If interested, in QGIS (but it might work in ArcGIS too) you can use Virtual Layers to do the same, this is the query: SELECT count(b.geometry) AS qty FROM settlement AS b, ringroad AS r WHERE st_intersects(b.geometry,st_buffer(r.geometry,30)); No intermediate layers or processing tools required, but make sure both geometries use same projection If you need to create a geometry layer using the same condition change SELECT to: SELECT b.geometry as geometry Hope it helps, cheers
nice , keep going geomatics :)
Which layer need to add for household??
How to get the settlement or building names that comes under clip?
Same question
If interested, in QGIS (but it might work in ArcGIS too) you can use Virtual Layers to do the same, this is the query:
SELECT count(b.geometry) AS qty
FROM settlement AS b, ringroad AS r
WHERE st_intersects(b.geometry,st_buffer(r.geometry,30));
No intermediate layers or processing tools required, but make sure both geometries use same projection
If you need to create a geometry layer using the same condition change SELECT to:
SELECT b.geometry as geometry
Hope it helps, cheers
Thanks alot