I agree, I ride 30-40 miles just about everyday and I just bought this helmet (in black) after using a cheap loose fitted Giro for many years. Its just a well priced, nice fitting, well ventilated, safe and basic helmet that you wear to make sure that when take a big spill and take a dome hit youre not waking up in a hospital and having to learn to talk and put your clothes on all over again ! They couldve just said that and sold just as many of them.
I agree, I ride 30-40 miles just about everyday and I just bought this helmet (in black) after using a cheap loose fitted Giro for many years. Its just a well priced, nice fitting, well ventilated, safe and basic helmet that you wear to make sure that when take a big spill and take a dome hit youre not waking up in a hospital and having to learn to talk and put your clothes on all over again ! They couldve just said that and sold just as many of them.
Wish Bell had some of the same features (integrated lights, the possibility of attaching a mirror) in a well ventilated road helmet.