❤❤❤❤ Obrigada por Partilhar este maravilhoso vídeo 😍😍😍😍 OS melhores dos melhores OS IL DIVO para Sempre Seram Eternos, Quatro Homens Divinos com as vozes mais Belas do Mundo Bem haja Os Amo,👏👏👏👏
@Daniella7834 Losing a child is the hardest thing that can happen to a parent. The fact that you’re bullying Carlos mother and family with unsubstantiated accusations is very disrespectful! Don’t you have empathy and decency? No you don’t neither do you have fact or arguments That people criticize David, Seb and urs for replacing Carlos three days after Carlos’s hospitalization, not attending Carlos wake and funeral will be part of their curriculum for the rest of their careers. Calling names like you do jilly is weak.
@@daniella7834 Losing a child is the hardest thing that can happen to a mother! You’re spreading misinformation without facts or arguments! Fact is that David, Seb and urs could attend Carlos wake and funeral. There was no covid excuse! Doing the right things is easy!. You don’t like the facts, but that doesn’t make facts lies. You have no idea what hurt means otherwise you would not comment so immature, cold and unsubstantiated!
@daniella7634 It’s obvious you’re the one bullying and slandering Carlos, Carlos mother and family since 2022! You’re calling names because you have no facts or arguments!
@daniella7834 Well we all know who is saying this!!! And that you’re someone who is accusing Carlos family of lying! But it’s all unsubstantiated what you’re claiming. No facts and no arguments! I’m sure you already noticed that three 3+1 concerts have been cancelled in Europe!
Where are your facts, arguments all you have is hearsay, gossip. The family were not present in the UK until the last 2 days of Carlos’s life when his sister arrived. That is one single person, ask yourself why his mother did not come !! Facts she will have been advised to stay home due to the risks re Covid with her age as she would be in the high risk group, fact, due to Omicron rates high, being on an intensive care unit with other Covid patients, risks of flying etc these are all facts. What I don’t understand is why you’re so nasty with your comments and you don’t accept what is factual from many people, it’s your views, opinions which in your eyes is the only truth. How narrow minded and ignorant where Covid is concerned it’s scary. Are you even aware that rates are rising now and world health organisation has spoken, face masks have been brought back in many areas of different countries and booster vaccines are being offered to certain groups of people again. Yes 3 concerts have been cancelled but instead of spreading rumours await the reason as to why ? Speculation causes trouble. For your information some of the UK shows are a sell out already or very limited seating available. What you don’t like is the continuing success of IL Divo despite your idol Carlos sadly having passed away.
@carmenhernandezfernandez Accept another opinion about the 3+1 music and concerts. Again 3 concerts canceled! That people who criticize their behavior disappear like you wish isn’t going to solve David’s , Sebastian’s and urs’s problems. Carlos was, is and always will be Il Divo! Carlos and the original Il Divo deserve better!
@gillhancock You don't give facts but your own misconceptions! From December 19th there was only a Lockdown in the Netherlands in Europe! There was no lockdown in Spain. David, Seb and urs could travel. Seb perhaps a cousin because of the lawsuit with his ex-wife about domestic violence. It is not up to you to determine how Carlos' family grieves! It does not matter to you what Carlos' mother and sister say. Briefly about the 3+1. Since 2022 they have not been successful, certainly not compared to the period with Carlos. Everyone sees the small, not sold out places where they perform. The behavior of David, Seb and urs is unprofessional and disrespectful. Instead of replacing Carlos they should have supported him. That will always haunt them. Have you seen how old they have become since 2022?
Están muy poco enterada y confundes concepto. Una cosa es el confinamiento y otra las restricciones que pacta el gobierno de cada pais y las Comunidades Autónomas de cada pais. En diciembre de 2021 subieron muchísimo los casos de Covid en España, las UCI no tenían camas libres. Pero la economía se iba a pique y quisieron abrir un poco solo un poco la mano para que la hostelería no perdiese más y se abrió un poco la mano con aforos limitados. En reuniones no más de 10 personas y uso de mascarilla y distancia social. Cada Comunidad aplicó sus propias medidas. Cataluña prohibió la movilidad en 127 localidades. País Vasco prohibió la movilidad desde las 01.00 horas. Madrid puso aforo limitado no más de 10 personas y podría seguir. Cualquier persona inteligente, que acaba de salir de un contagio por Covid no se arriesgaría a ir a un funeral, lugar donde más contagios se producen, de hecho creo que un miembro de esa familia se contagió. Que después de 31 meses sigais con esta retaila es de estar muy enquistadas en el odio para qué? Acabar con ILDIVO?😂😂😂 pues va a ser que NO. No me extraña que muriese tanta gente ya que por lo que veo las normas para vosotras no existian. Y yo si se de lo que hablo. E implantado muchos de estos protocolos. En cuanto a la Ley de privacidad de datos. El ÚNICO que puede decir a quién se le da información de una persona adulta es el propio paciente. Él puede dar el nombre de esas personas e includo puede decir a quién no darsela. En caso de un menor son los padres los que deciden
@maricarmen3348 You claim a lot unsubstantiated and sum up irrelevant information without facts or arguments! No one needs your insinuations! Not taking the risk after a covid infection to attend Carlos wake or funeral. Really? But they could fly to the US and celebrate Christmas and New Year! In urs case with a crowd around him and his wife on the streets of New York. The wake they could attend in private. A real friend/brother would attend the funeral of their more than a brother! They could send flowers or an eulogy for the service. They did nothing only partying! Fact is that David, Seb and urs replaced Carlos three days after his hospitalization. Labrie has confirmed this in several interviews! And there’s the fact that seb had to appear in court (domestic violence)!!! You do realize that these kind of convictions have destroyed many careers. Don’t blame people who are disappointed about the behavior of David, Seb and urs and criticize their behavior and the poor 3+1 music. It’s the doing of the 3+1. In my country there’s a saying that a cat in trouble does weird things. Well that’s what we witness!
@@IneEveraersmira de las restricciones de España y de lo que uno debe de hacer tras cuarentena de Covid se yo más que tú. Una persona responsable no iría nunca a un velorio como tú lo llamas tras una infección por Covid. Sebastían se fué a su casa después de Navidad porque seguía dando positivo en la prueba Pcr y no podía volar. Referente al juicio, no mientas no hubo juicio su ex mujer retiró la demanda.Aquí se ve el tipo de persona que eres, sacando este tema en Rsrs, espero que te pongan una buena demanda. Por otro lado te recuerdo que Carlos no acudió al funeral de su padre, siguió de gira, dicho por su madre. Estoy segura de que no le importaba si sus compañeros iban o no dadas las circunstancias.Los miembros de ILDIVO no tenían ningún tipo de relación con la familia, solo con Geraldine (su pareja en ese momento) aunque no lo querais admitir y con la que hablaron por teléfono y con la que estuvieron en Marbella y en Madrid en el cemenenterio. Disfruta del miércoles si es que tu conciencia te deja.
@daniella7834 The doctors never talked to urs. The privacy laws are very very strict here in Europe. Since you weren’t in the hospital Jill you don’t know what the doctors told Carlos! David has confirmed in 2022 that Carlos told him to wait, don’t cancel all the concerts he expected to be better before 2022. You’re repeating misinformation! Inform yourself before you comment!
Europe actually UK is not in Europe if you wish to be politically correct we have had brexit so we don’t follow any rules of yours. It’s called a code of conduct for confidentiality. Carlos did speak to the guys and how do you know what permission he gave during his admission as he would have been asked whom could have information this will take presence over anything the family say or want as Carlos’s wishes would be adhered too first. Yet again I should ensure you have correct facts not here say which is all you have. No evidence don’t come back at me saying I have no facts as I can tell you where to find them. Your view, your gossip that’s all it is with slanderous comments. You enjoy attacking the ones whom state what is right !!! Truth will prevail don’t know where you will be.
@@gillhancock During the pandemic, every country had its own policy! There was no European policy, but you may have missed that! Great Britain is not part of Europe, but England and Scotland did participate in the European Football Championship! You are increasingly falling into your own maze of inconsistencies and insinuations! There were two people with Carlos, his sister and the paramedic David. Carlos had no contact with David, Seb and urs after his hospitalization! Carlos sister has confirmed in a reaction here on RUclips that Carlos did not know about labrie. The paramedic has reported how Carlos asked how the guys and fans were doing. It’s plain that first hand information from Carlos sister Rosie and the paramedic David is more reliable than your insinuations! That you call it gossip is a sign that you have no facts or arguments. You always start to call names like a little child that wasn’t raised properly that doesn't get its way! You have been doing this since 2022. Try politeness for a change.
@@IneEveraersyet again you come back thinking you can belittle anyone whom speaks out against your misinformation. Once again you will be told no one only doctors and nurses were with Carlos. Carlos’s sister was not there until towards the end last 2 days, you were not there and you do not live in the UK or work in the medical profession either so don’t go telling people whom know what can or can not happen. Equally this David would not have been allowed either. All your information is here say no evidence or facts. We are not part of Europe from a working and trading point taking part in European sport is different than what is in question which you constantly spread the rubbish. Seb, David and Urs don’t need to lie why would they, in interviews they have talked on how they were in contact with Carlos initially again you weren’t there and neither was his family either. The rubbish you tell is unbelievable but carry on. The things you say re the guys is wrong. I don’t need to justify my self to you at all the facts and evidence you have been told many times where to find it.
I'm really not interested in what a bunch of haters have to say. The spiteful comments, just because you lost your idol are quite frankly disgusting. You don't follow them, that's fine but their genuine fans stuck by them and will continue to do so.
@@daniella7834 Criticism has nothing to do with hate. The criticism is about respectful behavior and unprofessional music. It’s legitimate criticism because they behaved very disrespectful towards Carlos and his family. You don’t like criticism but it doesn’t give you the right to bully a mother who lost her son! It says a lot about you. You don’t have to follow a bad example and comment so rude. Your problem is that many can’t and don’t support the 3+1 anymore! Get used to reality and stop your immature comments! Try apologizing for once.
@Anpar406 True! They can’t accept that people don’t agree with them. They have no facts or arguments. One of them even denies the huge success Il Divo had with Carlos. Others have bullied Carlos mother and family. It’s really sad these “fans”.
The magic, harmony and synergy is gone!!! Since December 2021 david, Sebastian and urs made the wrong decisions about the replacement, the outfits, social media and the music!!! It will always be part of their curriculum!!! Instead of supporting Carlos and his family they replaced Carlos four days after his hospitalization!!! Labrie who replaced Carlos has confirmed several times in interviews he joined when Carlos was in hospital! No band has moved on so disappointing and disrespectful after losing a bandmate like David, Sebastian and urs did!!!
Cada día eres más patética. Dos grupos que si siguieron fueron Mocedades y El Consorcio por ejemplo. Pero tú no tienes ni idea de quienes son. Por cierto no me digas lo contrario ya que a estos los conozco personalmente desde hace 50 años y somos vecinos.
Your comments are like a stuck broken record. No one replaced Carlos and certainly not within 4 days as how could they, when Seb and Urs both had Covid and David was isolating as a contact. But facts have been proven, shared and are available via internet. 1/4 of IL Divo died and Carlos is never forgotten. No one did anything wrong or abandoned him. IL Divo continues the legacy. Other groups have continued and how they do this is up to them it’s a free world and people choose to manage their loss/grief in their individual way there is no right or wrong. Allow Carlos to rest in peace and what you don’t like no one asks you to listen.
For you it will be part of their curriculum. For the real fans it isn't an issue as we love the guys ánd we love Steven. Move on and enjoy your wonderful life and Il Volo! You just sound like a desperate scratched record! We will see what your facts will bring you!
If you think in your own mind that everything about them is negative to you, what on earth are you doing still monitoring their every move? I'm sorry, but you will not stop fans caring for them and their music. It's just the same old repetitive comments getting you nowhere.
@@eunicehayes1750 The problem you have is that you know it’s true that the original Il Divo magic is gone! Accept that many can’t support them anymore because of their disrespectful behavior and unprofessional music. You know about their behavior but you choose to ignore it. Glad that many don’t. It will always be part of their curriculum!
@lesguidancesdeKate Your comments are nothing else than unsubstantiated generalizations without facts or arguments. People can make up their own minds. Carlos was replaced within three days after his hospitalization. dm, si and ub didn’t bother to come to Carlos’s funeral, or offer condolences to Carlos family or support Carlos while in hospital.
Gosh you talk about your own comments here Ine well done for actually realising at long last. Fact watch the virtual videos on IL Divo December 2021 Seb, David and Urs all sent condolences not just to the fans but also to the family so what you say there is a lie !! This was done by many people from 2020 to this day whom don’t go to the funeral due to being vulnerable to covid or when restrictions were so you could not. Carlos was not treated any different than other people whom died !!
@@gillhancock In December 2021 fans traveled to Spain to attend Carlos’s wake! If they could travel without restrictions so could dm, si and ub. They traveled to the US before Carlos passed away. Don’t forget that Sebastian had to be in court in the US. The three remaining members never said anything why they didn’t attend Carlos wake or funeral. Fact is there were no covid restrictions.
Great video, many thanks
❤❤❤❤ Obrigada por Partilhar este maravilhoso vídeo 😍😍😍😍 OS melhores dos melhores OS IL DIVO para Sempre Seram Eternos, Quatro Homens Divinos com as vozes mais Belas do Mundo Bem haja Os Amo,👏👏👏👏
Thank you for uploading and sharing this really grateful. ❤ they are outstanding
❤🎉 love them
Thanks for uploading! They are amazing!
Thankyou for sharing this video with us. They sound fabulous ❤
My pleasure 😊
Очень красивые голоса,все il divo интеллигентные красавцы!2024
Our fantastic and magical four!
Magia ..fantastyczne wykonanie..brawo ❤️
Que hermosoco cierto ❤❤❤ te amo sebastian
Thank you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ik mis je nu al lieverd,en jullie vakantie is nog maar net begonnen Love you beauty so match❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Carlos is missed so much... they are just a shadow of what they once were
Steve labrire Sebastián izambard urs buher David Miller
@Daniella7834 Losing a child is the hardest thing that can happen to a parent. The fact that you’re bullying Carlos mother and family with unsubstantiated accusations is very disrespectful! Don’t you have empathy and decency? No you don’t neither do you have fact or arguments That people criticize David, Seb and urs for replacing Carlos three days after Carlos’s hospitalization, not attending Carlos wake and funeral will be part of their curriculum for the rest of their careers. Calling names like you do jilly is weak.
I don't feel sorry for a family who spread lies and caused hurt.
@@daniella7834 Losing a child is the hardest thing that can happen to a mother! You’re spreading misinformation without facts or arguments! Fact is that David, Seb and urs could attend Carlos wake and funeral. There was no covid excuse! Doing the right things is easy!. You don’t like the facts, but that doesn’t make facts lies. You have no idea what hurt means otherwise you would not comment so immature, cold and unsubstantiated!
Oh do be quiet and talk sense. I don't know why you would think this you silly woman,now please top slandering the good name of Carlos family
It’s obvious you’re the one bullying and slandering Carlos, Carlos mother and family since 2022! You’re calling names because you have no facts or arguments!
Well we all know who is saying this!!! And that you’re someone who is accusing Carlos family of lying! But it’s all unsubstantiated what you’re claiming. No facts and no arguments! I’m sure you already noticed that three 3+1 concerts have been cancelled in Europe!
Where are your facts, arguments all you have is hearsay, gossip.
The family were not present in the UK until the last 2 days of Carlos’s life when his sister arrived. That is one single person, ask yourself why his mother did not come !! Facts she will have been advised to stay home due to the risks re Covid with her age as she would be in the high risk group, fact, due to Omicron rates high, being on an intensive care unit with other Covid patients, risks of flying etc these are all facts.
What I don’t understand is why you’re so nasty with your comments and you don’t accept what is factual from many people, it’s your views, opinions which in your eyes is the only truth. How narrow minded and ignorant where Covid is concerned it’s scary.
Are you even aware that rates are rising now and world health organisation has spoken, face masks have been brought back in many areas of different countries and booster vaccines are being offered to certain groups of people again.
Yes 3 concerts have been cancelled but instead of spreading rumours await the reason as to why ?
Speculation causes trouble.
For your information some of the UK shows are a sell out already or very limited seating available.
What you don’t like is the continuing success of IL Divo despite your idol Carlos sadly having passed away.
Accept another opinion about the 3+1 music and concerts. Again 3 concerts canceled! That people who criticize their behavior disappear like you wish isn’t going to solve David’s , Sebastian’s and urs’s problems. Carlos was, is and always will be Il Divo! Carlos and the original Il Divo deserve better!
@gillhancock You don't give facts but your own misconceptions! From December 19th there was only a Lockdown in the Netherlands in Europe! There was no lockdown in Spain. David, Seb and urs could travel. Seb perhaps a cousin because of the lawsuit with his ex-wife about domestic violence. It is not up to you to determine how Carlos' family grieves! It does not matter to you what Carlos' mother and sister say. Briefly about the 3+1. Since 2022 they have not been successful, certainly not compared to the period with Carlos. Everyone sees the small, not sold out places where they perform. The behavior of David, Seb and urs is unprofessional and disrespectful. Instead of replacing Carlos they should have supported him. That will always haunt them. Have you seen how old they have become since 2022?
Están muy poco enterada y confundes concepto. Una cosa es el confinamiento y otra las restricciones que pacta el gobierno de cada pais y las Comunidades Autónomas de cada pais.
En diciembre de 2021 subieron muchísimo los casos de Covid en España, las UCI no tenían camas libres. Pero la economía se iba a pique y quisieron abrir un poco solo un poco la mano para que la hostelería no perdiese más y se abrió un poco la mano con aforos limitados. En reuniones no más de 10 personas y uso de mascarilla y distancia social.
Cada Comunidad aplicó sus propias medidas. Cataluña prohibió la movilidad en 127 localidades. País Vasco prohibió la movilidad desde las 01.00 horas.
Madrid puso aforo limitado no más de 10 personas y podría seguir.
Cualquier persona inteligente, que acaba de salir de un contagio por Covid no se arriesgaría a ir a un funeral, lugar donde más contagios se producen, de hecho creo que un miembro de esa familia se contagió.
Que después de 31 meses sigais con esta retaila es de estar muy enquistadas en el odio para qué? Acabar con ILDIVO?😂😂😂 pues va a ser que NO.
No me extraña que muriese tanta gente ya que por lo que veo las normas para vosotras no existian.
Y yo si se de lo que hablo. E implantado muchos de estos protocolos.
En cuanto a la Ley de privacidad de datos. El ÚNICO que puede decir a quién se le da información de una persona adulta es el propio paciente. Él puede dar el nombre de esas personas e includo puede decir a quién no darsela.
En caso de un menor son los padres los que deciden
@maricarmen3348 You claim a lot unsubstantiated and sum up irrelevant information without facts or arguments! No one needs your insinuations! Not taking the risk after a covid infection to attend Carlos wake or funeral. Really? But they could fly to the US and celebrate Christmas and New Year! In urs case with a crowd around him and his wife on the streets of New York. The wake they could attend in private. A real friend/brother would attend the funeral of their more than a brother! They could send flowers or an eulogy for the service. They did nothing only partying! Fact is that David, Seb and urs replaced Carlos three days after his hospitalization. Labrie has confirmed this in several interviews! And there’s the fact that seb had to appear in court (domestic violence)!!! You do realize that these kind of convictions have destroyed many careers. Don’t blame people who are disappointed about the behavior of David, Seb and urs and criticize their behavior and the poor 3+1 music. It’s the doing of the 3+1. In my country there’s a saying that a cat in trouble does weird things. Well that’s what we witness!
@@IneEveraersmira de las restricciones de España y de lo que uno debe de hacer tras cuarentena de Covid se yo más que tú. Una persona responsable no iría nunca a un velorio como tú lo llamas tras una infección por Covid.
Sebastían se fué a su casa después de Navidad porque seguía dando positivo en la prueba Pcr y no podía volar.
Referente al juicio, no mientas no hubo juicio su ex mujer retiró la demanda.Aquí se ve el tipo de persona que eres, sacando este tema en Rsrs, espero que te pongan una buena demanda.
Por otro lado te recuerdo que Carlos no acudió al funeral de su padre, siguió de gira, dicho por su madre. Estoy segura de que no le importaba si sus compañeros iban o no dadas las circunstancias.Los miembros de ILDIVO no tenían ningún tipo de relación con la familia, solo con Geraldine (su pareja en ese momento) aunque no lo querais admitir y con la que hablaron por teléfono y con la que estuvieron en Marbella y en Madrid en el cemenenterio.
Disfruta del miércoles si es que tu conciencia te deja.
@@maricarmen3348brillant comment so very true
@daniella7834 The doctors never talked to urs. The privacy laws are very very strict here in Europe. Since you weren’t in the hospital Jill you don’t know what the doctors told Carlos! David has confirmed in 2022 that Carlos told him to wait, don’t cancel all the concerts he expected to be better before 2022. You’re repeating misinformation! Inform yourself before you comment!
Europe actually UK is not in Europe if you wish to be politically correct we have had brexit so we don’t follow any rules of yours. It’s called a code of conduct for confidentiality. Carlos did speak to the guys and how do you know what permission he gave during his admission as he would have been asked whom could have information this will take presence over anything the family say or want as Carlos’s wishes would be adhered too first.
Yet again I should ensure you have correct facts not here say which is all you have. No evidence don’t come back at me saying I have no facts as I can tell you where to find them.
Your view, your gossip that’s all it is with slanderous comments. You enjoy attacking the ones whom state what is right !!!
Truth will prevail don’t know where you will be.
@@gillhancock During the pandemic, every country had its own policy! There was no European policy, but you may have missed that! Great Britain is not part of Europe, but England and Scotland did participate in the European Football Championship! You are increasingly falling into your own maze of inconsistencies and insinuations! There were two people with Carlos, his sister and the paramedic David. Carlos had no contact with David, Seb and urs after his hospitalization! Carlos sister has confirmed in a reaction here on RUclips that Carlos did not know about labrie. The paramedic has reported how Carlos asked how the guys and fans were doing. It’s plain that first hand information from Carlos sister Rosie and the paramedic David is more reliable than your insinuations! That you call it gossip is a sign that you have no facts or arguments. You always start to call names like a little child that wasn’t raised properly that doesn't get its way! You have been doing this since 2022. Try politeness for a change.
@@IneEveraersyet again you come back thinking you can belittle anyone whom speaks out against your misinformation. Once again you will be told no one only doctors and nurses were with Carlos. Carlos’s sister was not there until towards the end last 2 days, you were not there and you do not live in the UK or work in the medical profession either so don’t go telling people whom know what can or can not happen.
Equally this David would not have been allowed either. All your information is here say no evidence or facts.
We are not part of Europe from a working and trading point taking part in European sport is different than what is in question which you constantly spread the rubbish. Seb, David and Urs don’t need to lie why would they, in interviews they have talked on how they were in contact with Carlos initially again you weren’t there and neither was his family either. The rubbish you tell is unbelievable but carry on. The things you say re the guys is wrong. I don’t need to justify my self to you at all the facts and evidence you have been told many times where to find it.
I'm really not interested in what a bunch of haters have to say. The spiteful comments, just because you lost your idol are quite frankly disgusting.
You don't follow them, that's fine but their genuine fans stuck by them and will continue to do so.
@@daniella7834 Criticism has nothing to do with hate. The criticism is about respectful behavior and unprofessional music. It’s legitimate criticism because they behaved very disrespectful towards Carlos and his family. You don’t like criticism but it doesn’t give you the right to bully a mother who lost her son! It says a lot about you. You don’t have to follow a bad example and comment so rude. Your problem is that many can’t and don’t support the 3+1 anymore! Get used to reality and stop your immature comments! Try apologizing for once.
@Anpar406 True! They can’t accept that people don’t agree with them. They have no facts or arguments. One of them even denies the huge success Il Divo had with Carlos. Others have bullied Carlos mother and family. It’s really sad these “fans”.
Carlos te echamos de menos todo es diferente sin ti tu dulzura la necesitamos
The magic, harmony and synergy is gone!!! Since December 2021 david, Sebastian and urs made the wrong decisions about the replacement, the outfits, social media and the music!!! It will always be part of their curriculum!!! Instead of supporting Carlos and his family they replaced Carlos four days after his hospitalization!!! Labrie who replaced Carlos has confirmed several times in interviews he joined when Carlos was in hospital! No band has moved on so disappointing and disrespectful after losing a bandmate like David, Sebastian and urs did!!!
Cada día eres más patética. Dos grupos que si siguieron fueron Mocedades y El Consorcio por ejemplo. Pero tú no tienes ni idea de quienes son. Por cierto no me digas lo contrario ya que a estos los conozco personalmente desde hace 50 años y somos vecinos.
Your comments are like a stuck broken record. No one replaced Carlos and certainly not within 4 days as how could they, when Seb and Urs both had Covid and David was isolating as a contact. But facts have been proven, shared and are available via internet. 1/4 of IL Divo died and Carlos is never forgotten. No one did anything wrong or abandoned him. IL Divo continues the legacy.
Other groups have continued and how they do this is up to them it’s a free world and people choose to manage their loss/grief in their individual way there is no right or wrong.
Allow Carlos to rest in peace and what you don’t like no one asks you to listen.
For you it will be part of their curriculum. For the real fans it isn't an issue as we love the guys ánd we love Steven. Move on and enjoy your wonderful life and Il Volo! You just sound like a desperate scratched record! We will see what your facts will bring you!
If you think in your own mind that everything about them is negative to you, what on earth are you doing still monitoring their every move? I'm sorry, but you will not stop fans caring for them and their music. It's just the same old repetitive comments getting you nowhere.
@@eunicehayes1750 The problem you have is that you know it’s true that the original Il Divo magic is gone! Accept that many can’t support them anymore because of their disrespectful behavior and unprofessional music. You know about their behavior but you choose to ignore it. Glad that many don’t. It will always be part of their curriculum!
Your comments are nothing else than unsubstantiated generalizations without facts or arguments. People can make up their own minds. Carlos was replaced within three days after his hospitalization. dm, si and ub didn’t bother to come to Carlos’s funeral, or offer condolences to Carlos family or support Carlos while in hospital.
Gosh you talk about your own comments here Ine well done for actually realising at long last. Fact watch the virtual videos on IL Divo December 2021 Seb, David and Urs all sent condolences not just to the fans but also to the family so what you say there is a lie !! This was done by many people from 2020 to this day whom don’t go to the funeral due to being vulnerable to covid or when restrictions were so you could not. Carlos was not treated any different than other people whom died !!
@@IneEveraers if you knew who i am and what i know you would shut up forever on the subject.
@@LesguidancesdeKate Why don’t you tell who you are! Only unsubstantiated generalizations like you comment can anyone post!
@@LesguidancesdeKate then have the balls and say who you are
@@gillhancock In December 2021 fans traveled to Spain to attend Carlos’s wake! If they could travel without restrictions so could dm, si and ub. They traveled to the US before Carlos passed away. Don’t forget that Sebastian had to be in court in the US. The three remaining members never said anything why they didn’t attend Carlos wake or funeral. Fact is there were no covid restrictions.