Alito's Reason For Overturning Roe: Decline In 'Domestic Supply Of Infants' For Adoption

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @KitKatToeBeans
    @KitKatToeBeans 2 года назад +3304

    Women are not cattle.
    Babies are not merchandise.
    Our country is royally screwed.

    • @doneestoner9945
      @doneestoner9945 2 года назад +162

      Welcome to Gilead.

    • @michaelheliotis5279
      @michaelheliotis5279 2 года назад +157

      Well unfortunately they are according to the US Supreme Court. Enjoy your dystopia. Love and prayers from NZ.

    • @ChannelFiend
      @ChannelFiend 2 года назад +125

      I agree. This is some sick thinking here. Just when things look bad, we speed up to fast and hit an all new low.
      Just Sick!!!

    • @MISNM0
      @MISNM0 2 года назад +96


    • @quovadis9233
      @quovadis9233 2 года назад +9

      And humans in utero are not property that can be disposed of at will...

  • @karenneill9109
    @karenneill9109 2 года назад +2116

    Until every single child who needs to be adopted is adopted, nobody had better talk about not having a ‘supply of domestic infants’. How revolting.

    • @icebergrose8955
      @icebergrose8955 2 года назад +264

      He left out the word 'white' babies. That's what he meant .

    • @karenneill9109
      @karenneill9109 2 года назад +156

      @@icebergrose8955 Undoubtedly. No special needs either.

    • @melvinjamerson1920
      @melvinjamerson1920 2 года назад +7

      God Bless You American.

    • @sxyslyvxn
      @sxyslyvxn 2 года назад

      Can somebody say, 'Lebensborn'...the Nazi breeding program that also involved the legalized kidnapping and induced breeding of 'racially acceptable' children to create a master race?

    • @kyReeElainProhm
      @kyReeElainProhm 2 года назад

      Alito was not counting on the innumerable domestic brown and black babies his rancid vision will inflict on “his adoption market”. Since the majority of “white republican women” will easily get an abortion interstate or internationally.
      One rule for me another for you

  • @dionettaeon
    @dionettaeon 2 года назад +1739

    " _Domestic_ _supply_ _of_ _infants_ ", very telling that they view children more as possessions to be owned rather than actual people.

    • @r.pres.4121
      @r.pres.4121 2 года назад

      Another reason why conservatism is a very grave psychiatric disorder.

    • @uwsgrrrl9981
      @uwsgrrrl9981 2 года назад +91

      Chilling description of children. Sick man

    • @williamlouie569
      @williamlouie569 2 года назад +18

      It's not from slavery. Why not let bring back slavery while we at it.

    • @briannaapling495
      @briannaapling495 2 года назад +40

      Owned and indoctrinated into their cult.

    • @ranran3902
      @ranran3902 2 года назад +12

      Romanian 1966

  • @sherylholland2378
    @sherylholland2378 2 года назад +202

    Justice Alito: Ever considered advising people to go to their local animal shelter to adopt a cat or two, instead of usurping women's sovereign right to control their own bodies?

    • @MynameIsnotforsell
      @MynameIsnotforsell 2 года назад +1

      That is horrible. Most animal shelters end up killing the animals.

    • @pow...rightinthekisser
      @pow...rightinthekisser 2 года назад +4

      Its not fair, but life isn't fair. If you want to live in a civil society, you have to understand that a pillar of society is family, but more importantly people. The labor force needs to have a steady flow of replacements. The society that you need to survived has many infrastructures, all of which require human labor to maintain. Birth rates are down, marriage rates are down, divorces are rising, as well as the number of abortions. What was supposwd to be a way to help women survive the physical and mental damage birth can bring, ultimately turned into another form of birth control. What was supposed to be life changing, somehow became an act of convenience. Personally, Im all for financial and physical abortion, as I dont want any man or woman who wants one, raising that child. Not everyone is meant to be a parent.

    • @MynameIsnotforsell
      @MynameIsnotforsell 2 года назад

      @@pow...rightinthekisser mmmmm.... there is 7 billion people in this world. A lot of the jobs in the world aren't needed. And abortions are going down. Marriage rates are going down but this because most are waiting. Marriages used to be heavily arranged, especially in middle class and higher. Divorce is not rising. In fact, accept when women were allow to file for divorce for the first time on their own like men they have been going down overall. And birth rates are going down. Keep in mind, most people live in a city or near a city, so their is no benefit to having more than 1 or 2 kids.
      Now, one generation decide to have a bunch of kids when medical science was improving drastically. So infancy deaths went down and life expectancy went up. That naturally caused a problem. Human population boomed in the last few centuries before taking off like a rocket in the 20th century. The irony of it all. The rest of life on this planet collapse. The growth of human population on this planet screwed every eco system on this planet and even ourselves. In addition, not only did infancy deaths went down but mothers deaths went down. Many women decide not to go through a pregnancy at all because either they don't want the risk at all or they are a high risk. No matter, how you view a pregnancy nothing changes the fact that woman has to go through that risk. She should decide when and if she wants to take that risk.
      Finally, the idea of abortion being a convenience shows how much pro-life or anti-abortion opponents succeeded in their message in regards to enforcing their religion beliefs. I have always been impress by pro-life opponents. Not because they actually care about life because the majority do not care. No, because for 50 years they spread 50 years of perfect propaganda. And yes pro-choice came opponents came back from time to time as they thought the fight was over. 50 years spend over overturning and not addressing the issues for the reasons. At the end of the day, this issue is mainly a theologian and/or philosophy.
      There are several real and valid reasons people get abortions but convenience has never been one.
      Regardless, if the human population decreases, which it is not, then it would be more of a benefit then anything else.
      No, what you are talking about is capitalism? Capitalism is going to hurt. Someone, like Jeff Beznos, wallet is going to hurt.

    • @neatznotso7424
      @neatznotso7424 2 года назад +13

      @@pow...rightinthekisser except thats not true, abortions are at a two decade low of 24%. I think its important to not forget that, abortions are being lowered without the knee-jerk reaction to ban everything some believe is wrong.
      It seems so crazy that this is up for debate again. The U.S has one of the highest maternal mortality rates with the developed world, and its on the rise, now some want to force women to give birth and under those conditions?

    • @triciac1019
      @triciac1019 2 года назад +1

      Well said!

  • @miked4109
    @miked4109 2 года назад +3264

    If they are so concerned with the “domestic supply of children” maybe they should work on legislation that supports families like maternity and parental leave, reducing education costs, and that the cost of living often requires a 2 income household (whether that is 2 people working or one person working multiple jobs).

    • @RosieRoserules
      @RosieRoserules 2 года назад +273

      They have no plans on letting the women keep their children they already said it on the Sunday shows that they were going to put all their money into the technology of adoptive services in other words they are going to traffic these children

    • @docinparadise
      @docinparadise 2 года назад +68

      Arthrotec (diclofenac sodium/misoprostol) is a wonderful arthritis medicine for those with sensitive stomachs. It does have one side effect though.

    • @lilianfowler7988
      @lilianfowler7988 2 года назад

      We will fight them. They are not God and they will soon discover it.

    • @jeffalbillar7625
      @jeffalbillar7625 2 года назад +7

      @@RosieRoserules oh, my cracklin' Rosie.
      What makes you think that that isn't already happening?
      Secondly, what you're saying doesn't make sense because how can "they" take your children from you without cause?
      Are they going to take everyone's children or just the one's that "they" THINK wanted an abortion.
      Your logic doesn't make sense, Dear.
      Just stand there and look pretty, but don't talk.

    • @spoonyluv19
      @spoonyluv19 2 года назад +28

      That would be too much of a humane solution for thr herd immunity party.

  • @dianalesueur2297
    @dianalesueur2297 2 года назад +861

    I am a 74 year old white woman who spent last week thinking about this exact subject. These "old white Plantation Boys" are alive and as inhumane as their forefathers!!!

    • @idontlikeit.7822
      @idontlikeit.7822 2 года назад +66

      Old white plantation boys…..perfect! I will use it with glee

    • @baconsoup8346
      @baconsoup8346 2 года назад

      This time it's not just the blacks they'll enslave, it'll be everyone eventually who does not agree with their twisted idealism of a Oligarch-backed Christofascist state, with a movement mirroring the Lebensborn in Germany before, and during the rise of far right conspiracy theorist.

    • @dannmarceau
      @dannmarceau 2 года назад +47

      They certainly are; their rottenness is inherent.

    • @TheCc064
      @TheCc064 2 года назад

      They need. Bullets

    • @rochellerochelle4552
      @rochellerochelle4552 2 года назад

      Old Skank, how many wars did you fight in?

  • @EmpressMermaid
    @EmpressMermaid 2 года назад +750

    There is not a shortage of children for adoption, just a shortage of "top shelf" kids. That is, newborn, white, perfectly healthy and non- disabled.

    • @chrismorgan283
      @chrismorgan283 2 года назад

      They must at least look like they're not disabled. Autism can't be diagnosed for a while. Even Progeria isn't apparent for a while. So, will the next thing the Supreme Court rule on be refunds for defective babies?

    • @Echo81Rumple83
      @Echo81Rumple83 2 года назад

      Not to mention fodder for the war machine and stimulants for the Epstein club members 🤮

    • @chrismorgan283
      @chrismorgan283 2 года назад

      @@Echo81Rumple83 They're not going to throw perfectly good white babies in front of any artillery. That's why they need more black and brown babies. The same goes for the Epstein theory.

    • @carolyn9531
      @carolyn9531 2 года назад +53

      It’s sad but so true.

    • @ChibiHoshiDragon
      @ChibiHoshiDragon 2 года назад

      This isn't new.
      Dr. Horatio Storer, the originator of Anti-Abortion in America in 1880, argued that whites should be populating the country, including the West and the South. Better them than blacks, Catholics, Mexicans, Chinese or Indians.
      "Shall these regions be filled by our own children or by those of aliens? This is a question our women must answer; upon their loins depends the future destiny of the nation"
      The Creation of the Immigration Act of 1924 similar. Albert Johnson, a racist who lead congress and was Chair of the committee on Immigration and Naturalization, He hired an EXPERT EUGENICS AGENT, Harry Laughlin, who helped craft the Act. They used the Act to retain the American RACIAL makeup of the country from the 1890 - 35 years prior to the Act. There was NO secret that the Act was to PRESERVE the racial composition of the country. Senator Ellison DuRant Smith, stated: "we have sufficient stock in America now for us to shut the door" "we now have sufficient population in our country for us to shut the door and to breed up a pure, unadulterated American citizenship. " " I would like for the Members of the Senate to read that book just recently published by Madison Grant, The Passing of a Great Race. Thank God we have in America perhaps the largest percentage of any country in the world of the pure, unadulterated Anglo-Saxon stock; certainly the greatest of any nation in the Nordic breed. It is for the preservation of that splendid stock that has characterized us that I would make this not an asylum for the oppressed of all countries, but a country to assimilate and perfect that splendid type of manhood that has made America the foremost Nation in her progress and in her power, and yet the youngest of all the nations."

  • @hithere911
    @hithere911 2 года назад +183

    "Domestic supply of infants" is one of the most disturbing phrases I have ever heard. Who in their right mind would refer to babies as if they were household items?

    • @angelainamarie9656
      @angelainamarie9656 2 года назад +10

      I'm thinking someone who intends to profit off of the excess supply.

    • @guyfuntyme6050
      @guyfuntyme6050 2 года назад +11


    • @amdl270
      @amdl270 2 года назад +10

      Also is he saying he wants a ready supply of infants meaning more infants than people willing to adopt?? Babies aren’t grocery store produce. They don’t “need to be available” and “spoil as they age”. What the heck

    • @tjchrist4264
      @tjchrist4264 2 года назад

      @@angelainamarie9656 Heritage Foundations hand picked Supreme Court Justices and all their members in government and private sectors.

    • @5rings16
      @5rings16 2 года назад

      Well at least he isnt trying to slaughter every infant like pro choice people

  • @Bebe.B.
    @Bebe.B. 2 года назад +811

    I am an adoptive mom and could not have biological children. His "reasoning " is sick to me. I would NEVER have wanted a woman to be forced to have a child so I could adopt. I adopted a child whose birth mother CHOSE of her own free will to give birth and make an adoption plan. I also adopted from another country. His "domestic supply " comment has implications of believing children born in other nations do not deserve to be adopted. His entire premise is disgusting to me.

    • @kellyarnsdorf5083
      @kellyarnsdorf5083 2 года назад +53

      I get a hint of baby factories from him

    • @milycome
      @milycome 2 года назад +54

      You're Sooooo correct !! Adopting an already born child is great 👍👍👍 and praiseworthy. However, to encourage or force a woman to become pregnant to accommodate a free market need for adults that want to adopt is to use both the woman and the fetus as a mere commodity to satisfy a need for the adult - TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE !!

    • @whatifschrodingersboxwasacofin
      @whatifschrodingersboxwasacofin 2 года назад +42

      I’m an adoptee, and I wouldn’t want to be one of those factory children. Didn’t want to be a mistake, but it’s better than being a product.

    • @Kereru
      @Kereru 2 года назад +46

      I mean who would be happy to know their existence was owed to their mother's oppression?

    • @jeanneratterman4174
      @jeanneratterman4174 2 года назад +20

      Bebe B Thank you for your wise insight. I hope your voice, my voice, other voices are heard and listened to, to stop this marketing scheme.

  • @notahouse
    @notahouse 2 года назад +1912

    OMG, the fact that he sees nothing wrong with mass producing infants only for the purpose of adoptions means the world is in a sicker place than I thought! These people are sick!

    • @screaminone
      @screaminone 2 года назад

      Human trafficking.
      America is a business.
      Another racket, like war.

    • @amandagardner565
      @amandagardner565 2 года назад

      Alito's Reason For Overturning Roe: Decline In 'Domestic Supply Of Infants' For Adoption.
      just the titles says to me that the Grand Old Pedoph***s need more children to be "adopted" by their followers. (and lost in the system)
      sick and disgusting behaviour from the "law and order" party. smdh

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 года назад +45

      Maybe he feels compelled to tie it to commerce and business.

    • @dividedconquered3784
      @dividedconquered3784 2 года назад +31

      For real I haven't read a book so far fetched. A movie even.

    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 2 года назад

      Yes, and now that will become law (they'd like that very much) and since not many people vote for not Republicans (and continue to for reasons), here we are. This totally sucks and it looks very Putin-like (their inspiration for a lot of the mechanics of the future they want to see in the US), and now you'll need to do something about it. They're getting their rewards after decades. They play the long-game.

  • @SuperBookMonkey
    @SuperBookMonkey 2 года назад +804

    As someone who spent 4 years (until covid) working with orphans, I can tell you there is not a shortage of children in need of adoption. Just a shortage of the specific age range that people want because the average person doesn’t want to partially raise a child, unfortunately.

    • @miradine341
      @miradine341 2 года назад +73

      Also they don’t want all the issues that come with it after people who shouldn’t have kids ruin those kids live with abuse.

    • @pugdad2555
      @pugdad2555 2 года назад +48

      @@miradine341 also, even adopted infants have mental health issues due to the adoptioj process.

    • @kpstl26
      @kpstl26 2 года назад +59

      @@miradine341 anyone who is thinking of adopting a child to meet their own selfish standards and wants is also a child abuser. Children are not accessories.

    • @sagittariusa7662
      @sagittariusa7662 2 года назад

      Homosexual men do, but they are seen as child predators.

    • @GODSPEAKS898
      @GODSPEAKS898 2 года назад +5

      Exactly! There are a lot of couples who are not able to have children who want to adopt.

  • @janiekcarney5482
    @janiekcarney5482 2 года назад +119

    It is stressful to be pregnant. And it’s stressful to give up that baby. Then sometimes the babies grow up and come looking for you!!! It’s not simple. Forcing a woman to carry a baby against her will is criminal.

    • @Nocturnalux
      @Nocturnalux 2 года назад +8

      A woman should also be allowed to not put another person on this Earth, regardless of abortion.

    • @LaRanaMordaz
      @LaRanaMordaz 2 года назад +18

      It's not merely stressful, it is life altering and life threatening. Look up the list of "side effects" to pregnancy that most women are never warned about. Here's one for funzies:
      Bladder dropping. The vaginal wall supports the bladder. Childbirth puts stress on this wall, potentially causing long-term damage. Later in life, it is not uncommon for the vaginal wall to essentially cave in, causing the bladder to drop into the vagina.

    • @diamondsndregs
      @diamondsndregs 2 года назад +12

      Exactly. Carrying a child and giving birth affects a woman's body, mind, heart, and soul for the rest of her life.

    • @ashleyslack5960
      @ashleyslack5960 2 года назад

      No actually it is natural for a mother to carry her child to term, unless you are an evil human being.

    • @maemccleary3283
      @maemccleary3283 2 года назад +1

      Now now Amy Coney Barret has assured us there is NO undue burden with forcing a woman to carry and birth a baby.

  • @kyliepechler
    @kyliepechler 2 года назад +962

    "Using women against their will as human incubators for adoptive families".
    This is getting more scary as each day goes by.
    It's no longer hyperbole to state a Gilead reference.

    • @flagondragon8267
      @flagondragon8267 2 года назад +37

      It never was hyperbole.

    • @heartlesshorseman4202
      @heartlesshorseman4202 2 года назад +8

      You can't be "used as a human incubator" if you don't have an unwanted pregnancy in the first place! Just something for you to think about.

    • @wizardoffrobozz
      @wizardoffrobozz 2 года назад +77

      @@heartlesshorseman4202 that's a trope that's become so cliché you should be embarrassed to use it. [smh]

    • @heartlesshorseman4202
      @heartlesshorseman4202 2 года назад

      @@wizardoffrobozz I am pretty sure nobody has ever said that before in human history but ok random feminist liberal. But just so you know I'm not embarrassed to be smarter than you .😅

    • @nilssaturn4691
      @nilssaturn4691 2 года назад

      @@heartlesshorseman4202 You are so gullible or willingly playing stupid. Anyone who looked into Gorsuch and Coney barrett knew this was coming, this is just one of the first steps

  • @sidjohnson9413
    @sidjohnson9413 2 года назад +226

    So they’re just straight up admitting that children are property now, huh? And that the older one is, the less they’re worth?

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...
      Just saying, what if they continue down this increasing path of power, all the protests in the world won't stop whatever plans they have. Watch the first season and ask urself, would u really be able to stop any of it? They have all the power and still want so much more. No one is in their way.. look what just happened, with no one in the way. They have too much power and control. They can literally do whatever the heck they want to all of us regular people. Just hope they're not actually planning to take over everything... can u imagine one day waking up, banks all shut down, marriages null n void, wives, girlfriends, all women have to be turned in, cause it's the new law. Well handmaid's tale, started off like this with the powerful azzholes quietly unraveling everything, and our protections. People laugh about it, but look around, they just unraveled something major, based their needs and wants. With a snap of a finger, they flexed and now women are, what? What happens next time they decide to flex? Their word is law, think about it, what they say goes and must be enforced. How much power is too much power?

    • @jimpadilla6795
      @jimpadilla6795 2 года назад +1

      Who is they?
      Joy Reed is nothing more than a stand up comic who tells fairytales..fairytale...
      And good Lord I can't believe intellectual beings would ever consider her a source of mews or accurate information

    • @barbarawashington8318
      @barbarawashington8318 2 года назад +1

      @@jimpadilla6795 Really Jim? What fairy tales? The only comic and clown here is you; Bozo.

    • @KBWeeds
      @KBWeeds 2 года назад +5

      @@jimpadilla6795 Looks like someone hasn’t been paying attention.

    • @barbarawashington8318
      @barbarawashington8318 2 года назад +5

      @@jimpadilla6795 So, you don't care for Joy Reid? I'm sure she's crushed Jim. I, and many other viewers happen to like and enjoy her. You win some and you lose some.

  • @ktm9202
    @ktm9202 2 года назад +894

    That is as ILLEGITIMATE as it is creepy. Pushing human trafficking

    • @bigpicturethinking5620
      @bigpicturethinking5620 2 года назад

      Just like the Biden border. But you don’t see any concern there.

    • @agentj1326
      @agentj1326 2 года назад +21

      That's what capitalism is

    • @louisecollard2320
      @louisecollard2320 2 года назад +17

      When you probably have side line in adoption services, it's not illegal or trafficking. They call it child services or family services. All are for profit services. All in the name of taking care of business, the art of the deal.

    • @carlosdeleon6472
      @carlosdeleon6472 2 года назад

      Legal human trafficking id say

    • @kittyday1402
      @kittyday1402 2 года назад

      @@louisecollard2320 And De Vos took a bunch of the Border kidnapped kids for HER "adoption service".

  • @theMermaidRhonda
    @theMermaidRhonda 2 года назад +33

    As someone who was adopted, I find the whole "domestic infant supply" argument vile and revolting, not to mention incredibly insulting. That is basically making those like myself a "commodity" to make sure is in constant supply. Frankly, if I found out that my birth mother had been forced to give birth against her will just so someone could have a baby to adopt I'd be appalled.

  • @SomeUniqueHandle
    @SomeUniqueHandle 2 года назад +1363

    I know several couples who can't have kids of their own. Each said they'd never consider adoption. They only wanted kids with their own DNA. A lot of infertile couples say that. There isn't a major supply issue with orphans in general. The "problem" is that there aren't enough "perfect" little White babies for the adoption agencies to charge tens of thousands of dollars for. This excuse just makes me so sick on so many levels.

    • @jaquanpowell4605
      @jaquanpowell4605 2 года назад +58

      You hit the nail on the head 👏👏👏. It's a reason why planned parenthood is all over the ghetto smh.

    • @luiszuluaga6575
      @luiszuluaga6575 2 года назад +47

      To me, parenthood is about our spiritual selves and not biological. My spouse and I formed an adoption plan and we have made certain our child is aware of his birth story. All that matters to us is the love and curiosity of life we can infuse into our child’s spirit. 🙏🏼

    • @Lily.Fern.1107
      @Lily.Fern.1107 2 года назад

      Well if he thinks that's all that going to be available, then he is shortsighted as he is stupid. 🙄

    • @PatRNBSN
      @PatRNBSN 2 года назад +139

      And what will these "Christian" people do when the child is born with severe, or life-threatening conditions? Will someone be there to adopt them? Will there be financial and other types of help available to help care for this child? I doubt it.

    • @justsaying4352
      @justsaying4352 2 года назад +19


  • @jakkeni7212
    @jakkeni7212 2 года назад +151

    This is why a separation of Church and state is so important

    • @icu4life240
      @icu4life240 2 года назад +5

      Excatly 👏👏

    • @randysmith5435
      @randysmith5435 2 года назад

      That ship sailed back in the 1830s when Pennsylvania became the second state after Massachusetts to give tax exempt status to churches. It became a deluge after that and a windfall for grifters to get rich off of the naive and impressionable, uneducated masses. Just like what they are doing in politics today. Tell a fool the sky is falling or their neighbors are pedophiles and watch them work themselves into a,frenzy. It worked for Hitler and that's good enough for the GOP= GANG OF PEDOPHILES. They need them babies for rich old politicians like Miss Lindsay Graham to pretend to send off to boarding school while they remain chained in his basement so he doesn't get caught with a man his own age in public.

    • @user-s3ts8my2x
      @user-s3ts8my2x 2 года назад +5


    • @michaelbean105
      @michaelbean105 2 года назад +3

      The first 10 words of the very 1st Amendment...

    • @nakedreef
      @nakedreef 2 года назад +6

      Absolutely!!! And personally, I don't think we've done ENOUGH to KEEP them separate.

  • @elizabethbetit6096
    @elizabethbetit6096 2 года назад +604

    There are currently 14,000 children waiting to be adopted in the U.S. and half a million children in the foster care system. There are plenty of children to adopt in the U.S. And WE, women, are not baby factories to be used as Alito, Barrett wants to!!! Shame on them!

    • @virginiaoflaherty2983
      @virginiaoflaherty2983 2 года назад

      I beg to differ, but, haw haw, you are.

    • @squamish4244
      @squamish4244 2 года назад +29

      @@virginiaoflaherty2983 There aren't plenty of children to adopt?

    • @susanford2388
      @susanford2388 2 года назад +19

      Please inform the SC of those figures then perhaps they will have a re-think. Alito, Gorsuch, BKav. ACB all lied about Roe. being settled law. What on earth are the ramifications for their deception & perjury? this is nuts.

    • @lynnrobinson8885
      @lynnrobinson8885 2 года назад +9

      Shame on Coney Barrett as well!!! She has the children she wanted.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...

  • @6ixConfessions
    @6ixConfessions 2 года назад +112

    'Pro-life' is a joke. They're pro-birth, then they wash their hands of it all because they don't want to bother with all the responsibilities that follow. The notion of taking these rights away from the individual is absolutely repugnant.

    • @jasonludwig2488
      @jasonludwig2488 2 года назад

      They're anti-murder, like all functioning healthy societies historically.

    • @6ixConfessions
      @6ixConfessions 2 года назад +1

      @@jasonludwig2488 "Like all functioning healthy societies historically."???
      Please name these particular societies for me so I can have a clear understanding of what you're referring to.

    • @jasonludwig2488
      @jasonludwig2488 2 года назад

      @@6ixConfessions All notably advanced civilizations who've outlawed murder of the innocent.
      I can't believe I had to make that clearer for you. Not surprised, just disappointed.

    • @6ixConfessions
      @6ixConfessions 2 года назад +1

      @@jasonludwig2488 So what's it called when you knowingly force someone into a situation that guarantees their death?

    • @jasonludwig2488
      @jasonludwig2488 2 года назад


  • @annamizzi4718
    @annamizzi4718 2 года назад +168

    I’m an adopted person, (From Bethany adoption services) I need to make it very clear that it’s proven that even at-birth adoptee’s are traumatized the minute they are taken from their mother, even if they can’t remember later on.
    Forcing someone to give birth SOLELY to adopt the kid out damns the child to adoption-caused PTSD, and typically parents who are uneducated in taking care of children with mental health issues (Which then, literally traumatizes the child more)
    It’s trafficking, it’s willful traumatization of children. And the poor birth mothers will never know what they were coerced into doing.

    • @katherinejones850
      @katherinejones850 2 года назад

      Separating children at the border was acceptable to GQP! They are sick! Poor parenting is why the world has such psychos as Putin, trump, et al! Parenting is most important task of a life! Party or govt or court that compound even advocate for making this harder are unconscionable! They do need to keep those profitable private prisons full & expanding ! Is there a more evil, vile, deplorable, disgusting species than humans?

    • @Mutasis_Mutandis
      @Mutasis_Mutandis 2 года назад +1

      I don’t feel sorry for birth mothers.

    • @vanyadolly
      @vanyadolly 2 года назад

      Traumatizing to the babies and to the mothers who very often aren't much older than children themselves. I can't see anyone this benefits except for child-traffickers and wealthy white people who are in need of a "supply" of top-shelf white infants.

    • @angelgirl3188
      @angelgirl3188 2 года назад +15

      I was absolutely thinking the same thing, this is legal trafficking! “Legally kidnapped”!!!!

    • @FuzzyKittenBoots
      @FuzzyKittenBoots 2 года назад +12

      @@Mutasis_Mutandis I don't feel sorry for the infertile and childless.

  • @arjaygee
    @arjaygee 2 года назад +1011

    Interesting. In 2020, the last year for which figures are available, there were 117,470 children in the US waiting to be adopted. Doesn't sound to me like the supply is anywhere near dried up. Granted, they were probably not all infants, but Alito seems to think of this as a supply-and-demand economics problem, rather than as a very private family planning problem. In any case, forcing others to bear unwanted children should not be the solution for rich white families with fertility challenges.

    • @nelliekenny9630
      @nelliekenny9630 2 года назад +114

      They want babies , not children.

    • @brenee1498
      @brenee1498 2 года назад

      @@nelliekenny9630 they want white babies. That's the shortage.

    • @cariwaldick4898
      @cariwaldick4898 2 года назад +55

      It shouldn't be the basis to decide if something is CONSTITUTIONAL or not!

    • @maiiabakhova2474
      @maiiabakhova2474 2 года назад +1

      @@nelliekenny9630 They can adopt non-white infants right away. Let us force them to do it, and the “supply” problem will be solved.

    • @pjg6019
      @pjg6019 2 года назад

      They want white babies

  • @Tawny6702
    @Tawny6702 2 года назад +148

    “Decline in domestic supply of infants for adoption” That line could indeed have come straight out of Hand maids tale!

    • @robdavison3828
      @robdavison3828 2 года назад +8

      It comes from the Catholic Church manual "How to seriously f**k people up".

    • @marycampbell8855
      @marycampbell8855 2 года назад +7

      Agree 100%

    • @elainelouve
      @elainelouve 2 года назад +2


    • @nakedreef
      @nakedreef 2 года назад +1

      I agree. It's really SICK.

  • @rl318
    @rl318 2 года назад +34

    "Domestic supply of infants." Orwell and Huxley never penned anything that cynical and dark as social commentary, but this person is using to justify eliminating women's rights.

  • @theresacarmen9847
    @theresacarmen9847 2 года назад +369

    "Domestic supply" is the scariest term I've heard in a long time,,really makes me feel like the family cow. There needs to be an age limit to government service and an IQ test for them too.

    • @harrietharlow9929
      @harrietharlow9929 2 года назад +24

      Add in some civics classes whilst you're at it.

    • @pugbae
      @pugbae 2 года назад +30

      Fully support the age limit. They need forced retirement from politics at 65.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...
      Just saying, what if they continue down this increasing path of power, all the protests in the world won't stop whatever plans they have. Watch the first season and ask urself, would u really be able to stop any of it? They have all the power and still want so much more. No one is in their way.. look what just happened, with no one in the way. They have too much power and control. They can literally do whatever the heck they want to all of us regular people. Just hope they're not actually planning to take over everything... can u imagine one day waking up, banks all shut down, marriages null n void, wives, girlfriends, all women have to be turned in, cause it's the new law. Well handmaid's tale, started off like this with the powerful azzholes quietly unraveling everything, and our protections. People laugh about it, but look around, they just unraveled something major, based their needs and wants. With a snap of a finger, they flexed and now women are, what? What happens next time they decide to flex? Their word is law, think about it, what they say goes and must be enforced. How much power is too much power?

    • @ariadneschild8460
      @ariadneschild8460 2 года назад +20

      They also need to be checked for empathy and emotional maturity.

    • @ChibiHoshiDragon
      @ChibiHoshiDragon 2 года назад

      This has been happening since time immemorial.
      Dr. Horatio Storer, the originator of Anti-Abortion in America in 1880, argued that whites should be populating the country, including the West and the South. Better them than blacks, Catholics, Mexicans, Chinese or Indians.
      "Shall these regions be filled by our own children or by those of aliens? This is a question our women must answer; upon their loins depends the future destiny of the nation"
      The Creation of the Immigration Act of 1924 similar. Albert Johnson, a racist who lead congress and was Chair of the committee on Immigration and Naturalization, He hired an EXPERT EUGENICS AGENT, Harry Laughlin, who helped craft the Act. They used the Act to retain the American RACIAL makeup of the country from the 1890 - 35 years prior to the Act. There was NO secret that the Act was to PRESERVE the racial composition of the country. Senator Ellison DuRant Smith, stated: "we have sufficient stock in America now for us to shut the door" "we now have sufficient population in our country for us to shut the door and to breed up a pure, unadulterated American citizenship. " " I would like for the Members of the Senate to read that book just recently published by Madison Grant, The Passing of a Great Race. Thank God we have in America perhaps the largest percentage of any country in the world of the pure, unadulterated Anglo-Saxon stock; certainly the greatest of any nation in the Nordic breed. It is for the preservation of that splendid stock that has characterized us that I would make this not an asylum for the oppressed of all countries, but a country to assimilate and perfect that splendid type of manhood that has made America the foremost Nation in her progress and in her power, and yet the youngest of all the nations."

  • @mjkay8660
    @mjkay8660 2 года назад +167

    the real issue isnt about abortion, its about control.

    • @russwhite8872
      @russwhite8872 2 года назад +3


    • @janinecarson8380
      @janinecarson8380 2 года назад +11

      @Drew Rushing That's your opinion. Religions differ in their definition of when life begins. Obviously large numbers of people disagree with you yet you are eager to force your religion-based opinion upon everyone. Fortunately many of us are unwilling to submit quietly to your attempt at control.

    • @sierranevada1265
      @sierranevada1265 2 года назад +10

      @Drew Rushing stop forcing your religious beliefs on others. Nobody wants or needs it. And why is that men or the government are involved in this conversation as neither can become pregnant.

    • @annazeman8521
      @annazeman8521 2 года назад +8

      The issue has always been about control. Men believe that God wants them to control women.

    • @icin4d
      @icin4d 2 года назад +6

      @@annazeman8521 Now I can see why people are saying there is very little difference between republicans and the Taliban. In fact, it appears that the Taliban is a destination for republicans.

  • @chansetwo
    @chansetwo 2 года назад +449

    This reminds of me of the time I heard my Political Science professor tell the class that Ronald Reagan said that people were homeless because they liked living outdoors. Of course I did not believe a US president could say something so ridiculous...until years later when I looked it up.

    • @jackyblevins8724
      @jackyblevins8724 2 года назад +17

      what people say seems so
      OUTLANDISH in these day it boggles mine !! NEVER has supprised me what those kinds of people say !!!

    • @anonmist2529
      @anonmist2529 2 года назад +29

      When Giuliani was mayor he complained about the homeless in New york saying they should go to warm states and be homeless.

    • @jeffalbillar7625
      @jeffalbillar7625 2 года назад +27

      @@anonmist2529 and that's exactly what happened.
      Almost half of the homeless in California aren't from California.
      They came to escape the harsh weather of their home states.

    • @dayseyenavajo3925
      @dayseyenavajo3925 2 года назад +3

      That’s what happened here in California all the homeless we have are from California. Each state should claim them

    • @aquafishcspeia2921
      @aquafishcspeia2921 2 года назад +27

      Imagine teenagers 10 years from now learning about everything Trump tweeted/said on record. 😂
      "He asked about injecting what?"

  • @CCJJ160Channels
    @CCJJ160Channels 2 года назад +275

    Whether this ends up being the actual, final opinion or not, it really shows a frightening look into the justices thought process and legal means to achieve it.

    • @richbrake9910
      @richbrake9910 2 года назад +1

      that's what I thought about 1973. It was mostly based on the feminist movement without regard to existing law.

    • @angelainamarie9656
      @angelainamarie9656 2 года назад +1

      I'm sure neither the witch-hunter's words nor this new 'need' to have a 'domestic supply of infants' are in the Constitution, that's the main thing. These guys are just 'deciderering' things based on their desires, not any kind of accepted legal argument. Really lays plain that conservative 'justices' are just hyper-biased hacks with an agenda.

    • @ksb2112
      @ksb2112 2 года назад +12

      @@richbrake9910 Er, feminists were simply trying to get equal treatment under the law. What are you talking about?

    • @davkatjenn
      @davkatjenn 2 года назад +8

      It only shows just how flawed those people in robes truly can be.

    • @debbiemurphy4813
      @debbiemurphy4813 2 года назад

      Just trying to keep poor people poor. The rich have always had abortions available to them.

  • @crapstirrer
    @crapstirrer 2 года назад +165

    Firstly, Justice Alito framing babies as a supply/demand equation is just despicable.
    Secondly, he's not even correct about adoption rates and children in the foster care system.
    Thirdly, if he was right, conservatives would gleefully shrink funding to foster carers.

    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 2 года назад +9

      He doesn't care if you think it's despicable. In fact, he loves that, because it's a power flex. This whole situation is very sad and very unfortunate.

    • @denisemarcus5633
      @denisemarcus5633 2 года назад

      It's white babies they want. That's why it's a Ukrainian by product and GDP money 💰

    • @JoshSweetvale
      @JoshSweetvale 2 года назад +6

      He's talking about not enough white babies being born, ya doink.

    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 2 года назад

      @Drew Rushing Well, you mine as well scream at the sun for being hot. It's going to happen anyway, just underground. Repealing RvW doesn't magick away abortion. The guy seems to avoid consequences (pretty sweet deal eh!). There's other ways you can do this without banning abortion. Still sounds to me to be just anti-women and up for controlling their bodies. Why do you even want that to happen?

    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 2 года назад

      @@JoshSweetvale Oh yes, exactly. That's his, erm, hill to die on. Wow, what a purpose in life. I see it on his gravestone "even though I'm dead, I think every day about how many white babies aren't being born." Can't give up the fight just because of a pesky thing called deth.

  • @ComradeCatpurrnicus
    @ComradeCatpurrnicus 2 года назад +343

    Wow... he wants to create an adoption industrial complex with women being forced to supply the babies for all the rich and privileged people allowed/wealthy enough to adopt. Sickening.

    • @tracischmidt8593
      @tracischmidt8593 2 года назад +17

      A certain kind of baby?

    • @communitygardener17
      @communitygardener17 2 года назад

      Reminds one of the Russian army stealing Ukrainian children and sending them into Russia where they won't be found by their families.
      And the Catholic church did a line in collecting infants from "unwed mothers" in the cruel Mother and Baby homes and placing the infants with "good" Catholic families.
      We know the underlying goal is the control of women especially control of reproduction.
      This is fascism.

    • @janejohnson6912
      @janejohnson6912 2 года назад +8

      And those who don't want to ruin their bodies to have one. Sicker

    • @margaretvanbrocklin7485
      @margaretvanbrocklin7485 2 года назад +8

      @@heartlesshorseman4202 you do seem to repeat yourself heartless😚

    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 2 года назад +2

      @@heartlesshorseman4202 Not give them the challenge. What if a state laws actually states this (one of those who vote 1006% Republic in perpetuity) in the next few months? What's the plan?

  • @toasttothis7106
    @toasttothis7106 2 года назад +304

    Are we really fixated on selling babies? How low can we go? This is disgusting. Banking on women to get pregnant in hopes that the father flees and the mother can’t provide a life for the baby…sick‼️

    • @rl318
      @rl318 2 года назад

      America has sold people before and they want to go back to the good ole' days, so no surprise.

    • @RexxyRobin
      @RexxyRobin 2 года назад

      Those same ghouls get enraged over the concept of surrogacy.
      So forcing a woman to give birth against her will and with no compensation is fine to them, but someone deciding they would like to carry a baby for a friend is appearantly evil....
      They hate it when women have power over their own destiny.

    • @pisceanqueen1
      @pisceanqueen1 2 года назад +17

      it's especially disgusting when you break it down like that... you're not wrong!! 😮‍💨😒

    • @billsanders5067
      @billsanders5067 2 года назад +1

      How many born again Southern Baptist are willing to adopt mix race children and special needs children?

    • @crystalgeek78
      @crystalgeek78 2 года назад

      And screw all those women who would or will die from pregnancy. Shouldn't have been born a woman, 🤷‍♂️
      As a mother of daughters, I'm already compiling a list of states to not do much as have a layover in. How long before MS takes my menstruating child and locks them up to be a baby factory? After all, m just trying to give her a high quality tertiary education and MS feels it could break her uterus.
      I understand too well the emotions of the mother in beloved when considering sexual slavery may be the future.

  • @LMFAO1357
    @LMFAO1357 2 года назад +82

    That is one of the sickest and disturbing thing I have heard. I feel that woman’s rights are declining world wide, one step forward two steps back. This should be treated as a crime against humanity!!

    • @tab5470
      @tab5470 2 года назад +8

      Thank you for advocating for women right...women right is human...
      Although, abortion would never be my choice...It's not my place to decide for anyone else, except myself.

    • @EchadLevShtim
      @EchadLevShtim 2 года назад

      Killing babies is the Sickest.

    • @5rings16
      @5rings16 2 года назад

      Abortion has never been popular worldwide

  • @uwsgrrrl9981
    @uwsgrrrl9981 2 года назад +316

    Talk about “The Handmaids Tale”, Forcing women to have babies so other women can adopt them. There are plenty of children to adopt in the US & the world.

    • @bukketkid2567
      @bukketkid2567 2 года назад +45

      They don't want children, they want infants. The same way they want to buy a puppy and not a dog. It's real sick.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад +1

      Amen!!! Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...

    • @cynthiacole6140
      @cynthiacole6140 2 года назад +18

      Yes this is straight out of Handmaid's Tale.

    • @paula889
      @paula889 2 года назад +8

      @@artandarchitecture6399 It's sick to try to ensure a steady supply! Don't be deliberately obtuse. It's sick to overlook all of the older children in the foster system as well.

    • @AaaaNinja
      @AaaaNinja 2 года назад +19

      I think what he meant by "domestic supply" is he doesn't want more non-white immigrants brought in through adoptions abroad.

  • @joefernandez7161
    @joefernandez7161 2 года назад +108

    "Domestic supply of infant's" is a phrase straight from The Handmaid's Tale.

    • @wsc1018
      @wsc1018 2 года назад

      Anyone who has not read the book or watched the series should do so. The only thing wrong with the series is that it shows women of color as handmaids. The intent of the policies of Gilead as depicted in the book was to provide white babies for the white ruling class. The book shows that Gilead had other oppressive uses for women of color.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...
      Just saying, what if they continue down this increasing path of power, all the protests in the world won't stop whatever plans they have. Watch the first season and ask urself, would u really be able to stop any of it? They have all the power and still want so much more. No one is in their way.. look what just happened, with no one in the way. They have too much power and control. They can literally do whatever the heck they want to all of us regular people. Just hope they're not actually planning to take over everything... can u imagine one day waking up, banks all shut down, marriages null n void, wives, girlfriends, all women have to be turned in, cause it's the new law. Well handmaid's tale, started off like this with the powerful azzholes quietly unraveling everything, and our protections. People laugh about it, but look around, they just unraveled something major, based their needs and wants. With a snap of a finger, they flexed and now women are, what? What happens next time they decide to flex? Their word is law, think about it, what they say goes and must be enforced. How much power is too much power?

    • @jeremybackup5758
      @jeremybackup5758 2 года назад +6

      I remember when I first watched that show, I'd said to my wife, "No way this could happen in the modern world". Yet here we are, several steps closer to that potential reality.

    • @BlinkinFirefly
      @BlinkinFirefly 2 года назад +1

      @@jeremybackup5758 It's creepy and sickening and definitely a wake up call. I am going to a protest!

  • @TheBHAitken
    @TheBHAitken 2 года назад +366

    "Domestic Supply Of Infants For Adoption"? Isn't that called "Child Trafficking"?

    • @Alperic27
      @Alperic27 2 года назад +14

      No … called ‘good ol’ american business’ … 😂

    • @warrenarthur5629
      @warrenarthur5629 2 года назад

      In definitional terms, no.

    • @fibonaccisequins4637
      @fibonaccisequins4637 2 года назад +27

      @@warrenarthur5629 "The act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harbouring or receiving a person; By means of e.g. coercion, deception or abuse of vulnerability; For the purpose of exploitation, such as sexual exploitation, slavery and forced labour, among others."
      Coercion and deception are actually employed in order to pressure vulnerable women to put their kids up for adoption, especially if they have no other option (such as abortion).

    • @Alperic27
      @Alperic27 2 года назад

      @Drew Rushing you wish …. but that business is totally cornered by right wing religious fundamentalists… they’ve been at it so long .. trying to enter the market would be a complete waste of time… not to mention the issue of having a conscience, which x-tianzealots dont have

    • @evequeseance652
      @evequeseance652 2 года назад +3

      Exactly what does the country do if kids go unadopted?

  • @lapislazarus8899
    @lapislazarus8899 2 года назад +18

    This literally turned my stomach. I was trying to eat dinner, and had to push my plate away. This country is disgusting

    • @guyfuntyme6050
      @guyfuntyme6050 2 года назад

      If it weren't for Russia my fam would move to Europe.

  • @wanderer3004
    @wanderer3004 2 года назад +1146

    We seem to have supply problem with honorable sitting Supreme Court Justices.

    • @samiswilf
      @samiswilf 2 года назад +3

      Alito was saying that instead of killing the life, the woman can instead give it up for adoption. That wouldn't be possible if there were more babies than people willing to adopt. This news reported is misconstruing his words on purpose or she has a low IQ

    • @wanderer3004
      @wanderer3004 2 года назад +40

      @@samiswilf They were aware of that option. Key word being, OPTION. He knew that despite abortion being viewed as a viable option by most of America, 23 states have trigger laws that ban it and conservative governments to force it on those women (38 million). His reasoning is moot.

    • @maiiabakhova2474
      @maiiabakhova2474 2 года назад +38

      @@samiswilf Cows and pigs were alive as well, but you eat them without much thought. You are hypocritical.

    • @xpsxps1339
      @xpsxps1339 2 года назад +31

      @@samiswilf, You wanted to say he (Alito) has a low IQ, I believe. Because only such a person would use that as an argument for overturning Roe.

    • @MISNM0
      @MISNM0 2 года назад +6


  • @imyourhuckleberry1058
    @imyourhuckleberry1058 2 года назад +686

    In the words of George Carlin, Conservatives love protecting the fetus. But once the baby is born, they can care less. Protect women's rights!

    • @LevonAllen13
      @LevonAllen13 2 года назад +39

      They care!!! Where else do you get free labor ? School to prison pipeline has to start in a belly

    • @gersonhay984
      @gersonhay984 2 года назад +12


    • @Dan-ud8hz
      @Dan-ud8hz 2 года назад +19

      Alito's "thinking" reminds me of that black and white picture from the 1940's of a woman on a porch hiding her face in shame while her children are seated on the stoop behind a sign that says "4 CHILDREN FOR SALE INQUIRE WITHIN"

    • @blessedgirly7402
      @blessedgirly7402 2 года назад

      @@LevonAllen13 Don't for get they are running low on children to traffic. Big money there.

    • @PheonixEXE
      @PheonixEXE 2 года назад

      also in the words of George Carlin: conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. who are those warmongers wanting to go to war with around 2040

  • @dopeymark
    @dopeymark 2 года назад +1001

    I'm 60 years old. I have an older cousin who got pregnant relatively young. She was essentially forced to have the baby and then give it away. It was kind of heartbreaking. I never thought I would be living through this crap in my relative old age. Like literally how far should we regress? Should we go back to Kings and castles? Lords and vassals? I want to puke.

    • @ryanweible9090
      @ryanweible9090 2 года назад

      nah, they just want to go back to segregated water fountains, that is the soul of the modern republican. back then they were "southern democrats" and republicans actually fought racial injustice, but post the southern strategy, the gop became the kkk.

    • @agf1700
      @agf1700 2 года назад +126

      The rest of the world is evolving but the U.S. is regressing.

    • @supermikeb
      @supermikeb 2 года назад +113

      @@agf1700 Voting is like driving. D to go foreword, and R to go back.

    • @seanhenry8243
      @seanhenry8243 2 года назад +72

      I mean, we live in late-stage capitalism. I'm pretty sure we already have lords and vassals.

    • @KD-rs6xx
      @KD-rs6xx 2 года назад +9

      No need to exaggerate. Post-Roe, would YOUR State still have legal abortion? Mine would.

  • @diamondsndregs
    @diamondsndregs 2 года назад +12

    Adoptive parents already shop their kids around. I was shocked to learn this, but it's called rehoming, and it is legal in this country. They blame their adopted children's biological parents when behavioral problems arise. So, no, Justice Alito, more supply is not the answer.

  • @adolphesax1982
    @adolphesax1982 2 года назад +405

    “Domestic supply of children”? So Alito compares infants with semiconductors? We do not have a shortage of infants, we have a shortage of caring and loving parents. There are so many babies, born into this world, without loving and supporting parents.

    • @jcurry3school
      @jcurry3school 2 года назад +26

      What you said. Getting tired of certain politicians treating the country like its a business and its people a commodity.

    • @alexanderson4497
      @alexanderson4497 2 года назад

      @@jcurry3school Then become anticapitalist, there is no future where Capitalism is compatible with human kindness. It's purpose is to reap endlessly on a finite planet.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...

    • @AaaaNinja
      @AaaaNinja 2 года назад

      I think what he is no-so-subtly expressing his xenophobia. He doesn't want people adopting from abroad from non-white countries.

    • @kw8295
      @kw8295 2 года назад +7

      @@jcurry3school Then we should start treating our pubic servants and government agents like tools to be used. And when those tools become chipped or unusable then it's time to replace said tools for ones that actually WORK correctly.

  • @fyourmoms1962
    @fyourmoms1962 2 года назад +395

    If they really cared about kids they’d do something to help all children especially the ones that are already born.

    • @courtneyscott5630
      @courtneyscott5630 2 года назад +17


    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...

    • @DarkLightHuntress
      @DarkLightHuntress 2 года назад +21

      And to help the parents trying to raise their kids

    • @champawattieramgopal3328
      @champawattieramgopal3328 2 года назад +1

      They can’t even get healthcare right in this county or find formula anymore.

    • @wintermonroe2894
      @wintermonroe2894 2 года назад +4

      @F you moms ty! I've been expressing this also! 💯💯

  • @Dan-ud8hz
    @Dan-ud8hz 2 года назад +200

    Alito is utterly disgusting for this kind of dehumanization and commodification of human bodies.
    This justification for trying to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling is unequivocally violence against women.

    • @lassemadsen607
      @lassemadsen607 2 года назад +9

      It's straight up eugenics

    • @Ranse213
      @Ranse213 2 года назад +1

      The only disgusting thing I see here is Joy Reid. Her show is watched by nobody. Her ratings prove it)))

    • @leohorishny9561
      @leohorishny9561 2 года назад

      Don’t get sidetracked on his words, he’s merely ONE mealy mouth voice bleating for millions of white Supremacist Christians who have been organizing this movement for decades. It truly is, them against the forces of good, decency, and decent humans.🤬

    • @kellyarnsdorf5083
      @kellyarnsdorf5083 2 года назад +3

      @@lassemadsen607 YES it is.

    • @michaelburk9171
      @michaelburk9171 2 года назад

      Any justice that put the bible before our nations needs to be immediately removed.

  • @shauno3697
    @shauno3697 2 года назад +7

    Help me out. The way I interpret Alito's statement is that by overturning Roe, he's enforcing, promoting, sanctioning, or otherwise contributing to slavery of women through their uterus for the sake of a form of human trafficking. Does that sound like a fair statement and, if so, is there a means to proscecute him criminally, or otherwise remove him from the Supreme Court based on this?

  • @ellaeadig263
    @ellaeadig263 2 года назад +204

    I struggled with infertility for years before giving up on having a baby. I would dearly love a child - but I would NEVER EVER force another woman or a girl to go through with a pregnancy she doesn't want or which is dangerous for her to have. And I think very few women would be comfortable forcing another woman or a girl to do that. This is not the Handmaid's Tale - ladies, we aren't doing this to each other. Men, stop hiding behind our infertility in your quest to reclaim control over womens' bodies. Stop acting like you care about us AND babies - you don't care about either of us. No person who would overturn Roe actually cares about women and babies. Abortion IS healthcare.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...
      Just saying, what if they continue down this increasing path of power, all the protests in the world won't stop whatever plans they have. Watch the first season and ask urself, would u really be able to stop any of it? They have all the power and still want so much more. No one is in their way.. look what just happened, with no one in the way. They have too much power and control. They can literally do whatever the heck they want to all of us regular people. Just hope they're not actually planning to take over everything... can u imagine one day waking up, banks all shut down, marriages null n void, wives, girlfriends, all women have to be turned in, cause it's the new law. Well handmaid's tale, started off like this with the powerful azzholes quietly unraveling everything, and our protections. People laugh about it, but look around, they just unraveled something major, based their needs and wants. With a snap of a finger, they flexed and now women are, what? What happens next time they decide to flex? Their word is law, think about it, what they say goes and must be enforced. How much power is too much power?

    • @kyliepechler
      @kyliepechler 2 года назад +9

      So well said! @Ella Eadig

    • @aparnarajesh
      @aparnarajesh 2 года назад +7

      For me that politico should investigate alito's connections with illegal adoption agency

    • @jimgardner5129
      @jimgardner5129 2 года назад +6

      Well said. But old men don't listen to common sense cuz they already know it all.

    • @kimmichaud7741
      @kimmichaud7741 2 года назад +1

      @@aparnarajesh he probably owns an adoption agency

  • @georgefrancisyoung3702
    @georgefrancisyoung3702 2 года назад +198

    Oh! So the Supreme Court is trying to fix "the Supply" problem? What a pack of Wankers.

  • @rebeccadolashewich7094
    @rebeccadolashewich7094 2 года назад +237

    “Domestic Supply”?! Gross. Only a psychopath would talk in such terms about human beings.

    • @Costplus2255
      @Costplus2255 2 года назад

      The commentator is a liar and is the psychopath.

    • @gingw7333
      @gingw7333 2 года назад


    • @memyname1771
      @memyname1771 2 года назад +2

      Injustice Alito wants to provide a solution to the problem caused on the first day of January 1808, the date when importation of captive Africans became illegal.

    • @phoenixvette
      @phoenixvette 2 года назад +3

      *Sociopath, but yeah, that's how rich people think. Everything is a business opportunity

    • @SayAhh
      @SayAhh 2 года назад

      Make it easier to adopt Ukrainian and Haitian babies.

  • @jenellejessop2454
    @jenellejessop2454 2 года назад +52

    Adopting out her kid against her will is damaging to a woman's emotional health. You grow a kid for 9 months, then give it away with no idea how it's going to be treated.

    • @lovelight9261
      @lovelight9261 2 года назад +6

      Absolutely. It’s heartbreaking. And next they’re going after contraceptives? What a Twight Zone!

    • @rustyweeks1979
      @rustyweeks1979 2 года назад

      So it would be better if she just ripped it out of her body? Killed her child so it wouldn't be hurtful to her? How compassionate...

    • @jenellejessop2454
      @jenellejessop2454 2 года назад +1

      @@rustyweeks1979 I've seen videos where a mom sold her child into prostitution. That is one of the worst forms of suffering I can imagine for a child. Starving to death is another. It is better to end the life of an embryo that doesn't have feelings than to let it suffer so much when it is a fully formed human being.

    • @rustyweeks1979
      @rustyweeks1979 2 года назад

      @@jenellejessop2454 you realize that you're talking about a child, right? Not a puppy or kitten but a human being child. So either way the baby is sacrificed to the god of selfishness.

    • @jansean2497
      @jansean2497 2 года назад +4

      It’s not really about adoption. It’s about insuring a large supply of under advantaged laborers to work for cheap making money for the super rich.

  • @leeannehicks9125
    @leeannehicks9125 2 года назад +167

    "We need more babies to sell!" How is this not human trafficking at it's very worst??

    • @jimbob3030
      @jimbob3030 2 года назад

      How is indoctrinating your children into an authoritarian worshipping cult like christianity not considered grooming, evil, child abuse, and contrary to democracy and freedom?

    • @Redridge07
      @Redridge07 2 года назад +4

      @Leeanne Hicks At its core, not at its worst

    • @joefernandez7161
      @joefernandez7161 2 года назад +1

      Commander Ailito.

    • @chadcarlson9306
      @chadcarlson9306 2 года назад

      Why does the GOP hate women ?
      Why do they want to control women so badly ??

    • @B_Bodziak
      @B_Bodziak 2 года назад

      They believe life begins at conception. What are they going to do about all of the frozen embryos that cannot be destroyed? Start drafting women 18-38yo to be forced surrogates for the millions of unused embryos?

  • @raeelsley2984
    @raeelsley2984 2 года назад +163

    I find the term ,available domestic supply……absolutely DISGUSTING .

    • @umbra9273
      @umbra9273 2 года назад +15

      Just shows how he sees women

    • @sierranevada1265
      @sierranevada1265 2 года назад

      I find Alito and his Neanderthal catholic beliefs disgusting. Another white man who is deciding what is "good" for all women.
      *Massive government intrusion.*

    • @annazeman8521
      @annazeman8521 2 года назад +1

      A phrase in very questionable taste.

  • @chrisester2910
    @chrisester2910 2 года назад +477

    The "domestic supply of infants..." really makes adoption of humans sound a lot like adoption of puppies.
    Please remember that private adoption is big business among religious institutions and results in big bucks for these agencies.

  • @lilid3125
    @lilid3125 2 года назад +12

    I know several people who were adopted. One of them had a happy family. The other two were adopted by awful people that emotionally and physically abused them. Maybe sometimes people cannot have children because they are not meant to have children.

  • @lexxieotter
    @lexxieotter 2 года назад +63

    "Domestic supply of children". These very words puts into perfect focus just what the united States as a whole view people as. Not as people, but as an item. A number. A product

    • @annazeman8521
      @annazeman8521 2 года назад +7

      Don't forget, "A machine" .

    • @shirleyporter7795
      @shirleyporter7795 2 года назад +2

      Our human capital stock is ready to get back to work,” Kevin Hassett .

  • @SC-mp1lh
    @SC-mp1lh 2 года назад +97

    Alito will go down in history as the most evil Supreme Court Judge.

    • @umbra9273
      @umbra9273 2 года назад +4

      No, just a stupid one

    • @ARKdeEREH
      @ARKdeEREH 2 года назад +9

      In fairness, the judges in the Dred Scott decision were pretty bad too, although arguably forcing millions of women to be surrogates against their will could also be considered a form of slavery.

    • @Sephiroth144
      @Sephiroth144 2 года назад +2

      Eh, a ways to go before "most"; he's on the list, but unfortunately, there's some competition.

    • @katherinejones850
      @katherinejones850 2 года назад +2

      So much competition!

  • @JoshDisher
    @JoshDisher 2 года назад +63

    I'm a Forensic Mental Healthcare Worker who works directly with adults who have lived through conditions most people can't even imagine let alone understand.
    Many women I help were abused and molested from extremely young ages and many of them were completely incapable of caring for themselves let alone a baby.
    Many of the children of these women repeat this horrific cycle.
    I currently care for several women who literally thought that death for their children was a better future than living through what they've been through and will be incarcerated for life because of it.
    While it's easy for those of us born into stable families to note all the options available to mothers unable to care for kids it's not so easy for someone who has known only pain and abuse.
    Yes. There are many "unwanted pregnancies" who wind up being healthy successful citizens...
    ...but there are many more who repeat the cycle of abuse and neglect.
    It disgusts me that people on the right will fight so hard to see a baby born and then fight tooth and nail to keep their tax money from going to social services.
    If we cared as much about the mental health of the mother as we do about controlling her body we'd have far fewer people wanting abortions.
    "If it's not your body, it's not your choice. Period."

    • @I_Smell_Like_Beef
      @I_Smell_Like_Beef 2 года назад +5

      Josh, thank you for being an ally to the cause. I only wish more men thought like you.

    • @tjchrist4264
      @tjchrist4264 2 года назад +1

      They are all blind and deaf to all post care of mother and child. In their fantasy world's, these things cannot exist.

    • @ashleyslack5960
      @ashleyslack5960 2 года назад

      It's not your body, it's the body inside your body with their own DNA, their own vital organs, limbs and beating heart. You dont fix trauma with more trauma. If you cannot raise a child, be heroic enough to place them for adoption.

    • @JoshDisher
      @JoshDisher 2 года назад +2

      @@ashleyslack5960 It has nothing to do with you, only the things you believe.

    • @deborahlewandowski3206
      @deborahlewandowski3206 2 года назад +1

      So well said!! Thank you for your insight to a side of this issue that many do not take into consideration. ..

  • @TheNefastor
    @TheNefastor 2 года назад +7

    Well that's one real convoluted way of saying "I'm such a racist I'd rather have more orphans in my country than immigrants". It's transparent, though.

  • @tpboeh
    @tpboeh 2 года назад +131

    So Alito wants to establish a new generation of Handmaidens without all the “overhead” involved? Blessed be the fruit, just don’t burden me with the cultivation! Under His Eye.

    • @amandagardner565
      @amandagardner565 2 года назад

      Alito's Reason For Overturning Roe: Decline In 'Domestic Supply Of Infants' For Adoption.
      just the titles says to me that the Grand Old Pedoph***s need more children to be "adopted" by their followers. (and lost in the system)
      sick and disgusting behaviour from the "law and order" party. smdh

    • @tigerlilly9038
      @tigerlilly9038 2 года назад +9


    • @cirella1064
      @cirella1064 2 года назад +3


    • @evequeseance652
      @evequeseance652 2 года назад +2

      @Drew Rushing what if they don’t want to be born? What if you had the sight to see into the life you’re gonna live before being born? Babies with defects forced to live. They all have a conscious they are human too

    • @piotrtrebisz6602
      @piotrtrebisz6602 2 года назад +6

      This is the reason why Stanislaw Lem stopped writing science-fiction books. He said that it frustrated him that all he wrote always became true

  • @jasonfirewalker3595
    @jasonfirewalker3595 2 года назад +361

    I'm almost 50. Still haven't gotten over being taken from my family and given to strangers. I'll never get over the resentment I feel when I consider the trillions spent on weapons, law enforcement and post-presidential perks while single mothers work 3 jobs to put food on the table.
    How much would it have cost to relieve the financial stress that stripped me of a happy childhood?
    Less than it cost to medicate that trauma I guarantee it.

    • @victoriabaker4400
      @victoriabaker4400 2 года назад +41

      I hear you! While there are many happy adoptee/adoption stories, those stories tend to "whitewash" the ugly realities that many live with.

    • @nonyabizness.original
      @nonyabizness.original 2 года назад +22


    • @edwardmontoya50
      @edwardmontoya50 2 года назад +35

      Our country is wealthy enough to ensure every person has basic income and housing but our country chooses to spend that money on defense and corporate welfare

    • @erinmcdonald7781
      @erinmcdonald7781 2 года назад +21

      Truth! Without knowing the details, I know this country, with all its "family values," doesn't care about struggling parents and children. We have such potential with all the resources and people here. If money was turned toward enterprises supporting families, education, healthcare, environment, etc., what a country this would be!

    • @alwayssomething8344
      @alwayssomething8344 2 года назад +12

      So sorry that you had to go through that. They don’t care about human life or they wouldn’t be the ones who Always vote no to help kids in need with food, daycare, clothes, healthcare, etc. they are evil beings

  • @drakefire6675
    @drakefire6675 2 года назад +416

    I'm guessing he wants adopting people to ignore the thousands of none infant children that currently need loving homes in our adoption system.

    • @locustjohn3865
      @locustjohn3865 2 года назад +43

      They already ignore them.

    • @TD_YT066
      @TD_YT066 2 года назад +1

      Infants apparently lose their 'freshness' more than one month after birth and the fetus lovers won't adopt them any more.

    • @amandagardner565
      @amandagardner565 2 года назад

      Alito's Reason For Overturning Roe: Decline In 'Domestic Supply Of Infants' For Adoption.
      just the titles says to me that the Grand Old Pedoph***s need more children to be "adopted" by their followers. (and lost in the system)
      sick and disgusting behaviour from the "law and order" party. smdh

    • @squirrel8185
      @squirrel8185 2 года назад +32

      I was thinking the same thing. All these people want babys, but what about the older kids that need familys.

    • @TheBiggestMoronYouKnow
      @TheBiggestMoronYouKnow 2 года назад

      @@squirrel8185 they want white amor Asian babies because racial stereotypes. I feel so bad for the Asian kids being used as trophies by white people

  • @alanfriesen9837
    @alanfriesen9837 2 года назад +6

    To think that out of one side of their mouth they talk about the sanctity of human life while referring to that life out of the other side of their mouth as a commodity for purchase, what a remarkable disconnect? I want to respect the points of view of those I disagree with, but things like this make it nearly impossible.

  • @louisanow
    @louisanow 2 года назад +199

    Literally thousands of young lives still go unadopted in the foster care system. Also, remember the long history of baby selling profits in red state areas. Many churches were involved in those rings, and one of the worst was in W TN.

    • @umbra9273
      @umbra9273 2 года назад +20

      That's why no one should take churches seriously in any matters of morality

    • @charisma-hornum-fries
      @charisma-hornum-fries 2 года назад +9

      But the upper class women can’t pretend to their friends and families that they carried they kids themselves or brag about their “good hearts” in saving that poor indefensible baby.

    • @Kimmie9553
      @Kimmie9553 2 года назад +9

      The issue is that adoptive parents want infants. Toddlers and especially older kids aren’t wanted. There aren’t enough infants in the foster system and too many older kids, according to “demand”. That’s why so many go unadopted

    • @thomasparkin259
      @thomasparkin259 2 года назад +6

      The younger the child the easier it is to 'raise them right'.

    • @Theomite
      @Theomite 2 года назад

      @Louisa Now I believe you but I want citations for my own research.

  • @lateare
    @lateare 2 года назад +306

    I’m really hating people who think it’s ok for them to force women to carry a full term unwanted pregnancy. Not only on the emotional issues with both mother and child, but the physical changes in mom, many times can’t be reversed.

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 года назад +43

      Some of them want to force the woman to carry the baby even if the mothers life is in jeopardy.

    • @dennisball4699
      @dennisball4699 2 года назад +26

      @@nosuchthing8, yes, because they say it's Gods will. Ban religion.

    • @rayl3441
      @rayl3441 2 года назад +3

      @@dennisball4699 if you want to silence people's speech, why not start with your own? You have no right to steal another person's rights.

    • @r.coffman1431
      @r.coffman1431 2 года назад

      @@rayl3441 not speech, just old testament rhetoric that perpetuates this idiotic mentality that women must be controlled by men, and have no control over themselves. Ban the bible

    • @patriciaaznavourian3014
      @patriciaaznavourian3014 2 года назад +4

      @@dennisball4699 don't ban religion ban the specific people proposing these crazy ideas such as Alito

  • @midori9566
    @midori9566 2 года назад +269

    Not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I get the impression that one of the reasons is the declining birth rate which means there’s less bodies to send to war or prop up constant “growth.” I went through foster care myself and for THAT to be the reason is disgusting. If this is the way the country is heading I’m glad I never planned to have kids.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...
      Just saying, what if they continue down this increasing path of power, all the protests in the world won't stop whatever plans they have. Watch the first season and ask urself, would u really be able to stop any of it? They have all the power and still want so much more. No one is in their way.. look what just happened, with no one in the way. They have too much power and control. They can literally do whatever the heck they want to all of us regular people. Just hope they're not actually planning to take over everything... can u imagine one day waking up, banks all shut down, marriages null n void, wives, girlfriends, all women have to be turned in, cause it's the new law. Well handmaid's tale, started off like this with the powerful azzholes quietly unraveling everything, and our protections. People laugh about it, but look around, they just unraveled something major, based their needs and wants. With a snap of a finger, they flexed and now women are, what? What happens next time they decide to flex? Their word is law, think about it, what they say goes and must be enforced. How much power is too much power?

    • @AStri-zg5xc
      @AStri-zg5xc 2 года назад +21

      There's 8B people in this world.....not enough? The planet is over run and can't sustain this high a population....AND THE US THINKS WE NEED MORE? Oh come on..

    • @entropy8634
      @entropy8634 2 года назад +2

      @@AStri-zg5xc age. If huge portion of that 8 billion are older, they'll eventually retire, leaving the younger ones to take the economic burden of taking care of them. Thus it's beneficial of old folks to force the birth and treat women as cattle

    • @celesteg5802
      @celesteg5802 2 года назад

      No, you're not crazy--that was one of my first thoughts after the leak too. They want to force more people to be born so they can profit off abusing those people just like they profit off abusing currently alive Americans.

    • @barbaramaroney6890
      @barbaramaroney6890 2 года назад +2

      I don't believe this. This guy has another reason unless he has money involved with the adoption of perfect babies.

  • @daniellecormier2060
    @daniellecormier2060 2 года назад +12

    This is exactly why I appreciate Joy Reid. I can always count on her to forward the unifying core analysis, essential to the whole. Whenever she puts her thinking hat on, I come away with an understanding that forever impacts my analysis. In this way Joy is not merely a reporter but a teacher and a mentor. Thank you Joy ❤️

  • @dansnell5774
    @dansnell5774 2 года назад +74

    You know, if Alito hates protests outside his house so much, he can just move to a different state

    • @angelainamarie9656
      @angelainamarie9656 2 года назад +6

      He can just resign too. We won't miss him.

    • @TheAureliac
      @TheAureliac 2 года назад +3

      @@angelainamarie9656 Better still!

    • @deborahlewandowski3206
      @deborahlewandowski3206 2 года назад

      Better yet, make him GTFO of this country because he doesn't believe in democracy or human rights...let him go to Russia, North Korea, or China... he'd fit right in

  • @maggieobrien7280
    @maggieobrien7280 2 года назад +64

    ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY! it costs about 40 to 50 thousand to adopt a baby in the us! i knew selling babies had to be behind this!

  • @jenkor513
    @jenkor513 2 года назад +71

    Wow, I didn't know infants were considered a domestic product.

    • @deborahlewandowski3206
      @deborahlewandowski3206 2 года назад +8

      They are if there's money to be made off them...

    • @Gem-n-life
      @Gem-n-life 2 года назад

      Their terminology changes with intent. It’s an unborn child at conception until birth. Once born, the child is now a domestic product.

    • @annazeman8521
      @annazeman8521 2 года назад

      Sometimes. That is what much of this whole discussion is about.

  • @bizzyg5751
    @bizzyg5751 2 года назад +8

    Rather than "domestic" supply of children, he meant "commercial" supply of children. Unwanted children everywhere, if they aren't seen as nuisances, they are seen as a cheap supply of second class citizens when they are adults.

  • @inthefray4279
    @inthefray4279 2 года назад +239

    The problem is that those who supposedly want to adopt children want customized children. There are no shortage of children available for adoption but they may be older or minority children or have physical, mental or physiological issues so they are rejected outright by those prospective adoptive parents. It is really saying something about Justice Alito when he believes that the lack of domestic infants for adoption is a valid reason to overturn Roe v Wade or that this is the most important issues facing America right now.

    • @yarazooom
      @yarazooom 2 года назад +23

      absolutely true. there are MILLIONS of 'unwanted' children crying themselves to sleep tonight. AND what about the crisis in 'domestic supply' of INFANT FORMULA happening RIGHT NOW, today. family planning is humane way to preserve the life of the CHILDREN we already have not a plan to murder fetuses.

    • @agravery223
      @agravery223 2 года назад +7

      Thanks for pointing that out because so many people act like everyone wants any type of child. Nope!!!
      Ain't nobody itching to get older kids or minority kids in foster care. I wish those stats where put in the faces of the people always spouting about adoption.

    • @kpstl26
      @kpstl26 2 года назад

      There are millions of children available for totally free adoption through child and family services. They don't want them, they want brand new white infants. How sick to think some weirdos desire to play house with a baby is more important than the rights of women to not be a brood mare.

    • @rdbeckett590
      @rdbeckett590 2 года назад

      It just makes no sense it sounds like they only want lots of white babies read-between the lines

    • @rdbeckett590
      @rdbeckett590 2 года назад +4

      @@RoyalCrown133 and disgusting 🤮

  • @IronBrownGuy
    @IronBrownGuy 2 года назад +845

    People will have more kids if being financially stable was more attainable. Forcing people to have babies for adoption is draconian. Maybe create laws that help parents in need raise their kids. Or idk pay living wages for a person's time. Would definitely make things seem more conducive to having a kid if they knew the struggle wouldn't cripple their life. As a proud parent I think children are miracles and our Future. But as a citizen I never want to see a women or anyone for that matter (suffer) keep abortion safe for our mothers.

    • @squirrel8185
      @squirrel8185 2 года назад +72

      As someone who just bought a house I can tell you it's 100x harder then it was just 20 years ago. It is almost impossible to crawl your way out of poverty these days.
      edit: wow. never got a respons like this on a coment before.

    • @louisecollard2320
      @louisecollard2320 2 года назад

      In the old days, (around the 60s or 70s) that was known as welfare, bad bad word. Manchin referred to the child care act as a drug fund. What's the answer to setting these highly ignorant people who are holding highly important jobs, get smartened up. These theories have been embedded in these pea brain minds since they learned to read. Apparently they haven't kept up with times, their thought processes are stuck back in the pre 1900s. I could not agree to vote or suggest that a person with this flaw to be put in charge of anything closely related to making any decisions on how one should hang the moon out at night.

    • @SlowhandGreg
      @SlowhandGreg 2 года назад +53

      @@squirrel8185 if you take a median house price from 1960 and adjust it for inflation a house would cost today $115,500 it actually costs $375,000
      Conversely a McDonald's worker would be on $25 per hour a lot of its down to Reganomics and Republican fiscal policy on regressive taxation but you can't tell people that don't want to listen

    • @madshorn5826
      @madshorn5826 2 года назад

      Having kids is great, but more kids isn't necessarily better.
      We are nearing 9 billion humans on this planet. If we spread out evenly across all available landmass, including Antarctica, we could shout to our neighbors and be heard and understood. We do not need more humans.
      Neither a one-child policy nor abortion bans is what the world needs right now.
      Make abortion legal and start a global UBI and the overpopulation will go down naturally.
      Oh, and a abortion ban doesn't decrease anything but _safe_ abortions.

    • @sprig5173
      @sprig5173 2 года назад +14

      Australia paid a baby bonus for a while which was very successful.

  • @jeremyfryar3424
    @jeremyfryar3424 2 года назад +187

    I feel like anyone who wants to restrict someone else’s rights should not be allowed to be a state or federal politician, and shouldn’t be a judge either.

    • @hazzard5011
      @hazzard5011 2 года назад +1


    • @patriciamartin6756
      @patriciamartin6756 2 года назад

      Oh yes. But these lawmakers need to be reminded they have no control over what women do. That's why there is going to be a revolution

    • @andrewilliams6367
      @andrewilliams6367 2 года назад

      @Nicholas Time see you have been fully brainwashed it seems. No one has EVER tried to stop gun rights or peoples rights to guns. They have tried to decrease the ease of just ANYONE getting there hands on a gun. Obviously every person on this planet is. It sane or have good intentions. Why would we want those people to have easier access to a gun? Just why?

    • @orionishi6737
      @orionishi6737 2 года назад

      @Nicholas Time Quit choosing to be ignorant.

    • @bradleyward124
      @bradleyward124 2 года назад +2

      @Nicholas Time I feel like gun rights is a very unique set of rights.

  • @sevionmelidan1682
    @sevionmelidan1682 2 года назад +6

    So his argument is, "too many kids grow up with someone to love them, I think we need to change that."

  • @berthabridges3483
    @berthabridges3483 2 года назад +243

    "You never knew what it is to be a slave; to be entirely unprotected by law or custom; to have the laws reduce you to the condition of a chattel, entirely subject to the will of another. You never exhausted your ingenuity in avoiding the snares, and eluding the power of a hated tyrant; you never shuddered at the sound of his footsteps, 👣 and trembled within hearing of his voice."
    ~ Harriet Jacobs (Linda Brent) (1813-1897) -- Escaped slave who wrote "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl." ✨️

    • @jandrews6254
      @jandrews6254 2 года назад +15

      🎼everything old is new again🎶

    • @dragonfox2.058
      @dragonfox2.058 2 года назад +11

      now apply that to women

    • @JoshSweetvale
      @JoshSweetvale 2 года назад +13

      "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand." - G'kar formerly of Narn, now a refugee.
      Ukranians can shoot their enemies. We have to talk with ours. Which- okay, fine. But freedom can be _regained._

    • @dragonfox2.058
      @dragonfox2.058 2 года назад

      @@JoshSweetvale religion has held us hostage for centuries. there comes a point when it's too late and that point is rapidly approaching while we fight each other in distraction

    • @DimaRakesah
      @DimaRakesah 2 года назад +19

      "Shuddered at the sound of his footsteps" I felt that like a punch to the gut.

  • @suzanneporter2936
    @suzanneporter2936 2 года назад +130

    I love your program. As a 72-year-old white woman in blood red Montana, I get strength and hope for American women and girls from your strength, intelligence, and brilliant reporting/commentary skills. Thank you for being the great woman and journalist you are.

  • @akinnon2000
    @akinnon2000 2 года назад +49

    What a ghoulish, creepy, bone chilling reason.

  • @namehere5675
    @namehere5675 2 года назад +11

    Ensure healthcare, housing, healthy environment, good wages, and generally make people feel like this is a good place to raise children then a “ domestic supply of children “ won’t be a problem. But they’d prefer to push more people through the meat grinder instead. To heck with improving general quality of life.

  • @davidweaver189
    @davidweaver189 2 года назад +31

    If ANY church enters into plolitical debate should be stripped on their tax exempt status immediately

    • @paulathepoodlelover
      @paulathepoodlelover 2 года назад +1

      Yes, I agree with you and it's just a guess but your remark suggests that you don't attend any church for they ALL suggest who to vote for and whom to vote against these days. And ALL churches support the rabid red base because that's who pays their wages. It's not just the Evangelical ones or the Catholic ones, it's every one of those who support the old white sky god.

    • @sidjohnson9413
      @sidjohnson9413 2 года назад

      You can actually report to the IRS when and if a church starts discussing politics and they will start taxing them- I forget what it’s called though

  • @scrumtrellecent
    @scrumtrellecent 2 года назад +102

    "I don’t want this old white guy telling me what to do with my body.”
    Kellyanne Conway without any irony in response to comments of pro-choice Senator Chuck Schumer, May 6, 2022

    • @timbrwolf1121
      @timbrwolf1121 2 года назад +11

      Did...Did Kellyanne really say that? Sometimes she says things that feel like a glitch in the matrix, but really?

    • @hellovicki6779
      @hellovicki6779 2 года назад

      I hate saying this but I bet if the records of abortions were audited there would be thousands listed, where these same 'Christian hypocrites' made use of the right to an abortion, while continuing to preach their nonsense. Christian fanatics, they are absurd. They better hope such data is not hacked.

    • @charisma-hornum-fries
      @charisma-hornum-fries 2 года назад +5

      Why am I not surprised ?

    • @paulgibbon5991
      @paulgibbon5991 2 года назад +2

      You may also notice that there's a big overlap between forced-birth advocates and the people who screamed "my body my choice!" when it came to vaccinations.

    • @scrumtrellecent
      @scrumtrellecent 2 года назад +1

      @@timbrwolf1121 yup...look up "kellyanne conway chuck schumer" first and second should show it on guugle.

  • @yousayso
    @yousayso 2 года назад +59

    What?! He can’t be serious. This is UNBELIEVABLE
    It’s as if women will be forced to give birth to supply the “UNWANTED BABY MARKET.”
    I’m absolutely stunned 😳

    • @vanessawinston5503
      @vanessawinston5503 2 года назад +5

      Handmaid's tale...

    • @sisuguillam5109
      @sisuguillam5109 2 года назад +3

      Sounds like decree 770 will soon become american law. Check out how that worked out for Romania.

    • @gingergreen5986
      @gingergreen5986 2 года назад +2

      There are for profit private corporations running foster care and adoption systems states like Florida.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...

  • @rochelle2000
    @rochelle2000 2 года назад +3

    Not for adoption. Just supply in general: enough bodies to fill the demand for low-paid labor.

  • @sjenkins91812
    @sjenkins91812 2 года назад +186

    Just suggesting that we need a domestic supply of young infants is incredibly disturbing. To say we need a supply of infant babies for parents who don't want to adopt the many other children over 2 is even more disgusting!

    • @edcrayzys3853
      @edcrayzys3853 2 года назад +7

      I wouldn't be surprised if gaetz is harvesting these kids for future proms

    • @ranran3902
      @ranran3902 2 года назад +1

      Romanian 1966

    • @sjenkins91812
      @sjenkins91812 2 года назад +5

      @Ron Paul’s Cousin
      I don't know what you're talking about, but plenty of older kids get successfully adopted when given the chance, my 4 oldest siblings included. Regardless of whether any new "parents" decide they can't handle the inevitability that is the baggage of any and all child rearing, that does not make it ok for anyone to expect a consistent supply of fresh toddlers on demand for these people whenever the adoption mood strikes! Children are not a product you can control the supply and demand of!

    • @meredithheath5272
      @meredithheath5272 2 года назад +3

      Sjenkins: EXACTLY RIGHT.

    • @sjenkins91812
      @sjenkins91812 2 года назад +2

      @Ron Paul’s Cousin
      Except you know that isn't right, otherwise it'd be your comment we were reading here. There shouldn't be what's considered a "supply" for children to adopt in the first place.

  • @zebrafinch12
    @zebrafinch12 2 года назад +109

    He wants infants just for adoption? That's sick

  • @edh7071
    @edh7071 2 года назад +25

    I'm sorry... I am a child of the 1950s. My Grandmother had to explain to me when I was seven why some kids in my 2nd grade class were picking on a black kid who transferred into my school. He was the first black person I'd ever seen (except in movies).
    I had currently been reading "Huckleberry Finn" (I was an "advanced" reader for my age) and there was a big fuss over Huck and Jim being friends. My Grandmother (bless her) told me that the color of a person's skin was no guide to the kind of person they were. Some people have red hair, and some people have brown, and some people are blonde... and it's the same with skin color. I feel so bad for those poor white people who were so radically tainted in their belief systems at such a young age.

  • @mikecheslock3542
    @mikecheslock3542 2 года назад +3

    Ignoring everything wrong with this statement, since when is it the courts responsibility to enact policy in response to any supply chain shortage, let alone a policy that robs people of their rights?

  • @albertvnguyen
    @albertvnguyen 2 года назад +104

    "domestic supply of children" this is not a court ruling but litteraly the supreme court making policy.

    • @Tao_Tology
      @Tao_Tology 2 года назад

      White republicans love telling the country what to do.

    • @tempgirl00711
      @tempgirl00711 2 года назад

      Everybody better wake up, their working towards, The Handmaid's Tale. If u don't believe me Google the book or watch the show. Guys just like these took control and power over everything, by starting off just like this. The first season will scare the holy shyt outta u. No lie. Once they took over, all this protesting crap was over.
      fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
      I don't read this type of genre, but the first few episodes of this show as a woman, kinda gave me friggin chills. Some will say, nah it can't happen or won't. But look around, lots of things r still happening that many said would never happen.... They have too much power and control. For any women out there, u need to watch at least the first season and let me know if it scared ur azz the same way it did mine. And the parallels between these powerful azzholes and those ...
      Just saying, what if they continue down this increasing path of power, all the protests in the world won't stop whatever plans they have. Watch the first season and ask urself, would u really be able to stop any of it? They have all the power and still want so much more. No one is in their way.. look what just happened, with no one in the way. They have too much power and control. They can literally do whatever the heck they want to all of us regular people. Just hope they're not actually planning to take over everything... can u imagine one day waking up, banks all shut down, marriages null n void, wives, girlfriends, all women have to be turned in, cause it's the new law. Well handmaid's tale, started off like this with the powerful azzholes quietly unraveling everything, and our protections. People laugh about it, but look around, they just unraveled something major, based their needs and wants. With a snap of a finger, they flexed and now women are, what? What happens next time they decide to flex? Their word is law, think about it, what they say goes and must be enforced. How much power is too much power?

    • @albertvnguyen
      @albertvnguyen 2 года назад +3

      @@tempgirl00711 yo, i don’t need to read the handsmaid’s tale, it happened before in the world…

    • @Tao_Tology
      @Tao_Tology 2 года назад

      And republicans, here, are not interested in forcing women to carry more pregnancies * in general * to term.
      They want more * white * women to be forced to carry more * white * pregnancies to term.

    • @mariegarside8830
      @mariegarside8830 2 года назад +1

      Children are not merchandise !

  • @forktailedDevilP-38J91
    @forktailedDevilP-38J91 2 года назад +39

    Why the actual F do we neeed a supply of infants for adoption ?! That is psychotic!!

  • @jlighter1
    @jlighter1 2 года назад +243

    “Domestic supply of infants”
    Weird how this refers only to potential adoptees in a _very_ narrow window of life. And yet there’s no mention of helping these prospective parents to adopt, say, an older child? Do we just not care about the “domestic supply” of toddlers through teenagers? Are they “too much work” because of the trauma and abuse they may have suffered? Are they “less deserving of love” than an infant 0-30 days old? Do we just not want to deal with people whose opinions we haven’t entirely molded to fit our own? No wonder people say our foster care system is screwed up.
    Have the same issue with people who look down on rescue dogs and get designer puppies instead. I’ve heard all of this nonsense in that arena as well, and it’s just as bs here as it is there.

    • @jacquelinegaille6697
      @jacquelinegaille6697 2 года назад +16

      I agree with you. Strange wording. Are we talking about dog or kids? Shame on Alito.

    • @colleendavidson1820
      @colleendavidson1820 2 года назад +9

      Designer dogs, back in the day we called them mutts, but they were good dogs and loved you unconditionally.

    • @christinef7739
      @christinef7739 2 года назад

      Many couples, not just the woman, want an infant to raise. They don't want an older child. I can understand the desire for a newborn but the idea that this woman over here is going to forced to have a baby and then give it to that woman over there is abhorrent. At this point I feel that people who continue to vote for Republicans are just as abhorrent! We are heading for a theocracy and I find that frightening.

    • @yarazooom
      @yarazooom 2 года назад

      what about the ''domestic supply' of INFANT FORMULA that is panicking every new born & their parents. TODAY. these ppl want us to go back to the DARK AGES.

    • @ranran3902
      @ranran3902 2 года назад +2

      Romanian 1966

  • @marvissmith4588
    @marvissmith4588 2 года назад +4

    What the problem is, that there is a shortage of babies, not children, to adopt. If there was truly a shortage of children to adopt, orphanages and children's homes would be nearly non-existent. Adoption agencies were never meant to be businesses.

  • @andreasplosky8516
    @andreasplosky8516 2 года назад +28

    "Alito's Reason For Overturning Roe: Decline In 'Domestic Supply Of Infants' For Adoption"
    Makes sense. Abusing women as breeding machines is a long-standing tradition among theocrats.

  • @gm9075
    @gm9075 2 года назад +44

    'Domestic supply of infants'. Sounds like something someone would say when they're ordering stock for a cleaning company. 'Looks like we're running out of Draino, Amy. Better get some more in..' What a guy....

  • @adrianlibis1197
    @adrianlibis1197 2 года назад +38

    So Alito doesn't even bother to hide the fact that he wants breeding slaves.... Seriously, is there a reason his head isn't decorating a pike right now?

    • @DarkEdgePrince
      @DarkEdgePrince 2 года назад

      Because there are too many in the silent majority that are too weak to act with violence. They fear for their lives above all else, the cowards!

  • @mikecheslock3542
    @mikecheslock3542 2 года назад +3

    Also, the supply isn't the issue. Most people who would be willing and/or want to adopt can't afford to.

    • @rosameryrojas-delcerro1059
      @rosameryrojas-delcerro1059 2 года назад

      Or would never be allowed to. Single woman for example are not allowed to. I was born infertile and at one time wanted to adopt. Unfortunately, marriage was never a priority for me so I knew I would never be considered suitable. I also know that the cost would also make adoption unattainable, but still, single people who would love to raise children are also disregarded.

  • @faeriegoth
    @faeriegoth 2 года назад +111

    I despise and detest that these people think because they wear a robe that they have the right to push their personal and political and religious beliefs on everyone else. I also think that they should be taken off the Supreme Court because they all literally lied about their position just to get confirmed. And since they lied about it I believe that they should never hold any office of any sort with any type of power, not even as a stockroom supervisor, ever again

    • @faeriegoth
      @faeriegoth 2 года назад

      @Drew Rushing a lot of us are responsible and accountable for our actions. Thanks. You're right that murder is a crime but if it is a bunch of mass of cells that doesn't even have a heartbeat yet or doesn't have a developed brain it is chemical reaction is all it is and even sew a woman has the right to her own body autonomy regardless of what you think. It does deal with religion because all these male Republicans are the ones that keep passing and making these asinine laws to try to govern what we think what we feel and what we believe. You proved my point of religion exactly by being offended by what I've been saying and using your personal and or religious opinion to tell me that abortion is murder in the story and it doesn't matter if the woman's life is at risk

    • @angelainamarie9656
      @angelainamarie9656 2 года назад +1

      I think the Supreme Court should be in completely replaced by a different set of Institutions and that there should never be one tiny Elite group of people who can just make decisions like this for the rest of us

    • @angelainamarie9656
      @angelainamarie9656 2 года назад +8

      @Drew Rushing fetuses aren't people, groomer. Aborting a pregnancy is not murder. Just because a groomer like you says so does not make it true

    • @michaelrief4424
      @michaelrief4424 2 года назад +1

      The Supreme Court is almost like the Wizard of Oz with the Justices wearing robes and hiding behind the Curtain and passing out their rulings like the High and Mighty OZ.
      It appears that the Justices get into that position and they soon get Way Too Big for their own pants.

    • @kuistancfraine3488
      @kuistancfraine3488 2 года назад


  • @Iquey
    @Iquey 2 года назад +240

    We need to find out who is paying them off, likely from a for profit adoption industry. Start with Bethany Christian Services, and all their affiliates.

    • @bestgrandma8302
      @bestgrandma8302 2 года назад

      Texas privatized the foster system the same time they made the bounty abortion law.

    • @detroitewarren
      @detroitewarren 2 года назад

      Find out, and do what? None if yall are talking about what needs to happen and these people have done everything necessary to deserve to be put in a wooden box. Flat out. Thete is no legislative solution. These people are dedicated to breaking this country for their evil desire of white supremacy. These people are the scum of this earth abd they need to be treated like it.

    • @kyliepechler
      @kyliepechler 2 года назад +10


    • @clairedeiotte8898
      @clairedeiotte8898 2 года назад

      Or Maxine G. And her black book. You know the one that Groomed girls fir Jeffery. Tgey ate trafficking. Look at Cruz.

    • @Babyluthi
      @Babyluthi 2 года назад +10

      This! Follow the money!

  • @sunday-tea9853
    @sunday-tea9853 2 года назад +30

    I don’t see anything wrong with protesting in front of their houses. They lied and lied, should get some discomfort for that at the minimum.

  • @seanoconnor5713
    @seanoconnor5713 2 года назад +2

    Watching this very accurately framed piece is bittersweet. It is amazing the level of historical context that has developed among us and is accepted without toxic defensiveness, but on the other hand there has never been this large a numver of people who not only dont acknowledge humanity but who are actively and successfully subverting it in a way that would be merely embarassing were it not for the extreme suffering and the aloof pride that the bullies exhibit.

  • @ladyviking
    @ladyviking 2 года назад +64

    Adoption is REALLY EXPENSIVE!! You have to have a good amount of money just to qualify, then there are fees and fees and other fees. Maybe this is about making money off pregnancies.

    • @catlady443
      @catlady443 2 года назад +13

      If course it is. It's always about money with the Republicans. "Follow the money"

    • @mrsdraper171
      @mrsdraper171 2 года назад +4

      Of course it is.

    • @DimaRakesah
      @DimaRakesah 2 года назад +2

      Any wonder so many adoption agencies are religious organizations?

    • @sarahnade8663
      @sarahnade8663 2 года назад +3

      Well they're evangelicals, they see themselves as above you as they believe god specifically ordained them to be the lords of all.

    • @DimaRakesah
      @DimaRakesah 2 года назад

      @@sarahnade8663 This is a good point. Their supposed moral superiority is simply a justification to do whatever they believe is necessary in their war on the secular world. How far will the zealous go in order to advance their religion? History paints a grim picture.

  • @nannettecouch1945
    @nannettecouch1945 2 года назад +30

    This issue needs to be on the federal ballot! I'm so tired of being ruled by an insane minority!

  • @melaniemaec1
    @melaniemaec1 2 года назад +77

    I am adopted and always wanted to please my parent’s but as soon as my father died my religious mother disowned me. It broke my heart. I knew another religious family who adopted a 4 year old boy and when he was 14 they decided he was too much trouble and sent him back. Got to love Religious people. Needless to say I believe in abortion and definitely NOT ADOPTION!

    • @TheWBWoman
      @TheWBWoman 2 года назад +6

      I'm sorry you went through that. You deserved loving parents. Infants are not products and some Adoptive parents should never be parents.

    • @Nocturnalux
      @Nocturnalux 2 года назад +6

      In my country, Portugal, nuns in the island region of the Azores would sell babies of unwed mothers or of families that were too poor, to America.
      The families went along with it, not just because they could not afford to feed another child and because they received very needed money but also because the nuns promised them that America was the land of plenty and the children would be better off in the long run.
      Unfortunately, this was not always the case. These children were white, yes, but not Anglo-Saxon. They were often “swarthy” by racially obsessed standards.
      So when these couples did end up conceiving naturally, the white child literally replaced the adopted one who was sent to foster care.
      Meanwhile, the birth parents remained unaware of any of this and sure their kid was living “the American dream” and had plenty of eat, a nice house, maybe even siblings.
      It was a shameful practice but needless to say, not exclusive to the Azores. Nuns did an even more profitable business, literally selling babies, in Ireland. In these cases, it was often done against the unwed mother’s will, too.

    • @eileensoderstrom5512
      @eileensoderstrom5512 2 года назад

      So sorry for your experience

    • @capricornvg
      @capricornvg 2 года назад

      Would you have preferred to have been aborted?

  • @amberkat8147
    @amberkat8147 2 года назад +3

    I would like to point out these things:
    1. People who give up custody of ANY of their children, for ANY reason, are automatically considered unfit parents and can have all their kids taken away. So that mother of 2 or 3 who can't feed another child? Yeah, now you've got 3 or 4 kids in the foster care system, only one of which is at that desirable baby age.
    2. We have NO national, non-religious adoption organization, most are run by religious groups, and they are free to pick and choose who gets to adopt based on their religious criteria.
    3. Women who plan to put their babies up for adoption are not guaranteed compensation for the pain and danger of childbirth or for their quite considerable medical bills, nor are they guaranteed they won't be fired for being pregnant.
    This plan would force women to carry to term at their own risk, both physical and financial, possibly including losing custody of all children they already have regardless of how much they love them and how hard they are trying to provide for them, with zero upside to them, all so that a Christian adoption agency can take their child and place it with a "good Christian family," cutting out all others from being able to adopt. And since it'll be forced, there will be no reason to change that. They won't be able to refuse, so why give them a carrot or even use a thinner stick?
    This whole thing is heinous and wrong. It is skewed, exploitative, and doesn't guarantee anyone's freedom of or from religion. And that's not even counting all the women who will die from miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies or other issues like preeclampsia that weren't treated in time because it's not legal to treat them in a timely manner and the women who will end up in prison because they couldn't prove a miscarriage was just a miscarriage. If Roe had never happened, I could be in prison right now for the two miscarriages I had. But really, I wouldn't exist at all. The doctors wouldn't have dared remove me from mom when she was dying from preeclampsia toxemia because they expected me to not survive it. So we'd have both died, mom wouldn't have gone on to have 2 more kids, and Dad would have been left a broken-hearted widower with nothing. That's the love and mercy of the religious right in a nutshell.