Star Wars Armada List Review - November 2022

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • A review of 4 lists submitted by viewers! I am analyzing the lists from a competitive tournament perspective but ultimately its all just my opinion! If you would like to send me lists to review, feel free to comment them or send them to me on discord.

Комментарии • 34

  • @Hailthecloudslayer
    @Hailthecloudslayer Год назад +1

    Great video and insights. I have a list below if you’d like to pick it apart. Its more of a thematic causal list, a VSD SPHA-T with Ven II an Y-Wings working as kind of fighter-bombers with flight controllers. Originally had Oddball in place of Asoka just because it could dual role as well. I’m thinking about potentially dropping Engine Techs for one more Y-Wing.
    Name: Plo VSD Falleen flt (TF 59)
    Faction: Republic
    Commander: Plo Koon
    Assault: Precision Strike
    Defense: Hyperspace Assault
    Navigation: Solar Corona
    Venator II (100)
    • Plo Koon (26)
    • Flight Controllers (6)
    • Boosted Comms (4)
    • Electronic Countermeasures (7)
    • Tranquility (3)
    = 146 Points
    Victory I (75)
    • Hondo Ohnaka (2)
    • Engine Techs (8)
    • Ordnance Experts (4)
    • SPHA-T (7)
    • External Racks (4)
    • Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
    = 104 Points
    Pelta Transport Frigate (45)
    • Clone Navigation Officer (4)
    • Projection Experts (6)
    • Munitions Resupply (3)
    = 58 Points
    • Anakin Skywalker (Delta-7) (24)
    • 4 x BTL-B Y-wing Squadron (40)
    • Ahsoka Tano (23)
    = 87 Points
    Total Points: 395

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +1

      Happy to take a look in a future video. Thanks for submitting!

  • @K0sk4
    @K0sk4 Год назад

    Thanks for the review. I will implement the changes you've mentioned and give it a shot. 😎

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад

      Sure thing. Let me know how it goes!

  • @xenoserum
    @xenoserum Год назад

    Don't have access to the Discord but happy to send a list for review, I like seeing peoples lists and what people make of them as helps with list building in general I think.

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +1

      Sure thing, feel free to submit one any time!

    • @xenoserum
      @xenoserum Год назад

      @@Shyvalry how best to send it

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +1

      @@xenoserum You can just post it here in the comments!

    • @xenoserum
      @xenoserum Год назад

      @@Shyvalry Ok slight caveat... So I do go to competative event (but mainly to play new people).
      My brain doesn't like me not being bang on points so that causes a lot of issues and I loose out on that but thats not going to change.
      And I very rarely use anything that is a disgard (I have one in this fleet but it's too good not to have)
      Name: Dodonna
      Faction: Rebel
      Commander: General Dodonna
      Assault: Advanced Gunnery
      Defense: Capture the VIP
      Navigation: Superior Positions
      MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
      • Ray Antilles (7)
      • Fire-Control Team (2)
      • Reinforced Blast Doors (5)
      • Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
      • XI7 Turbolasers (6)
      • Foresight (8)
      = 95 Points
      Nebulon-B Support Refit (51)
      • General Dodonna (20)
      • Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
      • XX-9 Turbolasers (5)
      • Salvation (7)
      = 86 Points
      Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
      • Major Derlin (7)
      • Boarding Engineers (2)
      • External Racks (4)
      • Garel's Honor (4)
      = 53 Points
      CR90 Corvette B (39)
      • Leading Shots (6)
      • Dodonna's Pride (6)
      = 51 Points
      CR90 Corvette B (39)
      • Overload Pulse (8)
      • Jaina's Light (2)
      = 49 Points
      • Dash Rendar (24)
      • Luke Skywalker (20)
      • Ketsu Onyo (22)
      = 66 Points
      Total Points: 400

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад

      @@xenoserum Sounds good! By bang on points do you mean always exactly 400? Just so I don't suggest changes that put it below 400.

  • @florianhess
    @florianhess Год назад

    Many thanks for the review & input on my submitted Romodi list.
    Lots actually matches my own thoughts after having played the fleet several times, mainly that the Raider doesn't do enough with the current upgrades. Will tone it down to a Raider1 life boat with just the admiral and Corvus.
    Lack of re-roll tech could be helped with Munitions Resupply, a card that i don't own yet, haha
    The reason for Ion Storm over Most Wanted is that it allows me full control over the obstacles, same with both other objectives. I would usually creates some form of 'Romodi trigger screen' with the obstacles, behind which the Arquittens would move at speed 1-2 to trigger QBTs.
    Noted your thoughts on the squad ball. So far i have played it in a counter alpha way. Bait the opponents with the escorts, then strike back with the Interceptors and Ciena/Valen, locking the opposing squads done. The next turn i'd command the remaining squads to move in & attack, squads already engaged would wait till the squad phase, making it there with the help of the escorts or will get revived by RHDs. Maybe this approach is conceding too many points to my opponent...
    Will take your advise and look at Rogues instead! Would you have a suggestion for a medium sized ball in the range up to/around 100pts?

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад

      Thanks for the follow up! Munitions resupply would help some for sure. In regards to the squad ball, if you're having success with the current setup then no need to make major changes. I am just partial to rogues and feel they would fit well in your list.
      For a medium sized rogue ball I like Vader defender, Jendon, and then one more rogue ace of your choice (Morna if you can afford her, Boba, Bossk, or one of the IGs for cheaper). Add on to that 2 firesprays and an aggressor, and that's right around 120, similar to your current ball. If you start running rogues you'll eventually find a ball that works for you!

  • @reiem3222
    @reiem3222 Год назад

    Thanks for the review! I really like the idea to swap into Infested Fields and I am going to do some test games with it. However, I have Superior Positions mainly so that if I face double Onager or some other 2 heavy hitter activations the opponent is forced into either choosing something that I can farm with squads, potentially losing alot of dice with Jamming Barrier, or letting me bomb with first activation. I feel like Infested Field in that scenario would be an easy grab for them, especially if they have something that can get the tokens on their side. The Ahsoka is a longer discussion, but the main points are that as a squad she can give you another small activation essentially. This is really good at taxing double brace aces, or killing generics left on one or two hull. Lumi will help against the Y-wings being countered which already will be mitigated by the fact that 3 of them will be sniping. As far as Wing commander I believe I can set my dials properly :) However, if the 156pt Venator can't push its 90 points of squads due to slicers, comm noise, etc I feel like I probably lose the game.

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад

      That's fair about wing commander as an anti-slicer tech. Your list does live and die based on how much work the squads can do, so making sure you get the squad activations when you need them is huge. I hate that its 6 points, but your reasoning makes sense!

  • @matthewchambers7208
    @matthewchambers7208 Год назад

    I just discovered your channel and I love it. Really appreciate the Tier lists.
    I'm also interested in getting some feedback on a list that I've been playing around with. I'm an intermediate player who is looking to become more competitive. I generally don't like relying on squads in my lists and if I could go squadless I would, but I know that's not really an option. Anyways here's my list:
    Name: Interceptor Resurrector
    Faction: Imperial
    Commander: Moff Jerjerrod
    Assault: Advanced Gunnery
    Defense: Hyperspace Assault
    Navigation: Solar Corona
    ISD Kuat Refit (112)
    • Moff Jerjerrod (23)
    • Expert Shield Tech (5)
    • Ordnance Experts (4)
    • Reserve Hangar Deck (3)
    • Electronic Countermeasures (7)
    • Point Defense Ion Cannons (4)
    • External Racks (4)
    • Relentless (3)
    = 165 Points
    Gozanti Cruisers (23)
    • Comms Net (2)
    • Reserve Hangar Deck (3)
    = 28 Points
    Gozanti Cruisers (23)
    • Comms Net (2)
    • Reserve Hangar Deck (3)
    = 28 Points
    Gladiator I (56)
    • Iden Versio (6)
    • Ordnance Experts (4)
    • Engine Techs (8)
    • Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
    • Demolisher (10)
    = 88 Points
    Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
    • Captain Needa (2)
    • Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
    = 63 Points
    • TIE Interceptor Squadron (11)
    • Ciena Ree (17)
    = 28 Points
    Total Points: 400
    1) I really like Jerry and Ozzel as commanders - I chose Jerry for the extra mobility, but I'm not sure if he's the best choice. I also wonder if I have tunnel vision for these two. Is there any commander you think would be a better fit here?
    2) I know the fighter coverage is weak. My goal is to slow down enemy bombers long enough to target a carrier. Do you think this is realistic? I realize I'm relying a lot on the gimmick of bringing back the tie interceptor over and over again and just throwing it out on suicide missions. Do you think this is viable or should I drop the Gozantis and go all rogue? I want to minimize having to give squad commands.
    3) APT vs. External Racks?
    4) Bid: I feel like this list is ok going first or second. Am I wrong about that?
    Thanks for any feedback!

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +1

      Happy to take a look and review the list in an upcoming video. Thanks for submitting! I've gotten quite a few list submissions recently so the next review video should come out sooner rather than later.

    • @matthewchambers7208
      @matthewchambers7208 Год назад +1

      @@Shyvalry Thanks! I look forward to it!

    • @louis-andrest-laurent2823
      @louis-andrest-laurent2823 Год назад

      Your list is great in general, I would remove the interceptor for Valen and also remove relentless. That would give you 10 points in extra for better use like bid. Rack is almost always a better choice just because of PDIC that can mess with your hit/crit and never use apt or acm.
      You also can use Needa over EST and add Vador to have a great reroll on the Kuat.
      The main problem with your list is the obvious approach you will have and also that your opponent migth never shot at the kuat and focus on the smalls ships and fly away the close range. For sure JJ help a lot to stay in position and block the opponent in double arc but many kind of list can dodge that beast.
      Your mission are good but infested field would help you more than Solar Corona even if deploying last is a very good start (but JJ is so good that you really don't need that advantage)

    • @louis-andrest-laurent2823
      @louis-andrest-laurent2823 Год назад

      Also Mon Ferrat over Iden Versio which she go best on a raider.
      And maybe more EST than Needa on the arquitens to run it with LTT and put JJ there. It won't be hard to fly away and EST can help dealing with bomber.

  • @christopherbryant9807
    @christopherbryant9807 Год назад

    Hey Shyvalry! I love watching your list reviews and learning new ideas. I was wondering if you could pick apart an imperial list I've been working on? I would really appreciate the insight from a more technical player like yourself.
    Here's the List:
    Name: Tarkin's Angry Space Triangles
    Faction: Imperial
    Commander: Grand Moff Tarkin
    Assault: Most Wanted
    Defense: Contested Outpost
    Navigation: Solar Corona
    ISD Cymoon 1 Refit (112)
    • Grand Moff Tarkin (28)
    • Director Krennic (8)
    • Intensify Firepower! (6)
    • Gunnery Team (7)
    • Proximity Mines (4)
    • Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
    • XI7 Turbolasers (6)
    • Sovereign (4)
    = 182 Points
    Victory I (73)
    • Ordnance Experts (4)
    • Proximity Mines (4)
    • Quad Battery Turrets (5)
    • Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
    = 90 Points
    Raider I (44)
    • Agent Kallus (3)
    • Ruthless Strategists (4)
    • Quad Laser Turrets (5)
    • External Racks (4)
    • Impetuous (4)
    = 64 Points
    Gozanti Cruisers (23)
    • Repair Crews (4)
    • Proximity Mines (4)
    = 31 Points
    • Ciena Ree (17)
    • Valen Rudor (13)
    = 30 Points
    Total Points: 397

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад

      Happy to take a look and talk about it in an upcoming video. Thanks for submitting!

  • @mastoebner
    @mastoebner Год назад +2

    Not sure if you mentioned it on the first list - but spha-t reduces squadron value on the victory meaning FCT only moves 1 squad from the victory

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +2

      I don't think I talked about the Vic moving any squads but that's a good callout!

  • @Matt-eq1ys
    @Matt-eq1ys Год назад

    Good video, I'd disagree with part of your assessment of the first list: Victories aren't always the best ship, but something they can do well is take a hit. It's comparable to a Venator for noticeably fewer points, and that's one of the biggest benefits to a Victory: its beefiness

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад

      See that's where I would say their lack of a native defensive retrofit hurts them a lot. Single brace with no access to ECMs mean they can fold fast. The imperial Venator has a native defensive retrofit slot, more shields, and more hull. The Vic 1 is pretty beefy for its price, but the Vic 2 for 85 points really isn't. On top of that, without spending the points on harrow and engine techs, the Vic can't run away. That's what helps with the "sneaky tankiness" of something like the assault frigate. A native defensive retrofit while also having access to speed 3 to run away.

  • @kilivanjg2813
    @kilivanjg2813 Год назад +1

    Hey Shy! Im submitting my list here to see if you could please review it!
    I think some criticism from a very structured player would help me learn!
    I have updated it based on a couple of things you mentioned into this video, namely Ahsoka officer instead of Clone Captain Silver, which also forced me to take Reserve Hanger Decks instead of Boosted comms on the Medical Pelta.
    I also changed my objectives from Most wanted > Surprise Attack
    Precision Strike > Infested Fields.
    Before you review the list I'm wondering if I should have 1 less V-19 and another Ywing to fight ships faster. With the Venator activating 6-8 squadrons a turn do I have less need of the V-19s extra anti squad dice, and less need of its escort with Plo giving all Ywings Counter 1?
    Should Plo be swapped out for a generic Delta-7 and axe be added in, since the Ywings will have snipe, so them having counter doesn't matter as much?
    These are the questions my Brain can't quantify without extensive testing, and unfortunately my play partner is out of the country for a couple weeks.
    Anyways, love the video and here is the list!
    Yularen's Rainbow Venator & 3 Jedi
    Faction: Republic
    Commander: Admiral Yularen
    Assault: Surprise Attack
    Defense: Fleet In Being
    Navigation: Infested Fields
    Venator II (100)
    • Admiral Yularen (24)
    • Ahsoka Tano (6)
    • Flight Controllers (6)
    • Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
    • Thermal Shields (5)
    • Ordnance Pods (3)
    • Tranquility (3)
    = 152 Points
    Pelta Medical Frigate (49)
    • Clone Navigation Officer (4)
    • Bomber Command Center (8)
    • Reserve Hangar Deck (3)
    = 64 Points
    Pelta Transport Frigate (45)
    • Hondo Ohnaka (2)
    • Parts Resupply (3)
    = 50 Points
    • Anakin Skywalker (Delta-7) (24)
    • Plo Koon (24)
    • 3 x V-19 Torrent Squadron (36)
    • 5 x BTL-B Y-wing Squadron (50)
    = 134 Points
    Total Points: 400

    • @kilivanjg2813
      @kilivanjg2813 Год назад +1

      My goal with creating this list was to activate a huge amount of squadrons in one go, hopefully dominating the squad war in 1/2 turns and turning the y wings onto ships with bomber command centre nearby.

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +1

      Happy to take a look and discuss it in an upcoming video! Thanks for submitting.

    • @kilivanjg2813
      @kilivanjg2813 Год назад

      Just replying to myself. Was able to test this list abit going 4-1 Win/Loss. (un)fortunately I did not come up against a squad heavy build at all while testing this list, so the list had WAY too many points invested into Anti-Squads, and i feel each win could have been better with a 6th Ywing.
      For that reason i have made these changes for my list. One thing i would potentially like is for the Venator to have Boosted Comms, But the whole point of the list was a 8 Squad activation Alpha strike.
      I have also recently found out about the glory of Reactive Gunnery Peltas... and man have i caught the Salvo-Pelta Bug.
      I dont feel running the Transport Pelta impacts my Squad pushing capabilities because the Clone Nav Pelta can squad dial turn 1, turning it into a token + passing a token to the ven, which still allowed 10 activations in one turn. Additionally Hondo token + Dial can push 3 if i really need to later on in the game.
      Here is my updated list! Would still love your thoughts if you do end up reviewing it :D
      You Yellin' At Yularen?!
      Faction: Republic
      Commander: Admiral Yularen
      Assault: Precision Strike
      Defense: Fleet In Being
      Navigation: Infested Fields
      Venator II (100)
      • Admiral Yularen (24)
      • Flight Commander (3)
      • Flight Controllers (6)
      • Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
      • Thermal Shields (5)
      • Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
      • Tranquility (3)
      = 153 Points
      Pelta Transport Frigate (45)
      • Hondo Ohnaka (2)
      • Projection Experts (6)
      • Parts Resupply (3)
      • Reactive Gunnery (4)
      = 60 Points
      Pelta Transport Frigate (45)
      • Clone Navigation Officer (4)
      • Bomber Command Center (8)
      • Reactive Gunnery (4)
      = 61 Points
      • Anakin Skywalker (Delta-7) (24)
      • Axe (17)
      • 2 x V-19 Torrent Squadron (24)
      • 6 x BTL-B Y-wing Squadron (60)
      = 125 Points
      Total Points: 399

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +1

      @@kilivanjg2813 I was actually planning to do the review video this weekend, so this is good timing! I will talk about this updated version then and mention your playtesting.

  • @kilivanjg2813
    @kilivanjg2813 Год назад

    Hey Shy! Just wondering if you could please explain why Ahsoka giving a FC'd Ywing 3 blue dice and snipe is better than a Ywing just having 2 blue and a black anti squad?

    • @Shyvalry
      @Shyvalry  Год назад +1

      Great question! It increases the threat range of the Y-wings and allows you to keep them right up against your ships (within flak and ord pods range) while still attacking your opponent's squads. Forces your opponent to step into flak range to stop getting sniped for free. Of course once actually fighting, the 2 blue 1 black is better, but the extra threat range can be big in a lot of games.

    • @kilivanjg2813
      @kilivanjg2813 Год назад +1

      @@Shyvalry hadn't even considered keeping them in flak range, for me the thought is usually how do I keep the Venator In flak range, not vise versa. Thank you for this insight!