I searched this masterpiece up this morning and this vid is so nostalgic to me, I could not even understand English when this came out but I loved it so much and I still do
You and trayuarus get into a fight and he kicks you out of the house. You buy a nice mansion and he wants you to move in with him. Mainly because he is jealous of your new house. Hope this gets chosen 😃
Dan please make a treasure room for the holiday disaster as I have hoped that you would do it's it was properly your best custom mod adventure. So please make a treasure room for this adventure like if you agree. 😄.
At first I had thought that creepy villager guy was Denton in disguise lol As mentioned in the live custom mod adventure of robbery of the queens necklace Denton left a note that he would be back P.S. Sorry if u don't like this .....reader
Hey Dan,I want to say congrats on 1,000,000 subs and I sent u some fan mail it will be there in 1 , 2 weeks or something around that time so yea Thx for your time
GUYs i have a commant why u think egypt is only have pyramids.huts.etc we live like u we are humans too and how i am sitting on a laptop and i live in egypt and i amn't rich or something SEE we have a city and WE live in normal houses like u soo NO hate plz
Dan 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 out of 10
I searched this masterpiece up this morning and this vid is so nostalgic to me, I could not even understand English when this came out but I loved it so much and I still do
Lol. I couldn’t understand English either when I found Pokémon Dan level 100.
If don’t know that was dantdms old channle
@@maddawg5016 hey, no need to be mean, some people can't fully understand English.
@@emilinejasmin3054 idk why I said that bro I’m speaking geberish
The nostalgia in this one single video😭 custom mod adventures were and will forever be in my heart😭
4 years ago, this amazing video has brought me to DanTDM and it was one of the best moments in my life.
It’s kinda new if you ask me
It’s 5 years old though so it’s not really new
@@RisingDeath gohan the husky community sucks now
@@RisingDeath SHUT UP
I remember watching this and recreating this in minecraft. The nostalgia hits hard
I loved this Custom Mod Adventure! It was really well put together!!! Go Dan!!!!!!!!!
Loving these custom mod adventures, Dan!
Please do more!
***** Same xD
***** same
***** same
Aha 😀
Omg!!! I have found you before and subbed. Btw make videos more often!!
Whoever builds these custom maps has some serious talent :3
this was on my pinned for 3 years and I didn't even notice it
You and trayuarus get into a fight and he kicks you out of the house. You buy a nice mansion and he wants you to move in with him. Mainly because he is jealous of your new house. Hope this gets chosen 😃
This is such a good idea! 😄😄
Meaghan Woolridge Nice idea girly keep those ideas coming :)
Good idea
Good idea i would love to see it
nice idea
3:48 Evoker-skinned Villager
How interesting
A Pillager!
Budar Endario not a evoker.
That's Denton
Is that not a hood???
2:42 somebody just fell into the water XD
I absolutely loved these mod adventures series when I was little so nostalgic to see it again
I came from Dan's latest vid of him returning to the old lab😢
Me to man
me too
Me too
Trayaurus is swimming fast at the start :P Must be a natural competitor!
HippoCratic hes a god! almost the same speed as the boat. ps.s. i love your vids hippo
Yes now we need an Olympics custom mod adventure!
PigPlays [HD] can I goon your server? :P
***** .
@@someperson3154 yes!
i missed these old vids sl sad the lab changed but i liked the new lab
Nadine Chandra
mostafa ahmed
Karen Kopydlowski jiijm
cupcake girl
irma nurulia soieeoeo
Out of all the Mod Adventures. That Gold and Blue outfit is so sick and is by far my favorite 😍
Bro..... That guy is totally Denton.... I remember when he did the London adventure and Denton left a note saying he'd be back... :|
EatingCake Yeah, First English shirt and then arab xD
Fake Dan alert don't click on the link it won't take you to the I phone place
I knew it was denton the whole time
so true everyone, SO TRUE
The sword looks cool
Bilal Fakhouri
Bilal Fakhouri yup
Bilal Fakhouri no it doesint
+Kylerama it looks so cool ha
Why not make a sequel of this?
Like the Pharos return?
Please do this and notice it! :D
Good idea but it’s sadly been 5 years
@@kellyhenderson8643 lockdown 2
Now it's been seven...
Living my childhood again watching this while eating spaghetti. Don't mind me.
shimo Cool
@frieza it's not exactly that's aciecnt Egypt
Omg I missed these!! I hope dan will make more..!
The person who trapped Dan in side was from Christmas countdown
This is a part of my childhood i always watch this when i get up on bed so nostalgic
Oh and Dan please for the next build battle do FLYING PIG!!!!
Am i the only one here who thought that dan's voice acting is terrible?
***** i like your picture :P its a pig
Dan your the best RUclipsber ever!!!
You are the best dan
i know he,s the best
So do I
in gameing
Yes Dan You Are The Best RUclipsr In The World!!!
maybe do a video telling us why trayaurus distrusts boats?
Yeah xD that would be cool xD
Mariam Hossam ,jfjkfj
, zz
Mariam Hossam udhch ok call home whoa slowb
Della Cox
That would be awesome!
3:41 dan didn't notice Dr Trayaurus had a more high pitch sound and the other sound is deeper
This is where i found dantdm almost 6 years ago.
02:42 I guess that guy suddenly felt like swimming XD
Dan please make a treasure room for the holiday disaster as I have hoped that you would do it's it was properly your best custom mod adventure.
So please make a treasure room for this adventure like if you agree. 😄.
And please dan do Dr.Tray for build battles please.
QuantumPhoenixs do yourself for build battle
I totally agree with this
QuantumPhoenixs yeah do that
Yeah I would love if he did that but I think it's too late
14:10 if you look closely that also happened with the Katanas in the ninja treasure room and the demon blood sword in the adventure time treasure room
Did anyone notice his boat actually broke in the beginning then it came back?
*Never* trust a shady mysterouse man hiding near an acient pyramid!!!
Tipical...just tipical Dan and Dr. T
OMG that pharo guy was so AAAAAHHHHH
and Tryoraus is so cheeky;D
1:01 Dantdm, putting feelings into words since 2010
I love all your custom mod dan.
Girati Yamali sn
dany adryan 228
Girati Yamali
I love you dantdm to be a good RUclipsr and I have to go back to sleep now so I can get a nice nap
I really like the songs on 6:06 😂😊🙆🏼💕
Dagmar Zwart what song
+Dagmar Zwart Be my teacher
Shahida Akhter wait what??
Becareful maybe you meet akinator
He could.....2019?
Colosus _brine Is really great
Colosus _brine SPHINX hush ari shuli nina kulu fiua swhuala
The akinator isn’t Egyptian he’s Arabic
This is the best video DanTDM have ever made!!!
Dam this is full of nostalgia
hey i'm from 2021
It's very very beautiful!!!
Queen of Scorepointland poo you
Samantha Paxton What!? Why poo!?
Do u have r diamond play button 😱
Nidal Khan No I don't have but I want to have.
I want more custom mod adventures!
Thank you so much for raising me Dan! You have seriously helped me throughout my life!
How good is Dan's laptop that having all of these mods installed at once doesn't crash him?
Maybe he always checks that his laptop is in good condition.
supermario429er How? He DOESN'T use a laptop. He uses an expinsive gaming PC
Starwhalian // Sir Narwhalian he probly has Alien Pc Computer
supermario429er u think a dan is using a laptop
supermario429er he is probably using a super powerful destop!!
At first I had thought that creepy villager guy was Denton in disguise lol
As mentioned in the live custom mod adventure of robbery of the queens necklace
Denton left a note that he would be back
P.S. Sorry if u don't like this .....reader
IO8 Gaming No hes not sure if it was denton on disguise..
IO8 Gaming it might have been denton but dan and dr. t still dont know who it was
IO8 Gaming omfg it is denton!!! WELL DONE FOR REALIZING!!!
***** d
Hey Dan,I want to say congrats on 1,000,000 subs and I sent u some fan mail it will be there in 1 , 2 weeks or something around that time so yea Thx for your time
***** I think missy nunez means getting another 1 million subs
missy nunez Whats Dans Address details? Its not in the description!
Umm.....it's Thedioamondminecart//danTDM. Office 34. London, 67-68 London garden 67
Man I remember watching these videos all night what a throwback when times were good
Your videos are awesome 💎💎💎💎
Pyramid = Triangle = 3 sides = illuminati confirmed!!!
Renz Mogol oops
It has 4 sides
omar ahmed no but triangle had 3 sides just a mistake soory XD
I face-palmed through my head. Illuminati isnt funny any more.
Why does every always say illuminati it's highly annoying and stupid stop!!!!!!!!,
Dan:Why Trayaurus Likes To Swim?
Random guy:Because He Wants To Win A Race! or catch a fish.
Waw, I have not seen atum and dan's old videos in years. Nostalgia is coming back.......
Rip guy finely came out of water and then he fell back in the water XD
I love the video. Even if it a little old :D
Dan you must be the god of youtubers
Tyler MMC pewdiepie is the god of youtube now screw off kid lmao
Awesome video, love the nostalgia 😂
That creepy guy is the one and only DENTON
+Creeper XD totaly!
Your Right
Who is Denton ?
That sneaky little s.o.b
Atum is a Egyptian pharaoh
Sparkel Sprinkle actually atum is the creation god of egypt
He was a god and also a pharaoh
Hey Dan, How do you like let Dr. Trayaurus follow you around and when you right click him it opens up like a menu to what he will do is this a mod
Its easy its a mod he just Clicks on Villager than he Shift-Rightclicks him and then trey follows
Jhonny Andrews Yeah I Know but what Mod is it
+Ralph Laurence Yap its Custom NPCs and/or Morph mod
This map is so awesome I love EGYPT SOOOO MUCH
Do a video on how Trayaurus' hands got stuck together!
Brian Keim He was born, The end.
It's the mojang story, not dan.
a velociraptor for next build battle??
Heather Shields Why didn't chu say that on a Build Battle video?
Maybe because it's a recent video, so Dan with be most likely to read this comment then if someone commented on a previous video
Astrid - The Girly Gamer
Dan can you do a lets play on animal jam? If people don't know about it, or you Dan, look it up. Thanks!
A REAL velociraptor,no the one from Jurassic park
First Video I Watched By Dan And Subsrbed
hey man dantdm's videos are the best
Prokid 19 Subscribe
This was awesome I wish you guys could've get More stuff from there but still thanks to Dr Tray you guys got an amazing sword good luck next time
Your friend is a villager.....
I can relate.
OSIRIS!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄
RICK RIORDAN nerds come here! Ps, I'm a PJ fan more than a Kane Cronicles fan but whatevs!
Ahh I remember The Kane Chronicles I Still have them
What were the gods again? Also the story with the Sky Mother God and the Earth Dude?
***** me to well i was until i couldn't find any more books in the series but i think there still is
Give me nostalgia: playing videogames after school
I said the real nostalgia: that one obscure tv show you always watched
*This Video: Perfection*
What mod is that
Flying zebras
GavinPlayz Your Face Mod
GavinPlayz - Gaming & WB Flips ijjjkh
GavinPlayz - Gaming & WB Flips yvf vycgjdteryfhb qfxgj
yeah ok that works when he says that i laugh so hard XD
Make a nother superhero video with those suits if you like agree
Dantdm do a ninja for build battle
Great vid dantdm keep up the work
99% of people won't read this
But ur dat 1%
Ur weird
zaid lafta how is there a weird when there is not a normal
Guys like this comment if you think Dan should make a episode where he is on a boat the sinks and finds a old temple under water and slays a shark
Mr OrigamiHero 100% ilu
Iove it!!!
Stan Sheridan v
maybe the bad the Ferro was... DENTON!!!!!
Ferro?! Ferro?! FERRO??!
*Pharaoh* and possibly
Oliver Waterfield First its Pharaoh not Ferro! And second it did look a little like Denton...
Dylan Buttrill glitz Fjhh
You know your videos are legendary when people rewatch them for years up to 2023
omg my brother cant stop waching this ahhhhhhhh just JOKING i love it
This day is my birthday 🎉
Buzzlybee me too
Buzzlybee but mine is at the same time as dans
You 3 are lying
xXpunkX x happy birthday
Osiris and Isis will be mad
even though this only has 11 million views this is by far my favorite one and one of the ones i remember the most
Did people see the man in the water at 2:44?
no queen of hearts
+HaregNvmjmasem Bebo g
+Michelle McCree how dare you I'm just a 6 year old girl
I'm sorry my granddaughter was watching you video and type in whatever that post is. Its a mistake. Please forgive us both
this is just like stargate
cool i did that one time it was cool i went there fun
Julia Bates you had the mod as well?
i liked these custom mod adventures before now i came back to have memories and pls make a video where you wear the ras' glory
Coooooooooooool sword
that was like temple run #?
Josh Scadding yeeah we have it in Egypt
Whos here in 2019 still watching👀???
No Sam is!!
I am I know all reigns Births deaths
r u from egypt btw i am
Ur not cuz I’m Egyptian too
You are not the egyptian master but the egyptian peasant
this is my best video of custom mod adventures
GUYs i have a commant why u think egypt is only have pyramids.huts.etc we live like u we are humans too and how i am sitting on a laptop and i live in egypt and i amn't rich or something SEE we have a city and WE live in normal houses like u soo NO hate plz
mark muller we have scintest's AND the best technology IN the world belive us u will know we are right soon but not know
I agree, I mean people think Egypt is still like ancient Egypt but it's not. I'm not in Egypt but I know. Egypt is just like any other city.
Erin Taylor hey i didn't say that i am hating dan's video dan is awesome but everyone must know that we aren't just pyramids and huts
mark muller no he said ancient Egypt not modern day egypt... 😊 no hate
hey look at 8:23 he said they are trying to learn but we already now everything
spell Dantdm with your eyes cclosed dAgthf
Dabthm damtdm dantdm
Corey Neumann I KNOW HI
12:16 (growls) GET BACK HERE
i am from Egypt
extreme jj are you really from egypt
Atiq Jafar s
ooooooo [ooooooooooooooop
im from Australia
I am also from Egypt I am from Alexandria
Dan 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 out of 10
no of da 0
savage boy no
savage boy ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
+nick hall stop
IAM Egyptian who is Egyptian too?
I'm from Egypt that's why I was excited about this video
you are 1'000'000 better than pouplarMMOs
Yea Dan is a lot better
hamza-mohammed yusuf-uddin I think they are even, I was them both evenly xD
but he went to minecon
Tf is 1'000'000?
***** qqqqqqqq+qq
Thumbs up for DanTDM!!
I am egyptian i enjoyed this so much 😊