društvo Rož
društvo Rož
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"Fake news" Schule_Jugend_Theater 2024
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
Просмотров: 89


Просмотров 1877 месяцев назад
"Fake news" Schule_Jugend_Theater 2024 Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
Felsenklescher Teaser
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Po motivih iz esejev, meditacij in govorov Toni Morrisonove "THE ART OF SELF-REGARD" Christina Polzer - glas Lan Sticker - glasba mixed by - Kristijan Rehsmann Hannah Wasserfaller - animacija rož - 2021 Projekt CarinthiJa 2020
HRNC_GRNZ - Ausatmen
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Nach Essays, Meditationen und Reden von Toni Morrison aus "THE ART OF SELF-REGARD" Christina Polzer - voice Lan Sticker - sound mixed by - Kristijan Rehsmann Hannah Wasserfaller - animation rož - 2021 Projekt CarinthiJa 2020
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Inspired by essays, meditations and speaches by Toni Morrison found in "THE ART OF SELF-REGARD" Christina Polzer - voice Lan Sticker - sound mixed by - Kristijan Rehsmann Hannah Wasserfaller - animation rož - 2021 Projekt CarinthiJa 2020
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  • @pupamiko7399
    @pupamiko7399 8 месяцев назад

    Myslím, že jedno písmenko snad tam vůbec nehraje nějakou roli. Hlavně je tam srozumitelný text který se zachoval a důležitý je, že lidé tu skladbu pořád zpívají.

  •  2 года назад

    Můžu se s dovolením zeptat, kde jste přišli na to "hin"...? Pokud mě oči nepletou (a neplete se ani knížka, kterou děda napsal), tak text písně je "Aušvicate hi kher báro..."

  • @bernhardgaertner7467
    @bernhardgaertner7467 2 года назад

    Ich bewundere diese mutigen Menschen, die sich entscheiden notfalls ihr Leben zu riskieren, und sich gegen den Menschenhass des Faschismus zu stellen. Einfach, weil es sich richtig anfühlt. Ich wünschte, es wären damals viel mehr gewesen.

  • @rabindramishra6295
    @rabindramishra6295 2 года назад

    Shiva Shiva shambho -live concert

  • @danijallefebvre7791
    @danijallefebvre7791 2 года назад

    Bien fait/ Gut gemacht. Je remercie les partisans slovènes d‘avoir sauvés nos détenus/ ich danke den Partisanen dafür dass sie viele vom Loibl~ KZ retten konnten.

  • @rioncommunicates5259
    @rioncommunicates5259 2 года назад

    Lyrics in English, quick translation: In the circle of her grandchildren, the old woman points with a raised hand to the forests, the dark ones, above the Drava: Now I'll show you your country. Up there, I toiled on the slope, when I was a child. At Christmas mass with bell sound, ice hung from skirt and hair. The miners came from the Linden Inn, and whispered secretly, with cunning, that something will change in the world, nothing has to remain as it is. Hidden trees. Conspiratorial forest. And three red whistles, three red whistles, three red whistles in the forest. Down drifted the Drava moon after moon, the fascist war broke out. By then I had a man at the front, and three children in the house. How pithy fascist chant resounded of German soil and blood. Many a lad sprang away and into the mountains. I wore leaflets under my hat. The Gestapo was cold and the Gauleiter scolded: Partisans in their own country! I carried whispers and bread into the forest. They used to call me Jelka. Hidden trees... The winter was wet and we were warmed by hatred. Many are the ones that the earth holds today. We fought, up there at the pass, and worked on our liberation. The war was over, there was silence in the land, the loudest turned quiet, they took the Hitler image off the wall, washed their vests white. You, my grandchildren, what do you listen so schtum to the old, the cold reports? Now they are trampling on your rights again - remember my story! Silent trees....

  • @nostalgicarka3761
    @nostalgicarka3761 3 года назад

    Jako lijepo.

  • @claudiocruz867
    @claudiocruz867 3 года назад

    Admirável interpretação. A Revolução dos Cravos foi em 1974. Felicitações de Portugal e de Loures, onde existe uma escola secundária com o nome deste artista excecional.

  • @lisboaantiga260
    @lisboaantiga260 3 года назад

    Parabéns, Viva a Liberdade! Um abraço de Portugal

  • @gustho1
    @gustho1 3 года назад

  • @bredasticker4983
    @bredasticker4983 3 года назад

    Lepi spomini🤗❤️

  • @adamoskrajinovic4528
    @adamoskrajinovic4528 3 года назад

    …Odjek koraka Divovskih Junakinja i Junaka, Partizanki i Partizana, nikad utihnuti neće…🌠🌌

  • @mihajlobancevic9178
    @mihajlobancevic9178 3 года назад

    Odlično izvođenje. Da nije basista možda zubar?

    @DKPHTK 3 года назад

    Eine sehr schöne Version dieses sehr schönen Liedes!

  • @alfredscharfegger7414
    @alfredscharfegger7414 3 года назад

    Vielleicht sollten wir deutschsprachigen Kärntner unserer auch nicht unbedeutenden slowenischen Wurzeln bewusst weden!!!!

  • @barbararapp
    @barbararapp 3 года назад


  • @destroyerofworlds2239
    @destroyerofworlds2239 4 года назад

    Ich finde es so schön das es dieses Video gibt. Vielen Dank dafür!

  • @jankosima90
    @jankosima90 4 года назад

    top - goosebumps

  • @EaZysticker9184
    @EaZysticker9184 4 года назад

    Naiiis :)

  • @tayb3781
    @tayb3781 4 года назад

    Super video na začetku,le zakaj ga tako hudo pokvarijo te naše pevke?