If the Emperor Had A Text-to-Speech Device Reaction | Episode 19 | Warhammer 40k

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @BloodiedShingle
    @BloodiedShingle 10 месяцев назад +33

    Context: the snippet from the beginning takes unit lines from the 40k game Dawn of War 2 ("Make them suffer!" and "Alien fiends!" are now part of a balanced Imperial breakfast). Another personal favorite- look up "My face is my shield".
    The voice acting in DoW2 was absolutely glorious.

    • @jacthing1
      @jacthing1 10 месяцев назад +5


    • @TwoSevenX
      @TwoSevenX 10 месяцев назад +4


    • @jordinagel1184
      @jordinagel1184 10 месяцев назад

      Drive me closer! I want to hit them with my sword!

  • @sumelar
    @sumelar 10 месяцев назад +60

    The start of this episode is one of my favorite sequences in the whole franchise. And Emps is actually right in this one. The chaos gods are manifestations of those emotions, not the originators of them. Destroying tzeentch would not destroy the ability to plan. Destroying nurgle would not destroy life. All those things existed before the chaos gods, and do not rely on them to continue being.

    • @pauloandrade7072
      @pauloandrade7072 10 месяцев назад +7

      we don't need a chaos god to continue being, just the fact we are alive creates chaos gods, how do you destroy Nurgle? let's say you destroy him, all life will die at one point and root, and he gets reborn, I think the best option for humanity is not to destroy but uncorrupt them, turn them to neutral from the evil nature they are on

    • @thomash341
      @thomash341 10 месяцев назад +2

      The facets of life the chaos gods represents would remain and I believe at worst, new entities would be born to take their place if the 4 are destroyed. They would need to be born during a time when war isn’t commonplace though so that as sentient beings, the new chaos gods don’t chose to focus on only one facet of their being.

    • @nicksfish3038
      @nicksfish3038 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@pauloandrade7072 new gods can form, ones who aren’t so corrupting and power hungry. Sure there will be a Nurgle equivalent but they might be chill. The four are so bad because of when or how they were made. The war in heaven was really bad, and the eldar wanted a dommy mommy with no safe word

    • @bigmoe9856
      @bigmoe9856 10 месяцев назад

      Debatable. It was a theory at one point that the Materium is actually a pocket dimension of the warp instead of parallel equivalent. Destroying the gods may not be the end of emotion, but you would likely do something horrible to any soul bearing lifeforms in the galaxy as a consequence

    • @Shalltear773
      @Shalltear773 10 месяцев назад

      we don't actually know this because they don't really follow the exact same rules as everything else. maybe we didn't need them at first but maybe their births tied us to them more intimately than people realize since things such as war, plague, change, etc feed them and it seems like the only way to actually ruin them would be to remove the very things that've been feeding them. good luck with removing war, change, etc without causing extreme harm to all life in turn. in other words, we might not have needed them before but maybe now both sides are so intricately tied together that both sides need the other.

  • @theshugokisheir
    @theshugokisheir 10 месяцев назад +27

    Waited for this episode exclusively for the YOU HERETIC scene.

  • @heroicbob
    @heroicbob 10 месяцев назад +13

    Symbol of Chaos is an eight pointed star and we know of four Chaos gods for them to represent. I always liked to think the other four points represent gods we're not aware of. Either too disinterested to get involved with mortals, or possibly some good/less bad/different Chaos gods who got eaten by the ones we know.

    • @cyrusserapheth9555
      @cyrusserapheth9555 10 месяцев назад +9

      Another fun fact is that the Sacred Numbers of the Chaos Gods have an interesting pattern. 9 for Tzeentch, God of Change. 8 for Khorne, God of War. 7 for Nurgle, God of Decay. 6 for Slaanesh, God of Excess. And we know Slaanesh is the youngest of them...
      Seems to be a countdown.

    • @Revelation40000
      @Revelation40000 10 месяцев назад

      A Countdown of Chaos
      (Or more accurately: Tzeentch/Infernal Tempest, Khorne/Headless Slaughter, Nurgle/Putrid Corruption, Slaanesh/Rapturous Sensation, Dark King/Encroaching Ruin, Vashtorr/Malevolent Artifice, Confusion God/Formless Distortion, and Malal/Ravenous Dissolution.) From my Aetheric Dominions Theory

  • @filipbabic4913
    @filipbabic4913 10 месяцев назад +7

    This episode of If Emperor had a TTS device is brought to you by Alien Beans! Make them supper!

  • @CoderaO7
    @CoderaO7 10 месяцев назад +8

    The Chaos Gods do indeed possess positive traits, though they are overshadowed by their malevolen side. They are not split 50/50 between good and evil, more like 95% evil and 5% good.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  10 месяцев назад +3

      That makes sense. But if all the evil goes into the chaos gods, could it be possible that there is the light side of the chaos gods that mainly embodies the good 🤔

    • @CoderaO7
      @CoderaO7 10 месяцев назад +3

      There were warp deities once upon a time that had good aspects, but well...they were eaten by these Four.@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames

  • @CorenusYT
    @CorenusYT 10 месяцев назад +4

    Something that heavily impacted the balance of the good, the bad and the ugly of the Warp is the War in Heaven. The resulting suffering altered the nature of the emotion, and from that point everything just has gone downwards...
    But in reality, it's because Warhammer 40000 is about eternal war. So, here we are ^^"

  • @TakenPsion
    @TakenPsion 10 месяцев назад +10


  • @HoloCatHead
    @HoloCatHead 10 месяцев назад +4

    What magnus forgets is that the chaos "gods" haven't always been around. Before the warp was the warp it was the realm of souls completely free from deamons and the chaos gods. They all showed up super late to the party and made things worse for everyone. They are not the balancing act magnus thinks they are.

    • @b3rz3rk3r9
      @b3rz3rk3r9 9 месяцев назад

      If I'm.not mistaken, weren't three of those Soul Cysts created during the Dark Ages?
      Khorne born from mass incursions and consistent warfare, particularly from the Crusades
      Nurgle born during the Black Plague
      And Tzeentch uktimately forged from the Medieval Game of Thrones; possibly the intense plannings and politickings to achieve the role of Pontifex Maximus.

    • @deathwish-fs1ib
      @deathwish-fs1ib 2 месяца назад

      @@b3rz3rk3r9 I think it was more the War in Heaven that resulted in their creation or at least in the 'seeds' that they eventually grew from, with the Old Ones being such powerful Psykers being summarily wiped out by the Necrons and C'tan flooding the expanse with ton of negativity.
      That being said its entirely possible that they were always there but due to all the horrible stuff happening they were tipped too far one way. Its an interesting thing to think about, in a kind of what came first way.

  • @stupidlizard4764
    @stupidlizard4764 10 месяцев назад +4

    We came all the way from "hahahaha, lol I'm tha Emprah" to philosophy lecture that actually make sense and make you feel a little bit better when you know that all bad have the opposite within itself. Huh, neat

    • @stupidlizard4764
      @stupidlizard4764 10 месяцев назад +1

      Also, I always thought that Tzeentch is just a gun that shoots in every direction, but when it lands to where it needs, then it's a huge success for most of the people

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  10 месяцев назад

      Yup. Didn't expect to have this philosophical discussion come from a TTS episode especially with the fart and poop jokes earlier on haha. 🤗

  • @davidhernando353
    @davidhernando353 10 месяцев назад +2

    Since time does not exist in the warp, the gods of chaos existed and were active in it even before the date they were created.

  • @youdontknowme2913
    @youdontknowme2913 10 месяцев назад +2

    Wait till bogal corn joins the show huehuehuehoogojo

  • @jakewu8268
    @jakewu8268 10 месяцев назад +3

    Loving these reactions ! Keep them coming 😅

  • @punkypony5165
    @punkypony5165 8 месяцев назад

    One of my favorite episodes for sure.

  • @omabrax0555
    @omabrax0555 10 месяцев назад +1

    Professor Manus spitting facts today

  • @sakrefunholy
    @sakrefunholy 10 месяцев назад +1

    The main reason for the chaos gods being mostly evil is due to how history have been in the universe, from The War in Heaven to the dark age of technology. There have been loads of fights, brutality and decay that it's the reason they are so fucked up. Even some of the first bad things to happen in the universe lead to some daemon being formed from it. But there are even "good" daemons. Which is mostly sprung from devotion to the emperor but they sre technically daemons in the same sense that they are made of warp stuff. The living saints and legion of the damned are some of my first thoughts. But even primarchs can be counted as some form of warp entity, since many books have talked about how some primarchs can actually be resurrected. Mostly the fabius bile books. (which has lead to theories that the primarchs are actually lesser gods put into superhuman bodies.). But it's one of the new things that GW is beginning to dig into, so not much is actually known about the warp just yet. But I really hope we get some answers soon cause it would be cool to see some of the best getting resurrected. I especially want my fabulous hawk boy back 😂

  • @horusrage
    @horusrage 10 месяцев назад

    I am very happy you two finally got to this episode. Where the Chaos Gods & the Warp are explained in greater. The is the thing viewing them solely as a one dimensional thing as black or white. Good or evil simply is doing them a disservice.

  • @Revelation40000
    @Revelation40000 10 месяцев назад

    FUN FACT: A Chaos God of Unbelief does exist in Fantasy and AoS, his name is Necoho.
    Considering your interest in Chaos, I have decided to share a theory I have made elsewhere.
    The Aetheric Dominions Theory
    NOTICE: End and the Death has confirmed some aspects of the theorizing.
    WARNING: Massive post incoming, Most of this is Excerpts and various insightful comments on this.
    There are 4 chaos gods that are born and there might be 4 that are waiting to be born.
    In new chaos lore book The Burning of Ohmn-Mat, these 8 are called Aetheric Dominions:
    Top arrow: Encroaching Ruin
    Encroaching Ruin: “Chaos in its purest form is a terror that few can stand before and remain sane. It hungers only for destruction, that all things mortal meet their predestined end and crumble into dust to be forgotten. To this singular end it moves inexorably, driven by a nightmarish purpose which subsumes the petty divisions of daemonkind.”
    Top-Right Arrow: Infernal Tempest
    Infernal Tempest: “Some hosts of daemonkind brought forth a maelstrom of raw warpstuff with them, manifesting the energy of the Immaterium as sheer elemental power. Around these entities roiled tempests of prismatic balefire, the air riven with crackling arcs of unreal lightning as the earth twisted into fragments of shimmering crystal. To these Daemons there was no higher purpose than the promulgation of that power and of its profligate use on the battlefields of the material realm.”
    Right Arrow: Malevolent Artifice
    Malevolent Artifice: “Just as Chaos reflects back a twisted mockery of humanity’s every facet, so too is the very drive to create perverted into a malevolent and destructive force within the Immaterium. Conjured forth into realspace, such daemonkind harnessed the works of mortals as a vector for their own annihilation, their monstrous machine-entity forms at once a mimicry of flesh and artifice, every action made to demonstrate their supremacy over both mortal beings and everything they deigned to create.”
    Bottom-Right Arrow: Rapturous Sensation
    Rapturous Sensation: “A maddening screech of sensation and wild impulses. For some among the numberless tide of Chaos the ends of violence truly mattered not, merely that they were there to take part and to experience its vicissitudes, inflicting overwhelming pain and gorging on mortals’ fear. These daemon-kind reveled in the sensory overload of war, bounding over shell-sundered battlefields to deliver blissful death as they exulted in each blinding flash and deafening blast.”
    Bottom Arrow: Ravenous Dissolution
    Ravenous Dissolution: “Such is the hatred that swirls within the Warp that it encompasses all things, and like the dragon of eternity that feasts upon its own tail, this hatred extends even to itself. To expect rational and sane logic from creatures such as these would be foolish, for Chaos was both its name and nature. Yet, in its self-destructive hatred there was no ally to be found, only a new and more unpredictable foe.”
    Bottom-Left Arrow: Putrid Corruption
    Putrid Corruption: “A slow corruption, rotting away body and soul, with no final release in death. Among the hosts of Chaos there were those who cared nothing for victory or defeat, only that suffering was spread to as many as possible. Such creatures were ushered forth into the material world in a miasma of disease and filth, content to spread their vile gifts to the world of mortals.”
    Left Arrow: Formless Distortion
    Formless Distortion: “Even as Daemons manifest as obscene parodies of mortal forms, the true essence of Chaos is endlessly shifting and unknowable, twisting, changing and perverting everything it touches. Some Daemons who crossed the veil into realspace embodied this ceaseless distortion to its fullest extent, shaping themselves into roiling agglomerations of immaterial flesh and bone, for whom death was simply one component of the eternal metamorphosis they would inflict upon the material world.”
    Top-Left Arrow: Heedless Slaughter
    Heedless Slaughter: “The dark fury of battle and the red joy of life’s final end. For some among the hordes of the Warp, the only goal was to fight and to die; it mattered not where or why as long as blood flowed. Such vile entities would appear garbed in the trappings of conquerors and executioners, caring only for the tally of skulls and death they might reap from the mortal world, irrespective of such concerns as ‘friend’ or ‘foe’.”
    Center: Primordial Annihilator
    At the center of the Chaos Star is the Primordial Annihilator. It has no description.
    The Primordial Annihilator is one of the overall names for Chaos so it makes sense it is at the center.
    The central symbol together with the eight inner runes form nine: the same as the number of Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines. Under that interpretation, we have four aligned Legions matching the four Chaos Gods, and an additional set of Ætheric Dominions remaining. We could perhaps, given their descriptions, try mapping the nine Traitor Legions to the nine Ætheric Dominions, but the connections are not necessarily that strong as this may not be intended. One possible mapping is:
    Born are:
    Headless Slaughter (Khorne)
    Putrid Corruption (Nurgle)
    Rapturous Sensation (Slaanesh)
    Infernal Tempest (Tzeentch)
    Waiting to be born:
    Encroaching Ruin (Dark King, Chaos God of Humanity, god of absolute unchangeable stagnant and ossified order and tyranny, his Demon Prince is Samus) (reminds me of Star-Father (The Shape of the Nightmare to come/50K and Age of Dusk/60K)/Golden King (Zahariel)/Empyreal Tyrant (War of the Krork)/Imperial Abomination (The Long Night)) (My favored name for this one is currently Zhodel (Original Name).) 5
    Formless Distortion (opposite of Vashtorr, god of confusion, paradox, mutation and uncontrolled cancerous exuberance of flesh, similar to Necoho in theme, possibly patron of Alpha Legion) (The name I use for this one is Ocran, taken from the Long Night Discord) 3
    Ravenous Dissolution (Malal/malice, maybe worshiped by Raptor Chaos marines and Night Lords as Raptor or Dragon God. It is described as self devouring serpent, also Malice was in past described as some draconian being) 2
    Malevolent Artifice (Vashtorr, god of uncontrolled boundless amoral invention, god of the Dark Mechanicus) 4
    It is worth noting that Samus in The Burning of Ohmn-Mat is given as being part of the Encroaching Ruin Ætheric Dominion.
    Ætheric Dominion: Traitor Legion/Primarch
    Primordial Annihilator: Word Bearers/Lorgar Aurelian
    Rapturous Sensation: Emperor's Children/Fulgrim
    Ravenous Dissolution: Night Lords/Konrad Curze
    Putrid Corruption: Death Guard/Mortarion
    Formless Distortion: Alpha Legion/Alpharius Omegon
    Heedless Slaughter: World Eaters/Angron
    Encroaching Ruin: Luna Wolves/Horus Lupercal
    Infernal Tempest: Thousand Sons/Magnus
    Malevolent Artifice: Iron Warriors/Perturabo
    These 8 points/Dominions on the Star of Chaos are like possible “thrones” a Chaos God can sit on, and Daemons swear allegiance to/are aspects of a “throne”.
    Before Slaanesh was born, Rapturous Sensation was an “empty throne”, and Daemonettes would have been unaligned. Then when Slaanesh was born, Rapturous Sensation had always been the dominion/throne of Slaanesh and Daemonettes have no longer ever been unaligned.
    So it’s not the case that any unaligned Daemon can join a new god. Rather when a Chaos God ascends to one of the empty thrones, all the Daemons of that dominion now have always belonged to the new god.'
    I think the center of “Primordial Annihilator” is the true unaligned, and probably what Lorgar belongs to. But it differs from the empty thrones in requiring true dedication and legitimate worship of Chaos Undivided as the Primordial Truth(/Annihilator).
    The theological and mystical nature of the Word Bearers are what allows them to be truly unaligned.
    If you’re unaligned because you treat Chaos as a tool be wielded with mechanical efficiency? You’re only unaligned for as long as Malevolent Artifice is empty.
    If you’re unaligned because you’re solely a destructive force out to tear everything around you down and force your will upon the galaxy? Only unaligned so long as Encroaching Ruin is empty.
    You’re unaligned because you’re a self-loathing and schizophrenic madman out to prove everything (yourself included) is worthless and nothing (yourself included) is able to change its fundamental nature? Unaligned for as long as Ravenous Dissolution is empty.
    Unaligned because you’re part of an ever shifting maelstrom where the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing? Unaligned for as long as Formless Distortion is empty.
    In the process of writing this, I had realized that the Word Bearers actually have used “Primordial Truth” for a while to describe what they worship.

  • @user-nx8gf8zt8f
    @user-nx8gf8zt8f 5 месяцев назад

    This is one of my favourite episodes and the Emperor is right here. Magnus isn't exactly wrong, but the Chaos Gods aren't exactly the fountain of these things, they are parasitic beings that parasite their spheres of action.
    Without Khorne, there will still be honorbound combat and wars, he just parasites those specific "headspaces", for instance. Same for Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh.
    The issue is how to unfuck the warp. These gods are extremely powerful right now, and the state of the 41s millenium only feeds them more and more.

  • @thomash341
    @thomash341 10 месяцев назад +1

    To be fair, the chaos gods themselves focus on the bad parts.

  • @wolfemperor_n112
    @wolfemperor_n112 10 месяцев назад +1

    What kind of dog is that puppy

  • @grillbottoms
    @grillbottoms 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @b3rz3rk3r9
    @b3rz3rk3r9 9 месяцев назад

    See, Magnus is right in that the gods are manifestations of these emotioins and feelings, but he's treating them as if they are inherently linked to those concepts. In truth, Emps is more on-point in that they can be defeated: They are closer to Avatars for these concepts instead of the embodiments of them, which means that they can die without things like hope, contentment, honor and love disappearing. After all, Violencce and Brutality existed before Khorne, Decay and Disease existed before Nurgle, Indulgence and Exuberance existed LONG before Slaanesh, and Conspiracy and Progress existed before Tzeentch. And Rebellion and Self-Harm existed before Malice, but he's not canon in this series.
    The big issue is that defeating/killing these Chaos Gods won't exactly solve the problem for good, it'll only really stymie it; sort of like how cutting out a tumor might not kill the Cancer. If all Emps does is destroy the Gods, then what will happen is that something else will take their places as long as the galaxy is the way it is - especially if the Imperium and humanity as a whole remains the way it currently is. What he needs to do is implement methods for humans to individually and collectively overcome the issues that are causing the Chaos Gods to be so damn powerful.

  • @Cenforge
    @Cenforge 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @-MarcelDavis-
    @-MarcelDavis- 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hey guys, could you check out "Ogryn Story" byy warrior tier? I think you would love it. It's a short, 40k story that this channel made and it's awesome.

  • @mikelrayoss2245
    @mikelrayoss2245 10 месяцев назад +2

    How can I recommend to watch every persona 5 royal boss fight?

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  10 месяцев назад +1

      You can do it here 🙂

    • @mikelrayoss2245
      @mikelrayoss2245 10 месяцев назад

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Every boss fight is the climax of their arcs and has very interesting dialoge

  • @Kouptus
    @Kouptus 10 месяцев назад +1

    are you guys going to play spider man 2 soon? I can't wait for yall 2 play it!

  • @user-yy5np5us2n
    @user-yy5np5us2n 10 месяцев назад

    It’s been two years, when will you do the arknights event pv reaction? This game’s CN just have 4.5 anniversary New event