Mr. Thomas, first time viewing your creations. VERY WELL PUT TOGETHER. THANK YOU! I am an old (73) military man. I am an instrument rated pilot, spent most of my time in Special Forces. I have traveled this country extensively, including ALL states and many countries over the world. I have a high level of education. I consider myself intelligent, wise, even headed, humble, and tend to go by facts vs emotions. I wanted my background noted so as not to think of me as a "kook". I saw my first UFO around the age of 16. It was what I called at the time a "cigar shaped" aircraft. At the time, I was a member of the Civil Air Patrol and learning about "flight". We studied Werner Von Braun and all aircraft up to that time. I have seen several "UFO" based on the correct definition "unidentified"...I consider myself knowledgeable about aircraft...been around and studying them since I was 12. Taking the "facts" that I know, have studied, or seen, there can be no denying that we are being visited from another planet and or another dimension. Again, THANK YOU for a intelligent video. I appreciate your "research" that you put into this. I WILL of course continue with your channel. God bless always. ALSO, A BIG THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING THE MEN WHO SAVED THE WORLD......most people today are selfish little spoiled brats that need their arse kick. This is what happens when a "corrupt" government dumb downs, indoctrinate vs teaching, pays a person to stay home instead of working, divides the population in politics, so as to control them. Because very FEW people actually study history in this country anymore, WE, AS A SOCIETY WILL REPEAT HISTORY. This is a proven fact.
Great voice... great story... great AI B-roll... thanks for the great ride!! Some comments: 1. Oxygen. Commercial cabin oxygen systems are normally set for 8k' MSL (with no supplemental oxygen provided at the reported 5k' MSL). DC3 are not cabin pressurized and, while DC3 can easily cruise above 23k', supplemental oxygen is provided from canister/tubing systems to each crew and passenger. 2. Noise. DC3 are, by modern standards, abusively loud. 3. Redstone Rockets are essentially an improved version of Germany's V2, and were not capable of horizontal flight.
Thanks for watching and the very instructive comments. I missed a fact check that the DC3 couldn't be pressurized and your insight is very helpful about how it could fly at that altitude. I'm intrigued by the Redstone - and didn't know that it wasn't able to fly horizontally. To your knowledge, is that the same for the V2? I think that the V2, once it reached its top altitude, was unable to adjust its trajectory toward its target.
@@mydarkpath The pilots own size estimate, if even close to accurate, pretty much rules out a reverse engineered V2 rocket. It's evasive maneuver also suggests an awareness that at that period in time directly translates to piloted control.
@@mydarkpath Both the Redstone and the V2 have arching parabolic paths... neither of them are capable of horizontal flight. You're close to correct regarding the V2. The V2 reached the target both by powered ascent and ballistic (unpowered) flight phases. The V2 was capable of gyroscopically adjusting flight while powered; however, once the V2's engine was cut off (usually below the "top altitude") and the rocket entered the ballistic phase of its flight, it could no longer adjust its course. Any gyroscopic corrections were made during the powered ascent phase.
@@mydarkpath Glad the comments were helpful. Should have mentioned I've flown nighttime HILO jumps from the DC3 and have limited experience with the plane and the oxygen systems. One remarkable and incidental feature of nighttime jumps with the DC3 is the engines produce a gorgeous pattern of blue exhaust flames, and it's common on HILO jumps to roll over and back fly a few thousand feet to take in the view of the plane throwing exhaust flames....
It always confounds me that most people care more about the Iatest tic Tok trend than the fact that we are being visited by intelligent beings from another planet or dimension every day....
It's because normies need an authority figure to tell them when it's okay to believe something or what to pay attention to. Since we didn't need that we are more driven by or own interest in the subject we are more aware of interesting cases they don't know about
Whale farts are to 'USO's what swamp gas is to 'UFO's...then there is 'balloons' , peoples 'stupidity' , 'misperceptions' Laser light shows & even the theory ufo's is adult replacement for the loss of 'santa claus'...Logic like that, they'll be on editorial staff of the 'Skeptical Enquirer' before you can say 'blow Klass out ya ass'......sophistry is it called?
It is worth noting Columbus, Ga. is situated astride line between the Eastern and Central time zones. As a former resident of the area I can attest to the confusion this generates. The discrepancy of time between the Pilots in the air and the Fire Watch on the ground is reported at exactly one hour. This could easily be explained by one or both parties being confused about which time zone they were actually in.
Yes! I hadn't heard of the ghost rockets until I started researching this. I hope to reserach further and share in a future episode. Thanks for watching and commenting.
I am by no means saying it wasnt a flying saucer.Myself and 2 other guys were sitting besides a campfire last fri night.We saw a disc shaped object around 30 fert in diameter and glowed a bright light.The object was flying from east to west around 4 thousand feet.It had no sound,and was flying faster than a jet,with no blinking lights.The craft was so bright it glowed like it was radioactive.
Flying over Alabama in this time period, could have been from the rocket development place, can't remember where exactly in Alabama. Werner von Bron was there
It's a great point! The last part of the video addresses what I found - that the American/German team didn't move to Huntsville until 1950, that the V2s were never tested from there and the Redstone didn't have it's first flight until 1952. I wonder if there were some undeclared launches but I'm not sure why they would have needed to launch from a second site.
Yes - my error in fact checking. Another commenter noted that the service ceiling of 23,000 feet was accomplished with supplemental oxygen for everyone on board. Thank you for watching!
Agreed - one of the investigators later resolved that they were the same sightings and the time difference was, as you noted, just a time zone change. Thanks for watching!
Some are claiming it was a V2 rocket launched from Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. nope. much too fast Besides, V2's were shot off from White Sands in New Mexico and not Redstone!! Redstone was an R & D and weapons facility not a launch station.
The attempts to explain away what people see as meteors or weather balloons seem more absurd than what people actually report seeing. Objects that maneuver cannot be these explanations. It’s insulting to the people who witness these objects. It’s like they think everyone is such an idiot that they can’t tell the difference between a meteor or weather balloon and the actual objects people are witnessing.
Meteors last a second at most. Bolides maybe ten seconds, so it could have been a bolide, but they don't look cylindrical and certainly don't have windows. They also said it wasn't a comet.... they don't move at all when observed over minutes or even hours. So it couldn't be a comet. Over the Whitesands area where V2 rockets were being tested it's possible it could have been a rocket. But not over the middle of the country. So unless it was a bolide, it's unexplainable.
Great case. Probably Paperclip nazi's & their hosts launching V2s, but still, you never know. Any launch records available. I know in Ruppelts book about his time heading blue book, it was this case that convinced many officers that the ETH was valid. Cheers for upload. Great stuff.
Thank you for watching and your kind words. I'm still looking for other launch records that might be avaiable at the Huntsville site. If there are, I hope to visit and see if there's any new insights.
(19:21) Fuck yea fire guard! I made three times my normal check because I always took up weekend fire guards for extra cash. Couple that with Texas never taking income tax, and I was rolling pretty damn richly as a 19 year old. Just played on my laptop, and set a timer for 15 minutes. When it went off, I'd spend 30-45 minutes away from the phone looking over things. They actually didn't like me actually doing the fire guarding part of fire guard and they told me to just stay by the phone. So I did. So I ended up making bank playing Arma 2 or Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 or whatever other game I was into then, probably Silent Hunter 3 too, or talking with whoever was in authority doing their fire guard, usually a Sgt/Staff Sgt/Drill Sgt in AIT. Actually enjoyed it when it was Drill Sgts. One night I got a phone call from our 1st Sgt. He told me he was stopping in in 5 minutes and to NOT call At Ease when he enters. Odd, but alright, simple enough. He walks in, I still almost bellow at ease, but instead silently stand up to at ease. He quietly carries on me, and sneaks into the Drill office, where Drill was asleep...................... Steals Drill's brown round, puts it in a large tupaware plastic thing of water, and puts it in the freezer............. And the bastard was making ME an accessory! 🙀😹 *7 hours later* ...........yes.......... Drill wakes up. Drill is understandably very, very, very, very pissed. Grills me on if anyone had entered the room. Of course, I lied, I was ordered too.... 😇 A few minutes later and everyone is arriving for morning formation and PT and starting the work day. 1st is in a oddly chipper mood. Notices Drill is brown round-less. Inquires at the reasoning behind the brown round-lessness. Isn't satisfied with the answer. Postulates perhaps someone snuck in and stole it while Drill slept. Drill realizes what's up now. Looks at me. 1st Sgt tells him, don't be upset, he was following orders like he was supposed to. I feel the entire planet lift from my shoulders. 1st Sgt happily marches to the freezer and returns with the brown round, now, inside a block of ice........ A solid block of ice........ Drill is told to stop sleeping on fire guard, literally everyone laughs, CO walks in right in the middle. She is confused why everyone is in a good mood. 1st explains, and I thought we were going to have to call an ambulance for the CO she laughed so hard for so long. Swear to God that cute little blonde girl forgot how to breath for like 7 minutes. One of the little highlights I had while at AIT. Another, while not on fire guard, I forget which Batman had come out. I had gone to see it earlier that night. When Drill came in for bed check, I hung upside down from my top bunk with my legs and waited........ Sure enough Drill Sgt rounds the corner shines the light on me, and damn near jumps out of his skin. I put on my best Batman voice and growl: I'm Batman! And then immediately deliberately fall off the top bunk. Drill Sgt told that story to people and called me over to tell it for months. I never let on that I deliberately fell at the end of the delivery. That would have ruined it. Sure do miss those younger dumber days.
My father was in the battle of the bulge they were brought up with 155 long togs soon after it started . He was there when the order was given that no more prisoners would be taken after the massacre of u.s. soldiers were found . he never talked much about it until i was older it was very bad .
I would suggest there wasn't any difference between the " recruiting" of Nazi rocket scientists to either the Soviet union or the USA.i would suggest the same amount of " pressure " would have been exerted on them either way...
It must have been a difficult decision in some ways, but the Germans knew how the Soviets treated their prisioners of war. I think the decision was relatively easy. Whereas the Germans who came to America were celebrated, the Germans brought to the USSR were treated poorly and always kept isolated from real work. Here's what I found about the Soviet recruitment. Thanks for watching and sharing your throughful comment!
The sighting was investigated by the USAF's Project Sign, which initially suggested it could be interplanetary, but later concluded it was likely a bright meteor, a view supported by astronomer J. Allen Hynek and skeptics Donald Menzel and Philip Klass. In 1959, the USAF officially classified the incident as caused by a fireball-type meteor. Wikipedia
I thought so too - but shared what I discovered on this topic in the last part of the video. So far, I haven't foudn any evdience that they were in Huntsville in 1948 or that they ever launched a V2 from there. Thanks for watching!
The difference between a rocket launch, and a controlled levity craft is clearly obvious, and those who witness the out of the ordinary occurences, should be heard out, and not made to feel humiliated, disbelieved and their experiences debunked in derisory terms.
I live in alabama and I dot know what you```re fixig to say aboutalabama but I bet its something aboutNazi scientist and t being von braauns B2 . i hought thaat.
Great video in so many ways ...BUT you are leaving another possible explanation of this craft out ... the Antarctic Germans, targeted by "Operation Highjump" and Admiral Richard Byrd, a MOH-winner who was on the cover of Time magazine and was a revered American. It sounds to me like a manned, piloted version of the V-2, developed and constructed by them, NOT by the captive "Operation Paperclip" Germans. I doubt you have not heard of this. These were the most cutting-edge German scientists, smuggled out in 1944-45 in U-boats equipped with snorkels for cruising at length submerged. 52 of these latest-model U-boats were neither destroyed nor did they surrender at war's end, which was not really war's end at all. And they had nuclear weapons and anti-gravity, years ahead of us. Admiral Byrd left Antarctica after just six weeks, not the planned and publicly announced six months. ....Russian state television did an hour-long documentary on the Antarctic Germans in 2006, interviewing on camera Russian airforce generals and colonels in uniform. It was as real as a heart attack, and the Antarctic Germans are still around, low-profile but feared. The Why Files had a balanced report on all this.
why would the AI programmer change the tail on the DC-3 to the B-17 Tail ? Then show a Non-existent Rain Deer British Airliner from a totally fictional Jimmy Stewart Movie.? I dont Like that, Plus Makes Me Question this entire story and or the details so said. Hope this Helps You the Creator To Sober Up
Mr. Thomas, first time viewing your creations. VERY WELL PUT TOGETHER. THANK YOU! I am an old (73) military man. I am an instrument rated pilot, spent most of my time in Special Forces. I have traveled this country extensively, including ALL states and many countries over the world. I have a high level of education. I consider myself intelligent, wise, even headed, humble, and tend to go by facts vs emotions. I wanted my background noted so as not to think of me as a "kook". I saw my first UFO around the age of 16. It was what I called at the time a "cigar shaped" aircraft. At the time, I was a member of the Civil Air Patrol and learning about "flight". We studied Werner Von Braun and all aircraft up to that time. I have seen several "UFO" based on the correct definition "unidentified"...I consider myself knowledgeable about aircraft...been around and studying them since I was 12. Taking the "facts" that I know, have studied, or seen, there can be no denying that we are being visited from another planet and or another dimension. Again, THANK YOU for a intelligent video. I appreciate your "research" that you put into this. I WILL of course continue with your channel. God bless always. ALSO, A BIG THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING THE MEN WHO SAVED THE WORLD......most people today are selfish little spoiled brats that need their arse kick. This is what happens when a "corrupt" government dumb downs, indoctrinate vs teaching, pays a person to stay home instead of working, divides the population in politics, so as to control them. Because very FEW people actually study history in this country anymore, WE, AS A SOCIETY WILL REPEAT HISTORY. This is a proven fact.
Excellent comment, says this fmr Marine.
@@johndenugent4185 THANK YOU SIR
Thank you very much for your kind words. And thank you sir for your service. We appreciate you!
Great channel. I always learn something every time... very well researched and narration. Thank you
I've never seen a channel label AI Generated images before. I like it.
Thank you. I'm trying to use AI and stock images to help tell the story without pretending they are real. Thanks for watching!
The AI images tell the story perfectly.
Great doco, well produced, excellent job - bravo!
Nice, relevant graphics. Helps flesh out the story.
Thank you! Learning how to use the graphics to tell the story without distracting from it. Thanks for watching.
Great voice... great story... great AI B-roll... thanks for the great ride!! Some comments:
1. Oxygen. Commercial cabin oxygen systems are normally set for 8k' MSL (with no supplemental oxygen provided at the reported 5k' MSL). DC3 are not cabin pressurized and, while DC3 can easily cruise above 23k', supplemental oxygen is provided from canister/tubing systems to each crew and passenger.
2. Noise. DC3 are, by modern standards, abusively loud.
3. Redstone Rockets are essentially an improved version of Germany's V2, and were not capable of horizontal flight.
Thanks for watching and the very instructive comments. I missed a fact check that the DC3 couldn't be pressurized and your insight is very helpful about how it could fly at that altitude. I'm intrigued by the Redstone - and didn't know that it wasn't able to fly horizontally. To your knowledge, is that the same for the V2? I think that the V2, once it reached its top altitude, was unable to adjust its trajectory toward its target.
@@mydarkpath The pilots own size estimate, if even close to accurate, pretty much rules out a reverse engineered V2 rocket. It's evasive maneuver also suggests an awareness that at that period in time directly translates to piloted control.
@@mydarkpath Both the Redstone and the V2 have arching parabolic paths... neither of them are capable of horizontal flight. You're close to correct regarding the V2. The V2 reached the target both by powered ascent and ballistic (unpowered) flight phases. The V2 was capable of gyroscopically adjusting flight while powered; however, once the V2's engine was cut off (usually below the "top altitude") and the rocket entered the ballistic phase of its flight, it could no longer adjust its course. Any gyroscopic corrections were made during the powered ascent phase.
@@mydarkpath Glad the comments were helpful. Should have mentioned I've flown nighttime HILO jumps from the DC3 and have limited experience with the plane and the oxygen systems. One remarkable and incidental feature of nighttime jumps with the DC3 is the engines produce a gorgeous pattern of blue exhaust flames, and it's common on HILO jumps to roll over and back fly a few thousand feet to take in the view of the plane throwing exhaust flames....
this event has always intrigued me!!
It always confounds me that most people care more about the Iatest tic Tok trend than the fact that we are being visited by intelligent beings from another planet or dimension every day....
It's because normies need an authority figure to tell them when it's okay to believe something or what to pay attention to. Since we didn't need that we are more driven by or own interest in the subject we are more aware of interesting cases they don't know about
I got ya on this one brother.Like i said,love the show,keep putting em out please.Interesting stuff.
Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate you watching.
The balloon theory never stops does it. Lol. Love the channel!
Whale farts are to 'USO's what swamp gas is to 'UFO's...then there is 'balloons' , peoples 'stupidity' , 'misperceptions' Laser light shows & even the theory ufo's is adult replacement for the loss of 'santa claus'...Logic like that, they'll be on editorial staff of the 'Skeptical Enquirer' before you can say 'blow Klass out ya ass'......sophistry is it called?
Yeah, a high speed, controlled highly manouverable weather balloon, sounds like the explanation! .... not😕
History is paved wall to wall with things we'll never know. 😮
Agreed....unfortunately! Thanks for watching. It's certainly enjoyable to learn more about these events and hypothesize what might have occured.
Speak for yourself, I will know
It is worth noting Columbus, Ga. is situated astride line between the Eastern and Central time zones. As a former resident of the area I can attest to the confusion this generates. The discrepancy of time between the Pilots in the air and the Fire Watch on the ground is reported at exactly one hour. This could easily be explained by one or both parties being confused about which time zone they were actually in.
Instantly thought there might be some daylight savings thing going on, with the full one our offset.
Thank you for reporting this.
I only knew the first part of this story. Excellent! Thanks!
Thank you!
Just found you,subscribed and it’s all green for go ,my first story.
Cheers for making the effort mate 🏴
I've never heard of this one. Most fascinating I say!
wow!! look at those seats! roomy!!
Didn't similar ghosts rockets appear over Sweden during the same time?
Soviets tested german rockets of all sizes and types too
Yes! I hadn't heard of the ghost rockets until I started researching this. I hope to reserach further and share in a future episode. Thanks for watching and commenting.
the pilots said it was wingless and portrayed as such in their drawings. OK. the V 2 had very prominent tail fins!! so much for the v2 explanation.
Huntville Alabama is Rocket city in post WW-2
I am by no means saying it wasnt a flying saucer.Myself and 2 other guys were sitting besides a campfire last fri night.We saw a disc shaped object around 30 fert in diameter and glowed a bright light.The object was flying from east to west around 4 thousand feet.It had no sound,and was flying faster than a jet,with no blinking lights.The craft was so bright it glowed like it was radioactive.
Nah you seen a drone 😂
@ssherrierable I am glad you know what it was,because we didnt.Thanks.
Thanks for sharing that experience! Where were you camping?
@@mydarkpath Northeast tennessee near the cumberland river on my farm.
That UFO was preposterous, egregious, and outrageous.
Flying over Alabama in this time period, could have been from the rocket development place, can't remember where exactly in Alabama. Werner von Bron was there
Huntsville. Home of the Redstone Arsenal. Montgomery was the home of Maxwell Air Force Base
@@geoffsokoll-oh1gq thank you
This documentary clearly states that von Braun & company were not in Alabama until later.
It's a great point! The last part of the video addresses what I found - that the American/German team didn't move to Huntsville until 1950, that the V2s were never tested from there and the Redstone didn't have it's first flight until 1952. I wonder if there were some undeclared launches but I'm not sure why they would have needed to launch from a second site.
@@lesizmor9079 I see that now, was there no research there before von Braun?
Thanks for watching!
2:15 The DC-3 couldn't be pressurized.
Yes - my error in fact checking. Another commenter noted that the service ceiling of 23,000 feet was accomplished with supplemental oxygen for everyone on board. Thank you for watching!
When you hear DC any number lower than 9, you know it's an old bird we are discussing. 🙀❤
Hell most people consider the DC-9 to be ancient.
Outstanding work! Can you do the Argentinian airport case?
Time zone change in that area would explain the time distance.
Agreed - one of the investigators later resolved that they were the same sightings and the time difference was, as you noted, just a time zone change. Thanks for watching!
I am not a fan of A.I.. But thank you for stating it up front. It means a lot to me. On top of that I think it's a well put together presentation.
Some are claiming it was a V2 rocket launched from Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. nope. much too fast Besides, V2's were shot off from White Sands in New Mexico and not Redstone!! Redstone was an R & D and weapons facility not a launch station.
All the passengers apart from one were smart enough to pretend they were asleep
Could the hour difference in sighting be because of Alabama time being 1 hour earlier than Georgia time?
I saw a comet. It looked like a jet with an afterburner on in a red streak.
Yes. They do look like jets! Tysm for watching.
What about the A4 (V2)? They must surely have been testing it?
The attempts to explain away what people see as meteors or weather balloons seem more absurd than what people actually report seeing. Objects that maneuver cannot be these explanations. It’s insulting to the people who witness these objects. It’s like they think everyone is such an idiot that they can’t tell the difference between a meteor or weather balloon and the actual objects people are witnessing.
Thanks for the great comment. I agree, although I'm researching this "airship affect" noted in the Condon report.
Meteors last a second at most. Bolides maybe ten seconds, so it could have been a bolide, but they don't look cylindrical and certainly don't have windows.
They also said it wasn't a comet.... they don't move at all when observed over minutes or even hours. So it couldn't be a comet.
Over the Whitesands area where V2 rockets were being tested it's possible it could have been a rocket. But not over the middle of the country.
So unless it was a bolide, it's unexplainable.
Thanks for watching!
Do we know if Hermann Oberth, Von Braun's mentor and someone who considered the ETH, ever talked about the Chiles-Witted case?
Those A.I genreted image s 😲
Great case. Probably Paperclip nazi's & their hosts launching V2s, but still, you never know. Any launch records available. I know in Ruppelts book about his time heading blue book, it was this case that convinced many officers that the ETH was valid. Cheers for upload. Great stuff.
Thank you for watching and your kind words. I'm still looking for other launch records that might be avaiable at the Huntsville site. If there are, I hope to visit and see if there's any new insights.
@@mydarkpath pleasure mate.
The DC-3 could never be pressurized.
You're absolutely correct. I missed that in my research. Thank you for calling that out.
(19:21) Fuck yea fire guard! I made three times my normal check because I always took up weekend fire guards for extra cash. Couple that with Texas never taking income tax, and I was rolling pretty damn richly as a 19 year old.
Just played on my laptop, and set a timer for 15 minutes. When it went off, I'd spend 30-45 minutes away from the phone looking over things. They actually didn't like me actually doing the fire guarding part of fire guard and they told me to just stay by the phone. So I did. So I ended up making bank playing Arma 2 or Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 or whatever other game I was into then, probably Silent Hunter 3 too, or talking with whoever was in authority doing their fire guard, usually a Sgt/Staff Sgt/Drill Sgt in AIT. Actually enjoyed it when it was Drill Sgts.
One night I got a phone call from our 1st Sgt. He told me he was stopping in in 5 minutes and to NOT call At Ease when he enters. Odd, but alright, simple enough. He walks in, I still almost bellow at ease, but instead silently stand up to at ease. He quietly carries on me, and sneaks into the Drill office, where Drill was asleep...................... Steals Drill's brown round, puts it in a large tupaware plastic thing of water, and puts it in the freezer............. And the bastard was making ME an accessory! 🙀😹
*7 hours later* ...........yes..........
Drill wakes up. Drill is understandably very, very, very, very pissed. Grills me on if anyone had entered the room. Of course, I lied, I was ordered too.... 😇
A few minutes later and everyone is arriving for morning formation and PT and starting the work day. 1st is in a oddly chipper mood. Notices Drill is brown round-less. Inquires at the reasoning behind the brown round-lessness. Isn't satisfied with the answer. Postulates perhaps someone snuck in and stole it while Drill slept. Drill realizes what's up now. Looks at me. 1st Sgt tells him, don't be upset, he was following orders like he was supposed to. I feel the entire planet lift from my shoulders. 1st Sgt happily marches to the freezer and returns with the brown round, now, inside a block of ice........ A solid block of ice........ Drill is told to stop sleeping on fire guard, literally everyone laughs, CO walks in right in the middle. She is confused why everyone is in a good mood. 1st explains, and I thought we were going to have to call an ambulance for the CO she laughed so hard for so long. Swear to God that cute little blonde girl forgot how to breath for like 7 minutes.
One of the little highlights I had while at AIT.
Another, while not on fire guard, I forget which Batman had come out. I had gone to see it earlier that night. When Drill came in for bed check, I hung upside down from my top bunk with my legs and waited........ Sure enough Drill Sgt rounds the corner shines the light on me, and damn near jumps out of his skin. I put on my best Batman voice and growl: I'm Batman! And then immediately deliberately fall off the top bunk. Drill Sgt told that story to people and called me over to tell it for months. I never let on that I deliberately fell at the end of the delivery. That would have ruined it.
Sure do miss those younger dumber days.
Yes,-"Marsh-Gas"-& Weather-Balloons--never gets old !!--you would have to be "crazy"-to report "Anything"-just crap on the windshield sir !!
My father was in the battle of the bulge they were brought up with 155 long togs soon after it started . He was there when the order was given that no more prisoners would be taken after the massacre of u.s. soldiers were found . he never talked much about it until i was older it was very bad .
I would suggest there wasn't any difference between the " recruiting" of Nazi rocket scientists to either the Soviet union or the USA.i would suggest the same amount of " pressure " would have been exerted on them either way...
It must have been a difficult decision in some ways, but the Germans knew how the Soviets treated their prisioners of war. I think the decision was relatively easy. Whereas the Germans who came to America were celebrated, the Germans brought to the USSR were treated poorly and always kept isolated from real work. Here's what I found about the Soviet recruitment. Thanks for watching and sharing your throughful comment!
The sighting was investigated by the USAF's Project Sign, which initially suggested it could be interplanetary, but later concluded it was likely a bright meteor, a view supported by astronomer J. Allen Hynek and skeptics Donald Menzel and Philip Klass. In 1959, the USAF officially classified the incident as caused by a fireball-type meteor. Wikipedia
DC 3s
Was not pressurized
A rocket from Rocket City (Huntsville)?
I thought so too - but shared what I discovered on this topic in the last part of the video. So far, I haven't foudn any evdience that they were in Huntsville in 1948 or that they ever launched a V2 from there. Thanks for watching!
Breakaway society.
DC-3 pressurized? Huh????
Mighty Ming maybe?
There's no pressurized DC-3. =PC=
The difference between a rocket launch, and a controlled levity craft is clearly obvious, and those who witness the out of the ordinary occurences, should be heard out, and not made to feel humiliated, disbelieved and their experiences debunked in derisory terms.
I live in alabama and I dot know what you```re fixig to say aboutalabama but I bet its something aboutNazi scientist and t being von braauns B2 . i hought thaat.
Very interesting that R DeWitt Miller's 4 suggested possible explanations are exactly the same given today by reasonable people researching UFOs.j
sounds like a UFO
pentagon aliens book by william r lyne explains it correctly.
Great video in so many ways ...BUT you are leaving another possible explanation of this craft out ... the Antarctic Germans, targeted by "Operation Highjump" and Admiral Richard Byrd, a MOH-winner who was on the cover of Time magazine and was a revered American. It sounds to me like a manned, piloted version of the V-2, developed and constructed by them, NOT by the captive "Operation Paperclip" Germans. I doubt you have not heard of this. These were the most cutting-edge German scientists, smuggled out in 1944-45 in U-boats equipped with snorkels for cruising at length submerged. 52 of these latest-model U-boats were neither destroyed nor did they surrender at war's end, which was not really war's end at all. And they had nuclear weapons and anti-gravity, years ahead of us. Admiral Byrd left Antarctica after just six weeks, not the planned and publicly announced six months. ....Russian state television did an hour-long documentary on the Antarctic Germans in 2006, interviewing on camera Russian airforce generals and colonels in uniform. It was as real as a heart attack, and the Antarctic Germans are still around, low-profile but feared. The Why Files had a balanced report on all this.
Ty for watching!
Because its ours.
look up william r lyne interviews,he explains correctly what ufos are.
book-> Pentagon aliens
they must forbid AI generated bullshit. people are already confused enoug. the p(L)andemic showed exactly how much.
why would the AI programmer change the tail on the DC-3 to the B-17 Tail ?
Then show a Non-existent Rain Deer British Airliner from a totally fictional Jimmy Stewart Movie.?
I dont Like that, Plus Makes Me Question this entire story and or the details so said.
Hope this Helps You the Creator To Sober Up
Stop calling people by their last names. Call them by their first names.