Fisi u ba shume i perseritshem viteve te fundit, te njejtat sene i thote cdo here naper intervista. Ose duhet me ia nis me u ba ma interesant e me kallxu najsen t're ose mos me dal mo intervista.
Entertaining, your profession has become more professional and you say things according to the need, not necessarily true, to leave room for opponents to give you work
Ndër intervistat më motivuese qe kam pa deri sot në canape. Fisnik Ismaili.
Cfarti. Fatkeqesisht, Fisi u ba shume i parashikueshem naper intervista viteve te fundit. Senet e njejta i thote cdo here
@@int2482 Njeriu që arriti me ja shitë 7-të germa temuti...per "monument". Mbetrurina NewPorn e vjedhur nga: I'AMSTERDAM .
Fisi u ba shume i perseritshem viteve te fundit, te njejtat sene i thote cdo here naper intervista. Ose duhet me ia nis me u ba ma interesant e me kallxu najsen t're ose mos me dal mo intervista.
Entertaining, your profession has become more professional and you say things according to the need, not necessarily true, to leave room for opponents to give you work