Ignore the fucking people moaning about stream highlights. You have one million subscribers, all of which don't have the same time to watch your videos as the people who tune into your streams as often enough to moan about it do. The video was good and it doesn't take a genius to know that editing wise, it would take longer to create. Just keep bringing in content which you feel is good, it will get likes and views regardless. I for one, prefer watching videos like that, than pub stomping, as you are a competitive player after all.
yes, I came to this channel for the competitive part, I don't mind the pubs gameplay just for the sake of variety, but you should mainly upload competitive gameplay since most of us don't have time to watch streams
I saw the fucking comment he was probably talking about to. MBoze got the same shit not too long ago as well. I'll watch whatever is there, but I would prefer competitive over anything especially Search.
I personally love the stream highlights, I often don't have time to view your streams, so videos are the best way for me to see what I miss. Please continue with either commentaries over the livestream footage, or just straight from the livestream Thanks
I'm sure there are many people who don't get to watch the stream that DO like some stream content posted on youtube. Please keep posting things that happen on stream that you think we would like to see. Thanks dude!
Scump it's not that we don't want to see stream high lights it's that, thats all we have been seeing from COD pros lately. We don't mind if you put them up but we also want youtube exclusive content. My 2 cents.
I don't know why but its good to see the pro's struggle,, i'm struggling to keep my 1KD , this is a hard game but a fun game, it gives other non pro players some good tactics no other COD has had, to go over or around to flank and lightning speeds.
rambo bambo I don't know, I kind of think the opposite, pubs are kind of a cluster. I'm going to try ranked soon, Drift0r says ranked plays a lot better than pubs.
This is the only AW vid of yours I have seen, but try implementing back boosting, just jump, hold the L3 button downwards and then click L3 to actually boost, I suggest a blast suppressor class for as much in and out of in close quarters combat and strafe dodging, back dodging out of certain gunfights. Draw those CQC fights outside into the open areas while keeping long lines of sight. I'm definitely not trying to tell you how to play, just a friendly tip from a fellow gamer.
There is wild cards, aka perk1,2,3 greed and what not, you don't need secondaries and nades, sacrifice a few things on your class in order to get those things, I either run a blast suppressor scavenger class or a scavenger toughness class
Marc Anthony Yeah. I do the same. In BO2 I always ran 5-6 perks. Only five of I was using primary gunfighter. I rarely used secondaries or nades on Assault and Sub classes.
William Ludwick the sound of the guns - the hitdetection(not as bad as some of the other cods but still bad) - blitz - the balancy of the guns. - the interface - the server-connection in general - the lack of cusomization (excluding the soldier him/herself) and last, the SnD glitches bomb/kilcam etc. (also there were a lot of glitches alround in the first place. the SnD glitches just had the most impact on me)
I dont get the fun factor in this game. I'm getting killed randomly like all the time. The scorestreaks suck and getting a DNA bomb is only possible for about the the top 5% of the players out there (which I'm not a part of). I hated ghosts and I hate this game just as much so far. I will give it some more time though, maybe I just have to adjust my game a little bit.
Joe Linney If you were able to read you would have noticed that I already admitted that I am bad by the sentences ''I'm getting killed randomly like all the time.'' and ''...only possible for about the the top 5% of the players out there (which I'm not a part of).'' In others COD's I was not bad at all, I was never the best player but my kd was always in the 1.80 - 2.00 range. In this COD it all just seems so random because I get shot from all angles like all the time.
I play a little different to most, rather than trying to control the "go to point" I work around it and pick off those running to it like headless chickens. This may work for you scump as it would give you more room to maneuver.
Totally agree. You can fuck shit up with the AK and HB3R just as much as the BAL. Even the IMR is a good gun if you have a good trigger finger and decent accuracy. The other one (the Mk14 I think) is a beast of a gun too if you loved the launch version of the FAL from BO2. If you have a trigger finger that thing can shit on people HARD. The ARX is really the only AR that isn't in the same class as the rest of them.
I think that it's bullshit on how to get certain attachments. For example, in order to get the stock (let's go with ARs for instance), you have to get 20 hip fire kills. For a person who never hip fires with an AR and loves using the stock, it basically means that this game is forcing me to play a certain way, which sucks. Other than that, this is a good CoD and beats the shit out of Ghosts anyday (hell, a bag of shit beats Ghosts) XD.
Whoa Bro I know, but I'd rather get the attachment by using the gun a lot rather than doing it a "certain way". Off topic, there has been some lag lately for the PS4 and Xbone version that has been affecting everyone in the game. What's up with that?
Completely agree! To get some attachments like the extended mag I think you need to get double kills except to get a double kill you literally need to kill 2 people with in about 2 seconds or something daft like that... Then, haha, don't get me started on shotguns. I really want to get quickdraw on my tac-19...... I need 10 headshots. How the fudge do you get headshots with a shotgun unless you're opponent is standing still xD.
My best advice for that situation, is to run and move about the map normally and learn to break the bad habit that I know that everyone gets into is, Aiming Down Sight for EVERY kill, learn to differentiate gunfights by long range, and close quarters, if someone pops up near me in CQC, I just hipfire, the split couple seconds it takes to ADS, line up the shot and then shoot, vs just hip firing and taking that extra time to finish clearing your next lines of sight and behind you before pushing forward or backwards.
Don't listen to the haters. You have over a million subscribers and you have to realize that the only people who are going to comment stuff like that are the people who don't like it. The fans who enjoy aren't going to comment unless they feel they need to to tell you they like (I think that makes sense). Anyway, just because 20 people in the comments don't like it doesn't mean the other 999,980 people don't find it interesting. Not trying to tell you what to put on your channel, just saying don't be effected by a few jerks on youtube.
***** well i feel hating on certain content is hating. If i don't like pub stomping i don't write a comment saying don't do that - i may just not watch that video. Some of us watch a PRO player for competitive gameplay and most of that will have been on stream.
***** BTW i have no problem with people liking different things. I was more referring to most of comments i was reading where people are such jerks about it (that i consider "hating"). You can dislike it but at least try being respectful about it (not saying you were) - but i guess what would i expect from people on RUclips comments lol
***** i completely disagree with you. You think a majority of subscribers to a competitive call of duty player don't care about competitive content lol. No offense but that doesn't even make sense.
***** I think most people are saying they don't like the game, not the content, which can be synonymous or not. I've watched content from games that i think are stupid as fuck and would never play but still enjoyed the content & watched content from games I love that was stupid as fuck.
Idk what it is, but in ghosts and black ops 2, my KD was a 1.8 or higher. This game, I struggle to break 1.2. Tdm is easy, but I tend to stray away from it. Maybe this isn't my game?
tdm spawns are wonky, watch driftors video about his opinion of the launch thus far. also, game is based around objective game types. hardpoint, and CTF play really well. sledgehammer is all over reddit and twitter. they are really into the community wanting feedback, so maybe give it a little time and keep trying? they may change up a few things. bo2 had a wonky launch as well. dont get discouraged
It's just a different skill-gap. Pros who had a breakout year in Ghosts aren't good at this game because of the skill gap. I had a 1.22 in BO2, 1.8 in Ghosts, and then 1.3 in AW from playing League Play.
Since CoD 1 i have had a 2.0 KD (minus BO I and II which are UNPLAYABLE). some games just rub you the wrong way. It happens man. BO did not do it for me and i struggled with that awful game.
I really enjoy and appreciate the highlight videos from streams, please keep doing them, I prefer to watch the competitive side and also I live in the UK so I tend to miss a lot of your streams because I'm around 7 hours ahead
Austin Marr Jay Tpak he also plays with parties and such, which scump doesnt.. its 10 times easier with teammates than solo. one of my friends got one yesterday with 2 teammates. not that difficult when you can hold down the map.
Lol I was hoping you'd upload this Scump, I am the Master lambchop and you were getting outgunned due to the increased fire rate on the Hb3's first 3 shots allowing me to win the 1v1 gunfights... as my gun had the faster statistical TTK the BAL would have melted me consistently over longer ranges due to the reduced recoil and faster fire rate though.
***** that's not entirely True. Maybe if you quickly switched them to pc. Then yes Maybe. But if the pc players went to console they would get shit on. You can't just say that PC players are inherently dominant.
WHAT ?? PC is so fucking easy man, the players don't only play CoD, they like to play a thousand of games, that make they bad, that make they looking like noobs if u play a lot of the time man
Orbae no, scump is a pro player and a pubstar. he pub stomped in blops2 and cod ghost there's no excuse why tbnrfrags can get one before him, and he's not a pro player.
keilan sanford actually, most pc players are better than xbox players. Some pc players are ass, but most will rape pretty much anyone. And of course scump would win because he's a pro player, which is why i think scump should have had one before him.
A lot of people are complaining about this game being "too hard" you guys have to realize, this game brings an INCREDIBLY new concept to CoD. In the past Call of Duty games, about 1-2 weeks after you pick up the game, you're more comfortable with it, this game however could take 3-4 weeks to become comfortable. It just takes a little bit to adjust. I suggest you play bots to get used to the movements and guns before you go out and play MP. I played bots for like 4 hours when I got this game, then I played MP and I have a 1.9 KDR. In BO2, I had a 1.6 KDR and MW3, a 1.2. It just takes mental adjustments to become used to this game, that's all.
I actually enjoyed yesterday's video it was nice like okay live coms are good but that video was good as well so Seth don't stop them, upload videos like those sometimes
Don't listen to the minority of people who say they dont like clips from the livestreams... Because most people usually dont have time to watch them and its fun to quickly check out the highlights on YT. Anyway, keep up the RUclips greatness King Scump :)
HBaR3 personally is my favorite gun it's -powerful -low fire rate for GREAT accuracy -great ironsights so all you really need is Stock and Grip Bal-27 is only good at close to medium range.... But the AK12 is great too
My favorite out of the optic family! I love this guy like i don't know if he's trying to be funny or if that's just how he is. Haha but he seems cool! Watching him play in this reminds me of me playing. Getting mad and stuff!
I think everything else just needs a buff, or move the health up a tiny bit. but i do feel your pain scump. i feel like everyone knows where im at, like as soon as i walk into a building or something they already know im going there
Happens to me all the time. Every time I play by myself with a random team I lose more than I win. It's just best to have people you know , a good squad to go out and merk/ dominate the other team.
Oh that annoys me so much having team mates like that! Also, I love your live stream replays. I have to work during the time you steam, so when I get home and you've done a livestream clip/video it's awesome! I definitely reckon keep doing both! Good job man!
If this series were to last say a month I guarantee you scump would retire from the stress. Haha this game is fun as heck but god can it make you rage.
Tbnrfrags already got a DNA bomb :) it was because he was mostly running the border of the map and he was using a suppressor which is what you should probably do :)
i actually really like the stream highlights. Also you should advertise your streams more on youtube. What i mean by that is, tell people you have them and where to go. Anyways, I love all you're videos, and keep up the great work!!!
i feel like im never safe in this game. its sooo hard to stay alive everywhere you look someone tries to shoot at you. the second you get a kill theres someone in the complete opposite direction waiting for you.
Id say the Bal is definitely op but i feel like the ak, Hbr and IMR can keep up with it pretty well if your reaction time is on point as well as your aim.
And YES Scump silencer is critical for pubs, because all 6 players on the other team are gonna be swarming towards you because you're the only one showing up on the mini-map while everyone's running low-profile and blast-suppressors while you gunning people down like a mad man.
i got a 20 streak in my first day playing it :D idk how but it was sick :) don't worry scump you will get one, main slayer of OpTic will drop that DNA!
Is anyone else having trouble with the Paintball effect on Xbox 360? It's enabled but the paint only shows when you hit an enemy. It doesn't show up on walls or anything else like it does on the One. Anyone else have this?
Ignore the fucking people moaning about stream highlights. You have one million subscribers, all of which don't have the same time to watch your videos as the people who tune into your streams as often enough to moan about it do. The video was good and it doesn't take a genius to know that editing wise, it would take longer to create. Just keep bringing in content which you feel is good, it will get likes and views regardless. I for one, prefer watching videos like that, than pub stomping, as you are a competitive player after all.
I've got to agree. I actually prefer watching competitive gameplay aswell, even though pub-stomping is fun from time to time.
yes, I came to this channel for the competitive part, I don't mind the pubs gameplay just for the sake of variety, but you should mainly upload competitive gameplay since most of us don't have time to watch streams
Nice profile pic :)
I saw the fucking comment he was probably talking about to. MBoze got the same shit not too long ago as well. I'll watch whatever is there, but I would prefer competitive over anything especially Search.
Loved the SnD highlights! Dunno who wouldn't like seeing people who really know how to play, demonstrating it in a vid. More please. :)
I want to see the highlights! I don't have the time to watch streams, and I like to see you guys compete.
Thank you for not being a douche bag like other people. Telling him what to do, even if it's not their channel.
I personally love the stream highlights, I often don't have time to view your streams, so videos are the best way for me to see what I miss. Please continue with either commentaries over the livestream footage, or just straight from the livestream Thanks
I'm sure there are many people who don't get to watch the stream that DO like some stream content posted on youtube. Please keep posting things that happen on stream that you think we would like to see. Thanks dude!
I love the stream highlights dude
This is going to be the best series that you've ever done scumpy!
Scump it's not that we don't want to see stream high lights it's that, thats all we have been seeing from COD pros lately. We don't mind if you put them up but we also want youtube exclusive content.
My 2 cents.
I honestly hope that this series DOES take a long time. This will be a fun one to follow
I don't know why but its good to see the pro's struggle,, i'm struggling to keep my 1KD , this is a hard game but a fun game, it gives other non pro players some good tactics no other COD has had, to go over or around to flank and lightning speeds.
I thought the highlights were pretty cool and well edited and great video man! Keep at it
This game is so insanely fun though, frustrating as hell, but it was built really really well.
its good for pubs 100% but comp cod thus far it seems total shit imo
rambo bambo I don't know, I kind of think the opposite, pubs are kind of a cluster. I'm going to try ranked soon, Drift0r says ranked plays a lot better than pubs.
Scump I love our competitive s&d videos! Idk they're so interesting and entertaining to watch
This is the only AW vid of yours I have seen, but try implementing back boosting, just jump, hold the L3 button downwards and then click L3 to actually boost, I suggest a blast suppressor class for as much in and out of in close quarters combat and strafe dodging, back dodging out of certain gunfights. Draw those CQC fights outside into the open areas while keeping long lines of sight.
I'm definitely not trying to tell you how to play, just a friendly tip from a fellow gamer.
The perk tiers are terrible in This game. If you use BlastSurpressor you cant have toughness or scavanger :(
There is wild cards, aka perk1,2,3 greed and what not, you don't need secondaries and nades, sacrifice a few things on your class in order to get those things, I either run a blast suppressor scavenger class or a scavenger toughness class
Marc Anthony Yeah. I do the same. In BO2 I always ran 5-6 perks. Only five of I was using primary gunfighter. I rarely used secondaries or nades on Assault and Sub classes.
"This whole series is just gonna be me getting pissed off". Immediately liked the video as soon as he said that ;)
Scump whats your sensitivity on aw??
The boost jumping makes it nearly impossible to predict where the enemies will be. I find my self getting shot in the back A LOT!
Scump post ghost that's the best game ever
Said no one ever
Maito Gai CoD Ghosts was an amazing game. Stop conforming to what the professional gamers complain about and form your own opinion.
William Ludwick
the maps was actually pretty good or atleast many of them, but other than that, not so much
I would love for you to explain to me point by point what exactly you don't like about ghosts and use specific examples.
William Ludwick
the sound of the guns - the hitdetection(not as bad as some of the other cods but still bad) - blitz - the balancy of the guns. - the interface - the server-connection in general - the lack of cusomization (excluding the soldier him/herself) and last, the SnD glitches bomb/kilcam etc. (also there were a lot of glitches alround in the first place. the SnD glitches just had the most impact on me)
Your vid yesterday was awesome people just don't know good content when they see it do it again scump! It was awesome to see the competitive side
I dont get the fun factor in this game. I'm getting killed randomly like all the time. The scorestreaks suck and getting a DNA bomb is only possible for about the the top 5% of the players out there (which I'm not a part of). I hated ghosts and I hate this game just as much so far. I will give it some more time though, maybe I just have to adjust my game a little bit.
I agree I think Sledgehammer messed around with COD 2 much - I hope treyarch leave off where they started (BO2 was my fav COD)
Or your just bad?
Joe Linney
If you were able to read you would have noticed that I already admitted that I am bad by the sentences ''I'm getting killed randomly like all the time.'' and ''...only possible for about the the top 5% of the players out there (which I'm not a part of).'' In others COD's I was not bad at all, I was never the best player but my kd was always in the 1.80 - 2.00 range. In this COD it all just seems so random because I get shot from all angles like all the time.
its only fun when playing with friends - and first day I got a DNA bomb - against scrubs tho
I play a little different to most, rather than trying to control the "go to point" I work around it and pick off those running to it like headless chickens.
This may work for you scump as it would give you more room to maneuver.
If someone thinks the BAL is the only good gun they need to play more and get a brain
FINALLY!!! Someone who I agree with
I have used almost every gun in the game and as a default weep BAL is the best unless you get a elite wep with good stats
I think it's the best gun by far but the IMR and HBR can also be useful.
I can use any gun and rap with it. Well all the SMGs suck & I will bet anything they'll get a buff.
Totally agree. You can fuck shit up with the AK and HB3R just as much as the BAL. Even the IMR is a good gun if you have a good trigger finger and decent accuracy. The other one (the Mk14 I think) is a beast of a gun too if you loved the launch version of the FAL from BO2. If you have a trigger finger that thing can shit on people HARD. The ARX is really the only AR that isn't in the same class as the rest of them.
Actually Seth, please keep posting stream highlights. In my time zone I struggle to watch your streams
I think that it's bullshit on how to get certain attachments. For example, in order to get the stock (let's go with ARs for instance), you have to get 20 hip fire kills. For a person who never hip fires with an AR and loves using the stock, it basically means that this game is forcing me to play a certain way, which sucks.
Other than that, this is a good CoD and beats the shit out of Ghosts anyday (hell, a bag of shit beats Ghosts) XD.
It's really not that hard.
Whoa Bro I know, but I'd rather get the attachment by using the gun a lot rather than doing it a "certain way".
Off topic, there has been some lag lately for the PS4 and Xbone version that has been affecting everyone in the game. What's up with that?
Completely agree! To get some attachments like the extended mag I think you need to get double kills except to get a double kill you literally need to kill 2 people with in about 2 seconds or something daft like that...
Then, haha, don't get me started on shotguns. I really want to get quickdraw on my tac-19...... I need 10 headshots. How the fudge do you get headshots with a shotgun unless you're opponent is standing still xD.
My best advice for that situation, is to run and move about the map normally and learn to break the bad habit that I know that everyone gets into is, Aiming Down Sight for EVERY kill, learn to differentiate gunfights by long range, and close quarters, if someone pops up near me in CQC, I just hipfire, the split couple seconds it takes to ADS, line up the shot and then shoot, vs just hip firing and taking that extra time to finish clearing your next lines of sight and behind you before pushing forward or backwards.
Lol I just play with the gun and when I find I got new attachments I'm like oh cool and I put them on I don't worry about that stuff I just play
Love the idea for this series and actually paintball mode is cool! I like it scump
You'll get a DNA on Dec. 26th
Christmas noooobbbssss
Don't listen to the haters. You have over a million subscribers and you have to realize that the only people who are going to comment stuff like that are the people who don't like it. The fans who enjoy aren't going to comment unless they feel they need to to tell you they like (I think that makes sense). Anyway, just because 20 people in the comments don't like it doesn't mean the other 999,980 people don't find it interesting. Not trying to tell you what to put on your channel, just saying don't be effected by a few jerks on youtube.
***** well i feel hating on certain content is hating. If i don't like pub stomping i don't write a comment saying don't do that - i may just not watch that video. Some of us watch a PRO player for competitive gameplay and most of that will have been on stream.
***** BTW i have no problem with people liking different things. I was more referring to most of comments i was reading where people are such jerks about it (that i consider "hating"). You can dislike it but at least try being respectful about it (not saying you were) - but i guess what would i expect from people on RUclips comments lol
***** i completely disagree with you. You think a majority of subscribers to a competitive call of duty player don't care about competitive content lol. No offense but that doesn't even make sense.
***** I think most people are saying they don't like the game, not the content, which can be synonymous or not. I've watched content from games that i think are stupid as fuck and would never play but still enjoyed the content & watched content from games I love that was stupid as fuck.
Congrats on one million subs Scump.. Love you long time.
Idk what it is, but in ghosts and black ops 2, my KD was a 1.8 or higher. This game, I struggle to break 1.2. Tdm is easy, but I tend to stray away from it. Maybe this isn't my game?
Its a skill gap based game.. bo2, mw3, ghost i had 1.4 - 1.6 AW i have a 1.43.
tdm spawns are wonky, watch driftors video about his opinion of the launch thus far. also, game is based around objective game types. hardpoint, and CTF play really well. sledgehammer is all over reddit and twitter. they are really into the community wanting feedback, so maybe give it a little time and keep trying? they may change up a few things. bo2 had a wonky launch as well. dont get discouraged
It's just a different skill-gap. Pros who had a breakout year in Ghosts aren't good at this game because of the skill gap. I had a 1.22 in BO2, 1.8 in Ghosts, and then 1.3 in AW from playing League Play.
Maybe you're accustomed to not study the game while playing. Every people like it struggle.
Since CoD 1 i have had a 2.0 KD (minus BO I and II which are UNPLAYABLE). some games just rub you the wrong way. It happens man. BO did not do it for me and i struggled with that awful game.
I really enjoy and appreciate the highlight videos from streams, please keep doing them, I prefer to watch the competitive side and also I live in the UK so I tend to miss a lot of your streams because I'm around 7 hours ahead
Long live BO2!
Congratulations on hitting 1 million subscribers scumpii!!!
TBNRFrags already got one, and he would've gotten a second if he has more time in the TDM match ;)
But TBNR is on pc, players/tryharders is different on pc players
Preston is a god. He's the fucking best.
Austin Marr Jay Tpak he also plays with parties and such, which scump doesnt.. its 10 times easier with teammates than solo. one of my friends got one yesterday with 2 teammates. not that difficult when you can hold down the map.
Plus scampi is a competitive cod player he isn't as good at pubs he plays differantly but Preston plays pubs 24/7 and has friends who he plays with
Lovin this series so far
DooM clan has gotten at least four DNA bombs already
Not at pubstomping
Lol! Don't bring up that support running lobby boosting fucktard clan.
All I'm saying is that they got one , plus one of the doom members got a Dan bomb solo .
chris gutierrez If they were in a lobby with Scump in public they would go negative and rage quit
They probably would
Lol I was hoping you'd upload this Scump, I am the Master lambchop and you were getting outgunned due to the increased fire rate on the Hb3's first 3 shots allowing me to win the 1v1 gunfights... as my gun had the faster statistical TTK the BAL would have melted me consistently over longer ranges due to the reduced recoil and faster fire rate though.
Wow I just love this Game! F*CK the haters
I give it a 5/10. My opinion.
TheWeeLee fuck your opinions there is no place for that here
verizy0 This is a comments section. People can have their thoughts and feelings.You don't like his opinion? Boo Hoo
joke - a thing said or done for amusement; a joke
verizy0 Get a grip. Clearly youre one of the 70% of 12 year old squeakers who make up the call of duty community these days.
Haha scump the start of the gameplay where your mic was muted was well funny hahaha love it haha
if you want to see someone get the DNA bomb just look at TBNRfrags he is a beast
PC much easier and it's supposed to be better
easier? lol don't make me laugh.I'm a console player but PC players would shit on any pro player on console.
Mr Sparky Why should it be easier on PC?
***** that's not entirely True. Maybe if you quickly switched them to pc. Then yes Maybe. But if the pc players went to console they would get shit on. You can't just say that PC players are inherently dominant.
WHAT ?? PC is so fucking easy man, the players don't only play CoD, they like to play a thousand of games, that make they bad, that make they looking like noobs if u play a lot of the time man
Scump, I am honestly thanking you for getting me into competitive. Thanks bro.
LMAO, tbnrfrags got one before you and he's not even a professional player.
You're 100% right about one thing, Scumps a PRO. Frags is a PUBSTAR. Wouldn't it make sense that someone who ONLY plays pubs would get it first?
Orbae no, scump is a pro player and a pubstar. he pub stomped in blops2 and cod ghost there's no excuse why tbnrfrags can get one before him, and he's not a pro player.
Orbae also scump plays pro players most of the time, frags plays against people that suck, scump would smash frags in 1v1
keilan sanford actually, most pc players are better than xbox players. Some pc players are ass, but most will rape pretty much anyone. And of course scump would win because he's a pro player, which is why i think scump should have had one before him.
tbnrfrags used to play comp way back on pc
stream highlights are the best! don't stop posting the competitive gameplays
Thumbs up if you think CuLLuM315 is everywhere!
***** Don't forget to like your own comments ;)
A lot of people are complaining about this game being "too hard" you guys have to realize, this game brings an INCREDIBLY new concept to CoD. In the past Call of Duty games, about 1-2 weeks after you pick up the game, you're more comfortable with it, this game however could take 3-4 weeks to become comfortable. It just takes a little bit to adjust. I suggest you play bots to get used to the movements and guns before you go out and play MP. I played bots for like 4 hours when I got this game, then I played MP and I have a 1.9 KDR. In BO2, I had a 1.6 KDR and MW3, a 1.2. It just takes mental adjustments to become used to this game, that's all.
i personally loved your snd stream highlights. big plays, you looked good
"I am OpTic scumpie and HDS master lamb chop" lmao 😂😂
I love watching scump get mad, it's so entertaining
Stream highlights are great - keep posting them!
Is stock good for the Bal-27, i see some pros use it and some don't.
One word: Preference.
Nah bro stocks not as good as BO2 but its better to use grip to reduce your recoil and your aim going absolutely bazonga
I use stock grip and red dot on my BAL.
I actually enjoyed yesterday's video it was nice like okay live coms are good but that video was good as well so Seth don't stop them, upload videos like those sometimes
Scumpi do you man , I like the s&d matches. I teaches other cod players how to become better search players.
Stream highlights are great keeping it up Seth!
Don't listen to the minority of people who say they dont like clips from the livestreams... Because most people usually dont have time to watch them and its fun to quickly check out the highlights on YT. Anyway, keep up the RUclips greatness King Scump :)
the only reason i don't like stuff pulled out of stream is cuz of the quality. I prefer live commentaries. Great vid
It’s 2025 and scump rocking the BAL is so refreshing
I didn't mind the stream highlights, but I'm glad ur listening to ur viewers
Scump: Not a sinlge ounce of productivity! Me: This aint war boi!!!
I thought the relentless team death match I just uploaded was decent, but the DNA bomb seems pretty ridiculous
HBaR3 personally is my favorite gun it's
-low fire rate for GREAT accuracy
-great ironsights so all you really need is Stock and Grip
Bal-27 is only good at close to medium range.... But the AK12 is great too
Really enjoying your AW videos. Keep it up!
Keep up the competative man! Yesterdays vid inspire me to watch that. It was intense! Especially in this game. The call outs where too real
My favorite out of the optic family! I love this guy like i don't know if he's trying to be funny or if that's just how he is. Haha but he seems cool! Watching him play in this reminds me of me playing. Getting mad and stuff!
I'm actually kinda happy that the game is new and fresh!
I think everything else just needs a buff, or move the health up a tiny bit. but i do feel your pain scump. i feel like everyone knows where im at, like as soon as i walk into a building or something they already know im going there
I like watching the S&D highlights. If i dont see the stream i get to see the good parts
Personally I loved watching the S&D highlights yesterday, it was sick :)
I like the stream highlights.
Happens to me all the time. Every time I play by myself with a random team I lose more than I win. It's just best to have people you know , a good squad to go out and merk/ dominate the other team.
Oh that annoys me so much having team mates like that! Also, I love your live stream replays. I have to work during the time you steam, so when I get home and you've done a livestream clip/video it's awesome! I definitely reckon keep doing both! Good job man!
Those seconds of him talking with muted mic were priceless.xD
Should I get a 7.1 surround sound head set or a scuf?
Good luck. For the new season bro and for advanced warfare
If this series were to last say a month I guarantee you scump would retire from the stress. Haha this game is fun as heck but god can it make you rage.
Christmas noobs = DNA bombs.
Tbnrfrags already got a DNA bomb :) it was because he was mostly running the border of the map and he was using a suppressor which is what you should probably do :)
i actually really like the stream highlights. Also you should advertise your streams more on youtube. What i mean by that is, tell people you have them and where to go. Anyways, I love all you're videos, and keep up the great work!!!
I miss these commentariesss
LOL Scump, you make this game sound fun. I'm more anxious to get it now!
Just noticed scumpys on the 1million subscribers woohoo! Congratulations bro!
Congratulations on hitting 1 mill subscribers
Scump! In the future when these contract situations are worked out, I would love to see you team with Karma, Nade and either formal/crim.
I don't mind seeing stream highlights, but not as the only video for the day
The funniest gamer alive lol "let's be real for a sec" omg
TBNR got one that was entertaining. You'll get the hang of the game and be pumping them out soon
noooo dude, keep posting competitive highlights, that was insaneeee!
your last video was the best video you've done in a while
I liked the stream highlights! Not sure why people would complain about them... The game is brand new
i feel like im never safe in this game. its sooo hard to stay alive everywhere you look someone tries to shoot at you. the second you get a kill theres someone in the complete opposite direction waiting for you.
Scumpii congrats on a million subscribers
Love the new series! U can get the DNA!
I loved the stream high lights
I'm loving your frustration. Misery loves company. Lol
Id say the Bal is definitely op but i feel like the ak, Hbr and IMR can keep up with it pretty well if your reaction time is on point as well as your aim.
And YES Scump silencer is critical for pubs, because all 6 players on the other team are gonna be swarming towards you because you're the only one showing up on the mini-map while everyone's running low-profile and blast-suppressors while you gunning people down like a mad man.
Pay close attention to this strat... **dies**.
i got a 20 streak in my first day playing it :D idk how but it was sick :) don't worry scump you will get one, main slayer of OpTic will drop that DNA!
Scump play Christmas morning with the Christmas noobs
Is anyone else having trouble with the Paintball effect on Xbox 360? It's enabled but the paint only shows when you hit an enemy. It doesn't show up on walls or anything else like it does on the One. Anyone else have this?
I like the AK12 over the bal. The AK12G has really nice iron sights.
I like stream highlights. I watch you because you post competitive gameplay thats my favorite