Niklaus is in CONTROL - JRWI Video Essay + Theory

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @GrizzlyPlaysYT
    @GrizzlyPlaysYT Год назад +387

    niklaus is just BALLLIINNN

  • @Gooobly
    @Gooobly 4 месяца назад +13

    an interesting fact about the actual Hole In The Sea incident, is that Chip was tied to the mast when the ship went down, meaning it's virtually impossible that he survived by himself

  • @SpeedyCheetahCub
    @SpeedyCheetahCub Год назад +21

    I want to point out that the homebrew spell that allowed Gillion to resist Malice's stone attack was only a spell he could use because he was the Chosen One. So only the Chosen One could survive the encounter because they had the ability to force their destiny into not being turned into stone.

  • @Thunderloon_Nightstar
    @Thunderloon_Nightstar Год назад +118


    • @BoilingHeart
      @BoilingHeart  Год назад +25


  • @MephobiaMan
    @MephobiaMan Год назад +10

    Grizzly’s story telling and voice acting and everything is amazing. It amazes me how good he is, and it makes me more invested into this show and world

  • @sloppy_jo
    @sloppy_jo Год назад +6

    If edyn did meet niklaus and made a deal, it is stated she wants to undo what they did to her brother perhaps edyn made a deal to do exactly that

  • @octolingo1892
    @octolingo1892 Год назад +28

    Speaking on episode 82: I think Captain Hendrix gave Rose the map knowing there was a Kraken and threat lurking in the Eastern Sea because he was angry at Rose’s retirement and saw it as a betrayal. Who knows?

    • @jacksonhunter2621
      @jacksonhunter2621 15 дней назад +1

      I think that's possible but unlikely. Guy didn't even have a crew, why should he care about the other pirate lords or ones retirement?

  • @bagelswithaj9622
    @bagelswithaj9622 Год назад +47

    This is just my theory for the chosen one, but I think there's a chosen one of the sea and the chosen one of the land. I believe Gillion really is the Chosen One who's just now the hero of prophecy after escaping the Luxbris Pearl. He escaped the pearl and has been reborn with the power of moonlight, storm, and sea.
    Prophecies can be vague and have unknown meanings. Grizz has never asked or put any opinion in on the last line of "By his hand one will remain Sea or Land". I think that Gill might be forced to fight the Chosen of the Land by Niklaus' deal and "by his hand one will remain, Sea or Land" and that will fulfill the irony of Gill's deal as everyone else has irony in their deals. Gill has always had a desire to fulfill his prophecy and what would be a more entertaining fulfillment for Niklaus than to see the fishman who screams heroics to fulfill his destiny by killing or dying for the final line of his prophecy.

    • @bagelswithaj9622
      @bagelswithaj9622 Год назад +9

      Slight addon and probably wrong: I think Jay having so much sun imagery and fire family makes me think she's a candidate of the Chosen One of the Land like the other Ferins are. That's why they're being physically augmented to be better candidates for when someone finally fulfills the prophecy for the land. Niklaus' loves a story and what's a better climax than two best friends(Gill and Jay) being forced to fight for the survival of their people against their will while the other best friend(Chip) is forced to watch and not intervene. With Niklaus using all 3 of his deals at once

    • @Lattesome
      @Lattesome Год назад +3

      ​@@bagelswithaj9622 I mean consider Jays deal being she will hear a name and a command and she has to do it. it's totally possible this will be used to make her force fight gill !! I also love these interpretations

  • @sandgrassbagel5526
    @sandgrassbagel5526 Год назад +59

    AHH THIS WAS SO COOL!! i've been mentally keeping tabs and having theories on niklaus and his connections to everything and the connections of desires and black tar/sludge/ink for a while and it's so cool to see like a fleshed out video essay on everything!! niklaus is such a fascinating character and no matter what role he plays as far as if he's a villain or not, he still plays such a key role not just in the story of the riptide pirates, but also in the world of mana itself

  • @travisnakahira7320
    @travisnakahira7320 Год назад +6

    My crackpot prediction is dr ooze and Nikclaus riding a kraken kaiju battle each other about interfering with Gillion’s favor.

  • @DetectiveBrisket
    @DetectiveBrisket Год назад +5

    There’s wording for The One and The Chosen One is kinda bad. Because Malice always said “The One” specifically. She said it like “The One to resist my magic” not “The Chosen one can resist my magic” no specific quotes here but that’s sentiment I believe

  • @elboel1674
    @elboel1674 Год назад +8

    Awesome video!
    I love riptide so much and it’s always intresting trying to uncover it’s mysteries. What’s up with Price and Elizabeths wierd magic eyes, why did van halen in his own words want to ”restore” the world. It’s amazing!

  • @whysomy
    @whysomy Год назад +14

    THIS IS SO COOL! I cannot believe I didn’t already make the connection of the moon goddess and the crescent moons that represent Niklaus. Thank you for putting all this Niklaus craziness into words because it’s just a lot and I think about it too much

  • @MephobiaMan
    @MephobiaMan Год назад +3

    I think a that maybe gillions sister could be deceiving the navy into thinking she is the chosen on in order to protect gillion. Also I think that she will have to face off against the crew and that she betrays the under sea

  • @kaikeyanimates6256
    @kaikeyanimates6256 Год назад +4

    You gotta take into account now that gillion has been reborn as the chosen one. He was in the Perl, and out of the Perl, in moonlight storm and sea he was reborn, I like the theory that gillion was not the chosen one until he returned from the Perl

  • @ViridianWoF
    @ViridianWoF Год назад +21

    watching this instead of the new jrwi episode

    • @BoilingHeart
      @BoilingHeart  Год назад +5

      aw thank you so much!! this means a lot to me, i put a LOT of work into it so i'm glad people are enjoying it

  • @roseyaxolotl6272
    @roseyaxolotl6272 Год назад +9

    YESSS ITS SO GOOD! Honestly love how Niklous seems so connected to everyone and everything, been theorizing ab the goop since Malice. God its so confusing I love it

  • @plannettedrawz
    @plannettedrawz Год назад +9


  • @therealslmccl
    @therealslmccl Год назад +10

    I miss niklaus, he’s so babygirl

  • @maxendermen
    @maxendermen Год назад +3

    Since the kraken did said "desire"
    What if the "black ooze" is actually ink

  • @courtsnort6410
    @courtsnort6410 8 месяцев назад +1

    DUDE A RIPTIDE VIDEO ESAY?? This is what I need

  • @jacksonhunter2621
    @jacksonhunter2621 15 дней назад +1

    Rose wasn't punished. Hendrix just gave him what he wanted. L E G A C Y

  • @marend8942
    @marend8942 Год назад +2

    I have a question did we ever found out what happended to Captain Rose’s child ? Because like the child of a literal pirate lord sounds like someone to look out for

  • @galdeveer
    @galdeveer 8 месяцев назад +2

    Questions I have: Why did grabbing the egg trigger the end of the blackrose oneshot. Is it a leviathan egg? The same way the artificial leviathan is made to cleanse the black sea, could the leviathan that's hatched from this egg be a tool for terraforming the world in some other way? Maybe the chosen one decides whether it hatches into an ocean leviathan or a land leviathan. That leviathan then reshapes the world to be fully land or sea. Currently we have a world that is mostly ocean that is filled with ocean leviathan's that act as the natural forces of the sea.
    What did captain rose get on the adventure he went on using Nicklaus's map. Is the kraken technically a leviathan or something else. Is there a connection between the oblivion seen in the stone age oneshot and the oblivion of this other dimension. Is it possible that this dimension of sand and ruins is the last world that went to oblivion and rather than fixing it the gods just made a new world. Does a repeated fate for the world represent an inevitable product of the human condition. Even the gods themselves exhibit conflicting desires with how they seek to divide up the world. How can any decision to choose land or sea not be driven by desire. For one person to get their desire another person has to not get their desire. Maybe the best ending for the prophecy is to abandon it and ensure it never comes to pass. Nobody wins and nobody gets hurt. We haven't been to horsea yet but I imagine when we do we might learn more about black sand and the sands of this other dimension. Its interesting how an entire chunk of the oversea is sand as well.

  • @laurabeansg
    @laurabeansg Год назад +2

    8:27 what if your desire was to save a loved one on their death bed would you still be corrupt?

  • @Kernel80
    @Kernel80 Год назад +3

    I love that JRWI is finally getting the attention they deserve

  • @mystex4884
    @mystex4884 Год назад +6

    Ayyyyyyy she's back!!! Let's hear "a good story" as Niklaus himself has said

  • @moonfruito5960
    @moonfruito5960 Год назад +5


  • @pvplum
    @pvplum 8 месяцев назад

    id love to see an updated version of this with the new niklaus updates

  • @catduck3418
    @catduck3418 Год назад +1

    I want to watch this video so badly, but I can’t until I see episode 83

  • @floradflro700
    @floradflro700 Год назад +1

    I love these thumbnails tbh

  • @Earth_To_Luna
    @Earth_To_Luna Год назад +7

    the intro is SO good im so excited to watch the rest :o
    edit: this was so good!!! insanely interesting, good work :]

  • @octolingo1892
    @octolingo1892 Год назад +3

    22:30 oh my god if this happens I will lose my shit

  • @Hamsteroverlord
    @Hamsteroverlord Год назад +3

    Also apparently nick can see a small bit into the future so it kinda makes sense why he took interest in Finn Arlin and drey :)

  • @octolingo1892
    @octolingo1892 Год назад +2

    FORTY FIVE MINUTE THEORY??? You spoil us that’s awesome

  • @loser_geek_weebever2807
    @loser_geek_weebever2807 Год назад +2

    Incredible theorizing and editing! You put in so much work into this and it shows
    literally ate this up, excited to see where your theories and the campaign goes!!!

  • @thesilliestsillyofalltime
    @thesilliestsillyofalltime Год назад +2


  • @byrontheusurper6505
    @byrontheusurper6505 Год назад +2

    Of course he's in control 👀👀👀

  • @marsexplosion
    @marsexplosion 11 месяцев назад +1

    LOVE this video adding so much info to my lore doc/theory board ^_^ if you have any more theories/updates to your theories id love to see it :0 like id love to see your take on the prophecy from 110, or what your thoughts are on the nameless prince/entity!

    • @BoilingHeart
      @BoilingHeart  11 месяцев назад +2

      I've got a LOOOT to catch up to LMAO. I think I last left off at around... Ep 89? Whenever I get the energy, I absolutely want to catch up to what I've missed cause it sounds like a lot of everything I've been WAITING FOR has finally happened, and I need to sink my grubby little claws into it YESTERDAY
      Thanks for the love

  • @Laurel_bookworm
    @Laurel_bookworm 5 месяцев назад

    I'm a year late but, I have a little nagging worm in the back of my head to add onto captain rose being connected with Niklaus, if this isn't very backed up I apologize, this is all coming off the top of my head, this may contain spoilers from the black sea episodes, and hole in the sea OS
    We know a few main things about captain rose,
    1. He was settling down because he was having a child (only Arlyn, Drey, and Finn knows about, the rest being told he's getting married)
    2. One thing he desired if not most desired was a legacy, he wanted to go down in history as one of if not the best pirate lord, he wanted his crew do go down in history, he wanted all of that to tie into legacy (something that we gain more info on whilst in the black sea)
    3. He wasn't prepared to settle down, he wasn't prepared to have a child, nobody ever would've expected that either
    4. he got the map from Niklaus, which only HE could read, leading them to this treasure haul
    5. he was the only one (we know of, unless jug was corrupted but I don't think he was at least not to the same extent) to be corrupted on the ship
    So my theory is:
    Captain rose made a deal with Niklaus, to gain this map that would either lead to or finalize his legacy, he wanted to go down in history, almost everyone on that ship most likely expected his legacy to end in some grand adventure, where he went down putting up a fight, not him going on to become a retired pirate lord, he gained the map that would lead them on this adventure where they would party, and enjoy their final adventure with their pirate captain, however what if, the map didn't just lead to the tressure or even at all? He's a pirate captain, he's probably gained a lot of maps in his time that he may not have even read, what if, he took them in a way with TWO maps (or just one map leading to both), one leading to the treasure, to ensure he and his crew would have 1. a fun final adventure 2. enough money to support themselves, and maybe become their own pirate crew. And the second, leading to a place where his legacy would go down in history as a phenomenon (The Sakura sea becoming the black sea?????) the map leading to the place where the tentacles that Finn didn't recognize and said the words "desire" would be waiting, where the black ooze creatures with the sun and moon disks awaited the arrival of Captain rose, now this leads to two separate paths, one he made the deal with Niklaus knowing that this would probably kill him, setting his legacy in stone or the second, he never specified how he wanted his legacy to be finalized, his desire being impure because he craved more legacy than he already has, this is why he got punished by the hole in the sea. Either way this would help tie into the desire theme connecting the entire story with the red strings of fate (Keep in mind, that's what destiny's blade wants, the blade wants to sever the strings of fate, what if, by all of these things connecting, it will lead to gillion severing the red strings intertwining everything and one together) now this would lead Arlyn, Drey, and Finn leading into the room with countless amounts of tressure, the gold and black egg on the pedestal (Niklaus's theme????), which Drey grabs, making the entire Sakura sea black, circling us back to the deal with Captain Rose and Niklaus, the deal that would settle rose in history with a big event, one that would confirm the Niklaus would gain even more control.
    What if the deal made between Rose and Niklaus, was a deal that went along the lines of Captain rose asking Niklaus a way for his legacy to be finalized and something remembered for life, and in return Niklaus would gain more power and control than any other pirate lord has. which would also give more context to as why (spoilers) Nikalus didn't want the Dread Queen to return and why he stole her heart. But how does this all tie into the Riptide pirates, specifically Jay, Chip, and Gill, it's already stated that Niklaus only really needs Gill, (if I remember correctly), but we know Jay and Chip would've been able to interfere, which is why he made those deals with them, leading to the final stage of his plan, to call on Gill, to ensure that he would have all of the control over Mana.

  • @koivibes8515
    @koivibes8515 Год назад +2

    My thoughts is that gills sister is pretending to be the chosen one

    • @koivibes8515
      @koivibes8515 Год назад +1

      Follow up thought I think Edina made a deal with Niklaus to get Gillion banished from the under sea in an attempt to protect him and than that ended up putting him in more danger.

  • @thee_birdo
    @thee_birdo Год назад +2


  • @sparksaturn1731
    @sparksaturn1731 Год назад +1

    great video

  • @moxieisamoron319
    @moxieisamoron319 Год назад +2

    Me when I've followed you on twitter for like a year and didn't know you made videos

  • @aegisblze
    @aegisblze Год назад +1

    Ok but you could say that Gillion has that ability because he’s the chosen one

  • @skryypt6500
    @skryypt6500 Год назад +1

    nah niklaus is just a bbg

  • @octolingo1892
    @octolingo1892 Год назад +3

    Okay I cannot for the life of me remember who “Alvaros” (or “Alvarez” in the subtitles) is can someone remind me?

    • @whysomy
      @whysomy Год назад +3

      alvaros is the father of aslana, maria, and satasha and the builder of the desire island he’s also the guy who requested(???) the compass to be made (i think?)

    • @octolingo1892
      @octolingo1892 Год назад +1

      @@whysomy ohhhhhhh thank you! :)

  • @SKITTLEBUG-op3ms
    @SKITTLEBUG-op3ms 4 месяца назад

    DUDE YOU KINDA PREDICTED DOPPLE-GILLION!! or whatever they called the gillion clone i kinda forget.. BUT ANYWAY THATS COOL

  • @NexusSpacey
    @NexusSpacey Год назад +1

    I wonder if the JRWI members will watch this video

  • @ekbeanie5876
    @ekbeanie5876 Год назад +3

    I’m so normal about this video (lie)