[BelItKo 온라인 페스티벌/Online Festival] 첼로가야금(CelloGayageum), 운하(Am Kanal)

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024
  • [BelItKo 온라인 페스티벌/Online Festival] 첼로가야금(CelloGayageum), 운하(Am Kanal)
    첼로가야금은 오스트리아 출신 첼로 연주자 김 솔 다니엘과 한국 출신 가야금 연주자 윤다영이 독일 베를린에서 결성한 듀오이다. 한국 전통음악이 지닌 레퍼토리와 전통악기가 지닌 특수성에 첼로로 표현하는 전통 장단과 음색이 교차하여 동양과 서양, 전통과 현대, 예술성과 대중성의 조화를 이루는 창작음악을 선보이고 있다.
    Duo CelloGayageum was founded in Berlin by Austrian cellist Sol Daniel Kim and Korean Gayageum Dayoung Yoon in December 2016.
    Since then, their unique constellation has gained a lot of attention, which has led them to various festivals and cultural events across Europe. In 2017 both musicians were invited for the first time to South Korea to perform in a show at the "Asian Pacific Music Meeting" of (Ulsan World Music Festival). In addition, in 2018 they were awarded the "Soorim Culture Prize" conferred by the (Soorim Cultural Foundation) and in the same year they also received a generous grant from the (Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture).
    The coexistence between the West and the Far East, which is also reflected in the musical and cultural backgrounds of both artists, acts as a catalyst and allows musicians to discover new ways of making and creating music. Sol Daniel Kim and Dayoung Yoon are constantly researching and experimenting with the aim of combining the characteristics of their respective musical cultures and instruments, finding the right balance and forming a harmonic symbiosis in sound and style.
    All their pieces are original and written by the two artists.
    [BelItKo 온라인 페스티벌/Online Festival]
    벨잇코 페스티벌은 한국, 벨기에, 이탈리아가 함께 만들어가는 온라인 페스티벌입니다. 한국의 전통음악 뿐만 아니라 벨기에와 이탈리아의 월드뮤직도 함께 감상할 수 있습니다.
    A festival with three countries, Korea, Italy and Belgium! You can enjoy not only Korean traditional music, but also various world music from various countries such as Italy and Belgium.
    누리집(WEB) : www.belitko.com
    인스타그램(Instagram): / belitko_korea

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