I actually don't have access to this right now. It's on my old computer that doesn't have a working monitor. If I can figure something out I will let you know.
I am also interested in showing this on Sunday for a lesson, but I cannot access you tube at church. Is there a way you could share with me to download this or send a file to me I could take on a flashdrive? Thanks!
I always tear up when I hear this song. I love Joseph and Hyrum Smith.
very beautiful song!
I actually don't have access to this right now. It's on my old computer that doesn't have a working monitor. If I can figure something out I will let you know.
I am also interested in showing this on Sunday for a lesson, but I cannot access you tube at church. Is there a way you could share with me to download this or send a file to me I could take on a flashdrive? Thanks!
Hi, Is there a way I can download this video to use in a Sunday School lesson? Thank you!