Hi, this is to share with you that I'm algerian and I discover that I understand perfectly Maltais, what I need to specify it's very close than algerian language (not tunisian and others), because algerian spooks Punic which is mix of berber and phenician and arabic is coming from phenician...viva Mediterranea
Hi, this is to share with you that I'm algerian and I discover that I understand perfectly Maltais, what I need to specify it's very close than algerian language (not tunisian and others), because algerian spooks Punic which is mix of berber and phenician and arabic is coming from phenician...viva Mediterranea
il bravo mux ma dak qirejiet jghane ma handrolla biex qekun il king is super star
thank you who ever done this love it
Kelinu "Is Superstar" is the King of Ghana..
Kelinu king
kelinu il kallu
il bloqq ir re ta ghana mela kelinu xinu ta ghana laqwa ghanej li qat ezzista meta ha tamel sarata ohra ax im misjajnik super star thana
hemm x'ilbist bloqq? tar-Re hehehe. Imma kif dejjem b'xi haga gdida l-bloqq.
Il bloqq il king
meta din is sija zubinnaa??
tal-buffi imma lol.
Lethargic crap!