John 4 | Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman | The Bible

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2012
  • Jesus teaches a woman of Samaria.
    John 4:5-29
    5 Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
    6 Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.
    7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.
    8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)
    9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
    10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
    11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?
    12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?
    13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
    14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
    15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.
    16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.
    17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:
    18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.
    19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
    20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
    21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
    22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
    23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
    24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
    25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.
    26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
    27 And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her?
    28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,
    29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
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Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @Christrulesall2
    @Christrulesall2 5 лет назад +1096

    Christ showed no bias against anyone. He is love through and through. Thats why the world absolutely loathed his presence.

    • @petergreen2552
      @petergreen2552 4 года назад +7

      You DO know that this is all conjecture and supposition? It's also called ACTING. NO ONE knows what the real Jesus was like or how he presented himself. NO ONE. Ok?

    • @yiouou1988
      @yiouou1988 4 года назад +9

      You can only know Jesus through prayer its impossible to know about his character otherwise for he still lives and is with his Father in heaven:)

    • @lisabolo26
      @lisabolo26 4 года назад +17

      "The world" did not loathe Christ's presence, only the wealthy n entitled did.

    • @lisabolo26
      @lisabolo26 4 года назад +3

      Nah, Jesus lives within us all. His love is not so difficult to attain. What you've stated is directly contrary to his teachings, as well as elitist.

    • @CKelloggs
      @CKelloggs 4 года назад +3

      @@baddog6003 why's it nonsense?

  • @viaputri3143
    @viaputri3143 10 лет назад +641

    I love you jesus

  • @rainsara2795
    @rainsara2795 5 лет назад +435

    I stopt being a Christian in my early teens because my mom is a religious fanatic.. However, a few years have passed and I'm finding my own way back. I realize that praying comforts me a lot, and the thought of Jesus and God makes me feel safe n happy

    • @neilhandley5071
      @neilhandley5071 3 года назад +25

      God bless you in your quest!

    • @toynoi5792
      @toynoi5792 3 года назад +47

      That is because Christ is not in religion nor a religion, but it is about relationship with him and love towards God and the people

    • @isaiahjones1685
      @isaiahjones1685 3 года назад +12

      I’m glad that you have repented and now seek the Lord.

    • @mrgraham9007
      @mrgraham9007 2 года назад +14

      If you truly search for Jehovah through Jesus in prayer, he will answer you, maybe not the way you imagine, or expected, but he will. Jesus and his father, Jehovah are really great and not pompous as most religious people think. They love you more than you could ever know. If you love them with all your heart, they will find you. KEEP ASKING AND THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED. Trust me!

    • @shihlin1
      @shihlin1 2 года назад +17

      Jesus never left you.
      That's why you're finding your way back to Him.

  • @josevillanueva9705
    @josevillanueva9705 4 года назад +98

    “I that speak unto thee am he”
    Jesus you gave me chills there

  • @cordeea7880
    @cordeea7880 7 лет назад +1681

    I know that with Jesus I will never thirst again. He has all I need.

    • @jtspiky
      @jtspiky 6 лет назад +16

      Cordee A has very well said

    • @anthon8162
      @anthon8162 5 лет назад +17

      Amen 😇

    • @flitzgerald7984
      @flitzgerald7984 5 лет назад +16


    • @loveliveshere7792
      @loveliveshere7792 4 года назад +15

      My Lord I felt that in my gut

    • @itiger6507
      @itiger6507 4 года назад +15

      Jesus reborn me but I turned from him and lost my faith and now it’s so hard to get grace back pray for me I’m lost

  • @annefrancis7273
    @annefrancis7273 6 лет назад +1100

    She didnt knew who he was but she believed that Christ will come....Thats what you call faith!!!

    • @filipstanfel9006
      @filipstanfel9006 6 лет назад +21

      Exactly! God Bless ✝️

    • @adamji4390
      @adamji4390 4 года назад +11

      Yes..but she knew the meaning of messiah. .and she didn't worshiped Jesus nor called him God..that's called Faith..she knows that "God is not a man "..three times repeated in the bible. .but the bulk of Christianity said..No..God is a man..eating n drinking man..obviously going to the toilet man..

    • @christopherthrawn1333
      @christopherthrawn1333 4 года назад +4


    • @skylerwoodgeard8429
      @skylerwoodgeard8429 4 года назад +2


    • @bensonniclassic5681
      @bensonniclassic5681 4 года назад +3

      Thank you Jesus!

  • @naomariley-hall1519
    @naomariley-hall1519 5 лет назад +176

    Jesus saw right through her...but he forgave give her everlasting life. But you must believe in him .Jesus Christ our lord and Savior

    • @masonwright7700
      @masonwright7700 4 года назад +4

      Leo Peridot we do

    • @davidescobar5366
      @davidescobar5366 3 года назад +7

      Unlike capitalist invented Santa Claus Jesus does know everything about you yet he is willing to forgive even then.
      Blows you away with his love, tenderness and kindness!

    • @metalrocker627
      @metalrocker627 2 года назад

      @@davidescobar5366 Santa Claus was not a Capitalist invention. He derived from both Nordic and Christian influence. Saint Nicholas was a real person, the patron Saint of Russia. He wore red robes, wandered from village to village and was widely known for his acts of Generosity.

    • @adrianapollyon5087
      @adrianapollyon5087 2 года назад

      We have to repent and follow Jesus and his commandments.

  • @nicholasbansraj5489
    @nicholasbansraj5489 4 года назад +112

    "I that speak into thee, am he"

  • @Frankincensedjb123
    @Frankincensedjb123 10 лет назад +439

    Christ, as all Christians should be, bold, Truth cutting to the core, yet full of patience, love, even the Charity of Christ for ALL humankind. God bless

    • @YeshuaLove0722
      @YeshuaLove0722 7 лет назад +9

      Frankincensed Amen

    • @andyroobrick-a-brack9355
      @andyroobrick-a-brack9355 4 года назад +9

      He was humble, yet confident. He was authoritative, but empathetic. He was peaceful and kind, yet cut through others sins like a sword through bone. He forgives all, and loves all.

    • @Vishal-mi2br
      @Vishal-mi2br 4 года назад

      Look at God not religion

    • @isaiahjones1685
      @isaiahjones1685 3 года назад +1


  • @missJazzitup99
    @missJazzitup99 6 лет назад +566

    People today don't know how blessed they are. She had to walk a long way to get some water. The little things we take for granted. Thanksgiving Day is coming. A day to thank God for his many blessings.

    • @sherriewhite7509
      @sherriewhite7509 4 года назад +5

      Amen! God is a awesome loving god!!!

    • @jmorrison6582
      @jmorrison6582 4 года назад +5

      you thank god everyday, not just thanksgiving

    • @djordjecalosevic9044
      @djordjecalosevic9044 4 года назад +3

      Blessed? Murder victims, rape victims, starving people. Those are blessed people too?

    • @eternallovelight3864
      @eternallovelight3864 4 года назад +2


    • @rosebudbennet6491
      @rosebudbennet6491 4 года назад

      I know what it is like i used to get water from a well and get wood for the wood stove i lived like that for a year and a half no bathroom out house and washed with a cloth ..been there done it .. Hmmmm. .

  • @trishyangel123
    @trishyangel123 4 года назад +155

    *_”Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits"_*
    - Psalms‬ ‭103:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @theephraimite
    @theephraimite 4 года назад +33

    This is one of my favorite conversations in the Bible. Imagine what it’s like to be that woman, believing in the coming of the Messiah all her life, then has a conversation with a stranger (worse a Jew). Then as the conversation goes on, she slowly realizes she is talking to that long-awaited Messiah.

  • @JayPadilla
    @JayPadilla 8 лет назад +2222

    Jesus died on the cross for our sins. us sinners continue to drink water that will not satisfy us (sin ) but He offers us living water ( everlasting Life ) 💙

  • @crystalferguson7308
    @crystalferguson7308 7 лет назад +280

    This is one of my favorite stories. I love it when He says " I that speaks until thee, am HE " And the Look on her face. Wow!! 💜☝

    • @tez817
      @tez817 4 года назад +1

      Story??? These sent stories!!!

    • @tdeo2141
      @tdeo2141 Год назад +4

      I liked this rendition of the Samaritan woman better than the one from The Chosen.

  • @cameronsullings8148
    @cameronsullings8148 Год назад +5

    while my neighbors laugh at me watching this i trust jesus over them and the rest of the souls who mock my faith.

    • @dizzy-made-it7197
      @dizzy-made-it7197 2 месяца назад

      Preach to them, make them understand who Jesus is, don't fear them,the holy spirit will bring conviction to their hearts as you mention Jesus

  • @georgetaylor2024
    @georgetaylor2024 4 года назад +93


    • @cesar5478
      @cesar5478 4 года назад

      @Leo Peridot ...foolish!

    • @yakove
      @yakove 3 года назад

      @@cesar5478 shut up ok just stop

    @CHIEFSWIFE1998 7 лет назад +330

    I love you sweet Jesus💞✝💞

  • @DianahernandezV
    @DianahernandezV 7 лет назад +227

    Wow. i dont know what i would have done if i was in her shoes... & heard Jesus say "I, am the Son of God.". i would have been speechless... or out of breath....This a VERY strong story. I love it.

    • @kyeremehmefiboset3277
      @kyeremehmefiboset3277 7 лет назад +6

      Diana Hernandez Jesus is the everything no Jesus no life

    • @supermariopixelman3010
      @supermariopixelman3010 6 лет назад +7

      Very very very holy holy holy truth you have spoken

    • @cosmicwarrior62
      @cosmicwarrior62 5 лет назад +6

      You would have done as He asked. remember she ran to the village and announced, He is Come!! Your feet wouldn't have stood still either.

    • @samsongirma4081
      @samsongirma4081 5 лет назад


    • @daughterofthemosthigh9931
      @daughterofthemosthigh9931 4 года назад +3

      This scripture is still speaking to this generation today. It spoke to me...

  • @caarolinaa7593
    @caarolinaa7593 2 года назад +21

    I was thirsty watching this and out of nowhere I was no longer thirsty. Sounds dumb but the Lord gave me a sign rn and I’m so happy I wanted to share it with anyone who’d listen

  • @jaybrick8973
    @jaybrick8973 3 года назад +27

    Jesus can speak life into any situation how great is our Lord

  • @novcrortivo
    @novcrortivo 8 лет назад +474

    Powerful performances from both actors. I really feel the Spirit whenever I watch this video.

    • @ronieeist
      @ronieeist 7 лет назад +4

      novcrortivo true

    • @anurupdutta6643
      @anurupdutta6643 4 года назад +2


    • @sunnythealligator
      @sunnythealligator 4 года назад +1

      Me too.

    • @foodnfellowship
      @foodnfellowship 4 года назад

      I honestly feel no spirit of truth in this, we dont live by feelings ... sorry

    • @rajandavid
      @rajandavid 4 года назад +5

      It's the Holy Spirit prompting you to receive Christ in your heart now

  • @orangsimunjan
    @orangsimunjan 7 лет назад +355

    Jesus is my Lord

  • @richardalandaniel1020
    @richardalandaniel1020 3 года назад +17

    One of my favorite stories of the New Testament.Not only did Christ speak and teach to someone not of the Covenant people,but gave us the powerful lesson of eternal life through His Gospel and Atonement.A beautiful example of sharing His Gospel to all.

  • @Frankincensedjb123
    @Frankincensedjb123 4 года назад +23

    One of my favorite scriptural lessons, again proving with His ability to see and know all, that he IS the chosen one.

  • @missJazzitup99
    @missJazzitup99 7 лет назад +187

    God bless the ones who went through the trouble of making these videos and spreading the word. They are so helpful and encouraging.

    • @awesomeallie7
      @awesomeallie7 5 лет назад +9

      It was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints!

    • @tdeo2141
      @tdeo2141 Год назад +2

      I liked this rendition of the Samaritan woman better than the one from The Chosen.

    • @T.Ambrosio
      @T.Ambrosio Год назад +1


  • @MarleeCraig
    @MarleeCraig 3 года назад +15

    Beautiful moment when you witness the workings of the spirit. She recognized that the man at the well was not an ordinary man. She recognized the divinity in Christ. Like all the other videos on this channel, I have watched this video so many times. Thank you channel for making these inspirational videos ♥️

  • @mattchiasson2265
    @mattchiasson2265 4 года назад +37

    JESUS Christ is Lord and Savior.Praise Almighty GOD Amen

    • @dondondigamon9134
      @dondondigamon9134 4 года назад

      Amen Hallelujah

      @MUHAMMADZEESHAN-pb5so 3 года назад

      Peace'be upon you you can't here is saying God means he is servant of allah tala read first real Bible quran

  • @roshnisimmons1291
    @roshnisimmons1291 5 лет назад +16

    I love my Jesus with all my heart and soul and who so ever come to him shall never thirst again. He is that all I need...Amen!

  • @mgrpraxol
    @mgrpraxol 6 лет назад +146

    The ending is really powerful! It would really be worth imagining ourselves in the position of the woman when Jesus declares that he is the Christ.

    • @pattysj3124
      @pattysj3124 6 лет назад +10

      Prajwol Thapa Magar I do think of myself as that woman and it is so powerful that it makes me happy and I cry the same time every time I watch it and I keep watching this over and over God bless!

    • @stephantheo6817
      @stephantheo6817 3 года назад

      Yea u all are in that position as the christ is a process within the body. All this literal person is bs

    • @yeshua7303
      @yeshua7303 2 года назад

      Don't be afraid lol I Am He

  • @KayLyahNE
    @KayLyahNE 6 лет назад +82

    This is such a beautiful reenactment to watch. It’s calm, peaceful, and you’re able to get an understanding of what that scene truly was like. No music was a nice touch to make it that more beautiful. It is crazy to imagine, being right in front of a man in this scene and finding out that he is the Savior of the world; just think of the feelings that woman felt!

    • @jolenaagapisou3803
      @jolenaagapisou3803 4 года назад +4

      Aly Kaylynn - Iam trembling with awe✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

    • @jolenaagapisou3803
      @jolenaagapisou3803 4 года назад +5

      Leo Peridot - yes, the true short life story of Jesus who was crucified at age 33 for our sins. You can choose to believe or not, but remember, every breath we take is a gift from God & Free gift of salvation is also - God bless

  • @enrosale
    @enrosale 4 года назад +14

    My heart truly hurts when I hear this story . Oh lord please forgive me and give me strength to push the enemy out of me . In Jesus name I pray . Amen

  • @clarissegomez9275
    @clarissegomez9275 4 года назад +31

    I would have probably fainted right on the spot knowing that all this time I was speaking with the Lord Jesus Christ and didnt even know it 😱😰😓🙏💯💕

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +5

      Clarisse Gomez me too fainting in front of him and after that worship him and after go tell others just like the samaritan running to the village announcing the coming of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.

  • @godscommandmentsaretruthis2837
    @godscommandmentsaretruthis2837 5 лет назад +9

    One of my very favorite Bible stories. Though they didn't show it in the video, I love the way she left her water pot and immediately ran to share the good news with others in her town. She is one of the people I hope to meet someday. Her and the poor widow that cast in the two mites into the treasury of God.

  • @sarameza7014
    @sarameza7014 7 лет назад +42

    one of my favorite teachings!

  • @pranabbaruah2418
    @pranabbaruah2418 5 лет назад +87

    Lord, save me..I have lost my way

    • @richardbaker6357
      @richardbaker6357 4 года назад +10

      Repent! Jesus loves you!

    • @jd9039
      @jd9039 4 года назад +5

      Jesus loves you. He died to give us life. He is risen.

    • @oneloveoneheartonedestination
      @oneloveoneheartonedestination 4 года назад +6

      @Palestinian Rambo I thought Islam believes in Mohammed and not in him who died fore ouwer sins the flesh and blood of Jesus christ I know your here fore the thruth

    • @KingFreak54
      @KingFreak54 4 года назад +5

      You are never lost because to be lost means you and no one else knows where you are or how to get you back to where you need to be. God knows where you are turn to Him and you will see He has been with you all along! God loves you and you are never alone when you walk with Christ. Look up you will never regret it!

    • @ManyThingsSeem
      @ManyThingsSeem 4 года назад +2

      @Palestinian Rambo peddle your defiled tripe elsewhere. You are about to receive the reward of your unbelief... not long now... remember you were warned.

  • @mokokawi
    @mokokawi 5 лет назад +21

    Thank you Jesus....your my family's protector

  • @KellyMillerldspoetry
    @KellyMillerldspoetry 10 лет назад +41

    Any well can go dry
    And leave you thirsty still...
    From living water, draw
    In spirit and truth thrill!

  • @user-sl2fg4ni3h
    @user-sl2fg4ni3h 7 лет назад +17

    The last sentence from the video is epic!
    Jesus, I love You!

  • @samshelton436
    @samshelton436 4 года назад +35

    God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.-St. John, chapter 4 verse 24.

    • @wmjas
      @wmjas 4 года назад +2

      This video changes that line because they're following the Joseph Smith translation, which reflects the Mormon doctrine that God has a physical body.

    • @sandeakilpatrick2386
      @sandeakilpatrick2386 3 года назад

      If Jesus was resurrected how can he be spirit?

    • @DefenderOfChrist_
      @DefenderOfChrist_ Год назад

      @@sandeakilpatrick2386 Jesus is both God and Human, Human and Spirit Amen✝️

    • @user-wj8dk3zd6x
      @user-wj8dk3zd6x Год назад

      ​@@wmjas Which is false doctrine.

  • @Coffeegobrrr
    @Coffeegobrrr Год назад +4

    Im so grateful to have found christ in my life ✝️🙏🫂

  • @psoteriou3884
    @psoteriou3884 4 года назад +14

    So beautifully acted and portrayed. This is moving tears.

  • @mesmerizebyjessicas
    @mesmerizebyjessicas 4 года назад +8

    Love never fails. It always perseveres, always hopes, always trusts, and always protects. Thank you very much for sharing. Almighty Father Yah God Bless All...

  • @nate2396
    @nate2396 4 года назад +15

    That moment when you realize you're talking to Christ 3:47 hahaha I'd be like a deer in headlights too id be in awe. He is awesome ugh gives me chills and exitement

  • @brittanyhamilton6461
    @brittanyhamilton6461 4 года назад +17

    Obey God’s Commandments🤎🤎
    For He Is Always Watching You.

    • @Azulzenithpac
      @Azulzenithpac 3 года назад

      What do you do when you are both remarried and I was reborn afterwards?

  • @an79ghit
    @an79ghit 12 лет назад +8

    This is a great passage from Scripture. May God touch the lives of each of us in this 7 billion world population.

  • @gustavorodriguez3335
    @gustavorodriguez3335 6 лет назад +13

    The 🎤 drop at the end though 😂 her face was priceless man I love these videos because of the messages and bc of the 🎤 drops

  • @josephinedalli8170
    @josephinedalli8170 2 года назад +5

    Everything he says is true
    How I love him with all my heart God bless 🙏🤗💞💖

  • @kar3n35
    @kar3n35 3 года назад +6

    3:27 when he said, it is he. i feel 💖💗💖💗💕💖💗 love in my heart.

  • @vincentsaraos6663
    @vincentsaraos6663 6 лет назад +9


  • @crystalferguson7308
    @crystalferguson7308 7 лет назад +41

    Jesus Christ is My 💙

  • @samcash7398
    @samcash7398 3 года назад +7

    This is one of the most moving and crucial events in the ministry of Jesus.

  • @maryamkarim4424
    @maryamkarim4424 5 лет назад +6

    Thank you Jesus!! I give you all the Glory and Praise!!

  • @jennifernapoli8172
    @jennifernapoli8172 4 года назад +4

    I Love You So Much Dear Jesus❤️and with you I will Never thirst again.
    Thank you for all you do Dear Jesus❤️

  • @justinackroyd3737
    @justinackroyd3737 4 года назад +5

    Once I was going to starve myself to try and rid myself of sin in honor of Jesus. That day before departing home something overtook my mouth and said "I'm ready now" it was out of my control the words. When I got to the place to starve myself a huge flock of birds flew to my feet hundreds and hundreds. I sat in a coffee shop and the weather changed dramatically. The sun got very close. A huge windstorm came. Dark clouds and then to finish it a sunshower. After sitting there all day at a coffee shop and praying around the area I realized Jesus would not condone suicide. But I believe he may have connected with me on that day.
    Another time after a night of partying, I had caught the wrong train to where I was meant to go. I opened my eyes after sleeping a little bit and saw a cross in the far far distance. The lyrics meet me jesus entered my brain the moment I locked eyes on the cross. A strange moment for me

  • @raysummers4284
    @raysummers4284 3 года назад +2

    i have watched this many, many ,many time`s. each time i watch this i cry, just watching and hearing Jesus and her talk back and forth just blesses me. PRAISE BE TO GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @thelovelybrittany22
    @thelovelybrittany22 Год назад +4

    Amen Thank You Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior🙏🏽❤️

  • @LD72505
    @LD72505 3 года назад +4

    One of my favourite portions in the Bible ❤️
    Jesus is the living water

  • @euphoriajk5487
    @euphoriajk5487 5 лет назад +8


  • @Lexthebarbarian
    @Lexthebarbarian Год назад +2

    All these women around the world and throughout history who endlessly get to toil, struggle, work and take care of everyone. From they are young until they are old and frail. One of the world's greatest injustices. Jesus was good to women. Gentle and forgiving.

  • @jakebrandystapleton7062
    @jakebrandystapleton7062 2 года назад +2

    I love Jesus my Lord ,My savior. My everything. Jesus is the way ,the truth and the life. So thankful to have Jesus in my life 🙏🏻✝️

  • @feliciahernandez4723
    @feliciahernandez4723 7 лет назад +132

    I love Jesus I go to church to pray i love Jesus he is amoung us to protect us🙏🙏💟💟T God amen

    • @eduardooramadelpilar268
      @eduardooramadelpilar268 5 лет назад +7

      You go to church to pray, look within your holy church, that's inside of you

    • @jerbiejunoramirez8580
      @jerbiejunoramirez8580 5 лет назад +2

      Of what church?

    • @Samuel-jz3vd
      @Samuel-jz3vd 5 лет назад +2

      Our body is the temple of God

    • @daughterofthemosthigh9931
      @daughterofthemosthigh9931 4 года назад +3

      We need not go to a church to scripture it says to pray always and in everything give thanks.
      So many churches today are of men I pray you are not being decieved.
      Sunday is not the true sabbath either.
      When scripture says come out of her my people its talking about the Catholic church because they pray to idols and worship mary be very careful not to be deceived.
      All Glory and Honor to our King the Lion of Judah

  • @ananduchholi3644
    @ananduchholi3644 7 лет назад +4

    Amen!!! Thank you almighty,omniscient JESUS CHRIST for everything that you bless me everyday..

  • @DerHund1
    @DerHund1 2 года назад +2

    Amen, it’s so beautiful that even a little kid can believe in Jesus Christ.

  • @nanayaw8139
    @nanayaw8139 2 года назад +3

    Jesus is the best father we can ever ask of...We just can't wait to see him come in his glory

  • @joevete4384
    @joevete4384 5 лет назад +15

    A very moving biblical account, well done.

  • @magicalpowersinfullforce5802
    @magicalpowersinfullforce5802 5 лет назад +13

    I feel content right now at this precise moment in time❗️❗️❗️

  • @miles027
    @miles027 Год назад +4

    Jesus invites us to worship Him wherever we are, at all times and in all things and in all places.

  • @sallygrace1495
    @sallygrace1495 3 года назад +4

    I wish i was me there i would give Him water and he would bless me!!!

  • @doubleaaaron
    @doubleaaaron 4 года назад +6

    These are some of the best gospel of christ videos I've seen. Thank you!

  • @AkunBebas100
    @AkunBebas100 3 года назад +5

    I wish i could be on that place where Jesus still on earth🙏❤😇🥰🌈🕊

  • @manuelbrown1084
    @manuelbrown1084 4 года назад +14

    WOW. Imagine talking to a person like that and it turns out to be JESUS THE MESSIAH

  • @V.Samson
    @V.Samson Год назад +1

    What a wonderful chapter it is. I like to study again and again.. Jacob well is 150 feet depth and has 15 feet water always at any time. Thank you Lord we have you. Amen

  • @destroya3303
    @destroya3303 8 лет назад +55

    I love my Jesus

  • @brenthall769
    @brenthall769 6 лет назад +33

    Jesus taught her what truth was;

  • @khiapongkhiapong5556
    @khiapongkhiapong5556 3 года назад +3

    Jesus is my saviour hallelujah.... Amen🙏

  • @luissantana3996
    @luissantana3996 5 лет назад +2

    Im a born again through Jesus , I’m so happy this is my 3rd week everyday I’ve been praying the most I have every done in life , always praying morning , day and night and spent hours learning of the lord . I haven’t been this happy ever in my life 😩 I’m trying to lead my girlfriend into praying & try to keep her faith , she has been more positive with things lately and ouff I’m just so proud to say I’m a child of The lord !! Life is so much peaceful and happier with him in it .

    • @btj_1164
      @btj_1164 4 года назад

      This is exactly me . God bless you !

  • @homeromendoza2762
    @homeromendoza2762 8 лет назад +155

    jesus only reason im christian.

    • @supermariopixelman3010
      @supermariopixelman3010 6 лет назад +1

      Homero Mendoza me too

    • @tez817
      @tez817 4 года назад +4

      But are you a disciple?

    • @xavieradams1041
      @xavieradams1041 4 года назад +1

      However you must love God as well as Jesus same goes with Mary his Mother same with more information

    • @trillrudeboy
      @trillrudeboy 4 года назад +11

      Jesus was God, read the Bible and you will see this. He was at and knew our names during the creation of the earth. When God made us in his image, he did so in Jesus. The father is in him, he came to this earth to die and save us from the slavery of sin. Mary, his mother is nothing but a woman. In fact, he refers to her not as “mother” but as “woman”. It is very important to recognize this as God has no mother. Praising Mary became a superstition of the Catholics and is sac religious. Jesus is the truth, the only way to eternal life.

    • @DeeMoney-rj4rj
      @DeeMoney-rj4rj 4 года назад +1

      The Wrath of God disciple means learner so

  • @J.N.A_Nations
    @J.N.A_Nations 7 лет назад +95


  • @brightedozie6896
    @brightedozie6896 5 лет назад +6


  • @silverbanshee1770
    @silverbanshee1770 3 года назад +1

    Jesus is the Light of my life. He is Lord and King. A worthy King. Amen✝️

  • @laglynmagayam7891
    @laglynmagayam7891 7 лет назад +8

    jesus my strength thank u for u... ur my king

  • @krishangunaratne5001
    @krishangunaratne5001 7 лет назад +5

    thank u Jesus the sun of God praise the Lord my God.great act too May god bless them

  • @reenaattwal8162
    @reenaattwal8162 3 года назад +4

    I love u Jesus. Please always be with me. As I don’t have anyone else.

  • @Valantis12345
    @Valantis12345 5 лет назад +5

    and yet He still offers us happiness, always He gives us this...

  • @rachaelphilip08
    @rachaelphilip08 11 лет назад +56

    i'd be really scared and nervous, and I wouldn't know what to do - makes you wonder how Moses felt when he was in the actual presence of God himself! x

    • @besttrick2
      @besttrick2 6 лет назад +11

      rachaelphilip08 well, he was afraid at first right. and for good reason, but that fear soon left him, and I'm sure it left him and immediately replaced with the love the Lord had for him, and he felt that love, which gave him strength and reassurance.

    • @farronport2152
      @farronport2152 4 года назад

      Look GVC op

    • @yeshua7303
      @yeshua7303 2 года назад

      Why be Afraid?

  • @DefenderOfChrist_
    @DefenderOfChrist_ Год назад +2

    God bless everybody in the name of Lord Jesus Christ Amen✝️

  • @saultheleast.7982
    @saultheleast.7982 3 года назад +1

    Jesus appears and barriers!!! wow!!!...glory to God

  • @magicalpowersinfullforce5802
    @magicalpowersinfullforce5802 5 лет назад +7

    ♥️😿🥀 *I Thank Thee, JESUS CHRIST, Forevermore!!!* 🛐😭🙏

  • @lanag9318
    @lanag9318 5 лет назад +4

    Amen. Beautifully and truthfully said. 💖💖💖💖💖

  • @William_Clinton_Muguai
    @William_Clinton_Muguai 3 года назад +2

    "I that speaketh unto thee, I am He!"
    If you know this about the LORD Jesus Christ, u need not anything else in this world, 4 u r extremely blessed!!!

  • @ArielIsaac8111
    @ArielIsaac8111 Год назад +2

    Praise be to the Lord and our Master, there truly is no greater ambition than to be at his side. To be one of His hired servants or His dearest friend, there is no greater honor than to serve him fully. 🙏🙏

  • @mikemike7198
    @mikemike7198 6 лет назад +5

    God bless you for the Gospel in action

  • @SuperEholmes
    @SuperEholmes Год назад +5

    I love my Savior.

  • @livewithjoya5120
    @livewithjoya5120 3 года назад +2

    I LOVE my holy Jesus

  • @godislove6327
    @godislove6327 4 года назад +2

    Dear Jesus , thank you for your free Salvation 🙏🙏🙏

  • @elderparedesh
    @elderparedesh 12 лет назад +5

    I really love the new Bible videos!!

  • @donawijiwardana4269
    @donawijiwardana4269 6 лет назад +4

    Thank a lot God amen

  • @ranwor9403
    @ranwor9403 5 лет назад +2

    Jesus is the spirit of God and I thank God for revealing himself to me. I love you my Christ Jesus for I know you are my God.

  • @PJNongsiej
    @PJNongsiej Год назад +1

    Praise the LORD JESUS GOD AMEN 🙏♥️✝️!

  • @endangmaharani5366
    @endangmaharani5366 6 лет назад +5

    My Lord Jesus please give me water never lasting life amen!!🇧🇪🛬🇨🇦🇫🇷