I bought two orchids from an eBay seller called falconer1211, both were weak and in poor condition. One died almost immediately, the other survived. It should have been a Cattleya Jenmanii Coerulea " Pedra Azul " but it turned out to be a Guarianthe Aurantiaca. This would normally not be a problem, except for the following: I already hace several Aurantiacas and the price I paid was too high for a G. Aurantiaca, it was for the Cattleya Jenmanii Coerulea etc. After a few disappointing experiences and having lost a few good bucks, I am certainly not buying any orchids at ebay, unless for sellers I know very well.
Great video! Even if you get healthy plant from ebay is overpriced in my opinion... better find vendors websites you trust ....
I bought two orchids from an eBay seller called falconer1211, both were weak and in poor condition. One died almost immediately, the other survived. It should have been a Cattleya Jenmanii Coerulea " Pedra Azul " but it turned out to be a Guarianthe Aurantiaca. This would normally not be a problem, except for the following: I already hace several Aurantiacas and the price I paid was too high for a G. Aurantiaca, it was for the Cattleya Jenmanii Coerulea etc. After a few disappointing experiences and having lost a few good bucks, I am certainly not buying any orchids at ebay, unless for sellers I know very well.
yeah I have a few trusted sellers but there is a lot of people selling bad stock and trying to make a buck