【印度人在香港紮根的故事 A Story of how an Indian family came to stay in Hong Kong】

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2021
  • 我們請來了Sam ‘s Tailor 的第二代繼承人Mr. Manohar Narindas MELWANI,跟我們分享他們70年前從印度來到香港落地生根的故事。
    平時我們通常只會在重慶大廈看到比較多印度人的足跡,但原來除了開餐館、兌換外匯等小生意外,有些印度人還會在其他方面謀求出路。Mr. Manohar Narindas MELWANI 的家族就是其中一個例子,他們70年前移民來香港後便開始經營裁縫製衣生意,一開始靠是幫助軍人度身訂造制服起家的,後來得到越來越多名人的青睞,就連英女王伊利沙伯二世及多位前美國總統也來找他們度身訂造西裝。
    We have invited the heir of Sam ‘s Tailor, Mr. Manohar Narindas MELWANI to share their stories about how they came to stay in Hong Kong and started their business 70 years ago.
    We usually can see the footprints of Indian people around the Chungking Mansions, but actually besides restaurant and currency exchange business, some Indians were trying to find opportunities in other ways, Mr. Manohar Narindas MEKWANI's family is just an example who made profound success in Hong Kong. They started their business by tailor making clothes for soldiers 70 years ago when they first came to Hong Kong. They became famous in Hong Kong and even around the world that many celebrities such as president Bill Clinton and George Bush, had found them to make suits!
    📚📚🇭🇰 I am Hongkonger, This is my Hong Kong Story Series📚📚🇭🇰
    與我們隨團走訪重慶大廈,印裔社工 Jeffrey Andrews 會親身分享在港難民及少數族裔與香港社會的連結,你也機會與真正的在港難民及少數族裔會面,聽他們一一訴說他們的故事。
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