Hi Polina, Tnx for your contents was very helpful for ,e to start a career as salesforce developer. I wish you produce more contents about the pathway and maybe shortcuts to enter to markets.
Hey! I'm from Brazil. I am Java Back-End Dev and my company has just transferred me to a SalesForce Team. The Team Manager asked me during the interview about some Automated Tests I've got in my Portfolio, and seems to me they'll settle me in some sort of a Tester position in the team. I will only know in a couple of weeks. Thanks for your video!
@Lucas estou há uns 14 meses em Salesforce. Nesses 14 meses dupliquei meu salário. Trabalho exclusivamente com código, com Javascript e Apex, a linguagem própria do Salesforce. Está valendo muito. Dev Java tem aos montes aí, mas Salesforce é um círculo bem fechado. Por causa dessa menor oferta, as empresas estão pagando fortunas. Eu recebo por semana pelo menos 3 propostas de Salesfor ce, e a maioria é pra fora do país. Se eu quisesse mudar de emprrgo agora talvez duplicasse novamente meu salário se ficasse no Brasil. Se saísse, quintuplicaria ou mais. Pode vir que vale a pena. Vc vai gostar
@Lucas Eu tinha medo de trabalhar em algo sem código, mas esse medo não existe mais pq só uso código, mas tb posso fazer coisas de Admin pra ajudar o Squad. Isso de excesso de Libs e Frameworks é muito chato mesmo. Passa isso com Javascript uma época. Se vc sabe Java, vai gostar da parte de Dev em Salesforce, sendo que o Front é Javascript com LWC, que é muito bom trabalhar. E nada daquilo de mil coisas novas todo mês. A empresa em que trabalho todo ano tem um Bootcamp só de Salesforce pra trazer novos talentos. Tem muitas empresas fazendo isso. Eu acho que CRM é o futuro e o desenvolvimento vai tudo direto para nuvem no futuro. Salesforce vai só crescer, por isso é bom chegar antes e se consolidar. Estude tanto Apex, LWC e a parte Admin. Vale muito! Abraço e boa sorte. Qualquer coisa, só falar
@Lucas Eu já fiz várias atividades com código de chamadas de API REST, tanto do Salesforce para outros sistemas quanto de outros sistemas fazendo envios para o Salesforce. Com código. Eu ainda não tenho certificação. Estou estudando para a de Desenvolvedor. Certificação ajuda muito. Mas sem a certificação o q conta é experiência. Conheço muito Senior sem uma.
Firsty of all Thank you for this wonderfull video. and i want to learn more about salesforce developer and wanna join salesforce so will you please make out a video on how i learn salesforce developer role.
Salesforce developer implements the functionality, writes code etc. Solution Architect works on projects start, attends workshops, collects clients' wishes and translates them to functioning requirements. Technical Architect is the same but on really deep technical level. He/she would think about platforms and APIs compatibilities, about critical technical design questions and so on.
Do you think the entry level market for Salesforce developer jobs is saturated. I am a developer looking to focus strictly on Salesforce with the hopes of getting a better paying job.
Hello Polina, I have a question for you. Would it make sense to get into the tech industry by getting my first job as a salesforce admin and then learning salesforce development to get my feet wet with coding? I ultimately want to get into software engineering - front end work maybe. My interests are diverse - mobile app development, web app development, and front end web dev. Does this make sense?
Hi Kevin, sure it makes. From my experience can say, SF has a variety of directions. For sure, you can start with Admin, and continue in Dev. However, if your goal is front-end and you have related experience, e.g. JS frameworks etc, you can try jumping directly to SF Front-end developer. They don't need this much admin knowledge, as they work mostly with UI: HTML, JavaScript, and SF Lightning and rarely Visualforce (outdated sf technology).
Is it like Microsoft azure? When you say you write code, you mean in c#, Java or some. It’s not clear to me if working as a sales force developer I will still be a traditional developer or I only can work in that platform
I don't know how MS azure works.. In SF its writing code on Apex language, which is a simplified Java clone. So yes, its traditional development & on the platform at the same time. Its like you don't need to launch application every time, because the platform is launched already and being on a cloud servers
There's usually a role Business Analytic, and these specialists start from Salesforce Admin to learn the platform first. About Data Analytic - no, haven't met on any projects (probably can be on super-huge ones), usually data analysis is included to developer's tasks if needed, and also there's a tool called Einstein Analytics for fancy stuff.
Hey, I m from India ,I have experience in salesforce automation testing. Can I switch my carrier to salesforce development? Please suggest to me, I want to switch my carrier
Hi Shweta, sure you can :) You can start with Trailhead website - it's educational sf platform, and proceed with admin trails, and then Dev ones Further, your goals can be to pass some essential certificates: Platform App Builder, Admin 1, Dev 1 And with this (or even earlier if you're lucky) you'll find the job of sf Dev / admin No worries about admin part: it's anyway needed for development, as the crm system has big number of tools built-in which Dev must know how to use
Hey! First of all, great video! I'm a front end developer and i'm curious about trying SalesForce. The thing is, i dont know quite where to start. Can i go and star coding.. should i study the whole salesforce software first? Maybe you could shed some light. Thank you!
Hi Reinaldo, Salesforce uses Apex language, it's a simplified Java. If you need to learn programming basics, then any Java SE course will suit you perfectly. And then move to Salesforce & Apex.
Hi James, Let me note down some considerations: MARKET IS DIFFERENT PER COUNTRIES I can say only about German market and the Russian one :) In Germany, there're a lot of people age 40-50-60. I work with one man, Daniel Stange, who started Salesforce like 7-8 years ago and now s Technical Architect in my company and is Salesforce MVP (“Most Valuable Player” official "nominated" from SF, there're only 34 people in the world) - that's a great example when it's never late, and you enjoy the technology etc. In Russua, and I'm sure for many other countries, ageism takes place really bad, and you have to consider this. There it's really hard to get a job in IT when you're even 45+, you're just being pre-cut from candidates list by HRs. So, don't know where you're coming from, but try read some articles for your country & market. PERMANENT LEARNING Salesforce as any IT means permanent learning, and with age it's naturally harder. Here would be learning of the platform (from administrative side) as minimum. And further, you'll have development stack in your path, or can proceed with Admin maintenance and consulting. Just consider returning to student times probably :) YOUR EXPERIENCE It's smth very valuable, and you have big advantage comparing to young candidates. You can dive into business much more, into consultance - if you want. And always, mix of professions is smth exteremely valuable, cause on at the junction of professions you have uniqie opportunity to have fuller vision and apply knowledge from different sphere. ENTHUSIASM If you decide to start SF, and will start the interviewing process, make sure your CV and Interview do sound enthusiastic :) Show that you're willing to learn further and interested in the whole movement of career. Cause that's probably why ageing appears - the companies are not willing to start with cndidates of certain age, and afraid they're "tired of life"... Of course, it's decision on each company, but it's also understandable. You should just find tehn the "open-minded company" and show your attitude. Up to you to decide, of course, and all the luck in your decision! Be brave, everything can be achieved if you are willing. Best Regards, Polina
@@SalesforceWithPalina I really appreciate your informative , warm hearted reply, which encourages me to start SF. Feels like face to face meeting for career advice. God would bless a beauful - minded person like you and I keep my fingers crossed for your success as SF.
Hi polina.. I am Senior admin in salesforce since 2 years. I have seen all your videos.. your work is good but would you be able to provide a step by step list to start our journey in learning Salesforce Development.. and yes u look really nice.. keep up the good work..
я хочу начать разрабатывать source base в существующем salesforce окружении org based. есть куча API, но как все неудобно. к примеру мне надо часть metadata создать декларативно в какой то org как я понимаю - потом это retrieve в свой код. потом это задеплоить уже в другой sandbox. и если все работают то уже зарелизить в продакшн. как работать с декларативным созданием метадаты что ни чего не потерять? Я например создал customApp, customObj, tab - забыл что есть flexipage. когда пытался деплоить то вылазят ошибки - no flixi page, etc. я не понимаю как правильно работать с метадатой. какой то сплошной гемор вместо удобства. Как вы работаете CICD in Salesforce?
Привет, да, флоу верный. Я работаю используя Intellij IDEA, где я могу заретривить всю нужную метадату через UI И через Git Bash консоль и SFDX, тоже ретривя всё что нужно, деплоя, и т д. Да, часть метадаты удобнее создавать через UI например объекты (к которым на фоне добавятся много других вещей), другую часть через IDE например любой код: Apex, Ligtning etc. Чтобы ничего не потерять есть 2 пути. 1) когда в целом только начинаешь работать с SF, то наверное практичнее создавать Scratch орги на тикеты, и после имплементации использовать команду sfdx force:source:pull , будучи выполнена к примеру из папки репозитория, она заретривит всю "разницу" сорсов, и ты как раз получишь все сторонние dependencies. 2) спустя немного времени попросту знаешь, что влечет изменение чего-то другого, помнишь обо всех dependency, и можешь аналогично работать на статическом орге и просто ретривить нужные вещи либо через IDE либо через sfdx force:source:retrieve -u your_org -m "ApexClass:ClassA,CustomField:Account.Example__c" , который сделает точечный ретрив И затем обычно коммитишь в свою ветку в репозиторий, и репозиторий обычно настроен как CI, и при кажом таком коммите (еще не в главные орги) будет ранниться валидация всего сорса на следубщем орге/либо проде. Надеюсь это хоть чуть чуть поможет, но вообще сложно объяснить, т к в идеале просто первый раз побыть на проекте где настроен SFDX и CI, и просто "руками" всё посмотреть)
@@SalesforceWithPalina у меня на работе все просто добавляют в продакшн в один орг расширяя функционал. И получается монолит. Я сделал себе отельный app. Я остановился на scratch org где я делаю декларативное программирование. Потом деплой в сандбокс. У вас есть опыт работы с platform event ? Я вычитал что их модно использовать и дальше организовывать весь функционал в орг как микросервисы. Не знаю ну сколько это удобно и практично. Например у нас орг уже придумали свои cases. Как мне cases в custom app теперь обьединить с существующими? Так как не было изначального плана то все очень напутано. Спасибо за ответы
Хорошо, тогда вам нужно добавить в статическую иерархию оргов (где пока только прод) еще Partial и ниже Dev. И чтобы все создавали скроется орги для тикетов, деливерили на дев и тестили сами, деливерили на паршл и давали тестить конечным юзерам и на как бы реальных данных, и только потом на прод. Это базис иерархии, конечно может расширяться как угодно, например если несколько команд/групп функционала, то делаются несколько dev-ов и все сливаются в integration орге. И бывают еще uat, training орги.
Дальше, что имеешь ввиду под "сделал себе отдельный апп"? Вы делаете unlocked packages деплой?.... Если так, то это очень плохо особенно для начинающих организаций. Это очень advanced вид деплоя, к сожалению дофига пропиаренный и сейчас на него все новые компании кидаются, что создает им только горы проблем. Если есть еще возможность, очень советую отказаться от этого метода.
И про platform event, да это имеет место быть для определенных случаев. Наверное самый простой - а-ля хэндлинг ошибок откуда угодно и принятие их в platform event-ах и какая-нибудь запись в доп объект. Тогда да. У меня были ситуации, что мы использовали их и по-другому нельзя. Но ни один проект целиком на низ не переведен. Дополнительно, хочу сказать свое субъективное мнение: это тоже пиар и на него тоже не нужно кидаться. Platform events появились буквально пару лет назад, и конечно SF всем зарекомендовал юзать только их. Как и когда появился sfdx, все срочно должны были перейти на него и только на него. Как и потом появились unlocked packages и та же история. Это маркетинг. А потом компаниям консультантам приходится развивать эти мифы реальностью) Суть остается в том, что каждый этот tool имеет свои преимущества и недостатки, и применим в определенных случаях и неприменим (т к добавляет много неоправданных effort-ов) в других. Старайтесь найти баланс и разумность использования чего-либо.
Hello Polina , I found your video very informative. I have one question , I'm having decent experience in web development and now got the opportunity to work as Salesforce developer. How much time it generally take to get familiar with SF development keep one has experience in web development and frontend technologies. Thank you
Hi Vinod, Well, it won't be any problem for you to work with SF. If you generally want to continue with UI you can specialize in Lightning and Visualforce development, these two are for UI part of SF. This direction is very popular on the market. If you want more to get away from UI, then you just get acquainted with the platform itself and the Apex language, which is like facilitated Java. With any direction you choose, it will not take long to get the knowledge to start work. From my experience, such specialists can get the offer with only a wish to switch to SF, and at new job there's a mentor who helps in learning the platform, so month-two covers all the stuff, and within a month (from the very beginning, in parallel with learning) they usually start working in real project.
@@SalesforceWithPalina wow thanks for such a motivational reply. What would be the best way for me to start learning Salesforce development as a full stack developer. Thank you Polina
@@SalesforceWithPalina ок, но наверное все таки более целесообразно идти на дивелопера, нежели на администратора? И что именно лучше учить? Потому что вакансий куча, и все хотят разные навыки...
Thank you for this helpful video. A good explanation of broader picture of salesforce.
Hi Polina, Tnx for your contents was very helpful for ,e to start a career as salesforce developer. I wish you produce more contents about the pathway and maybe shortcuts to enter to markets.
Great video! That's true, we need to wear many hats
Recently got a salesforce job at cognizant ,very excited
That's great, congratulations
How's it going?
Hey! I'm from Brazil.
I am Java Back-End Dev and my company has just transferred me to a SalesForce Team.
The Team Manager asked me during the interview about some Automated Tests I've got in my Portfolio, and seems to me they'll settle me in some sort of a Tester position in the team. I will only know in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for your video!
@Lucas estou há uns 14 meses em Salesforce. Nesses 14 meses dupliquei meu salário. Trabalho exclusivamente com código, com Javascript e Apex, a linguagem própria do Salesforce.
Está valendo muito. Dev Java tem aos montes aí, mas Salesforce é um círculo bem fechado. Por causa dessa menor oferta, as empresas estão pagando fortunas. Eu recebo por semana pelo menos 3 propostas de Salesfor ce, e a maioria é pra fora do país. Se eu quisesse mudar de emprrgo agora talvez duplicasse novamente meu salário se ficasse no Brasil. Se saísse, quintuplicaria ou mais.
Pode vir que vale a pena. Vc vai gostar
@Lucas Eu tinha medo de trabalhar em algo sem código, mas esse medo não existe mais pq só uso código, mas tb posso fazer coisas de Admin pra ajudar o Squad.
Isso de excesso de Libs e Frameworks é muito chato mesmo. Passa isso com Javascript uma época.
Se vc sabe Java, vai gostar da parte de Dev em Salesforce, sendo que o Front é Javascript com LWC, que é muito bom trabalhar. E nada daquilo de mil coisas novas todo mês.
A empresa em que trabalho todo ano tem um Bootcamp só de Salesforce pra trazer novos talentos. Tem muitas empresas fazendo isso.
Eu acho que CRM é o futuro e o desenvolvimento vai tudo direto para nuvem no futuro. Salesforce vai só crescer, por isso é bom chegar antes e se consolidar.
Estude tanto Apex, LWC e a parte Admin. Vale muito!
Abraço e boa sorte. Qualquer coisa, só falar
@Lucas Eu já fiz várias atividades com código de chamadas de API REST, tanto do Salesforce para outros sistemas quanto de outros sistemas fazendo envios para o Salesforce. Com código.
Eu ainda não tenho certificação. Estou estudando para a de Desenvolvedor. Certificação ajuda muito. Mas sem a certificação o q conta é experiência. Conheço muito Senior sem uma.
Firsty of all Thank you for this wonderfull video. and i want to learn more about salesforce developer and wanna join salesforce so will you please make out a video on how i learn salesforce developer role.
Thank you!
Very good explanation. Thanks
Thanks for explaining it. Wonderful work. Keep doing more. :)
What is the difference between an architect and salesforce position?
Salesforce developer implements the functionality, writes code etc.
Solution Architect works on projects start, attends workshops, collects clients' wishes and translates them to functioning requirements.
Technical Architect is the same but on really deep technical level. He/she would think about platforms and APIs compatibilities, about critical technical design questions and so on.
Thank you Polina for the great video! You have another subscriber :) I've found Salesforce Emily to be an amazing resource on admin work too!
Hello, Polina.Great video, I'm working in a slightly different direction, but I want to get to know Salesforce
Thank you for sharing.
Great video, thank you so much!
Crisp and clear
This video was really helpful thank you
Do you think the entry level market for Salesforce developer jobs is saturated. I am a developer looking to focus strictly on Salesforce with the hopes of getting a better paying job.
It's still very relevant, no worries. The market is full of offers, really plenty of them.
Hello Polina, I have a question for you. Would it make sense to get into the tech industry by getting my first job as a salesforce admin and then learning salesforce development to get my feet wet with coding? I ultimately want to get into software engineering - front end work maybe. My interests are diverse - mobile app development, web app development, and front end web dev. Does this make sense?
Hi Kevin, sure it makes. From my experience can say, SF has a variety of directions. For sure, you can start with Admin, and continue in Dev. However, if your goal is front-end and you have related experience, e.g. JS frameworks etc, you can try jumping directly to SF Front-end developer. They don't need this much admin knowledge, as they work mostly with UI: HTML, JavaScript, and SF Lightning and rarely Visualforce (outdated sf technology).
Why isn't any Halo above your head 😍
Thanks for the video.
Good info thanks
Inspiring position! It looks like very versatile and interesting work, makes me want to learn and start the new career :-)
good job, now i know what it means thx
Thanks. Спасибо. Danke schoen!
Is it like Microsoft azure? When you say you write code, you mean in c#, Java or some. It’s not clear to me if working as a sales force developer I will still be a traditional developer or I only can work in that platform
I don't know how MS azure works..
In SF its writing code on Apex language, which is a simplified Java clone. So yes, its traditional development & on the platform at the same time. Its like you don't need to launch application every time, because the platform is launched already and being on a cloud servers
Have they launched a new one for business / data analyst?
There's usually a role Business Analytic, and these specialists start from Salesforce Admin to learn the platform first.
About Data Analytic - no, haven't met on any projects (probably can be on super-huge ones), usually data analysis is included to developer's tasks if needed, and also there's a tool called Einstein Analytics for fancy stuff.
Perfect video!! Keep it going :)
I m from India ,I have experience in salesforce automation testing. Can I switch my carrier to salesforce development? Please suggest to me, I want to switch my carrier
Hi Shweta, sure you can :)
You can start with Trailhead website - it's educational sf platform, and proceed with admin trails, and then Dev ones
Further, your goals can be to pass some essential certificates: Platform App Builder, Admin 1, Dev 1
And with this (or even earlier if you're lucky) you'll find the job of sf Dev / admin
No worries about admin part: it's anyway needed for development, as the crm system has big number of tools built-in which Dev must know how to use
Thank you so much for your advice..❤
Let me start with the same
Hi Polina, can i move from aws cloud administrator to SF?
Hi Chitra,
I guess sure, why not :)
But I don't know what aws admin scope is, and if there would be anything similar in administration
Hey! First of all, great video!
I'm a front end developer and i'm curious about trying SalesForce. The thing is, i dont know quite where to start. Can i go and star coding.. should i study the whole salesforce software first?
Maybe you could shed some light.
Thank you!
Hello everyone!
Which programming languages should I learn if want to become SF Dev?
Hi Reinaldo, Salesforce uses Apex language, it's a simplified Java.
If you need to learn programming basics, then any Java SE course will suit you perfectly. And then move to Salesforce & Apex.
i am 54. is it a good idea to become a salesforce developer for a new career? i am afraid of ageism in the field
Hi James,
Let me note down some considerations:
I can say only about German market and the Russian one :)
In Germany, there're a lot of people age 40-50-60. I work with one man, Daniel Stange, who started Salesforce like 7-8 years ago and now s Technical Architect in my company and is Salesforce MVP (“Most Valuable Player” official "nominated" from SF, there're only 34 people in the world) - that's a great example when it's never late, and you enjoy the technology etc.
In Russua, and I'm sure for many other countries, ageism takes place really bad, and you have to consider this. There it's really hard to get a job in IT when you're even 45+, you're just being pre-cut from candidates list by HRs.
So, don't know where you're coming from, but try read some articles for your country & market.
Salesforce as any IT means permanent learning, and with age it's naturally harder.
Here would be learning of the platform (from administrative side) as minimum. And further, you'll have development stack in your path, or can proceed with Admin maintenance and consulting.
Just consider returning to student times probably :)
It's smth very valuable, and you have big advantage comparing to young candidates. You can dive into business much more, into consultance - if you want. And always, mix of professions is smth exteremely valuable, cause on at the junction of professions you have uniqie opportunity to have fuller vision and apply knowledge from different sphere.
If you decide to start SF, and will start the interviewing process, make sure your CV and Interview do sound enthusiastic :) Show that you're willing to learn further and interested in the whole movement of career. Cause that's probably why ageing appears - the companies are not willing to start with cndidates of certain age, and afraid they're "tired of life"... Of course, it's decision on each company, but it's also understandable. You should just find tehn the "open-minded company" and show your attitude.
Up to you to decide, of course, and all the luck in your decision!
Be brave, everything can be achieved if you are willing.
Best Regards,
@@SalesforceWithPalina I really appreciate your informative , warm hearted reply, which encourages me to start SF. Feels like face to face meeting for career advice. God would bless a beauful - minded person like you and I keep my fingers crossed for your success as SF.
Hi polina.. I am Senior admin in salesforce since 2 years. I have seen all your videos.. your work is good but would you be able to provide a step by step list to start our journey in learning Salesforce Development.. and yes u look really nice.. keep up the good work..
Hi Viraj, yes, planning to do that in the nearest time 👍🏻
@@SalesforceWithPalina waiting 😊
Thank you
Hello ,
Is there any part time job opportunity in Salesforce area. ?
As Freelancer i guess
я хочу начать разрабатывать source base в существующем salesforce окружении org based.
есть куча API, но как все неудобно. к примеру мне надо часть metadata создать декларативно в какой то org как я понимаю - потом это retrieve в свой код. потом это задеплоить уже в другой sandbox. и если все работают то уже зарелизить в продакшн.
как работать с декларативным созданием метадаты что ни чего не потерять? Я например создал customApp, customObj, tab - забыл что есть flexipage. когда пытался деплоить то вылазят ошибки - no flixi page, etc.
я не понимаю как правильно работать с метадатой. какой то сплошной гемор вместо удобства. Как вы работаете CICD in Salesforce?
да, флоу верный.
Я работаю используя Intellij IDEA, где я могу заретривить всю нужную метадату через UI
И через Git Bash консоль и SFDX, тоже ретривя всё что нужно, деплоя, и т д.
Да, часть метадаты удобнее создавать через UI например объекты (к которым на фоне добавятся много других вещей), другую часть через IDE например любой код: Apex, Ligtning etc.
Чтобы ничего не потерять есть 2 пути.
1) когда в целом только начинаешь работать с SF, то наверное практичнее создавать Scratch орги на тикеты, и после имплементации использовать команду
sfdx force:source:pull
, будучи выполнена к примеру из папки репозитория, она заретривит всю "разницу" сорсов, и ты как раз получишь все сторонние dependencies.
2) спустя немного времени попросту знаешь, что влечет изменение чего-то другого, помнишь обо всех dependency, и можешь аналогично работать на статическом орге и просто ретривить нужные вещи либо через IDE либо через
sfdx force:source:retrieve -u your_org -m "ApexClass:ClassA,CustomField:Account.Example__c"
, который сделает точечный ретрив
И затем обычно коммитишь в свою ветку в репозиторий, и репозиторий обычно настроен как CI, и при кажом таком коммите (еще не в главные орги) будет ранниться валидация всего сорса на следубщем орге/либо проде.
Надеюсь это хоть чуть чуть поможет, но вообще сложно объяснить, т к в идеале просто первый раз побыть на проекте где настроен SFDX и CI, и просто "руками" всё посмотреть)
@@SalesforceWithPalina у меня на работе все просто добавляют в продакшн в один орг расширяя функционал. И получается монолит. Я сделал себе отельный app. Я остановился на scratch org где я делаю декларативное программирование. Потом деплой в сандбокс. У вас есть опыт работы с platform event ? Я вычитал что их модно использовать и дальше организовывать весь функционал в орг как микросервисы. Не знаю ну сколько это удобно и практично. Например у нас орг уже придумали свои cases. Как мне cases в custom app теперь обьединить с существующими? Так как не было изначального плана то все очень напутано.
Спасибо за ответы
Хорошо, тогда вам нужно добавить в статическую иерархию оргов (где пока только прод) еще Partial и ниже Dev. И чтобы все создавали скроется орги для тикетов, деливерили на дев и тестили сами, деливерили на паршл и давали тестить конечным юзерам и на как бы реальных данных, и только потом на прод. Это базис иерархии, конечно может расширяться как угодно, например если несколько команд/групп функционала, то делаются несколько dev-ов и все сливаются в integration орге. И бывают еще uat, training орги.
Дальше, что имеешь ввиду под "сделал себе отдельный апп"? Вы делаете unlocked packages деплой?.... Если так, то это очень плохо особенно для начинающих организаций. Это очень advanced вид деплоя, к сожалению дофига пропиаренный и сейчас на него все новые компании кидаются, что создает им только горы проблем. Если есть еще возможность, очень советую отказаться от этого метода.
И про platform event, да это имеет место быть для определенных случаев. Наверное самый простой - а-ля хэндлинг ошибок откуда угодно и принятие их в platform event-ах и какая-нибудь запись в доп объект. Тогда да.
У меня были ситуации, что мы использовали их и по-другому нельзя. Но ни один проект целиком на низ не переведен.
Дополнительно, хочу сказать свое субъективное мнение: это тоже пиар и на него тоже не нужно кидаться. Platform events появились буквально пару лет назад, и конечно SF всем зарекомендовал юзать только их. Как и когда появился sfdx, все срочно должны были перейти на него и только на него. Как и потом появились unlocked packages и та же история. Это маркетинг. А потом компаниям консультантам приходится развивать эти мифы реальностью) Суть остается в том, что каждый этот tool имеет свои преимущества и недостатки, и применим в определенных случаях и неприменим (т к добавляет много неоправданных effort-ов) в других. Старайтесь найти баланс и разумность использования чего-либо.
Nice video, I think it's impossible to explain what mean to be a salesforce dev in less than a day
True 👍🏻
Great video, where is your accent from? :)
Thanks 😊
Well it's not-native-speaker-accent I guess 😂 I'm from Belarus, mother language is Russian
What language is she speaking?
Hello Polina , I found your video very informative. I have one question , I'm having decent experience in web development and now got the opportunity to work as Salesforce developer. How much time it generally take to get familiar with SF development keep one has experience in web development and frontend technologies. Thank you
Hi Vinod,
Well, it won't be any problem for you to work with SF.
If you generally want to continue with UI you can specialize in Lightning and Visualforce development, these two are for UI part of SF. This direction is very popular on the market.
If you want more to get away from UI, then you just get acquainted with the platform itself and the Apex language, which is like facilitated Java.
With any direction you choose, it will not take long to get the knowledge to start work. From my experience, such specialists can get the offer with only a wish to switch to SF, and at new job there's a mentor who helps in learning the platform, so month-two covers all the stuff, and within a month (from the very beginning, in parallel with learning) they usually start working in real project.
@@SalesforceWithPalina wow thanks for such a motivational reply. What would be the best way for me to start learning Salesforce development as a full stack developer. Thank you Polina
Стоит ли в 2021 году идти на админа или разработчика на salesforce?
Да, рынок вакансий огромный, сф всё ещё сильно растет
@@SalesforceWithPalina ок, но наверное все таки более целесообразно идти на дивелопера, нежели на администратора? И что именно лучше учить? Потому что вакансий куча, и все хотят разные навыки...
Если можешь то конечно девелопер лучше, это выше квалификация. Если не очень получается сразу, то можно сначала на админа, а позже перейти в дев.
if you could show also examples, and not just speaking about it., it will be great.
Avg Salesforce developer salary in new Jersey?
Google it 😃
@@SalesforceWithPalina how many years experience required to get job there
What a role. So you end doing everything? Not a big fan otherwise these responsibilities would worth 250K yearly
Hi! Could you make a video on ‘how to be a salesforce developer’ for those do not have relative experience?
Hi! Will do ;)
Great thank you!
Pointless video. A whole lot of nothing..
Thank you