Use the market put a cheap card from your main account for what ever u have and buy it I don't play hockey anymore when I did I made millions buying and selling I enjoyed that more then the game itself
@@PRIMEHDZthe funny thing is that everyone is always bitching about “doing their chores” but I actually enjoy doing them and building my team more than I do playing the game. Thanks for your advice.
@@rafaelladouceur613i just switch in my coins into my other account u think itll get me banned?? im just tryna save up faster for TOTY its not to easy to grind on only one account!
I pulled 89 gordie howe last night and I was so hyped
I took your advice brother. I opened about 8 of 4 76+ 5 collectable packs. Ripped an 89 Messier and an 87 FF player. Well worth it
you wanna know what else is massive Burt?
Hey Burt. If I were to start a new account and make a bunch of coins on it, is there a way to transfer them to my main account?
Use the market put a cheap card from your main account for what ever u have and buy it I don't play hockey anymore when I did I made millions buying and selling I enjoyed that more then the game itself
@@PRIMEHDZthe funny thing is that everyone is always bitching about “doing their chores” but I actually enjoy doing them and building my team more than I do playing the game. Thanks for your advice.
Be careful while doing that tho, cuz I know someone who got banned for buying cards from his alt acc
Wouldnt risk it, theyve gotten really good at banning people doing stuff like that in recent years.
@@rafaelladouceur613i just switch in my coins into my other account u think itll get me banned?? im just tryna save up faster for TOTY its not to easy to grind on only one account!
my big pull was from this set
Am on level 1 on xp path I don't think it's worth grinding it out plus I only play 1 game a day just my objectives so I would never reach the xp path
I finished xp on 2 accounts WEEKS ago. XP path is too long. Why not just 4 weeks?? or just 2 weeks to parallel the current event????
Some people have a life wigga
Im at 38 im fucked i need like 130k
f whats the plan? imm at 41
And then there's nerds like me, who maxed out 3 weeks ago and the 7k XP objectives do nothing.