *sips tea* "Oh dear" Hitler: "WAS IST DES DEUTCHEN VATERLAND?" On a peaceful day in 1993: *Music starts* France: "Hmm?" Germany: "Was is des Deutche.....ich meine des europäische Vaterland? Frankreich, Poland, Schweden, Spanien, Italien. Nein nein nein. Sein Vaterland muss grösser sein." Europe: "Sounds good to me" Germany: :)
Is it the Earth? Is it the Solar System?
Best comment
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
das Sonnensystem?
die oort-Wolke?
Ist es die Milchstraße?
Ist es die Andromeda?
What is the german’s fatherland?
Is it the galaxies? ls it the entire space?
Where the other species are living in peace?
Or just fighting in a war?
NeuesLied can you translate your words? (i don’t know German so sorry , feels like I’m a fucking idiot lol😂)
so the russian version is gonna be 5 hour long right
@@dr.ludwig please do it
fuck you man ,i was coming down for some patriotic and epic comment and i saw yours , i just died of a bout of laughing attack .
Oh, no, no, no! Our motherland must be bigger!
O niet niet niet
Otćizna dalźna bolśe byt
The list of german fatherlands is incomplete.
there is a part missing which says something like "Germany is were every french man is called enemy"
that was part of the original^^
@@a.wen.6987 ich weiß, aber ich kann nichts dran ändern, dass 2 Strophen ausgelassen wurden.
@@a.wen.6987 isn meme
@@vltavakos Bold Words coming from someone in München Diktat range
Deutschland: Fatherland
Russland: Motherland
Polen: abused Child.
Czechia is the child, cause its the most german slavik country
@@averageyoutubeuser597 Slovenia has joined the chat
@@idkmyname7211 czechoslovenia?
Vaterland, not fatherland.
@@averageyoutubeuser597 Slovenia were largely under Duchy of Carniola
(This is a german joke so I don't know if it works in English)
What is the difference between fun and Germany?
*Fun has it's borders*
English is my native language so I can confirm that this joke works
Well I'll be damn...
Mate, that was fucking funny, not gonna lie.
It works beautifully.
Aliens: So, exactly what part of this planet is what you call "Germany?"
Germany: Yes.
No,, JA !. Get with it will ya?
Filthy Degenerate
vulgar and cynical
Wich planet? *Das ist alles Deutschland!*
@The Real Joe Biden I know what WeltReich is.
I played this in Alsace-Lorraine,
Now its Elsass-Lothringen.
Like It should be
It always was.
Please don't get wrong
This song is about unification of German not about annexing Europe
Too many get it wrong.
A liberal unification of germany would have been a dream
@@dr.ludwig a lot of edgy teens who browse these garbage history memes all day,
most of them simply dont understand what theyre talking about sadly
This 19th century song about german regions is far from even Weimar Germany.
Expulsions and annexations have reduced Germany and Austria extremely.
But there are still millions of dreamers who in real life have accepted the results of the Worldwars.
@@nachofish4477 They only think of one thing when talking about german history even though germany has a much richer culture than just one event in history
love from poland dont tell other poles
@wally mason actually Poland didn't start the war
Filip Kałużyński I’m Polish too and I love Germany and German culture 😍🇩🇪
my best friend is from poland im from bremen
@wally mason idiot wehraboo beliving in Nazi war propaganda... its like rusky pleb beliving in the Soviet propaganda about 500% potatoe production increase.
Poland was semifacist cooperating with NAZIs in many fields. Read that up.
*"sein vaterland muss größer sein"*
france: aw, shit. here we go again.
Diantre. Fichtre. Foutre.
French colonial empire laugh.
@@nicolasaudra8709 not funny, cried
Its not about expanding the country by occupying others. The Song is about the dream of a german unification under one flag.
👨🚀: “It’s all Germany?”
👨🚀🔫👨🚀: “Always has been”
EU be like
Oh nien nien NIEN!
he just made a meme in the command section :DD
This song is NOT about the expansion of Lebensraum, but rather about the desire for a common fatherland, which actually only came into being in 1871.
Ah, most people don`t care about the truth. :/
well... there was a 1000 year old germany before that
You mean came into being in 1815, and got Kleindeutschland'ed in 1871...
Leider, zu allem Unglück des 20-en Jahrhundert!!
Many people dont seem to understand this song isnt about annexing more land but about uniting all regions mentionend
Same-O same-O. Ja ?
yes but some other nations only think about the expansionism of Hitler not even looking at the date this song has been written..... I personally think that this step our ancestors take should've been just the beginning in uniting the whole world, not under a specific flag unless it is the human flag, maybe when we reach mars we as humans finally can unite and be as strong as we can, but some nations still think they are the best or are worth more than others.... it's just human stupidity and nationalism (e.g. see poland, i met lots of them and many can be called "modern nazis", even if this may be a bit too hyperbolic
They ALSO MISINTERPRET - Deuschland, Deutschland ueber alles, ueber alles in der Welt. They are too stupid to understand or they don't want to understand that this phrase speaks to emotions and feelings of the heart about one's homeland, not about conquest of other countries. It SHOULD ONCE AGAIN be PART OF GERMANY'S NATIONAL ANTHEM.
@Sprache, Kommunikation, Kampfkunst Thanks for the historical lesson about how Hitler came to his idea of genocide and what influenced him, i personally know much about how countries back in the years tried to expand and make the life for their inhabitants better, thus taking wealth from others. But please don't be mad at me because I honestly don't understand what your answer has to do with my comment (you tagged me so I think this should be related to it). The song had been written roughly 100years before the reign of Hitler and, as I explained, the idea behind it was uniting people who had always been in some way related, but shouldn't be stopped by borders because we all, as humans, share the same world and the same wish to make life better (maybe just for themselfes but also for everyone else). Maybe my english is a bit "rusted" as you would say in german so there had been some misunderstandings, but it was in no way related to Hitler, but to the unification of dukedoms which lead to germany itself. It's just the evolution time brings to unify people to bigger and bigger institutions, but it sadly stopped when big states had developed, so it is on us to take it one step forward and unify humankind.
King Rengo II non c'est l'idéologie du pangermanisme qui est condamnable et elle est in fine responsable de deux guerres mondiales mortifères ( 80 millions de morts ) Vive l'amitié franco-allemande et Vive l'Europe une et indivisible ! Nicht mehr krieg !
Is it the Universe? Is it the Multiverse?
So soll es sein , so soll es sein.
Das ganze Deutschland nenN E N E D E I N !
Der Imperator beschützt
The underverse
@@molamolamola5588 lol
Now, that's a thick Pruss... I mean, Germany.
Ja vater
Now that's one thick U l m
Glory to Habsburgs! Prussia destroyed the Confederation of the Germans, the German Confederation was going to be an unified Empire under the rule of the Habsburgs.
But Otto came and made his own "Germany" without the main german state, AUSTRIA, the one who ruled over all german states for centuries.
But for the lucky of everyone, the "German" Empire was too much for von Hohenzollern dynasty.
Wilhelm II, go back to the castle of your family in southern Germany and tell your family to stop stealing lands from Holy Orders of the Catholic Church!
This is real Germany -> ruclips.net/video/nkDVmXj2j_g/видео.html
Nicks the Habsburgs were never going to rule the German confederation, because of German nationalism they would’ve been forced to give up their massive holdings in Hungary, Bohemia and elsewhere in the balkans. They didn’t want to, that’s why Prussia did that instead.
@@gmgunnhildr2711 Did Prussia give up it's holdings it acquired from Poland in 1700s when they unified the princedoms ? No ?
Then why do you assume same would be the case for Austria ?
What is the German fatherland?
Is it Iberia? Is it Siberia?
Is it where the Yangtze rushes along?
Oh no, no, no.
Our fatherland must be bigger!
Damn right
Oh no, somebody call Blazkowicz
Get tf out of here
Go play your dumb frivolous games
You ain't no historian
"Oh nein, nein, nein, sein Vaterland Muss Größer sein"
Poland: Kurwa
Our little poland
I do not know any Polish until this time, but now I know one word for sure thanks to you
Немцы имеют право любить свою страну.
Poland? Funny way to spell Ostpreußen
@@max547490 germany? Nice form of Emirats
Puberty is like Belgium, you have to go through it.
I laughed so loud at this.
al the orther jokes are childish but you're is profound... outstanding great thinking hahahaa
So menepose is like Russia?
Damn lmao
Me at 3 am: I should sleep
@King Edwort I'm watching it at 3:50 A.M.
Me too,..😂
Same here
1:56 AM currently
Germany: Who I am?
Me in Brazil: Sein Vaterland muss größer sein!
Palavras tão sábias assim jamais foram ditas.
Se quiser JA mano
If Germany united in like 1700 this song would take like half a year to perform
No kidding with the spanish succesion they could have puppet spain and their colonies.
@@d.a.g.c961 when you mix up video games and real world history cause your 12..
Or 1400...
Was ist der deustchen Vaterland? Ist Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel? Ist Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym? Ist Schleswig-Holstein-Glücksburg-Sonderburg?
du hast es verpasst... 187 jahre alt!
Europe: oh fuck not again. Please calm down Germany!
Technically, Dutch is very close to German and is even seen as a German dialect by many people here. And North Belgium speaks Dutch and the eastern part of Belgium speaks German and Belgium is ruled by a German king, and Luxembourg also has many ethnic Germans, so all of the Benelux states except of Wallonia is German. And Northern Switzerland and Austria speak German, also South Tyrol (in Italy) and Triest (part of Slovenia), Denmark (especially North Schleswig) can be seen as German because of a huge number of ethnic Germans and Dansk being pretty similar to a North German dialect. And Königsberg (exclave of Russia) is also still German, because it always was and similarities in culture and national spirit of that city, so it is also German. And in border areas of the Czech Republic, there are MANY bavarian, saxon, Austrian and former East German people, so it can be seen as German territory. And not to mention Alsace Lorraine, which has a majority of ethnic Germans and was the reason of war between France and Germany for centuries. France just wanted more land, Germany wanted it for uniting all European Germans.
@@maxiona714 So ist es, mein Bruder! (im ethnischen Sinne, versteht sich) :)
@@l0rdzie117 Schön, dass noch mehr Leute so denken :)
Ah shit
He're we go again. . .
@@maxiona714 Wir sind alle Deutsche. Germanische Nationen dürfen nicht Teil Deutschlands sein, weil einige Leute aus Frankreich und Großbritannien der Idee, Deutschland werde eine Supermacht, nicht zustimmen.
Someday I’ll be able to speak fluent German, so help me God.
und wie sieht's aus?
You will speak German at least As good As i speak english!
Learn Russian
@The Wehrmacht General Where are you guys from? Nice to hear that you make some effort to learn our language.
Elmar Naumann *he doesn’t exist* ;) it is not yours to decide if he exists or not.
Die Deutschen müssen wieder lernen ihr Land zu lieben.
Und das sage ich als nicht-Deutscher !
Das sollten sie wirklich, denn nur dann sind sie auch nützlich und stark für ganz Europa.
@@dr.ludwig das stimmt auch, aber in erster Linie für Deutschland selbst
Nationalismus is lost
@@antifaheitsolidaritatmitis4346 Wenn man sich das Video angeschaut hat, sollte man auch verstanden haben dass Nationalismus auf dem Gebiet Deutschlands auch sehr schwer zu definieren und äußerst negativ belastet ist!
Viele vergleichen das mit französischem oder italienischem Nationalismus was mehr als hinkt.
Deutschland kann man da schon eher mit Palästina vergleichen was von je her ebenfalls von sehr verschiedenen Völkern besiedelt war. Fragt man da 100 Bewohner zu, hast du 100 verschiedene Meinungen.
Also sollte man, so bald von Deutschen aus von "deutschem" Nationalismus die rede ist, sich stets definieren lassen was damit gemeint ist!
Bitte ja!!
"O Nein, nein, nein! Sein Vaterland muss größer sein!"
**opens console**
*annex all*
Go use cheats. Fucking conquer it all in eu4
It is easy to do
You mean HoI4?
It would be great if I could go take all territories with ethnic Germans in the world as modern Germany.
Is there a mod for it?
In typing class, my teacher allows us to listen to music as we type
_yall heckers already know what's going on_
Nicholas Yeary Dies gemacht mich Lächeln :)
This is how germans learns their states
i can imagine german children watching this in class
@@finnkillen6554 nope - never. this song would be called "nazi song" by the most of germans, even it is not nazishit
@@finnkillen6554 This is definitely not educational content. If this were to be used in school officially Denmark, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Rebublic, Poland and Russia would protest against it, since the map is outdated.
We listen this in school today :D
@@paulb.4819 Same.. Like a few days ago.. It's soo catchy.. Can't stop listening and reading the comments XD
Ich hab dieses Lied das erste Mal im Geschichtsunterricht gehört, und mein Lehrer war doch etwas überrascht, als er es noch Wochen später in den Pausen aus unserer Klasse hören konnte (wir hatten eine elektrische Tafel). Manchmal hat das dann die halbe Klasse mitgesungen 😊
Echt das ist geil XD Gute Schüler!
Bei uns auch so. Aber war auch mit dem Lied "die Partei" von der DDR.
Boah, aus welchen Teil von Deutschland kommt ihr?
Ist nur für Zukunftsplanungen.
@@michimatsch5862 Jaaa das kam bei uns auch ab und zu ;)
@@Gluon- Also ich aus Schleswig-Holstein, und da eher im Süden. Waren aber auch das WiPo-Profil, also Wirtschaft und Politik, da waren viele einfach etwas anders drauf als in den anderen Klassen :3
1813? Back then most people probably believed there never would be a united Germany.
Yes, tragically the governments of the German states violently repressed the relatively liberal attempts to form a united Germany. And then the Prussians forced many to join their "German" Empire (which was in reality just a Greater Prussia).
Before that I'd rather have had an independent Bavaria.
Bavaria is the backbone of Germany, I agree, buddy
@@Macaroth1 Bavaria, Wurttemburg, Saxony and other states kept their autonomy. The only authority the Prussians held was foreign policy.
1813 was the year where the germans started to fight united against napoleon. the war was from 1813-15 and ended in a victory. there was no germany, but many students and workers wished there was a united germany. the austrians and prussians called every free german man to fight for a united and free germany. however, after the war they never got a united german, it was a big step backwards. the lured them in by saying they fight for a united germany and then just restored feudalism.
I learnt a bit of German, Geography, History and Sociology at same time in a single song.
Our fatherland must be bigger!
poland: *ooh KURWA*
france: *SACRE BLEU!*
switzerland: *invisibility 100*
*I have mastared the ability of being so incredibly still that I become invisible to human eye*
Germany 1:54
@@carmi7042 they would have a hard time crossing the mountains
USA and Britain: *no i don't think i will*
Russia: *poshel na hui blyat*
USA: *I do solemnly swear that I have at no time taken notice of any irregular events happening across the Atlantic Ocean*
Ich liebe Deutschland‼️aus Japan
Aus Deutschland 🇯🇵❤️🇩🇪
@@antifaheitsolidaritatmitis4346 Fuck antifa, marxist scum
@@antifaheitsolidaritatmitis4346 Du Esel! 🤣
Auf Deutsch - Japanische Freundschaft 😏😇
I made my parrot listen to this, he's the Reichsadler now.
But the one from the 2nd Reich :P
"As far as the German tongue sounds"
I mean German was apparently quite widely spoken in America back then so...
That is perfect!
In the USA, there are more than 100 millions of people with German ancestry.
The similarity with German is also doe to the fact that english is a germanic language
@red x17 Well, they mostly aren't German from their bloodline, but they are mostly German out of their hearts.
@red x17 Alright, what the hell?
Also also
There were and are a bunch of German speakers in Texas...
If you go full screen, the full screen button turns into an Balkenkreuz.
At least on android it does.
@@Perktube1 What device do you use to use RUclips?
its a "balkenkreuz" actually
@@Axyo0 Ah, thanks.
Perktube1 on least in ios it does
Im Geschi-Unterricht gehört und über Jahre hinweg im Ohr. Einfach immer noch n super Ding. Gerade Gänsehaut
“Ist’s Preußenland?”
Ez Ez no but poland today holds the old prussian territory so i guess he means like germany taking it back
Have you ever heard about the "German Confederation" in the 19th century?
@@aus822 tbh Poland is really useless so I don't know why anybody should really care about Poland
@@aus822 just invade it
@@milosm9280 haha restore greater Germany
*_*Me Playing Germany In Victoria II*_*
Teutonician *Me Playing Kaiserreich Mod in HOI4*
oh yes
Me forming Germany with Brandenburg in EUVI.
just because of this comment I'll start a new campain immediatly 😂🇩🇪
i know right
*Played this in the French embassy and the flags turned white*
Restauracion de Borbón?
Yes finally, our rightful flag ! Long live the king !
U mean red?
@@frokostjuicen Come on ! You're spoiling everything ! 😂
I'll bring Lamartine to deal with you right away ! 😁
Always has been
Rest in piece, German Empire... You'll never be forgotten. You only exist in our hearts!
Como toda monarquia será absolvido e revivido 🇩🇪
Deustchland Über Alles!
Nuuun, das werden wir später sehen.
- Nationality?
- Germany.
- Occupation?
- Nein Nein, just visiting.
Edit: Thanks for the 1k
buenísima jajaja
Dora the Kaiser be like:
What is the German's fatherland?
Is it Prussia?
Is it Bavaria?
Is it Austria?
Or is it as far as the German tongue sounds?
@Sauerkraut FrankFührer holy shit that actually makes sense
Kaiserin dora
@Sauerkraut FrankFührer 👍😂
Dora the Kaiser sounds good in English, although I get why it's akward in Deutsch lol
0:10 France left the game
0:25 France joined the game
0:29 France left the game
0:38 France joined the game.
2:51 France surrendered and left the game.
Als Franzose, möchte ich sagen, dass dieses schöne Lied in mir den Wunsch weckt, für die deutsche Heimat zu kämpfen.
I listened to this in Kaliningrad.
Now it's Königsberg.
*Königsberg Castle reconstruction intensifies*
Maybe germany can buy it back from russia soon. The german russian relationship is very good, and russia doesn't want it anyway.
@@maxiona714 not under putin
@@chillaxo9863 Well, maybe. Russia doesn't want a war with the west, and with patrols from russia to kaliningrad, they are always threatened by NATO fighters patroling in the baltics. If the situation escalates, it could mean war. And kaliningrad is full of crimes and bad infrastructure, and the supplying of it costs them a large sum of money.
Well I am neither Russian nor German,but I think Russia even if it's under Putin would return Königsberg/Kaliningrad if Germany gets closer to Russia.
That map at the end looks like 👌
Do you want the Slavs to bitch-slap you again, kid?
@@f4ust85 The only ones the slavs ever bitch-slapped are their own mothers.
@@f4ust85 Slavs are a joke, without the Allies they wouldnt even have a country.
@@Mizzurani what allies and which country do you have in mind, boy? Slavs had empires when you are still a bunch of tiny-ass duchies in the middle of forrests...
B A name me a powerful empire of The Slavs.
I think you mean *SLAVES*
Even they had a better empire XDDD
I'm Swiss and we are from the same culture group as the Germans and Austrians. I truly love them like my own brothers and sisters!
Well its important to remeber that germans are not only "Staatsdeutsche", but is in fact a superordinate term for different subcultures who all share ancestry. Thats why eg austrians saw themselfes as german until 45. After 45 the term german generally only apllies to citizens of germany, although historically speaking that is not correct. but yeah. as a swabian my swiss friends always describe me as their enslaved brother.
so, much love to you, brother!
Nah das Schweizer Deutsch ist nicht mehr Deutsch
Aber natürlich, Herr Sprachwissenschaftler, ich weiss nicht , wie ich zu der Annahme kam, Schweizerdeutsch sei Deutsch. Klingt auch total anders, keine parallelen Wörter.
Aber natürlich, Herr Sprachwüsseschaftler, ich weiss nöd, wie ich zur Ahnahm cho bin, Schwiizerdütsch seyg Dütsch. Tönt au total anders, kei paralleli Wörter.
@@Zaitekno jo total
Beim Sprechen: Schwitzer Duitsch, beim Schreiben: Hochdeutsch mit Anlehnung an die unsägliche Duden-Reform - außer das Doppel-s! (Lustig: die Busse (ÖVN) und die Busse (gesündigt)
Für immer Brüder, in geteilter Staatlichkeit.🇩🇪❤️🇦🇹
Egal ob andere Österreicher ihre deutschen Wurzeln leugnen.
So weit die deutsche Zunge klingt 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇨🇭 und mehr
This is a more patriotic song than the modern German anthem
Magnus Christianssen whoa okay I’m used to being in actual North Africa not deutschistan
You are my favourite general.
Magnus Christianssen Für den Kaiser!!!!! Für unsre Heimat
iamniki_ yeah but so many verses have been removed that this anthem would be more patriotic
ayşe melek AWWW thank you
Du hast Mallorca vergessen.
Mist beim nächsten Mal dann XD
@ GodVanisher, das fällt unter "So weit die deutsche Zunge klingt".
Da ja, was ich persönlich gut finde, die 8. Strophe, in der die Franzosen angefeindet werden, wegelassen wurde, wurde wohl schon in den ursprünglichen Text eingegriffen. Aber Franzosen zu hassen ist ja nun wirklich nicht mehr "typisch deutsch". Das ist zwar im historischen Kontext nachvollziehbar, aber dann bräuchte es dazu eine ausschweifendere Erklärung und könnte nicht so für sich stehen, wie es das jetzt tut - und wer würde dann noch darüber schmunzeln können.
Mallorca is pretty much Germany, we've (British) done the same to Ibiza and Benidorm, search up Benidorm and it has become one of our weird poor cities
I love how catchy German patriotic songs are. Can't possibly go through a single day without getting one stuck in my head even though I have nothing to do with Germany
Songs can build bridges into the whole world :)
I AM Proud German
@@dominikgeberl7240 Ebenso, ich will nach dem Abi auch zur Bundeswehr. 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
Same, well, just patriotic songs in general, especially European ones.
@@dominikgeberl7240 Same here comrade! I might be an American, but my blood is as Deutsche as you can get nowadays. I will forever be proud of both the country I live in and the country I am kin of! 🇩🇪
Die klangvolle und tolle Umsetzung des Gesangs ist atemberaubend. .. der Bass, der toll zu hören ist, mit einsetzen des Chores, der herrlich kraftvoll klingt.. melodisch toll und eine ungemeine Wirkung erzielt. Ganz vom hohen Regal gegriffen! extrem gut! Könnte ich mir in der 5 Stunden Version anhören :)
Heute haben wir das im Geschichte-Leistungskurs gehört (ohne den Text zu sehen). Da konnte ich nicht anders als mitzusingen, schon bei den ersten Noten wusste ich bescheid. Zwar hab ich leise gesungen, aber man konnte es scheinbar hören, da der halbe Kurs mich angesehen hat.
Das war Gold wert. Die Jungs haben ein bisschen gelacht, aber die Mädels haben mich angeguckt wie ein Auto. Einfach genial.
Übrigens, tolles Video, was die Bildwahl, die Visualisierung der Strophen und natürlich das Klangliche anbelangt. Es ist gut zu sehen, dass so ein wichtiges Lied weiter verbreitet wird und in so kurzer Zeit so viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen hat.
Danke für deine Arbeit, Dr. Ludwig!
Liebe Grüße an Frau S. und den Geschi-Lk ;)
Ich finde es faszinierend, dass das so oft in Klassen gezeigt wird und ich finde es sollte keine Schande sein, dass man das mitsummen kann, die anderen sollten das auch können ;)
@@dr.ludwig ich hatte es auch in der achten Klasse mit dem Liedtext zusammen und noch 2-3 hier nicht gezeigten Strophen
Ja, oft werden weggelassen:
7. Das ist des Deutschen Vaterland,
Wo Eide schwört der Druck der Hand,
Wo Treu hell vom Auge blitzt
Und Liebe warm im Herzen sitzt.
|: Das soll es sein! das soll es sein!
Das, wackrer Deutscher, nenne dein! :I
|: O nein, o nein, o nein, o nein!
Sein Vaterland muß größer sein! :I
8. Das ist des Deutschen Vaterland,
Wo Zorn vertilgt den welschen Tand,
Wo jeder Franzman heißet Feind,
Wo jeder Deutsche heißet Freund.
|: Das soll es sein! das soll es sein!
Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein! :I
|: O nein, o nein, o nein, o nein!
Sein Vaterland muß größer sein! :I
In der Schule hat man natürlich den kompletten Text, was, gerade im Falle der 8. Strophe, dem Lied einen faden Beigeschmack verpasst. Die Franzmänner sind nämlich gar nicht so übel...und erst die Franzfrauen ;-P
Grüße vom Görres!😁 (8a)
Das hat man uns auch in der Klasse vorgespielt nur leider hatte ich zur dieser Zeit kein Interesse.
Let's us remember all German soldiers that fought for kaiser in ww1
A pointless war, it should not have happened so many lives lot from both sides for nothing.
Later it resulted in all european empires being bankrupt, the german empire was destroyed, the british and french were broken and austria hungary collapsed. Only the greedy americans prospered from the disgrace of the europeans.
Pray for the Hungarians of ww1 because we 💗 You guys you all are family to us. 🇭🇺💗🇩🇪
I am a leftie but those soldiers were cool af. (Im german)
@@theprussian8102 I wouldn't exactly say that the Americans profited from the Great War. It's just that they didn't lose as much as the rest of us. Besides, they did have a crippling stock market crash and unemployment rates as high as 40% a couple of decades later.
Also yeah Schmalplatine, I think the SS and the stoßtruppen are fucking awesome... but not because they commited war crimes. That was less awesome.
"Gewiss es ist das Österreich"
Austria: Anschluss flashbacks
@Liberty Prime C.F P.N Yes. Clearly. And with populist parties gaining more power in Austria, they will soon probably want to unite with Germany.
@@sneedsfeedandseed5295 On it.
@Liberty Prime C.F P.N So it's like that both our people (I'm german myself) see ourselves as the same. But since the Anschluss of Austria was forbidden after the second world war (it even was after the first but Hitler didn't care lol), I don't think it will happend. But I would still support it.
German people: "A song about GERMAN Unification"
Non German people: "A song about Germany annexing all of Europe"
YES idk why so many write that XD
It's funny, in the east of the Netherlands people speak the 'Lower Saxon' dialect, yet the Netherlands is not included in this song. The Germans needed a neutral area for the Kaiser to flee to just in case, I suppose.
Suppose they wanted territorial continuity. Like Germany undevided.
Welp. Now I feel patriotic towards a country I have never lived in
Haha XD Are you from Poland?
Dr. Ludwig Nah, but I have a deep respect for Poland because of its history
I like that Germans and Poles fought along against the Turks^^
Dr. Ludwig Turks. Uniting the rest of Europe for centuries.
Same from Indonesia. We have this wierd feeling to our northern border ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and also our eastern border.
What if you
Wanted to be an independent poland
but germany said
*Was is des Deustchen Vaterland*
in 1813 there was no Germany on the map to be found (and no Poland either). the pink map from 2:55 onwards shows German speaking communities and the white parts in the northeast should be Poland. unfortunately, the ruling monarchs back then didn't agree
@@granville7 dude that's a joke
It is fine
But what if germany said..
Sein vaterland muss größer sein
@@clementlefevre5384 Dude its not a fucking joke because im not laughing my ass off
Für Kaiser, Gott und Vaterland!
France : can we get Alsace-Lorraine back?
Bismarck : O Nein Nein Nein, Sein Vaterland Muss GrÖßer Zein!!!!!!
Keinen fußbreit deutschen Bodens!
@@dr.ludwig Eigentlich sind die Benelux Staaten (bis auf Wallonien) Deutsch, und von Dänemark, Königsberg, Österreich, der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, Liechtenstein und den südlichen und westlichen Sudetenlanden brauche ich gar nicht erst anzufangen. Sogar ein beträchtlicher Teil der USA ist eigentlich Deutsch, dann will Tsingtau wieder deutsche Kolonie werden, Namibia hat Deutsch immer noch als Landessprache, Elsaß-Lothringen ist zur Mehrheit Deutsch, und und und...
@@daniel6009 What?
It is Elsass Lothringen Not AlSaCe-lORAnEn
L'Alsace est toujours français
Oh man. I really should learn German at some point. It sounds so good.
Thanks Andrew :D
Gewiss, es ist das Österreich
An Ehren und an Siegen reich?
-Oh nein, nein, nein
HAHA nah he didn´t mean to troll them XD
Maybe more like, yes Austria you are an epic german hero, but you are not the complete fatherland^^
Fritz Bauer Die Siege Österreichs sind mir durchaus geläufig ja. (Ihr habt uns zwar in den letzten zwei Kriegen ziemlich in die Scheiße geritten ;) aber das verzeih ich euch)
Fritz Bauer Naja, Deutschland musste den Österreichern ziemlich oft den Arsch retten. Verzeihen wir unseren Brüdern aber natürlich ❤️🇩🇪🇦🇹
Peter Lustig-Deutscher Patriot und ohne den wachsamen schutz der österreicher würde deutschland nicht exestieren
eluvian camaris Hm?
Das gute ist, das Lied passt sogar noch in Die Heutige Zeit. Österreich und die Schweiz sind immernoch Deutsch, teilweise auch Preußen und Pommern.
Wenn mann Deutschland, oder Germanien, als grösser seht wie nur die Gebiete der Hochdeutsch sprechen, ist es selbst noch grösser!
I am not even German and I felt like this is beautiful
Aw thanks, where are you from?
from israel
Wow awesome, many regards to your great country!
jonathan marom you're not the only one.
AIFAHRA HORGGHRO 100k jews fought for a better Germany in WW I, don’t discredit them...
I'm crying because this is too cool.
I know 😘
@@freisein6554 😳
Wehre are you Form ?
For real even though I have commented a lot and made *probably* offensive jokes, this is a really good song and I genuinely appreciate it. Danke. Someone that posts beautiful German songs even though RUclips marks them as hate speech, I really like you songs. I genuinely thank you. Your songs help me get in touch with a culture I'm proud to be a part of. Thank you
I am proud to be German
Great to hear
@@dr.ludwig if this song was about the usa it will be a big wrold troting advinture
Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇩🇪🇷🇺
Ja, es hilft der deutschen Seele ❤️🇩🇪🥰
@@motoko9888 bruh dumbo trump made millions of people homeless and since biden is the president there was no racism anymore and he is pretty smart doing with corona virus
"So weit die deutsche zunge klingt"
German minorities stretching as far as the Volga river in Russia: *happiness noises*
Seriously tho why are there germans everywhere
The Germans were always very advanced people and the Polish, Hungarian, Bohemian or Russian rulers called Germans into their lands. Also the Hanseatic trading and the founding of cities with German law brought many Germans to the east.
When the Turks were defeated, Germans were settled to the border regions to secure them against new invasions (and already in the middle ages too).
Em... German minorities 1500km to the east of Volga: sind wir ein Witz fuer Dich?
In Galicia: even before the Habsburgs, and even before the Poles, Ruthenian kings supported German migration into cities (Germany was overpopulated, and Germans were great craftsmen).
In Muscovy: started out as colonies of escapees from religious troubles, later turned into its own power bloc in the realm, which played a great part in the shaping of Peter I and his successors, and even modern Russian language. There is a reason there is a joke about "the Russian Empire of German Nation": many 18th century generals and nobles were either German, or Tatar, but named and re-baptized under Orthodox tradition.
easy question easy answer. we are everwhere because we love womans all over the world. especially eastern girls are the most beautiful. ;-)
@@Mallakai Makes sense taking the second stanza of your national anthem into account...
My Vater: *ach nein*
My Vater 😂
Like mine xD rip
was die leute von damals wohl sagen würden wenn sie deutschland auf der landkarte heute sehen würden
Dass wir versagt haben.
Lucky Liker Deutschland auf der Landkarte ist noch das kleinste Übel...
Sie würden sagen dass wir uns nicht an dieses Lied gehalten haben
Verlust an Land und Militärtradition.
Wenigstens existiert die preußische Uniform in Chile weiter.
Interessanter wäre die Frage, was der Autor Ernst Moritz Arndt dazu sagen würde.
Wenn man ihm erklären würde, dass es heute nicht mehr über 30 absolutistische Klein- und Kleinststaaten und eine napoleonische oder sonstige Vorherrschaft gäbe, fände er das schon mal nicht schlecht. Auch, dass Deutsche sich innerhalb - und in früher kaum vorstellbarer Weise auch außerhalb - Deutschlands frei bewegen können.
Allerdings hatte der gute Ernst Moritz auch üble antisemitische Tendenzen, mit denen er heute wohl nicht durch die Tür käme - und das finde ich auch gut so.
Respect from England. Merry Christmas my German brothers and sisters 🍻 ❤🏴 🇩🇪
@@mr.kanister7358no peace no trust
@@Mellow_man2001 Sorry! Not you, I was supposed to @ the person who said no peace no trust of course. I'm a brit married to an Austrian!
@@asgxvfhvchb46 Are you French by any chance? 🏳
@@NMaxnenope.. probably a Russian bot trying to create division in Europe
2:55 It's a shame every German east of Brandenburg and modern Austria was purged by the Soviets after WWII. The linguistic and cultural map of Germany has been greatly reduced in the last century because of pointless wars.
shockwave2291 true but we will expand again once merkel is gone 😘 Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein
@@bigdick6225 Well, we, Poles, will make you pay for this... We do not tolerate Germanic invaders on our territory. And we have a long history of guerilla warfare, insurgencies...
Have in mind that despite good relationships with German government we did not forget what Prussians and Nazis did to our ancestors.
Anonim 54 well you were invaders of lands that belonged to Germanic people for over 1 thousand years
@@bigdick6225 What? These lands belonged to Poles (and other slavic nations) in X, XI and XII centuries. Then Germans conquered them. Veleti, ever heard of them? Slavs that lived to the west of Oder. They have all been germanised. Soviet Union was brutal in the resettlements, but this doesn't mean you can resettle another nation that Soviets moved more to the west.
And mind they weren't that good to us either...
Besides, Germans invaded Poland and Soviet Union before... And killed many, *many* Poles and Soviets in purpose built camps.
Anonim 54 yeah they lived there thousands of years ago and we lived there FOR thousands of years until 1944/45
"Gewiss, es ist das Österreich, an Ehren und an Siegen reich." Ein Deutschland muss es sein! Grüße aus Oberbayern an unsere bairischen Stammesbrüder in Österreich.🤝
Grüße zurück nach Winkelhaid (Nürnberger Land)das ganze
Deutschland soll es sein
grüße zurück aus kärnten
Aus München?
North Tyrol should be made a Bavarian district and then the rest of Austria should join as a single Länder. (oh and Vorarlberg is a Swiss canton).
grüße aus dem schwabenländle.
Teacher: Who can give me a region in Germany?
Girls: uuugh... Bavaria ?
Just show random part on europe;)
Boys: Prussia
@@blackdragon3699 :O
@Feld Febel Königreich Preußen!
Danke für dieses anschauliche Video zu dem Lied! Echt schön dargestellt :D
Hitler: What is the German fatherland?
Stalin: What is the Soviet Motherland?
Poland: Are those abominations my parents?
Poland has been existing due to Stalin.
During the war the Germans made soap from the Polish people.
@@dherblay1 and they made lamp shades out of there eyelids true story
Me: Where do the borders of the fatherland end, little Hans?
Little Hans: At the Rhine?
The Rhein is no border river, it´s our holy river inside of Germany.
@@dr.ludwig *Thats why the roman never have been able to cross the mighty Rhin*
I played this in Gdansk
Now is Danzig
The funny thing is, on German maps and on Google Maps it still says Danzig.
@@captainschaschlik9444 That's not just that bro. I wen to a Polish city from Berlin with Flixbus. On the ticket, instead of the Polish name of the city, Bydgoszcz; the German one, Bromberg, was written on it.
Always has been
I played this in Trondheim, Norway.
Now it's Drondheim, Norwegen.
I played this in Trondheim, Norway.
Now it's Drondheim, Norwegen.
This is about German unification
I am Malaysian, and I like the tune.. thanks for the subs it helps me to understand german...still learning
Welcome, thanks for your interest!
Pay attention, the translations are not exactly accurate ;)
Carl August von Eisenach Yes Like Preußenland translates to "Prussialand" Preußen is Prussia
Imperator DE one thing is also: Sein Vaterlamnd means his Fatherland, not our Fatherland
Best wishes to Malaysia from Japan! Alles Gute nach Malaisia aus Japan!
Tolles Lied hoffe das dieses Lied wieder ein paar Deutschen ihren National stolz zurück gibt. Respekt aus Russland.
Das wäre wirklich schön, danke dir Tatiana!
Ein nicht rechtextremer Patreotismus ist das was Deutschland am stärksten verloren hat in den letzten 100 Jahren. Egal was mit den Territorien passiert ist das war ja eher das kleinere Übel
O nein, nein, nein!
Sein Vaterland muss grosser sein!
Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein!
Mit 16 in der Schule gelernt und erst wirklich mit 18/19 verstanden. Ich liebe dieses Lied. Nochmal vielen Dank an Frau Haenl aus dem Jahrgang Abschlussjahrgang 2017, Bayern👍
Jawohl, so gefällt mir das. Grüße aus Österreich!
Grüße aus Deutschland und unserem geeinten Deutschland und Österreich...☝️ Österreich bleibt immer Deutschland und ohne Österreich gibt es niemals dieses Deutschland....☝️🇩🇪 Wir Deutschen lieben unsere Brüder und Schwestern aus Österreich für immer....🙌 Wir alle sind Deutschland...🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪☝️
As an Englishman I love our brothers! We should have never have fought.
Indeed, we are both of germanic kin!
Louis Farrow Blame your government for that, they should have stayed on the sidelines in ww1, let France and Germany fight it out lol
No the English are celtic
@@theabductor8855 And you have no knowledge of English heritage
Lol most of the DNA is celtic and neolithic
I'm Filipino and I love this song.
The last segment is very moving and my favourite. They ask God the courage to love Germany faithfully and treat her well. I try to sing it out loud with my broken german because it's that beautiful
It must be Austria, rich in victories and in honors.
Austria after ww1: yeah about that ........
Well, at least they fended off Italy (for a while) and *after some reinforcements* utterly annihilated Serbia, so...
@Cogniarius Thanks for the explanation. Can you name a few significant battles as well?
Well, if we implemented Ferdinands concept before WW1, it would have been different
Die waren einfach nur ein Klotz am Bein...
I saw your Preußenlied and I were impressed. Now, I saw this, I got even more impressed. You deserve my sub, Comrade Ludwig.
Thanks so much man!
to be honest, these patriotic songs makes me want to be a German.
I want to be a citizen of Germany someday.
ich werde kommen, Deutschland!
We could need such great men! But instead Merkel brings in people who have only interest in our welfare system and not in being Germany. Germany is socially very sick right now.
I hope my beloved Deutschland will regain its nationalistic sense... but this time, not seeking Lebensraum.
Agreed :)
Endlich ein Video von diesem Lied mit einer guten Übersetzung des Songtexts! Danke!
Freut mich, dass es gefällt!
Rudde .Sehr schön und wir sollten es unseren mitmenschen vorspielen
I love how even after 5 years and almost 8k+ comments this man still hearts (most) of the comments! Great work man love Germany 💖🇩🇪
Yes I still check most new comments, if someone has a question or deserves a heart like you^^
Thank you! 💙@@dr.ludwig
Oh nein, nein, nein
Merkel is chancellor.
A Wild Duck she leaves in 2021. That’s at least 2 years.
Me : How dare you stand where he stood
@@dsntrllymttr I got moves like Jager
Your people shouldn't vote for her and politicians like her anymore, otherwise your land won't be yours soon.
@@adamon5577 don't worry I'll resurrect mein Fuhere. Hail Deutschland
Ich bin ein simpler Mann.
Ich sah das Video, hörte die Musik und kam nicht umhin es mir mindestens ein zweites Mal anzuschauen.
Listening to this all day.
- greetings from the Philippines
I swear Germany has the best patriotic songs of all nations. Great melodies and full of positive energies.
My father was a pan-Germaner to his dying day. But then he never experienced Merkel.
I am a german and on the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Gymansium.. its a school named after him
I am Irish, but I have much respect for Germany, its people and culture. Long live Germany and Ireland 🇩🇪🇮🇪
We love the green island too! I saw your cliffs and castles and it's so amazing!
@@dr.ludwig Thanks to the Kaiserreich for sending the SS Libau “Aud” in 1916, a ship full of guns for the most iconic rebellion in Irish history (Easter Rising 1916). Unfortunately the Brits intercepted it but we learn about this at school. 🇩🇪🇮🇪
@@Robcremvidz78 Thats right, Germany was the only country to recognise Irish independence in 1916. Beyond that, many irishmen fought in the armies of the German Nation eg Austria and Bavaria
And we Germans love you, too.
Imagine not invading Northern Ireland yet
On a peaceful day in the 17th century:
*Music starts*
France: "Do you hear that?"
Bohemia: "Yep. But nothing to worry about I'm sure"
Austria: "Was ist des Deutchen Vaterland?"
On a peaceful day in 1871:
*Music starts*
France: "I have a faint memory of this tune. What does it mean?"
Prussia: "Was ist des Deutchen Vaterland?"
France: "Oh shit. You are not getting Alsace Lorraine"
Prussia: "ELSASS LOTHRINGEN. Aber nein nein nein, sein Vaterland muss grösser sein"
On a peaceful day in 1914:
*Music starts*
France: "Not again. I need help this time"
Russia: "I'm here"
Belgium: "I'm neutral though"
Germany: "Was ist des Deutchen Vaterland?"
England: "Stop it"
Germany: "Nein nein nein, sein Vaterland muss grösser sein"
On a peaceful day in 1939:
*Music starts*
France: "Fuck"
Belgium: "Damn"
England: *sips tea* "Oh dear"
On a peaceful day in 1993:
*Music starts*
France: "Hmm?"
Germany: "Was is des Deutche.....ich meine des europäische Vaterland? Frankreich, Poland, Schweden, Spanien, Italien. Nein nein nein. Sein Vaterland muss grösser sein."
Europe: "Sounds good to me"
Germany: :)
Germany is proto 3rd Reich, but not by war / Military power :)