尋找大埔歷史足印:廟宇和社區(下) ©有線電視 Historical Footprints in Tai Po: Temples and the Community (II) (2021.7)

  • Опубликовано: 13 янв 2025
  • 大埔文武二帝廟由七約鄉眾合力興建,於一八九二年落成,是太和市議事、仲裁和祭祀的場所。文武二帝廟於一九八四年列為古蹟。
    The Man Mo Temple in Tai Po, which opened in 1892, was built with donations from the Tsat Yeuk Community to serve as a venue for meetings, arbitration proceedings and worship in Tai Wo Market Town. It was declared a monument in 1984.
    The Old Tai Po Market Railway Station was completed in 1913. While other stations along the Kowloon-Canton Railway were constructed in a Western architectural style, this one features a distinctive Chinese design. It was declared a monument in 1984.
    #古蹟辦 #AMO #古物古蹟辦事處 #AntiquitiesAndMonumentsOffice

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