She seems not too knowledgeable! May be still young !and definitely growing up in a small town of Scotland and not a big city like Edinburgh or, Glasgow ?
“HK’s richest people(‘s) children go to London, Scotland don’t (doesn’t) have famous universities”… Have you heard of U of St. Andrews, U of Edinburgh and U of Glasgow (just to name a few). All these above named universities have been anchored in Scotland for more than 5 centuries, and they were ranked within world’s best 100 universities in most ratings. According to some national ratings, these 3 are always in the best 15 in the UK. Prince William (yes, the prince of UK) was also graduated from University of St. Andrews. I think knowledgable people should have known this regardless of the level of their wealthiness.
LisaMarie 👍..keep up 💪💪💪
Hello Lisa!
2:36 6 號, 皮蛋不是"skin egg", 吾好亂講。一般都叫"thousand year egg" or "preserved egg".
6 號唔識唔好講,失禮街坊
century egg....
呢個係一個中國蛋黎,無一個official既英文term,但係大部份講英文既人都係講century egg. 留意下 d menu 就知...但佢咁講都無錯. 唔好成日郁d就話人...香港人好鐘意小小野就指指點點...
@@claraying4636 的確係,有道理
🌷😍🌷😍🌷 Liza 加💧💧💧
Does anyone know what is a Glasgow Kiss ?
kamhong Glasgow kiss is using front of your head hitting other person’ front of the head.
i have been to Scotland hahahaha
皮蛋is Thousand Year Egg
She's so cute but scotch eggs does not come from Scotland lol
She came from Scotland But living in a small town and may be not a big city ! She seems not very knowledgeable !
Century Egg
She seems not too knowledgeable! May be still young !and definitely growing up in a small town of Scotland and not a big city like Edinburgh or, Glasgow ?
A lot of students copy another person assignment in western country
Which grade students? Which country? Pls mention. Don't give wrong information to viewers!
England and USA
Scotland had more India people live over there
Russell peters Danny Bhoy
India export refugees around the world!
Mr. Luk had a very big mouth. Not handsome
Ammm ummm ammm ...inused to sound like her....i got rid of it after my chinese has improved
Scotland had many indian living there
Up乜9啊,住蘇格蘭咩都唔知 懵懵懂懂咁,話唔鐘意食蛋仲有咩好講嗰啲 唔該你搞清楚⬇
I mean係講多啲蘇格蘭蛋來源資料,而唔係純粹聽佢講唔鍾意食lol
@@samyu1003 少少都唔知,好心做節目就做好啲功課啦,都on99
@@samyu1003 咁都叫大部分問題?你都幾搞笑啵,蛋嗰度講多少少啊 大佬
@@samyu1003 你先唔明,唔鍾意食冇話過有問題,但請講多啲資料
@@samyu1003 咁就叫解釋咗?你驗下腦啦,講來自咩人幾年都唔識?
Tom boy 男人婆
Hk richest people children go to London scotland don't have famous university . The best universities in London.
Your English is very poor. Learn some English first! I sense some jealousy!
@@sch2652 you too
“HK’s richest people(‘s) children go to London, Scotland don’t (doesn’t) have famous universities”… Have you heard of U of St. Andrews, U of Edinburgh and U of Glasgow (just to name a few). All these above named universities have been anchored in Scotland for more than 5 centuries, and they were ranked within world’s best 100 universities in most ratings. According to some national ratings, these 3 are always in the best 15 in the UK. Prince William (yes, the prince of UK) was also graduated from University of St. Andrews. I think knowledgable people should have known this regardless of the level of their wealthiness.
BTW, do you know U of Oxford and U of Cambridge are not located in London? Maybe, they are not the “best universities” of your choice.
@@markluk9188 我驚連佢隻豬都俾人食埋
@@alvinip3832 話唔埋早就無咗
@@markluk9188 我相信佢係好女仔
所以 Lisa 24 歲才大學畢業,謢士課程祇不過係三年!SQA Scottish Qualification Authority, S4 考National 5, S5 考Higher, S6 考Advanced Higher, 全部都係公開試!She isn’t that smart after all.
Who are you to judge? Lol Look at yourself in the mirror before you judge anyone
citruscider oh 服!
Unfortunately, she didn’t answer the question properly . Anyone who lived and had full education in Scotland should able to answer.
我個仔都係24 歲才大學畢業,佢係讀醫medicine.
@@Citruscider34 She just feels jealous of her cuz lisa is so pretty!🤣