A huge bless you and I am thankful to GOD for your gift of music. Do you know how many can reach the throne of grace to get saved because of this gift. You my friend are a gift to the body of Christ..i know the LORD is blessed by all the salvations that come to HIM from the blessing of music. Well I just wanted to give you a thank you..I have seen near a million souls saved and know that your music has been a help to lift me to be able to touch souls...I believe the LORD for my next meal but when I get to my heavenly home I can know that tho I have no great gifting here many have been saved.. God bless you and Keep you and protect you in the upcoming days of 2014
A huge bless you and I am thankful to GOD for your gift of music. Do you know how many can reach the throne of grace to get saved because of this gift. You my friend are a gift to the body of Christ..i know the LORD is blessed by all the salvations that come to HIM from the blessing of music. Well I just wanted to give you a thank you..I have seen near a million souls saved and know that your music has been a help to lift me to be able to touch souls...I believe the LORD for my next meal but when I get to my heavenly home I can know that tho I have no great gifting here many have been saved.. God bless you and Keep you and protect you in the upcoming days of 2014