Lincoln Assassination Witnesses Cursed Ends - Histories Hidden Stories

  • Опубликовано: 1 ноя 2023
  • Lincoln Assassination Witnesses Cursed Ends - HISTORY’S HIDDEN STORIES reveals the strange, odd and unusual fate of unsuspecting people caught up in some of America’s most shocking and controversial historical events.
    On the night of April 14th, 1865 Henry Rathbone and his Finacee' Clara Harris were last minute guests invited to sit in the presidential box with the Lincolns to view the play An American Cousin unaware of how the events of that evening would change their lives and haunt them forever
    Find out...
    - Who declined to sit in the presidential box with the President on the night of the assassination and why?
    - Who was seriously stabbed during the attack?
    - What supernatural event occurred to witness Clara Harris after the assassination?
    EVENT: Lincoln’s Assassination Ford’s Theater April 14th 1865
    President Grant and wife Julia were invited by the President and Mrs. Lincoln to attend the play “An American Cousin” at Ford’s theater the night of April 14th, 1865. It was known among friends that Julia Grant did not care for Mary Todd Lincoln, so they declined the invitation. The Grants would instead leave later that evening to go visit family.
    Several invitations were then sent out without reply until Henry Rathbone and his fiancé’ Clara Harris, a Washington socialite accepted their invitation.
    Henry Rathbone was a Union Army officer who served in the Civil War and was engaged to Harris. Unbeknownst to them they would both be present in the Presidential Box at Ford's Theater when John Wilkes Booth would shoot President Lincoln.
    Around 10:14pm John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential box and shot Lincoln. When Rathbone tried to stop him, Booth stabbed him in the arm causing him to bleed profusely. In an effort to help, Harris became covered in Rathbone's blood. After helping Mrs. Lincoln across the street to be with the President Rathbone passed out from loss of blood and was taken to his home and treated by doctors.
    The couple married two years later in 1867 and had three children. However, Rathbone's mental health began to deteriorate after the assassination. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, eventually becoming paranoid and delusional. He became increasingly erratic and began drinking heavily, gambling, and having affairs.
    The events of that night at Ford’s Theater also had a profound impact on Harris's life. She was haunted by the memory of Lincoln's assassination. According to the book "The White Satin Dress" by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews, Harris had several strange experiences after the assassination. She believed that the white satin dress she wore on the night of the assassination was haunted by the ghost of President Lincoln. She claimed to have seen the ghost of Lincoln in the dress, and she also said that the dress would sometimes become wet with blood. She kept the dress in a closet in the family's summer home near Albany, New York, and refused to wash or destroy it
    Finally in 1883, Rathbone attacked the family on Christmas Eve in a fit of madness, fatally shooting his wife and attempting to kill their children. He was then committed to an asylum in Germany, where he remained until his death in 1911. Clara Harris was 49 at the time of her death.
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    The Buckner Group
    #history #lincolnassassination #johnwilkesbooth #henryrathbone

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