Yeah, as a fellow coder, i can understand that the cypher camera was firstly coded to act like a person, an entity, and in their code you can give entities guns.
I found this really funny glitch on shooting range, so this is how you do it, first play as yoru, then jump off the map then use his ult ability, which will protect you from the invisible kill barrier thingy. Once you landed at the bottom, you can freely explore the map underground
I hope its a mechanic they bring because it makes Cypher so much more useful. He can actually do damage with an ability instead of just slowing them, and even then half the time people are slow when moving around to not make a sound or actually have good accuracy.
@@peakabooh I'm talking about Cypher as a whole, not one ability. 3 of his 4 abilities are used to see where the enemy are, and one of them is used to slow and block LOS. I just feel like while the information of knowing where your enemy is, can be very useful, other than slowing rotations, pushes, etc. His abilities don't do much, and on top of that 2 of his 4 abilities can be destroyed easily (which if they didn't make it so it told you when your stuff was destroyed then it would kind of be incredibly detrimental) , and his ult removes his hat so i mean theres no point in ulting. What I'm saying is, if you see 5 attackers hard pushing A on Split, all you can do is slow them down and hold angles (while maybe cheese killing them with C and Q combos) He essentially is an amazing defender, with almost no offense, and his camera is good for knowing where the enemies are, but then after you use it, its kind of useless. What more information can you gather other than where they are and what guns they have and what corners they are holding (which are corners you would check anyway without your camera knowing they are there) It lets you prefire corners if you see them with your camera but even then they will usually see your camera be deployed and destroy it before you can even look through it. His dart on his camera can be useful if you have lots of LOS blocking abilities, but all they have to do to dodge your spraying through walls, smokes, etc is to just keep moving. The dart doesn't track you like his traps do, where it shows you constantly what they are doing until it is destroyed or finished triggering, it just shows them for a frame or 2 second every 2-1 seconds acting like a tracking dart on a sonar. The only thing this is useful for is seeing if they rotate (which only happens if they forget to take the dart out) or distracting them for a second while they pull the dart out. While he is very useful at the start of rounds and games as defending, he is extremely weak in attacking ( again this is all focused on his abilities and not his gunplay) Just wish he would have an ability that does some sort of damage instead of relying heavily on the player. Jaze has 5 one shot potentials and all of them are AOE. Only one of them is her Ult. TL:DR Im just a mad Cypher main who was given the gift of being able to do crap with my camera instead of stare at them, and this made me realize how lopsided he is as an agent (as an attacker I was able to put my camera on the wall, and toss it my gun ( because nobody gives a crap about my camera if they are already in the open ) and then shoot the person with my pistol, toss the pistol back and have the camera get destroyed by the other defenders. TL:DR x2: I wish it was a feature, as all his kit is knowing where they are and slowing down pushes, retreats, flanks, etc. P.S Cypher has 3 abilities which reveal enemies positions so after you know where they are, his ult becomes uselss, his traps become a slow and potential cheese kill, and his camera becomes a corner checker.
this might be a feature that riot was planning to add on cypher, but it was STUPIDLY OP that's why they decided to stop working on it, but somehow some beta players still figured it out, and the unfinished work of the spycam (infinite ammo, and ridiculous accuracy) was still implemented on it, mostly on ares
It's most likely that the camera class is inheriting from the same class as the characters are (for camera, shooting, etc.), as camera has shooting dart, it also inherits that part of a code of shooting, same as characters. Most likely the tracking dart it shoots is taking his weapon slot and after using it, it disappears from weapon slot until it gets charged up, as camera holds no shooting dart, it means it can pick up same way as player characters the weapons. There are few more nuances to that, but that's in short how does it most likely works.
its a sentient being that made out of flesh and blood of their moms oh I guess you ask what is a mom? its another sentient being that works as a cloning machine
I'd imagine, as for how this works, is that the camera is a stripped champion. It's player controlled, but doesn't have movement. For ammo, it may run off of the darts ammo counter, which is only a single dart, but since a dart isn't being used then the dart counter doesn't go down. The reason it's only able to pick up primary weapons instead of secondary, is possibly because the dart counts as a hidden primary that doesn't show up in the shop, the camera probably doesn't have an option for a secondary weapon, so when it was given the ability to hold a primary weapon, Riot didn't think about its ability to pick up a primary weapon. This is all how I interpret it from my own programming and similar mistakes. EDIT: This is also probably why the gun doesn't have any rotation. The dart that the camera gets doesn't have a model attached to it, on a firearm side, so nothing needs to be rotated or moved. The primary weapons the camera picks up, however, have 3D models that are now just center screen.
someone just did that in my team and i thought it's a game feature so i unlocked cypher, now i'm dissapointed that this is a glitch and it doesn't even work for me :(
@@thomasricci5007 its not that op right? because you cant put the camera as high as possible or under something because you somehow have to drop the weapon into it. also its oneshot and if you put a deag in it you can see it around a corner
Not going to lie I kinda want this to be a feature, make it so its the default pistol or something but if you have a gun equipped to it makes a crazy loud noise. I think the bug works because of the same way sage's clone bug works (turn on cheats in a custom lobby and kill yourself as sage then revive the dead body) It makes a clone for cypher thats invisible and its hitbox is the camera. Since you are a clone it has its own equip slots etc.
@@miightyy1845 Sorry for the long essay ^_^ I do like exploits in games, but it kind of makes his camera feel actually useful, not to mention any games I've encountered this in, the enemy team didn't complain, nor did my team. I think it makes his signature ability actually be more useful, the dart is nice but it is so slow at registering people, which is why his traps are so valuable when using ability combos, it gives you constant vision while his dart just shows them for a second. You may say its broken, and it is. I'm hoping they embrace it and add it into the game like a feature, while also nerfing it, making it be outlined, make noise, or be overall easy to see and give you a warning before you use it. (This could also be a combo with his traps as well, as you could setup the camera ahead of time, wait for them to walk into the default C and Q combo, and then shoot them while they are confused from the traps. Yes its broken, but I still think it would be an amazing ability to have, it actually makes him feel like a cyborg and not just james bond with a crap ton of traps. (TL:DR) Its broken, but keep it in and heavily nerf it please. Cyphers ult sucks compared to most as his traps and camera already gather information, so it would be nice if he could do actual damage from an ability instead of using his normal guns. I would also like to point out that Raze has 5 one shot chances just from her abilities ( C = kill | 2 Q's = kill | 1 E = kill (x2) | R = Kill ) and all of them are AOE one shots meaning sometimes it can be even more than one kill along with the fact that 4 of them are long range (and they are the 4 easiest ones to do) Clearly im bias as a Cypher main but it feels incredibly well fitting to the agents overall load-out when you give up your secondary to a robot you created to watch over your traps with. It may be busted, but i think it has the potential to be an amazing part of the game. All it needs is a reduced fire rate, and a sound queue when it activates the gun. (As it is already stationary, one shot, and all AOE abilities work on it)
Also it doesn't feel like an exploit when using it. It feels more like a forgotten feature they were trying to make but never finished. You still have to reload, you dont have infinite ammo, and the gun makes your camera even more easy to see.
Also I feel like this bug, exploit, feature, or whatever you choose to call it, makes people actually pay attention to the camera now. It feels kind of useless when you place it on site and all you can do is just watch them setup on corners you already were going to check, all it lets you do is throw a dart at them and even then it takes less than 1-2 seconds to take it out, and it isn't even consistent in tracking them Also anyone who uses it can be screwed over hard, as anyone who attacks them while looking through it essentially kills them, and now people are actually destroying the camera instead of taunting at it because it cant do crap
@@chopiethecat6972 The camera in it's current state is already extremely strong. If you set it up properly, it can provide tons of information for the team and you don't even have to be viewing the camera manually.
I reckon that like you said it is similar to that of a player but the main weapon is the tagging projectile it shoots but it had nothing in an off hand slot
I mean I’m a programmer who probably has way less experience than you and I think I have an idea as to how it works, there’s probably a class in the game the is a agent class and is able to a take damage b can see and c and shoot and equip weapons, when developing the game they probably realized that they could just use the agent class for the camera because it needs the same atrabutes and just changed the secondary equip to the dart (hence why it can’t equip) because the way the game works if you throw a weapon at some one they auto pick it up, and the camera does the same, a hot fix would be to disable auto pick up and force people to manually press f to pick up
One way to test it would be to drop a secondary weapon under the camera and press f while looking through the camera, it probably won’t work because I’m assuming the dart can’t be de equipped, but it might
A MORE broken version* Killjoy turret deals like 12 damage per round and you can literally one tap headshot people with this if you got a Sheriff or a Ghost and it also had infinite ammo so if you just spam Frenzy or Shorty it's probably a free ace if everyone enters the same site.
It’s funny that this exploit was found in the closed beta… and yesterday alone a pro team from Brazil was disqualified from the champions league for using the exploit… such a shame on Riots side of things
just testing this now, looks like they patched it cause the gun despawns and isn't in the round to be picked up but it goes make a sound like it's being picked up by the camera. Edit: gun just gets sucked in and can't be used and isn't shown and you can't drop another into it.
Just happened in a game, my friend was shot by a camera. I saw on the killfeed it was a sherif, so didn't believe him at first. then it happened again and again and we found this video. Reported my first player today. :)
you dont have infinite ammo. you only had infinit ammo in practice. also normally you have to put the camera on a head level or lower and can be destroyed by oneshot. thats why unless you are using a wierd spot its not really that op
I feel the same, especially because his ult is so bad compared to others. But still its very strong vor plant sites if the enemies are planting you can usually get 2 - 3 kills.
what a piece of shit do you have to be to use that. it's an elaborately set up glicht in a multiplayer game to gain an advantage. this is nothing else than cheating and i hope they permaban your whole account you fucking tool.
Andre Momentum but what does posting the way to abuse the glitch publicly do? I gurentee u riot already knows about the glitch and even if they didnt u could send them this privately and not show everyone how to abuse a game breaking glitch
Buster988 I think they will fix it as soon as it gains publicity, if this destroys the game they will need to fix it. If they were only a few people using this no one would care
Wow nice thats how i alwayse died half an hour again. First i actualy thought it was a cheater... Might still have been a cheater, since there also was an omen who also shot through walls, but who knows... For some wierd reason i also thought i overlooked something and cypher had an ability i didn't know about, since i only once saw the shorty in the wall...
not going to lie, fun to play with, and fun to use. Everyone on the enemy team didnt even mind it in both the games I used it ( they even started killing it before I could shoot anyone after that, as it takes a startup time )
No hate to you man, but it's kinda annoying that you are making such a big thing out of it. Sure it is broken, but repporting it is likely already enough, since it seems to be easily fixable, especially when you consider that they built up the game so that it is a lot easier for them to make changes. Im not saying this because im hating on your vid, but it just seems a little aggressive to make something out of every single exploit in a beta game. It may have a lot of attention but that doesn't decrease the amount of glitches expected to be found, instead it increases that number significantly, which shouldn't be seen as a negative thing. Its not just thia though, most compilation vids have multiple bugs in them, and making it look like the game is broken. Sure some of them are game breaking but the game is still in its beta and it makes it look like the devs aren't caring about it. Sorry for being this defensive about RIOT but we finally have a dev team that actually cares about there game, to the point were their process slowed down because they were playing there own game to much. You probably can't say that about a lot of other companies, especially the higher ones in the market and I just hate it when people don't notice that.
Agree with this point I just wish that it was actually a mechanic (obviously nerfed so its fair, like less fire rate or more audio queues or bigger hitboxes for the camera) Makes his E actually seem useful instead of just watching them as they walk through the traps you already placed.
@@chopiethecat6972 I do have to disagree, since setting up a remote turret is extremely powerful, as it is basicly the same as adding a player to your team, which can make a big difference in a fight, eventhough it's stationary. And having a remote camera really isn't that bad. Having an eye on a part of the map without risking getting shot in the head is really beneficial. This combined with good coms can create opportunities for big plays, but can also be countered by having good movement, map knowledge, etc. Its not a mechanics that makes you win fights, its one that gives you knowledge to make a plan, that you than have to excequite. If you would a game that is a lot more flexible with abbilities and not as competitive you should try overwatch
As for how the bug worked on a coding sense, Riot just simply coded the camera as a minion.
They cooking spaghetti again
Very early and op version of killjoy turret
Yeah, as a fellow coder, i can understand that the cypher camera was firstly coded to act like a person, an entity, and in their code you can give entities guns.
I found this really funny glitch on shooting range, so this is how you do it, first play as yoru, then jump off the map then use his ult ability, which will protect you from the invisible kill barrier thingy. Once you landed at the bottom, you can freely explore the map underground
Yea I did that too!!!
It's awesome
you can go even further down but its just an infinite floor
I did it but you can get back up
@@xen_val you have to quit and come again
That's the only way
UPDATE: This exploid has been fixed and no longer works :)
Thank god, shitlords would just abuse and still lose.
i wanted to do it on my friends in custom :(
but still it is good
Disguised toast did it in a stream not so long ago.
Did you find out why it happened?
honestly, they should bring this back, low key would be a good buff for cypher.
Just give the gun limited ammo
nah too broken especially with the several hidden spots the camera could be placed
they just did, watch new trailer lmfao
LOL this looks like a busted version of a mechanic they scrapped
I hope its a mechanic they bring because it makes Cypher so much more useful. He can actually do damage with an ability instead of just slowing them, and even then half the time people are slow when moving around to not make a sound or actually have good accuracy.
@@chopiethecat6972 it reveals their position its actually really good not sure what your saying
@@peakabooh I'm talking about Cypher as a whole, not one ability. 3 of his 4 abilities are used to see where the enemy are, and one of them is used to slow and block LOS. I just feel like while the information of knowing where your enemy is, can be very useful, other than slowing rotations, pushes, etc. His abilities don't do much, and on top of that 2 of his 4 abilities can be destroyed easily (which if they didn't make it so it told you when your stuff was destroyed then it would kind of be incredibly detrimental) , and his ult removes his hat so i mean theres no point in ulting.
What I'm saying is, if you see 5 attackers hard pushing A on Split, all you can do is slow them down and hold angles (while maybe cheese killing them with C and Q combos)
He essentially is an amazing defender, with almost no offense, and his camera is good for knowing where the enemies are, but then after you use it, its kind of useless. What more information can you gather other than where they are and what guns they have and what corners they are holding (which are corners you would check anyway without your camera knowing they are there)
It lets you prefire corners if you see them with your camera but even then they will usually see your camera be deployed and destroy it before you can even look through it.
His dart on his camera can be useful if you have lots of LOS blocking abilities, but all they have to do to dodge your spraying through walls, smokes, etc is to just keep moving. The dart doesn't track you like his traps do, where it shows you constantly what they are doing until it is destroyed or finished triggering, it just shows them for a frame or 2 second every 2-1 seconds acting like a tracking dart on a sonar. The only thing this is useful for is seeing if they rotate (which only happens if they forget to take the dart out) or distracting them for a second while they pull the dart out.
While he is very useful at the start of rounds and games as defending, he is extremely weak in attacking ( again this is all focused on his abilities and not his gunplay)
Just wish he would have an ability that does some sort of damage instead of relying heavily on the player. Jaze has 5 one shot potentials and all of them are AOE. Only one of them is her Ult.
TL:DR Im just a mad Cypher main who was given the gift of being able to do crap with my camera instead of stare at them, and this made me realize how lopsided he is as an agent (as an attacker I was able to put my camera on the wall, and toss it my gun ( because nobody gives a crap about my camera if they are already in the open ) and then shoot the person with my pistol, toss the pistol back and have the camera get destroyed by the other defenders.
TL:DR x2: I wish it was a feature, as all his kit is knowing where they are and slowing down pushes, retreats, flanks, etc.
P.S Cypher has 3 abilities which reveal enemies positions so after you know where they are, his ult becomes uselss, his traps become a slow and potential cheese kill, and his camera becomes a corner checker.
@@chopiethecat6972 I see what your saying
@@chopiethecat6972 I don't think you understand how strong he is. Knowledge is power.
this might be a feature that riot was planning to add on cypher, but it was STUPIDLY OP that's why they decided to stop working on it, but somehow some beta players still figured it out, and the unfinished work of the spycam (infinite ammo, and ridiculous accuracy) was still implemented on it, mostly on ares
It's most likely that the camera class is inheriting from the same class as the characters are (for camera, shooting, etc.), as camera has shooting dart, it also inherits that part of a code of shooting, same as characters. Most likely the tracking dart it shoots is taking his weapon slot and after using it, it disappears from weapon slot until it gets charged up, as camera holds no shooting dart, it means it can pick up same way as player characters the weapons. There are few more nuances to that, but that's in short how does it most likely works.
Oh cool
Was thinking the same thing
3:38 “if you have some friends”
Me: what’s that
its a sentient being that made out of flesh and blood of their moms
oh I guess you ask what is a mom? its another sentient being that works as a cloning machine
Surely the first weapon its the revealing dart with one ammo
I'd imagine, as for how this works, is that the camera is a stripped champion.
It's player controlled, but doesn't have movement. For ammo, it may run off of the darts ammo counter, which is only a single dart, but since a dart isn't being used then the dart counter doesn't go down. The reason it's only able to pick up primary weapons instead of secondary, is possibly because the dart counts as a hidden primary that doesn't show up in the shop, the camera probably doesn't have an option for a secondary weapon, so when it was given the ability to hold a primary weapon, Riot didn't think about its ability to pick up a primary weapon.
This is all how I interpret it from my own programming and similar mistakes.
This is also probably why the gun doesn't have any rotation. The dart that the camera gets doesn't have a model attached to it, on a firearm side, so nothing needs to be rotated or moved. The primary weapons the camera picks up, however, have 3D models that are now just center screen.
i love coming back to this lmaooooo
The explains why i die from non-existent INVISIBLE players. Okay...
Nah this was patched quickly u just ass at the game
@@OmarLh685 and you're replying to a year old comment...
@@maxlastbreath 10 months*
@@OmarLh685 i'm also here
He propably died or sometking
someone just did that in my team and i thought it's a game feature so i unlocked cypher, now i'm dissapointed that this is a glitch and it doesn't even work for me :(
xPlicit cypher is still beast
Train To wuhan yes
Just learn cypher dude if you get used to him you can be a wall hacker lmao
Just play 4 days more ull unlock a new agent
This was how the game was meant to be played 😂
when cypher's angry about his cam getting destroyed and the camera being angry about it
the enemy fd up
valorant truely is a horror game when the cam's got a glock.
Just met a guy using this bug, not fixed. And he was proud of himself.
That's pretty messed up dude
doesn't have unlimited amo. you forgot to turn off unlimited ammo in the training settings lol
Thomas Ricci it does ran into it myself in matchmaking
Almightyy it does not :) I have done it myself several times now
@@thomasricci5007 its not that op right? because you cant put the camera as high as possible or under something because you somehow have to drop the weapon into it. also its oneshot and if you put a deag in it you can see it around a corner
Marian Goldmann it’s busted af I don’t know how you can justify it lol.
@@chrisw6442 well then I guess we just didnt know how to use it or the enemies knew about it
Not going to lie I kinda want this to be a feature, make it so its the default pistol or something but if you have a gun equipped to it makes a crazy loud noise.
I think the bug works because of the same way sage's clone bug works (turn on cheats in a custom lobby and kill yourself as sage then revive the dead body)
It makes a clone for cypher thats invisible and its hitbox is the camera. Since you are a clone it has its own equip slots etc.
Chopie The Cat you must be 14 and like broken features!
Sorry for the long essay ^_^
I do like exploits in games, but it kind of makes his camera feel actually useful, not to mention any games I've encountered this in, the enemy team didn't complain, nor did my team.
I think it makes his signature ability actually be more useful, the dart is nice but it is so slow at registering people, which is why his traps are so valuable when using ability combos, it gives you constant vision while his dart just shows them for a second. You may say its broken, and it is. I'm hoping they embrace it and add it into the game like a feature, while also nerfing it, making it be outlined, make noise, or be overall easy to see and give you a warning before you use it. (This could also be a combo with his traps as well, as you could setup the camera ahead of time, wait for them to walk into the default C and Q combo, and then shoot them while they are confused from the traps.
Yes its broken, but I still think it would be an amazing ability to have, it actually makes him feel like a cyborg and not just james bond with a crap ton of traps.
(TL:DR) Its broken, but keep it in and heavily nerf it please. Cyphers ult sucks compared to most as his traps and camera already gather information, so it would be nice if he could do actual damage from an ability instead of using his normal guns.
I would also like to point out that
Raze has 5 one shot chances just from her abilities ( C = kill | 2 Q's = kill | 1 E = kill (x2) | R = Kill ) and all of them are AOE one shots meaning sometimes it can be even more than one kill along with the fact that 4 of them are long range (and they are the 4 easiest ones to do)
Clearly im bias as a Cypher main but it feels incredibly well fitting to the agents overall load-out when you give up your secondary to a robot you created to watch over your traps with.
It may be busted, but i think it has the potential to be an amazing part of the game. All it needs is a reduced fire rate, and a sound queue when it activates the gun. (As it is already stationary, one shot, and all AOE abilities work on it)
Also it doesn't feel like an exploit when using it. It feels more like a forgotten feature they were trying to make but never finished. You still have to reload, you dont have infinite ammo, and the gun makes your camera even more easy to see.
Also I feel like this bug, exploit, feature, or whatever you choose to call it, makes people actually pay attention to the camera now. It feels kind of useless when you place it on site and all you can do is just watch them setup on corners you already were going to check, all it lets you do is throw a dart at them and even then it takes less than 1-2 seconds to take it out, and it isn't even consistent in tracking them
Also anyone who uses it can be screwed over hard, as anyone who attacks them while looking through it essentially kills them, and now people are actually destroying the camera instead of taunting at it because it cant do crap
@@chopiethecat6972 The camera in it's current state is already extremely strong. If you set it up properly, it can provide tons of information for the team and you don't even have to be viewing the camera manually.
The action of giving the camera a gun itself doesn't seem like a bug, but some of the other thingsn definitely
Someone in my team was doing that so I looked it up
I reckon that like you said it is similar to that of a player but the main weapon is the tagging projectile it shoots but it had nothing in an off hand slot
I mean I’m a programmer who probably has way less experience than you and I think I have an idea as to how it works, there’s probably a class in the game the is a agent class and is able to a take damage b can see and c and shoot and equip weapons, when developing the game they probably realized that they could just use the agent class for the camera because it needs the same atrabutes and just changed the secondary equip to the dart (hence why it can’t equip) because the way the game works if you throw a weapon at some one they auto pick it up, and the camera does the same, a hot fix would be to disable auto pick up and force people to manually press f to pick up
One way to test it would be to drop a secondary weapon under the camera and press f while looking through the camera, it probably won’t work because I’m assuming the dart can’t be de equipped, but it might
@@Avitarzims What a great fix! Lets remove an entire feature to fix a bug.
How have I only discovered this glitch a year late???? Like Cypher had a stand the whole time during beta and I just didn’t know about it???
it's like a less broken version of a KJ turret
A MORE broken version* Killjoy turret deals like 12 damage per round and you can literally one tap headshot people with this if you got a Sheriff or a Ghost and it also had infinite ammo so if you just spam Frenzy or Shorty it's probably a free ace if everyone enters the same site.
It’s funny that this exploit was found in the closed beta… and yesterday alone a pro team from Brazil was disqualified from the champions league for using the exploit… such a shame on Riots side of things
wait what? Do you have a link to that?
dafaq you sayin??? it totally different exploit. lmao
why does my camera have a gun
I am pretty sure they meant to leave this in the game. 😉
well this is good bug bec grenade are wayyy too broken
just testing this now, looks like they patched it cause the gun despawns and isn't in the round to be picked up but it goes make a sound like it's being picked up by the camera.
Edit: gun just gets sucked in and can't be used and isn't shown and you can't drop another into it.
You need to scroll wheel up once once you drop it to the camera
check my tutorial
gotcha, now testing spots where the camera is hidden by objects :P
"if u have a friend"
Honestly they should make it a feature for him but it makes the camera more visible then normal.
I fucking did an ace with that shit
Not a bug the HUD has a button designed for shooting on cam..
Bruh the sheriff is just sus
there's an omen glitch where he can go under the map
I found a new glitch with him. It's hella broken gives 100 percent no scope acc faster reload faster fire etc
tell me
Cypher buff
Ummm actually riot added it into the game as an April fools joke. No way nobody knows about this 😢
Whos here after paluluman?
Abdul Lathif me
I hope this will be new skill for cypher ahahaha
Imagine if riot release a Agent with a signature abilitie that Shoot for you...
That would be trash
@@drinkwater9707 Just being sarcastic lol
Does the bug still exist in 2022?
I still haven't met this myself ingame (luckly) have you or someone you know? Any way to counter it or do you just get fucked? lol
Just shoot the gun on wall
I was testing this earlier, there is no infinite ammo.
doesn't have unlimited amo. you forgot to turn off unlimited ammo in the training settings lol
Just happened in a game, my friend was shot by a camera. I saw on the killfeed it was a sherif, so didn't believe him at first. then it happened again and again and we found this video.
Reported my first player today. :)
Damn just played a game with this bug. Seriosly sucks... guy abused the shit of that bug.
well it doesnt work anymore
April fools prank by rito
is it fixed?
i hope not. i cypher main
you dont have infinite ammo. you only had infinit ammo in practice. also normally you have to put the camera on a head level or lower and can be destroyed by oneshot. thats why unless you are using a wierd spot its not really that op
I feel the same, especially because his ult is so bad compared to others. But still its very strong vor plant sites if the enemies are planting you can usually get 2 - 3 kills.
thats so funny and stupid at the same time
Damn that skins
Is it still live in game?
anyone else watching this at July 9 2022?
Tried it today, got like 10 kills in one game xD Tomorrow they'll fix it I guess
when i use this everyone is writing : "you're reported for bug abuse" lol
Olixwier just got quadra kill with it and they were thinking it was me (as character, not camera) XD
what a piece of shit do you have to be to use that. it's an elaborately set up glicht in a multiplayer game to gain an advantage. this is nothing else than cheating and i hope they permaban your whole account you fucking tool.
@@DennisGr lol its closed beta There are A lot of bugs
Edit: and when we are using this riot can see it and delete A bug ( sry for bad English)
Dennis Grießner Huh, why so mad? 0.o Calm down, its only a game xD
what about dont fix it but nerf it so that every shot take time and cant reload
I hope they don’t patch this
Bruh it was in beta
@@_dani2 ok
Time to rek my friends in scrims
Ok why would u tell everyone how to do the glitch and then tell them dont abuse it
to get riot games to fix it
Andre Momentum but what does posting the way to abuse the glitch publicly do? I gurentee u riot already knows about the glitch and even if they didnt u could send them this privately and not show everyone how to abuse a game breaking glitch
Buster988 I think they will fix it as soon as it gains publicity, if this destroys the game they will need to fix it. If they were only a few people using this no one would care
Andre Momentum then why tell people dont do it if it wont cause any issues? Also they already fixed it on eu and na will be fixed tommorow
They fixed it? act 2
Yes it was a bug in beta
I dunno man i kinda like the idea
glad its removed now
No need to patch
how did it not work on me?
do you think they would keep a game breaking bug from 6 months ago in the game
does this still work
it's been fixed over a year ago.
seems to be fixed already
check my tutorial
its not
it isn't. just hopped into practice and you can still do it
Yeah I got it. Wasn’t doing it right.
I'm gonna abuse this in custom games xd
please dont use this in game. *surprised Pikachu face* :3
this is hilarious
Wow nice thats how i alwayse died half an hour again. First i actualy thought it was a cheater... Might still have been a cheater, since there also was an omen who also shot through walls, but who knows... For some wierd reason i also thought i overlooked something and cypher had an ability i didn't know about, since i only once saw the shorty in the wall...
there is no cheaters. vanguard system is vvery secure.
@@RubberDino92 good joke
@@RubberDino92 vanguard system is a rootkit lol
@@sandi9965 okay boomer your literally like 50...
vanguard launches when your pc launches so you cant load in cheats.
@@killuazoldyck8953 its a rootkit because most cheats are loaded before the game smh.
its sadly patched :(
Lol so is it boring or fun?
Funny to look at, boring to play with/against
not going to lie, fun to play with, and fun to use. Everyone on the enemy team didnt even mind it in both the games I used it ( they even started killing it before I could shoot anyone after that, as it takes a startup time )
dont go
Is this patched yet?
This video is 2 years old, yes it is patched 😂
@@Jonal They just brought it back! (In an April Fool's video, it's very funny)
This game better be fixed when it releases
Yo dude it's a closed beta still xD
It's just a feature smh
No hate to you man, but it's kinda annoying that you are making such a big thing out of it. Sure it is broken, but repporting it is likely already enough, since it seems to be easily fixable, especially when you consider that they built up the game so that it is a lot easier for them to make changes. Im not saying this because im hating on your vid, but it just seems a little aggressive to make something out of every single exploit in a beta game. It may have a lot of attention but that doesn't decrease the amount of glitches expected to be found, instead it increases that number significantly, which shouldn't be seen as a negative thing.
Its not just thia though, most compilation vids have multiple bugs in them, and making it look like the game is broken. Sure some of them are game breaking but the game is still in its beta and it makes it look like the devs aren't caring about it. Sorry for being this defensive about RIOT but we finally have a dev team that actually cares about there game, to the point were their process slowed down because they were playing there own game to much. You probably can't say that about a lot of other companies, especially the higher ones in the market and I just hate it when people don't notice that.
But he's not bashing riot for it is he
Why you type a whole essay no ones reading that
Agree with this point
I just wish that it was actually a mechanic (obviously nerfed so its fair, like less fire rate or more audio queues or bigger hitboxes for the camera)
Makes his E actually seem useful instead of just watching them as they walk through the traps you already placed.
@@chopiethecat6972 I do have to disagree, since setting up a remote turret is extremely powerful, as it is basicly the same as adding a player to your team, which can make a big difference in a fight, eventhough it's stationary. And having a remote camera really isn't that bad. Having an eye on a part of the map without risking getting shot in the head is really beneficial. This combined with good coms can create opportunities for big plays, but can also be countered by having good movement, map knowledge, etc.
Its not a mechanics that makes you win fights, its one that gives you knowledge to make a plan, that you than have to excequite. If you would a game that is a lot more flexible with abbilities and not as competitive you should try overwatch
Is this still working??
take this down pls and dont ruin my beta experience
Already patched.
check my tutorial