尋找大埔歷史足印:廟宇和社區(上) ©有線電視 Historical Footprints in Tai Po: Temples and the Community (I) (2021.7)

  • Опубликовано: 14 янв 2025
  • 大埔舊墟天后宮建於清朝康熙三十年(一六九一年),為香港現存歷史悠久的天后廟之一。當年廟宇原位處海濱,因歷年填海擴地,現已坐落於大埔市中心。大埔舊墟天后宮在二〇一〇年獲確定為三級歷史建築。
    The Tin Hau Temple in Tai Po Kau Hui (Tai Po Old Market) was built in 1691 (the 30th year of the reign of the Qing emperor Kangxi), making it one of the oldest Tin Hau temples in Hong Kong. It was originally located close to the sea, but following several land reclamations, it is now situated in the centre of Tai Po. It was accorded Grade 3 historic building status in 2010.
    #古蹟辦 #AMO #古物古蹟辦事處 #AntiquitiesAndMonumentsOffice

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