So i'm late to the party on this but at 15:08 when he fights the 3v1 on pudge he uses solar crest on ogre which makes him lose all the armor on all three of his solar crest and he is affected by deso so his armor drops from 33 to 3 lol. He gets his armor back just as PA crits and ogre comes out of invis. You can still see the broken shield icon just as ogre comes out of invis. He still wouldnt have been able to 1v3 against them but he did die waaaaay faster than he should have XD
Well hello, I'm only a 3k scrub. Can I know how most of the players control their courier and how are they able to look around everywhere so smoothly. Like they aren't dragging their mouse like I do, well there's no comparison between me and them but I wanna know how they do it. thanks already!
survivability > damage. Lotus for Kolt, Shiva for PA, Octarine for cdr and heal plus Octarine give more hp than agh. Timber only buy agh if he already far ahead of the enemy team. In a close game, and especially vs someone with crit damage like PA, his E doenst mean that much so he need more hp/armor than damage.
sing sing is a question by a anime fan how many anime have u watched me 1000+ after that started playing dota 2 i recognized the song atвидео.html is from code geass
There is so many singu videos I can't even watch them all... that's the best problem I've ever had in my life FeelsGoodMan
yup. I used to have the problem of not having enough videos to watch, but now there are so many I dont even have time to watch XD
"omg! he evolve into the next pokemon stage" lmao
So i'm late to the party on this but at 15:08 when he fights the 3v1 on pudge he uses solar crest on ogre which makes him lose all the armor on all three of his solar crest and he is affected by deso so his armor drops from 33 to 3 lol. He gets his armor back just as PA crits and ogre comes out of invis. You can still see the broken shield icon just as ogre comes out of invis. He still wouldnt have been able to 1v3 against them but he did die waaaaay faster than he should have XD
"...if you see a 50 armor hero with 20 thousand hp regen run away - I'm pretty sure you are not the one that goes in"
- Sing
Run awaaaaaaay xD
Goes in balls deep with 50 armor, dies, blames team. Classic singu.
'i didnt play this hero for nothing' - gorgc 2k17
omg it evolve to the next pokemon stage ! XD
Miss these old times
3:50 that's some OSfrog shit right there
11:12 "Alice helloooo?" lol wth is she doing, rushing into a crazy mob and shit
Keep em coming!
Singsing for Miss World 2017 kappa
Prakash Khundrakpam he wont win cuz he's black. They discriminate against him cuz he's a black asian.
That Pudge hook at 05:35
Sing, control your temper lol, your friend must be feeling so guilty after u said "fuck" or anything cursing at them lol
Love these fucking intros
Does anyone know the sound at the end? I also here it when someone donates / suscribes to master singu
Jan Patrick Tolentino tuturu song bro. From an anime which i forgot the name. Just search tuturu on utube
genidiot steins gate bruh
it's from stein's gate
Singsing did u know u can cast euls on yourself by pressing v twice?
quite smashing he have quickcast on, so he cant double tap to self cast
"Fuck u guys" 7:45
i cant hear clearly who was angrily speaking in the early part of the vid nor do i know what made him angry. can somebody help?
watch 14:30 bro
what the hell was that courier!?!?!
Whats with all the Your Name songs??
when is the song?
inder kerkar zen zen zen good luck
Yeah I know the song! I have just been hearing it alot in SingSings videos
Well hello, I'm only a 3k scrub. Can I know how most of the players control their courier and how are they able to look around everywhere so smoothly. Like they aren't dragging their mouse like I do, well there's no comparison between me and them but I wanna know how they do it. thanks already!
Ahmed ______ i dont remember what its called. i think its called something grip. and sing's grip is on mouse 3, the scrolling thingy
what is the name of the song ? min 5:11
reol - no title
Not enough alice abuse master
grief gorgc has greifed!
Is this a re-upload? I feel like i watch this long long looooooong time ago. :/
nah mate i just watched this stream last night or maybe 2 nights ago
does greave and mek stack healing guys?
Thế Sơn Lương yes
press alt on the item for more information
why is the pudge's name 01011001? that's just 89 in binary, it should be 01000101 :^)
how to drag, many different items ?
zen zen zen sekai! (your name song)
5:30 to 40 i mean
I dont know why Sing doesn't buy Aghs
survivability > damage. Lotus for Kolt, Shiva for PA, Octarine for cdr and heal plus Octarine give more hp than agh. Timber only buy agh if he already far ahead of the enemy team. In a close game, and especially vs someone with crit damage like PA, his E doenst mean that much so he need more hp/armor than damage.
Sniffer Chen LUL
SpectreAmazing Didn't he say Snith?
That pudge was so bad. Like really a pudge farming in lane like wtf
how can timber got 80 regen/sec ?
MixAndMingle passive, and talent tree! Plus aether Lens
So who is 10010101?
Oh, the famous jew from Horde? :/
rikzz0r midone
Dank Memes he doesnt ven sound like midone. thats another team horde player. i forgot the name
is that bambo pudeg?
Sin B aka "jew boy"
Who's pudge? bone7?
-47 mmr.. valve balance :)
pa called it at 1:20 XD it is either + 2 mmr or -100 XD
Who 01011001 ????
Natchapolkiller Buathan midone
Lavoratoryyyyy :D
I think he has real issues
The jew boy is finally getting 8k mmr, just saw that in leaderboards.
whos 10101010101 pudge?
nesoogaming sexybamboe i guess
blatantblunder. thanks
You rage too loud la Neta Shapira!
Poor Arice, she just wanted the yellow child's attention. Unfortunately, Wehsing is not into same sex rerationships. #manawreek
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
Fuck 1:10 minute un-skipable ad, fuck sorry Sing, I'm gonna use adblock.
Who is pudge ?? Who is jew??
5:40 he said hand of allah that mines hand of god iam arabic allah means god :pp
Georges Tohme this is singsing he will joke about everthing from abortions to hitler even about your god he doesnt mean to offend anyone relax
sing sing is a question by a anime fan how many anime have u watched
me 1000+ after that started playing dota 2
i recognized the song atвидео.html is from code geass
Singsing usually has a random of playlist, we don't even know if he watches them. For not related things, I also have 1000+ :D
ill ppl
then lets be friends
otakus are best
i think master samsung knows his anime pretty well, heard him mentioned quite a lot of anime last time in dota2rapier's videos
and naruto is his favourite Chinese cartoon
grief gorgc has greifed!