Twin Flames Connection 639Hz & 963Hz Twin Souls Attraction | Heart & Third Eye Chakra Love & Energy

  • Опубликовано: 22 дек 2024

Комментарии • 907

  • @musiccollection7993
    @musiccollection7993 3 года назад +460

    Whoever you are, wherever you are, know this: you are loved. You are so, so loved and you are not alone. May the universe embrace you and bring you comfort, peace, and happiness.

    • @adelfaingusan7397
      @adelfaingusan7397 3 года назад +6


    • @daughterofgod3412
      @daughterofgod3412 3 года назад +4

      Thank you so much. I needed that

    • @MsCombs-fs8ec
      @MsCombs-fs8ec 3 года назад +3

      Amen ❤️🙏❤️

    • @christinecallanan63
      @christinecallanan63 3 года назад +4

      Thank you. I can't wait until there's true justice in this world again.
      My son deserves that.

    • @christinecallanan63
      @christinecallanan63 3 года назад +2

      @@daughterofgod3412 I'm the daughter of LOVE.
      God didn't do it on his own. I'm the vessel through which new life is born. That's kind of a big deal.

  • @niaarkatie9685
    @niaarkatie9685 3 года назад +997

    May all twin flames will come to union ❤💛 I wish love and light to all of you

    • @Simsim-iv7xk
      @Simsim-iv7xk 2 года назад +18

      Yess💫💫💫and light up the world with their soul purpose ✨💖

    • @christinecallanan63
      @christinecallanan63 2 года назад +10

      Love and life haters will get exactly what they deserve.
      It's called divine Justice ⚖️

    • @sonjastrege9420
      @sonjastrege9420 2 года назад +6

      ❤️ JAAAAAA! Mögen sich alle Flammen verbinden ❤️

    • @ems-3828
      @ems-3828 2 года назад +1


    • @nemesi4239
      @nemesi4239 2 года назад +3

      We are tired 😢

  • @RelaxingUniverseHealTheSoul68
    @RelaxingUniverseHealTheSoul68 Год назад +218

    To everyone who is experiencing a difficult situation:To shoot an arrow you have to pull it backwards. So when life drags you back with some troubles, it means it's going to launch into something better.❤

    • @maria-simpson
      @maria-simpson Год назад +5

      So true.. I hope serenity surrounds you soon ✨💖✨

    • @Kenzspeon
      @Kenzspeon Год назад +1

      thank you.

    • @natasharajaratnam2713
      @natasharajaratnam2713 Год назад +3

      Thank you for your powerful words, beautiful soul. May you feel the love and protection of your spirit team even during those times ❤

    • @cantijanimarie1817
      @cantijanimarie1817 Год назад +1


    • @saranogueira2231
      @saranogueira2231 Год назад +1

      Gratitude ❤

  • @asmrlove4475
    @asmrlove4475 2 года назад +183

    I don't chase I attract, what belongs to me will simply come to me. He will realize his deep love and attraction towards me and be my partner forever❤🖤✨🧿

  • @NourishedMind
    @NourishedMind 3 года назад +2227

    Sorry to disturb your scroll. We don’t know each other, but i wish you al the best in life and may all things work out in your favor ❤️

  • @healingfrequency2196
    @healingfrequency2196 3 года назад +964

    This is where all the nice people on the internet hangout 😂 I love you guys! Goodnight 🌙😴☺️☺️

    • @BeIdole
      @BeIdole 3 года назад +14

      Love you beautiful soul 💜✨

    • @jonathanholz3510
      @jonathanholz3510 3 года назад +6

      Hope you slept well 🙏 and are having a great day 😁

    • @lourdestorres9825
      @lourdestorres9825 3 года назад +7

      Yep! Greetings lol 🙌🏼

    • @lisagerling318
      @lisagerling318 3 года назад

      Т т B и b т т с ими с Сирии и тсиииии ис и сиии ии иссстс т си ист и и и сиииии и им и и с миром и и мисс и ими иси и тсс и т ими и с ссиссиииииииттстс чиииииитси ими тсии тситиииитстииимими ими и имитиитиитимт тсиси титттиит и т и мистик их ст ис ат итситсстиит ити иитиистимии и идти тт списки мсмис сич т и ти сити смтмиси си сами тссссс сссттсмтс ис т исси сиссмисмтситсмтстсссмтссстс сси сичсстмтсичмтссч с системой чистим,имисиси иссти т ммистмтстсми мтиссмичтсиссисссиисссисисстисс тссмтс сиссис ист ими исис исстсттсисс и тсммтссстм сисс мтст чтсмтсмсмтмстси сис мтсиссисми сичссттмстчмтсмис тсссиси мтс СМИ и с си им тстмтстчимими тс исисмт мчится ис си и истории иссс ссииссссит и миссис ммитс с и с ммитсисис ими с сисси т си с Миссисипи т мисс тситмтс ии сссмисмссс тсичис си систмсмсс смтчсисиммтсимтмтссмтсмис сидит с мисс мисисмитсмим и с си си сстмтсми смис и сити иис т сити сиси сиссмтисмтс с сисмшми такси ист исм мсссссммтсмичтиссмтсмичмммт мисс ми мисмми ии сиси моим миссии самими мимтсмсиичмсисмиссисимтсисич ми мвмсисисмииссистстс мисс ссммтс исисичтсимчи стучит и,ммисмсс сст ссст и9 и с 09тст из ист им з9т9 сит тис9ис9тс9мм9ммиисмт9сс9ссс 9и99ситсмтсс 9тсмс9с сиси сити м9тс9тт9т9смтм9 9смтсмч9 м9м9м9ст 9тсис9с9т9си сити с с9с с миссис исмс и9и си м999и мисс ст9 имзис9си9ис9сси 9и 9си9с 9и9 и9сссис9 сиси мс и 9чсис999и тс ии и си и ии и сс9 связи сси тссвичсм и 9тмч мои тс и тсс и сиси тс9с 9ис ис м9сис сс9и и 9 сам сиси 9си и9ссссис с ти9ссссси9св99 тм9с с9стст ти9с с ис 9ис ссис9 с 9ст9сссмисс мист9 иси9ис9т 9и9с си миссисс9сссти9тсс9т чс и сиси 9 и9с9 9т с в9т9с исмис из СССР из 9 с9и и ич с9 ис9и0 из сиси 9 с9 иисс 9 Италии 9с9 си9ттм0сс9 с 9чссмч 9 и9с си сиси и шли 9сиси сити м9т с 9мис ми ичс с9с с9 и9чичссмти9ссс 9ис тихим я 9 сиси и,тсси9 из т0и9 ссс9с9 свои миссис сси99сс99с с9 и сиси 9и и тссмтсмстсчситс ичич,,чр ч9ивсччсчммм9р,рч9ч и9ччвчвч,и ,им ,и мичи иимсич9миччч,ямм сччч чччмич 9ччч ч9, чм99 и ич Сибири ист из Азии ич,ччмчч миссис и Чили, яммч9ис,ич,мм9,9исч и,0ич ич в ,и 9м9и9ч9и из,и 9 0чич9мивичч9ссмич9яч,и0ми,сидя,чмичсч,с и,ччисчс,иси 0си9,и ччмя м9с9 связи иччсм с с,сиси миссии ист миссис м0мчс и9ям сс90чичсрчрчи,ччячсряярчиччччячр,силами и и9ппрпрп9рчрср9сяаичиаярар и,мисс пи чспрчрчп0рчч0с9ярчрвчпррчпврчачрпрвчрыурвпячпччврврврвучяввппрччрвпврвччппппчп пчппчыппччввччррчрврчрчрвр9 рярярврвпяп9пч0вр9чччячп,ря9рярр9вп9чп9впырвчпчрчврчпчыпвупр япрчвпрярвпвфпяячряпч9ппчпяяяпчррвчрчырярвчпчпячпрвпччррчыпяыпчврвччпчппрврчврпряпвпвррвврвчвпрычряввпявпспрвпврпярпчпччпвпрврпврвпвпяпрпяпврпрчпччрпячыпрчпяпчвпярчп,пяррчвпчпврвячпвпврячврчпвчпярвпвпчпу9рчвпчрчряпввряпрчврпяпяврцчрпрврччврвппппРячрвпччпвпчпрярчвяпчврвяяпвчччяярявяппврпячырчввчпвряррврчрарпярвппчвпппврпрчппрпп0ппрпрпчпярвярпппвпя првввпччрчпыыряпрпрчпырчпппвчпчрыппяпвпчпврырычпрвчпппппячпрчпчрппывпярврвввпярчпярпвпввпррвврвпрвпрппрррпррпрпппчрпппвяпрпвпрппрвпяр9рпрпрчррпрпррвппрврыпппппррпрыпяппрпппрпчвпппппчпвпуппяпыпрппппрярррыппрпппввпррппрвппыр7ррппрпррврппррппрпырппрпквыыпрыупчрыяывпряррывп

    • @treyfarrakhan6368
      @treyfarrakhan6368 3 года назад +5

      Love 💘

  • @pioggiarilassante67
    @pioggiarilassante67 3 года назад +971

    I don't know who needs to hear this, but everything is going to be fine. Release all negative thoughts and relax

  • @dalidastella
    @dalidastella 3 года назад +349

    Hey you,
    Yes, you,
    thank you for being here, you are so loved, and never alone.
    All those things you’re going through are teaching you something, all work out in the end, have faith.
    Now rest, I love you xo

    • @pirsultanhaydar3867
      @pirsultanhaydar3867 3 года назад +2


    • @princesaoscuraa6197
      @princesaoscuraa6197 3 года назад +2

      gracias, gracias, gracias 🤍

    • @loganathanranggasamy1643
      @loganathanranggasamy1643 3 года назад +1

      Hi 😊 you I'm near you 🤠 what can helpful you 💗💗💗💗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💞💝💝💝💝🌷🌷🌷❣️😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌞🎵🎵🎵🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶😊😊🙏🏻🙏🏻💓💓💓💓🌷🌷💓❣️😘

    • @ibtissemjbeli9379
      @ibtissemjbeli9379 3 года назад +2

      Thanks 🙏🙏🙏

    • @taralane7006
      @taralane7006 3 года назад +4

      I want my soul mate plz lord

  • @encompassawe333
    @encompassawe333 Год назад +42

    Blessings to all your twin flame unions. May all your unions water one another to grow individually and in unison as one. May gratitude and joy and fruitfulness be in all your days and dreams as night rest on you. Shalom. 🤍

  • @lovealways2369
    @lovealways2369 3 года назад +360

    I love my twin flame and I’m glad that I met him and that our process finally ended 🔥 ♥️🔥♥️🔥 LOTS OF LOVE ALL TWIN FLAMES HERE 🥰

    • @zayraroa
      @zayraroa 3 года назад +26

      i believe our process has ended too.. it feels so different now. Calm & like i’m more connected to him now. Like i adore him and love him.

    • @eparedes7165
      @eparedes7165 Год назад +4

      love all ways true

    • @Syed9075
      @Syed9075 Год назад

      Hey how long it takes time to unite

    • @MG-cw6kn
      @MG-cw6kn Год назад

      How come end it … it is not forever? Because I found mine and feels like it is ending that really hurts. I feel a lots of gratitude with him.

  • @musicainstrumental1734
    @musicainstrumental1734 3 года назад +217

    I don't why I cry everytime listening to this kind of song.I accept I love music 🎶 more than anything. My favorite hobby you ask ? when I plug in my earphones, sit near my bedroom window while, everyone is asleep and stare at the beautiful night sky, the most beautiful creation of God.I don't know why i feel happy whenever i look at the night sky maybe it makes me calm and I love it ❤

    • @mernawells7839
      @mernawells7839 3 года назад +13

      That is so beautiful and I relate. The night sky really connects us to truth, to the spaciousness and beauty within and without. Its a mirror image of our soul projected large. It is pure spirit I feel. I also have profound feelings of bliss when I look at the night sky. I could stsy there forever and long to sleep under the stars again and wake up in the night and see only stars. I did that once and it stayed with me as one if the truest experiences I've ever had. Its a dream I must make reality again soon. Thank-you for reminding me if the importance of this. Blessings always. I will meet you and no doubt many other beautiful souls in that night sky.

    • @muraroligia
      @muraroligia 3 года назад +7

      The night sky is an archetype to connect with your dreams, symbolized by the stars.
      The day sky makes us open more space in our lives for new things to arrive. That’s why it makes us happy. New things in life to grow more and more, and connecting with our dreams and soul purpose.

    • @childofloveiamrecklesslove4833
      @childofloveiamrecklesslove4833 3 года назад +5

      That’s pure bliss from your soul above Dear one. You and me go fishing in the Dark lying on our backs counting the Stars where the cool grass grows.. You are perfect just as you are and your Loved by He who’s in me through me and all around me as the Christ I am. Many of Blessings to you and your family. Peace be still and know that you are God’s and Goddesses who I sooo Love with all of my Heart as one with yours. Find your hearts song and Remember to use music to unlock your intuition the words in song were created by your higher Love as a message to enlighten your soul and the spirit within. To help break free from the chains and free your minds so the rest will follow. God bless you Remember to Live Love Laugh and for the Love of God who I am Dance again for I so Love to Dance.🙏🏻🧖🏼✝️☝️⭕️🌞🌍🌝🌈🔥🌊🍀🌹🎶⚖️❤️💜♾👑💎💫🌟💃🕺

    • @trevaoneil2063
      @trevaoneil2063 3 года назад +1

      You cry because you love. This music reminds of of deep, true love

    • @manjitjakku8146
      @manjitjakku8146 3 года назад


  • @lorimaraman5080
    @lorimaraman5080 2 года назад +39

    I wonder if this was one reason that Tesla said, "If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibration" and "if you only knew the magnificence of the 3,6 &9, you would have the key to the universe".

  • @buddharelaxing9130
    @buddharelaxing9130 3 года назад +366

    The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !

    • @idaleeplater121
      @idaleeplater121 3 года назад +2

      Thank you. I wish you the same. Peace and love

    • @taraMimi717
      @taraMimi717 2 года назад +2

      Thank You 🙏🏼 Sending it back✨

    • @crystalmclaughlin9523
      @crystalmclaughlin9523 2 года назад +5

      I send u all the love and abundance u can send me greatfully and lovingly

    • @_Allymo_
      @_Allymo_ 2 года назад +2

      Saw this message at 111 likes😁 wishing you the same and much more! 🌹🥰

    • @mattlewis2789
      @mattlewis2789 2 года назад +1

      Thank you thank you thank you

  • @TheEmpoweringUnicorn
    @TheEmpoweringUnicorn 3 года назад +188

    IT WORKS. I found my twin flame. Everything is possible, just BELIVE, an be PATIENT. Love you❤💜💙🧝‍♀️🦄⭐⚡

    • @kristianberquist647
      @kristianberquist647 3 года назад +1

      Please tell me what you did to find them.

    • @taraMimi717
      @taraMimi717 2 года назад +1

      I’m trusting the Process✨

    • @marthabazan2314
      @marthabazan2314 2 года назад

      Hola sólo escuchaste, cuánto tiempo y por cuántos días?

    • @TilisuAOL
      @TilisuAOL 2 года назад +2

      8 months, what have you learned s far?🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @eparedes7165
      @eparedes7165 Год назад +3


  • @dalidastella
    @dalidastella 2 года назад +93

    This is no coincidence that you are here…
    Let the music take you
    To another dimension
    Let go..
    And have faith
    I love you 😘

  • @normacordero137
    @normacordero137 3 года назад +337

    We don’t know each other neither! But I believe the universe is going to work for us ❤️ to be together very soon!
    Namaste 🙏🏼

  • @alanthomson1271
    @alanthomson1271 2 года назад +69

    Blessings to all you who listen to this our mission on this Earth is to Raise the consciousness of Humanity towards love and Peace sending love and light to all you Beautiful souls 💖🌟🙏⚘️

    • @carolannewray5705
      @carolannewray5705 2 года назад +1

      Sending love and light to my beautiful twin flame love you baby always 😘.

  • @loveyoulikecrazyxoxo
    @loveyoulikecrazyxoxo 2 года назад +58

    To the person reading this YOU are AMAZING. YOU are WORTHY. YOU are LIGHT & LOVE and deserve EVERYTHING❤.
    It is yours 🌏🌸🌹

  • @rachelmcrae344
    @rachelmcrae344 3 года назад +75

    After all the running and the chasing.. The recognising and forgetting. After all the aspects reflected in the mirror we were not ready to see. We merged and preparation for sacred reunion is upon us. May all beings be united with their other halves. May they all know this love, in 3D, in 5D and forever. Thank you for this beautiful music to repair to and for keeping us forever connected, when we have to be apart.
    Rachael & Michael.

  • @greyfox2822
    @greyfox2822 3 года назад +70

    If you're here in this comment section seeking the same thing as I am, I truly hope you find it. Whoever you are, you deserve peace and happiness with the one you're meant to be with. As many positive vibes as I can send to you all.

  • @fahngriffie6540
    @fahngriffie6540 3 года назад +46


  • @majko1111
    @majko1111 2 года назад +64

    The greatest block to unite or reunite with your TF is fear. We need to open our heart chakras. That's the best thing we can do. Face your fears! Our subconscious is overflowing with fears of all kind. We need to get rid of them so we can attract our TF's. Love you all

  • @cull15
    @cull15 3 года назад +70

    I think I found my twin flame at work, she was a new starter and when we talked to each other it was like we’ve known each other all our lives… it was such a unique experience, usually when I meet someone for the first time it takes a while for me to get comfortable with them but with her it was an instantaneous connection!

    • @bobbisue313
      @bobbisue313 Год назад +6

      So was she your TF? What happened???

  • @c.fernandez4903
    @c.fernandez4903 3 года назад +215

    Somos el uno para el otro, y los Dos para Dios....Que todas,las Llamas gemelas nos reencontremos para cambiar la energia de este mundo....y asi es 🙏💟🙌😘. Abrazos a todos! Gracias por esta hermosa musica.

    • @carolwilson9086
      @carolwilson9086 3 года назад +5

      God bless you as well

    • @polvodehadas6651
      @polvodehadas6651 2 года назад +3

      Así sea, gracias, gracias, gracias!!! 🙏🏼❤️

    • @laylit6608
      @laylit6608 2 года назад +5

      Gracias , gracias , gracias . Así es y así será , deseo que la mayoría encuentre a su alma , y que aquí en este planeta sea algo más que lo terrenal 😊😊❤

    • @mariamejia3137
      @mariamejia3137 2 года назад +3

      Totalmente de acuerdo,q asi sea...

    • @sbellan69
      @sbellan69 Год назад +3

      Je prie en cet instant que ma flamme jumelle me revienne guéri il me manque même si...mon Amour je souhaite que tu aies ce déclic qui va te libérer de tes chaînes et me mener à toi...oh mon Dieu aidez nous je l'aime tellement je t'aime loulou 🔥💞🔥

  • @softlilium3095
    @softlilium3095 3 года назад +63


  • @morganarose344
    @morganarose344 3 года назад +24

    I don't know who needs to hear this. There is always hope in any situation. You are a divine being created by The Divine in his image. With love all things are possible. Start with love of self so that you can share your love and light with the world and attract what you seek. What you seek, seeks you.

  • @nightowl6393
    @nightowl6393 Год назад +14

    I had the most amazing experience with a divine feminine while listening to this at night.
    Perhaps she's my twin flame 😊

    • @nancy.842
      @nancy.842 11 месяцев назад

      Wow Congo 😊

  • @revolutionarythinker6943
    @revolutionarythinker6943 3 года назад +59

    ❣ You are blessed! Be grateful if you are reading this it was meant for you to see it in this moment... 💙

  • @renaybrown2767
    @renaybrown2767 2 года назад +22

    Send you love, happiness and health to everyone, you are important and you are loved ❤️

  • @EbTVofficial
    @EbTVofficial 3 года назад +90

    I was listening to another meditation and this one came on automatically after the other went off. I was feeling really down about my situation but after letting this play for about 10 minutes everything feels different. I feel better. In short, thank you.

  • @susanhealey2431
    @susanhealey2431 3 года назад +137

    Absolutely beautiful....
    Only good awaits us at every turn.
    We are safe in the universe
    All life loves and supports us...
    Namaste ❣️❣️

  • @lorac1568
    @lorac1568 3 года назад +146

    I can't begin to tell you what this music means to me. You have a gift for giving us the music we need at the right time. I see from other comments what your music means to others..... Thank you doesn't seem enough, but I can't find words any better.... so "Thank you" I know that you will understand what I mean 🙏💕🙏

    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic  3 года назад +19

      Dearest Carol, so good to read from you! 🤗 Thank you soo much for your loving message! 🥰💖🙏🏽 I totally understand - or better: I can totally feel what you mean ! 😉💕🙏🏽 Thank you from the bottom of my heart Carol! I am so immensely happy and grateful that my music is helping you and so many others. Sending you so much Love and Light ! 💖🌟 In deep gratitude 🙏🏽 Pierre

    • @caroline9306
      @caroline9306 3 года назад +1


    • @Syed9075
      @Syed9075 Год назад


  • @sianashapiro5492
    @sianashapiro5492 2 года назад +38

    You are a Divine Being and you manifest your world. ❤️ You are more powerful than you can even imagine.

  • @-relaxingmusic9394
    @-relaxingmusic9394 3 года назад +210

    I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But, you've found my comment. Take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles bring you here, or if you're here simply to relax and unwind, remember that you are important, you are valid, and that you have a right to be here. You are stronger than you know. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. Whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you. You can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you choose, I believe in you. Put your hand over your heart. Take a deep breath. It might have been a tough day, but you made it. Tomorrow will be a new day.
    Peace be with you, my friend. ❤️

    • @janmaretwillman3954
      @janmaretwillman3954 2 года назад +6

      Thank you...I am grieving the loss of my twin flame of 35 years. Sometimes I don't know why I am still here without him.
      Your words touched my heart....Bless you!

    • @nicolewilliams8632
      @nicolewilliams8632 2 года назад +1

      Ty, 3:17 am and I needed this. Ty...from my soul core being, ty whoever u are...

    • @nazeemaali
      @nazeemaali 2 года назад

      Thank u ❤️

    • @javier6623
      @javier6623 2 года назад


    • @Aislinsweetdreams
      @Aislinsweetdreams 2 года назад

      Peace be with you as well.

  • @mitzymendoza2487
    @mitzymendoza2487 3 года назад +11

    I always love visiting comment section. Very uplifting energy here. I am kind of introducing a former twin flame into my life again and I don't wana make the same mistakes again. I just wana love and be loved with no attachments or expectations.

  • @l.c.345
    @l.c.345 3 года назад +68

    First thing I noticed was the emanation from Source connecting one twin flame with another through their third eye chakra until seated in each heart chakra and, music flows so beautifully with the design ❣️💫💖

  • @adrienne3334
    @adrienne3334 Год назад +6

    Lots of love light and blessings to all twin flames everywhere

  • @soulfulexpansions
    @soulfulexpansions 2 года назад +11

    Thank you all for all the love.
    It helped

  • @gasparsanchez3530
    @gasparsanchez3530 3 года назад +16

    I miss her, I know she's my twin, and I was blind before when she was trying to tell me without telling me, but only became aware when I lost her, and now I feel I will have find her in our next lives, I ask her and God's universe to forgive me, I will always love her and after so long I still can't stop feeling her, so much that I am not ready to be with another.. it's so real, thanks so much for this. may everyone listening find their other half and evolve well.

  • @unapologeticallyme9522
    @unapologeticallyme9522 3 года назад +13

    I have a beloved twin flame.
    I'm here because I miss him and hope to see him soon as he is working hard.
    Thank you Universe for letting him think of me. 💘

  • @pleiady444
    @pleiady444 2 года назад +11

    From one in the most divine, sublime, sacred union...I truly wish blessings and sweet joyous union for you all. Much love. x🙏🏻💙

  • @parveshboodhoo6474
    @parveshboodhoo6474 Год назад +5

    I wish each and everyone a happy life. May you have abundance of money, food , clothes and shelter…
    Angels bless you all…

  • @innerlotusmusic
    @innerlotusmusic  3 года назад +7

    Thank you so much for listening! If you enjoy this video, you might also resonate with my other Twin Flame videos:
    417 Hz Twin Flames Attraction:видео.html
    432Hz & 639Hz Twin Flames Reunion:видео.html
    And if you like what I do, subscribe 🔔 give it a 👍🏼 and leave a comment 💌 to let me know your impression 😊 Love and gratitude 💖🙏🏼 - Pierre

    • @iri3977
      @iri3977 3 года назад

      ...this frequency is Divine Pierre 🕊️ it feels like im floating in Heaven with the beLoved Star people 🕊️✨💫💙💫✨🕊️

    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic  3 года назад

      Aww…. 🥰 Thank you so much dear Iri ! 🤗 Very happy you enjoy this frequency so much! 💖 Love and gratitude 🙏🏽 Pierre

  • @putshestvuem
    @putshestvuem Год назад +16

    Я благодарю всех кто здесь❤ и добавляю лучи света в это пространство.

  • @empathydriven3009
    @empathydriven3009 3 года назад +16

    When you fall asleep to different meditation, your "watch later" auto-plays and you dream of them. and see what is playing. 🙄 Then you know it's really true AHHHHHHHHH. Love and light all

    • @amphibiangoddess
      @amphibiangoddess 2 года назад +1

      Thank you for reminding me to turn off autoplay! This happened to me the other day and it was an instructional video on gardening. I was deep in a meditation and began visualising digging in the dirt, it was very confusing😂

  • @candyland1212
    @candyland1212 2 года назад +14

    Your beautiful music helped me to connect very deeply with my twin flame in meditation. (I usually don’t use music unless it’s a guided meditation.) I used the violet flame to clear us. TYSM!! ❤️ to you all!!

  • @uncertainfade
    @uncertainfade 2 года назад +9

    You are eternal love and connected to eternal love.

  • @katym0172
    @katym0172 3 года назад +50

    Love this so much thank you for sharing 🥰I hope everyone here finds their twin flame 💖💖💖

    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic  3 года назад +1

      Thank you very much dear katym0172 ! 🤗 Very happy you enjoy this meditation! 💖 Love and gratitude 🙏🏽 Pierre

  • @zascorpusa
    @zascorpusa 6 месяцев назад +4

    My soulmate is so amazing she has a bright light inside her and the most beautiful heart that heals me when I felt her

  • @patriciahanriot3531
    @patriciahanriot3531 Год назад +9

    Oh mon Dieu comme c’est beau ♥️💜 je me suis de suite sentie en connections avec mon âme jumelle.
    Merci et gratitude 🙏 ❤

  • @kinggregory4443
    @kinggregory4443 2 года назад +19

    I believe I've met my Twin Flame! I live with, My Queen and our, Princess. We came into each other's lives in this reality about a year ago and together, the three of us have made leaps and bounds! We have accomplished so much together. And we are all, always, so very happy! I thank the Divine-All, for our blessed union.

  • @maritzaadriana8304
    @maritzaadriana8304 2 года назад +13

    Thank you for the beautiful messages. You all are so amazing. I am sending light and love to all of you.

  • @ernestcyrus_wh
    @ernestcyrus_wh 3 года назад +26

    In April 2021 I lost her, she was the love of my life, 5 years of intimacy, really heart breaking since 24th April 2021, I has been through depression, intense mental agony & I just want her to reunite with me. Bless me luck, say Aameen. Beena I love you more than myself.

    • @gsu12fo
      @gsu12fo 3 года назад +3

      I send you the greatest blessings and angelical strength ✨🙏 love you and always remember to recognize that everyone is loving you as well 🤍🤍

    • @ernestcyrus_wh
      @ernestcyrus_wh 3 года назад +4

      @@gsu12fo God Bless you in both worlds. Amen

    • @rorybory123
      @rorybory123 3 года назад +4

      Work on yourself! She will be back!

  • @KaiFerrara805
    @KaiFerrara805 2 года назад +7

    Every time I read the comments it reminds me love can be found. You just gotta stop looking. Cause it does find you. 🙏💗

  • @Ronn.392
    @Ronn.392 Год назад +7

    I genuinely love this comment section 🙏🏽❤️May everyone who finds this is blessed through life with whatever they desire 🥰

  • @sonjastrege9420
    @sonjastrege9420 2 года назад +7

    In diesen Klängen sinkt man so mühelos vom Kopf in das Herz 🥰 - und es kennt den Weg 🥰 Danke 🙏

  • @taptapforu99
    @taptapforu99 2 года назад +13

    I hope you all find the person who can handle your love.

  • @Ara-of4bw
    @Ara-of4bw 3 года назад +6

    I just experienced awesomeness too these amazing love tunes. Thank you Universe!!!
    I’m in a beautiful universal ocean of love! It’s a real love fest!! Full body waves on this ride…

  • @FallonAlexa27
    @FallonAlexa27 2 года назад +16

    if you are seeing this I am sending you love and light✨️🖤

  • @dimple6923
    @dimple6923 3 года назад +17

    Love the energy of this piece! Thanks for creating this beautiful piece.🙏🌠May all sacred/twin flame unions take place in the fastest most joyful of ways in 2021❤❤

  • @asim967
    @asim967 3 года назад +21

    I believe ... and I truly believe ... love to all the true flames .... believe in with all your heart.... yes it’s true.... just let it happen... Universe will do the rest... I witnessed 🙏🙏🙏

  • @sharonlivingston8331
    @sharonlivingston8331 3 года назад +6

    I am love. You are love. We are love unconditionally. God and the Universe is love and will lead our paths. We will be one. I believe. I have faith in our union as light workers and Star seeds to heal and teach as example others on the Earth with our other soul families. Amen. Thank you.

  • @saumyasrivastava8711
    @saumyasrivastava8711 Год назад +4

    I strongly claim our reunion in this lifetime and ultimate union ❤❤❤ divine bless us 😊

  • @stanislavaguglavova8364
    @stanislavaguglavova8364 3 года назад +25

    Thank you very much for this beautiful music. Very effective for meditation and so peaceful. Wish you and your loved ones the best. Love and Light to you All.😊❤️

    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic  3 года назад +1

      You are so welcome dear Stanislava ! 🤗. I’m happy you like it 😊 and grateful it is helping you to meditate and find peace 💙 Love and Light 🌟 to you and your loved ones! 🙏🏽 Pierre

  • @markjohnmiranda1956
    @markjohnmiranda1956 2 года назад +7

    I feel overwhelmed inside myself. Because I find my woman for life yesterday again and I feel so fullfiled. I never knew that we have such so connect 🥰 to each other. I feel now new born. Everything seems so stunning 😍. And I feel love inside myself. Thank goodness 💟 and AVE MARIA GRACIA PLENAM DOMINUS DEUS FRUCTUS ET MELIBUS SANCTUS 🙏

  • @mararouisnorf5063
    @mararouisnorf5063 3 года назад +9

    Ты всегда будешь жить в моем сердце

  • @rmen4051
    @rmen4051 3 года назад +5

    The first time i listened to this, i dreamed of my twin flame. I assumed it was him becAuse he looks so familiar. I couldnt describe what he looks like when i am awake but when he is in my dream i know it is him. He told me in my dream, that no matter whAt i do, we will still meet. Oh how i hope it is true.

  • @philneale1111
    @philneale1111 3 месяца назад +2

    Love all the positive comments on here for all us twin flames struggling. ❤❤❤🙏

  • @angelinasamson6996
    @angelinasamson6996 2 года назад +4

    Yes yes yes and yes
    Love and light to all ❤

  • @onesoullove1111
    @onesoullove1111 3 года назад +20

    My Twin will always be apart of me we are never separate and I know that this more than just love ♥️♥️ I am my Onesoul god bless everyone this awakening helped me become a stronger powerful woman.

  • @Nyuffykah
    @Nyuffykah 3 года назад +30

    "There is a female God for every male, down to the smallest spirits" (Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches)

  • @willenewadkins
    @willenewadkins 2 года назад +4

    More grateful than can be expressed.

  • @amethystmoon8085
    @amethystmoon8085 2 года назад +6

    I will connect with my twin flame. We will be happley together forever sending our love to one another with peace , love,light ✌🏽❤️🌒

  • @siriusdragonfly1054
    @siriusdragonfly1054 Год назад +1


    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic  Год назад

      💙🌟🤗 Thank You from the bottom of my heart for such a generous support, dear Sirius Dragonfly! 🫶 Sending you a big hug with all my Love and deepest gratitude 🤗🌟💙 Namasté 🙏🏼 Pierre

  • @relaxingsoundsmeditationbr5501
    @relaxingsoundsmeditationbr5501 3 года назад +14

    Thanks for this peaceful meditation background 🙏👍
    Peace on your way to you and all who are reading this 🙏

  • @Grace-ek9ro
    @Grace-ek9ro 2 года назад +7

    I pray that all ur desires come true.... If ur hear for telepathy .. May that person gets connected to ur heart... Or if ur hear for ur twin flame connection.... May u find him or her... And hope all ur manifestations come true... Keep meditating 💕💕... God bless 🙏

  • @onenessmeditations2581
    @onenessmeditations2581 3 года назад +5

    Thank you for connecting with us now, we are so grateful for you Soul Friend! We love you, we happily support you, and we wish you infinite blessings of Love and Light🙏❤️

  • @MahranDagradi
    @MahranDagradi 2 месяца назад +4

    If you see this, I want to thank you for living with me on the same planet. You are not alone in this world. I hope this comment can make at least one person happy. This is all I want and wish you health and a happy life with your loved ones ❤❤❤

  • @dilakannisa
    @dilakannisa 3 года назад +5

    Love reading the comments. All from lovely and positive people. Wondering what if we all meet in real life. ❣

  • @ALMBusinessInstitute
    @ALMBusinessInstitute 3 года назад +6

    I am a part of the Universe Source energy and I wish you all love, blessings, success and abundance beyond measure.
    🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 NAMASTE🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @carolwilson9086
    @carolwilson9086 3 года назад +13

    Love peace. N happiness to all who see this. Be strong have holy spirit. And in yourself. God bless us all on this journey

  • @nuunjaanasheen
    @nuunjaanasheen 2 года назад +5

    Thanks for the divine justice meditation music 💡🔐🔏🔑🔓🔒🔑

  • @Risia444
    @Risia444 2 года назад +11

    Peace in our soul and heart ❤🥰🙏

  • @m.p.6742
    @m.p.6742 9 месяцев назад +1

    This music has brought me such comfort and it helps me 😴 at night. I wish everyone peace and 💕 ,✌️ we all can use it in our lives ❤😊

  • @ninatadelgado293
    @ninatadelgado293 2 года назад +5

    This melody is beautiful, it gives me peace and rejoices my soul.

  • @marcelanavarrete9790
    @marcelanavarrete9790 2 года назад +1


    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic  2 года назад +1

      💜🌟 Gracias a ti querida Marcela! Y muchas gracias por tu apoyo! 🌟💜 Namasté 🙏🏼 Pierre

  • @chisatatum649
    @chisatatum649 3 года назад +8

    For Steven harrold ❤ im thankful to have you in my life. I am still here for you and i am always by your side. As we are working through things, we are never apart. As i heal myself daily, i think of you and i trust that we will overcome this. I promise

  • @Bpdnymphet
    @Bpdnymphet 3 года назад +8

    You were always scared to look into my eyes not because you didn’t want to but because you saw yourself in me every time you did..I reminded you of when you were younger ..just a kid I was in your eyes you felt my pain and I felt yours ..when we made love the planets aligned and my kundalini awakened from a deep slumber...I began to realize my life which I thought was only filled with pain and disappointment was actually blessings disguised as lesson for had I not experienced these lessons I wouldn’t have been guided to my bestfriend my brother my father my mentor all in one My precious twin flame home ... my past present and future 🔥 all it would have taken is one step in the wrong direction and I wouldn’t have found the true meaning of unconditional love..
    Though we are in separation now I wish you the best i hope you find love and adventure in everything you do I will always be with you in spirit.. ♾🦋 1111

  • @danawalls-white4040
    @danawalls-white4040 2 года назад +7

    In this.. I loved the "Spiritual time together ❤️ ✨️ " xoxoxo

  • @Chamai2024
    @Chamai2024 3 года назад +8

    Merci pour cette musique. Je passe par toutes sortes d'émotions, de chair de poule et de bien-être. C'est génial et en plus cela attire notre moitié que demander de mieux.

    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic  3 года назад +2

      Merci du fond du coeur Swisscha ! 🤗 Quel bonheur de lire que ma musique te procure autant d’émotions et de bien-être! 💖 Gratitude profonde 🙏🏼 Pierre

    • @elizabethbustosmontes2327
      @elizabethbustosmontes2327 3 года назад +1


  • @Todd-sf6gj
    @Todd-sf6gj Год назад +5

    May All Things work 2gether for Our Good to "Those" Who Love Daddy God & Are Called to "His Purposes" 🙏👍☝️👌

  • @jonihandley9642
    @jonihandley9642 Год назад +2

    Met my twin flame. It was a huge lesson experience

  • @wendy-leerattenbury4979
    @wendy-leerattenbury4979 2 года назад +3

    May all Twin Flames know their love in all dimensions. Mauri Ora!

  • @lynnstpierre
    @lynnstpierre 2 года назад +9

    Love is all we need!💜

  • @francoisronda381
    @francoisronda381 2 года назад +3

    I'm feeling peace and unity... Don't know if it's attract love but my third eye is very activated when I'm listening this soundtrack.

  • @lorrainemarietta8742
    @lorrainemarietta8742 2 года назад +9

    Everyone has a soulmate a twinflame either here or in higher Dimension and you will meet.💚 thank you Pierre.

  • @heathermcdermott2171
    @heathermcdermott2171 3 года назад +5

    My husband Sean is not here today physically and this is so much appreciated I know he listens when I do where he is 😇

  • @Iceis_Phoenix
    @Iceis_Phoenix 3 года назад +19

    I invite him into my life. I cant wait to meet him.

  • @electricmovement0779
    @electricmovement0779 3 года назад +5

    thank you for the energetic alignment with my twin flame . much love to you

  • @franceiscaoteggui
    @franceiscaoteggui 3 года назад +15

    I am very grateful…
    Thanks to you for this beautiful gift!