If you are experiencing any graphics distortions or issues in game, try changing your Config to one step higher, or below. For those that are experiencing the issues, what config are you using? thanks!
Ummm i followed everything except the audio part and after all that i launch it and my game wasnt even fit to my screen so joining anything was impossible and on top of that my screen would blink to the un fit screen to black back and forth what scam
bro it didn't work i did everything you did i did it too. it worked 1 day second day i wanted to log in to singleplayer and it crashed when i wanted to join my singleplayer :(
Non of the download links work can you fix please i really want to use this so i can play ARK with my friends agein P.S you make grate videos keep it up
its to uncheck let windows automatically manage page file size and set only the main drive C: to system managed or set an initial and maximum memory (not recommended for ark)
you can try my settings if you want drive.google.com/open?id=163lch4Ml4NIsu-XM18epspIULLYanhD1 on i7 7700k , 16g ram and gtx 1060 3gb i have around 90 - 100 fps ( no set launch options )
use to watch you play rust legacy like 4 years ago, an also played with you abit too, but hey great to see you still pumping out content. rust fps increase guide would be the best man.
Wow, i have to say thanks! I ran the game at 40-60 fps when it was looking like an absolute potato, you couldnt really see anything. At first when i launched the game after this guide, i was running at 30-45 fps, but it felt way smoother. By lowering the resolution, making the game look a little worse, but not by much, i run at around 60-80 fps silky smooth, and its looking alot better than it did before! You're a beast!
it really worked i went up from having 1fps lol now i have well not sure ..but its running smooth like a offline game now lol couldn't understand why its lagging so bad since i just bough a new upgrade kit (i5 processor with 8gig ram ) but this steps actually worked ^^ so thank you so much
tnx bro you are the best I have gt 1030 and used to play on 30fps now i have somewhere arround 60 or even 80 on medium or high you are literally the best subbed and liked
1. Replace config files 2. Replace to logical processor count in launch options. 3. Set launch options in steam. 4. Shootergame.exe disable scaling, override high dpi 5. Install both vcredist. 6. Speaker settings -> enchancements -> disable all sound effects. 7. Speaker settings -> advanced -> 16bit 44100hz 8. Power otions -> processor power management: max min 100. 9. Install and use cpucoreparking 10. Win10 visual effects down in system settings. 11. Delete appdata temp. 12. Install the latest drivers. 13. Use TimerResolution program (maximum button). 14. Launch ark in dx10 low end mode.
@Panjno You are a god-sin! I thank you so much! I followed all your instructions and they where so easy to follow! You saved me having to spend hundreds of dollars! I bought the DLC Aberration and tried to play it even with low settings and I was getting 15FPS with ungodly lag! I was about to refund it when I found your video. I currently have a AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz Processor, 8GB DDR3 Ram, and a AMD R9-290X Windforce 4GB. After I done everything in the video I can play "Aberration" on EPIC settings using the "Ultra Low End" with a stable 30FPS and NO LAG what so ever! Thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to help people like me! Thank you again! Like I said you saved me having up spend hundreds of $$$$$ to upgrade my computer!
wtf is up with first download, I cant use the second because the user used their daily limit of traffic, the dowload number 1 bests 15kb/sec and often it just stops. Wish it was actually a google dock upload because it would be quick and no daily limit
@@Shiliviske , but if the sound cuts out, I wouldn't have been able to here him say "close chrome" in the first place. Or ANYTHING that was said after that point.
Never change a running system I guess. Had stable 30-50fps on custom medium-high settings before this optimization. Now it runs a bit smoother, but I have lighting issues. The sun burns down textures into a white plane. Even when turning everything to low, deleting everything in the launch settings, resetting the INIs back into the originals, nothing helps. Now I ended up with an unplayable game :( What can cause the lighting into such a mess?
the 2018, Aberration ready, ARK Survival Evolved Ultimate FPS Increase guide! Optimizations for low end, med, high end PCs including laptops to get those frame rates high, visuals good and overall gameplay to the best it can be! Make sure to leave any feedback, suggestions and results below, Merry sunday!
thx bro this should keep me playing till i get my new graphics card
6 лет назад
i deleted 8,000 files from the folder you told us to, you said the highest you heard was 2,000, havent finished the video yet but lets hope that was the issue since some other settings from this video were already like that for me
Hi Panjno The day that i applied all the tips on my pc the system worked perfect but now it doesn't anymore and I'm not able to play on fullscreen anymore cuz now if i tryu to do that the screen turns green etc... Do you have any tips for these 2 problems?
This used to work like a pro but now you can’t go online using these files in you game it just crashes and goes back to main menu when you try to go online.
OMG thanks my ark run at 33 fps on high setting now it's 64-75 fps except using rock Drake gliding it's 53 fps but thanks God you make this tutorial,Thanks +I'm subscribe!
i cannot download this pack every other one works fine but i click download and nothing... Think its only the first links others seem to work it wants me to have one drive enabled.
Dude.. You have 17 hours in ark on steam 4:59, and you're giving out tips for improving fps? Most pros in ark have 750hours-6500hours, and people are supposed to trust you, with 17?..
Is there a way to UNDO the settings from this video? After following this video and changing my settings there are parts of the game that I don't see at all. Like rain, snow etc on the new Genesis map.
The video helped with fps, but now I can no longer take screenshots with lightshot or alt+prntscrn. If I use lightshot it minimizes ark and takes a screenshot of whatever I was doing 20 mins prior, and with alt+prntscrn I also get a screenshot from much earlier in my gameplay. What can I do to fix this?
I have an i9 9900k 32gb ram, and a gtx 1080 founders edition evga hybrid Personally I think my GPU is a bit outdated as of this year but it still runs most new games including SGWC at 60 fps So the why does this bloom obsessive game run like I'm on a laptop? The optimisation is that bad? Yikes
Logical Prozessors arent the actual cores. These are only the threads. Cores are what is called there "cores"... For your machine thats no difference because you have no Hyperthreading. But for others this might even decrease performance!
My PC specs are as following: MSI B85M-E45 (MD-7817) Motherboard i7-4790 3.60Ghz Processor 2x8GB Ram + 2x2GB Ram (same speeds, seller said it would work) DDR3 NB Frequency 3799MHz // DRAM Frequency 666.8MHz EVGA SC NVIDIA GTX 1080 GPU (Overclocked at 140+ core and 500+ memory) This is considered "high-end"? Just need some pro evaluation as I do not have much intel on what is considered what in the PC world. :) Thanks in advance.
Aparently i have to much NSFW stuff in the "invisible folder", so i retraced and found about 145 gig of plain weird stuff and junk. i should be doing this more often. but my computer is so much cleaner now, thx for the vid.
After 3 Years I Found A Guy Who Needs 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 Subscribers! Its Panjono Mate Know What Thank You So Much Now I Have 200-100 FPS!
my Game just crashes instantly now I did almost everything as he said except of course the part that was cut out (13:42), does anyone have any Idea what could be the problem?
Hi, followed this guide and now when I open ark my screen is flashing green and then normal very fast. I am starting it on directx 10. Any fix available?
ah so i played with the settings , turned post processing on high and it increased my fps by like 20 and made the game look 100X better do you know why ? and not only that when i bump settings up it seems to increase the fps xD
When I try to download the file from dropbox I get this error Error (429) This link is temporarily disabled. The person who shared it hit their daily limit of traffic or downloads
To fix the download link change the 0 at the end to 1. If you have screen disorientation open the GameUserSettings.ini and change your resolution to your normal one. Also if it looks like shit get a gtx 2000something because this game is already out of your budget. The game's audience is mainly high end.
I purchased ark via Microsoft I'm only getting 5 to 8 fps. How can I fix That? I play on xbox too but my laptop is portable Xbox not so much. I'm running a decent laptop with 32 gb ram and a gtx970 with 500gb ssd. Other games no issues just ark. Please help
Si fallas tanto en este video, deberías avergonzarte incluso de sugerir que las personas donen. Usted proporcionó archivos .ini ajustados / enmendados sin aclaración sobre lo que se modificó, y espera que la gente simplemente arrastre y suelte> sobrescriba sus configuraciones actuales. Mientras tanto, el resto del video no tiene nada que ver con ARK y todo con las 'optimizaciones' de Windows arcaicas sin sentido que no han sido relevantes desde XP o antes. - Durante mucho tiempo, los programas utilizan audio codificado y basado en direccionales. Si selecciona algo distinto a lo que está grabado, Windows no hará nada diferente. No está perdiendo 'ciclos de procesador' o como dijo "procesamiento posterior": su espacio de almacenamiento (por ejemplo,la carpeta temporal) no tiene relación con el rendimiento para juegos / ARK. - Core Parking no afecta el rendimiento. Windows es completamente capaz de ' Despertar los núcleos cuando son necesarios y no se puede saber cuándo lo hace. No hay un 'tartamudeo' obvio como a la gente le gusta reclamar. - Actualizar los controladores de GPU o tener controladores actualizados no es ciencia espacial. La mayoría de los paquetes de controladores son pequeñas actualizaciones incrementales que no afectarán su rendimiento, especialmente en un programa que tiene varios años. Tendría que tener un paquete de controladores bastante obsoleto para detectar problemas. -Los paquetes de redistribución de C ++ no tienen nada que ver con cómo funciona o no un código de programa en términos de rendimiento. Esto suena como algo salido de un episodio de NCIS.La razón por la que debe tener paquetes más nuevos o diferentes es porque algunos programas tienen una dependencia (similar a .NET Framework). Si Ark ya corre, entonces tu no t necesita cambiar sus instalaciones de C ++ Guarde a todos los que miren este video sin sentido e indique cómo mejora el rendimiento de ARK sin hacer lo obvio de ejecutarlo en un modo de calidad de imagen terrible (es decir, 'DX 10' o 'poca memoria') específico de Ark (lo que significa que puede modificar la configuración de Ark en cualquier sistema): 1. Gire Terrain Shadows a LOW. No hay prácticamente ninguna diferencia visual con ellos en ningún entorno, sin embargo, el rendimiento tiene un gran éxito. 2. Establezca Sombras generales en ALTO (o Medio). Ultra es un salto significativo en la tensión de la GPU para un pequeño beneficio de imagen. 3.Ver Distancia a ALTO (solo si está desesperado). La calidad ultra visual es notable, así como el impacto en el rendimiento. 4. World Tile Buffers to EPIC (cuanto más alto, mejor, ya que carga el contenido por adelantado y hace que la transición a áreas / gráficos sea más suave). 5. Oclusión del ambiente de la pantalla OFF 6. Como último recurso ; Escala de resolución - ajustar a la medida. Cuanto más bajo es el mejor rendimiento a pesar de la mala calidad de imagen. Cualquier cosa fuera de eso hace poca diferencia en el rendimiento a pesar de los efectos visuales. Ahí, eso me llevó unos seis minutos. No quiero ninguna donación.ya que carga el contenido por adelantado y hace que la transición a áreas / gráficos sea más suave). 5. Oclusión del ambiente de la pantalla OFF 6. Como último recurso ; Escala de resolución - ajustar a la medida. Cuanto más bajo es el mejor rendimiento a pesar de la mala calidad de imagen. Cualquier cosa fuera de eso hace poca diferencia en el rendimiento a pesar de los efectos visuales. Ahí, eso me llevó unos seis minutos. No quiero ninguna donación.ya que carga el contenido por adelantado y hace que la transición a áreas / gráficos sea más suave). 5. Oclusión del ambiente de la pantalla OFF 6. Como último recurso ; Escala de resolución - ajustar a la medida. Cuanto más bajo es el mejor rendimiento a pesar de la mala calidad de imagen. Cualquier cosa fuera de eso hace poca diferencia en el rendimiento a pesar de los efectos visuales. Ahí, eso me llevó unos seis minutos. No quiero ninguna donación.
Hi Panjno, can you help me? I can't open the link. : Too many requests Sorry, this link has been automatically turned off for now. Learn more about traffic limits. Can you help me please?
I got just a question. I used to run for example LoL on 180 fps before 4 moths.. Now I run it on 60fps or low in team fight.. What I have to do to have it as before? My laptop specs: I3 3110m 2,4ghz 8gb ram and geforce 710m..
Adrián Krpelan hmm, turn all quality options on low/medium and turn off shadows and always play on full screen and make sure u don’t have ur FPS capped
Wille I already did all you said.. I tryied everything from panjno's videos.. Timer resolution, unpark cpu and msi afterburner.. Windows settings too.. Everything..
If you are experiencing any graphics distortions or issues in game, try changing your Config to one step higher, or below.
For those that are experiencing the issues, what config are you using? thanks!
I've tried every config and I still get distortion and the game just looks like ass. How do I revert it back to normal?
Ummm i followed everything except the audio part and after all that i launch it and my game wasnt even fit to my screen so joining anything was impossible and on top of that my screen would blink to the un fit screen to black back and forth what scam
bro it didn't work i did everything you did i did it too. it worked 1 day second day i wanted to log in to singleplayer and it crashed when i wanted to join my singleplayer :(
Non of the download links work can you fix please i really want to use this so i can play ARK with my friends agein
P.S you make grate videos keep it up
I had the same problem.(green flickering) with me it helped to set to window mode. Now 60fps and above AWESOME
link broken ark survival evolved fps boost 2019
The most FPS I got in ark was the main menu, best 40 FPS of my life
I just realized this was my comment and I’m rewatching a vid I watched 3 months ago holy shit
@@adammehdi9005 r/thathappened
Please make a new 2019 updated version, would be amazing.
Am i only one that noticed at 13:42 when he wants to change memory pool video loops and continues without telling us what to do at that parg
He probably wanted to say to set a manual pagefile instead of let windows choosing dynamically.
yea i noticed that, and i dont know what to do there...help
its to uncheck let windows automatically manage page file size and set only the main drive C: to system managed or set an initial and maximum memory (not recommended for ark)
yeah wth
can you please do one for 2019 its had so many updates now
you can try my settings if you want drive.google.com/open?id=163lch4Ml4NIsu-XM18epspIULLYanhD1 on i7 7700k , 16g ram and gtx 1060 3gb i have around 90 - 100 fps ( no set launch options )
use to watch you play rust legacy like 4 years ago, an also played with you abit too, but hey great to see you still pumping out content. rust fps increase guide would be the best man.
he has done rust fps guide and he improved my fps with 40, i was running it with 25 now it is 65
This actually really helped me while other guides (no shade) didn't really do much tbh. Thanks!
Wow, i have to say thanks! I ran the game at 40-60 fps when it was looking like an absolute potato, you couldnt really see anything. At first when i launched the game after this guide, i was running at 30-45 fps, but it felt way smoother. By lowering the resolution, making the game look a little worse, but not by much, i run at around 60-80 fps silky smooth, and its looking alot better than it did before! You're a beast!
I can not express how grateful I am for you doing this.
Very clear and straightforward, keep it up!
Dude this kicks ass thanks so much first time since aberration came out that I don't lag :)
I don't know why people are saying it doesn't work or clickbait but it worked Perfectly for me
Thanks, my game looks fantastic and I’m getting 60fps 1080p very clear
thanks so much I was just returning to ark and needed this guide.
Thank you
it really worked i went up from having 1fps lol now i have well not sure ..but its running smooth like a offline game now lol couldn't understand why its lagging so bad since i just bough a new upgrade kit (i5 processor with 8gig ram ) but this steps actually worked ^^ so thank you so much
From 60 fps to around a 100 nice man
tnx bro you are the best I have gt 1030 and used to play on 30fps now i have somewhere arround 60 or even 80 on medium or high you are literally the best
subbed and liked
the file downloads are not working :(
any more
@Bill George Tnx for the link brO!
@Bill George How did you get it?
@@TheDamdi he just downloaded it earlier...
@Bill George thx alot!!
1. Replace config files
2. Replace to logical processor count in launch options.
3. Set launch options in steam.
4. Shootergame.exe disable scaling, override high dpi
5. Install both vcredist.
6. Speaker settings -> enchancements -> disable all sound effects.
7. Speaker settings -> advanced -> 16bit 44100hz
8. Power otions -> processor power management: max min 100.
9. Install and use cpucoreparking
10. Win10 visual effects down in system settings.
11. Delete appdata temp.
12. Install the latest drivers.
13. Use TimerResolution program (maximum button).
14. Launch ark in dx10 low end mode.
how can i find 6:24 settings? pls answer
@Panjno You are a god-sin! I thank you so much! I followed all your instructions and they where so easy to follow! You saved me having to spend hundreds of dollars! I bought the DLC Aberration and tried to play it even with low settings and I was getting 15FPS with ungodly lag! I was about to refund it when I found your video. I currently have a AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz Processor, 8GB DDR3 Ram, and a AMD R9-290X Windforce 4GB. After I done everything in the video I can play "Aberration" on EPIC settings using the "Ultra Low End" with a stable 30FPS and NO LAG what so ever! Thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to help people like me! Thank you again! Like I said you saved me having up spend hundreds of $$$$$ to upgrade my computer!
whats the name of the programm where you can see your cpu workload at time 9:19
both download links not working :(
@Drax The Destroyer what? the first time it worked Perfectly now I came back because I reinstalled the game
aw no im at the step with the speakers but have no option to disable all sound effects what do i do?
Hey can you please Reupload the files to get better fps in ark
both links are offline
I have a brand new Gaming PC and it laggs on Minimum Settings
wtf is up with first download, I cant use the second because the user used their daily limit of traffic, the dowload number 1 bests 15kb/sec and often it just stops. Wish it was actually a google dock upload because it would be quick and no daily limit
8:33 If my sound cuts out during this video, then how am I supposed to follow you verbal instructions?
He said in the video , close chrome and re open it and come back to the video
@@Shiliviske , but if the sound cuts out, I wouldn't have been able to here him say "close chrome" in the first place. Or ANYTHING that was said after that point.
nice 200 fps clickbait
Such a nice work there thank you
please someone help my game looks like a potato and i want ark back in its glory not looking like poo after doing this
Same problem...
Never change a running system I guess. Had stable 30-50fps on custom medium-high settings before this optimization. Now it runs a bit smoother, but I have lighting issues. The sun burns down textures into a white plane. Even when turning everything to low, deleting everything in the launch settings, resetting the INIs back into the originals, nothing helps. Now I ended up with an unplayable game :( What can cause the lighting into such a mess?
Thank you verry much, the settings worked perfect for me. Omost 50% extra fps.
Does the fps increase pack still works for mai 2019?
not in june tho
the 2018, Aberration ready, ARK Survival Evolved Ultimate FPS Increase guide!
Optimizations for low end, med, high end PCs including laptops to get those frame rates high, visuals good and overall gameplay to the best it can be!
Make sure to leave any feedback, suggestions and results below, Merry sunday!
Panjno awesome!
Thanks for showing before and after guides
dude you need to change the download like or summin cuz it keeps saying that panj.zip is invalid
shet fps good but visuals ruined......
(edit nvm its only on multiplayer) thanks alot man!
Thank you Panjno, very cool!
dead link for file pack, is this fps boost still relevant/working?
thx bro this should keep me playing till i get my new graphics card
i deleted 8,000 files from the folder you told us to, you said the highest you heard was 2,000, havent finished the video yet but lets hope that was the issue since some other settings from this video were already like that for me
please update this video to a 2020 version as id like to get the best permance for the newer dlcs
Hi Panjno The day that i applied all the tips on my pc the system worked perfect but now it doesn't anymore and I'm not able to play on fullscreen anymore cuz now if i tryu to do that the screen turns green etc... Do you have any tips for these 2 problems?
try the windowed fullscreen mode
link broken, when you extract the zip folder it comes up with a error, everyone eles is complaining too please fix :)
i did most of the steps already for fortnite and i skipped the ones i did btw the enhancments tab on the audio is not there what to do?
Helps a lot thx man u got a Like more and a subscripe
This used to work like a pro but now you can’t go online using these files in you game it just crashes and goes back to main menu when you try to go online.
OMG thanks my ark run at 33 fps on high setting now it's 64-75 fps except using rock Drake gliding it's 53 fps but thanks God you make this tutorial,Thanks +I'm subscribe!
I had about 40000 objects in the folder thx man!
i cannot download this pack every other one works fine but i click download and nothing... Think its only the first links others seem to work it wants me to have one drive enabled.
Could you create a new link for the fps pack? Both of them are not working
Both links don't work it says that the link has been automatically turned off why?
Is it the same pack as the old one?
Dude.. You have 17 hours in ark on steam 4:59, and you're giving out tips for improving fps? Most pros in ark have 750hours-6500hours, and people are supposed to trust you, with 17?..
This was 2 years ago, keep making those note run vids 🤣🤦🏽♂️
How do I make it so grass and stuff doesn't just grow as I walk it really takes away from the game
Panjno, links dont work, pls help.
Give me the link or idk the folder whit PANJ Ultimate FPS increase Pack if you have it, pls
LMFAO That tone in voice change at 8:28
My personal problem is that ARK doesnt use my GPU. I get around 85 fps but the game isnt actually using my gpu. Help???
Is there a way to UNDO the settings from this video? After following this video and changing my settings there are parts of the game that I don't see at all. Like rain, snow etc on the new Genesis map.
The video helped with fps, but now I can no longer take screenshots with lightshot or alt+prntscrn. If I use lightshot it minimizes ark and takes a screenshot of whatever I was doing 20 mins prior, and with alt+prntscrn I also get a screenshot from much earlier in my gameplay. What can I do to fix this?
Is there an updated version of this for '21?
I did everything like you said and whenever I launch Ark my screen flickers green bars everywhere I don't know what to do
Download links are broken :( pls update them
links for downloading your fps pack arent working
I have an i9 9900k 32gb ram, and a gtx 1080 founders edition evga hybrid
Personally I think my GPU is a bit outdated as of this year but it still runs most new games including SGWC at 60 fps
So the why does this bloom obsessive game run like I'm on a laptop? The optimisation is that bad? Yikes
i have a gtx 1050 ti i5 3470 12 gb ram ddr3 what kind of settings will i use? (someone give me a advice plz)
Could you please re-upload the zip file I am get failed download on both links you video on Rust worked awesome I would love to try it here
Logical Prozessors arent the actual cores. These are only the threads. Cores are what is called there "cores"... For your machine thats no difference because you have no Hyperthreading. But for others this might even decrease performance!
If I have a gtx1070 does that count as medium end because Im running at 1440p?
My PC specs are as following:
MSI B85M-E45 (MD-7817) Motherboard
i7-4790 3.60Ghz Processor
2x8GB Ram + 2x2GB Ram (same speeds, seller said it would work) DDR3 NB Frequency 3799MHz // DRAM Frequency 666.8MHz
EVGA SC NVIDIA GTX 1080 GPU (Overclocked at 140+ core and 500+ memory)
This is considered "high-end"? Just need some pro evaluation as I do not have much intel on what is considered what in the PC world. :) Thanks in advance.
Will this delete my world? or singleplayer settings?
should i use low or mid for i7-6700HQ , GTX960M 2GB , 8GB 2133MHz DDR4 ram?
Aparently i have to much NSFW stuff in the "invisible folder", so i retraced and found about 145 gig of plain weird stuff and junk. i should be doing this more often. but my computer is so much cleaner now, thx for the vid.
Only thing I am here for is the launch options
Like if u agree
After 3 Years I Found A Guy Who Needs 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 Subscribers! Its Panjono
Mate Know What Thank You So Much Now I Have 200-100 FPS!
are you serious???
Last time this dude did a "lag fix" tutorial it broke PCs..
what makes people think it wont this time?
thank you this helped loads
It literally not even let me download the Fps Pack it just doesn't work any help?
my Game just crashes instantly now
I did almost everything as he said except of course the part that was cut out (13:42), does anyone have any Idea what could be the problem?
Hi, followed this guide and now when I open ark my screen is flashing green and then normal very fast. I am starting it on directx 10. Any fix available?
link to files download not working :(
ah so i played with the settings , turned post processing on high and it increased my fps by like 20 and made the game look 100X better do you know why ? and not only that when i bump settings up it seems to increase the fps xD
uhhh i had 9045 files in that Temp folder........ Guess it did sit there for years
i7770k 1060 6gb high end ?
Mezic gettint around 100 on epic with sm4
When I try to download the file from dropbox I get this error
Error (429)
This link is temporarily disabled. The person who shared it hit their daily limit of traffic or downloads
same did u get a fix?
ArtistaFX just download it another day
instead of 0 put 1
To fix the download link change the 0 at the end to 1. If you have screen disorientation open the GameUserSettings.ini and change your resolution to your normal one. Also if it looks like shit get a gtx 2000something because this game is already out of your budget. The game's audience is mainly high end.
I purchased ark via Microsoft I'm only getting 5 to 8 fps. How can I fix That? I play on xbox too but my laptop is portable Xbox not so much. I'm running a decent laptop with 32 gb ram and a gtx970 with 500gb ssd. Other games no issues just ark. Please help
Hey I cant download the pack, and the other one says it isnt the correct link
the VB files threw out an error about there is a new version installed already.
my games just blinkes in green and purple after i did the some steps
link is dead
yo both links arent working...
Just started playing Ark, looking for info about optimizing it. No idea about the temp folder. I got about 20gb off my ssd. That is HUGE.
Jesus Christ! I just freed up over a hundred GB worth of space just from emptying out my recycling bin
Link for the packs dont even work
Si fallas tanto en este video, deberías avergonzarte incluso de sugerir que las personas donen. Usted proporcionó archivos .ini ajustados / enmendados sin aclaración sobre lo que se modificó, y espera que la gente simplemente arrastre y suelte> sobrescriba sus configuraciones actuales. Mientras tanto, el resto del video no tiene nada que ver con ARK y todo con las 'optimizaciones' de Windows arcaicas sin sentido que no han sido relevantes desde XP o antes. - Durante mucho tiempo, los programas utilizan audio codificado y basado en direccionales. Si selecciona algo distinto a lo que está grabado, Windows no hará nada diferente. No está perdiendo 'ciclos de procesador' o como dijo "procesamiento posterior": su espacio de almacenamiento (por ejemplo,la carpeta temporal) no tiene relación con el rendimiento para juegos / ARK. - Core Parking no afecta el rendimiento. Windows es completamente capaz de ' Despertar los núcleos cuando son necesarios y no se puede saber cuándo lo hace. No hay un 'tartamudeo' obvio como a la gente le gusta reclamar. - Actualizar los controladores de GPU o tener controladores actualizados no es ciencia espacial. La mayoría de los paquetes de controladores son pequeñas actualizaciones incrementales que no afectarán su rendimiento, especialmente en un programa que tiene varios años. Tendría que tener un paquete de controladores bastante obsoleto para detectar problemas. -Los paquetes de redistribución de C ++ no tienen nada que ver con cómo funciona o no un código de programa en términos de rendimiento. Esto suena como algo salido de un episodio de NCIS.La razón por la que debe tener paquetes más nuevos o diferentes es porque algunos programas tienen una dependencia (similar a .NET Framework). Si Ark ya corre, entonces tu no t necesita cambiar sus instalaciones de C ++ Guarde a todos los que miren este video sin sentido e indique cómo mejora el rendimiento de ARK sin hacer lo obvio de ejecutarlo en un modo de calidad de imagen terrible (es decir, 'DX 10' o 'poca memoria') específico de Ark (lo que significa que puede modificar la configuración de Ark en cualquier sistema): 1. Gire Terrain Shadows a LOW. No hay prácticamente ninguna diferencia visual con ellos en ningún entorno, sin embargo, el rendimiento tiene un gran éxito. 2. Establezca Sombras generales en ALTO (o Medio). Ultra es un salto significativo en la tensión de la GPU para un pequeño beneficio de imagen. 3.Ver Distancia a ALTO (solo si está desesperado). La calidad ultra visual es notable, así como el impacto en el rendimiento. 4. World Tile Buffers to EPIC (cuanto más alto, mejor, ya que carga el contenido por adelantado y hace que la transición a áreas / gráficos sea más suave). 5. Oclusión del ambiente de la pantalla OFF 6. Como último recurso ; Escala de resolución - ajustar a la medida. Cuanto más bajo es el mejor rendimiento a pesar de la mala calidad de imagen. Cualquier cosa fuera de eso hace poca diferencia en el rendimiento a pesar de los efectos visuales. Ahí, eso me llevó unos seis minutos. No quiero ninguna donación.ya que carga el contenido por adelantado y hace que la transición a áreas / gráficos sea más suave). 5. Oclusión del ambiente de la pantalla OFF 6. Como último recurso ; Escala de resolución - ajustar a la medida. Cuanto más bajo es el mejor rendimiento a pesar de la mala calidad de imagen. Cualquier cosa fuera de eso hace poca diferencia en el rendimiento a pesar de los efectos visuales. Ahí, eso me llevó unos seis minutos. No quiero ninguna donación.ya que carga el contenido por adelantado y hace que la transición a áreas / gráficos sea más suave). 5. Oclusión del ambiente de la pantalla OFF 6. Como último recurso ; Escala de resolución - ajustar a la medida. Cuanto más bajo es el mejor rendimiento a pesar de la mala calidad de imagen. Cualquier cosa fuera de eso hace poca diferencia en el rendimiento a pesar de los efectos visuales. Ahí, eso me llevó unos seis minutos. No quiero ninguna donación.
Hi Panjno, can you help me? I can't open the link. :
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Can you help me please?
I got just a question. I used to run for example LoL on 180 fps before 4 moths.. Now I run it on 60fps or low in team fight.. What I have to do to have it as before? My laptop specs: I3 3110m 2,4ghz 8gb ram and geforce 710m..
Adrián Krpelan hmm, turn all quality options on low/medium and turn off shadows and always play on full screen and make sure u don’t have ur FPS capped
Wille I already did all you said.. I tryied everything from panjno's videos.. Timer resolution, unpark cpu and msi afterburner.. Windows settings too.. Everything..
I didn't turn off steam overlay yet it won't show!!! Help
it works explenditly;
Note that you dont have to stick to the graphics settings of the .ini I got about double fps with the "same" graphics settings
does gtx 1650 count as high end or medium
how do i delete this optimization things, i wanna play ark without this optimized files from