How to survive a PANIC ATTACK

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 14

  • @filblasi
    @filblasi Год назад +3

    Thank you for sharing! I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for many years. I think it is important to be open about mental health as there is still stigma attached to it. Also congratulations on Ultraspeaking I am really enjoying the platform and the method of practice. Keep it up!

    • @ranc1977
      @ranc1977 Год назад

      See that anxiety is normal response on their part to what actually happened to them. And it can be relieved and recovered if they look at its sources.
      YT What Causes Your Anxiety? | Dr. Gabor Mate

  • @jennyngocle5957
    @jennyngocle5957 Год назад +3

    love this so much

    • @ranc1977
      @ranc1977 Год назад

      One does not become fully human painlessly.
      We need to accept our "negative" feelings, rather than avoid or repress them. Suffering and sadness are natural and essential parts of life, and important-they lead to psychological growth.
      ROLLO MAY (1909-1994)
      The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.
      Carl Rogers
      The individual lives in an environment of constant change, yet frequently and all too easily, people deny this fluidity and instead create constructs of how they think things should be. They they try to fit constructs they have made.
      CARL ROGERS (1902-1987)
      Rogers maintained that many of us have very strong, strident, specific conditions that must be met before we will grant approval or acceptance. We also base self-worth and regard for others on achievements or appearance, rather than accepting people as they are.
      "Everyone always can improve"
      "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."
      Carl Rogers
      Secrecy, censorship, dishonesty, and blocking of communication threaten all the basic needs.
      Each one of us has an individual purpose to which we are uniquely suited, and part of the path to fulfilment is to identify and pursue that purpose.
      ABRAHAM MASLOW (1908-1970)
      People are not evil; they are schlemiels.
      (*a stupid, awkward, or unlucky person)
      If someone is not doing what they are best suited to do in life, it will not matter if all of their needs are fulfilled, he will be perpetually restless and unsatisfied. Each of us must discover our potential, and seek out experiences that will allow us to fulfill it.

  • @ganga108
    @ganga108 Год назад +1

    I love this one so much! Thanks for sharing Michael. We love you!

    • @ranc1977
      @ranc1977 Год назад

      “What we call the personality is often a jumble of genuine traits and adopted coping styles that do not reflect our true self at all but the loss of it.”
      Quote by Gabor Maté

  • @tahanitrips
    @tahanitrips Год назад

    Thank you for sharing - it's great that you know yourself better with the experience and know what you need to do to get over it one more time.

  • @tdemontebello
    @tdemontebello Год назад

    I felt like I was there with you on the mountain. Scary!

    • @ranc1977
      @ranc1977 Год назад

      We have this idea that what is normal is also healthy and natural. In this culture the norm is neither healthy nor it is natural. In fact, a norm is making us sick.
      YT Gabor Matè
      Tom Bilyeu

  • @ranc1977
    @ranc1977 Год назад

    "Nobody noticed, it went fine"
    That is functional anxiety, you simply discovered a way how to work through in spite of anxiety. That is great and amazing, but the trauma that is triggering dysregulation is still locked inside. And trauma pattern tell us that 1) it won't go away and 2) it will turn into physical illness, usually related to our immunity internal system - auto immune diseases, allergies, god forbid anything worse.
    This functional anxiety explains why Michael Jackson who had severe social anxiety succeeded in life - he went to concerts in front of billions of people through media, stared in tv shows, movies, gala events - made it big - he had functional anxiety and he struggled and gone to soon because he did not tackle the core complex trauma from his past which was causing panic attacks and relentless anxiety.
    "Stay in character"
    Another example is famous painter Dali. He also had different viewpoints about lifestyles, but in the same time he accepted that he was different and he talked about it without worry. Before sexual revolution he talked about his alternative sexual lifestyle and painted it in fascist Spain where sexualist was banned due to neo-nazi regime until 1970s. He stayed in character of being authentic - including his perks, quirks, particularities, individuality - and he was successful in life, even made movies with Hitchcock and Disney in extremely puritan USA era before 1960s sexual revolution.
    "Actual danger wasn't real"
    Body playing tricks - this is trauma stuck inside our body. It is not processed. It was not handled. There was some shocking event that caused this trauma - and we never found solution for it, and we labeled it as our personal flaw - that is what is making it stuck inside us. So solution would be to realize there is nothing broken inside us, trauma is external wound, caused by external factor, it is not personal defect in our character - and that we cannot control evil people nor evil events, we can cut ties with toxic people , and we are not responsible to seek solution for evil people, which means we can let it go and leave it unresolved - after we realize we are not broken and it was not our fault at all.
    "Ground ourselves in reality"
    This is great when we are driving and working and there is no external danger.
    However if we are in relationship with someone like Amber, it would not be wise to ignore her psychopathy, nor to thus enable her in abuse. Then our panic is actually anger which we labeled as wrong and our anger would be our guide to cut ties with someone who is abnormal and aggressive mentally ill and dangerous. If we decide to calm down and stay with toxic people - we will crap fit into abuse.
    I see anxiety as in sci fi movie from 2016 "Arrival" - it is message from our unconsciousness and it tries to tell us something, there is a message:
    "Louise Banks, a linguistics expert, along with her team, must interpret the language of aliens who have come to Earth in a mysterious spaceship."
    This panic attacks are Charcot hysteria - this was studied 100 years ago. Mesmer noticed it in 18th century and healed it with semi-hypnosis.
    Unfortunately in our corrupt society where corporations are running the country, DSM and CBT are ignoring this trauma information and keep it hidden. Fortunately WHO's ICD-11 recognizes Complex PTSD (which is not the same as PTSD) as real concept.
    Panic attacks are dysregulation. We cannot fight with it, Jung said what we resist will persist. We need to wait amygdala hijacking to run its executed program of hypnosis, virus program of trauma that is implanted inside us - until we naturally reboot- shift our attention. But this is not solution - we need to pluck this virus out of our software and learn how to install anti-virus program to defend ourselves against covert narcissists who are causing this trauma in the first place. Where "covert" is the key word.
    Toxic people influence us in more ways than it is observable to the eye, as you said it yourself - "What you feel isn't what people see. What's happening on the inside so uncomfortable doesn't mean it is real on the outside."
    "How patients began to understand that their own bodies are in some part their own responsibility. That many of these symptoms were not visitations from beyond. But directly due to their own experiences, memories, attitudes. Doctor was there to hold up mirror for them"
    "Whether these alien ideas spring from the subject's own mind as in auto-suggestion following a traumatic experience or by hetero-suggestion as in hypnosis or by the Devil himself, as our forefathers thought is relatively unimportant."
    Freud (1962)

  • @Allbeautylab
    @Allbeautylab Год назад +1

    Sounds more like an anxiety attack not panic attack which is debilitating. I'm sorry to hear it's been happening to you for many years and I hope your consider therapy when you're ready. Perhaps trauma informed. Thanks for sharing the 3 steps that work for you

    • @ranc1977
      @ranc1977 Год назад +1

      Almost every mental disorder originates in childhood experience and originates as coping mechanism. When you are threatened with something, you would not be anxious, you would be afraid - as you should be.
      YT Dr. Gabor Mate