Chinese food Kris
Chinese food Kris
  • Видео 92
  • Просмотров 92 213


The easiest way to make Chinese Meat Pie and it’s so delicious.馅饼最简单的做法,一学就会0门槛,太香了!
Просмотров 1332 месяца назад
影片介紹如何製作中國傳統食品餡餅。這是為初學者製作的教程,非常容易操作。而且味道很正宗,軟而不膩,脆嫩多汁。 This video introduces how to make traditional Chinese food pie. This is a tutorial made for beginners, very easy to operate. And the taste is very authentic, soft, yet crisp, tender and juicy. #chinesefood #chinesestreetfood #meatpie
Braised Eggplant The Best Way 燒茄子的最完美做法 簡單化 不浸油 味道正宗
Просмотров 7262 месяца назад
影片介紹了中國菜-燒茄子的詳細做法,這道菜非常的美味和經典,影片中講解了至關重要的烹飪訣竅,讓國多人學會這道美味。 The video introduces the detailed recipe of Chinese dish Braised Eggplant. This dish is very delicious and classic. The video explains the crucial cooking tips so that many people in the country can learn this delicious dish. #chinesefood #eggplantrecipe #燒茄子
Zhajiangmian Fried Sauce Noodles Summer cool food. 老東京炸醬麵 適合夏天吃的涼爽美味。
Просмотров 2422 месяца назад
Zhajiang(Fried Sauce) Noodles, a famous Chinese noodle dish, a kind of cold noodles, originated from Shandong, China. This video demonstrates in detail the family recipe of Zhajiang Noodles, which is a very authentic Chinese taste. 炸醬麵,中國著名麵食,冷麵的一種,起源於中國山東。這個影片詳細示範了炸醬麵的家庭食譜,是非常正宗的中國口味。 #chinesefood #zhajiamian #noodles
Fried Eggs with Toon tutorial for beginners. 香椿煎蛋的新手教程。
Просмотров 1823 месяца назад
Toon is known as the "tree vegetable" and is the bud of the toon tree. Every spring before and after Grain Rain, the young buds of Chinese toon can be made into various dishes. 香椿被譽為“樹上蔬菜”,是香椿樹的芽。 每年春天穀雨前後,香椿的嫩芽可製成各種菜餚。 #chinesefood #toon #eggrecipe
Easy recipe, Beef Stew with Tomato, you can learn it once and it’s very delicious. 非常簡單,番茄燉牛肉,湯鮮味美。
Просмотров 1253 месяца назад
Beef Stew with Tomato (番茄燉牛肉)is a fusion dish of Chinese and Western cuisine. Beef is not only rich in high-quality protein, but also a source of important minerals such as iron and zinc. At the same time, the multiple vitamins and fatty acids contained in beef are beneficial to human health and have a positive effect on improving immunity. 番茄燉牛肉是一道中西融合的菜餚。 牛肉不僅富含優質蛋白質,也是鐵、鋅等重要礦物質的來源。 同時,牛肉中含有的...
Fried Reborn Egg Chinese street food unique flavor and better than tofu.香煎實蛋,中國東北街頭美食。
Просмотров 2543 месяца назад
The Reborn eggs (SHI DAN) have the aroma of eggs and are very chewy and elastic, making them popular among diners. In terms of cooking methods, Reborn eggs (SHI DAN) can be fried, stir-fried, or baked. Any cooking method can make a delicious dish. Among them, grilled eggs are the most popular in the China Northeast and can often be seen at food stalls. 實蛋具有雞蛋的香氣,而且非常有嚼勁、富有彈性,深受食客的歡迎。 從烹調方式來說,實蛋...
Pineapple Sweet and Sour Pork, this sweet and sour sauce recipe is amazing.菠蘿咕嚕肉配方,這個糖醋汁太棒了。
Просмотров 3183 месяца назад
This video is a home version of China's classic Cantonese dish - Sweet and Sour Pork with Pineapple. Sauce made from sugar, vinegar, and tomato paste. Wrapped in fried meat. Trust me, you will fall in love with this dish. 影片是中國經典粵菜 菠蘿咕嚕肉的家庭版。 由糖、醋和番茄醬製成的醬汁。 裹上炸肉。 相信我,你會愛上這道菜的。 #chinesefood #sweetandsour #sweetandsoursauce
Braised Pork Rice tutorial, only 3 seasonings, very easy.(Lu Rou Fan)滷肉飯教程,只用3種調味料,非常簡單。太好吃了!
Просмотров 1704 месяца назад
The correct way to make Braised Pork Rice was learned from many Taiwanese chefs, and I came up with the most classic way. It is also the easiest way to make it while ensuring the taste. Hope you like it. 滷肉飯的正確做法,是向許多台灣廚師學習的,總結出了最經典的做法。 在確保口感的同時,也是最簡單的製作方法。 希望你喜歡。 #taiwanfood #滷肉飯 #braisedpork
How to make Pineapple Fried Rice (Khao Pad Sapparot) . It's actually very easy. 菠蘿炒飯的製作方法,其實很容易。
Просмотров 5624 месяца назад
Pineapple Fried Rice, a hearty personal family meal. The taste is unique and all my friends want to eat it. Sharing an easy way to make a pineapple bowl. You can learn this recipe after watching this video. 菠蘿炒飯,豐盛的私人家庭餐。 味道獨特,朋友都想吃。 分享一個簡單的菠蘿碗製作方法。 看完這個影片就可以學會這個食譜了。 #pineapple #friedrice #thaifood
The correct way to make sweet and sour ribs. Simple and delicious 糖醋排骨正確做法。不油炸,不炒糖,簡單還好吃。
Просмотров 4424 месяца назад
Many people like this dish. The recipe I shared does not involve deep frying or frying sugar. The traditional method tastes authentic and can be eaten hot or cold. It is very simple. sweet and sour pork ribs chinese style 很多人喜歡這道菜,我分享的做法,不油炸,不炒糖,傳統做法味道正宗,可熱吃也可以冷吃,非常的簡單。 #sweetandsour #chinesefood #ribsrecipe
1800 miles away, home for Chinese New Year. Chongqing, Beijing, Jilin.跨越3000公里,從重慶到北京再到吉林,回家過新年。
Просмотров 5075 месяцев назад
最近可能無法更新食譜了,因為我回到了家鄉,和家人一起過新年。也祝願各位觀眾新年快樂,恭喜發財。 I may not be able to update the recipes lately as I am back home with my family for the New Year. I wish all of you a happy and prosperous New Year. #chinesenewyear #beijing #daxing #chongqing
Corn with Salted Egg Yolk | Foolproof | Corn recipes | 萬無一失的教程|鹹蛋黃玉米|金沙玉米|年夜飯|年菜|老少咸宜
Просмотров 6226 месяцев назад
Corn with Salted Egg Yolk | Foolproof | Corn recipes | 萬無一失的教程|鹹蛋黃玉米|金沙玉米|年夜飯|年菜|老少咸宜
How to make Poached spicy slices of pork | Boiled pork slices | New Year dishes | 如何制作水煮肉片|川菜|年菜
Просмотров 3576 месяцев назад
How to make Poached spicy slices of pork | Boiled pork slices | New Year dishes | 如何制作水煮肉片|川菜|年菜
Very easy | Braised Prawns | New Year's Eve dinner | New Year dish|非常非常簡單|油燜大蝦|年夜飯|年菜
Просмотров 5106 месяцев назад
Very easy | Braised Prawns | New Year's Eve dinner | New Year dish|非常非常簡單|油燜大蝦|年夜飯|年菜
How to make Sixi Ball | Four-Joy Meatballs | New Year's Eve dinner | 四喜丸子教程|年夜飯|過年菜|酥香軟糯
Просмотров 7306 месяцев назад
How to make Sixi Ball | Four-Joy Meatballs | New Year's Eve dinner | 四喜丸子教程|年夜飯|過年菜|酥香軟糯
How to make Beef stew with potatoes | New Year’s Eve dinner | 紅燒牛肉土豆食譜|北方版|過年菜|土豆燉牛肉
Просмотров 4666 месяцев назад
How to make Beef stew with potatoes | New Year’s Eve dinner | 紅燒牛肉土豆食譜|北方版|過年菜|土豆燉牛肉
Easy way to make shredded eggs | Egg fried rice | Chef Wang | 教你瞬間學會,像王剛老師一樣炒出蛋絲|蛋炒飯|美食作家王剛|廚房小竅門
Просмотров 7717 месяцев назад
Easy way to make shredded eggs | Egg fried rice | Chef Wang | 教你瞬間學會,像王剛老師一樣炒出蛋絲|蛋炒飯|美食作家王剛|廚房小竅門
How to make Sauce Meat Baozi|Secret recipe|easy way to make Baozi |醬肉包子教程|小籠包|方法簡單|蒸包子|샤오롱바오
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.7 месяцев назад
How to make Sauce Meat Baozi|Secret recipe|easy way to make Baozi |醬肉包子教程|小籠包|方法簡單|蒸包子|샤오롱바오
Very Easy Chicken recipe |Spiced Roast Chicken|Five Spices|Christmas Dinner|五香烤雞|一學就會|非常美味|節日大餐
Просмотров 4928 месяцев назад
Very Easy Chicken recipe |Spiced Roast Chicken|Five Spices|Christmas Dinner|五香烤雞|一學就會|非常美味|節日大餐
Making Spicy Potato Chips is easy and delicious.|香辣乾鍋土豆片,香辣蝦子,簡單,好吃,一學就會。
Просмотров 1698 месяцев назад
Making Spicy Potato Chips is easy and delicious.|香辣乾鍋土豆片,香辣蝦子,簡單,好吃,一學就會。
(QianZhang) Tofu Skin Salad, a Simple and Endlessly Delicious Cold Dish.|拌千張絲,簡單,百吃不厭的涼菜。
Просмотров 2438 месяцев назад
(QianZhang) Tofu Skin Salad, a Simple and Endlessly Delicious Cold Dish.|拌千張絲,簡單,百吃不厭的涼菜。
Tied Meat | Chinese Street Food | Easy to Make | Bazirou | Braised Pork|濟南把子肉|山東美食|下飯菜|滷蛋|滷肉
Просмотров 1 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Tied Meat | Chinese Street Food | Easy to Make | Bazirou | Braised Pork|濟南把子肉|山東美食|下飯菜|滷蛋|滷肉
Braised Tofu, Easy to Learn, Delicious, and Rich in Texture | 燒豆腐,易學會,好吃,口感很豐富的美食。
Просмотров 7039 месяцев назад
Braised Tofu, Easy to Learn, Delicious, and Rich in Texture | 燒豆腐,易學會,好吃,口感很豐富的美食。
Tofu Skin Salad - Easy, Spicy, Delicious|涼拌腐竹,簡單,美味,香辣開胃。
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Tofu Skin Salad - Easy, Spicy, Delicious|涼拌腐竹,簡單,美味,香辣開胃。
Chinese Chili Oil, an Essential Seasoning with an Authentic Preparation oil红油 ,油潑辣子的製作方法
Просмотров 2179 месяцев назад
Chinese Chili Oil, an Essential Seasoning with an Authentic Preparation oil红油 ,油潑辣子的製作方法
Crisp Fried Meat, tender and flavorful.|熘肉段,外酥里嫩,鹹鮮香濃。
Просмотров 4469 месяцев назад
Crisp Fried Meat, tender and flavorful.|熘肉段,外酥里嫩,鹹鮮香濃。
Soy Milk Film (tofu skin) with Green Pepper, Tasty and Tender. |尖椒乾豆腐,滑嫩,鮮美。
Просмотров 20610 месяцев назад
Soy Milk Film (tofu skin) with Green Pepper, Tasty and Tender. |尖椒乾豆腐,滑嫩,鮮美。
Tender Dumpling Filling with Great Texture - Pork Luffa Dumplings.|鮮嫩的餃子餡,口感很棒的豬肉絲瓜水餃。
Просмотров 2,7 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Tender Dumpling Filling with Great Texture - Pork Luffa Dumplings.|鮮嫩的餃子餡,口感很棒的豬肉絲瓜水餃。
Flavorful Chicken Potato Salad - Delicious, Simple, and Healthy|獨特的涼拌雞肉洋芋,美味,簡單,健康。
Просмотров 31110 месяцев назад
Flavorful Chicken Potato Salad - Delicious, Simple, and Healthy|獨特的涼拌雞肉洋芋,美味,簡單,健康。


  • @XxJaXxXable
    @XxJaXxXable 21 день назад

    Kitty hungry

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 21 день назад

      @@XxJaXxXable Gave her canned cat😬😬😬

  • @loranalary
    @loranalary Месяц назад

    I don't think "saliva" is the word you were looking for....

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking Месяц назад

      My English is poor, the original meaning is 🤤"Mouth-watering"

  • @ChanChan-py6ji
    @ChanChan-py6ji Месяц назад

    Thank you so much, finally I successful because of your amazing method.

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching, 😃😃😃glad you like this dish. I will continue to update useful videos in the future.❤️❤️❤️

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights Месяц назад

    Healthy and delicious !

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking Месяц назад

      Thank you 🙏 friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @EZcookEZbake
    @EZcookEZbake Месяц назад

    Looks delicious stir-fried cabbage 😋 😍 👌 😊

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking Месяц назад

      Thank you my dear friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @dskitchen9190
    @dskitchen9190 Месяц назад

    Quick and easy dish 😍😍😍 surely it delicious 😋😋😋 thank you for sharing dear Kao ~

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching, it's a pleasure

  • @yoolulu
    @yoolulu 2 месяца назад

    Wow, it's such a special dish It'll be good for breakfast and snacks

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking Месяц назад

      Thank you very much ❤❤❤❤

  • @fathercoconut
    @fathercoconut 2 месяца назад

    와우 넘 맛나겠네요 영상 공유 감사해요 응원합니다 굿입니다 ❤

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you very much ❤️❤️❤️

  • @EZcookEZbake
    @EZcookEZbake 2 месяца назад

    The Chinese meat pie appears to be delectable. 😊😊😊

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 2 месяца назад

    It looks delicious.😍

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you 🙏 😊dear friend

  • @isikocht1239
    @isikocht1239 2 месяца назад

    Looks very delicios 👍🏻🤩🥰

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you friend ✌️❤️

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 2 месяца назад

    Wow its amazing😋😋😋😋

  • @dskitchen9190
    @dskitchen9190 2 месяца назад

    Very lovely and fresh eggplant 🍆 😍😍😍 looks absolutely delicious 😋😋😋 thank you for sharing dear friend 👍🏻

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you very much my friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @EZcookEZbake
    @EZcookEZbake 2 месяца назад

    Yay, im the first commentor 😮😊😊

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Hehe, I want to pin this comment

  • @EZcookEZbake
    @EZcookEZbake 2 месяца назад

    It appears to be a delectable dish of braised eggplant.😊😊😊

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Yes, this is a braised eggplant dish that I loved eating when I was a kid.😁

  • @Gioabilmentediversa
    @Gioabilmentediversa 2 месяца назад

    interesting recipe👍

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much 😊 ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 2 месяца назад

    Simple and delicious, perfect for hot summers. I'm ready to learn it.

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you, hope you like the taste.❤❤❤✌️

  • @QuickEasyDeliciousRecipes
    @QuickEasyDeliciousRecipes 2 месяца назад

    Looks very tasty. This is such a great summer recipe. Thank you for sharing 👍

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @isikocht1239
    @isikocht1239 2 месяца назад

    Looks very yummy 😋😋

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you very much 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @BethMarysLutongBahay
    @BethMarysLutongBahay 2 месяца назад

    Yummy noodles🤩👍

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you very much ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫣❤️✌️

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 3 месяца назад

    I've only seen this dish once, its taste is quite unique, I dare not try it.

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you my dear friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️✌️

  • @dskitchen9190
    @dskitchen9190 3 месяца назад

    Very interesting omelette 😍😍😍 looks lovely and delicious 😋😋😋 thank you for sharing dear Kao ~

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much my friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @isikocht1239
    @isikocht1239 3 месяца назад

    Yummyyy looks delicios 🥰

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much 😁😁

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 3 месяца назад

    This soup is one of my favorite soups.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      Thank you 😊 ❤️❤️❤️

  • @isikocht1239
    @isikocht1239 3 месяца назад

    Looks colorful and delicios 😋🔝👍🏻

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      Thank you very much my friend ❤️❤️❤️🫣

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 3 месяца назад

    I slacked off and just boiled some eggs, so it definitely doesn't taste as delicious as what you make.🤪

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      thank you❤❤❤. When I lived in Jilin City, there were many people selling this.😋

  • @davanaprakashpyattishettar547
    @davanaprakashpyattishettar547 3 месяца назад

    3 like 👌👌👌💖💖💖💖💖💞💞💞💞

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

  • @isikocht1239
    @isikocht1239 3 месяца назад

    Looks very delicios 🤩🥰

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much 😍😍😍

  • @nilimakirasoi
    @nilimakirasoi 3 месяца назад

    Sooo tasty recipe friends full watch 👌👌👌🌹🌹🌹🎉🎉

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      Thank you very much 🤝🤝🤝

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 3 месяца назад

    So amazing This is just perfect😍

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 3 месяца назад

      Thank you 🙏 my baking goddess👍👍👍👍

  • @davanaprakashpyattishettar547
    @davanaprakashpyattishettar547 4 месяца назад

    13 like 544done your new Subscriber

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you very much, my new friend.❤️

  • @davanaprakashpyattishettar547
    @davanaprakashpyattishettar547 4 месяца назад

    6 like tasty

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you very much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 4 месяца назад

    I've never eaten this before, but I'll try to make it.❤❤❤❤

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      The taste is somewhat unique, I hope you like it.🥰

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 4 месяца назад

    These ribs look so tempting, they must taste delicious.🤩

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 4 месяца назад

    This rice is also my favorite😍

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you, dear friend

  • @nilimakirasoi
    @nilimakirasoi 4 месяца назад

    Yummy yummy 👌👌👌💕💕💕💕

  • @nilimakirasoi
    @nilimakirasoi 4 месяца назад

    Amazing recipe excited to try super 👌👌👌👌💕💕

  • @nilimakirasoi
    @nilimakirasoi 4 месяца назад

    Mouth watering recipe 👌👌👌💕💕💕

  • @dskitchen9190
    @dskitchen9190 4 месяца назад

    Very lovely and tempting dish 😍😍😍 surely it delicious 😋😋😋 thank you for sharing dear friend 👍🏻

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you so much 😊

  • @isikocht1239
    @isikocht1239 4 месяца назад

    Looks very delicios 👍🏻😋🥰

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you my dear friend🥰

  • @dskitchen9190
    @dskitchen9190 4 месяца назад

    Stunning presentations 😍😍😍 looks absolutely delicious 😋😋😋 I can eat fried rice anytime 😊 thank you for sharing dear Kao ~

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you, I'm glad you like it❤❤❤❤😁😁

  • @isikocht1239
    @isikocht1239 4 месяца назад

    Wow so yummyyy 👍🏻🥰

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you so much 😊

  • @EZcookEZbake
    @EZcookEZbake 4 месяца назад

    Looks delicious sweet and sour ribs 😋 😍 😊

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you my friend 🫶🏻🫶🏻long time no see 🤝

  • @dskitchen9190
    @dskitchen9190 4 месяца назад

    Very lovely and tempting dish 😍😍😍 surely it delicious 😋😋😋 thank you for sharing dear Kao ~ has been awhile how are you?

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      Thank you, I am fine and gave myself a holiday during the Chinese New Year😂😂😂😂

  • @zolawilliams1
    @zolawilliams1 4 месяца назад

    It was 100% foolproof 😤 there was one bubble, but honestly, so silky and jiggly. Was a delicious meal with some rice, pickles, kale and shiitake 🤤🤤

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 4 месяца назад

      I’m so glad you enjoy it 😊😊😊😊❤

  • @maxanderson9692
    @maxanderson9692 5 месяцев назад

    Terrible! Appalling!😮

  • @user-lp3vy1bs6r
    @user-lp3vy1bs6r 5 месяцев назад

    Good & simple thanks

    • @KaosCooking
      @KaosCooking 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you ❤❤❤

  • @Hokkaido_Delights
    @Hokkaido_Delights 5 месяцев назад


  • @nilimakirasoi
    @nilimakirasoi 5 месяцев назад

    Mouth watering recipe excited to try 👌👌❤️❤️

  • @nilimakirasoi
    @nilimakirasoi 5 месяцев назад

    Delicious recipe 👌👌👌❤️❤️