How about you become Project Manager instead of Prime Minister since that is only one thing you good, people are dying left and right and you can’t even give protection. Think about it, knowing you that should be ur best fit, LEAVE the PM position for people who are good at it. Please Please think about the people that are dying….
የኢትዮጵያ በኩር ልጅ አባይ
የአፍሪካ ቃልኪዳን አዋይ
የአለም ብርሃን ሲሳይ።
ረጅም መንገድ ተጓዥ
የበረሃን ጥም አቀዝቃዥ
ለዘመናት ከባዕድ ኖረሀል
አሁን ከቤትህ አድረሀል
ከእንጌዲህ ወዲያ ተረት የለም
የአባይን ልጅ ውሃ አይጠማውም
ዳግም ግንድ ይዘህ አትዞርም።
ሽመልስ ተሊላ።
አብርሃ ጀግናው በርታ ወንድሜ
አልሀምዱሊላህ። ምነው ዛሬን እናቴ አይታው በነበር ለዚህ ግድብ ከለፉት ሰዎች አዷ አንጋፋዋ ነበረች ግን ትንሽ ሲቀረው ወደማይቀርበት አኼራ ሄደች ተጨርሶ ለማየት በጉት ስትጠብቅ ነበረች አላህ ይርሀማት
I would like to thank all our African brothers and sisters who stood by our side and help us fight for our rights.
Let's send this video to baby boy for DONALD TRUMP he must watch it. Ethiopia can do any thing. Ethiopia forward 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹💪💪💪💪💪
ማሻአለህ ዳስ ይላል ፍትህ በእስር ለሉ ወጋኖቻችን ፍትህ
ማሻአላህ እልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልሰሰሰ
How about you become Project Manager instead of Prime Minister since that is only one thing you good, people are dying left and right and you can’t even give protection. Think about it, knowing you that should be ur best fit, LEAVE the PM position for people who are good at it. Please Please think about the people that are dying….
አልሃምዱሊላህ አላህየተባረክ የሀገራችን መለወጫ ስበብያድርግልን