Sara Quin on Her Favorite Novel

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Exclusive: Find out how Richard Ford's Pulitzer Prize-winner almost inspired a tattoo for the Tegan and Sara star.

Комментарии • 309

  • @jessegohde9981
    @jessegohde9981 10 лет назад +14

    She is just too cute I can't stand it

  • @cladiaz1
    @cladiaz1 12 лет назад

    ¿cuál es el nombre del libro?

  • @Delinagerm
    @Delinagerm 10 лет назад +8

    1:23, Oh Sara *.*

  • @haveheart6166
    @haveheart6166 12 лет назад +2

    She is so beautiful,it's ridiculous :-) Whoever get's to spend the rest of their life with her,is one lucky girl :-) Sooooo cute :-)

    @THEOAKCAT 11 лет назад +3

    rawest jaw in da game

  • @jaynebugs
    @jaynebugs 11 лет назад +2

    I LOOOOVE Tegan and Sara, so I don't mean this in a bad way, but Sara looks a lot like Ryan Ross from Panic! At The Disco in this interview! She's so cute! I love her singing and personality and Tegan's as well!

  • @Arleene2for1
    @Arleene2for1 14 лет назад +1

    I love the fact that she assures you it's a good book because you can finish it under three to four days...and gosh does she have flawless skin!!

  • @npena1
    @npena1 13 лет назад

    @Teeny123abc Most people with extreme views stand by what they say; they don't back track. If I was a troll and my comment was serious, I would keep wanting to make trouble. I made a satirical comment--I thought it would be extreme enough for people to get that I was joking.
    Plus if anyone wants to look at my Favorites, they can clearly see that I'm a fan of many gay and lesbian artists.

  • @Zissou.Sultenfuss
    @Zissou.Sultenfuss 14 лет назад

    @MsKimperton I completely agree with your statement about money and number of records being sold =] True art is measured not by its financial successful. If an artist sells huge numbers of records that means that many bought their records. Unfortunately the "many" often don't have great taste so to say that someone is a huge commercial success COULD be a sign that their work is shallow or generally just not very good. (did someone really compare Kid Rock and B.I.G. to this great duo?)

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @MsKimperton Wrong again. Some of my favorite musical acts, like Garth Brooks, the Right Brothers, Ted Nugent, the Notorious BIG, and Metallica, are not only more famous than these Tegan and Sara Canadians, they are also Great Americans and Patriots.
    I challenge anyone to keep a straight face while claiming Tegan and Sara have sold more records, or have more fans, than Great Americans like Garth Brooks and Kid Rock. Tegan and Sara wouldn't even be worthy of tuning a guitar for Chet Atkins.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @TheHereandqueer The problem is that Canadians have been getting awfully uppity these last few years, even going as far as to suggest that Canada is even remotely comparable to the U.S. in terms of greatness.
    Furthermore, Canadians like Tegan and Sara have been relentless pushing the Canadian Lifestyle and the Canadian Agenda, threatening to harm Wholesome American Values through corrupt Canadianisms and the idea that lesbianistic practices are somehow admirable.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @ayenukko The Canadian Lifestyle is an immoral way of living with origins (and most active practitioners) in Canada. According to the Canadian Lifestyle, it's OK to have pride in a country other than America, unhealthy food like Kraft Dinner is celebrated, and the absolute scum, the most detestable people in Canada, are foisted onto America.
    Witness Tegan and Sara, Celine Dion, Avril Levigne, B4-4, anyone who has ever been involved with Degrassi, Rick Moranis and Terrance and Phillip.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @madmalik13 Of course men can't join the "exclusive" Canadian Lesbian Club, and that's the point. These two Canadians are always singing about endless lesbian theatrics and drama, to the point where they could script another 11 seasons of The L Word based on nothing but Tegan and Sara albums.
    Beneath the lesbianistic angst is a sinister, thinly-veiled hostility to men, and by extention, to America. It's all part of a calculated Canadian plan to marginalize Wholesome American Culture.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @NeverEverFaceTheDark Only liberals like you would say it's "crazy psycho" to valiantly defend American Morals and awaken my fellow Americans to the devious, lurking Canadian Threat.
    Canadians like Tegan and Sara seek to destroy Wholesome American Culture in the most insidious, Canadian ways. They openly flaunt their defiance by claiming that it's somehow OK, even admirable, to have pride in a country that is not the U.S.
    Like Sean Hannity, I'm merely doing my patriotic duty.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @The949080 You should EDUCATE YOURSELF by listening to Sean Hannity and watching Hannity on Fox News, where he has extensively cataloged the many ways in which Tegan and Sara have assaulted American values and freedoms by pushing the "Canadian Lifestyle" and Canadian morals on unsuspecting, innocent American children.
    Tegan and Sara are politically offensive for suggesting it's somehow okay, even admirable, to have pride in a country that's not America.
    How wrong and disgusting.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    According to the Sean Hannity Center for Freedom and Truth, 91% of teens who reported listening to Tegan and Sara also reported engaging in "The Canadian Lifestyle" within the last six months.
    As a loyal Herald of Hannity, I'm here to tell you that Tegan and Sara are obscenely offensive, criminally Canadian, and hell-bent on directly contributing to The Pussification of America, so that our entire society will revolve around Oprah-style couch confessionals.
    Coincidentally, Oprah is Canadian.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @MSAZgreen The reality is, deep down inside, you're struggling with your beliefs, with your vile hatred of America and its freedoms, and with your ill-advised allegiance to these Canadian fellators.
    You've now heard the undeniable truths of Sean Hannity, and you know that you should repent, and renounce your hatred of America. You may deny it, but inside you know that Sarah Palin is the woman to lead this country back to progress and prosperity.
    Don't you want to love America again?

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @shewhosleeps13 Only America-haters find humor in the Canadian threat to American FREEDOM and Wholesome American Values™.
    So which is it? Are you a kick-ass American, or are you a Canadian who writes mopey little songs about your feelings, and watches the L Word, and listens to Tegan and Sara, and hates America?
    According to the Sean Hannity Center for Freedom and Truth, 94% of Canadians chose "Death to America" on a survey where they were asked about their feelings toward our superior country

  • @H8URSK8
    @H8URSK8 14 лет назад

    @LinzyBeckham I know what you're saying, but it is wrong. First of all when we are born our brains aren't nearly developed. People lean towards one sexuality over another because of choices they made along the course of their life, somebody that never had, and saw alot fewer of those choices will have not been able to make them and probably decided against them, whereas if they had seen them they would have made those choices. And I have taken biology, i'm not in highschool anymore -_-

  • @xxOTAKUxxKING
    @xxOTAKUxxKING 14 лет назад

    I think he right. In Japan now play this music and very very offensive to Japanese people. This lesbian music make play on subway and store in Tokyo what have bad moral and deviant for sexual.
    So we ask please not this music in Japan. We do not want such music of lesbian and culture because Canada music offensive in Japanese city but Canada do not know. This music bad thank you very much we prefer very much Avril Levigne for when listen Canada music.
    Thank you!

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    I am honored to bring The Word of Sean Hannity to so many lost and confused people, in the hopes that they will renounce their approval of these poisonous Canadians and place AMERICA first instead.
    Sean Hannity teaches us that "artists" like Tegan and Sara exist purely to further The Canadian Agenda, which threatens to corrupt American children and undo all the hard work of His Magnificence George W. Bush during the Eight Glorious Years of his presidency.

  • @bipbop2
    @bipbop2 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian Are you serious? How can you feel so much hatred for someone you don't know? If you had any sense, you'd actually feel sympathy for her because she is getting hated and critisized by people like you for something she can't control.
    I can't imagine how harsh life would be being gay, I really can't. People like you are too easy to point the finger and JUDGE all you freaking like, when you have NO IDEA what they're feeling! You're unbelievable! Give them a freaking break.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @baritonegirl06 Oh, the irony! You claim I'm close-minded, but YOU completely disregard the truths and vast knowledge available to you via the Greats, such as Sean Hannity. If you spent more time listening to Hannity, and less time dwelling on the various dramas and self-centered screeds of these horrific Canadian mega-slores, you would come to understand why Tegan and Sara are so offensive to every upstanding citizen of our Great Nation. That is why you are UN-AMERICAN.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @baritonegirl06 Actually, what you meant to say was "you're" but I'll forgive your grammatical lapse because you're Canadian, and I have lesser expectations of your ilk. You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you're railing against iron-clad tenets established by Great Men such as Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, His Magnificence George W. Bush, and Rush Limbaugh. Let us also not forget the contributions of Her Excellency Sarah Palin to the cause of conservatism and anti-Canadianism.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @baritonegirl06 Wrong. When so-called science diverts from the pursuit of life, liberty and convenience, it is UNAMERICAN. Good science = my computer. Bad "science" = the microphones and mixing boards used to bring this foul lesbianic music to unsuspecting American youth. According to Hannity, science is being twisted to suit the needs of Canadians and liberals. That is disgusting, offensive and UNAMERICAN.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @baritonegirl06 WRONG. Do not sully the name of Hannity with your miscombobulated nonsensical panderings to the militant, lesbianistic Tegan and Sara crowd. As Hannity has pointed out many times, so-called science is UN-AMERICAN and represents a devious attack on our American FREEDOMS. Of course, liberals think they can twist this so-called science to their purposes, but WE remain steadfast in the TRUE belief in intelligent design and the literal interpretation of the Passion of Pat Robertson.

  • @xJewlz08x
    @xJewlz08x 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian I'm sorry, but any doubt I had of your insanity was lost when you referred to FOX News as worthwhile. I watch it often 'cause FOX is one of the only channels I have and it's biased and narrow minded. Unlike you, I have a certain respect for those who are conservative, you on the other hand are something else entirely- we are all people so I'd appreciate you not calling people you don't know enough about morally corrupt because of there political views. This is done.

  • @xJewlz08x
    @xJewlz08x 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian Haha. I am actually American- not sure what I'd be gaining by lying about that. I suppose I'm not the most patriotic person (and I'm completely liberal) , but I wouldn't say I hate America. I just believe it's seriously flawed and there are no freedoms in America that they're aren't in Canada. In fact, Canada's so far ahead of us when when it comes to human rights. We could debate for years in person, but I'd rather not continue this on youtube ha.

  • @xJewlz08x
    @xJewlz08x 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian ...There's nothing wholesome or "free" about hating a person because who they love. Do not claim to represent the views of Americans because people like you make me feel ashamed to be American. Firstly, you're allowed you're [incorrect/ immoral] views on homosexuality, but starting fights is useless. What have you gained from this? Also, do not Group Tegan & Sara with some mainstream pop singer like Justin Bieber, it makes no sense.

  • @PityTheProud
    @PityTheProud 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian Now, i have never said nor wrote either of those thoughts, you assumed i did then pubicly wrote that 'i hated america', is that not a form of propaganda? As we all know, propaganda is one of the formal traits of brainwashing, i'd be careful of where you point the brainwashing finger. Granted, some Canadians with company of some Americians, and others around the world do listen to those artists, this makes it hard for me to see how that is a valid piece in this debate.

  • @PityTheProud
    @PityTheProud 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian Please, i beg you to enlighten me how having an understanding and acceptance of others can be considered brainwashed? To me, to deny basic human rights and attempting to use ones sexuality as a reason they are bad, is brainwashed. Now, i would prefer you not place me in areas you want to place me, did i ever say i was Canadian or have i said i hate your American freedoms'?

  • @CuteTo0t
    @CuteTo0t 15 лет назад

    something that makes me worrie about is the fact that it looks like they are getting thinner and thinner everyday.maybee they want to get this masculin look or something.I dont know.But if you watch older videos,from like 8 years ago you'll see what I mean.they looked much more feminin.nothing wrong with lesbians or tomboys.but this skinny look is just not healthy or beautyfull.shes still cute but her face is so bony.she looks unhealthy.

  • @nicknameXD
    @nicknameXD 15 лет назад

    In an interview with a german newspaper or something, sara said that she and tegan never write songs together! she explained it was because she couldn't concentrate enough if someone was there and because they are individuals.
    When they are ready they ask each other what they think about it.
    or if she composes the music and has no ideas for a good lyric she sents it to tegan and she writes it...
    they are totally different, i mean so it kind of figures doesn't it??

  • @holadonkey
    @holadonkey 12 лет назад

    sara youre out of your like to feel or experience the emotions of the characters while youre reading the blend with the characters thoughts.their experiences and your emotions are shared.youre out of your mind,out of your mind.thats why i like the songs you and your sister write.they have depth of emotion.sophisticated without pretense.

  • @71GirlPanic
    @71GirlPanic 12 лет назад

    Ok... besides the obvious that I am a gay girl and I love the creative aspect of Tegan AND Sara's artistic ability to produce unbelievable music... I actually asked my room mate to drive me to get the novel. Can you imagine there was only one copy of all of Nova Scotia within Halifax? Anyways I got it so.... bahaha!

  • @MsKimperton
    @MsKimperton 14 лет назад

    Oh my god that smile at the end. I have to read this book now. Like RIGHT now.
    Also, Bunny, how could you say this girls are no different? They are clearly exponentially more adorable, inspiring, talented, and relevant to today's society than a large majority of what this Gozer guy/idiot probably listens to. ;3

  • @hovadude
    @hovadude 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian America is a country built purely on capitalistic greed and to not agree is to insult your own patiotism. You support the greed, which is fair enough, you're entitled to your beliefs. You're also entitled to die at the hands of your fellow Americans who honestly don't give a shit about you, only their next paycheck. Cheers!

  • @H8URSK8
    @H8URSK8 14 лет назад

    @mojoe313 First of all, I didn't cuss. And second of all, there is no gene that determines your sexuality. That is a fact, the people themselves do, your friends may want to go out of their way to do that, but somebody that doesn't could just go straight, it's a choice and a preference, nothing on the genetic level.

  • @FuckyoSyllabus
    @FuckyoSyllabus 14 лет назад

    =/ meh, This is her favorite novel? If anything a commitment book is one that you have to come back to over time to take it in slowly. The books I read in the course of a couple of day usually have simpler language and plots. The name of the book isn't introduced in the begining, you can hardly make anything out on the cover. Meh.

  • @Triplethepow
    @Triplethepow 14 лет назад

    im pretty sure gozerthegozerian is joking?! he must be, because even americans know that fox news sucks!!? + those supposedly "...EIGHT Glorious years" of george W. bush.. i mean, thats kind of a stretch. for most americans those 8 years were everything but glorious.

  • @H8URSK8
    @H8URSK8 14 лет назад

    @mojoe313 Alrighty, it is not possible for homosexuality to be gene related for one important reason. A gay man or woman cannot have kids of their own. How would this gene be spread? It would not, which would lead to a DEcrease in the gay population, whereas we have met a large increase.

  • @PityTheProud
    @PityTheProud 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian Lastly, music is describe as an 'artform that uses sound'. Now, i can break that down further for you, if a song or track has some form of purposeful sound or melody it can be considered 'real' music making you and me, aswell as others listen to 'real music'.

  • @cubetube232
    @cubetube232 14 лет назад

    @crazyloverboy0808 funny that you say that... i myself was thinking about having a sexchange... just to be able to think i had a shot at love. haha
    tegan and sara are probably the most beautiful women i have ever seen and will ever see.
    it sucks that i always fall for lesbians

  • @Patches_ingame
    @Patches_ingame 15 лет назад

    they don't..tegan has a bunch of her own songs that she writes, and then sara has a bunch that she wrote, and when they record the songs, tegan will sing on her own songs usually and sara on her own own songs usually, some songs u can find with both of them but it would only be backup vocals

  • @Keevin80021
    @Keevin80021 13 лет назад

    My favorite book is Almost Home by, Jessica Blank. It's pretty much about 6 kids from ages 12 to 19 who all find each other on the streets. They run away from home. It's goes into detail on what it's like running from home. It's really great.

  • @svmv16
    @svmv16 13 лет назад

    Wow this is the second vid i see of t&s that this person "Gozer" has negativly comented on and well.... wow can i hear you guys say "no life"? i guess he/she got tierd of all theses awsome people reponding to this person and proving him\her wrong.

  • @bladybrunch
    @bladybrunch 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian Hmm. We do have a conservative government in place in Canada, you know? We're in the exact same boat as you. In fact, are you then to be the liberal heathens of society because of the liberal government in place there? Hmmm!!

  • @H8URSK8
    @H8URSK8 14 лет назад

    @ss432012 You cannot try and tell me that one of the main contributors is not the environment the person in question grew up in. People that are more exposed to a homosexual environment, are more likely to try it, and vice versa.

  • @MeetMeUnderwater
    @MeetMeUnderwater 15 лет назад

    sara's such a family fan these days;-p the books she reads and the music she writes as well, and the interviews she gives are about family as well. she's such a sweetie my god!!! and the family topic seems to have replaced her love topics..

  • @nicknameXD
    @nicknameXD 15 лет назад

    yeah maybe...
    actually, i havn't seen that post by now so
    all i knew was that article...
    now i have to think about the idea of them writing songs together...
    i'm a twin myself and i could never write a song with my sister... but probably they're closer =D

  • @nicknameXD
    @nicknameXD 15 лет назад

    i just noticed that was my first comment on a youtubevid!! Not very important... but YAY for me =)
    and it was totally worth to wait for THIS video with such a beautiful woman because I totally agree with emotionallyslutty ^^ the smile

  • @LeavesItAll
    @LeavesItAll 14 лет назад

    @lasfilmsadooget You are so freaking lucky.. The closest thing i came to meeting a person in a major band i like. Was the Lead vocalist, from the metal band Job For A Cowboy, (who stood next to me) and LIGHTS.

  • @DannyLovah
    @DannyLovah 15 лет назад

    it took me one whole year to find out!!!! but after i bought the INFDDI DVD, on the walking with a ghost video you can see that both of them have green eyes!!!!! a really nice shade of green too!!!! they're soooo perfect!!!!

  • @H8URSK8
    @H8URSK8 14 лет назад

    @LinzyBeckham You are so full of crap. There is no gene for being homosexual, it's a psychological point of view and is highly affected by the environment. Genes have absolutely nothing to do with it.

  • @Patches_ingame
    @Patches_ingame 15 лет назад fat? plus a lot more shows and more upbeat music so they are moving around a lot more then 8 years ago. it makes sense. not to memtion they could also be eating healthier or something like that.

    @LLEBNAX 15 лет назад

    well ya but, that person said.. oh nvm its none of my business anyways... I just kinda noticed about Tegan because I follow their projects, so with the books it kinda was what ever...

  • @linzypi
    @linzypi 14 лет назад

    @H8URSK8 What I'm saying is: when we are born our brains have already decided what our sexuality is going to be. We can't force ourselves to like a certain sex. This was proven, take biology. The only way the enviornment would affect our sexuality is if it makes us realize what we are, it wouldn't change us though.

  • @piedrasverdes
    @piedrasverdes 14 лет назад

    i love sara's facial expression when she says "it's just life. pretty much life" at :33. she looks so sincere and as she remembered the exact words she read. i think that's fucking cute.

  • @GozerTheGozerian
    @GozerTheGozerian 14 лет назад

    @soyallergy Do not sully the name of Lord Hannity by suggesting he engages in the kind of homoerotic lesbianistic activities enjoyed by proponents of the Canadian Lifestyle.

  • @JungleEd17
    @JungleEd17 14 лет назад

    @cubetube232 Should have known, I never like straight girls with body art. I think I've fallen for my lesbians then straight girls myself. There should be a name for us.

  • @LeavesItAll
    @LeavesItAll 14 лет назад

    Ah Sara Quin, Her and Tegan are one of my influences in Music. I love and respect her opinion's. If she was my age i'd be all over her right about now. She's magificent

  • @AnthonyHU4L
    @AnthonyHU4L 14 лет назад

    I bought this book today because Sara reccomended it. I plan on reading it the whole way threw as soon as I can. I also think both Tegan and Sara are both really pretty.

  • @RandomPerson1
    @RandomPerson1 15 лет назад

    Hmm I heard that they were both lesbians so that may play a part of the "butchness". I think they were always tomboys to begin with. Either way, they're beautiful people.

  • @heatherheartsriverp
    @heatherheartsriverp 15 лет назад

    hahah are you talking about the thing under her lip?
    tegan has a piercing there so i figured sara had one there too and took it out or something. haha idk i'm prolly wrong.

  • @linzypi
    @linzypi 14 лет назад

    @H8URSK8 After that last explanation, I do see your point, and I have to say I for sure agree that all of our past choices are definitely a big part in who we are. I do still believe in what I think, but I don't think yours is wrong.

  • @Rentgrrrl92
    @Rentgrrrl92 12 лет назад

    @Quackerbob She did. If you look in oooooold pictures of T&S, like when they were 18, when she had the short blonde hair, you can see her with the piercing in.

  • @JudyGurl
    @JudyGurl 14 лет назад

    Ya know, it's really sad that a video of Sara Q talking about a book she really enjoyed reading turned into a political rant and a Canada vs America comparison.

  • @KatesAccount
    @KatesAccount 14 лет назад

    Omfg Sara!!!!!!!! Ahhhh so frigging adorable,cute,smart just ahh I want to hug her! Lol shed be like the bestest friend ever (bestest? Lol not a word oh well lol)

  • @H8URSK8
    @H8URSK8 14 лет назад

    @mojoe313 I honestly doubt any actual scientists are studying homosexuality, it's way too far into the psychological area for that. But i'll check this Reimer guy.

  • @david552
    @david552 14 лет назад

    @GozerTheGozerian "lesbian approving" is the weirdest insult I've ever heard. Sorry wrong guess, not a WoW player, and you should read up on you Troll technique

  • @heatherheartsriverp
    @heatherheartsriverp 15 лет назад

    personally i think they both look really good. i don't think they're too skinny. yeah their faces thinned out as they got older, but i think they look awesome.

  • @frogmd0
    @frogmd0 13 лет назад

    I read that book!!!!
    In one day cause I had like a free day so I was like New book. Me will read book now.
    Haha! Its very good and I also cried :'(

  • @xJewlz08x
    @xJewlz08x 13 лет назад

    I'm going to assume that's a question even though there's no punctuation and that's a sentence fragment. To answer, neither. This is woman.

  • @Zissou.Sultenfuss
    @Zissou.Sultenfuss 14 лет назад

    88% of the time I wish youtube did not allow anyone to comment about anything posted because most posts are hateful remarks that are soooo unnecessary.

  • @crashboombang123
    @crashboombang123 14 лет назад

    @lasfilmsadooget i live 2 hours away from montreal and go there like every two weeks... no luck so far :( i'm crossing my fingers for the next time!

    @LLEBNAX 15 лет назад

    I always thought they had brown eyes for some reason... hmm I wonder why I havn't thought about this already.. lol sweet! I have green eyes too! :D

  • @TrandyAndy
    @TrandyAndy 14 лет назад

    @sheelagirl I think it's because she's very slender. If you look at older pictures of them, their faces are much less angular. I agree though.

  • @npena1
    @npena1 13 лет назад

    @Teeny123abc it's called snark. did i need to add a "jk lol" at the end of my comment for you people to get that i was being sarcastic?

  • @unstuckjo
    @unstuckjo 15 лет назад

    mmmk I DON'T think she's hot and all that, but I DO appreciate that she is talented AND smart and passionate about art and literature!

  • @awrodarczyk
    @awrodarczyk 15 лет назад

    Ahaha, even though she is a girl she's gorgeous. Her bone structure BLOWS my mind. I wish I could take her home, she's such a cutie :]

  • @xJewlz08x
    @xJewlz08x 15 лет назад

    I don't know, I think she's fairly feminine, even if the clothes she's wearing in the video aren't. And she is a girl =)

  • @CutiiePieeTv
    @CutiiePieeTv 11 лет назад +1

    @jaynebugs When Tegan had her mullet she looked a lot like Anthony from SMOSH xD

  • @spreadyalikecheese
    @spreadyalikecheese 14 лет назад

    honestly, if sara was a guy.. i wouldn't be so drawn to her.
    i love the fact that she is a woman.
    a GAY woman i might add ;)

  • @ughblenders
    @ughblenders 15 лет назад

    I sit here, and type in Tegan and Sara almost every time I log into RUclips.
    I just can't get enough of them.
    So damn gorgeous.

  • @Norey0810
    @Norey0810 15 лет назад

    I definitely think that I've never seen her looking cuter than the way she looks in minute 1:23.
    You gotta love her...

  • @ehhollins
    @ehhollins 15 лет назад

    oh my god i was thinking the same thing. i don't know what she said, and her smile at the end made my heart skip a beat :)

  • @marissacooper101
    @marissacooper101 13 лет назад

    @TheSnoopy1750 in this video i also saw a resemblence to olivia wilde but i couldnt tell what it was now i know lol

  • @npena1
    @npena1 14 лет назад

    someone should stop this tegan and sara before our kids (america's future) start transforming into canadian lesbians!

  • @moonyanmoonlisnight
    @moonyanmoonlisnight 14 лет назад

    this is no offense to her or anything but she looks like christopher drew just a bit i just had to put it out there

  • @chandra00michelle
    @chandra00michelle 15 лет назад

    i looove hearing saras opinion on books. like her take on it is so refreshing to hear. speaks from the heart fosho!

  • @kmacmuzikmafia27
    @kmacmuzikmafia27 12 лет назад

    "It's not like a book about a dad getting cancer and then a dog getting hit by a car and then a baby dying." LOL.

  • @3DOTSS
    @3DOTSS 15 лет назад

    i love her!!! i was just hoping that somebody would post something about them or either of them from this year.

  • @cookiehc24
    @cookiehc24 12 лет назад

    Well, I think its great that's she's a lesbian. I'm a straight girl but I'd just marry this girl. And Tegan.

  • @AhMunnaEechu
    @AhMunnaEechu 14 лет назад

    it's so interesting how most androgynous girls have a voice that confuses Daniela Sea....gosh it's so mind boggling

  • @AlexGordonMusic
    @AlexGordonMusic 15 лет назад

    Lyrically Multidimensional? can you grace us with an example of a song that is lyrically multidimensional?

  • @LeavesItAll
    @LeavesItAll 14 лет назад

    Man i ever run into her in montreal that be fucking amazing... God Don't you just love being Canadian!

  • @ryulin
    @ryulin 15 лет назад

    Ah! So cute! That smile at the end... oh if only she was single and I was older...I think I love her lol

  • @Patches_ingame
    @Patches_ingame 15 лет назад

    i think it'll be good, i couldn't ever imagine any of their songs being bad though, i love them all =]

  • @Morgizzle
    @Morgizzle 13 лет назад

    i don't even know what book she was talking about.. I was too busy gawking at her face. marry me o_o

  • @mariakyvsgaard
    @mariakyvsgaard 13 лет назад

    i have no idea what she said. i couldn't stop thinking about her gorgeous face.. those cheekbones..