Dragon Age: Origins Cheats-MAX Attributes, Skills, Spells
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- fiverr.com/chea... - Dragon Age: Origins Cheats (PC) - Attributes, Skills and Spells ALL maxed out to Level 4 in the very beginning.
NEW LINK - No more crazy surveys!
Scene (Dragon Age: Origins PC, Character Generation):
First, the Attributes - I maxed out the character's Strength, Dexterity, Willpower, Magic, Cunning and Constitution to 1,000. Willpower has +1 in the game, so 999 is its max.
Second, the Skills - Coercion, Stealing, Survival, Combat-Training and Combat-Tactics can be maxed to their Level IV (Master). Trap-Making, Herbalism, Poison-Making stays at Level I because they require some Level ups.
Third, the Spells - literally everything on this page can be maxed out to Level IV, except for Mage because it requires some Level ups. Primal's Flame, Rock, Ice, and Lightning - Creation's Heal, Heroic, Paralysis, Spell - Spirit's Anti-Magic, Mana, Bomb, Mind - Entropy's Weakness, Vulnerability, Disorient and Death - ALL mastered.
With such a character setup, you are ready for even the Nightmare difficulty level!
If you play Dragon Age: Origins, please rate and comment. Thank you.
fiverr.com/chea... Игры
hmm... so this guy doesn't tire, can punch a tunnel down to the deep roads, has an unlimited mana pool, knows every spell in the grimoir (cept for the specializations) and can wear Juggernaut armor like it was a shirt. Your character is The Maker made flesh
I always play a game without cheats the first time, but I often do a second playthrough with cheats to get a better storyline experience without having to worry too much about surviving.
And it's soooo satisfying to watch hard-ass bosses keep attacking you without getting any results, RIGHT BEFORE YOU BLOW THEM TO NARNIA!!!
I have beaten DAO so many times, never gets old, I need Awakening though
wait, how do u put the cheats in
THANKS UUUUU love u im maxed out ; ) it works !!! fave + sub!
All i want is a cheat that allows me to add some attributes... around 5? I dont want to be superstrong with 50str, dex and 1000hp, just wear one armor. Any help? I already passed the game without cheating about 5 times, now i want to have some fun.
does it also work for the companions? i mean, is it only useful for a new caracter or you can upgrade morrigan, alistair, leliana, etc, skills and stuff when they reach a new level?
Thanks, very nice vid =)
do i need to make a new character to enable the cheats? cuz iv tryed with an existing caracter but i cant get my console up ingame am i doing someting wrong?
Lucky you!!! Now the Awakening is out, you can get to 35 =)!! Enjoy ^^
i cant get in i ones get in and i registred to 1 survey now i tried to get i again and i cant register or get in
There is nothing that you did in this video that would allow you to generate infinite points the way you're showing.
You have clearly used a hack or some other cheat
thanks man you are a live saver i bet my friend a 1000 bucks that i can learn all the spells on dragon age origins and i won thanks and keep up the good work
haha, i tried it out! :3 thanks!
@CheatForPC so it doesn't work for the ps3 either
Umm will this work with the xbox360 if so can u tell me how pleas
how much is this game again? for the xbox?
Do I have to be a human Mage? I wna be a Noble Dwarfen Warrior
how did the cheat works i dont get it
i can't go on the website the vid on it want let me install the thing i need
how do you did it......pls help me......what is the code for this cheat...
thanks a lot it work....i got one question this work only with mage or work with every one....
If this works with xbox360 xan u tell me how to do it pleas
so hey on the ps3 version i dunno how it happened but wynne has 1000 dex. anyone no how this happened?
when i try to start a new game. during the creation screen, the warden didn't show up. and when i choose like a dalish origin its always human. anyone know how to fix it?
does this work if your like lvl 2 or something and you level up can you do it than?
how would one go about doing this cos i just use a trainer but takes ages to get everything 200+
I did everything as you did and when i get to the skills the address value keeps changing (the lower one in cheat engine) when I freeze it I get a message Send Error Report or Don't send error report. Help =)
this is only for pc right?
U mean an online like neverwinter nights where you can make an MMO sever like silkroad i get you
@CheatForPC when i go in yhe link in descit comes up an anying vid that wont let me see whats behind and I cant click away
I need help. I have DAO Ultimiate Edition. And for some reason the game won't let me load until I authorize the "Blood Dragon ARmor" which I have downloaded and enabled. I've been on the Steam EA, and Bioware sites asking for help to no avail. I can't play the game anymore until I somehow authorize the armor. Can some of my woodhead friends out there help me out with this problem? I downloaded it from stead, registered the game and redeemed Awakenings too. I'm at a loss. Please help me.
what i dont understad how do you do it
can you do this on the 360? .....please say yes
you dont have to click for each attribute, you can just hold it -.-
i kept targeting the wrong "target"... now i got it tnx
does this cheat work on an existing character, or just when you create one?
does the cheats only word on a mage???
Your finger must be so tired after all that clicking
how do u do it??
I bet the people that are complaining of you cheating
are cheating themselves lol
Awesome vid by the way:)
how do you do it? and is it only for pc?
There's nothing like cheating XD
Awesome video! 5/5
@CheatForPC whats the name of the free tool?
what the name???
i heared theres no lvl limit only playtrought exp limit just use cheat that adds exp
is this in a window?
im guessing u cant do this one 360?
What do you do? it doesnt tell you?
OMG, didint relise thet Cheat Engine was so handy in DAO!
@CheatForPC thx all i needed is the skill points so i am super strong and i wont die
@Serpico109 Not GTA.
Completed game twice, awakening 3 times, I think I am not being put down by ''it teikz all ze funz0r outz!!!''
does it got a virus on it??
@CheatForPC you realized you clicked over 6000 times?
man how did u do that???? i want to know...plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me :)
cheats doent ruin fun.Cheats make game much more funnier!
why do a mage have so much strenght?
Ok does this work for warrior
@PanosKun Then why are u watching this??
@Deliqua1 you could actually have max skills,attributes........
will this work with ps3 vrs?
why bother doing this?
if you really don't want a challenge why not watch the last cut scene on You Tube and save your self 50 or so hours?
@PanosKun I may cheat somewhat but I'm more very interested in the story, not necessarily dying a lot in some spots. I don't want a 1 hit KO, either ;)
Can you do that on the XBOX?
Do you always say "lol" after every time you insult someone?
It does not work on Xbox OR PS3 couse you must have CE 5.5! wow i tried this before but it didint work but now i know the secret!
im stuck on the lost boss
damn i wish this were for 360 as well
Its the Maker!!!
i tried to duplicate this from what i seen in the video....there is somthing in the video that your not showing isnt there?
neva! i will never take away my cookies
you could have shown some sample fights instead of showing that you clicked all over the place...
anyways, how useless to have such a character. The only utility I see is unlocking the stupid mage achievements for learning all the spells in a given school. Did it give you those achievements at least?
Even in hard mode this game is viable. I dont think that cheats are that necessary.
@Promenius Hahahaha! Narnia?! I LOL'd
@Serpico109 Yes it does,I recommend to Finish the game first without cheats,I did,Now I wanna have fun Destroying without breaking a sweat,plus I know what missions do I go to and how to finish them...xD
He is god now!
traslate this im spanish e hecho todo loque ai en la pagina web i no funciona ia lo e probado 3 bezes estoi hasta los cojones
Hmm wierd cheat name, but i did wonder why and how it could be that u can keep on going adding points..
it does take the fun away but it does take's the anger away to ;)
maybe i over look'd something, and i am playing the game for the 2nd time, 1st time i did all angel style, this time i try'd evil style but i did 2 much angels answers so it's not 100% evil game play ;)
that's no fun
where is the fun in this
5 stars for sure it works check his page in the dicription its awsome no virus nothing i didnt now that on 2 bytes the numbers where so high whats the number of 500??
looks no fun :) 999 everything and every ability thats make it dumb
this is a good game and i beaten it about 5 or 6 times on the nightmare dificulty without the cheats and its not that hard at all when you get the skills right
Jesus, I just wanted more gold! 8D
This is lame -.-
You have to buy it -.-
cheating ruins the game, no fun.
@CheatForPC noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
hah,no cool lv 50 is cool
bet you pirated that game too!
@thomaslarssomn lol i say it before and after to show how much im loling at you lol
@CheatForPC LOL
it would be pathetic to use them...in any difficulty... u guys are lol.. cheats ruin fun
THANKS UUUUU love u im maxed out ; ) it works !!! fave + sub!