That's coming along nicely. I've not come across those roof panels before, looks dead smart. Those old fashioned two screw cable connectors are hard work, especially upside down and one handed. I found a connector where you squeeze a spring loaded plunger, poke the bare wire into the hole and release the plunger. Brilliant invention, works every time and is very quick.
Thanks R can’t wait to get back out on the B. Loved your video with your son,I did the Way of the Roses with my son some years ago , an experience I’ll never forget👍
That's coming along nicely.
I've not come across those roof panels before, looks dead smart.
Those old fashioned two screw cable connectors are hard work, especially upside down and one handed.
I found a connector where you squeeze a spring loaded plunger, poke the bare wire into the hole and release the plunger. Brilliant invention, works every time and is very quick.
Thanks, not sure if those connectors you mention are what I’m using, they are very simple to use and seem to be excellent connectors
Good luck with your project💪
Thanks R can’t wait to get back out on the B. Loved your video with your son,I did the Way of the Roses with my son some years ago , an experience I’ll never forget👍
Nice job mate👍
Thanks that’s really appreciated
Looking great terry top work
Thanks that’s appreciated
Wagos not riv nuts. 😂