*I agree Ryan, he's a great Priest and I love him too, he's smart, I haven't been to his G+ page in quite a while (a lot of Catholics give him a hard time, especially those who **_think_** they are smart), I like the way that he observes the social media comments on youtube for a long time (without commenting), and he will synthesis a particular view based on the peoples comments, very gifted, God bless friend.*
Fr Barron,Pope Francis' encyclical is 'AN ALMIGHTY BLESSING TO THE WHOLE WORLD' look around and within us, our home is in peril because of uncontrollable greed. In my village santo Estevam Goa India all species are going extinct at an alarming rate I WANT MY CHILD TO SEE THAT BIG BLUE BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY that i saw in my childhood it is gone forever... OUR RELIGION NOW IS MORE ACTION of LOVE n COMPASSION to care for our common home AND LESS JARGON...
I love the Curch! The Church of Christ! Its a mother, which in her I find Christ Crucified and ressurected, my savior! And I find her priests, our Pope, this channel and this video. God bless you all, and today especially you Bishop! Peace!
Dear Father Barron, I appreciate your point that Laudati Si can refresh our memory of humanity as a part of creation, rather than a purely humanist scientific manipulative relationship. It strikes me how valuable the experience of First Nations Peoples is now becoming in the minds of those of us who have disregarded Indigenous cultures and persons in the past. As Christians we have participated in a 500 year genocide of aboriginal peoples and are now forced to acknowledge these people of the land as our brothers and sisters whose wisdom and experience are necessary to overcome the unprecedented global warming crisis. What will be required is a radical St. Francis style embrace of the environment by Christians and fortunately there are still First Nations models living out that creation based identity today. Scientific disciplines and religious perspectives have often misjudged the value of First Nations creation based witness. Here are some examples: Scientific disciplines compartmentalize their fields of research, which lead to an improper understanding of holistic First Nations' knowledge. Some Christians have lumped all First Nations' knowledge into a false notion of archaic spirituality or the worship of creation when there is often a lived religious experience in Indigenous communities very similar to the early tribes of Israel who were also integrally connected to the land and believed in the same Creator of all. This First Nations relation with creation is a living testament of how the Holy Spirit has preserved for the sake of all humanity a means to weave our own identity back into Mother Earth and to further develop our understanding of Jesus Christ who humbled himself to become a part of this creation in very much the same way.
Pope francis should be focused on helping Our Lord Jesus Christ to save lost souls. You cannot have mercy without the repentance of sins., God Bless you.
How about if each one of us plant a small tree in our garden or street as a commitment to take care of nature?. I think we have to cultivate our capacity to admire flowers (it's texture, color, composition), to enjoy with a simple bird sound, to contemplate clouds, etc.
Can I just say how incredibly awesome it is that a world renowned theologian and priest takes the time to answer youtube comments? Augh... Fr Barron is the best. And soon.... Bishop Barron!!! Wooo! I can't wait till he comes to LA :) #barron4pope hehe
"The primary mission of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, was not to take care of the material wellbeing of the planet, but to save immortal souls for eternal life in heaven" - Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Currently reading this, and highlighting notes along the way 📝 I’m not of Christian or Catholic faith but I absolutely love what I am reading so far, and have so much respect for Francis and agree with you on the message 💜🙌🏻
Great comments on the encyclical, father! I just download it and I'm going to read it. I've been reading a lot of negative commentos, but thay mostly come from European and American people, so I really don't care too much about it. Keep the good work!
Friar Robert Barron, I apologize for being off topic, I love your video, but the events which occurred in South Carolina recently weigh heavily on my mind and the minds of many Americans. I implore you to make a video to help understand the nature of that which motivates these horrific attacks, and how as a society and a Church we can overcome the problems which plague American society, thank you many times in advance, God bless and stay safe.
ENn0ble Fr. is Father, not Friar. The nature that motivates these actions is "Evil" that takes progressively control over one's mind, psychological functions and thereafter actions. Couldn't be understood otherwise. It's spread all over the world. Just read some other comments above and see if you can notice subtle innuendos. You got to pray more! Peace in Christ.
Father.. I've watched a dozen plus of your videos and I love them... Do you have one on the Pre-Vatican II church? Since that time it seems there has been a massive falling out of church goers as well as the vocations of priests and nuns. It's clear many Catholic's who attack you are of the traditional mindset. I was once one of them, but my view has softened. I'd love to hear you address them, address modernism, address Pope Pius the 10th encyclical on modernism - Pascendi, and your feelings on the chuch giving up it's universal tongue. The day the Church abandons her universal tongue [Latin] is the day before she returns to the catacombs. Pope Pius XII
Our salvation lies solely and squarely in the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. If you put your faith in a complicated cosmological framework, you have forsaken your vow and are in liege with the master of the great deception.
Interesting thoughts. I have not read the entire encyclical, but I have skimmed through it and read/watched summaries such as yours. Once again - interesting thoughts - this certainly has me thinking, which I suppose is the point. I'm hesitant to buy in 100% though and I'll spell out why to the best of my ability as quickly as possible. Speaking as an economist, I'm not sure Pope Francis (or anyone with the same thoughts) truly understands that many of the plights he explains that he's upset about in the encyclical (i.e. quality jobs) are correlated with use of resources (which can damage the environment). Economics teaches about how resources are scarce and the study of economics is about maximizing the use of these resources. Economics always covers the a concept called "opportunity cost" - which in basic terms describes the concept of trade-offs. I understand how one can say the the trade off with the efficient use of these resources may sometimes be: harm to our environment. It follows, however, that hindering the use of these resources will, at least partially, result in lower job growth (all else equal). It's tough balancing act. And I find it ironic and slightly repugnant that the US and the West is very concerned about this trade-off now that they don't involve as much of their respective economies in manufacturing. We, in the US, are pretty reliant on services. In other words, the true affects of increased regulation will constrain job growth in poorer developing countries, like China, Southeast Asian countries, African countries (or other manufacturing hubs). I get confused because, as Catholics, aren't we trying to help the poor? I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't think the arguments (jobs and environment) need to be mutually exclusive, but I think we need to acknowledge the truth of a trade-off. I think I'm not alone in tending to see a fairly consistent attack on market economics from our Pope. It seems, at least on the surface, he's more in favor of a socialist-style system, or something closer to that end of the spectrum. Maybe I don't quite understand his perspective? I apologize for disagreeing with his point of view - but, I don't think if society moves in that direction it will necessarily help the jobs situation. Look at systems that lean more to that end, like Greece for proof. I just don't see production declines correlating with job growth. Don't get me wrong, I think corporatism is an enormous problem, particularly in the states, but personally I actually think it's a result of "government interests" (see public choice economics). So, regulation can be good and necessary, but I'd argue the Federal Reserve Bank was very involved in the last economic crisis and isn't bank regulation their goal? Alas, this problem is not simple. I'm all for ensuring companies don't pollute via regulation. I think we shouldn't pollute, we should try to keep the environment clean. I'm all for efficient and effective use of resources. But, I'm for it in favor of a situation that also maximizes employment. We need to be practical and realistic. The world just narrowly escaped a depression - mainly by money printing. The problem is still there, just temporarily hidden. We're on an economic ladder whose legs are thin and shaking. They will break, it's just a matter of when. Is really the time to over-regulate? Couldn't that make employment matters worse, particularly for the poorest countries? I just wish this situation was easy. I don't think it is. I pray Pope Francis is right because he certainly has more sway than I do. But, I truly believe this is a balancing act and I don't believe it's as simple as calling people who would challenge current science deniers or even promoting green jobs, unfortunately. I wish it was.
Thank you, God, for Pope Francis and Fr. Barron. I'm about a third of the way through and not being a Vaticanista or a theologian I'm looking for an organizing principle. I always seem to find I'm giving myself the old "I could have had a V-8" slaps on the head after listening to your video commentary - e. g. I should have just thought of Jesus Christ and the Incarnation - a sacramental ontology. Of course, why didn't I think of that.
Fr Barron. In the Knights of Columbus we strive to keep partisan politics out of our deliberations. Since our population and our councils are often evenly divided liberal and conservative we would offend half the members of our council. It seems the pope would have been well served staying out of politics for the same reason
It has to do with God being beyond our immeadiate experience. That the moon, the sun, you, me, everything that was everything that will be is good and is created by God. We need to appreciate more
Francis of Asissi had Christ's mind and heart, he was one with God as Christ was, and admired everything made by God. Bergoglio expects people to behave in that way without taking us there, to that mind and that heart. This encyclical suggests that we are already there. How do they expect people to behave like children of God if they don't even know Him? With this encyclical he promotes a behaviour towards nature that does not come from Spirit, from living in grace, but rather as an imposed or suggested behaviour. The fruits of the Spirit (an unity) are a result of living in the Spirit, not by forcing "saintly" behaviours on people. If you lead us to God, we will respect everything made by Him. It's not the other way round.
wunderbar.¡.¡el que suscribe cruzo accidentamente co el entonces cardenal bergoglio y y le vaticine de aqui padre sal dra el nuvo papaeso fue cruzando av. DE MAYO siempre rezo por el para que nos guie hacia una paz real y efectiva gracias
If you don't see the political manipulation, you will come September!!! I pray wake up and come out of Babylon (the Roman Catholic whore of Babylon) you don't have much time left before its done
Not saying the world will end or not, but I can tell you that this document is very much agenda 21 which the UN is crazy about to enact control over the world. And THAT is what he will bring up at the UN. I know that he believes that the world belongs to him, but he doesn't have the authority to demand his will upon the world, he might to you Catholics(because you are under a delusion, that I pray you'll wake up from), but he has no authority over us! The Lord God is who I bow to not Lucifer!
Louis Willhauck I doubt you read it. You're just repeating gossip you might have been fed with... which I would call "anti-Catholic brainwashing". LIES are no good in the eyes of God! Peace in Christ.
Yep that's why they pray to the pope and the so called saints from their pagan beliefs. Catholicism is an Apostasy. Open your eyes to the great whore Babylon that sits on Rome. Revelation
I'm done. You folks are so lost and in love with the darkness and your brood. I've done my duty warning you about the falsehoods and the wraith that is coming on judgement. If you die in sin then it is upon your own heads, I've been cleared of your blood upon my head. The blood will be on your own heads. May god have mercy on your soul.
I'll take that prayer in the spirit it was given, thanks. I do know quite a bit about the catholic rituals and history. And it saddens me that people have a really hard time understanding or remembering history. I will say this before I leave yet again, the Pope truly is the prince of peace to come.
After six years this remains the only substantial video made by Bishop Barron on Laudato Si and it is not even mainly focused on the reality of climate change as a cultural and moral issue. It is shameful the Bishop is one with the majority of U.S. Bishops, as a recent Creighton University study shows, who have not aligned with Pope Francis and the corpus of Catholic Social Teaching but instead with purveyors of climate change denialism like Big Oil and the GOP, who do not dare speak out loudly about climate change or climate emergency. As a self proclaimed evangelist of culture, has the good Bishop simply instead absorbed the rightist conservative culture of climate emergency denialism instead of evangelizing it with the message of Laudato Si?
Colt Singleaction Very well. My attempt was to explain to Hawker Seafury what Christianity is on a more general level. Sure you pick cherries, but you will have to put them together in order to get a grip on Christianity. Yes, some pun was intended.
Hawker Seafury Sounds like you have never tried to put the cherries together, just looked at them singularly from the outside. Therefore you have never tasted the cake that is Christianity.
Colt Singleaction Remember you are to pick the various cherries at the right season (read: context) and then put them together to get a grip on the cake that is Christianity. Christianity is not to swallow all the cherries at once irrespective of where you found them and at what time of the year.
Democratic capitalism is the worst economic-political system in the world. Except for all the others. Look, Three Mile Island was no Chernobyl, and the ecological abuses in China and the Third World are swiftly catching up to those of the West. (I am being polite here; for those of you younger than 40, Google the relevant material.) I justify none of these abuses; I simply say that "It couldn't be any worse" is one of the most dangerous things anyone could say. I am fully in agreement with historic Catholic teaching on the environment and everything else. I trust that Pope Francis's new encyclical is in line with the historic magisterium, and that the Church will resist the temptation to get on board with a bogus consensus. In fact, I know of no other institution in the world that I so trust to resist what is "trendy & sexy" and to promote what is good, beautiful and true.
After Laudato Si: Bless me Father for I have sinned. My sins are: 1. I threw my garbage into the creek. 2. I burned my garbage and released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 3. I kept my car engine running to keep the air in my car cool. 4. But the biggest of my sins, Father, I pray that God forgives me,.. I did not segregate my garbage into biodegradable and non-biodegradable. LAUDATO SERIOUSLY?
Very nice Fr. Robert Barron, thank you.
Love Fr. Robert Barron! What a Blessing he is to us all! Thanks for the great post Ron, and God Bless You.
*I agree Ryan, he's a great Priest and I love him too, he's smart, I haven't been to his G+ page in quite a while (a lot of Catholics give him a hard time, especially those who **_think_** they are smart), I like the way that he observes the social media comments on youtube for a long time (without commenting), and he will synthesis a particular view based on the peoples comments, very gifted, God bless friend.*
Fr Barron,Pope Francis' encyclical is 'AN ALMIGHTY BLESSING TO THE WHOLE WORLD' look around and within us, our home is in peril because of uncontrollable greed. In my village santo Estevam Goa India all species are going extinct at an alarming rate I WANT MY CHILD TO SEE THAT BIG BLUE BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY that i saw in my childhood it is gone forever... OUR RELIGION NOW IS MORE ACTION of LOVE n COMPASSION to care for our common home AND LESS JARGON...
I love the Curch! The Church of Christ! Its a mother, which in her I find Christ Crucified and ressurected, my savior! And I find her priests, our Pope, this channel and this video.
God bless you all, and today especially you Bishop!
Dear Father Barron,
I appreciate your point that Laudati Si can refresh our memory of humanity as a part of creation, rather than a purely humanist scientific manipulative relationship. It strikes me how valuable the experience of First Nations Peoples is now becoming in the minds of those of us who have disregarded Indigenous cultures and persons in the past. As Christians we have participated in a 500 year genocide of aboriginal peoples and are now forced to acknowledge these people of the land as our brothers and sisters whose wisdom and experience are necessary to overcome the unprecedented global warming crisis. What will be required is a radical St. Francis style embrace of the environment by Christians and fortunately there are still First Nations models living out that creation based identity today. Scientific disciplines and religious perspectives have often misjudged the value of First Nations creation based witness. Here are some examples: Scientific disciplines compartmentalize their fields of research, which lead to an improper understanding of holistic First Nations' knowledge. Some Christians have lumped all First Nations' knowledge into a false notion of archaic spirituality or the worship of creation when there is often a lived religious experience in Indigenous communities very similar to the early tribes of Israel who were also integrally connected to the land and believed in the same Creator of all. This First Nations relation with creation is a living testament of how the Holy Spirit has preserved for the sake of all humanity a means to weave our own identity back into Mother Earth and to further develop our understanding of Jesus Christ who humbled himself to become a part of this creation in very much the same way.
Thank you very much, Fr. Barron for this wonderful reflection :)
Pope francis should be focused on helping Our Lord Jesus Christ to save lost souls.
You cannot have mercy without the repentance of sins., God Bless you.
He's doing that too. Are you living under a rock?
How about if each one of us plant a small tree in our garden or street as a commitment to take care of nature?. I think we have to cultivate our capacity to admire flowers (it's texture, color, composition), to enjoy with a simple bird sound, to contemplate clouds, etc.
Can I just say how incredibly awesome it is that a world renowned theologian and priest takes the time to answer youtube comments? Augh... Fr Barron is the best. And soon.... Bishop Barron!!! Wooo! I can't wait till he comes to LA :)
#barron4pope hehe
"The primary mission of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, was not to take care of the material wellbeing of the planet, but to save immortal souls for eternal life in heaven" - Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Currently reading this, and highlighting notes along the way 📝 I’m not of Christian or Catholic faith but I absolutely love what I am reading so far, and have so much respect for Francis and agree with you on the message 💜🙌🏻
Soon you wont have a choice
Why is it that those who have the loudest complaints about the encyclical are typically the ones who haven't read it?
Thank you for this video, Father. God bless.
thanks again for your wonderful and enlightening words. I also hope to read this document.
Please pray for my priesthood
Amazing that you are in Assisi and commenting on Laudato Si
Great comments on the encyclical, father! I just download it and I'm going to read it. I've been reading a lot of negative commentos, but thay mostly come from European and American people, so I really don't care too much about it.
Keep the good work!
I wished the encyclical focused more on what fr. Barron talked about rather than spending the first half assessing the global climate situation.
Amen to all that Father Barron! I AM one of those people that stops to smell the roese, and feed the headghogs!! :)
Friar Robert Barron, I apologize for being off topic, I love your video, but the events which occurred in South Carolina recently weigh heavily on my mind and the minds of many Americans. I implore you to make a video to help understand the nature of that which motivates these horrific attacks, and how as a society and a Church we can overcome the problems which plague American society, thank you many times in advance, God bless and stay safe.
ENn0ble Fr. is Father, not Friar. The nature that motivates these actions is "Evil" that takes progressively control over one's mind, psychological functions and thereafter actions. Couldn't be understood otherwise. It's spread all over the world. Just read some other comments above and see if you can notice subtle innuendos. You got to pray more! Peace in Christ.
Oh, Father, duh, my bad. Thanks for the advice.
He is even Bishop now... and he earned a well-deserved position.
Father.. I've watched a dozen plus of your videos and I love them... Do you have one on the Pre-Vatican II church? Since that time it seems there has been a massive falling out of church goers as well as the vocations of priests and nuns. It's clear many Catholic's who attack you are of the traditional mindset. I was once one of them, but my view has softened. I'd love to hear you address them, address modernism, address Pope Pius the 10th encyclical on modernism - Pascendi, and your feelings on the chuch giving up it's universal tongue.
The day the Church abandons her universal tongue [Latin] is the day before she returns to the catacombs.
Pope Pius XII
Our salvation lies solely and squarely in the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
If you put your faith in a complicated cosmological framework, you have forsaken your vow and are in liege with the master of the great deception.
Interesting thoughts. I have not read the entire encyclical, but I have skimmed through it and read/watched summaries such as yours. Once again - interesting thoughts - this certainly has me thinking, which I suppose is the point. I'm hesitant to buy in 100% though and I'll spell out why to the best of my ability as quickly as possible. Speaking as an economist, I'm not sure Pope Francis (or anyone with the same thoughts) truly understands that many of the plights he explains that he's upset about in the encyclical (i.e. quality jobs) are correlated with use of resources (which can damage the environment). Economics teaches about how resources are scarce and the study of economics is about maximizing the use of these resources. Economics always covers the a concept called "opportunity cost" - which in basic terms describes the concept of trade-offs. I understand how one can say the the trade off with the efficient use of these resources may sometimes be: harm to our environment. It follows, however, that hindering the use of these resources will, at least partially, result in lower job growth (all else equal). It's tough balancing act. And I find it ironic and slightly repugnant that the US and the West is very concerned about this trade-off now that they don't involve as much of their respective economies in manufacturing. We, in the US, are pretty reliant on services. In other words, the true affects of increased regulation will constrain job growth in poorer developing countries, like China, Southeast Asian countries, African countries (or other manufacturing hubs). I get confused because, as Catholics, aren't we trying to help the poor? I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't think the arguments (jobs and environment) need to be mutually exclusive, but I think we need to acknowledge the truth of a trade-off. I think I'm not alone in tending to see a fairly consistent attack on market economics from our Pope. It seems, at least on the surface, he's more in favor of a socialist-style system, or something closer to that end of the spectrum. Maybe I don't quite understand his perspective? I apologize for disagreeing with his point of view - but, I don't think if society moves in that direction it will necessarily help the jobs situation. Look at systems that lean more to that end, like Greece for proof. I just don't see production declines correlating with job growth. Don't get me wrong, I think corporatism is an enormous problem, particularly in the states, but personally I actually think it's a result of "government interests" (see public choice economics). So, regulation can be good and necessary, but I'd argue the Federal Reserve Bank was very involved in the last economic crisis and isn't bank regulation their goal? Alas, this problem is not simple. I'm all for ensuring companies don't pollute via regulation. I think we shouldn't pollute, we should try to keep the environment clean. I'm all for efficient and effective use of resources. But, I'm for it in favor of a situation that also maximizes employment. We need to be practical and realistic. The world just narrowly escaped a depression - mainly by money printing. The problem is still there, just temporarily hidden. We're on an economic ladder whose legs are thin and shaking. They will break, it's just a matter of when. Is really the time to over-regulate? Couldn't that make employment matters worse, particularly for the poorest countries? I just wish this situation was easy. I don't think it is. I pray Pope Francis is right because he certainly has more sway than I do. But, I truly believe this is a balancing act and I don't believe it's as simple as calling people who would challenge current science deniers or even promoting green jobs, unfortunately. I wish it was.
Thank you, God, for Pope Francis and Fr. Barron. I'm about a third of the way through and not being a Vaticanista or a theologian I'm looking for an organizing principle. I always seem to find I'm giving myself the old "I could have had a V-8" slaps on the head after listening to your video commentary - e. g. I should have just thought of Jesus Christ and the Incarnation - a sacramental ontology. Of course, why didn't I think of that.
Thank you!!
20,000+ views already? Nice :D Thanks Father.
Oh Boy. How far Rome has strayed.
joewhlm Really? Says who?
***** There is no "Rupture" that can't be cured, except, perhaps, for some main artery's.
therealong Ummmm...says the Pope?
joewhlm You must be mistaken, I've heard everything he has said for over 2 years, and he has never said "how far Rome had strayed". :)
therealong Nope. :)
Fr Barron. In the Knights of Columbus we strive to keep partisan politics out of our deliberations. Since our population and our councils are often evenly divided liberal and conservative we would offend half the members of our council. It seems the pope would have been well served staying out of politics for the same reason
It’s not politics, it’s science
@@paulb3507 Global warming is both bad science and politics
Good to see that Pope Francis is putting his early chemistry background to work in the preparation of this encyclical.
My sad question with no joke punchline: IS THE POPE CATHOLIC ?
Father Barron, what do you mean by "Cosmic Framework"?
It has to do with God being beyond our immeadiate experience. That the moon, the sun, you, me, everything that was everything that will be is good and is created by God. We need to appreciate more
I didn't know first I did.
By he way, the latest news on climate change is that scientists are predicting a "mini-ice age" by 2030 due to minimal solar activity.
Francis of Asissi had Christ's mind and heart, he was one with God as Christ was, and admired everything made by God.
Bergoglio expects people to behave in that way without taking us there, to that mind and that heart. This encyclical suggests that we are already there. How do they expect people to behave like children of God if they don't even know Him?
With this encyclical he promotes a behaviour towards nature that does not come from Spirit, from living in grace, but rather as an imposed or suggested behaviour. The fruits of the Spirit (an unity) are a result of living in the Spirit, not by forcing "saintly" behaviours on people.
If you lead us to God, we will respect everything made by Him. It's not the other way round.
wunderbar.¡.¡el que suscribe cruzo accidentamente co el entonces cardenal bergoglio
y y le vaticine de aqui padre sal dra el nuvo papaeso fue cruzando av. DE MAYO
siempre rezo por el para que nos guie hacia una paz real y efectiva gracias
I don't have a problem with the Biblical sensibility but the political manipulation.
What political manipulation?
If you don't see the political manipulation, you will come September!!! I pray wake up and come out of Babylon (the Roman Catholic whore of Babylon) you don't have much time left before its done
Better pack my bags, in that case. Bet you a million dollars the world will still be here come next January.
Not saying the world will end or not, but I can tell you that this document is very much agenda 21 which the UN is crazy about to enact control over the world. And THAT is what he will bring up at the UN. I know that he believes that the world belongs to him, but he doesn't have the authority to demand his will upon the world, he might to you Catholics(because you are under a delusion, that I pray you'll wake up from), but he has no authority over us! The Lord God is who I bow to not Lucifer!
Louis Willhauck I doubt you read it. You're just repeating gossip you might have been fed with... which I would call "anti-Catholic brainwashing". LIES are no good in the eyes of God! Peace in Christ.
How can a Catholic believe in God, and still worship a Man Pope?
T H The gifts of the Holy Spirit do miracles!
Yep that's why they pray to the pope and the so called saints from their pagan beliefs.
Catholicism is an Apostasy. Open your eyes to the great whore Babylon that sits on Rome.
Louis Willhauck God won't answer your prayers because He doesn't want us to be taken away from His Church. God bless.
I'm done. You folks are so lost and in love with the darkness and your brood. I've done my duty warning you about the falsehoods and the wraith that is coming on judgement. If you die in sin then it is upon your own heads, I've been cleared of your blood upon my head. The blood will be on your own heads. May god have mercy on your soul.
I'll take that prayer in the spirit it was given, thanks. I do know quite a bit about the catholic rituals and history. And it saddens me that people have a really hard time understanding or remembering history.
I will say this before I leave yet again, the Pope truly is the prince of peace to come.
After six years this remains the only substantial video made by Bishop Barron on Laudato Si and it is not even mainly focused on the reality of climate change as a cultural and moral issue. It is shameful the Bishop is one with the majority of U.S. Bishops, as a recent Creighton University study shows, who have not aligned with Pope Francis and the corpus of Catholic Social Teaching but instead with purveyors of climate change denialism like Big Oil and the GOP, who do not dare speak out loudly about climate change or climate emergency. As a self proclaimed evangelist of culture, has the good Bishop simply instead absorbed the rightist conservative culture of climate emergency denialism instead of evangelizing it with the message of Laudato Si?
All marching towards the gate of hell, and the shepherds open the gate.
Cooperation + Tolerance = Peace
see youtube adi da mozart peace
Stewardship is not ownership
The Bible is a cherry pickers delight!
Hawker Seafury Sure, but the important thing is how to make a cake with the cherries you have picked.
Colt Singleaction Very well. My attempt was to explain to Hawker Seafury what Christianity is on a more general level. Sure you pick cherries, but you will have to put them together in order to get a grip on Christianity. Yes, some pun was intended.
Be careful with your cherry picking because there are so many rotten (immoral) ones in the Bible you could easily wind up with a disgusting cake.
Hawker Seafury Sounds like you have never tried to put the cherries together, just looked at them singularly from the outside. Therefore you have never tasted the cake that is Christianity.
Colt Singleaction Remember you are to pick the various cherries at the right season (read: context) and then put them together to get a grip on the cake that is Christianity. Christianity is not to swallow all the cherries at once irrespective of where you found them and at what time of the year.
Democratic capitalism is the worst economic-political system in the world. Except for all the others. Look, Three Mile Island was no Chernobyl, and the ecological abuses in China and the Third World are swiftly catching up to those of the West. (I am being polite here; for those of you younger than 40, Google the relevant material.) I justify none of these abuses; I simply say that "It couldn't be any worse" is one of the most dangerous things anyone could say. I am fully in agreement with historic Catholic teaching on the environment and everything else. I trust that Pope Francis's new encyclical is in line with the historic magisterium, and that the Church will resist the temptation to get on board with a bogus consensus. In fact, I know of no other institution in the world that I so trust to resist what is "trendy & sexy" and to promote what is good, beautiful and true.
After Laudato Si:
Bless me Father for I have sinned. My sins are:
1. I threw my garbage into the creek.
2. I burned my garbage and released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
3. I kept my car engine running to keep the air in my car cool.
4. But the biggest of my sins, Father, I pray that God forgives me,.. I did not segregate my garbage into biodegradable and non-biodegradable.