Hello, I'm here as one of the lovers of off-road and adventure driving from Croatia, our roads and trails throughout the country are beautiful, but in some parts driving is prohibited and it would be nice if you contact one of the local drivers before the arrival of such a large group which will guide you about the routes you can and are allowed to drive. The wish of all of us is that such driving is not prohibited by state law. Enjoy the drive and respect the countries you drive through because of the local drivers for whom this is not just a passing destination.
Hi thanks for your comment. Don’t worry before we start riding with the group we spend several weeks/ moth of research, scouting and discussions with locals. Always.
I don't want to complain because I enjoy adventure driving as much as you do, but unfortunately some parts of the routes you drove are off-limits, and the locals are constantly appealing to the authorities to completely ban off-road driving. We are afraid that our government does not copy the law of some other EU member state and completely ban free driving off the roads.
And ofcourse we get the "real" adventure riders in the comments, complaining about the track not being difficult enough, or the bikes being too heavy (really trying to say how they are superior, riding the "real" trails on their "real" bikes). Yawn. We love the ACT tracks. Gives you a chance to take your somewhat heavier Adventure bike on some incredibly beautiful tracks, with more than enough challenging parts included. We did the ACT Pyrenees this summer and loved it. Great mix of onroad twisties, easy and challenging parts offroad, and most of all incredible nature. So thank you ACT!
I totally agree, despite being one of the people on much lighter bikes. The ACT is aimed at people on bigger Adventure bikes. ACT routes are beautiful on dual sports or lighter enduro bikes, and great fun. My only gripe with the ACT is how long the lads and one lass ride all day.
@@TheIdlesurfer Agreed. I think the ACT is also a lot of fun on lighter bikes. There is enough offroad to keep you entertained. The reason they are making these long days is, I think, because they are not only riding the daily sections, but they are also making the movie about the track. So they have to stop a lot, take pictures, do filming sessions etc.
@@eigenaar0191 I rode ACT Portugal and Pyrenees. We did TET one way, ACT home. Set off at about 10am, stopped between 1600 and 1700 with a relaxed lunch. You know, like hard core dual sports riders. Add 50% extra time if you want to enjoy the scenery, local food, a coffee, or a puncture or, if camping, sorting your kit out.
Thanks. Hopefully, the negative comments by all them hard enduro cowboys will not make you stop your project. You inspire at least meh to follow your steps. Most honestly: Thank you for your effort and time.
It is not easy to make it fit for everyone- we will always disappoint some people and others will like it - there is not perfect way. But we believe in what we do and will keep doing it as long as we can. :)
The people who ride dual sports and Adv enduros will enjoy ACT but it is easy on a lighter bike. It doesn't stop it being beautiful. I've used the TET and ACT together. TET for snotty and tougher stages on fresh tyres, ACT for beautiful and relaxed riding on 2000 km plus tired tyres. If you have a bigger Adv and your comfort zone is gravel, the ACT is perfect.
Finished ACT Croatia on the old Transalp 600 and Heidenau Ranger. More challenging than ACT Pyrenees and ACT Romania, with a grand finale on the last few miles before the lighthouse ion Hvar island. Thanks again for discovering all those tracks, Günter/Nürnberg
Danke vielmals an das Team, welches wieder einen super Track erstellt hat. Zum Film einige Bemerkungen: Es wird immer wieder von den super Aussichten auf dem Track berichtet, aber viel zu wenig gezeigt. Dafür wird dann viel zu viel gequatscht. Es kommt mir wie eine Dauerwerbesendung vor. Natürlich muss der ganze Aufwand finanziert werden, aber muss es immer mehr (Werbung) sein? Ride save
uuuuh, I love it . I´ve traveld Croatia a few times , on and offroad,...and I am very surprised to see wonderful spots and tracks here, witch I´ve done Years ago.....wonderful memories ! Thanks for this!...Iam looking very forward to your next adventure tours.
Bin sehr gespannt. Habe in den letzten 41 Jahren tausende Kilometer auf unbefestigten Straßen und Wegen im damaligen Jugoslawien, heute Kroatien, Bosnien, Serbien und Montenegro zurückgelegt. Heute sucht man das Abenteuer abseits der asphaltierten Straßen. 1982 -unterwegs mit BMW R100S bis an die albanische Grenze - war man froh, eine zu finden. Stargast Charley Boorman. Cool.
nice filming again and a beautiful track. might be my next one after 5 weeks iceland this summer... We actually slept in a biotop aswell with these mine signs all over the place. but our camping area was safe. still kinda mysterious. Danke für den super film !
Es ist ein schöner Film geworden, vielen Dank. Einige Tracks waren mir durchaus bekannt, weil ich schon häufiger in Kroatien offroad unterwegs war. Schöne Erinnerungen. Großartig. Danke. Mal sehen wohin es uns dieses Jahr zieht.
Very cool video of this next ACT track. I have had (tourist) holidays this year in croatia very close to your track, but next time I will go definitely with my motocycle 🙂 Thanks to Stefan Klabunde and the whole ACT-Team for these great impressions
Sehr schöne Strecke! Mein Freund Wolf und ich sind die Vorab-Strecke im September abgefahren und es hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Es ist natürlich keine TET Strecke, sie wird jedoch so manchen mit seiner Großenduro an seine Grenzen bringen. Ich wünsche jeden, der den Track fahren wird, viel Spaß, genießt diese wundervolle Strecke und vor allem die wunderbaren Aussichten! Gruß an alle und ein schönes neues Jahr, Wilfried!
some really great footage of a beautiful country! Hope to get there and ride those trails in the not too distant future so the film was extremely useful and informative. My only annoyance whilst watching was the amount of advertisements breaking up the film. A necessary evil i guess these days😐 Thanks to all involved in producing it all the same as it clearly takes a lot of effort👍
Great Video! Did you stay the first night at Kastav, Hotel Kukuriku? Very nice place to be. I was there twice already. From there you have Ucka National Park, Krk, Cres and the mountains North-East of Rijeka for offroad riding 👍
Fantastic ride! I am looking SO much forward to going myself! Thank you so much @Adventure Country Tracks for opening these possibilities for all of us (who are not so good at finding such beautiful tracks ourselves...)! I see that many of the riders are using adventure type helmets with goggles. Could you please say something about the pros and cons of that solution? And maybe also a few words about clothing in high temperatures?
Much like the bikes - the ADV helmets are a product of marketing a dream. A concept, an image. As for clothing - there are endless vids on this subject - especially looking at hiking videos but you'll end up buying only natural products if you're sensible. Again, much of it is over hyped badge engineering so read the specs before buying. Silk and proper Marino wool are your friends. Don't forget that you'll need long sleeve base layer even in the heat as it will stop your jacket getting sticky on the arms. Good luck
Wieder ein tolles Video, aber ganz offen gesagt bekomme ich beim Anblick dieser Kaffeefahrt mit 100 Leuten, Vorausfahrzeugen und sogar jetzt direkt zwei Support-Fahrzeugen den absoluten Brechreiz! Wo ist denn die von euch am Anfang so gross beworbene Rücksicht auf die Locals und die Disziplin? Wie sehr habt ihr in den Anfängen dafür geworben niemals(!) mit mehr als 5-6 Fahrern unterwegs zu sein, da offroad in Europa allgemein ja immer kritischer gesehen wird usw usw usw.... und dann schaut man sich die neueren Videos mit was für einer Prozession ihr mittlerweile durch die Lande zieht an, ohne gross ein Wort mittlerweile über den Grundgedanken des ACT zu verlieren. ...wie Geld doch die Ansichten verändert... traurig traurig! Und ich war wirklich am Anfang so blöd und habe euch wirklich dahingehend vollkommen und absolut blauäugig vertraut... Wirklich schade, wie man seine Grundsätze selbst so verraten kann! 😢 (und nein... kein Trolling, sondern meine aufrichtige, ehrliche und offene Meinung!)
Danke für dein Feedback, Wir achten nach wie vor auf unsere Werte .. die Gruppen Größe war schon immer 9-14 Leute … und auch ein PKW war immer schon dabei. Also hat sich nicht so wirklich verändert. Was dieses Jahr neu war, war der zweite Wagen um Orga arbeiten abzudecken wie für die lunch Pausen einzukaufen und oder das mit den Hotels zu regeln, das gibt der Crew ca 1,5 Stunden mehr Zeit für den Tag. Geld hat und wird Ansichten nicht ändern. Aber die Sponsoren Gelder machen das scouting und filmen erst möglich. Es ist schade das du dieses Gefühl hast, aber wie gesagt bis auf den zweiten Wagen ist alles beim alten … und ja die Gruppe ist recht groß was die Orga erschwert aber uns mehr Einblick in die Schwierigkeit der Tracks gibt weil jeder Fahrer unterschiedliche skills hat. Danke für dein Feedback und schon mal einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
Die Grupe war zu gross. Bin aus Kroatien und kenne ganzes Gebiet sehr gut. Ihr verdient das Geld und laesst uns dann mit Locals allein die allgemeine Probleme von ADV wieder gut zu machen. Dank euch in Paar Jahren wird auch schluss in meinem Land sein. Igor Klarić, Zagreb, Kroatien
@@igorklaric8723 thanks for your feedback. Just to explain … we do not earn money we are a foundation. And before we start filming we spend month of scouting, research and talks to locals to make sure we only use legal roads for the track. Our goal is to keep those roads open and support local businesses such as hotels, pensions, restaurants.
Todo perfecto amigos. Excepto que dejan fuera un gran mercado de 600 millones de hispanohablantes, que las marcas agradecerán incluir. Gracias por el trabajo. Ride safe ✌🏻
Hey, ACT; I greatly appreciate to find out that a group, similar to the BDR team in the USA, exists in Europe. Should I manage to move back home (Austria) and take my GSA with me, I’ll DEFINITELY ride your tracks. Very well done! Vielen Dank - und die negativen Kommentare die man hier so lesen kann….manchen kann man es nie recht machen. One question for future consideration: could you feature some of the local businesses with a few recommendations, perhaps some short clips with the business owners? For many, to follow your tracks also means to find accommodations & food. It would be a “two for one”; you’d help the local economy and those who follow your tracks.
I see that your team wisen up and transition to middleweight class as well as soft luggage more and more. I also see one enLIGHTened guy in your team. Nice clip btw, Marry Christmas.
Bin letzte Woche den Track gefahren. Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich da etwas anderes gefahren bin.... Die Abzweigung am Tag 3 zum schweren Track z.B. da bin ich mit meiner Tuareg und leichtem Gepäck sofort eingesunken, auf dem Video fahren alle locker hoch. - ich habs abgebrochen. Tag 4, der schwere Track, anfangs noch machbar, dann war das einfach eine Geröllpiste, hab mich wieder eingegraben. Abgestiegen, Moped raus gefahren. 2 Meter weiter wieder festgefahren - wieder abgebrochen. Den leichten Track genommen, anfangs wars easy. Dann gings wieder los, lose große Steine, Schlammlöcher und etwas Regen gabs auch noch. Nur noch Beifahrer gewesen, das Motorrad ist nur von links nach rechts gewandert/gesprungen. Dann war da noch ein Anstieg, mein Begleiter mit seiner 650er und ordentlichen Reifen ist da noch hoch gekommen. Ich mit meiner 50/50 Bereifung und 200+kg Moped ohne Chancen, zumindest nicht wenns feucht ist und die Reifen noch Schlamm dran haben. Haben dann meine Maschine hoch geschoben. Bin jetzt im Offroadbereich definitiv kein Profi. ACT Pyrenäen war aber eine reine Genussfahrt dagegen und da hatte ich noch Zelt und sonst was dabei. Am Tag 4 und 5 gabs da auch ein par Schlammlöcher aber sonst gut fahrbar und schön. Pyrenäen würde ich sofort wieder fahren - Kroatien, nein danke. Auch die Unterkünfte waren da nicht so geil. Preis/ Leistung sehr fraglich und ich achte da normalerweise nicht so arg drauf. In Split haben wir eine Stunde herumtelefoniert,alles ausgebucht, zum Teil hatte ich das Gefühl man wollte kein Zimmer nur für eine Nacht anbieten. Haben dann ein Zimmer für 200€ ergattert, ohne Frühstück und es war das letzte verfügbare Zimmer. Denn die Fähre geht entweder morgens/ vormittags oder dann um 20 Uhr 30 los, und dauert 2 Stunden. So ist man mehr oder weniger gezwungen in Split zu übernachten. Diese Info fehlt komplett in der Trackbeschreibung. Da hats schon viele Fähren, nur nehmen die meisten keine Fahrzeuge auf. Insgesamt war der Trip eher durchwachsen würde ich sagen. Aber das ist nur meine Erfahrung, gibt offensichtlich genug Zufriedene.
Not everybody is so motorcycle friendly. We met a very angry Swiss hiker lady who was stopping me and literally shouting at me ”It’s forbidden to ride a motorcycle here!” for two minutes. And I mean shouting. Of course she was wrong. But no way to have a proper conversation with her. However i agree with her that the shared trail along the abandoned railbed is not a good route choice. That trail is actually signed as cycling route, but there are no signs banning motorcycles! There are too many cyclist there (some of which are NOT slowing down at all and are meeting you on the wrong side) and I think it’s sadly just a matter of time until there will be an incident. So folks: ride safely and slow down significantly when you meet other trail users.
Adventure? So richtig Abenteuer? In Croatien? Mit Begleitfahrzeug? Auf steinigen Pisten.. Ja ja, ihr seid schon voll die extrem Fahrer lol. Die Aufnahmen sind mega, super toll. Und ihr habt ja Spaß gehabt, das ist das wichtigste:)
😜 geht ja auch nicht um extrem … wir kreieren Tracks für jedermann mit etwas Offroad Erfahrung - Die Strecken haben sehr leichte Passagen und sogar Straßen Anteil aber auch technische und trickreiche besonders für die dicken bikes. Jeder muss sein eigenes Gepäck und gedöns selber transportieren- das Begleitfahrzeug ist für das Kamera Team und die Orga. Und am Ende ist das wichtigste das wir alles fahren wie du sagst :)
it was a real pleasure to watch 😍 I wish everyone a big greeting and happy driving 👍Einfach cooool, it's fantastic , fantastično je 😜👀 I have already driven a large part of this route, but from your perspective this is perfect .Thank you very much ACT Team , many greetings Ljubo!
If anyone would like to see more of the road conditions on Mali Alan. I have an unprofessional video in a different direction. 7:41 / 9:23 Anfahrt zum Mali Alan im Velebit Gebirge von Modric aus Teil 2 Motorrad Kroatien 😀
Thanks for your film, very entertaining for Christmas Day. Brings some heat back into winter. Croatia looks very attractive, maybe we will ride your latest track instead of ACT Italy after Pyrenees and Romania. Keep up the good work, Günter/Nürnberg
Hope to get to do some of this amazing looking track around end of May - wondering what tyres I should fit - I have anakee adventures currently but looking at some of the terrain should I be going more 50/50 than 80/20?
Really great you bring these films to us, Croatia is amazing and the routes published in ACT - but this one WAY WAY too big a group and having cars accompanying you kind of ruins the spirit. 4/5 riders max would make it a better proposal and better adventure filming.
Yea… the big group is difficult but it also helps to verify the track for different levels. Also we want to show many different bikes and how they perform. We may have a new format next year .. :)
@@ACTevit’s great you are listening and what you bring is fantastic for us bikers. Having such a large group portrays a bad image for non bikers especially in today’s ecologically sensitive world. We really do not want these tracks opposed and shutdown..
What ferry from Split to Hvar take vehicles. I am already planning here, but only find booking that can not bring my/our motorcycles. It is a practical information that would be nice if you share. Awsome movie by the way, thank you
Hi. I live in Split and it’s pretty easy. Just come to the port where they sell tickets and ask for the ferry from Split to Stari Grad. Stari Grad is the small town on Hvar Island that the vehicle ferry goes to. You don’t have book it in advance.
simply go there. We booked ferry in the morning. There are a lot and we are not used to use ferries in germany. But if you are there, everything works fins. We went in the morning from split to hvar with ferry around 11:00. Drove over to Stari Grad and crossed the island to the end of the track at lighthouse till the evening.
Schöne Bilder, ja - aber viel zu viel Gesabbel, wie toll das alles ist und... Ich konnte mir den Film nur wenige Minuten ansehen. Habe dann noch mal die eine oder andere Minute quer durch den Film angesehen, aber es wurde nicht besser. Schade, hätte man was Schönes draus machen können.
Hi ACT Team, I would like to ride the ACT next year. When I discovered the movie on YT my happines was big. But the disappointment afterwards was even bigger. So much pathos was really hard to bear. And especially the constant: amazing, awesome, really really and really great and more amazing again... Sorry, but at some point I couldn't listen to it any more. It sounded to me like a huge promotional event and not like a report from a adventure tour. Too fake. As a rider, I would prefer less posed driving scenes, but more the "real adventure" from the tour and, above all, the whole thing should be more informative than pathetic. I think, that would be really cool for all those who want to ride this route in the future. Thanks and best.......................Artur
Charlie Boorman This route is not hard to plan Providing you can navigate, read a map & GPS anyone can find theses gravel roads as they are all marked on map as white roads
That’s good .. glad you can do it by your own… and thanks for your comment … everyone is different and not everyone want to do all the work ahead, check legal and doable situation and so on.. but it’s great that you can do it .. ride on ..
ACT this is NOT riding off road, it’s riding unpaved roads ! There is a big difference try claiming on your travel insurance and saying I was riding off road. Riding off road in most countries is also illegal!
Good idea, but way too much talk and repetition of the same superlatives! This video would have been much better, if cut in half, letting the viewer choose what he thinks and showing more maps.
Ihr strahlt die meiste Zeit keine Fröhlichkeit aus😂.. kla schlaucht das aber ihr müsst euch in den Videos mal etwas zusammen reißen. Also so ein Jens Kuck in Bosnien , nimmt einen mehr mit. Aber ihr hattet hoffentlich mehr spass als es scheint 😂 Und fahrt ihr wirklich die ganze zeit Rad an rad? Ich kann es mir kaum vorstellen. Also etwas weniger kamerafahrten wären aufregender.
Bonjour, Après celui d'Espagne '22, d'Italie '23, du Portugal (cette année '24), on va planifier ... Merci Good morning, After that of Spain '22, Italy '23, Portugal (this year '24), we will plan ... THANKS
You know, I really like the concept, but why do you have to make these videos so "cheesy"? A little bit of com is fine, but you are overdoing it. If there were less com and more just showing the track, it would be fine, everybody saying the same thing all the time becomes boring!
The scenery in Croatia is lovely, but you're spoiling it with such an unnecessary large group and why dramatise so much when you're only driving trails the locals would use to get to their fields and woodlands.... it's hardly tough off-roading!
Because not every rider is skilled like you ;) there many riders out there just starting with Offroad riding. It’s not about finding the hardest track to ride:)
Also wenn man genau hingesehen hat, waren da schon mitunter sehr anspruchsvolle Passagen mit tiefen Auswaschungen und großen losen Steinen, tiefem Schlamm und Wasserdurchfahrten. Da würde ich lieber auf 4 Rädern durch. Und was ist "Off-Road" ? Für echtes Offroad brauchste 'n Boot, Bergepanzer, Harvester oder Flugzeug.
Easy comment from the comfort of your couch. As one of the riders in this movie I can tell you it was some of the toughest offroading I've done in my life. You can't really see the big rocky hillclimbs and deep gravel sections in the film. Doing that for a week in high temperatures is no walk in the park like you are claiming. Go ride ACT Croatia yourself and tell us how easy it was 😂
Hmm, I spend 3-4 month a year on mountain trails. Maybe take a smaller bike and don't go when it's too hot.... But besides that your group is still far too big.@@SupermotoCentral
I know it's not necessary to look for difficult trails, it should be all about enjoying the beautiful places you are travelling through, but this film over dramatises everything! AND your group is too large. @@ACTev
why you cut it so heroic like a Steven Spielberg movie ? you´re riding your big sponsor bikes - just guided on gravel roads......like heroes....a bit of magic dust and stones....old white boys , please stay away of the mountains. don´t leave your tracks online. all you´re tracks will be overloaded and forbidden in shorter time....
Yes sir we will take you comment under consideration. 😉 and you take a minute to read what act is about I heard something like protecting tracks in cowork with local authorities to make sure also you can keep riding in the future off road. And thanks for the compliment to compare our media team work with Spielberg! Next year we will record with smartphones no cutting and no music 🎶 but somehow I think this movie will turn out boring then. 😛 Merry Christmas 🎄
So you think people with over 75KG and big bikes should not ride ? The camera team should walk instead taking a car ? Let us think about it ? Maybe find a small group of light weight people on 50cc bikes and marathon media team for next year. Or we just keep doing what we love ❤️ and keep riding … let’s see. I wish you Merry Christmas and open mind .. and of course a awesome riding 2024!
I fully support the general ACT idea, but this pseudo-advertising at „influencer“ level is a disgrace for the off-road trail community -> Too many riders at once on too heavyweight bikes! There‘s a reason the TET for instance strongly discourages riding groups of more than 6 people: It’s annoying to the locals (who _will_ urge for legislation to limit motorcycling), it’s unnecessarily dangerous (accordion effect), and it’s lowering the pace for everybody as soon as anybody stalls. I honestly prefer TET over ACT - riding truly challenging goat trails alone or in small groups… instead of some middle-aged dads cosplaying all day as ‚adventure rebels‘ while essentially riding the same guided tour on way overweight 1200cc tourers with hard luggage on car-sized local farm- and woodland trails at geriatric speeds.
Thanks for your comment … I’m one of the middle aged dads . :) you actually almost found the point of difference between our friends from TET and us .. not all of want to ride small CC some of us want to go on a 2,3 or more K trip where a big CC bike is a good choice but we still wanna have smaller adventures this is what ACT is for. Your recommendation on group size is correct we also recommend a size plus minus 6 but for the movie scout we Al sways have a bigger group and yes we have a advertising side in it, which is clearly based on our supporters without them we couldn’t do the film so it’s always a balance. You also wrote riding alone or in smaller group .. we do not recommend riding alone at all! Anyway i think it is good to have both options TET and ACT to have choice. Cheers
😂😂 that’s one way to say it or .. it’s for people with the desire to travel a bit longer for example from Germany to Greece .. here is a bigger adv bike clear the choice:)
Carefully selected people. Many will be very grateful that they were allowed to be part of such a large commercial event that has nothing to do with adventure. But they will be on video and RUclips fuuu. What are navigation and suitcases or bags for? After all, you are led like geese and sleep in hotels. How about by yourself without cameras without an accompanying vehicle on a motorcycle, go to the tent in the evening and cook dinner on a small stove. Terribly embarrassing theater .... but as is the custom in uneaten Europe, the main thing is to have a big budget, a lot of money. Everyone must be well fed. Why not earn a lot of money even on vacation or a trip.
Thanks for your comment… if we do it without cameras..hmm than you couldn’t watch it and comment … also the idea is to inspire people to go and rider .. that’s why we need cameras and sponsors to make it happen. Not everyone wants to just ride and go with the flow … some people like to know what to expect or need inspiration. But anyway thanks for watching.
Hello, I'm here as one of the lovers of off-road and adventure driving from Croatia, our roads and trails throughout the country are beautiful, but in some parts driving is prohibited and it would be nice if you contact one of the local drivers before the arrival of such a large group which will guide you about the routes you can and are allowed to drive. The wish of all of us is that such driving is not prohibited by state law. Enjoy the drive and respect the countries you drive through because of the local drivers for whom this is not just a passing destination.
Hi thanks for your comment.
Don’t worry before we start riding with the group we spend several weeks/ moth of research, scouting and discussions with locals. Always.
I don't want to complain because I enjoy adventure driving as much as you do, but unfortunately some parts of the routes you drove are off-limits, and the locals are constantly appealing to the authorities to completely ban off-road driving. We are afraid that our government does not copy the law of some other EU member state and completely ban free driving off the roads.
Could please send us a email with details to the section you mentioned? So we can rework the track if needed. ?
And ofcourse we get the "real" adventure riders in the comments, complaining about the track not being difficult enough, or the bikes being too heavy (really trying to say how they are superior, riding the "real" trails on their "real" bikes). Yawn. We love the ACT tracks. Gives you a chance to take your somewhat heavier Adventure bike on some incredibly beautiful tracks, with more than enough challenging parts included. We did the ACT Pyrenees this summer and loved it. Great mix of onroad twisties, easy and challenging parts offroad, and most of all incredible nature. So thank you ACT!
I totally agree, despite being one of the people on much lighter bikes. The ACT is aimed at people on bigger Adventure bikes. ACT routes are beautiful on dual sports or lighter enduro bikes, and great fun. My only gripe with the ACT is how long the lads and one lass ride all day.
@@TheIdlesurfer Agreed. I think the ACT is also a lot of fun on lighter bikes. There is enough offroad to keep you entertained. The reason they are making these long days is, I think, because they are not only riding the daily sections, but they are also making the movie about the track. So they have to stop a lot, take pictures, do filming sessions etc.
@@eigenaar0191 I rode ACT Portugal and Pyrenees. We did TET one way, ACT home. Set off at about 10am, stopped between 1600 and 1700 with a relaxed lunch. You know, like hard core dual sports riders. Add 50% extra time if you want to enjoy the scenery, local food, a coffee, or a puncture or, if camping, sorting your kit out.
Where’s their video then? Let’s watch their one hour long video. People talk shit but i bet none put together a 10 min movie, even amateur grade 😅
@@ProfBab eh? Does everyone have to do a video?
Thanks. Hopefully, the negative comments by all them hard enduro cowboys will not make you stop your project. You inspire at least meh to follow your steps. Most honestly: Thank you for your effort and time.
It is not easy to make it fit for everyone- we will always disappoint some people and others will like it - there is not perfect way. But we believe in what we do and will keep doing it as long as we can. :)
The people who ride dual sports and Adv enduros will enjoy ACT but it is easy on a lighter bike. It doesn't stop it being beautiful. I've used the TET and ACT together. TET for snotty and tougher stages on fresh tyres, ACT for beautiful and relaxed riding on 2000 km plus tired tyres. If you have a bigger Adv and your comfort zone is gravel, the ACT is perfect.
@@ACTevi would advise any disappointed individual to come up with their own track, film their ride and then upload it :)
Thank you for visiting my country, nice video with good people and great bikes.. stay safe out there
Finished ACT Croatia on the old Transalp 600 and Heidenau Ranger. More challenging than ACT Pyrenees and ACT Romania, with a grand finale on the last few miles before the lighthouse ion Hvar island. Thanks again for discovering all those tracks, Günter/Nürnberg
Glad you liked it !!
Nice video and lovely to see the nice rural inside the country.
I am delighted to do this track in 2025 👍
Thanks guys.
Danke vielmals an das Team, welches wieder einen super Track erstellt hat. Zum Film einige Bemerkungen: Es wird immer wieder von den super Aussichten auf dem Track berichtet, aber viel zu wenig gezeigt. Dafür wird dann viel zu viel gequatscht. Es kommt mir wie eine Dauerwerbesendung vor. Natürlich muss der ganze Aufwand finanziert werden, aber muss es immer mehr (Werbung) sein? Ride save
Danke für deinen Kommentar … nehmen wir gerne an! …
uuuuh, I love it . I´ve traveld Croatia a few times , on and offroad,...and I am very surprised to see wonderful spots and tracks here, witch I´ve done Years ago.....wonderful memories ! Thanks for this!...Iam looking very forward to your next adventure tours.
Bin sehr gespannt. Habe in den letzten 41 Jahren tausende Kilometer auf unbefestigten Straßen und Wegen im damaligen Jugoslawien, heute Kroatien, Bosnien, Serbien und Montenegro zurückgelegt. Heute sucht man das Abenteuer abseits der asphaltierten Straßen. 1982 -unterwegs mit BMW R100S bis an die albanische Grenze - war man froh, eine zu finden. Stargast Charley Boorman. Cool.
Brilliant track. Really enjoyed the adventure !
It looks fantastic !! Can't wait to ride it ! Thanks @Adventure Country Tracks for the amazing work.
Our pleasure!
nice filming again and a beautiful track. might be my next one after 5 weeks iceland this summer... We actually slept in a biotop aswell with these mine signs all over the place. but our camping area was safe. still kinda mysterious. Danke für den super film !
Day four stage is my ❤home area❤
Welcoming dear friends.
Hello, thanks for this report, can´t wait it to ride !
One of the best ACTs in the line up! Can´t wait to see the full clip...
Thanks ACT Team for putting this together. Looks like an amazing. Proud to be a member of ACT, keep up the great work.
Much appreciated!
Vielen Dank ACT Team, kann es kaum erwarten eurer Spur zu folgen 👍
Thank you ACT team, I am happy and proud to be a member!
Thanks guys:) looking forward to drive it this summer:) Maybe Slovenia next?
Brilliant video guys, well done 👏 thoroughly enjoyed.
Es ist ein schöner Film geworden, vielen Dank.
Einige Tracks waren mir durchaus bekannt, weil ich schon häufiger in Kroatien offroad unterwegs war. Schöne Erinnerungen. Großartig. Danke.
Mal sehen wohin es uns dieses Jahr zieht.
War mir eine mega Freude dabei zu sein! #yamahalove
Very cool video of this next ACT track. I have had (tourist) holidays this year in croatia very close to your track, but next time I will go definitely with my motocycle 🙂 Thanks to Stefan Klabunde and the whole ACT-Team for these great impressions
Bravo à l'ACT, je le ferai prochainement
Big thanks from France ! Amazing adventure and movie.
Well done!
Im April/Mai ist es soweit! Freude!!!
Sehr schöne Strecke! Mein Freund Wolf und ich sind die Vorab-Strecke im September abgefahren und es hat uns sehr gut gefallen.
Es ist natürlich keine TET Strecke, sie wird jedoch so manchen mit seiner Großenduro an seine Grenzen bringen. Ich wünsche jeden, der den Track fahren wird, viel Spaß, genießt diese wundervolle Strecke und vor allem die wunderbaren Aussichten!
Gruß an alle und ein schönes neues Jahr, Wilfried!
All I can say is this video is just perfect, amazing!!! That's why I'm watching it for the third time 😉👍👍👍
Absolutely amazing riding, those landscapes are so beautiful. Not so demanding as TET. Thank you for sharing this and doing work. Great crew!
I enjoyed watching the video today too.
I hope to see another good video next time.
I also subscribed and liked.
Have a nice day.👍
Great! Wish you a nice day too!
Thanks for this awesome film!
Super Video!!!!! Freu mich schon eurer Spur zu folgen .
Awesome! Thanks in advance.
some really great footage of a beautiful country! Hope to get there and ride those trails in the not too distant future so the film was extremely useful and informative. My only annoyance whilst watching was the amount of advertisements breaking up the film. A necessary evil i guess these days😐 Thanks to all involved in producing it all the same as it clearly takes a lot of effort👍
der Countdown läuft ! bin mega gespannt 😊
Ima zemljevid ili roadbook od Kamenjaka do Rijeke? Super video 💪👍
Great Video! Did you stay the first night at Kastav, Hotel Kukuriku? Very nice place to be. I was there twice already. From there you have Ucka National Park, Krk, Cres and the mountains North-East of Rijeka for offroad riding 👍
Fantastic ride! I am looking SO much forward to going myself!
Thank you so much @Adventure Country Tracks for opening these possibilities for all of us (who are not so good at finding such beautiful tracks ourselves...)!
I see that many of the riders are using adventure type helmets with goggles. Could you please say something about the pros and cons of that solution?
And maybe also a few words about clothing in high temperatures?
Much like the bikes - the ADV helmets are a product of marketing a dream. A concept, an image. As for clothing - there are endless vids on this subject - especially looking at hiking videos but you'll end up buying only natural products if you're sensible. Again, much of it is over hyped badge engineering so read the specs before buying. Silk and proper Marino wool are your friends. Don't forget that you'll need long sleeve base layer even in the heat as it will stop your jacket getting sticky on the arms. Good luck
Danke und frohe Weihnachten / Thx and Merry Christmas!
Thank you ACT Team i hope you are happy il just want to take mum bike and hit there track know 😆 really nice movie know i need holiday to go Croatia
Wieder ein tolles Video, aber ganz offen gesagt bekomme ich beim Anblick dieser Kaffeefahrt mit 100 Leuten, Vorausfahrzeugen und sogar jetzt direkt zwei Support-Fahrzeugen den absoluten Brechreiz!
Wo ist denn die von euch am Anfang so gross beworbene Rücksicht auf die Locals und die Disziplin? Wie sehr habt ihr in den Anfängen dafür geworben niemals(!) mit mehr als 5-6 Fahrern unterwegs zu sein, da offroad in Europa allgemein ja immer kritischer gesehen wird usw usw usw.... und dann schaut man sich die neueren Videos mit was für einer Prozession ihr mittlerweile durch die Lande zieht an, ohne gross ein Wort mittlerweile über den Grundgedanken des ACT zu verlieren.
...wie Geld doch die Ansichten verändert... traurig traurig!
Und ich war wirklich am Anfang so blöd und habe euch wirklich dahingehend vollkommen und absolut blauäugig vertraut...
Wirklich schade, wie man seine Grundsätze selbst so verraten kann! 😢
(und nein... kein Trolling, sondern meine aufrichtige, ehrliche und offene Meinung!)
Danke für dein Feedback,
Wir achten nach wie vor auf unsere Werte .. die Gruppen Größe war schon immer 9-14 Leute … und auch ein PKW war immer schon dabei. Also hat sich nicht so wirklich verändert. Was dieses Jahr neu war, war der zweite Wagen um Orga arbeiten abzudecken wie für die lunch Pausen einzukaufen und oder das mit den Hotels zu regeln, das gibt der Crew ca 1,5 Stunden mehr Zeit für den Tag.
Geld hat und wird Ansichten nicht ändern. Aber die Sponsoren Gelder machen das scouting und filmen erst möglich.
Es ist schade das du dieses Gefühl hast, aber wie gesagt bis auf den zweiten Wagen ist alles beim alten … und ja die Gruppe ist recht groß was die Orga erschwert aber uns mehr Einblick in die Schwierigkeit der Tracks gibt weil jeder Fahrer unterschiedliche skills hat.
Danke für dein Feedback und schon mal einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
Die Grupe war zu gross. Bin aus Kroatien und kenne ganzes Gebiet sehr gut. Ihr verdient das Geld und laesst uns dann mit Locals allein die allgemeine Probleme von ADV wieder gut zu machen. Dank euch in Paar Jahren wird auch schluss in meinem Land sein. Igor Klarić, Zagreb, Kroatien
@@igorklaric8723 thanks for your feedback. Just to explain … we do not earn money we are a foundation. And before we start filming we spend month of scouting, research and talks to locals to make sure we only use legal roads for the track. Our goal is to keep those roads open and support local businesses such as hotels, pensions, restaurants.
Looks great, can't wait to ride it
Ich bin schon sehr gespannt, Eure Filme, Eure Tracks und die Teams gefallen mir immer sehr gut👍👍
Wir sind gespannt.
Todo perfecto amigos. Excepto que dejan fuera un gran mercado de 600 millones de hispanohablantes, que las marcas agradecerán incluir. Gracias por el trabajo. Ride safe ✌🏻
Hey, ACT; I greatly appreciate to find out that a group, similar to the BDR team in the USA, exists in Europe. Should I manage to move back home (Austria) and take my GSA with me, I’ll DEFINITELY ride your tracks. Very well done! Vielen Dank - und die negativen Kommentare die man hier so lesen kann….manchen kann man es nie recht machen.
One question for future consideration: could you feature some of the local businesses with a few recommendations, perhaps some short clips with the business owners? For many, to follow your tracks also means to find accommodations & food. It would be a “two for one”; you’d help the local economy and those who follow your tracks.
I see that your team wisen up and transition to middleweight class as well as soft luggage more and more. I also see one enLIGHTened guy in your team.
Nice clip btw, Marry Christmas.
Bin gespannt wie eine Feder, kurz vorm abheben.
Freu mich schon riesig auf den ACT Film Croatia. 🤗🤗👏👏👏👍👍🏍️🙋♂️
I like this
Hallo gute Abend sind gespannt Hanne und Chris
Bin letzte Woche den Track gefahren. Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich da etwas anderes gefahren bin.... Die Abzweigung am Tag 3 zum schweren Track z.B. da bin ich mit meiner Tuareg und leichtem Gepäck sofort eingesunken, auf dem Video fahren alle locker hoch. - ich habs abgebrochen. Tag 4, der schwere Track, anfangs noch machbar, dann war das einfach eine Geröllpiste, hab mich wieder eingegraben. Abgestiegen, Moped raus gefahren. 2 Meter weiter wieder festgefahren - wieder abgebrochen. Den leichten Track genommen, anfangs wars easy. Dann gings wieder los, lose große Steine, Schlammlöcher und etwas Regen gabs auch noch. Nur noch Beifahrer gewesen, das Motorrad ist nur von links nach rechts gewandert/gesprungen. Dann war da noch ein Anstieg, mein Begleiter mit seiner 650er und ordentlichen Reifen ist da noch hoch gekommen. Ich mit meiner 50/50 Bereifung und 200+kg Moped ohne Chancen, zumindest nicht wenns feucht ist und die Reifen noch Schlamm dran haben. Haben dann meine Maschine hoch geschoben.
Bin jetzt im Offroadbereich definitiv kein Profi. ACT Pyrenäen war aber eine reine Genussfahrt dagegen und da hatte ich noch Zelt und sonst was dabei. Am Tag 4 und 5 gabs da auch ein par Schlammlöcher aber sonst gut fahrbar und schön.
Pyrenäen würde ich sofort wieder fahren - Kroatien, nein danke. Auch die Unterkünfte waren da nicht so geil. Preis/ Leistung sehr fraglich und ich achte da normalerweise nicht so arg drauf. In Split haben wir eine Stunde herumtelefoniert,alles ausgebucht, zum Teil hatte ich das Gefühl man wollte kein Zimmer nur für eine Nacht anbieten. Haben dann ein Zimmer für 200€ ergattert, ohne Frühstück und es war das letzte verfügbare Zimmer.
Denn die Fähre geht entweder morgens/ vormittags oder dann um 20 Uhr 30 los, und dauert 2 Stunden. So ist man mehr oder weniger gezwungen in Split zu übernachten. Diese Info fehlt komplett in der Trackbeschreibung. Da hats schon viele Fähren, nur nehmen die meisten keine Fahrzeuge auf.
Insgesamt war der Trip eher durchwachsen würde ich sagen. Aber das ist nur meine Erfahrung, gibt offensichtlich genug Zufriedene.
Merry Christmas.
Not everybody is so motorcycle friendly. We met a very angry Swiss hiker lady who was stopping me and literally shouting at me ”It’s forbidden to ride a motorcycle here!” for two minutes. And I mean shouting. Of course she was wrong. But no way to have a proper conversation with her. However i agree with her that the shared trail along the abandoned railbed is not a good route choice. That trail is actually signed as cycling route, but there are no signs banning motorcycles! There are too many cyclist there (some of which are NOT slowing down at all and are meeting you on the wrong side) and I think it’s sadly just a matter of time until there will be an incident. So folks: ride safely and slow down significantly when you meet other trail users.
Yes for sure .. slowing down and be respectful is what we all should do / be.. it will get more and more difficult to find good tracks.
Adventure? So richtig Abenteuer? In Croatien? Mit Begleitfahrzeug? Auf steinigen Pisten.. Ja ja, ihr seid schon voll die extrem Fahrer lol. Die Aufnahmen sind mega, super toll. Und ihr habt ja Spaß gehabt, das ist das wichtigste:)
😜 geht ja auch nicht um extrem … wir kreieren Tracks für jedermann mit etwas Offroad Erfahrung -
Die Strecken haben sehr leichte Passagen und sogar Straßen Anteil aber auch technische und trickreiche besonders für die dicken bikes.
Jeder muss sein eigenes Gepäck und gedöns selber transportieren- das Begleitfahrzeug ist für das Kamera Team und die Orga.
Und am Ende ist das wichtigste das wir alles fahren wie du sagst :)
@@ACTev Auf jeden Fall ist das kein Spaziergang! Ich bin den track letzte Woche gefahren.
Thanks for the great film. great inspiration.
I'll definitely drive it next year, on the way to Montenegro and Albania👍
Dont underestimate this thing...I was k.o. after 5 days!
it was a real pleasure to watch 😍 I wish everyone a big greeting and happy driving 👍Einfach cooool, it's fantastic , fantastično je 😜👀 I have already driven a large part of this route, but from your perspective this is perfect .Thank you very much ACT Team , many greetings Ljubo!
Hi, do you have a track from the 2nd day (Rijeka - Karlobag)?
Ihr hab euch wieder Übertroffen 😎🤘
Beautiful Croatia ... 🌅🏍📸🎥🎬🌊🌞⚓⛵🚢🥂🍾🍷🍻☕🦀🌻🌳🐟🐠🐬👍😎
If anyone would like to see more of the road conditions on Mali Alan.
I have an unprofessional video in a different direction.
7:41 / 9:23
Anfahrt zum Mali Alan im Velebit Gebirge von Modric aus Teil 2 Motorrad Kroatien 😀
Thanks for your film, very entertaining for Christmas Day. Brings some heat back into winter. Croatia looks very attractive, maybe we will ride your latest track instead of ACT Italy after Pyrenees and Romania. Keep up the good work, Günter/Nürnberg
Looking for a group to do this, this year.
You can Join the club and our social group to find riding buddy’s …
@@ACTev Can you send me a link?
Just go to adventurecountrytracks.com you will find all information there.
In welchem Monat war die Reise?
Hi … this was round July.
Hope to get to do some of this amazing looking track around end of May - wondering what tyres I should fit - I have anakee adventures currently but looking at some of the terrain should I be going more 50/50 than 80/20?
I have done a lot of these tracks with tkc70 rocks but something a bit more aggressive would be nice in some parts...
Zu welcher Jahreszeit wart ihr dort ?
Ende Juni Anfang Juli …
Really great you bring these films to us, Croatia is amazing and the routes published in ACT - but this one WAY WAY too big a group and having cars accompanying you kind of ruins the spirit. 4/5 riders max would make it a better proposal and better adventure filming.
Yea… the big group is difficult but it also helps to verify the track for different levels.
Also we want to show many different bikes and how they perform. We may have a new format next year .. :)
@@ACTevit’s great you are listening and what you bring is fantastic for us bikers.
Having such a large group portrays a bad image for non bikers especially in today’s ecologically sensitive world. We really do not want these tracks opposed and shutdown..
Witch month you where filming ?
This was end of July
wie kann man die 13 tage überspringen?
Excelent video. Part two "ACT Bosnia and Montenegro"😊. Betther than Italy, Austria, Croatia...
Living 🍻
What are the best fitting tires for this track?
We used metzeler Karoo4 but any other tires this style will work .. good choice is something like 70/30 or 60/40 split.
What ferry from Split to Hvar take vehicles. I am already planning here, but only find booking that can not bring my/our motorcycles. It is a practical information that would be nice if you share. Awsome movie by the way, thank you
Hi. I live in Split and it’s pretty easy. Just come to the port where they sell tickets and ask for the ferry from Split to Stari Grad. Stari Grad is the small town on Hvar Island that the vehicle ferry goes to. You don’t have book it in advance.
simply go there. We booked ferry in the morning. There are a lot and we are not used to use ferries in germany. But if you are there, everything works fins. We went in the morning from split to hvar with ferry around 11:00. Drove over to Stari Grad and crossed the island to the end of the track at lighthouse till the evening.
Schöne Bilder, ja - aber viel zu viel Gesabbel, wie toll das alles ist und... Ich konnte mir den Film nur wenige Minuten ansehen. Habe dann noch mal die eine oder andere Minute quer durch den Film angesehen, aber es wurde nicht besser. Schade, hätte man was Schönes draus machen können.
Danke für dein Feedback … wir arbeiten stetig daran den content zu verbessern… nehme deinen Kommentar gerne mit auf.
Hi ACT Team,
I would like to ride the ACT next year. When I discovered the movie on YT my happines was big. But the disappointment afterwards was even bigger. So much pathos was really hard to bear. And especially the constant: amazing, awesome, really really and really great and more amazing again... Sorry, but at some point I couldn't listen to it any more.
It sounded to me like a huge promotional event and not like a report from a adventure tour. Too fake.
As a rider, I would prefer less posed driving scenes, but more the "real adventure" from the tour and, above all, the whole thing should be more informative than pathetic.
I think, that would be really cool for all those who want to ride this route in the future.
Thanks and best.......................Artur
Thanks for your feedback… we have considered to change the type of Filming .. so please stay tunend for 2024 edition :)
@@ACTev Easy... Nevertheless, I would like to say thank you for your efforts in finding all the routes and making it possible for us to ride them.
Das ist ja wie Neckermann Pauschalreisen.
Ja und wenn du Mitglied werden möchtest melde dich bei uns bekommst dann noch ne Heizdecke dazu … 😉
What`s the minimum fuel range required / recommended for that route?
Nice trip. Thanks for sharing. Speaking for myself - the team is too big. And btw: This is the Mediterranian Sea, not the Atlantic or the ocean 😃
You mean the Adrian sea ? 😉 the group is quite big but fun and all kind of different rider helps us for verification of the track :)
Charlie Boorman
This route is not hard to plan
Providing you can navigate, read a map & GPS anyone can find theses gravel roads as they are all marked on map as white roads
That’s good .. glad you can do it by your own… and thanks for your comment … everyone is different and not everyone want to do all the work ahead, check legal and doable situation and so on.. but it’s great that you can do it .. ride on ..
ACT this is NOT riding off road, it’s riding unpaved roads ! There is a big difference try claiming on your travel insurance and saying I was riding off road.
Riding off road in most countries is also illegal!
I‘m so glad you spending your time here on our Channel… somehow deep in your inners you must like us… ride on!
So everybody seems to see how beautiful Croatia is except the people living there . so sad.
Isn’t this normal ? The grass is always greener on the other side…
Good idea, but way too much talk and repetition of the same superlatives! This video would have been much better, if cut in half, letting the viewer choose what he thinks and showing more maps.
Yes we may have overdone the talking :) thanks for your feedback ! We still have a bunch of ACT movies in front of us to improve 😊
Ihr strahlt die meiste Zeit keine Fröhlichkeit aus😂.. kla schlaucht das aber ihr müsst euch in den Videos mal etwas zusammen reißen. Also so ein Jens Kuck in Bosnien , nimmt einen mehr mit. Aber ihr hattet hoffentlich mehr spass als es scheint 😂
Und fahrt ihr wirklich die ganze zeit Rad an rad? Ich kann es mir kaum vorstellen. Also etwas weniger kamerafahrten wären aufregender.
🙊🙉🙈 stimmt wohl … fühlt sich zum Zeitpunkt anders an 😂
Après celui d'Espagne '22, d'Italie '23, du Portugal (cette année '24), on va planifier ...
Good morning,
After that of Spain '22, Italy '23, Portugal (this year '24), we will plan ...
I thought adventure riding was about NOT knowing what is coming up
Give it a try and let us know afterwards if its to less adventure for your taste ;-)
You know, I really like the concept, but why do you have to make these videos so "cheesy"? A little bit of com is fine, but you are overdoing it. If there were less com and more just showing the track, it would be fine, everybody saying the same thing all the time becomes boring!
Please check the next episode 2024 … we will adjust the type of filming
The scenery in Croatia is lovely, but you're spoiling it with such an unnecessary large group and why dramatise so much when you're only driving trails the locals would use to get to their fields and woodlands.... it's hardly tough off-roading!
Because not every rider is skilled like you ;) there many riders out there just starting with Offroad riding.
It’s not about finding the hardest track to ride:)
Also wenn man genau hingesehen hat, waren da schon mitunter sehr anspruchsvolle Passagen mit tiefen Auswaschungen und großen losen Steinen, tiefem Schlamm und Wasserdurchfahrten.
Da würde ich lieber auf 4 Rädern durch.
Und was ist "Off-Road" ?
Für echtes Offroad brauchste 'n Boot, Bergepanzer, Harvester oder Flugzeug.
Easy comment from the comfort of your couch. As one of the riders in this movie I can tell you it was some of the toughest offroading I've done in my life. You can't really see the big rocky hillclimbs and deep gravel sections in the film. Doing that for a week in high temperatures is no walk in the park like you are claiming. Go ride ACT Croatia yourself and tell us how easy it was 😂
Hmm, I spend 3-4 month a year on mountain trails. Maybe take a smaller bike and don't go when it's too hot.... But besides that your group is still far too big.@@SupermotoCentral
I know it's not necessary to look for difficult trails, it should be all about enjoying the beautiful places you are travelling through, but this film over dramatises everything! AND your group is too large. @@ACTev
Operation "Grapple "was not so pretty and it looks like things are flairing up again i would choose wisley the countrys i wish to support.
why you cut it so heroic like a Steven Spielberg movie ? you´re riding your big sponsor bikes - just guided on gravel roads......like heroes....a bit of magic dust and stones....old white boys , please stay away of the mountains.
don´t leave your tracks online. all you´re tracks will be overloaded and forbidden in shorter time....
Yes sir we will take you comment under consideration. 😉 and you take a minute to read what act is about I heard something like protecting tracks in cowork with local authorities to make sure also you can keep riding in the future off road.
And thanks for the compliment to compare our media team work with Spielberg! Next year we will record with smartphones no cutting and no music 🎶 but somehow I think this movie will turn out boring then. 😛
Merry Christmas 🎄
I'm sad to read how many people get lost in the little things. Some comments indicate that some people did not understand the ACT project.
Staying away of the mountains is an advice you should follow yourself. Carvan driver. Really?
Less epic blabla and less ultraepic music would make this movie more enjoyable. Still love the project! Great job guys
Last movie people thought the music is to much 😅 maybe we should to 2 movies 😉 thanks for your comment anyway. Have a great New Year’s Eve!
@@ACTev i meant both ;-) less would be more. I still enjoyed the movie a lot. 👍👍👍
LOL, heavy people on heavy bikes with heavy support teams. The industry at large.
fight the fat
So you think people with over 75KG and big bikes should not ride ? The camera team should walk instead taking a car ? Let us think about it ? Maybe find a small group of light weight people on 50cc bikes and marathon media team for next year. Or we just keep doing what we love ❤️ and keep riding … let’s see.
I wish you Merry Christmas and open mind .. and of course a awesome riding 2024!
I fully support the general ACT idea, but this pseudo-advertising at „influencer“ level is a disgrace for the off-road trail community -> Too many riders at once on too heavyweight bikes!
There‘s a reason the TET for instance strongly discourages riding groups of more than 6 people: It’s annoying to the locals (who _will_ urge for legislation to limit motorcycling), it’s unnecessarily dangerous (accordion effect), and it’s lowering the pace for everybody as soon as anybody stalls.
I honestly prefer TET over ACT - riding truly challenging goat trails alone or in small groups… instead of some middle-aged dads cosplaying all day as ‚adventure rebels‘ while essentially riding the same guided tour on way overweight 1200cc tourers with hard luggage on car-sized local farm- and woodland trails at geriatric speeds.
Thanks for your comment …
I’m one of the middle aged dads . :) you actually almost found the point of difference between our friends from TET and us .. not all of want to ride small CC some of us want to go on a 2,3 or more K trip where a big CC bike is a good choice but we still wanna have smaller adventures this is what ACT is for. Your recommendation on group size is correct we also recommend a size plus minus 6 but for the movie scout we Al sways have a bigger group and yes we have a advertising side in it, which is clearly based on our supporters without them we couldn’t do the film so it’s always a balance. You also wrote riding alone or in smaller group .. we do not recommend riding alone at all! Anyway i think it is good to have both options TET and ACT to have choice. Cheers
Lets face it... ACT is TET for old fat dudes on overgrown "adventure" bikes... just like me🤣
😂😂 that’s one way to say it or .. it’s for people with the desire to travel a bit longer for example from Germany to Greece .. here is a bigger adv bike clear the choice:)
Carefully selected people. Many will be very grateful that they were allowed to be part of such a large commercial event that has nothing to do with adventure.
But they will be on video and RUclips fuuu.
What are navigation and suitcases or bags for? After all, you are led like geese and sleep in hotels.
How about by yourself without cameras without an accompanying vehicle on a motorcycle, go to the tent in the evening and cook dinner on a small stove.
Terribly embarrassing theater .... but as is the custom in uneaten Europe, the main thing is to have a big budget, a lot of money. Everyone must be well fed. Why not earn a lot of money even on vacation or a trip.
Thanks for your comment… if we do it without cameras..hmm than you couldn’t watch it and comment … also the idea is to inspire people to go and rider .. that’s why we need cameras and sponsors to make it happen.
Not everyone wants to just ride and go with the flow … some people like to know what to expect or need inspiration. But anyway thanks for watching.
Glad you made your comment :) always helpful to get good feedback 😉 merry Christmas 🎄 and a happy new year 🎆
Very boring video
Thank you very much for your feedback, very helpful 🤨😉