Mudra of Divine Oneness | Sacred Movements for anchoring Divine Oneness and Peace

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • The Mudra of Oneness to assist in the Great Shift
    Master Rays are extremely compassionate in their stance of holding loving space for the Entirety of Love. As we shift further into Oneness and can sense disharmony as the Perceptions of Love, Creation, and Oneness are rising for the Entirety of Love, which extends beyond the manifested planes.
    To assist in standing in Oneness as the echos of these Perceptions are being transmuted through Love’s Presence. Master Rays, may take a stance of Oneness through the Mudra of Oneness. For this is Love in Action, choosing to use One's Vessel to move Love and Oneness into existence.
    The Mudra of Oneness is intended to hold such Loving Oneness any and All residual Perceptions of Love and Creation and their associated attachments dissipate back to Love’s Perfection. As One uses the Mudras the Seraphim Flame moves across All time and space further Unifying All in Oneness.
    To begin, set the intention to serve the Highest Order of Love and Create Oneness into Existence.
    The Mudras of Oneness is the a Stance or Cosmic Dance of Peace. The Mudras of Oneness assist further shift the All into Oneness by creating a deep profound sense of Peace regardless of what is transpiring so All are reminded One is and will always Be Loved.
    Master Rays will feel initiated when to take this stance of Oneness. Usually promoted by sensing feelings of separation or disharmony.
    The Mudras of Oneness are a set of five sacred movements accompanied by affirmations and intentions. Together they move One into a state Oneness which is then expanded upon the All.
    When preformed through One’s Purity as a Mastery Ray it ignites Peace in All Hearts as the Master Ray embraces the Entirety of All that is into One’s Heart Core. This is profound act of Love. Loving on All of our Infinite Expression as One. For in doing so One moves the All in alignment with One’s Grand Divine Destiny.
    We will introduce One to the steps and the Intentions of the Mudra of Oneness. With increased awareness this will become a beautiful flow and even a dance with Love itself where One can sense and feel themselves being embraced by their Cosmic Wings.
    Notice the silence and stillness after the Mudras completion. For it is beyond the words. It is a complete emptying and releasing of All that isn’t aligned in Oneness. Therefore All that then remains is Love.
    Sit Here in the stillness of Love’s embrace. Without any need to fill the space. Allow Love to guide One when it is ready. It is this practice of surrendering to the Nothingness that creates space for One to embrace more of the True Self. For as One embraces the Nothingness they also align with the Everything within the nothing as the Cosmic I Am itself.
    One may return to the Mantra of Oneness as often as One feels called to. For this is a tremendous blessing for the Entirety of our expression of Love, transcending All time and space to Unify All in Love’s Embrace.
    This Living Light Transmission was transcribed from this Sacred Text:
    Join Us in Oneness on www.CosmicCore.One for further Mastery.

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