  • Видео 18
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Easter - Christus factus est pro nobis obediens (Phil. 2:8-9)
Tempo di meditazione
[Christus] factus [est] oboediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis. Propter quod et Deus illum exaltavit et donavit illi nomen super omne nomen.
Cristo si è fatto obbediente fino alla morte
e alla morte di croce.
Per questo Dio l'ha esaltato
e gli ha dato il nome
che è al di sopra di ogni altro nome,
(Lettera ai Fi.lippesi cap 2, v. 8-9)
... becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross. Wherefore also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name.
Просмотров: 1 524


There shall come water out of the rock. - Alle sorgenti del Po.
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" thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink" "tu batterai sulla roccia: ne uscirà acqua e il popolo berrà" (libro dell'Esodo, cap. 17, v. 6) Mountains and music. A walk to mount Sea Bianca ending at the source of the river Po. The Monviso is always dominating the valley. Dal Pian della Regina (Crissolo, CN) al Colle della Gianna, quindi alla Sea ...
O Sanctissima - Madre nostra, Maria!
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''Deposta dunque ogni cattiveria, ogni inganno, ipocrisia, invidia e ogni maldicenza, come bimbi appena nati bramate il latte genuino della Parola, per crescere con esso verso la salvezza, se davvero avete già gustato come è buono il Signore.'' (1Pietro 2:1-3) ''Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes, desire the si...
Natale 2009 Christmas - In notte placida
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Signore delle Cime - ''I lift up my eyes to the mountains!''
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The lyric is a prayer for a man who died in the mountains: please, Lord, let him climb the mountains of the Paradise. In memory of the friends who, while in life, shared their love for mountaineering with me. Alla memoria di Raffaella. Non è più tornata da una radiosa domenica sui monti. Dedicato all'amico Giovanni. Egli, nella sua vita, ha condiviso parte della sua passione per le montagne anc...
Gounod - Domine salvam fac Rem Publicam - Preghiera per il proprio Paese.
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Domine salvam fac Rem Publicam et exaudi nos in die qua invocaverimus Te! Prayer for the Country - Prière pour la Nation - Preghiera per il proprio Paese. Motet from the ''Messe Solennelle de Sainte Cécile'' by Gounod Basically it is the verse 10 of the Latin Psalm 19 (Vulgata) [Domine salvum fac regem et exaudi nos in die qua invocaverimus te O Lord, save the king • and answer us when we call ...
When the mountains are blooming - Lassù sulle montagne tra boschi d'oro e valli in fiore.
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When the mountains are blooming. Lassù sulle montagne tra boschi d'oro e valli in fiore. Da Indritti di Ghigo alla Rocca Bianca passando per il Lago d'Envie (Valle Germanasca, prov. TO), Un'altra camminata in montagna sotto la pioggia d'oro dei fiori di maggiociondolo tra distese di rododendri in fiore e altri fiori spontanei di montagna. Prima si va al lago di Envie, poi alla Rocca Bianca, nel...
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Roberto Benigni reads the Bible -- Che nessuno diventi Caino
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Roberto Benigni reads the Bible (Genesis ch.4-5) Roberto Benigni legge i cap. 4 e 5 della Genesi. In essi si da conto dell'inizio della storia umana attraverso racconti di inizio e le genealogie degli antenati. La sorpresa è che la storia umana, anzichè essere storia di fratelli, diventa una storia di violenza, sangue e lacrime. Il centro del racconto è il grido del Signore: «Dov'è Abele, tuo f...
Those awesome wild flowers on the mountains - Quel mazzolin di fiori
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This is a nice traditional song of the beloved Alpini Corps ( But also the energetic veterans of the National Association of Alpini are eager to sing it as a drinking song. ( I have illustrated this song with my photos of some beautiful wild flowers of the Alps. Una canzone di quando si era più giovani, illustrata con i risultati di una passione più rec...
In the beginning ... - In principio ... Dio vide quanto aveva fatto, ed ecco, era cosa molto buona
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''In the beginning ... God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.'' This is the message revealed by the first chapter of the Bible. ''In principio ... Dio vide quanto aveva fatto, ed ecco, era cosa molto buona.'' (Gen 1:1,31) Questo è l'impegnativo messaggio del primo capitolo della Bibbia. In this video the Pope is reading the first chapter of Genesis at the National Italian TV (RAI E...
An awesome ascent of Monte Soglio (1971 m) - Scialpinismo al Monte Soglio
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I have chosen the Romanza of Sibelius for the video because it blends well with the good memories of that splendid day on the snow with some friends. The ascent was both modest and memorable. The amazing background of the Alps of this N-W corner of Italy displays more important mountains (Gran Paradiso, e.g.) than M.te Soglio. But this was a great part of the fun. The snow was splendid. So was ...
Natale 2008 - Tu scendi dalle stelle - It is Christmas time.
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Buon Natale! - Happy Christmas! - Joyeux Noël! Traditional Italian Christmas Carol, sung by The Choral Arts Society. With reproductions of paintings of 'Nativity' and 'Madonna con Bambino' (Giotto and the likes), but also with photos of the créche I prepared at home for the younger ones. Canto natalizio della tradizionale italiana. Con riproduzioni di pitture famose ma anche foto del presepio f...
Climbing the shining mountains - Salendo verso le dentate scintillanti vette.
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Walking up and down shining mountains in the western Alps. My photos show the mountains surrounding Ceresole Reale (Piedmont, Italy) and its lake in the 'Gran Paradiso' National Park, at the borders of the French Park of Vanoise. Music of Debussy Printemps (Suite symphonique) - 1e partie Da Ceresole Reale al Colle della Crocetta - Agosto 2005 Dedicato agli amici, in particolare a Marisa, Flora ...
Skiing in the sun - Una bella giornata sugli sci
Просмотров 1 тыс.15 лет назад
Skiing in the sun - Una bella giornata sugli sci
Christus factus est pro nobis obediens (Phil. 2:8-9)
Просмотров 18 тыс.15 лет назад
Christus factus est pro nobis obediens (Phil. 2:8-9)
Pope John Paul II chants the Pater Noster - Il Papa Giovanni Paolo II canta il Pater Noster
Просмотров 915 тыс.15 лет назад
Pope John Paul II chants the Pater Noster - Il Papa Giovanni Paolo II canta il Pater Noster


  • @hoffmannsylvie2368
    @hoffmannsylvie2368 20 часов назад

    Sainte père prier pour mais sœurs et frères et leur enfant et petits enfants amen

  • @hoffmannsylvie2368
    @hoffmannsylvie2368 20 часов назад

    J'adore mon sainte père ,prier pour église ❤amen demande père de donne la paix dans le monde entier amen sainte père prier pour mais enfant et petits enfants amen

  • @michaeljohndennis2231
    @michaeljohndennis2231 7 дней назад

    Since leaving Vatican II to become a traditional Catholic 19 years ago, despite being born and raised in Vatican II in my native Ireland and attending the traditional Mass in Latin, also teaching myself to pray the Rosary in Latin, I’ve found that my faith has deepened

  • @ngangakimani9697
    @ngangakimani9697 7 дней назад

    JP2 pray for us.

  • @agnieszkamirek1739
    @agnieszkamirek1739 13 дней назад

    "iż niech serce człowieka patrzy tylko na niebiosa i krzyża Chwały miłosiernego Boga. 🛐🌿

  • @mariebrechet1438
    @mariebrechet1438 15 дней назад

    C'est émouvant. Merci beaucoup ❤

  • @AndyGerong
    @AndyGerong 16 дней назад

    He uttered every syllable very audibly and very clearly

  • @gilleschorier3149
    @gilleschorier3149 19 дней назад

    ❤🙏🕯️ VIVE JEAN PAUL 2 à tout jamais ❤️🙏🕯️🇨🇵🥰

  • @KarolB-n3q
    @KarolB-n3q 21 день назад

    Wojownik Człowiek Boga

  • @user-mj8my1bb9w
    @user-mj8my1bb9w 22 дня назад

    🎉❤ I'm Simon Ubal D'Souza Catholic Born Goan Karachi Yes Wisdom You're Saint Pope John Paul 11 Chant's At Saint Peter Basilica 15 Yrs Ago Mass Amen 🌹🙏 Alleluia Praise

  • @jaguar8970
    @jaguar8970 24 дня назад

    0:55 Ipse enim in qua nocte tradebátur 0:51 simili modo

  • @peterjones334
    @peterjones334 25 дней назад


  • @fabiogermanico
    @fabiogermanico 28 дней назад

    Nunca olvidado en México, donde fue muy querido. México, por la Gracia de Dios, protector de la verdadera fe en América. "México, siempre fiel". -San Juan Pablo II.

  • @victimoffenderprisoncaresu1052
    @victimoffenderprisoncaresu1052 Месяц назад

    Thank you, Pope Saint John Paul II

  • @antoniolopes8333
    @antoniolopes8333 Месяц назад

    I'm an Anglican, but even I have to say this Mass moves me and talks to my soul. Pope John Paul 2nd was one of the greatest Christian leaders of our time. Jesus Christ is Lord 🙏✝️

  • @munkhjargalbaljinnyam1419
    @munkhjargalbaljinnyam1419 Месяц назад

    #"I love❤️Esus"

  • @alenuric2556
    @alenuric2556 2 месяца назад


  • @danilor1050
    @danilor1050 2 месяца назад

    Pope John Paul II Pater Noster 1982 Pope have elect it's 1978

  • @levinkaruoya6276
    @levinkaruoya6276 3 месяца назад


  • @lanhpham9643
    @lanhpham9643 3 месяца назад

    Lạy Thánh Giáo Hoàng Gio An Phao Lo 2 . Xin cầu cùng Chúa cho quê hương Việt Nam thoát khỏi kẻ vô thần

  • @tomi-11485
    @tomi-11485 3 месяца назад


  • @bellevueschoelchermedia2709
    @bellevueschoelchermedia2709 3 месяца назад

    Domine salvam fac Rem publicam et exaudi nos in die qua invocaverimus te !!

  • @josephcade3541
    @josephcade3541 3 месяца назад

    The Vatican 2 documents explained : Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only: 1) Indifferentism 2) Syncretism and Synthesis 3) Immanent 4) Transcendentalism 5) Individualism 6) Existentialism, naturalism 7) Stoicism & Christian Universalism by heretic “Origen”& 8) Pantheism 9) Evolution 10) The Sciences such as historian sociology psychology critic… If you look up Saint Pope Pius 10 Encyclical “ Pascendi Dominici Gregis” you will find he new about Vatican 2 and wrote a detailed comprehensive explanation of Vatican 2, listing in detail more than half of the items above listed, and he even explains, in example, how it is meant to diminish Jesus Christ and the one true church and desecrate all seven sacraments and to leave the door open for more of modernism and Progressive changes in the future. He is not alone !!! Pius 10 on the Errors of Modernism, Pius 9 his Syllabus of Errors and Pope Gregory 16 in his Encyclical “Mirari Vos” see #19 on the Waldensians,the Beghards,the Wycliffites, and all the popes condemned the documents of Vatican 2 and the Synod of Pistoia and warned the faithful with, excommunication, anathema if you don't reject the Vatican 2 documents, and church, and embrace the one true Traditional Catholic Church, the depository of faith, before the end of your life. As you examine these terms and then read the Vatican 2 documents you can clearly see the “definition” of all the above listed terms, but not the terms themselves, and the evil, that it is no longer Catholic but a new religion that will lead you straight to hell !!! The Vatican II documents : briefly 1) Christ is united with each man in the “Incarnation” before Jesus was even born (Gaudium et Spes #22) 2) Protestant religions and Pagan are a means of salvation and all other denominations. (Unitatis Redintegratio #3) 3) non-catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion and the sacraments of the church.(Orientalium Ecclesiarum #27) 4) Muslims and Catholics together worship the same God (Lumen Gentium #16) 5) the Catholic church is united with those who don't accept the Catholic faith or the papacy. (Lumen Gentium #15) 6) some people above the Age of Reason don't believe in God, through no fault of their own. (Lumen Gentium #16) 7) in Buddhism man searchs for the highest illumination. (Nostra Aetate #2) 8) all things on earth should be related to man as their Center and Crown. (Gaudium et Spes #12). All done through “dialogue” in order to achieve a false Unity !!! Then what are we to do you ask ? If you are a true Traditional Catholic, then you are supposed to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do, in these evil times, that she described at Fatima, in the “Third Secret”. Not the fake phony Third Secret that John Paul II falsified and Rewritten, along with the fake Lucia !!! But the real true Third Secret of Fatima. You are also to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do at La Salette, France and again at Our Lady of Good Success, who described in great detail what is to happen to the Catholic church at the end of the 20th century and she was 100% right !!! And beware of the falsified information on “our lady of good success” there are 2 different versions. The Vatican 2 version and the true traditional version.1 the Vatican 2 church is rewriting and changing everything. What do we do then ? what did she say to do ? She said, to say the Traditional Rosary, not the Rosary of John Paul II, but the Traditional Rosary !! 15 decades, everyday or 5 decades on Monday, 5 decades on Tuesday, and 5 decades, on Wednesday. Since the Mass is the greatest prayer of all !!! you get the Saint Andrews missile (and no other missile) but the St Andrews missile, and you say Mass every Sunday (you're not able to consecrate) but you can still say the prayers of the Mass !!! From ONLY the Saint Andrew's missile!! You can say the Rosary, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross, all at home. Have nothing to do with today's Fake Catholic Church!!! NOTHING !!! This means all Vatican 2 priests and parishioners also the sspx, sspv, cmri, fssps… It will be a mortal sin and send you straight to hell if you go to any of these groups who support and embrace, “Invincible ignorance” and also “baptism of desire and blood” that the Traditional Catholic church teaches against !!! Subjective v.s Objective heresy !!! OR, You can be in the Soul of the church and not be a Member, Heresy, these groups, the sspx and others Embrace these Heresies !!! along with using the St Joseph's missile (THIS IS A Condemned Missile) if anyone, even the Pope, tells you that it's not a condemned missile they are - A - Liar !! don't believe them, their a liar and a Heretic !!! Heretics will send you to Hell !!! You say your prayers at home, you stay at home, and you say your prayers at home, the Traditional prayers of the church and you say them every day. You read the Bible the Catholic Bible (the Douay Rheims Version) and NO OTHER !!! since all other Bibles have been Rewritten with attacks againt Mary… !!! and study the lives of the Saints of the church, AND STAY away from newly written or revised books on the market today on the Saints… !!! Don't buy any books on the market after 1960 !!!! All books and movies have been compromised with the Vatican II documents, principles. What about confession and all that ? You confess your sins to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost using the prayers in the St Andrews missile,which is in the back of the book, or you say one of the seven penitential Psalms along with the act of contrition with the “Confiteor” of the Mass.. That's your confession, at home where you are safe both in body and soul, and your chrilden are safe !! For baptism you do the same at home with the proper, Matter, Form and Intent !!! Matter,as in Water. Form as in the words - I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son,Jesus Christ and of the Holy Ghost. Intent - to do what the church has always done both in the proper words and teachings !!! Priest or minister - there are NO MORE they're all excommunicated. But whatever you do have nothing to do with the Vatican 2 Church sspx, sspv, fssp…. even if it's empty do not go in it !!! Judgment day is almost here. P.S.- the Most Holy Family Monastery is a good resource me and my colleagues have kept a close eye on them for over 20 years I highly recommend them. Also the web site - “God's Catholic Dogma”. They are the only 2 sources of Catholic Teachings on earth. Study the lives of the Saints God Love You

  • @georgemelder6082
    @georgemelder6082 3 месяца назад

    Pope John Paul 2 can sing.

  • @kilymi
    @kilymi 4 месяца назад

    Pope Saint John Paul II was a master of the 'Arts Celebradi' of our age old liturgies.

  • @janszczygiel3979
    @janszczygiel3979 5 месяцев назад

    Obrońca czrnosukienkowych pedofili. Wstydzę się za niego i Polaków, którzy dalej go uznają za autorytet.

  • @seraphinanongbet1488
    @seraphinanongbet1488 5 месяцев назад

    Glory to God in the highest.Amen.

  • @cassioalvarenga9040
    @cassioalvarenga9040 5 месяцев назад

    João Paulo um homem de Deus na terra não avera.outro.igual..magnifico..que.bela..oração..Deus.convosco.amém🙏🇧🇷🥰😍😇👏

  • @veroniquebourdeaux2792
    @veroniquebourdeaux2792 5 месяцев назад

    AMEN ♥️🙏

  • @garyroberts9517
    @garyroberts9517 5 месяцев назад

    A true man of our lord..his devotion and saintly look showed his great love for the lord. We so wish he was still with us..

  • @tinneikimhaokip-mf5kg
    @tinneikimhaokip-mf5kg 5 месяцев назад


  • @fredericprati3302
    @fredericprati3302 6 месяцев назад

    Merci pour cette vidéo. DOMINUS VOBISCUM.

  • @hoffmannsylvie2368
    @hoffmannsylvie2368 6 месяцев назад

    Amen sainte père amen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤prier pour nous et eglise tous les prêtre les évêque et tout les chanoine les curé ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @anjasach7100
    @anjasach7100 6 месяцев назад

    Zum Valentinstag ❤

  • @garyroberts9517
    @garyroberts9517 7 месяцев назад

    So wish we had this pope back. Truly was a man of God who followed the Bible as it should be.

  • @bashkillszombies
    @bashkillszombies 7 месяцев назад

    The first reformed of the Holy Roman Church that began it's descent into the madness we see today. Benedict was a sensible man and would have given the Church stability, and return it true to it's base, where Paul was errant and was more interested in courting foreigners and becoming a people smuggling operation, and now our churches are Boy Scout halls with plastic lawn furniture, the altar is a plastic table under a table cloth, the current pope is blessing gay marriage, letting the creator of "Piss Christ" the heretical artwork come to the Vatican, and the reformers are trying to push for women priests, etc. The Holy Church was founded by Christ himself, the ONLY Christian denomination by his apostles hands. And it will fall with these progressives at the helm. Paul was lauded by the media because he was a progressive leftist, and socialist. He wasn't a good Pope. He was just a Journalist Approved Pontiff. Like the current one is. Benedict was the last TRUE Pope of Rome.

  • @michelmotta4339
    @michelmotta4339 7 месяцев назад

    Saudades de Joao Paulo II

  • @anjasach7100
    @anjasach7100 7 месяцев назад


  • @anjasach7100
    @anjasach7100 7 месяцев назад

    Katinkabelle und Anika ❤❤❤für die Familie ❤❤❤

  • @anjasach7100
    @anjasach7100 7 месяцев назад

    Katinka und Anika für dich ❤

  • @ThuongLe-jp6cy
    @ThuongLe-jp6cy 7 месяцев назад

    Deo gratis Amen

  • @ilmsff7
    @ilmsff7 7 месяцев назад

    This wasn't empty singing or reciting the liturgy. JPII was truly worshiping as he sang Pater Noster.

  • @joycecristinaoliveiravenan4027
    @joycecristinaoliveiravenan4027 7 месяцев назад

    Sagrado momento demais precioso corpo e sangue de Jesus 🥰😍🤩🥰

  • @IanChrist-os3od
    @IanChrist-os3od 8 месяцев назад


  • @user-tm8lu7no9n
    @user-tm8lu7no9n 8 месяцев назад


  • @rerumprererum4157
    @rerumprererum4157 8 месяцев назад


  • @debbie2027
    @debbie2027 8 месяцев назад

    SO Beautiful !

  • @rudyseloterio
    @rudyseloterio 8 месяцев назад

    Praise the lord Jesus Christ, amen 🙏🏽

  • @escokicks
    @escokicks 8 месяцев назад

    Pater noster 🫡💯🎄🙏

  • @cassioalvarenga9040
    @cassioalvarenga9040 8 месяцев назад

    Um Papa abençoado por Deus este sim Foi... Deus em vida 🙏🙏🙏🙏🧬❤