"Apex of the World" is the battle (for the last battle of the other 2 routes - Crimson Flower and Azure Moon - if I remember correcty) version of the game's main song "The Edge of Dawn", which sounds a little more popish and have lyrics as if it was sung by one of the game main characters. I really like this one but I also love the heavier version they made for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (Inferno version - even you don't record the reaction, I recommend you to give it a listen at least). If you want to keep delving into Fire Emblem Three Houses battle themes, "Between Heaven and Earth" or "Fodlan Winds" could be the next, I guess.
"Apex of the World" is the battle (for the last battle of the other 2 routes - Crimson Flower and Azure Moon - if I remember correcty) version of the game's main song "The Edge of Dawn", which sounds a little more popish and have lyrics as if it was sung by one of the game main characters. I really like this one but I also love the heavier version they made for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (Inferno version - even you don't record the reaction, I recommend you to give it a listen at least).
If you want to keep delving into Fire Emblem Three Houses battle themes, "Between Heaven and Earth" or "Fodlan Winds" could be the next, I guess.
Thanks for the recommendations!!! I'm gonna check them out, really amazing soundtrack 😁🙌🏻