nice job. I never buy insurance products for savings, it is to help friends and relatives who are agents. Insurance is not an efficient way to save or invest money. The fees are way too high and not really transparent on what they invested in. Better to use ETF fees are much lower 0.03bps vs upwards of 100-150bps. It is not good for policyholders as you pay them 150bps and they might be using it to buy 2800 which charges 0.09bps. Thats how insurance companies make so much profits.
Exactly. The know-nothing investor who continuously buys into low cost passive funds will come out ahead, just by dint of the fact that he is incurring less in fees and expenses. In investing one gets what one does NOT pay for. Insurance agents like to say that savings plans produce “more stable” returns but what is really happening is that the returns follow a U shaped curve meaning that the insurance company buys itself a lot of time for the underlying investments to grow. A savings plan can easily take at least 8 years just to break even. And that's NON-guaranteed. 14 years into the plan, the (non-guaranteed) IRR will probably be just 2.XX%. Again, the insurance company is buying itself as much time as possible for the underlying investments to grow. Within the same time frame, had the same amount of money been invested into the stock and bond markets, that amount would have (in all likelihood) grown by at least 100%. The returns of the savings plan are "stable" only in the sense that the policyholder is given only a small fraction of the profits which he would have received from the broader market.
I mean, echoing Warren Buffett’s bet against the hedge fund industry back in 2007-ish, I’m willing to make a similar bet that a broad based low cost passively managed target date fund from, say, vanguard would absolutely crush any insurance company’s savings plan over the next 20 years. 😂 The Costs Matters Hypothesis is an eternal rule of investing. How much alpha does the insurance company have to generate just to overcome its ridiculous fees, expenses and commissions? 😂 The whole thing makes no sense, but I think insurance companies have figured out long time ago that it is easier to sell these plans WITHOUT giving away specifics and/or particulars, than to actually explain what the underlying investments consist of and what the fees and expenses are. To the financially illiterate, the savings plan gives the illusion of safety and security. The customer is simply asked to trust the company 😂
謝謝您欣賞~ - Adriana
我係一個睇開NBFI 既credit analyst, 多謝你既分析
少有的精彩分析, 客觀但專業. 不過冇會計底會覺得很沉悶, 。 尤其是現今香港喜歡即食麵文化, 只喜歡講出答案 就可以。 博主,如果你走別的賽道,例如分析上市公司派息及前景,可能 吸睛程度,是現今的幾倍哦. 期待你日後精彩的文章.。
謝謝您欣賞~ - Adriana
Well said. Tks
your efforts are highly appreciated. Thanks a lot
如果係終期紅利,可以啊,但係目前得D公司有比較明顯會甘樣做 - Adriana
Could you advise me which one is AIA ? Are you AIA agent?
A:AIA B: Manulife C:AXA D:Pru
nice job. I never buy insurance products for savings, it is to help friends and relatives who are agents. Insurance is not an efficient way to save or invest money. The fees are way too high and not really transparent on what they invested in. Better to use ETF fees are much lower 0.03bps vs upwards of 100-150bps. It is not good for policyholders as you pay them 150bps and they might be using it to buy 2800 which charges 0.09bps. Thats how insurance companies make so much profits.
Exactly. The know-nothing investor who continuously buys into low cost passive funds will come out ahead, just by dint of the fact that he is incurring less in fees and expenses. In investing one gets what one does NOT pay for. Insurance agents like to say that savings plans produce “more stable” returns but what is really happening is that the returns follow a U shaped curve meaning that the insurance company buys itself a lot of time for the underlying investments to grow. A savings plan can easily take at least 8 years just to break even. And that's NON-guaranteed. 14 years into the plan, the (non-guaranteed) IRR will probably be just 2.XX%. Again, the insurance company is buying itself as much time as possible for the underlying investments to grow.
Within the same time frame, had the same amount of money been invested into the stock and bond markets, that amount would have (in all likelihood) grown by at least 100%. The returns of the savings plan are "stable" only in the sense that the policyholder is given only a small fraction of the profits which he would have received from the broader market.
I mean, echoing Warren Buffett’s bet against the hedge fund industry back in 2007-ish, I’m willing to make a similar bet that a broad based low cost passively managed target date fund from, say, vanguard would absolutely crush any insurance company’s savings plan over the next 20 years. 😂
The Costs Matters Hypothesis is an eternal rule of investing. How much alpha does the insurance company have to generate just to overcome its ridiculous fees, expenses and commissions? 😂 The whole thing makes no sense, but I think insurance companies have figured out long time ago that it is easier to sell these plans WITHOUT giving away specifics and/or particulars, than to actually explain what the underlying investments consist of and what the fees and expenses are. To the financially illiterate, the savings plan gives the illusion of safety and security. The customer is simply asked to trust the company 😂
比較加入FWD 同sun life呀?
以上談及的其中一間公司先有公開資料睇啊,而且佢嘅業務範圍大部分同投資有關,保險佔佢嘅份額較小,,另外一間唔係上市公司,所以唔會有任何業務經營的較真實數字(因為償付比率其實可以透過該期賣出好多儲蓄產品推高,令到佢睇落好似好多現金;由於儲蓄產品人壽成分好低,所以保險公司實際承擔的保單債務,即係如果持有人逝世,保險公司要償付嘅錢都唔多,所以參考價值不大) - Adriana
在職的保險經理,好怕D agent睇你的channel,心虛..........要睇年報,淨係一間公司,都有140頁,分析4間都好花時間,不過會知道到好多野,見解會好獨到,幫助好大.
各保險公司的年報會有,search annual report 2023 - Adriana
C 公司都有苦主喺銅鑼灣放banner。新聞都有賣,好似同投連保險有關,其實發生咩事 ? 可以拍一條片,講真話嗎?
絕對可以啊!多謝您呢個提案,覺得好好啊!- Adriana
@@luA-xl4fq AXA
I plan to buy AIA
合法的Scam,吹咩,綁死哂個客,賺錢就保險公司同Agent 就賺咗先,蝕時就得個客蝕,諗唔到有咩合法嘢係有咁搵笨
弱弱一問,全港最大佔比會唔會應該係hsbc , 中銀,中國人壽?
唔係啊, 保險市場市佔率佔比,實際手持資產,廣告/分行多寡 係幾樣唔同嘅野呢 - Adriana
買儲蓄保險不嬲係on 8+1😅
好睇你點認為 - 係啊,投資永遠涉及個人偏好!而且最有趣嘅地方係,保險公司手持資產,同佢真實allocate分配比保單的資產又唔同(分紅基金投資策略)- Adriana
謝謝意見。請問可以分享A CD公司...是哪間保險公司嗎?...
唔一定要唔出糧,先有賺咗嘅錢分翻比您啊,可以公司賺錢、員工有糧收、持有人有錢收,本身一間正常營運嘅公司就係3方受益先可以run到咁耐啊(我公司208年了) - Adriana
@@projectumbrellahkAdriana 請問您公司是哪一間呢?安全嗎
Reupload? 係啊,呢個係我的子頻道,大家多多指教!- Adriana
Very informative, but u dont know how to make them much more attractive.
等您發揮~ - Adriana