It’s no fun carrying a large heavy tripod with two camera bodies and 6 lenses! I took at least two pictures at each shot and done all the shutter press lightly making sure there’s no vibration. I verified each shot make sure they are free of motion blur.
@@LokCheungHK BTW, why not use self timer instead of pressing the shutter?! You should avoid every possible camera shake. Moreover, almost every review shows that PD tripod is not stable, it wobbles a lot, especially on that windy pier......
Because it was bloody hot in the sun! Shutter speed is high anyway, of course I paid much more attention when the sun was gone, and took a few more shots each time. I have a full review of the PD tripod and I had answered those questions, especially I saw a lot of reviews complaining how it wobbles without considering it is a travel tripod. I had compared it to the Manfrotto Befree and I found the PD is in fact more stable when fully extended.
Not trying to be a conspiracy theorist, but what are your feelings about Nikon just cherry-picking the samples? (i.e. sending you the best sample of the Z mount while sending you a mediocre version of the f-mount)
a) Z system 超貴 ... 特別是鏡頭 ... XQD卡及reader又貴到嘔 b) 你說鏡頭接觸点多了, 應該好D, 但事實係AF仍是慢 ... 死得!! c) 如果相片質素唔係好D...想人轉system都好難 (好多錢ga)。 Z system銷售量差, 已說明以上一切 ............ 一句講哂, z system 相片靚咗少少, 但就貴咗好多 esp. 鏡頭 !!!!!!!!!! (唔會對Z6II 及 Z7II 有太大期望 ... 10月14日就知 ... 應該又係好貴)。
Z 系統其實真係勁....支支Z鏡好畫質十分之高。期待出多啲同出快啲D新鏡。👍🏽
想睇Z 50/1.8 同F 50/1.8D比較😂
如果可以有Canon RF 同EF 鏡對比就好啦🔥🔥
Thanks for the nice video. But, please remember that the F-Mount 2.8/70-200E FL has its best performance at 135mm focal length and not at 200mm.
其實 用一個女model 影下糖水相,睇相睇流程,效果更佳!尤其舊鏡1.4 同Z1.8 分別,女像加散景亦比較吸引。
Z 70-200使用後覺得無入錯,好滿意
會不會係加了adaptor的分別? 用番 F mount 機身會唔會好的?
照計唔會,adapter 裏面冇鏡片,唔應該會影響影像質素
@@LokCheungHK 法蘭距变咗,哈哈
你好、我是初學者、請指敎、最近買了一部Panasonic lumix DMC-GX85 可以用什麼鏡頭形號、 現有45-150、及 12-32、如果想又遠拉近、可用什麼形號鏡頭、及需要什麼接駁工具、多謝回覆以上問題。
Z mount枝鏡幾靚都好,但係個外型都好似入門鏡,唔似F mount有金圈金字,一睇就知靚野!
Simon Cheng 金圈金字好老土。我覺得不足係外型唔夠sony既型,無科技感
原來拎支鏡出街唔係用嚟影相 係用嚟晒嘅
如果係呀KAI 5:05 會唔會掉左支鏡落海
唔駛會唔會,反轉問,KAI 會唔會故意唔掉佢落海
好有啟發性嘅視頻, 但唔明點解D示範相只停留0.000幾秒, 想睇清楚D都唔得。
amazing what the difference is. totally unexpected!
用新機加adapter, 一定影響舊鏡,咁比較唔公平, 加上新機新機外形唔靚,冇左supreme感覺
真㗎喎;其實佢唔係差,但有支更好既時候咪比下去囉,即係未有 4K 前都覺得高清好清啦~
好難想像,我本身用小黑七,它比我曾用過的canon小白is 2更好,甚至覺得比我支328 vr2更好,我知新的Z mount 70-200一定會比較好,但應唔會差咁多?係唔係bad copy? 咁再舊啲嘅黑六咪用都唔使用?
@@kaichan1132 有道理!
揸住部z50等緊z mount apsc鏡😢
Hey Lok, How come no Fuji XT4 review?
理論上無反W會比單反好好多 長鏡就冇大分別!
Hi! 😂 我係琴日同你影相個個男仔
no grumble, no complain
never used Nikon but watched the whole video because I am happy that Lok got sponor and paid $$$$$$$$
會吾會用D780 VS Z5同鏡
@@Dixonlee 对!单反镜有防手震,双重防手震有没有影响?有沒有关镜头防手震来試?似善稿多啲。
果日我打攪左你,不過我上無反一定買新支70-200,我覺得70-200 係最好變焦鏡
要睇吓出唔出14-24 F2.8, or 14 定焦.... long long way to go...仲有d散景靚唔靚
最大嘅籍口就係, 又要買過哂啲鏡, 好貴.
You need to test the F mount lenses on a Nikon FX DSLR and NOT to use the adaptor for comparison. The result will be different to your findings.
Lok, try a better tripod please, use a thicker Gitzo with no centre pole and do the test again, that damn PD tripod sucks!
It’s no fun carrying a large heavy tripod with two camera bodies and 6 lenses! I took at least two pictures at each shot and done all the shutter press lightly making sure there’s no vibration. I verified each shot make sure they are free of motion blur.
@@LokCheungHK BTW, why not use self timer instead of pressing the shutter?! You should avoid every possible camera shake. Moreover, almost every review shows that PD tripod is not stable, it wobbles a lot, especially on that windy pier......
Because it was bloody hot in the sun! Shutter speed is high anyway, of course I paid much more attention when the sun was gone, and took a few more shots each time. I have a full review of the PD tripod and I had answered those questions, especially I saw a lot of reviews complaining how it wobbles without considering it is a travel tripod. I had compared it to the Manfrotto Befree and I found the PD is in fact more stable when fully extended.
小黑6 同 小黑7 有分別
Thanks Lok!
Not trying to be a conspiracy theorist, but what are your feelings about Nikon just cherry-picking the samples? (i.e. sending you the best sample of the Z mount while sending you a mediocre version of the f-mount)
a) Z system 超貴 ... 特別是鏡頭 ... XQD卡及reader又貴到嘔 b) 你說鏡頭接觸点多了, 應該好D, 但事實係AF仍是慢 ... 死得!! c) 如果相片質素唔係好D...想人轉system都好難 (好多錢ga)。 Z system銷售量差, 已說明以上一切 ............ 一句講哂, z system 相片靚咗少少, 但就貴咗好多 esp. 鏡頭 !!!!!!!!!! (唔會對Z6II 及 Z7II 有太大期望 ... 10月14日就知 ... 應該又係好貴)。
CANON 都唔係好得幾多,機身貴,又無咩鏡用,用住SONY 先,平平平
甘搞法仲有人买尼康 D 单反??
冇反是 吹向,D單反是Nikon巔峰之作。
無鏡片官方接環有咩問題? 懂不懂? 🤣
this is unfair for F lenses to put on Z camera.
放到大先睇到 又真係 無乜所謂 Lu .
同焦距Z鏡一向好過F mount架啦,發現新大陸咩。你知唔知最大問題係乜,係S line冇金字金圈呀,點叫人買得落手啫。利申D850半職業用家
s line的银圈太低调啦!😀
呢個真 咁低調 點媾女
Shibuya Neo 影新人拎呢啲連ef-s鏡都靚仔過佢既鏡好易俾新郞定兄弟白鴿眼😐
@@DDenDeeen 我买了四支z镜,半年后才发现换角度仔细看有个银圈😄
@@wa3667 很好,很好,很好啊!
新的好过旧的当然正常,但是受限于f卡口,尼康家的大三元镜头,2470 70200最新一代同上一代在光学质素上的进步空间其实很小了,已经接近极限。感觉尼康镜头设计师应该是有苦难言,所以从行业内最小直径卡口一下就改变成最大卡口,镜头设计的权衡取舍难度大为降低。
Joseph Chie 原來係咁
大国寡民 學canon, 做大一點,哈哈
你想講法蘭距的問題 還是講鏡頭比較 真的好矛盾??